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Name Graham, Lindley
Name Butler, Troy
Name Walsh, Scott
Name Dawson, Clint
Name Westerink, Joannes J.
Kind of article journalArticle
Title A Measure-Theoretic Algorithm for Estimating Bottom Friction in a Coastal Inlet: Case Study of Bay St. Louis during Hurricane Gustav (2008)
Publication title Monthly Weather Review
Book title
Journal Abbreviation
Volume 145
Issue 3
DOI 10.1175/MWR-D-16-0149.1
Page numbers 929–954
Publication date 2017-03
Access date 2024-09-26

Feature reference No
PublicationClusterID 0
MS_PublicationClusterID 2535789631
Semantic_ID {{{Semantic_ID}}}
Nr of citations Template:SEM
Sort of publication a module application description
Sort of model publication a single module
Is the CSDMS HPC used No
If HPC is used, for what project was it?:
Associated simulation movie if any:

Model(s) discussed: ADCIRC