

CSDMS Chesapeake Focus Research Group meeting
Yorktown Virginia, USA
10 - 10 November 2009

This is a CSDMS related meeting
The Chesapeake FRG is the first Geographically-Focused Research Group associated with CSDMS. The group is a partnership between CSDMS and the Chesapeake Community Modeling Program (CCMP, currently run by the Chesapeake Research Consortium. Follow this link to find out more about the CSDMS Chesapeake FRG.

The purpose of the Chesapeake Focus Research Group is to combine the forces of CSDMS and CCMP to assemble an open source system of watershed and estuary models applied to the Chesapeake Bay region. Ideally, a collection of interchangeable models and model components will be gathered to address hydrology and hydrodynamics, watershed-estuary exchange, sediment transport, water quality, ecosystem dynamics, and trophic exchanges within the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed.

So, in addition to the geographical focus, attendance at the meeting will enable you to stay abreast of cutting-edge research developments applicable to many areas of study. The afternoon discussions (See agenda below) intends to:

  1. Formal role for CSDMS Chesapeake Focus Research Group (ChesFRG) as the academic research arm of CCMP.
  2. Population of the ChesFRG pages at CSDMS with existing (and/or links to) open-source Chesapeake Bay region models.
  3. Population of ChesFRG pages at CSDMS with exisiting (and/or links to) common model forcing data (e.g., rainfall, winds, bathymetry, etc).
  4. Identification of priority models for CSDMS linking in Intialize-Run-Finalize (IRF) format, perhaps EPA/NOAA CBP models + ChesROMS.
  5. Strategies to enable sensitivity testing and model/module exchange among CSDMS IRF formatted models.
  6. Establishing a specific ChesFRG focus on water quality and ecosystem modeling.
  7. Avenues for group proposals including finding support for full-time ChesFRG-oriented personnel such as a dedicated post-doc.
    Chesapeake FRG