Template:Include featured references models cargo

Revision as of 09:48, 20 December 2019 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs)
Error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'mw_cargo__RefsInt2.FeatureRef' in 'where clause'\x0AFunction: CargoSQLQuery::run' at line 1

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `mw_cargo__RefsExt`.`_pageID` AS `cargo_backlink_page_id_RefsExt`,`_ID` AS `_ID`,`Lastname` AS `Lastname`,`Firstname` AS `Firstname` FROM `mw_cargo__RefsExt` WHERE _pageName = '<div class="error">Error 1054: Unknown column 'mw_cargo__RefsInt2.FeatureRef' in 'where clause' Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `mw_cargo__RefsInt2`.`_pageID` AS `cargo_backlink_page_id_RefsInt2`' ORDER BY `_ID` LIMIT 1000

Error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'mw_cargo__RefsInt2.FeatureRef' in 'where clause'\x0AFunction: CargoSQLQuery::run' at line 1

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `mw_cargo__RefsExt2`.`_pageID` AS `cargo_backlink_page_id_RefsExt2`,`_pageName` AS `_pageName`,`ItemType` AS `ItemType`,`Title` AS `Title`,`PublicationTitle` AS `PublicationTitle`,`Booktitle` AS `Booktitle`,`JournalAbbreviation` AS `JournalAbbreviation`,`Volume` AS `Volume`,`Issue` AS `Issue`,`Url` AS `Url`,`DOI` AS `DOI`,`Pagenumbers` AS `Pagenumbers`,`Publicationdate` AS `Publicationdate`,`AccessDate` AS `AccessDate`,`AccessDate__precision` AS `AccessDate__precision` FROM `mw_cargo__RefsExt2` WHERE _pageName = '<div class="error">Error 1054: Unknown column 'mw_cargo__RefsInt2.FeatureRef' in 'where clause' Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `mw_cargo__RefsInt2`.`_pageID` AS `cargo_backlink_page_id_RefsInt2`' ORDER BY `mw_cargo__RefsExt2`.`_pageID`,`_pageName`,`ItemType`,`Title`,`PublicationTitle` LIMIT 1000

Error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'mw_cargo__RefsInt2.FeatureRef' in 'where clause'\x0AFunction: CargoSQLQuery::run' at line 1

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `mw_cargo__RefsInt2`.`_pageID` AS `cargo_backlink_page_id_RefsInt2`,`PublicationMultipleModelsCargo` AS `PublicationMultipleModelsCargo` FROM `mw_cargo__RefsInt2` WHERE _pageName = '<div class="error">Error 1054: Unknown column 'mw_cargo__RefsInt2.FeatureRef' in 'where clause' Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `mw_cargo__RefsInt2`.`_pageID` AS `cargo_backlink_page_id_RefsInt2`' ORDER BY `mw_cargo__RefsInt2`.`_pageID`,`PublicationMultipleModelsCargo` LIMIT 1000

Error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'mw_cargo__RefsInt2.FeatureRef' in 'where clause'\x0AFunction: CargoSQLQuery::run' at line 1

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `mw_cargo__RefsInt1`.`_pageID` AS `cargo_backlink_page_id_RefsInt1`,`PublicationWhatKindOf` AS `PublicationWhatKindOf`,`PublicationClusterID` AS `PublicationClusterID`,`PublicationCitationsNr` AS `PublicationCitationsNr`,`MS_PublicationClusterID` AS `MS PublicationClusterID` FROM `mw_cargo__RefsInt1` WHERE _pageName = '<div class="error">Error 1054: Unknown column 'mw_cargo__RefsInt2.FeatureRef' in 'where clause' Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `mw_cargo__RefsInt2`.`_pageID` AS `cargo_backlink_page_id_RefsInt2`' ORDER BY `mw_cargo__RefsInt1`.`_pageID`,`PublicationWhatKindOf`,`PublicationClusterID`,`PublicationCitationsNr`,`MS_PublicationClusterID` LIMIT 1000

Error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Yes' ORDER BY `mw_cargo__RefsInt2`.`_pageID`' ORDER BY `_ID` LIMIT 1000' at line 1

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `mw_cargo__RefsExt`.`_pageID` AS `cargo_backlink_page_id_RefsExt`,`_ID` AS `_ID`,`Lastname` AS `Lastname`,`Firstname` AS `Firstname` FROM `mw_cargo__RefsExt` WHERE _pageName = '`_pageName` AS `_pageName` FROM `mw_cargo__RefsInt2` WHERE `mw_cargo__RefsInt2`.`FeatureRef`='Yes' ORDER BY `mw_cargo__RefsInt2`.`_pageID`' ORDER BY `_ID` LIMIT 1000

Error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Yes' ORDER BY `mw_cargo__RefsInt2`.`_pageID`' ORDER BY `mw_cargo__RefsExt2`.`_' at line 1

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `mw_cargo__RefsExt2`.`_pageID` AS `cargo_backlink_page_id_RefsExt2`,`_pageName` AS `_pageName`,`ItemType` AS `ItemType`,`Title` AS `Title`,`PublicationTitle` AS `PublicationTitle`,`Booktitle` AS `Booktitle`,`JournalAbbreviation` AS `JournalAbbreviation`,`Volume` AS `Volume`,`Issue` AS `Issue`,`Url` AS `Url`,`DOI` AS `DOI`,`Pagenumbers` AS `Pagenumbers`,`Publicationdate` AS `Publicationdate`,`AccessDate` AS `AccessDate`,`AccessDate__precision` AS `AccessDate__precision` FROM `mw_cargo__RefsExt2` WHERE _pageName = '`_pageName` AS `_pageName` FROM `mw_cargo__RefsInt2` WHERE `mw_cargo__RefsInt2`.`FeatureRef`='Yes' ORDER BY `mw_cargo__RefsInt2`.`_pageID`' ORDER BY `mw_cargo__RefsExt2`.`_pageID`,`_pageName`,`ItemType`,`Title`,`PublicationTitle` LIMIT 1000

Error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Yes' ORDER BY `mw_cargo__RefsInt2`.`_pageID`' ORDER BY `mw_cargo__RefsInt2`.`_' at line 1

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `mw_cargo__RefsInt2`.`_pageID` AS `cargo_backlink_page_id_RefsInt2`,`PublicationMultipleModelsCargo` AS `PublicationMultipleModelsCargo` FROM `mw_cargo__RefsInt2` WHERE _pageName = '`_pageName` AS `_pageName` FROM `mw_cargo__RefsInt2` WHERE `mw_cargo__RefsInt2`.`FeatureRef`='Yes' ORDER BY `mw_cargo__RefsInt2`.`_pageID`' ORDER BY `mw_cargo__RefsInt2`.`_pageID`,`PublicationMultipleModelsCargo` LIMIT 1000

Error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Yes' ORDER BY `mw_cargo__RefsInt2`.`_pageID`' ORDER BY `mw_cargo__RefsInt1`.`_' at line 1

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `mw_cargo__RefsInt1`.`_pageID` AS `cargo_backlink_page_id_RefsInt1`,`PublicationWhatKindOf` AS `PublicationWhatKindOf`,`PublicationClusterID` AS `PublicationClusterID`,`PublicationCitationsNr` AS `PublicationCitationsNr`,`MS_PublicationClusterID` AS `MS PublicationClusterID` FROM `mw_cargo__RefsInt1` WHERE _pageName = '`_pageName` AS `_pageName` FROM `mw_cargo__RefsInt2` WHERE `mw_cargo__RefsInt2`.`FeatureRef`='Yes' ORDER BY `mw_cargo__RefsInt2`.`_pageID`' ORDER BY `mw_cargo__RefsInt1`.`_pageID`,`PublicationWhatKindOf`,`PublicationClusterID`,`PublicationCitationsNr`,`MS_PublicationClusterID` LIMIT 1000