
Revision as of 10:23, 25 November 2019 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{CSDMS reference template cargo |DOIentry=10.1126/science.1117368 }} {{RefsInt1 |PublicationClusterID=0 |MS_PublicationClusterID=0 |PublicationWhatKindOf=a module application...")
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Name Chapin, F. S.
Name Sturm, M.
Name Serreze, M. C.
Name McFadden, J. P.
Name Key, J. R.
Name Lloyd, A. H.
Name McGuire, A. D.
Name Rupp, T. S.
Name Lynch, A. H.
Name Schimel, J. P.
Name Beringer, J.
Name Chapman, W. L.
Name Epstein, H. E.
Name Euskirchen, E. S.
Name Hinzman, L. D.
Name Jia, G.
Name Ping, C.-L.
Name Tape, K. D.
Name Thompson, C. D. C.
Name Walker, D. A.
Name Welker, J. M.
Kind of article journalArticle
Title Role of Land-Surface Changes in Arctic Summer Warming
Publication title Science
Book title
Journal Abbreviation
Volume 310
Issue 5748
DOI 10.1126/science.1117368
Page numbers 657–660
Publication date 2005-10-28
Access date 2024-09-29

Feature reference
PublicationClusterID 0
MS_PublicationClusterID 0
Semantic_ID {{{Semantic_ID}}}
CorpusID {{{CorpusID}}}
Nr of citations Template:SEM
Sort of publication a module application description
Sort of model publication a single module
Is the CSDMS HPC used No
If HPC is used, for what project was it?:
Associated simulation movie if any:

Model(s) discussed: ALFRESCO