Cryosphere data
Cryosphere data descriptions
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There are 5 datasets described below.
Dataset info | Type | Origin | Description | Data example |
ICE-5G | Cryosphere | Modeled | Global Grids of Ice Sheet Thickness and Paleotopography for 21,000 - present day | |
Permafrost Temperatures, Alaska | Cryosphere | Measured | U.S. Geological Survey's Borehole Temperature Logs from Arctic Alaska, pre-1989 | |
Realtime Permafrost Alaska | Cryosphere | Measured | U.S. Geological Survey: Real-Time Permafrost and Climate Monitoring Network - Arctic Alaska | |
Sea Ice Concentrations NSIDC | Cryosphere | Measured | Sea Ice Concentrations from Nimbus-7 SMMR and DMSP SSM/I Passive Microwave Data | |
World Glacier Inventory | Cryosphere | Measured | Information on glaciers for over 100,000 glaciers through out the world served by the National Snow and Ice Data Center |