
Revision as of 15:02, 26 August 2020 by Mpiper (talk | contribs)

Introduction to CSDMS Tools - Python Modeling Toolkit (pymt)

2.0 hrs
Run online using:
  1. Jupyter
     Jupyter logo.png

    Eric Hutton at INSTAAR - University of Colorado Boulder.
    Mark Piper at INSTAAR - University of Colorado Boulder.
    Greg Tucker at Geological Sciences - University of Colorado Boulder.
    Irina Overeem at INSTAAR - University of Colorado Boulder.

pymt provides tools for coupling models with disparate time and space scales that expose the Basic Model Interface (BMI). It includes a collection of Earth-surface models and is an extensible plug-in framework for adding new models. Detailed information for pymt can be accessed at

Classroom organization
In this lab, we will explore a series of Jupyter Notebooks that show how to use the pymt to run and couple models. This lab will first introduce pymt and demonstrate how to setup, initialize, run and finalize a model. Then, it will show how to use pymt to run a standalone model (Hydrotrend) and couple two models (CEM + Waves). The lab also includes additional Jupyter Notebooks for other model components in pymt (e.g., Frost Number Model, Kudryavtsev Model).

You can create an account at CSDMS JupyterHub and test the Jupyter Notebook for this lab. Please follow the instruction in the "Lab Notes" section. If you are a faculty at an academic institution, it is possible to work with us to get temporary teaching accounts. Work directly with us by emailing:

Learning objectives
  • Learn how to run a standalone model in pymt
  • Learn how to couple two models using pymt
Key concepts
  • Why use pymt
  • pymt library of models
  • How to set up, initialize, run, and finalize a model in pymt

Lab notes
You can follow the steps below to test and run the Jupyter Notebooks on the CSDMS JupyterHub server for this lab.

1. Create a free account on the CSDMS JupyterHub at, providing a username and password -- they can be whatever you like

2. Request authorization for your new account through the CSDMS Help Desk at -- if you don't already have a GitHub account, you'll be asked to make one

3. Once approved, run Jupyter Notebooks by clicking on "start" under the "Run online" section (grey table at the top of this lab page).
