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Grad Student Openings in the CECL Lab (with Laura Moore) at UNC-CH
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States
Apply before: 15 December 2023

Graduate Student Opportunities in CECL for Fall 2024: The UNC-CH Coastal Environmental Change Lab (CECL) has openings for Ph.D. students (M.S. considered) to start in Fall (or summer) 2024. We are seeking new students to participate in funded projects that involve co-production with coastal communities to better understand interactions between anthropogenic activities and landscape processes on barrier island coastlines (i.e., coupled human-natural coastal dynamics). Most student projects in CECL include a primary modeling component, with observational and field work to supplement and support modeling efforts. Please visit the Department of Earth, Marine and Environmental Sciences Prospective Graduate Student Page ( for application information. The deadline to be considered for university fellowships is December 15th, though applicants submitting by January 15th can still be considered for teaching and research assistantships. Please share with anyone who may be interested, and encourage them to reach out to with interest, or questions. Thanks!

Laura J. Moore, Ph.D.
Professor of Coastal Geomorphology
Director, Coastal Environmental Change Lab
Director, Collaboratory for Coastal Adaptation over Space and Time (C-CoAST)

Department of Earth, Marine and Environmental Sciences
Environment, Ecology and Energy Program
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
104 South Road

Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3315

Of interest for:
  • Coastal Working Group
  • Coastal Vulnerability Initiative