

The Education and Knowledge Transfer (EKT) Working Group Meeting
Boulder Colorado, USA
10 - 10 October 2008

This is a CSDMS related meeting
Fully integrated EKT components focused on three end-user groups: researchers, planners and educators
  • Researchers with model and visualization tools for the testing of hypotheses in support of data interpretation, and development of field programs. The archiving of benchmark data sets, documented source code, and the ability to download models with user-friendly graphical interfaces are key objectives.
  • Planners with decision-making tools to run scenarios, and relate GIS output to environmental factors and land use while quantifying uncertainties.
  • Educators with pre-packaged models to help illustrate surface processes, teaching tools to build intuition with “what-if”-type model runs, case studies that integrate field data and model simulations, and exploratory exercises for students. Our principal audiences are university students, professionals, teachers at the secondary school and college levels, and the general public.
    EKT WG