Model help:CEM

The CSDMS Help System

Model Introduction

The CEM model, the Coastline Evolution Model, simulates the evolution of a shoreline due to gradients in breaking-wave-driven alongshore sediment transport. The original CEM has been componentized to consist of the longshore transport module (CEM) and a wave input module (WAVES).

Extended model introduction

The CEM model assumes that the coast consists of a high percentage of mobile sediment and its other assumptions are more applicable at shoreline lengths of km’s and larger. The model was initially designed to investigate an instability in the shape of the coast caused by waves approaching with ‘high’ angles (with the angle between deepwater crests and the coast > 45 degrees).
Although a number of wave (and geometry) parameters can be entered, the most vital input control for CEM is the wave climate. The current version of the CEM is driven by simplified directional wave climate controlled by two main input parameters: the asymmetry of the incoming waves angle and the proportion of high-angle waves. This model is not designed to accurately simulate a specific geographic location in detail but rather to more generally represent how a shoreline with highly mobile sediment may respond to varying wave angles. The value in this model is in the breadth it offers in representing how different wave climates can result in different potentially interesting shoreline configurations. Ashton and Murray (2006b) present a more thorough description of the model parameters and theoretical underpinning.

Model parameters

CEM does not need input files from the user, its input is entirely specified in the CMT graphical user interface.

Parameter Description Unit
Site prefix Part of the input and output file name e.g. the name of the location, or project [-]
Case prefix Part of the input and output file name that provides you the opportunity to do different scenario simulations for e.g. the same location, or project [-]
Parameter Description Unit
Run duration Number of simulation time steps [days]
Shoreface slope Longitudinal Slope of the Shoreface [-]
Shoreface depth Critical threshold depth defining the shoreface [m]
Shelf slope Longitudinal Slope of the Shelf [-]
Parameter Description Unit
Number of grid rows [-]
Number of grid columns [-]
Spacing of grid rows [m]
Spacing of grid columns [-]
Parameter Description Unit
Output directory [-]
Interval between output files [-]
Depth file [-]
Percent_filled file [-]

Model output parameters

In the CEM modules these are specified under the Output Grids tab. You can specify how often you want output to be written; files will be really large if you choose to save every timestep. Use the 'ON' toggle to specify whether you want outfiles to be written or not. The files will be grid-stacks in NetCDF format.

DEPTH = evolving land and ocean bottom grid [meters]
PERCENT-FILLED = records the fill of the individual cells for the entire grid [%]

Coupling parameters

Uses ports

This will be something that the CSDMS facility will add

Provides ports

This will be something that the CSDMS facility will add

Main equations

A list of the key equations. Discuss the numerical scheme, if you deem this important. HTML format is supported; latex format will be supported in the future


Any notes, comments, you want to share with the user


An example run with input parameters as well as a figure / movie of the output

Follow the next steps to include images / movies of simulations:

See also: Help:Images or Help:Movies


Andrew Ashton


Ashton A., Murray B.A. Arnault O. Formation of Coastline Features by Large-Scale Instabilities Induced by High-Angle Waves. Nature Magazine. Volume 414. 15 November 2001
Ashton A.D., Murray A.B. High-Angle Wave Instability and Emergent Shoreline Shapes: 1. Wave Climate Analysis and Comparisons to Nature. Journal of Geophysical Research. Volume 111. 15 December 2006.
Ashton A.D., Murray A.B. High-Angle Wave Instability and Emergent Shoreline Shapes: 2. Wave Climate Analysis and Comparisons to Nature. Journal of Geophysical Research. Volume 111. 15 December 2006.


Movies generated with the stand-alone CEM model are documented in the CSDMS movie gallery.