2022 CSDMS meeting-001

Revision as of 10:36, 19 November 2021 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs)

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"1)" is not in the list (1) Environmental seismology and distributed acoustic sensing (DAS), 2) Variable resolution mesh based flow direction and hydrologic modeling: An introduction to HexWatershed, 3) The Art of Modeling, 4) Teaching with Jupyter NoteBooks, 5) Will not attend a clinic) of allowed values for the "CSDMS meeting select clinics1 2022" property. "1)" is not in the list (1) Modeling Water Movement and Reservoir Operations with mosartwmpy, 3) Introduction to Landlab, 4) Xarray for Scalable Scientific Data Analysis, 5) Will not attend a clinic) of allowed values for the "CSDMS meeting select clinics2 2022" property. "1)" is not in the list (1) Component Creation with Landlab, 2) Rapid hypothesis testing and analysis with the open-source delta model pyDeltaRCM, 4) Publishing Reproducible Computational Research with the Whole Tale, 5) Will not attend a clinic) of allowed values for the "CSDMS meeting select clinics3 2022" property.

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Albert Kettner (he/him) choose to not submit an abstract for this conference.