2022 CSDMS meeting-015
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The Seismic Signature of Tree-Captured Wind
Mel Zhang,
(she/her),Colorado School of Mines Denver Colorado, United States. melodyzhang@mines.edu
In recent years, seismic signals previously thought of as “noise” have become a subject of study for environmental seismologists. These signals can reveal Critical Zone and geomorphic processes which traditionally are not well-constrained, such as the roles biota play in weathering, movement of mass, and landscape evolution. Wind-driven tree sway is central to conceptual models of physical bedrock weathering and subsequent soil production. However, despite documentation, seismic signals of wind-tree interactions have been largely ignored by surface process researchers. Our work focuses on identifying the seismic signature of tree-captured wind by comparing seismic data in areas with little to no vegetation against heavily vegetated areas. Using meteorological and seismic data from the Transportable Array deployed in Alaska, we isolate this vegetation effect on seismicity by selecting for periods with high-wind events in the absence of rain. We hypothesize that there is a difference in strength of seismicity which scales with percent tree cover. We use a combination of wind speed and seismic data to explore the impact of vegetation on seismic amplitude and examine the spectral signature of wind moving trees in order to better understand its contribution toward soil production and nutrient/carbon cycling in the Critical Zone.