Post-doc at Indiana University
Indiana University, Indiana, United States
Apply before: 9 January 2023
Apply before: 9 January 2023
Position: Post Doc
Apply before: 9 January 2023
Apply online:
On the market for a post-doc? Doug Edmonds and I are searching for a post-doc to join the vibrant surface process community in Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Indiana University-Bloomington. The successful candidate will work on an NSF funded project using machine learning and lidar to understand tree throw signatures and associated critical zone processes in forested landscapes. As part of the project, the post-doc will build skills in machine learning on high performance machines ( and also utilize our lidar drone ( Expected start is listed as June 1, 2023, but this is negotiable. Application deadline is January 9th.
We will be at AGU and happy to meet to discuss further.
Official job posting here:
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Brian J. Yanites
Associate Professor
Robert R. Shrock Professor of Surficial and Sedimentary Geology
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Indiana University-Bloomington
Of interest for: Terrestrial Working Group Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Initiative