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A list of all pages that have property "Extended model description" with value "This tool is used to creates a "profile-smoothed" DEM from an input DEM.". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.


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  • Model:TopoFlow-Infiltration-Green-Ampt  + (This process component is part of a spatially-distributed hydrologic model called TopoFlow, but it can now be used as a stand-alone model.)
  • Model:TopoFlow-Infiltration-Smith-Parlange  + (This process component is part of a spatially-distributed hydrologic model called TopoFlow, but it can now be used as a stand-alone model.)
  • Model:TopoFlow-Meteorology  + (This process component is part of a spatially-distributed hydrologic model called TopoFlow, but it can now be used as a stand-alone model.)
  • Model:TopoFlow-Snowmelt-Degree-Day  + (This process component is part of a spatially-distributed hydrologic model called TopoFlow, but it can now be used as a stand-alone model.)
  • Model:TopoFlow-Snowmelt-Energy Balance  + (This process component is part of a spatially-distributed hydrologic model called TopoFlow, but it can now be used as a stand-alone model.)
  • Model:TopoFlow-Saturated Zone-Darcy Layers  + (This process component is part of a spatially-distributed hydrologic model called TopoFlow, but it can now be used as a stand-alone model.)
  • Model:TopoFlow-Evaporation-Read File  + (This process component is part of a spatially-distributed hydrologic model called TopoFlow, but it can now be used as a stand-alone model.)
  • Model:TopoFlow-Evaporation-Energy Balance  + (This process component is part of a spatially-distributed hydrologic model called TopoFlow, but it can now be used as a stand-alone model.)
  • Model:TopoFlow-Evaporation-Priestley Taylor  + (This process component is part of a spatially-distributed hydrologic model called TopoFlow, but it can now be used as a stand-alone model.)
  • Model:TopoFlow-Infiltration-Richards 1D  + (This process component is part of a spatially-distributed hydrologic model called TopoFlow, but it can now be used as a stand-alone model.)
  • Model:BackwaterWrightParker  + (This program calculates backwater curves over a sand-bed stream with a specified spatially constant bed slope S. The calculation uses the hydraulic resistance formulation of Wright and Parker (2004) (but without the flow stratification correction).)
  • Model:DredgeSlotBW  + (This program calculates the 1D bed evolutiThis program calculates the 1D bed evolution of a sand-bed river after installation of a dredge slot. The calculation begins with the assumption of a prevailing mobile-bed normal flow equilibrium before installation of the dredge slot. The flow depth H, volume bedload transport rate per unit width qb and volume suspended transport rate per unit width qs at normal flow are computed based on input values of discharge Qww, channel width B, bed material sizes D50 and D90, sediment submerged specific gravity Rr and bed slope S.</br></br>The sediment is assumed to be sufficiently uniform so that D50 and D90 are unchanging in space and time. The input parameter Inter specifies the fraction of any year for which flood flow prevails. At other times of the year the river is assumed to be morphologically dormant.</br></br>The reach is assumed to have length L. The dredge slot is excavated at time t = 0, and then allowed to fill in time with no subsequent excavation. The depth of initial excavation below the bottom of the bed prevailing at normal equilibrium is an input variable with the name Hslot. The dredge slot extends from an upstream point equal to ru*L to a downstream point rd*Hslot, where ru and rd are user-input values.</br></br>The porosity lamp of the sediment deposit is a user-input parameter.</br></br>The bedload transport relation used in the calculation is that of Ashida and Michiue (1972). The formulation for entrainment of sediment into suspension is that of Wright and Parker (2004). The formulation for flow resistance is that of Wright and Parker (2004). The flow stratification correction of Wright-Parker is not implemented here for simplicity. A quasi-equilibrium formulation is used to computed the transport rate of suspended sediment from the entrainment rate.</br></br>A backwater calculation is used to compute the flow. The water surface elevation at the downstream end of the reach is held constant at the value associated with normal flow equilibrium.</br></br>Iteration is required to compute: a) the flow depth prevailing at normal flow; b) the friction slope and depth prevailing at normal flow, b) the friction slope and depth associated with skin friction associated with skin friction from any given value of depth, and b) the minimum Shields number below which form drag is taken to vanish. below which form drag is taken to vanish.)
  • Model:AgDegBW  + (This program computes 1D bed variation in This program computes 1D bed variation in rivers due to differential sediment transport. The sediment is assumed to be uniform with size D. All sediment transport is assumed to occur in a specified fraction of time during which the river is in flood, specified by an intermittency. A Manning-Strickler relation is used for bed resistance. A generic Meyer-Peter Muller relation is used for sediment transport. The flow is computed using a backwater formulation for gradually varied flow.ter formulation for gradually varied flow.)
  • Model:AgDegNormalFault  + (This program computes 1D bed variation in This program computes 1D bed variation in rivers due to differential sediment transport in which it is possible to allow the bed to undergo a sudden vertical fault of a specified amount, at a specified place and time. Faulting is realized by moving all notes downstream of the specified point downward by the amount of the faulting.</br>The sediment is assumed to be uniform with size D. All sediment transport is assumed to occur in a specified fraction of time during which the river is in flood, specified by an intermittency. A Manning-Strickler formulation is used for bed resistance. A generic relation of the general form of that due to Meyer-Peter and Muller is used for sediment transport. The flow is computed using the normal flow approximation.puted using the normal flow approximation.)
  • Model:BedrockAlluvialTransition  + (This program computes fluvial aggradation/This program computes fluvial aggradation/degradation with a bedrock-alluvial transition. The bedrock-alluvial transition is located at a point sba(t) which is free to change in time. A bedrock basement channel with slope Sb is exposed from x = 0 to sba(t); it is covered with alluvium from x = sba(t) to x = sd, where sd is fixed. Initially sba = 0. The bedrock basement channel is assumed to undergo no incision on the time scales at which the alluvial reach responds to change. In computing bed level change on the alluvial reach, the normal (steady, uniform) flow approximation is used. Base level is maintained at x = sd, where bed elevation h = 0. The Engelund-Hansen relation is used to compute sediment transport rate, so the analysis is appropriate for sand-bed streams. Resistance is specified in terms of a constant Chezy coefficient Cz. terms of a constant Chezy coefficient Cz.)
  • Model:Acronym1  + (This program computes gravel bedload and size distribution from specified values for the bed surface size distribution, the sediment specific gravity, and the effective bed shear velocity (based on skin friction only).)
  • Model:AgDegNormGravMixPW  + (This program computes the time evolution oThis program computes the time evolution of the long profile of a river of constant width carrying a mixture of gravel sizes, the downstream end of which has a prescribed elevation. In particular, the program computes the time evolution of the spatial profiles of bed elevation, total gravel bedload transport rate and grain size distribution of the surface (active) layer of the bed. The river has constant width. The upstream point, at which sediment is fed, is fixed in the horizontal to be at x = 0. The vertical elevation of the upstream point may change freely as the bed aggrades or degrades. The reach has constant length L, so that the downstream point is fixed in the horizontal at x = L. This downstream point has a user-specified initial elevation hdI.</br>Gravel bedload transport of mixtures is computed with a user-specified selection of the Parker (1990), or Wilcock-Crowe (2003) surface-based formulations for gravel transport. Sand and finer material must first be excluded from the grain size distributions, which then must be renormalized for gravel content only, in the case of the Parker (1990) relation. In the case of the Wilcock-Crowe (2003) relation, the sand is retained in the computation., the sand is retained in the computation.)
  • Model:AgDegNormGravMixSubPW  + (This program computes the time evolution of the long profile of a river of constant width carrying a mixture of gravel sizes, the downstream end of which has a prescribed elevation.)
  • Model:SteadyStateAg  + (This program implements the calculation for steady-state aggradation of a sand-bed river in response to sea level rise at a constant rate, as outlined in Chapter 25 of the e-book.)
  • Model:RiverWFRisingBaseLevelNormal  + (This program is a companion to the programThis program is a companion to the program SteadyStateAg, which computes the steady-state aggradation of a river with a specified base level rise at the downstream end. This program computes the time evolution toward steady-state aggradation.</br></br>The calculation assumes a specified, constant Chezy resistance coefficient Cz and floodplain width Bf. The sediment is assumed to be uniform with size D. All sediment transport is assumed to occur in a specified fraction of time during which the river is in flood, specified by an intermittency. If grain size D < 2 mm the Engelund-Hansen (1967) formulation for total bed material transport of sand is used. If grain size D >= 2 mm the Parker (1979) bedload transport formulation for gravel is used. The flow is computed using the normal flow approximation. The reach has downchannel length L, and base level is allowed to rise at a specified rate at the downstream end. rise at a specified rate at the downstream end.)
  • Model:RecircFeed  + (This program provides two modules for studThis program provides two modules for studying the approach to mobile-bed normal equilibrium in recirculating and sediment-feed flumes containing uniform sediment.</br>The module "Recirc" implements a calculation for the case of a flume that recirculates water and sediment. The module "Feed" implements a calculation for the case of flume which receives water and sediment which receives water and sediment feed.)
  • Model:TAo  + (This pseudo-2D (cross-section, 1 independeThis pseudo-2D (cross-section, 1 independent variable x) numerical model permits calculating 1D lithospheric flexure with different rheologies, in combination with faulting, loading, and erosion/deposition. The programs are developed in C for Linux platforms, graphic output is produced using GMT scripts, and standard PCs match the CPU and memory requirements. The software is available for free under a GPL available for free under a GPL license.)
  • Model:WINDSEA  + (This subroutine computes the deep water significant wave height and period at each point under a hurricane)
  • Model:SurfaceRoughness  + (This tool can be used to map out areas of This tool can be used to map out areas of hillslopes where the emergence of bedrock drives an increase in surface roughness. The tool requires an input DEM in float format and will output the rasters, also in float format, for three eigenvectors that together describe the distribution of normal vectors within a user-defined neighbourhood for each pixel.user-defined neighbourhood for each pixel.)
  • Model:Chi analysis tools  + (This tool is used for examining bedrock chThis tool is used for examining bedrock channels. The tool is based on the assumption that the stream power incision model (SPIM) adequately describes channel incision. Channels profiles are converted to chi-elevation space, where chi is a transformed longitudinal coordinate that takes drainage area into account. The tool uses a variety of statistical tests to extract the most likely series of segments with distinct steepness in chi-elevation space. It also performs statistical tests to determine the best fit m/n ratio, where m is an area (A) exponent and n is a slope (S) exponent in the SPIM with E = K A^m S^n, where E is an erosion rate and K is an 'erodibility'.an erosion rate and K is an 'erodibility'.)
  • Model:Hilltop flow routing  + (This tool produces a flow path for each hiThis tool produces a flow path for each hilltop pixel on a landscape, generating hillslope length and relief data at a hillslope scale. These data can be used to discriminate between linear and nonlinear sediment flux laws at a landscape scale.</br></br>The model requires an input DEM in float format and produces a series raster and plain text output files which can be visualized and analysed using code provided at:</br></br>For detailed information about how to use this tool please refer to the documentation (
  • Model:DeltaClassification  + (This tool provides a method for extractingThis tool provides a method for extracting information on the nature and spatial extent of active geomorphic processes across deltas from the geometry of islands and the channels around them using machine learning. </br>The method consists of a two-step ensemble unsupervised machine learning algorithm that clusters islands into spatially continuous zones based on morphological metrics computed on remotely sensed imageryetrics computed on remotely sensed imagery)
  • Model:DrEICH algorithm  + (This tool uses chi river profile analysis This tool uses chi river profile analysis to predict channel head locations across a landscape and therefore allow the extraction of river networks. It is most suitable for use with high resolution LiDAR (1m) DEMs. The model requires an input DEM in float format and will output the extracted channel heads and networks, also in float format. For detailed information about how to use this tool please refer to the documentation (</br>and to the associated paper (
  • Model:RivMAP  + (This toolbox was constructed to help analyThis toolbox was constructed to help analyze changing river planforms (aerial views). Given a binary mask of a river, tools are provided to efficiently compute </br></br>- channel centerline </br>- banklines </br>- channel width (two methods) </br>- centerline direction </br>- centerline curvature </br></br>If multiple input mask images contain georeference information, a tool is provided to "stitch" the masks together--before or after analysis. Stitching can be done for both images and vectors of x,y coordinates. The mapping toolbox is required for this functionality.</br></br>If multiple masks (realizations) of the river are available, RivMAP includes tools to </br></br>- compute centerline migrated areas </br>- compute erosional and accretional areas </br>- identify cutoff areas and quantify cutoff length, chute length, and cutoff area </br>- generate channel belt boundaries and centerline </br>- measure and map changes (in width, migration areas or rates, centerline elongation, accreted/eroded areas) in space and time, accreted/eroded areas) in space and time)
  • Model:AgDegNormal  + (This workbook computes 1D bed variation inThis workbook computes 1D bed variation in rivers due to differential sediment transport. The sediment is assumed to be uniform with size D. All sediment transport is assumed to occur in a specified fraction of time during which the river is in flood, specified by an intermittency. A Manning-Strickler formulation is used for bed resistance. A generic relation of the general form of that due to Meyer-Peter and Muller is used for sediment transport. The flow is computed using the normal flow approximation.puted using the normal flow approximation.)
  • Model:AgDegNormalSub  + (This workbook computes the time evolution This workbook computes the time evolution of a river toward steady state as it flows into a subsiding basin. The subsidence rate s is assumed to be constant in time and space. The sediment is assumed to be uniform with size D. A Manning-Strickler formulation is used for bed resistance. A generic relation of the general form of that due to Meyer-Peter and Muller is used for sediment transport. The flow is computed using the normal flow approximation. The river is assumed to have a constant width.river is assumed to have a constant width.)
  • Model:Gvg3Dp  + (Three dimensional simulations of the Turbidity currents using DNS of incompressible Navier-Stokes and transport equations.)
  • Model:TopoFlow  + (TopoFlow is a powerful, spatially-distribuTopoFlow is a powerful, spatially-distributed hydrologic model with a user-friendly point-and-click interface. Its main purpose is to model many different physical processes in a watershed with the goal of accurately predicting how various hydrologic variables will evolve in time in response to climatic forcings. in time in response to climatic forcings.)
  • Model:TopoToolbox  + (TopoToolbox provides a set of Matlab functTopoToolbox provides a set of Matlab functions that support the analysis of relief and flow pathways in digital elevation models. The major aim of TopoToolbox is to offer stable and efficient analytical GIS utilities in a non-GIS environment in order to support the simultaneous application of GIS-specific and other quantitative methods. With version 2, TopoToolbox adds various tools specifically targeted at tectonic geomorphologists such as Chiplots and slopearea plots.ists such as Chiplots and slopearea plots.)
  • Model:Topography Data Component  + (Topography is a Python library to fetch anTopography is a Python library to fetch and cache NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and JAXA Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) land elevation data using the OpenTopography REST API.</br></br>The Topography library provides access to the following global raster datasets:</br></br>* SRTM GL3 (90m)</br>* SRTM GL1 (30m)</br>* SRTM GL1 (30m, Ellipsoidal)</br>* ALOS World 3D (30m)</br>* ALOS World 3D (30m, Ellipsoidal)</br>* Global Bathymetry SRTM15+ V2.1</br>* NASADEM Global DEM</br>* Copernicus Global DSM 30m</br>* Copernicus Global DSM 90m</br></br>The library includes an API and CLI that accept the dataset type, a latitude-longitude bounding box, and the output file format. Data are downloaded from OpenTopography and cached locally. The cache is checked before downloading new data. Data from a cached file can optionally be loaded into an xarray DataArray using the experimental open_rasterio the experimental open_rasterio method.)
  • Model:Area-Slope Equation Calculator  + (Traditionally the Area-Slope equation (S=cA^alpha) is extracted from a catchment area vs. slope plot. This model calculate the Area-Slope constant and coefficient (alpha) for each pixel at the catchment as a function of its downslope neighbor.)
  • Model:OTTAR  + (Transiently evolving river-channel width aTransiently evolving river-channel width as a function of streambank properties, sediment in transport, and the hydrograph.</br></br>This model is designed to compute the rates of river-channel widening and narrowing based on changing hydrological regimes. It is currently designed for rivers with cohesive banks, with a critical shear stress for particle detachment and an erosion-rate coefficient.</br></br>OTTAR contains:</br>* The RiverWidth class, which contains methods to evolve the width of an alluvial river.</br>* The FlowDepthDoubleManning class, which is used to estimate flow depth from discharge, even with an evolving river-channel geometry.n with an evolving river-channel geometry.)
  • Model:Underworld2  + (Underworld2 is an open-source, particle-inUnderworld2 is an open-source, particle-in-cell finite element code tuned for large-scale geodynamics simulations. The numerical algorithms allow the tracking of history information through the high-strain deformation associated with fluid flow (for example, transport of the stress tensor in a viscoelastic, convecting medium, or the advection of fine-scale damage parameters by the large-scale flow). The finite element mesh can be static or dynamic, but it is not contrained to move in lock-step with the evolving geometry of the fluid. This hybrid approach is very well suited to complex fluids which is how the solid Earth behaves on a geological timescale.d Earth behaves on a geological timescale.)
  • Model:SinkFiller  + (Uses the Barnes et al (2014) algorithms toUses the Barnes et al (2014) algorithms to replace pits in a topography with flats, or optionally with very shallow gradient surfaces to allow continued draining.</br></br>This component is NOT intended for use iteratively as a model runs; rather, it is to fill in an initial topography. If you want to repeatedly fill pits as a landscape develops, you are after the LakeMapperBarnes component. If you want flow paths on your filled landscape, manually run a FlowDirector and FlowAccumulator for yourself.</br></br>The locations and depths etc. of the fills will be tracked, and properties are provided to access this information.s are provided to access this information.)
  • Model:WACCM-CARMA  + (WACCM is NCAR's atmospheric high-altitude model; CARMA is Brian Toon's aerosol microphysical sectional model. I'm studying sulfate aerosols in the UTLS region using this coupled model.)
  • Model:WASH123D  + (WASH123D is an integrated multimedia, multWASH123D is an integrated multimedia, multi-processes, physics-based computational watershed model of various spatial-temporal scales. The integrated multimedia includes:</br># dentric streams/rivers/canal/open channel,</br># overland regime (land surface),</br># subsurface media (vadose and saturated zones), and</br># ponds, lakes/reservoirs (small/shallow). </br></br>It also includes control structures such as weirs, gates, culverts, pumps, levees, and storage ponds and managements such as operational rules for pumps and control structures.</br>The WASH123D code consisted of eight modules to deal with multiple media:</br># 1-D River/Stream Networks,</br># 2-D Overland Regime,</br># 3-D Subsurface Media (both Vadose and Saturated Zones);</br># Coupled 1-D River/Stream Network and 2-D Overland Regime,</br># Coupled 2-D Overland Regime and 3-D Subsurface,</br># Coupled 3-D Subsurface and 1-D River Systems;</br># Coupled 3-D Subsurface Media, 2-D Overland, and 1-D River Network; and</br># Coupled 0-D Shallow Water Bodies and 1-D Canal Network.</br>For any of the above eight modules, flow only, transport only, or coupled flow and transport simulations can be carried out using WASH123D.lations can be carried out using WASH123D.)
  • Model:CVFEM Rift2D  + (We have developed a hybrid numerical modelWe have developed a hybrid numerical model at a continental scale via control volume finite element (finite volume) and regular finite element methods to evaluate the stress variation, pore pressure evolution, brine migration, solute transport and heat transfer in the subsurface formations in response to ice sheet loading of multiple glacial cycles. sheet loading of multiple glacial cycles.)
  • Model:Quad  + (We present a geometric model able to trackWe present a geometric model able to track the geomorphic boundaries that delimit the fluvial plain of fluvial-deltas: the shoreline and the alluvial-bedrock transition. By assuming a fluvial profile with a quadratic form, which satisfies the overall mass balance and the boundary conditions dictated by diffusive transport, we are able to provide a solution that accounts for general base-level changes.t accounts for general base-level changes.)
  • Model:Rescal-snow  + (When wind blows over snow, it self-organizWhen wind blows over snow, it self-organizes. This forms surface features, such as ripples and dunes, that alter the reflectivity and thermal conductivity of the snow.</br></br>Studying these features in the field is cold and challenging (we've tried), so we created rescal-snow to enable snow scientists to study snow features in controlled numerical experiments. We hope that this model will be useful to researchers in snow science, geomorphology, and polar climate.</br></br>Rescal-snow is able to simulate:</br>- Snow/sand grain erosion and deposition by wind</br>- Snowfall</br>- Time-dependent cohesion (snow sintering)</br>- Avalanches of loose grains</br></br>Rescal-snow is also designed for robust, reproducible science, and contains tools for high-performance computing, data management, and data analysis, including:</br>- Workflow tools for generating and running many simulations in parallel</br>- A python-based workflow that manages data and analysis at runtime</br></br>These processes, along with model input, output, performance and constraints, are discussed in detail in the project docs and readme. in detail in the project docs and readme.)
  • Model:WACCM Dust-Sulfur  + (Whole atmosphere module of sulfate aerosols with emphasis on stratospheric aerosols and dust.)
  • Model:ROMSBuilder  + (Why ROMSBuilder? ROMS extensively uses theWhy ROMSBuilder?</br>ROMS extensively uses the C preprocessor (cpp) during compilation to replace code statements, insert files into the code, and select relevant parts of the code depending on its directives. There are numerous cpp options that can be activated in header files for your specific application. The preprocessor reads the source file (*.F) and builds a target file (*.f90) according to activated cpp options.</br>CPP options can be set through the CMT config tab dialogs. ROMSBuilder generates the header file for compiling the new ROMS component from the tab dialog inputs.ROMS component from the tab dialog inputs.)
  • Model:XBeach  + (Xbeach is a two-dimensional model for waveXbeach is a two-dimensional model for wave propagation, long waves and mean flow, sediment transport and morphological changes of the nearshore area, beaches, dunes and backbarrier during storms. It is a public-domain model that has been developed with funding and support by the US Army Corps of Engineers, by a consortium of UNESCO-IHE, Deltares, Delft University of Technology and the University of Miami.of Technology and the University of Miami.)
  • Model:DbSEABED Data Component  + (bmi_dbseabed package ( package ( provides a set of functions that allows downloading of the dataset from dbSEABED (, a system for marine substrates datasets across the globe. bmi_dbseabed package also includes a Basic Model Interface (BMI), which converts the dbSEABED datasets into a reusable, plug-and-play data component for the PyMT modeling framework developed by Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS). Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS).)
  • Model:ESCAPE  + (eSCAPE is a parallel landscape evolution meSCAPE is a parallel landscape evolution model, built to simulate Earth surface dynamics at global scale and over geological times. The model is primarily designed to address problems related to geomorphology, hydrology, and stratigraphy, but it can also be used in related fields.</br></br>eSCAPE accounts for both hillslope processes (soil creep using linear diffusion) and fluvial incision (stream power law). It can be forced using spatially and temporally varying tectonics (vertical displacements) and climatic conditions (precipitation changes and/or sea-level fluctuations).on changes and/or sea-level fluctuations).)
  • Model:Gospl  + (gospl is able to simulate global-scale forgospl is able to simulate global-scale forward models of landscape evolution, dual-lithology (coarse and fine) sediment routing and stratigraphic history forced with deforming plate tectonics, paleotopographies and paleoclimate reconstructions. It relates the complexity of the triggers and responses of sedimentary processes from the complete sediment routing perspective accounting for different scenarii of plate motion, tectonic uplift/subsidence, climate, geodynamic and sedimentary conditions.te, geodynamic and sedimentary conditions.)