White Paper
A final version of the white paper can be downloaded here.
Meeting presentations
Presenter | Title |
Barnhart, Katy | Testing landscape evolution models with natural and synthetic experiments |
Braun, Jean | Parameterizing Surface Processes and their Response to Tectonic and Climatic Forcings |
Duvall, Alison | From Earthquakes to Landscapes in the Cascadia Subduction Zone |
Group 1, Breakout | Break out session groups, 1st morning |
Group 1, Breakout | Breakout session group results, day 2 Afternoon |
Moresi, Louis | Quagmire - Algorithms and a Toolbox for Parallel Surface Process Codes |
Naliboff, John | Methods, challenges and uncertainty in modeling tectonic processes |
Olive, Jean-Arthur | Feedbacks between brittle deformation and surface processes: Insights from extensional settings |
Piper, Mark | Community cyberinfrastructure for modelling Earth-Surface processes |
Upton, Phaedra | Coupling geodynamics and surface processes |
Yanites, Brian | Reconciling landscape models with reality: a spectrum of success |
discussion, Round the table | Round the table discussion day 3 Afternoon |
A workshop focused on Coupling of Tectonic and Surface Processes (CTSP) will be held from April 25-27, 2018 and is intended to survey both questions and state of the art numerical techniques that simulate surface processes and long term tectonic (LTT) processes in an attempt to define a framework for the development of efficient numerical algorithms that couple across multiple length and time scales. This workshop will provide a unique opportunity for researchers to develop collaborations and proposal ideas and by doing so enhance and increase the impact of both the CIG and CSDMS communities. We expect a broad and diverse audience drawn from domestic and international research communities, including graduate students, post-docs, and early career scientists, who are interested in coupling landscape evolution to tectonic processes.
The workshop will occur over 2 ½ days at the University of Colorado (Boulder) and will soon be open for applications. The first two days will be dedicated to a survey of existing questions and numerical techniques and challenges through a combination of breakout discussions and presentations by leading experts in the field. The last ½ day will be dedicated to developing a white paper that outlines different mechanisms through which the LTT and surface processes communities can collaborate to tackle the science questions and the numerical challenges defined over the first two days. The hope is that such a white paper will serve to set the stage for new educational and method development efforts, including the submission of a NSF Research Collaboration Network proposal.
Click here to view the final agenda of 04/19/2018.
Organizing committee
Mark Behn | Luc Lavier |
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) | University of Texas - Austin |
Thorsten Becker | Phaedra Upton |
University of Texas - Austin | GNS - New Zealand |
Eric Mittelstaedt | Catherine Cooper |
University of Idaho | Washington State University |
Greg Tucker | Louise Kellogg |
University of Colorado - Boulder | University of California - Davis |
Nicole Gasparini | Boris Kaus |
Tulane University | Johannes Gutenberg University - Mainz |
Lorraine Hwang | |
University of California, Davis |
This workshop is funded by the National Science Foundation through the Earth Sciences Division. There is no registration fee. We will be able to cover most on-site expenses (venue costs, hotel expenses based on double occupancy, and breakfast & lunch) for approximately 70 participants. Most participants will have their travel to and from the meeting covered. We will not be able to provide dinners on-site, but there are several restaurants nearby. Confirmed participants whose on-site expenses are covered are expected to arrive on Tuesday evening and leave on Friday morning.
Reimbursement for Travel Expenses
For reimbursement, any receipt submitted must show actual proof of payment (e.g., “amount paid,” a zero balance due, indication of the last four digits of a credit card). A confirmed reservation or “payment pending” receipt is not sufficient.
- Receipts can be scanned and sent as an email attachment to: nancy@ig.utexas.edu
Original receipts, though not required, may be mailed to:
- ATTN: Nancy L. Hard
- UT-Austin Institute for Geophysics
- 10100 Burnet Road, ROC/Bldg. 196
- Austin, TX 78758
- Airline ticket receipt.
- For mileage (at $0.54/mile), point-to-point addresses.
Please submit receipts to Nancy at UT no later then 30 days after the meeting. For international travelers, your reimbursement check will be sent to the address that you submitted on the Payee Information Form, in US$. The currency exchange rate will be the average over the travel period, as posted in https://www.oanda.com/currency/converter/
Important dates
- Late November: Applications are opened
- January 15th: Application deadline
- February 1st: Successful applicants are invited to confirm participation
- February 15th: Deadline for confirmation of attendance
- Late March: Final meeting agenda is released