


Feel free to use one of the CSDMS logos for your presentations or put them on your website.

CSDMS-logo-color-tagline-ver high.png
High resolution, PNG format, colored logo, vertical, transparent background with tag line: 'Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System'.
CSDMS-logo-color-tagline-ver low.png
Low resolution, PNG format, colored logo, vertical, transparent background with tag line: 'Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System'.
CSDMS-logo-color-notagline-ver high.png
High resolution, PNG format, colored logo, vertical, transparent background, no tag line.
CSDMS-logo-color-notagline-ver low.png
Low resolution, PNG format, colored logo, vertical, transparent background, no tag line.

CSDMS-logo-color-tagline-hor high.png
High resolution, PNG format, colored logo, horizontal, transparent background with tag line: 'Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System'.
CSDMS-logo-color-tagline-hor low.png
Low resolution, PNG format, colored logo, horizontal, transparent background with tag line: 'Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System'.
CSDMS-logo-color-notagline-hor high.png
High resolution, PNG format, colored logo, horizontal, transparent background, no tag line.
CSDMS-logo-color-notagline-hor low.png
Low resolution, PNG format, colored logo, horizontal, transparent background, no tag line.