Movie:Water level in Wax lake delta due to winter storms

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Information Page: Water level in Wax lake delta due to winter storms

Play Animation

Water level during cold front Wax Lake delta

Key Attributes

Domain: coastal
Keywords: storm surge, delta, inundation
Model name: Delft3D
Name: Fei, Xing
Where: Wax lake delta, Mississippi river, Louisiana
When: 8th-12th December 2008

Short Description

Grade level: High (9-12), Under graduate (13-16), Graduate / Professional

Statement: Storm surge associated with a winter storm in the Wax lake delta, Louisiana

Abstract: This animation shows results of a Delft3D simulation to study the effects of the passage of a strong cold front on the Wax Lake delta in Atchafalaya Bay, Louisiana (USA). The model domain is 25 by 30km. The movie shows water level change due to passage of a strong cold front in December 2008. Cold fronts pass every 5-7 days during the winter. Many of the simulations for the Wax Lake in the repository are done for hurricanes, but these particular experiments explore the effects of a cold front. They may be smaller magnitude events, but they happen many times per winter season.

It is clear that water level changes dramatically in the Wax lake delta associated with a winter storm event. On December 9th 2008 the winter storm pushed the water onshore, causing a water level of about 1.5 m, around 3 times higher than average conditions and the entire delta became submerged.




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