Form:Module questionnaire
Start Module questionnaire
This questionnaire is for those who are willing to contribute their model, tools or algorithms, either presently or in the near future. Please take some time (on average 30 minutes) to complete the form.
A special model page for your model is created instantly. On your model page you'll be able to share the model code, provide user information, share bug fixes and give other users the possibility to submit model questions / bug reports.
Ready to submit your model source code to the CSDMS repository? Once you have submitted this questionnaire, Zip or tar the source code and mail it to:, or let us know when the files are to large, we can open a ftp site for you so you can upload your model.
WARNING: You are not logged in. Please log in to continue. If not, all your added changes will be lost.
(Please keep the module name as short as possible)
Thank you for your time in advance!