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You can now use Whole Tale for reproducible research

In the realm of science, the anticipation is that research should be reproducible. This necessitates comprehensive record-keeping encompassing inputs, their acquisition methods, data processing, employed numerical models, as well as ensuring both the complete dataset and numerical model are conveniently obtainable. Rather than starting from scratch, a solution now exists in the form of a portal: Whole Tale.

The Whole Tale platform fosters computational reproducibility by empowering researchers to create and publish transparent and reproducible artifacts of computational research. A "Tale" is characterized as an executable self-contained research entity that incorporates data (references), code (computational methods), computational environment, and a narrative (traditional scientific storytelling). Through the Whole Tale platform, users can actively produce and modify Tales, as well as rerun them to duplicate and validate outcomes just as the original Tale creator achieved. Furthermore, a Tale can be submitted (e.g., published) to an external research repository and be assigned a persistent identifier by said repository.

You can find a brief introduction guide that serves as a resource for the geoscience community at WholeTale-Intro. This guide assists in utilizing the Whole Tale platform for the purpose of sharing and publishing computational models, thereby facilitating the pursuit of reproducible research efforts.

And when you have a few more minutes, please watch the webinar on Whole Tale provided by Craig Willis Publishing Transparent and Reproducible Computational Research with Whole Tale. Craig will give an intro on how to use the Whole Tale platform, and how you can start using it. Spoiler alert, you can use if for free!