Model:MARSSIM: Difference between revisions

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=== Help ===
=== Help ===
Documentation that describes MARSSIM subroutines and functions, input and output files, and literature references can be found here: [[media:marssim_program.pdf]]
Documentation that describes MARSSIM subroutines and functions, input and output files, and literature references can be found here: [[media:marssim_program.pdf|marssim_program.pdf]]

=== Input Files ===
=== Input Files ===

Revision as of 15:55, 12 June 2009





MARSSIM Questionnaire

Contact Information

Contact person: Alan Howard
Institute: University of Virginia
City: Charlottesville, Virginia
Country: USA
2nd person involved: --
3rd person involved: --

Model description

Model type: Modular for the terrestrial and coastal domain.
Description: A landform evolution model operating at the drainage basin or larger scale. Recent model development has targeted planetary applications.

Technical information

Supported platforms: Linux, windows
Programming language: Fortran90
Model was developed started from: 1990 and development still takes place
To what degree will the model become available: Source code will be available. Model can also be used as teaching tool and executable will become available as well.
Current license type: None
Memory requirements: Variable - dynamic arrays
Typical run time: hours to days

Input / Output description

Input parameters: Initial elevation file.

File specifying boundary conditions, run time, process options, and parameter values.

Input format: ASCII
Output parameters: RAW image files of elevation and shaded relief.
ASCII file of elevations at specified times.
ASCII files of other state variables as desired at specified times.
Iteration-by-iteration summary file
Output format: ASCII
Post-processing software (if needed): yes, Photoshop to produce movies. Conversions to a variety of data formats.
Visualization software (if needed): yes, Surfer for topographic maps

Process description

Processes represented by model: Bedrock fluvial incision (shear stress or sediment flux dependency).
Mass wasting (creep and threshold-limited).
Bedload sediment transport & deposition in streams, fans, deltas.
Impact cratering, aeolian deposition, lava flows.
Flow routing with evaporation from depressions.
Key physical parameters & equations: Bedrock erodibility, mass wasting diffusivity, bed material grain size, flow hydrologic parameters, relative evaporation rate, cratering size distribution and rate, eolian deposition parameters, etc.
Length scale & resolution constraints: Variable - targeted towards drainage basin or larger scales. Spatial scale determined by input parameter and run-time specification of array dimentions. Uses rectangular grid cells.
Time scale & resolution constraints: Variable - Limited by computer speed.
Numerical limitations and issues : Runs with grid sizes greater than about 600x600 may require many days on a PC.
Model assumes fluvial streams have gradients determined by steady-state transport.

Depositional stratigraphy not modeled.


Available calibration data sets: None
Available test data sets: Example runs for most types of simulation scenarios
Ideal data for testing: None

User groups

Currently or plans for collaborating with: Yes, at present primarily in the planetary community.


Key papers of the model: Howard, A.D., 1994, A detachment-limited model of drainage basin evolution, Water Resources Research, 30(7) 2261-85.
Howard, A.D., 2007, Simulating the development of martian highland landscapes..., Geomorphology, 91, 332-363.
Is there a manual available: See the marssim_program.doc file for a brief tutorial
Model website if any:

Additional comments

Comments: Most recent model available from



Documentation that describes MARSSIM subroutines and functions, input and output files, and literature references can be found here: marssim_program.pdf

Input Files

Output Files

