Model:CVFEM Rift2D

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Also known as
Model type Modular
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Incorporated models or components:
Spatial dimensions 2D
Spatial extent Continental
Model domain Hydrology, Geodynamic
One-line model description multi-physics numerical model that simulates rock deformation, fluid flow, solute transport and heat transfer in response to ice sheet loading of multiple cycles
Extended model description We have developed a hybrid numerical model at a continental scale via control volume finite element (finite volume) and regular finite element methods to evaluate the stress variation, pore pressure evolution, brine migration, solute transport and heat transfer in the subsurface formations in response to ice sheet loading of multiple glacial cycles.
Name Yipeng Zhang
Type of contact Model developer
Institute / Organization New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Postal address 1 PO Box 2255
Postal address 2 801 Leroy Place
Town / City Socorro
Postal code 87801
Country United States
Email address
Phone 8147772015

Name Mark Person
Type of contact Project manager
Institute / Organization New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Postal address 1 Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Postal address 2
Town / City Socorro
Postal code 87801
State New Mexico
Country United States
Email address

Supported platforms
Other platform
Programming language

Fortran77, Matlab

Other program language
Code optimized Single Processor
Multiple processors implemented
Nr of distributed processors
Nr of shared processors
Start year development 2015
Does model development still take place? Yes
If above answer is no, provide end year model development
Code development status Active
When did you indicate the 'code development status'? 2020
Model availability As code
Source code availability
(Or provide future intension)
Through CSDMS repository
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Source csdms web address
Program license type GPL v3
Program license type other
Memory requirements
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If above answer is yes
Other visualization software Tecplot

Describe processes represented by the model The four primary components of our multi-physics code include geomechanical, hydrologic, solute transport and heat transfer modules. The geomechanical module calculates displacement of an elastic lithosphere disturbed by an ice sheet load. Transient geomechanical deformation is represented by one-dimensional (lateral) viscous asthenosphere flow. Our geomechanical module is partially coupled to the hydrologic module by providing the rate of change in the mean normal stress. Mean normal stress change rate is included as a source term in the groundwater flow equation driving flow. Flow is also influenced by changes in the top specified hydraulic head boundary condition. We implement two-way coupling between fluid flow, solute transport and heat transfer module via density and viscosity equations of state.

Three additional modules in our multi-physics code calculate changes to the upper hydraulic and thermal boundary conditions or alter the hydraulic transport properties (permeability) due to hydrogeomechanical failure. These include ice sheet evolution, permafrost, and failure analysis modules. Ice sheet thickness determines both the vertical load in the geomechanical module as well as the hydraulic head boundary condition at the land surface in the hydrologic module. In this study we adopted a simple parabolic polynomial equation to represent the idealized geometry of an ice sheet’s cross section in the ice sheet evolution module. We solved for permafrost formation at and below the land surface using a suite of one-dimensional heat transfer models. We allowed for grid growth within the permafrost module to account for changes in ice sheet thickness. A failure analysis module was used to modify permeability due to hydromechanical failure. We adopted the effective Coulomb’s Failure Stress change criterion from Ge et al.(2009) to assess regions of failure during glaciations.

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Is there a manual available? No
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OpenMI compliant No but possible
BMI compliant No but possible
WMT component No but possible
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Model info
Nr. of publications: 1
Total citations: 11
h-index: 1
m-quotient: 0.14

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Nr. of publications: 1
Total citations: 11
h-index: 1
m-quotient: 0.14

Featured publication(s)YearModel describedType of ReferenceCitations
Zhang, Yipeng; Person, Mark; Voller, Vaughan; Cohen, Denis; McIntosh, Jennifer; Grapenthin, Ronni; 2018. Hydromechanical Impacts of Pleistocene Glaciations on Pore Fluid Pressure Evolution, Rock Failure, and Brine Migration Within Sedimentary Basins and the Crystalline Basement. Water Resources Research, 54, 7577–7602. 10.1029/2017WR022464
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2018 CVFEM Rift2D
Model overview 11
See more publications of CVFEM Rift2D



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