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References ChesROMS

Haidvogel, Dale B.; Arango, Hernan G.; Hedstrom, Kate; Beckmann, Aike; Malanotte-Rizzoli, Paola; Shchepetkin, Alexander F.; 2000. Model evaluation experiments in the North Atlantic Basin: simulations in nonlinear terrain-following coordinates. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 32, 239–281. 10.1016/S0377-0265(00)00049-X
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2000Model overview 764
Haidvogel, D.B.; Arango, H.; Budgell, W.P.; Cornuelle, B.D.; Curchitser, E.; Di Lorenzo, E.; Fennel, K.; Geyer, W.R.; Hermann, A.J.; Lanerolle, L.; Levin, J.; McWilliams, J.C.; Miller, A.J.; Moore, A.M.; Powell, T.M.; Shchepetkin, A.F.; Sherwood, C.R.; Signell, R.P.; Warner, J.C.; Wilkin, J.; 2008. Ocean forecasting in terrain-following coordinates: Formulation and skill assessment of the Regional Ocean Modeling System. Journal of Computational Physics, 227, 3595–3624. 10.1016/
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2008Model overview 1200
Shchepetkin, Alexander F.; McWilliams, James C.; 2005. The regional oceanic modeling system (ROMS): a split-explicit, free-surface, topography-following-coordinate oceanic model. Ocean Modelling, 9, 347–404. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2004.08.002
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2005Model application 4222
Song, Yuhe; Haidvogel, Dale; 1994. A Semi-implicit Ocean Circulation Model Using a Generalized Topography-Following Coordinate System. Journal of Computational Physics, 115, 228–244. 10.1006/jcph.1994.1189
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1994Model overview 819
Warner, John C.; Sherwood, Christopher R.; Signell, Richard P.; Harris, Courtney K.; Arango, Hernan G.; 2008. Development of a three-dimensional, regional, coupled wave, current, and sediment-transport model. Computers & Geosciences, 34, 1284–1306. 10.1016/j.cageo.2008.02.012
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2008Model overview 745
Xu, Jiangtao; Long, Wen; Wiggert, Jerry D.; Lanerolle, Lyon W. J.; Brown, Christopher W.; Murtugudde, Raghu; Hood, Raleigh R.; 2012. Climate Forcing and Salinity Variability in Chesapeake Bay, USA. Estuaries and Coasts, 35, 237–261. 10.1007/s12237-011-9423-5
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2012Model application 83
Urquhart, Erin A.; Hoffman, Matthew J.; Murphy, Rebecca R.; Zaitchik, Benjamin F.; 2013. Geospatial interpolation of MODIS-derived salinity and temperature in the Chesapeake Bay. Remote Sensing of Environment, 135, 167–177. 10.1016/j.rse.2013.03.034
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2013Model application 43
Hoffman, Matthew J.; Miyoshi, Takemasa; Haine, Thomas W. N.; Ide, Kayo; Brown, Christopher W.; Murtugudde, Raghu; 2012. An Advanced Data Assimilation System for the Chesapeake Bay: Performance Evaluation. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 29, 1542–1557. 10.1175/JTECH-D-11-00126.1
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2012Model application 20
Justic, Dubravko; Rose, Kenneth A.; Hetland, Robert D.; Fennel, Katja; Wiggert, Jerry D.; Hood, Raleigh R.; Brown, Christopher W.; 2017. Modeling Hypoxia and Its Ecological Consequences in Chesapeake Bay. In: (eds.)Modeling Coastal Hypoxia.. 119–147.
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2017Model application 8
Da, Fei; Friedrichs, Marjorie A. M.; St‐Laurent, Pierre; 2018. Impacts of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition and Coastal Nitrogen Fluxes on Oxygen Concentrations in Chesapeake Bay. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123, 5004–5025. 10.1029/2018JC014009
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Model application

Da, Fei; Friedrichs, Marjy; St. Laurent, Pierre; 2018. Associated dataset: Impacts of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition and Coastal Nitrogen Fluxes on Oxygen Concentrations in Chesapeake Bay. , , .
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Model application

Kyle E. Hinson; Marjorie A. M. Friedrichs; Pierre St-Laurent; 2021. A Data Repository for Extent and Causes of Chesapeake Bay Warming. , , .
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Model application

M.A.M. Friedrichs, R.R. Hood*; 2017. Hypoxia forecasts as a tool for Chesapeake Bay fisheries. None, None, None. 10.21220/V5PJ03
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Model application

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Nr. of publications: 13
Total citations: 7074
h-index: 9
m-quotient: 0.29

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