Meeting:Abstract 2013 CSDMS meeting-062

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CSDMS all hands meeting 2013

Data Services for Long Tail Science at the Integrated Earth Data Applications (IEDA) Data Facility

Leslie Hsu, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Palisades New York, United States.
Kerstin Lehnert, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Palisades New York, United States.

[[Image:|300px|right|link=File:]]IEDA (Integrated Earth Data Applications, is a data facility funded through a contract with the US National Science Foundation to operate data systems and data services for solid earth geoscience data. There are many similarities between IEDA and its community of data producers and users and CSDMS and its community of model creators and users. IEDA has developed a comprehensive suite of data services that are designed to address the concerns and needs of investigators, especially researchers working in the 'Long Tail of Science' (Heidorn 2008). IEDA provides a data publication service, registering data sources (including models) with DOI to ensure their proper citation and attribution. IEDA works with publishers on advanced linkages between datasets in the IEDA repository and scientific online articles to facilitate access to the data, enhance their visibility, and augment their use and citation. IEDA also developed a comprehensive investigator support that includes tools, tutorials, and virtual or face-to-face workshops that guide and assist investigators with data management planning, data submission, and data documentation. A relationship between IEDA and CSDMS benefits the scientists from both communities by providing them with a broader range of tools and data services.