
Revision as of 13:57, 19 November 2019 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs) (Citations)
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Help the community by adding a model related reference to this wiki! This so other people can find a most complete list of references for a particular model. References can be included on each model page, by scrolling down to the 'References' section. Once a reference is added, CSDMS will estimate citation indices per model automatically overnight. Start now by going to the Model repository to select a model for which you want to enter a reference.


How do model citation indices work? Once you entered a publication, CSDMS will assign a unique code to it, such that the publication gets assigned to the correct number of citations per publication as given by Microsoft Academic ( CSDMS is offering this service since August 2015. Although Microsoft Academic contains less publications, choose to use this service instead of for example Google Scholar, as Microsoft Academic does allow for automatic retrieval of citation data.
The CSDMS citation database will be updated every 3 months, starting January. Sometimes you won't find the number of citations next to the publication. This is as some publications couldn’t be found in Microsoft Academic, or the publications are so recent that no citations are provided yet. Please, let us know ( if you think we made a mistake by assigning a wrong number of citations to a certain publication or if you can help locating a paper in Microsoft Academic for us.
As you might notice, the number of citations is actual a link. It will bring you to a list of publications on the Microsoft Academic page that has cited the specific publication. Notice that the Microsoft Academic shows for any publication the 'Estimated Citation Count' (ECC), not the actual 'Count of algorithmically verified Citations' (CC). CSDMS is using the CC, which can be found on the Microsoft Academic web for each publication by clicking on "Cited by", and is the same or lower than the ECC.

Citation indices

h-index from a plot of decreasing citations for numbered papers
h-index from a plot of decreasing citations for numbered papers

CSDMS is the first to provide citation indices for each individual model. These indices are estimated similar like citation indices that are around for authors. The model citation indices are based on two classes of publications: a module overview publication, describing a module and a module application description where a model is applied to a study. So publications describing module related theory are not part of these estimations. Indices will be updated every 24hours. The following indices are estimated:

  • Citations
  • h-index

The citations indicate the total citations a model has received. The h-index is named after the physicist Jorge Hirsch and is also called the Hirsch number. The h-index as implemented at CSDMS reflects the use (or penetration of a model within a community) and its impact (how often a publication about the model is cited). More information about the h-index can be found at:

Get started

Get started today and establish a h-index for your model by adding a publication. Go to the 'References' section of your model page and enter a reference. Let us know if you have a question: