CSDMS 2014 annual meeting poster Sagy Cohen

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Presentation provided during CSDMS annual meeting 2014

On the sensitivity of global suspended sediment modeling to dams

Sagy Cohen, University of Alabama Tuscaloosa Alabama, United States. sagy.cohen@ua.edu
James Syvitski, University of Colorado Boulder Colorado, United States.
Albert Kettner, University of Colorado Boulder Colorado, United States.

CSDMS2014 poster SagyCohen.png


The WBMsed model is a global, spatially and temporally explicit riverine flux (water, sediment and nutrients) simulator. Among its many input datasets is a dams and reservoir dataset, used to calculates the water balance and the upstream sediment trapping efficiency of a river system. Here we compare results from three simulations: (1) no reservoirs input, (2) the model's original reservoirs input that include only large dams, and (3) a new dam dataset to include over 6600 large and small dams worldwide. The new dams input is based on the Global Reservoir and Dam (GRanD) Database (http://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/data/collection/grand-v1). As expected, the results show that simulations that include dams yields a more accurate predictions of modern fluxes. The results also show that the new dataset have significantly improved the model accuracy in some rivers while having a neutral or, in some cases, negative effect in others.

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