2019 CSDMS meeting-081

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Coupling Conceptual Models to Define a Dynamic Management Framework for Efficient Socio-ecological System Stewardship

Guillermo Auad, BOEM, Dept. of the Interior Washington DC D.C., United States. guillermo.auad@boem.gov
Brian Fath, Towson University Towson Maryland, United States. bfath@towson.edu

A dynamic framework coupling social and ecological sub-systems while aligning management, policy, governance, science, legal and decision-making elements under an overarching goal will be presented and described. A nested set of conceptual models is used to represent and analyze general internal organization and functioning of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, a U.S. Federal agency. External connectivities are also addressed while the conceptual model is able to generate testable hypotheses. The selection of managing for resilience as the main goal of the framework as well as their underpinning elements will be illustrated and explained. The overall functioning of the proposed resilience framework seeks to mimic and anticipate environmental change and is aligned with commonly used elements of resilience-thinking. Dynamic management frameworks addressing socio-ecological dynamics can facilitate the efficient and effective utilization of resources, reduce uncertainty for decision and policy makers, and lead to more defensible decisions on resources.