Model:Sedflux: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 11:52, 17 February 2009


sedflux-2.0 [1] [2]

Sedflux-2.0 is the newest version of the Sedflux basin-filling model. Sedflux-2.0 provides a framework within which individual process-response models of disparate time and space resolutions communicate with one another to deliver multi grain sized sediment load across a continental margin. Version 2.0 introduces a series of new process models, and the ability to operate in one of two modes to track the evolution of stratigraphy in either two or three dimensions. Additions to the 2D-mode include the addition of models that simulate

  1. erosion and deposition of sediment along a riverbed,
  2. cross-shore transport due to ocean waves, and
  3. turbidity currents and hyperpycnal flows.

New processes in the 3D-mode include

  1. river channel avulsion,
  2. two-dimensional diffusion due to ocean storms, and
  3. two-dimensional flexure due to sediment loading.

The spatial resolution of the architecture is typically 1-25 cm in the vertical, and 10-100 m in the horizontal when operating in 2D-mode. In 3D-mode, the horizontal resolution usually extends to kilometers. In addition to fixed time steps (from days to hundreds of years), Sedflux-2.0 offers event-based time stepping as a way to conduct long-term simulations while still modeling low-frequency but high-energy events.





sedflux Questionnaire

Contact Information

Model sedflux
Contact Person Eric Hutton
Institution University of Colorado
City Boulder, CO
Country USA
Email: --
2nd person involved: --
3rd person involved: --

Model Description

Model type: Modular model
Description: Sedflux-2.0 is the newest version of the Sedflux basin-filling model. Sedflux-2.0 provides a framework within which individual process-response models of disparate time and space resolutions communicate with one another to deliver multi grain sized sediment load across a continental margin.

Technical Information

Supported platforms: Unix, Linux, Mac OSX
Programming language: C
Model was developed started from: 1997 and development still takes place
To what degree will the model become available: As code and as executable
Current license type: GPL_v2
Memory requirements: 2GB
Typical run time: minutes to days

Input / Output Description

Input parameters: River mouth characteristics (velocity, width, depth, concentration) averaged daily, or longer.

Initial bathymetry. Input sediment distribution and properties of each grain type. Optionally, any of: tectonics, sea level, wave climate, and currents

Input format: ASCII
Output parameters: Sediment properties that include (but are not limited to) bulk density, grain size, porosity, and permeability. These are averaged over are user-specified vertical resolution (typically mm to cm).

Sea-floor properties that include slope, water depth, and sand fraction.

Output format: Binary
Post-processing software (if needed): no
Visualization software (if needed): Yes, Matlab

Process Description

Processes represented by model: surface plumes, hyperpycnal plumes, sediment slope failure that results in turbidity currents or debris flows, subsidence, compaction, sediment remobilization due to waves and currents, river avulsion
Key physical parameters & equations: Too numerous to list.
Length scale & resolution constraints: Vertically: mm to cm; Horizontally: 10s of m to 1000 of m
Time scale & resolution constraints: Days or greater. Component processes can have much higher resolutions for numerical stability.
Numerical limitations and issues : --


Available calibration data sets: --
Available test data sets: --
Ideal data for testing: --

User Groups

Currently or plans for collaborating with: None


Key papers of the model: Hutton and Syvitski, 2008 (doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2008.02.013)

Syvitski and Hutton, 2001 (doi:10.1016/S0098-3004(00)00139-4)

Is there a manual available: Yes
Model website if any:

Additional Comments

Comments: No


To report an issue with sedflux, please go to its development site on googlecode:


Input Files

Output Files


Source-Code Snapshots

Nightly Snapshot

The latest version of sedflux can be found on the CSDMS ftp site as sedflux-latest.tar.gz. This will always point to the latest version.


No releases yet

Past Snapshots

sedflux-2.0.37.tar.gz (28/12/2007)
sedflux-2.0.34.tar.gz (21/12/2007)




Input Files


Regression Tests


Visualization Files



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  1. Hutton and Syvitski, 2008. Sedflux-2.0: An advanced process-response model that generates three-dimensional stratigraphy. Computers and Geosciences, v. 34. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2008.02.013
  2. Syvitski and Hutton, 2001. 2D SEDFLUX 1.0C: an advanced process-response numerical model for the fill of marine sedimentary basins. Computers and Geosciences, v. 27. doi:10.1016/S0098-3004(00)00139-4