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Name Bhaskaran, Prasad K.
Name Nayak, Sashikant
Name Bonthu, Subba Reddy
Name Murty, P. L. N
Name Sen, Debabrata
Kind of article journalArticle
Title Performance and validation of a coupled parallel ADCIRC–SWAN model for THANE cyclone in the Bay of Bengal
Publication title Environmental Fluid Mechanics
Book title
Journal Abbreviation
Volume 13
Issue 6
DOI 10.1007/s10652-013-9284-5
Page numbers 601–623
Publication date 2013-12
Access date 2024-09-19

Feature reference
PublicationClusterID 0
MS_PublicationClusterID 2056539248
Semantic_ID {{{Semantic_ID}}}
Nr of citations Template:SEM
Sort of publication a module application description
Sort of model publication a single module
Is the CSDMS HPC used No
If HPC is used, for what project was it?:
Associated simulation movie if any:

Model(s) discussed: ADCIRC
Model(s) discussed: SWAN