2021 CSDMS meeting-003

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Landscape Evolution of a megafan at the foothill of the Vindhyan ranges in Ganga Foreland Basin

Manish Pandey, Chandigarh University MOHALI , India. manish07sep@gmail.com

Son alluvial fan system, a megafan situated at the foothills of Vindhyans, is governed by the endogenic and exogenic process operating in the Ganga foreland basin. The megafan is interspersed with a number of structural features in the bedrock overlain by quaternary alluvial cover viz., Munger Saharsa Ridge Fault (MSRF), East Patna fault (EPF), and West Patna fault (WPF), some other reported tectonic features. A number of studies have attempted to decipher the recorded signatures of these underlying bedrock structural features and related tectonoclimatic activities in in the form of geomorphic anomalies and sedimentological evidences. In this study, χ‐transform index and χ‐anomalies, in combination with stream channel sinuosity, channel steepness index (ksn), channel concavity index (θ), geomorphology, and field evidences, have been used to examine if these structural features be highlighted on the low relief megafan surface with bedrock-alluvial mixed to thick alluvial cover (upto 1000 m thick). Drainage basin divide (in)stability measured through across divide χ‐anomaly map which proven to be an important tool for quantification of basin and channel network geometry behaviour, has been found to highlight the areas with active structural activities around the reported bedrock structures in the experimental study. Geomorphology and field evidences corroborate the findings of this study.