

Joined meeting CSDMS Coastal Working Group and Marine Working Group
University of Virginia
Charlottesville Virginia, USA
25 - 26 February 2009

This is a CSDMS related meeting
The Coastal and Marine Working Groups will coordinate their meetings with each other carving out joint and separate sessions. The meeting will begin at 9:00 AM on both February 25 and 26th. It will end around 4:00 PM on February 26. Patricia Wiberg, Chair of the Marine WG, and Brad Murray, Chair of the Coastal WG, are looking for broad representation and input to brainstorm proof-of-concept modeling projects to highlight, and discuss which models the Working Groups should prioritize as they move towards expanding the CSDMS model repository. The meeting will also feature presentations from the CSDMS Executive Director, James Syvitski, and CSDMS Software Engineer, Eric Hutton, from the CSDMS Integration Facility in Boulder, Colorado. They will present recent CSDMS organizational and model-linking-architecture development, and how to use CSDMS tools. In addition, there will be workshop-style time on February 26th, for members to work on getting their own codes into the form appropriate for inclusion in the CSDMS toolbox, or to help make progress getting priority models form the community included. Please follow the link below for a more detailed agenda.
Coastal WG, Marine WG