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Peer reviewed reference(s) Year type Cited
Cuthbertson, A.; Berntsen, J.; Laanearu, J.; Asplin, Magdeli; 2021. Rotational effects on exchange flows across a submerged sill. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 21405–432. 10.1007/s10652-021-09779-5 2021 Model application 7
Berntsen, Jarle; Alendal, Guttorm; Avlesen, Helge; 2019. The role of eddies on pathways, transports, and entrainment in dense water flows along a slope. Ocean Dynamics, 69841–860. 10.1007/s10236-019-01276-0 2019 Model application 3
Ponomarev, V.I.; Fayman, P.A.; Prants, S.V.; Budyansky, M.V.; Uleysky, M.Yu.; 2018. Simulation of mesoscale circulation in the Tatar Strait of the Japan Sea. Ocean Modelling, 12643–55. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2018.04.006 2018 Model application 12
Berntsen, Jarle; Alendal, Guttorm; Avlesen, Helge; Thiem, Øyvind; 2018. Effects of the bottom boundary condition in numerical investigations of dense water cascading on a slope. Ocean Dynamics, 68553–573. 10.1007/s10236-018-1138-8 2018 Model application 6
Alendal, Guttorm; Blackford, Jeremy; Chen, Baixin; Avlesen, Helge; Omar, Abdirahman; 2017. Using Bayes Theorem to Quantify and Reduce Uncertainties when Monitoring Varying Marine Environments for Indications of a Leak. Energy Procedia, 1143607–3612. 10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.1492 2017 Model application 10
Ali, Alfatih; Frøysa, Håvard G.; Avlesen, Helge; Alendal, Guttorm; 2016. Simulating spatial and temporal varying CO 2 signals from sources at the seafloor to help designing risk‐based monitoring programs. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121745–757. 10.1002/2015JC011198 2016 Model application 16
Hvidevold, Hilde Kristine; Alendal, Guttorm; Johannessen, Truls; Ali, Alfatih; 2016. Survey strategies to quantify and optimize detecting probability of a CO2 seep in a varying marine environment. Environmental Modelling & Software, 83303–309. 10.1016/j.envsoft.2016.06.006 2016 Model application 20
Tokano, Tetsuya; Lorenz, Ralph D.; 2016. Sun-stirred Kraken Mare: Circulation in Titan’s seas induced by solar heating and methane precipitation. Icarus, 27067–84. 10.1016/j.icarus.2015.08.033 2016 Model application 18
Hvidevold, Hilde Kristine; Alendal, Guttorm; Johannessen, Truls; Ali, Alfatih; Mannseth, Trond; Avlesen, Helge; 2015. Layout of CCS monitoring infrastructure with highest probability of detecting a footprint of a CO2 leak in a varying marine environment. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 37274–279. 10.1016/j.ijggc.2015.03.013 2015 Model application 37
Tokano, Tetsuya; Lorenz, Ralph D.; 2015. Wind-driven circulation in Titan's seas: TOKANO AND LORENZ. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 12020–33. 10.1002/2014JE004751 2015 Model application 21
Tokano, Tetsuya; Lorenz, Ralph D.; Van Hoolst, Tim; 2014. Numerical simulation of tides and oceanic angular momentum of Titan’s hydrocarbon seas. Icarus, 242188–201. 10.1016/j.icarus.2014.08.021 2014 Model application 24
Pishchal’nik, V. M.; Arkhipkin, V. S.; Leonov, A. V.; 2014. Reconstruction of the annual variations of thermohaline characteristics and water circulation on the northeastern Sakhalin Shelf. Water Resources, 41385–395. 10.1134/S0097807814040113 2014 Model application 11
Ali, Alfatih; Thiem, Øyvind; Berntsen, Jarle; 2013. Numerical simulation of flow and aquaculture organic waste dispersion in a curved channel. Ocean Dynamics, 631073–1082. 10.1007/s10236-013-0638-9 2013 Model application 2
Viikmäe, Bert; Torsvik, Tomas; 2013. Quantification and characterization of mesoscale eddies with different automatic identification algorithms. Journal of Coastal Research, 1652077–2082. 10.2112/SI65-351.1 2013 Model application 15
Seim, Knut S.; Fer, Ilker; Avlesen, Helge; 2012. Stratified flow over complex topography: A model study of the bottom drag and associated mixing. Continental Shelf Research, 3441–52. 10.1016/j.csr.2011.11.016 2012 Model application 2
Sole, A. J.; Payne, A. J.; Nienow, P. W.; Christoffersen, P.; Cottier, F. R.; Inall, M. E.; 2012. Increased glacier runoff enhances the penetration of warm Atlantic water into a large Greenland fjord. The Cryosphere Discussions, 64861–4896. 10.5194/tcd-6-4861-2012 2012 Model application 7
Rygg, Kristin; Alendal, Guttorm; Haugan, Peter Mosby; 2011. Flow over a rounded backward-facing step, using a z-coordinate model and a σ-coordinate model. Ocean Dynamics, 611681–1696. 10.1007/s10236-011-0434-3 2011 Model application 5
Thiem, Øyvind; Carr, Magda; Berntsen, Jarle; Davies, Peter A.; 2011. Numerical simulation of internal solitary wave—induced reverse flow and associated vortices in a shallow, two-layer fluid benthic boundary layer. Ocean Dynamics, 61857–872. 10.1007/s10236-011-0396-5 2011 Model application 12
Ali, Alfatih; Thiem, Øyvind; Berntsen, Jarle; 2011. Numerical modelling of organic waste dispersion from fjord located fish farms. Ocean Dynamics, 61977–989. 10.1007/s10236-011-0393-8 2011 Model application 20
Berntsen, Jarle; 2011. A perfectly balanced method for estimating the internal pressure gradients in σ-coordinate ocean models. Ocean Modelling, 3885–95. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2011.02.006 2011 Model application 24
Lynge, Birgit Kjoss; Berntsen, Jarle; Gjevik, Bjørn; 2010. Numerical studies of dispersion due to tidal flow through Moskstraumen, northern Norway. Ocean Dynamics, 60907–920. 10.1007/s10236-010-0309-z 2010 Model application 18
Seim, Knut S.; Fer, Ilker; Berntsen, Jarle; 2010. Regional simulations of the Faroe Bank Channel overflow using a σ-coordinate ocean model. Ocean Modelling, 3531–44. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2010.06.002 2010 Model application 27
Tokano, Tetsuya; 2010. Simulation of tides in hydrocarbon lakes on Saturn’s moon Titan. Ocean Dynamics, 60803–817. 10.1007/s10236-010-0285-3 2010 Model application 20
Thiem, Øyvind; Berntsen, Jarle; 2009. Numerical studies of large-amplitude internal waves shoaling and breaking at shelf slopes. Ocean Dynamics, 59937–952. 10.1007/s10236-009-0220-7 2009 Model application 10
Bergh, Jon; Berntsen, Jarle; 2009. Numerical studies of wind forced internal waves with a nonhydrostatic model. Ocean Dynamics, 591025–1041. 10.1007/s10236-009-0226-1 2009 Model application 14
Rygg, Kristin; Enstad, Lars Inge; Alendal, Guttorm; Haugan, Peter Mosby; 2009. Topographic effects on CO2, diffusion and dissolution from the seafloor. Energy Procedia, 14945–4952. 10.1016/j.egypro.2009.02.326 2009 Model application 2
Rygg, Kristin; Enstad, Lars Inge; Alendal, Guttorm; 2009. Simulating CO2 transport into the ocean from a CO2 lake at the seafloor using a z- and a σ-coordinate model. Ocean Dynamics, 59795–808. 10.1007/s10236-009-0211-8 2009 Model application 5
Skogen, Morten D.; Eknes, Mette; Asplin, Lars C.; Sandvik, Anne D.; 2009. Modelling the environmental effects of fish farming in a Norwegian fjord. Aquaculture, 29870–75. 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2009.10.018 2009 Model application 52
Pishchal’nik, V. M.; Arkhipkin, V. S.; Leonov, A. V.; 2009. Restoration of mean monthly thermohaline fields in Tatar Strait. Water Resources, 36632–644. 10.1134/S0097807809060037 2009 Model application 8
Keilegavlen, Eirik; Berntsen, Jarle; 2009. Non-hydrostatic pressure in σ-coordinate ocean models. Ocean Modelling, 28240–249. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2009.02.006 2009 Model application 21
Skogseth, R.; Smedsrud, L. H.; Nilsen, F.; Fer, I.; 2008. Observations of hydrography and downflow of brine-enriched shelf water in the Storfjorden polynya, Svalbard. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113C08049. 10.1029/2007JC004452 2008 Model application 40
Berntsen, Jarle; Thiem, Øyvind; 2007. Estimating the internal pressure gradient errors in a σ-coordinate ocean model for the Nordic Seas. Ocean Dynamics, 57417–429. 10.1007/s10236-007-0118-1 2007 Model application 9
Skogseth, R.; Sandvik, A.D.; Asplin, L.; 2007. Wind and tidal forcing on the meso-scale circulation in Storfjorden, Svalbard. Continental Shelf Research, 27208–227. 10.1016/j.csr.2006.10.001 2007 Model application 38
Thiem, Øyvind; Ravagnan, Elisa; Fosså, Jan Helge; Berntsen, Jarle; 2006. Food supply mechanisms for cold-water corals along a continental shelf edge. Journal of Marine Systems, 60207–219. 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2005.12.004 2006 Model application 193
Thiem, Ø.; Berntsen, J.; Eldevik, T.; Alendal, G.; 2006. Gas exploration beyond the shelf break: An oceanographic challenge. Environmental Modelling & Software, 21136–141. 10.1016/j.envsoft.2004.05.008 2006 Model application 4
Thiem, Øyvind; Berntsen, Jarle; 2006. Internal pressure errors in sigma-coordinate ocean models due to anisotropy. Ocean Modelling, 12140–156. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2005.05.001 2006 Model application 19
Thiem, Øyvind; Berntsen, Jarle; Gjevik, Bjørn; 2006. Development of eddies in an idealised shelf slope area due to an along slope barotropic jet. Continental Shelf Research, 261481–1495. 10.1016/j.csr.2006.02.016 2006 Model application 9
Berntsen, Jarle; Furnes, Gunnar; 2005. Internal pressure errors in sigma-coordinate ocean models—sensitivity of the growth of the flow to the time stepping method and possible non-hydrostatic effects. Continental Shelf Research, 25829–848. 10.1016/j.csr.2004.09.025 2005 Model overview 44
Alendal, Guttorm; Berntsen, Jarle; Engum, Elisabeth; Furnes, Gunnar K.; Kleiven, Gudmund; Eide, Lars I.; 2005. Influence from ‘Ocean Weather’ on near seabed currents and events at Ormen Lange. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2221–31. 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2004.10.011 2005 Model application 25
Cottier, Finlo; Tverberg, Vigdis; Inall, Mark; Svendsen, Harald; Nilsen, Frank; Griffiths, Colin; 2005. Water mass modification in an Arctic fjord through cross-shelf exchange: The seasonal hydrography of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110C12005. 10.1029/2004JC002757 2005 Model application 445
Berntsen, J. 2004. USERS GUIDE for a modesplit σ-coordinate numerical ocean model, Version 4.1. , 54. [1] 2004 Model overview 0
Heggelund, Yngve; Berntsen, Jarle; 2002. A method for analysing nesting techniques for the linearized shallow water equations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 38163–185. 10.1002/fld.215 2002 Model application 13
Berntsen, J.; 2002. Internal Pressure Errors in Sigma-Coordinate Ocean Models. JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY, . <1403:IPEISC>2.0.CO;2 10.1175/1520-0426(2002)019<1403:IPEISC>2.0.CO;2 2002 Model application 54
Avlesen, Helge; Berntsen, Jarle; Espelid, Terje O.; 2001. A convergence study of two ocean models applied to a density driven flow. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 36639–657. 10.1002/fld.149 2001 Model application 13
Asplin, Lars; Salvanes, Anne Gro Vea; Kristoffersen, Jon Bent; 1999. Nonlocal wind-driven fjord-coast advection and its potential effect on plankton and fish recruitment. Fisheries Oceanography, 8255–263. 10.1046/j.1365-2419.1999.00109.x 1999 Model application 102


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Nr. of publications: 46
Total citations: 1485
h-index: 19
m-quotient: 0.73

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