CMT Tutorial Sedflux3D

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CMT Tutorial: Running a standalone component (Sedflux3D)

This tutorial describes how the start the CSDMS Component Modeling tool, run the sedflux3D model as a standalone component, and generate output that can be visualized with the VisIt visualization tool.

Warning 32.png Before beginning, you will need to have:

The basic steps to run Sedflux3D through CMT are:


The project for this tutorial is called sedflux, and is in the Marine group.

  • Start the CMT client and log in using your username and password for the CSDMS cluster
  • Under the File menu select Open Project.

This will open an new window with two drop-down lists that allows you to choose the project group and the specific project you want to work with.

  • From the first drop-down list, select Marine
  • From the second drop-down list, select sedflux
  • Click Done

This opens the sedflux project and loads all of the available components into the Palette.


For the case of the sedflux project, there two components you can use: Sedflux2D, and Sedflux3D. Note that these components can not be coupled to one another but rather only run in standalone model. To run the Sedflux3D model as a standalone component, it will act as its own driver.

  • Drag the Sedflux3D component into the Driver panel

The component now appears within the arena and is ready to be configured and then run.


Before running the component, we need to configure it to run in standalone mode.

  • Click the component's Configure button
  • Choose the Ports tab
  • For the Water discharge port, choose OFF from the drop-down list
  • For the Erosion port, choose OFF from the drop-down list
  • Click OK

This tell the component not to expect any data from that port.

The above configuration for running Sedflux3D as a standalone component is mandatory. The following are examples of further configurations you may want to do before running the component. First, let's choose some output to write.

  • Click the component's Configure button
  • Choose the Output Grids tab
  • Set the Output directory to the path where you want this output written. The default is probably ok.
  • Choose an appropriate Interval between output files (in simulation years). For this tutorial, type 20.
  • To write elevation data, for the SeaFloorElevation files deselect OFF and choose <site>_<case>_SeaFloorElevation
  • Click OK

This will write elevation output every 20 years to a file whose prefix is <site>_<case>_SeaFloorElevation (<site> and <case> will be replaced with the site and case prefix from the Input Files and Directories tab)


If you don't expect the simulation to take a long time to run, it is easiest to run the model with the currently allocated resources.

  • Click Run

Advanced: If the simulation may take a long time to run or you want to close the CMT client, you can submit the simulation to the cluster to be run in the background.

  • Right click Run
  • Choose Submit Job
  • Adjust the setting as needed (the defaults are probably ok) and click Submit.