

CSDMS Planning Workshop
Boulder Colorado, USA
19 - 22 February 2002

This is a CSDMS related meeting
The goal of the proposed meeting is to focus on the following tasks: (1) determine the time

scales on which the CSM models will operate, and how models aimed at different time scales will be coupled; (2) map the environments and associated process sets for each time scale, and evaluate the state of knowledge for each of these; (3) decide on protocols for program architecture, languages, data structures, interfaces, and standards for process subroutines and modules; and (4) decide on the best strategy for making CSM results and computational methods available for education. The CSM project is ambitious with models in three-dimensions, with allowance for simplification to two dimensions when appropriate. The models will couple suites of processes and environments to represent dispersal systems holistically. They will span time scales ranging from individual events (seconds to years) through geologic time (i.e. the life span of an orogen or sedimentary basin, tens to hundreds of millions of years). The models will address both basic science and applied problems such as risks associated with landslides and storm- and flood-related sedimentation (on the short-term end) and controls on geometry of commercial water and hydrocarbon reservoirs (on the long-term end). Nothing approaching the CSM project in scope or level of cross-disciplinary integration has ever been attempted in the sediment-dynamics community. Teams will work up short ‘white papers’ to collectively

produce a science plan addressing the four basic issues listed above by the end of 2001.