Meeting:Abstract 2013 CSDMS meeting-026

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CSDMS all hands meeting 2013

2D modelisation of non-hydrostatic internal waves on idealised embankment

France Floc'h, IUEM Plouzane , France.
Annick Pichon, SHOM Brest , France.

[[Image:|300px|right|link=File:]]An Isopycnic Coordinate Ocean Model is used to represent the propagation of internal tides in the Bay of Biscay and their desintegration into solitons. To model important vertical variability of the thermocline, such as solitons, a non-hydrostatic model is necessary. In this study, we test the possibility of integrated non-hydrostatics terms under weakly nonlinear and nonhydrostatic approximation. Non-hydrostatic terms derived with this assumption, are directly added to the hydrostatic equations. We then address numerical problems : mesh size limitation responsible for numerical dispersion, numerical instabilities. After having investigated these problems analytically and tested the limitation, a stable method is proposed. Results for a 2D idealised configuration of the Bay of Biscay is described : the model is forced by the semi-diurnal tidal wave M2, two layers of different density are considered. The internal waves is desintegrated into solitons after few tidal periods.