CSDMS meeting 2014

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Presentations and more of the CSDMS 2014 annual meeting

Uncertainty and Sensitivity in Surface Dynamics Modeling

May 20-22th 2014 in Boulder Colorado, USA

Time location What Presenter/Facilitator Topic
8:00 Buses Depart from hotel
8:30 Registration in lobby
9:00 N. Bay Welcome colspan=2| Patricia Wiberg (UVA)
9:05 N. Bay CSDMS Updates colspan=2| James Syvitski (CSDMS)
style="border-top:thin solid #E6782E;" 9:35 style="border-top:thin solid #E6782E;" N. Bay Guest Talk Jef Caers (Stanford) CSDMS: Special Issue in Computers & Geosciences Journal
9:45 N. Bay Keynote 1 Peter Koons (Umaine) Unifying Tectonics & Surface Processes in Geodynamics
10:15 Break
10:30 N. Bay Keynote 2 David Pyles (CSM) Testing the efficacy & uncertainty of outcrop-and-model-based studies through collaboration: A field geologist's perspective
11:00 N. Bay Breakout 1.1 Terrestrial, Hydro, CZO & Geodynamics Groups Discussion on group activities
S. Bay Breakout 1.2 Coastal, Marine, Carbonate, & Chesapeake Discussion on group activities
2126 Breakout 1.3 Anthropocene, EKT, & Cyber Discussion on group activities
12:00 Lunch
1:00 N. Bay Clinic 1.1 Ali Khosronejad (UMN) The SAFL Virtual StreamLab (VSL3D): High Resolution Simulation of Turbulent Flow, Sediment Transport, and Morphodynamics in Waterways
S. Bay Clinic 1.2 Mark Piper, Irina Overeem, & Eric Hutton (CSDMS) WMT-The CSDMS Web Modeling Tool
2126 Clinic 1.3 Chris Jenkins (INSTAAR) Carbonate Models clinic-carbo* suite
3:00 Break
3:15 N. Bay Keynote 3 Jim McElwaine (Durham U) The Dynamics of Granular Flows
3:45 N. Bay Keynote 4 Alexey Voinov (UTwente) Exploring climate mitigation and low-carbon transition: new challenges for model integration
4:15 N. Bay Student Talk 1 Ajay Limaye (CalTech) A vector-based method for bank-material tracking in coupled models of meandering and landscape evolution
4:30 Lobby Poster Session 1
6:30 Buses Depart to hotel
Wednesday, May 21
8:30 Buses Depart from hotel
9:00 N. Bay Keynote 5 Andrew Nicholas (Exeter) Modeling the Evolution of Large Floodplains
9:30 N. Bay Student Talk 2 Rebecca Caldwell (IU) A numerical modeling study of the effects of sediment properties on deltaic processes and morphology
9:45 N. Bay Keynote 6 Rudy Slingerland (Penn State) The FESD Delta Dynamics Modeling Collaboratory: A Progress Report
10:15 Break
10:30 N. Bay Clinic 2.1 Monte Lunacek (CU) Interactive Data Analysis with Python
South Bay Clinic 2.2 Scott Peckham (CSDMS) Introduction to the Basic Model Interface & Standard Names
2126 Clinic 2.3 Joshua Watts (ASU) Agent-Based Modeling Research: Topics, Tools, and Methods
2503 Clinic 2.4 Eunseo Choi (CERI, UM) SNAC: A 3D parallel explicit finite element code for long-term lithospheric deformation modeling
12:30 Lunch
1:30 N. Bay Breakout 2.1 Terrestrial, Hydro, CZO & Geodynamics Discussion: Model Intercomparison Experiments Design
S. Bay Breakout 2.2 Coastal, Marine, Carbonate, & Chesapeake Discussion: Model Intercomparison Experiments Design
2126 Breakout 2.3 Anthropocene, EKT, & Cyber Discussion: Model Intercomparison Experiments Design
3:00 Break
3:15 N. Bay Keynote 7 Eric Larour (JPL) Towards better quantifications of the uncertainty in polar ice-sheet projections using the open source framework ISSM
3:45 N. Bay Keynote 8 Mick van der Wegen (UNESCO-IHE & Deltares) Estuarine morphodynamics: better be certain about uncertainty
4:15 Lobby Poster Session #2
6:15 Buses Depart to hotel
7:00 Banquet at Marriott Participants will walk from hotel to banquet
Thursday, May 22
8:30 Buses Depart from hotel
9:00 N. Bay Keynote 9 Attilla Lazar (Soton) Coupling terrestrial and marine biophysical processes with livelihood dynamics for analysis of poverty alleviation in Bangladesh
9:30 N. Bay Keynote 10 Tom Hsu (UDEL) Understanding wave-driven fine sediment transport through 3D turbulence resolving simulationsimplications to offshore delivery of fine sediment
10:00 N. Bay Student Talk 3 Mariela Perignon (CU) Predicting the influence of floodplain vegetation on the geomorphic effects of large floods
10:15 Break
10:30 N. Bay Breakout 3.1 Mary Hill (USGS) Discussion on Uncertainty
S. Bay Breakout 3.2 Venkat Lakshmi (SC) Discussion on Uncertainty
2126 Breakout 3.3 Xuan Yu (Penn State) Discussion on Uncertainty
2503 Breakout 3.4 Bert Jagers (Deltares) Discussion on Uncertainty
12:00 Lunch
1:00 N. Bay Keynote 11 Elowyn Yager (UI) Predictions of bedload transport in vegetated channels: uncertainties and steps forward
1:30 N. Bay Clinic 3.1 Courtney Harris (VIMS) ROMS-Regional Ocean Modeling System
S. Bay Clinic 3.2 Gregory Tucker & Daniel Hobley (CIRES-CU) Creative Computing with Landlab:A flexible Python package for rapidly building and exploring 2D surface-dynamics models
2126 Clinic 3.3 Laura Swiler & Adam Stephens (SNL) Dakota:A Toolkit for Sensitivity Analysis, Uncertainty Quantification, and Calibration
3:00 Break
3:15 Clinics Continued
4:40 N. Bay Report From Working Groups Discussion group reporters
5:30 N. Bay Final Remarks & Departure
5:30 Buses Depart to hotel