CSDMS meeting 2015

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CSDMS 2015 annual meeting

Models meet Data, Data meet Models

May 26-28th 2015 in Boulder Colorado, USA

Invited Keynote speakers

Brian Fath
Department of Biological Sciences, Towson University, Towson, Maryland, USA
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria

Quo Vadis Ecosystem? Insights from Ecological Modelling and Systems Ecology
The question of ecosystem dynamics is relevant from a scientific and management perspective. Knowing the natural tendencies and trajectories of ecosystems will assist in planning for their development and restoration. One key feature is how the ecosystem uses the available energy flows to move further from thermodynamic equilibrium and increase its overall complexity in terms of total biomass, biodiversity, network connectivity, and information. In this presentation, I review some of the main concepts that have been used to identify these dynamic trajectories. Namely, it can be shown using network analysis that a number of ecological goal functions pertaining to energy, exergy, biomass, embodied energy, entropy, and information are complementary displaying various angles of the same general complexification phenomena.

Randy LeVeque
University of Washington

Joellen Russell
University of Arizona
Paleo-climate Modeling

Forrest Hoffman
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
International Land Model Benchmarking Project

Phaedra Upton
GNS Science
Geodynamics Modeling

Lejo Flores
Boise State University
Critical Zone Modeling

Kyle Straub
Signals of Relative Sea Level perturbations: Defining the divide between autogenic signal shredding vs. preservation in the stratigraphic record
Kyle M. Straub and Qi Li
Tulane University, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Recent theoretical work suggests that autogenic processes in sediment transport systems have the capacity to shred signals of environmental and tectonic perturbations prior to transfer to the stratigraphic record. We view this theory as a major conceptual and quantitative breakthrough in long time scale Earth-surface processes and stratigraphy, but the general theory still needs to be adapted to deal with specific types of signals. Many argue that the tug of Relative Sea Level (RSL) change represents the most important boundary condition forcing affecting continental margin transport systems. However, we still lack quantitative theory to explain what properties RSL cycles must have to be stored in stratigraphy, thus limiting the usefulness of stratigraphy for defining paleo-environments. Results from our previously conducted laboratory experiments suggest that RSL cycles with amplitudes less than a channel depth and of periodicities less than the amount of time necessary to deposit, on average, one channel depth of stratigraphy over a delta-top are susceptible to signal shredding. Our hypothesis is supported using existing data sets and new numerical and physical experiments in which the surface process response and preserved record of RSL cycles of varying magnitudes and periodicities is constrained. Quantitative theory and predictions produced from this work is benchmarked against stratigraphy from the Late Miocene to Quaternary stratigraphy of the Mississippi Delta. During this time interval a significant change in the magnitude and periodicity of RSL cycles occurred. RSL cycles in the Late Miocene for the Mississippi Delta are predicted to be shredded, while more recent cycles are predicted to be preserved.

Mary Hill
University of Kansas
Data/model assessment

Raleigh Hood
University of Maryland
Modeling the Chesapeake Bay

Ehab Meselhe
The Water Institute of the Gulf
Integrated Compartment Model (ICM)

Clinic Invitees

Zhen Cheng (Charlie) & Tian-Jian Hsu (Tom)
Center for Applied Coastal Research, Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Delaware
Modeling Coastal Sediment Transport Using OpenFOAM®
During a clinic session in the 2013 CSDMS annual meeting, the OpenFOAM®, an open source computational fluid dynamics (CFD) platform, was first introduced by Dr. Xiaofeng Liu (now at Penn State University) for modeling general earth surface dynamics. OpenFOAM® provides various libraries, solvers and toolboxes for solving various fluid physics via finite volume method. The objective of this clinic is to further discuss its recent development and applications to coastal sediment transport. The clinic will start with an overview of a range of coastal applications using OpenFOAM®. We will then focus on a recently released solver, SedFOAM, for modeling sand transport by using an Eulerian two-phase flow methodology. Specifically, we will focus on applying the model to study wave-driven sheet flows and the occurrence of momentary bed failure. The code can be downloaded via CSDMS code repository and participants will receive a hands-on training of the coding style, available numerical schemes in OpenFOAM®, computational domain setup, input/output and model result analysis. Knowledge of C++, object-oriented programming, and parallel computing is not required but will be helpful.
Greg Tucker
University of Colorado
Phaedra Upton & Sam Roy
GNS Science & University of Maine
Jon Pollak
CUASHI Water Data Center
Chris Duffy
Pennsylvania State University
Jon Goodall
University of Virginia
Integrated Model Concepts
Brad Murray
Coastline Evolution Model (CEM)
Irina Overeem
CSDMS, University of Colorado
Bringing CSDMS to the Classroom
CSDMS, University of Colorado
WMT (Web Modeling Tool) Clinic
Mark Piper & Eric Hutton
CSDMS, University of Colorado
Basic Model Interface (BMI)

Student Scholarships

This year CSDMS is offering a limited number of scholarships (up to 10) for graduate students to attend the CSDMS annual meeting. To be eligible, graduate students need to meet the following requirements:

  • Attend the whole meeting (May 26-28, 2015)
  • Submit an abstract
  • Be enrolled as a graduate student at the time of the meeting (bring proof)
  • Submit a letter of motivation that states why you wish to participate in the meeting

Please submit your materials to csdms@colorado.edu by March 1, 2015.

Important dates

  • February 1st: Registration opens
  • March 1st: Deadline for student scholarship applications
  • April 1st: Deadline for abstract submission & registration
  • May 26-28th: CSDMS annual meeting
  • May 29th: CSDMS Executive and Steering committees meeting (by invitation only)

Travel, Lodging and Conference Center Information

The meeting will be held at UCAR Conference Center
Lodging for meeting participants is at the Millennium Harvest House Hotel under the CSDMS room block