
Revision as of 05:49, 9 July 2024 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{CSDMS job details template |JOB title=Post-Doc position related to the combination of green and grey solutions |JOB position=Post-doc Position |JOB CSDMS yes no=No |JOB university=Ecole des Ponts |State member=NO STATE |MOI meeting country=France |JOB application_deadline=2024-07-23 |JOB begin review process=Yes |JOB file description=2024 PostDoc HM&Co 2p (1).pdf |Working group member=Hydrology Focus Research Group |JOB bodytext=The Hydrology, Meteorology and Complexit...")
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Post-Doc position related to the combination of green and grey solutions
Ecole des Ponts, , France
Start reviewing process: 23 July 2024

The Hydrology, Meteorology and Complexity lab from Ecole des Ponts (France) proposes a one-year Post-Doc (possibility of renewal ). The subject deals with the modelling of green and grey solutions to adapt cities to climate change.

Don't hesitate to transfer this offer around you,
Have a nice summer.

Best regards,

Pierre-Antoine Versini

Of interest for:
  • Hydrology Focus Research Group