TauDEM 5 is a new version implemented to take advantage of parallel processing
•Development of hydrologically correct (pit removed) DEMs using the flooding approach
•Calculates flow paths (directions) and slopes
•Calculates contributing area using single and multiple flow direction methods
•Multiple methods for the delineation of stream networks including topographic form-based methods sensitive to spatially variable drainage density
•Objective methods for determination of the channel network delineation threshold based on stream drops
•Delineation of watersheds and subwatersheds draining to each stream segment and association between watershed and segment attributes for setting up hydrologic models
•Specialized functions for terrain analysis
Details of new parallel Version 5.0 of TauDEM
•Restructured into a parallel processing implementation of the TauDEM suite of tools
•Works on Windows PCs, laptops and UNIX clusters
•Multiple processes are not required, the parallel approach can run as multiple processes within a single processor
•Restructured into a set of standalone command line executable programs and an ArcGIS toolbox Graphical User Interface (GUI)
•Command line executables are:
-Written in C++ using Argonne National Laboratory's MPICH2 library to implement message passing between multiple processes
-Based on single set of source code for the command line execuables that is platform independent and can be compiled for both Window's PC's and UNIX clusters
hydrologivally corrected DEM, watershed,
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