2021 CSDMS meeting-091

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Seasonality of wave, tide, and river-driven sediment fluxes and its impact on delta morphology

Jaap Nienhuis, Utrecht University Utrecht , Netherlands. j.h.nienhuis@uu.nl

For many deltas, their morphology reflects the 100-1000 year balance of wave, tidal, and river-driven sediment fluxes. Human-induced changes to these fluxes can also act on 100-1000 years and therefore influence delta morphology.

Wave, tidal, and river fluxes also change on much shorter (day-to seasonal) timescales. These fluctuations do not work their way into delta morphology immediately, but many studies have indicated substantial relevance, nevertheless.

How to marry these two timescales? In this poster I will investigate the concept of river sediment retention, or trapping efficiency, and its potential to relate seasonality to long-term fluxes. For example, wave, river, and tidal fluxes might each dominate for a few months every year. If the order and respective magnitude of these fluxes throughout the year influence tidal sediment retention, it can affect long-term morphology and make it deviate from a balance based on simple annual averages.