
CSDMS 2018 annual meeting - Geoprocesses, geohazards

Making Use of Climate Model Output: Downscaling for Regional Applications

Ethan Gutmann

NCAR, United States

Getting usable information out of climate and weather models can be a daunting task. The direct output from the models typically has unacceptable biases on local scales, and as a result a large number of methods have been developed to bias correct or downscale the climate model output. This clinic will describe the range of methods available as well as provide background on the pros and cons of different approaches. This will cover a variety of approaches from relatively simple methods that just rescale the original output, to more sophisticated statistical methods that account for broader weather patterns, to high-resolution atmospheric models. We will focus on methods for which output or code are readily available for end users, and discuss the input data required by different methods. We will follow this up with a practical session in which participants will be supplied a test dataset and code with which to perform their own downscaling. Participants interested in applying these methods to their own region of interest are encouraged to contact the instructor ahead of time to determine what inputs would be required.

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Of interest for:
  • Terrestrial Working Group
  • Hydrology Focus Research Group