Property:Describe output parameters model
This is a property of type Text.
the evolution of ice extent and thickness over time, the thermal and dynamic states of the ice sheet, and the associated lithospheric response +
the vertical and
horizontal positions of every particle center, the randomly sampled number of entrainment
events, the number of particles actually entrained, the actual particle travel distance, the
particle ‘age’, or the number of numerical steps since last entrainment for every particle, and
the number of particles which cross all boundaries, i.e. sub-region and downstream at x_max +
tidal flat elevation in time +
time series - such as water and sediment partitioning
spatial - such as bed elevation profiles, saved at lower time resolution (chosen by user) +
time-histories of shoreline positions on a sub-grid scale and the water depths over the gridded portion of the model. Time histories of the inlet cross-section and the areas of bar, channels and tidal flats in the estuary +
time_to_next_fire : float<br>
Updated value for the time to next fire. +
topographic derivatives (slope, curvature, flow accumulation, drainage basins), flow paths, chiplots, swath profiles, among others. +
ultiple state variables and summary data +
vel.*: fluid velocity, binary format, the I/O format can be found in io.F in the folder \Src.
conc.*: sediment concentration, binary format, see io.F in the folder \Src for detailed I/O information.
press.*: fluid dynamic pressure, binary format, see io.F in the folder \Src for detailed I/O information.
vel\_p.*: difference of sediment velocity from fluid velocity, output if inertia effect or hindered settling effect is considered, binary format, see io.F in the folder \Src for detailed I/O information.
DDt.*: material derivative of fluid velocity, output if inertia effect is included, binary format, see io.F in the folder \Src for detailed I/O information.
ushear.dat: time series of plane averaged bottom shear velocity, it is output every time step, ASCII format.
logfile: log of screen output to monitor the quantities such as CFL number, domain averaged concentration, bottom concentration, etc., ASCII format. +
volume fraction content of tracers in the deposit +
water depths (m), water discharges (m3/s), free surface elevation with respect to the SWL (m) +
water use (demand, withdrawal, consumption, and return flow) +
water volume, water flux, reservoir storage, unmet water demand +
wave heights, velocities, water levels, sediment concentrations, sediment transport rates, bottom changes, bathymetry, additional model variables +