Grey literature references WRF
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154 |
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51 |
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465 |
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261 |
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259 |
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Grey literature reference(s) | Year | type | Cited |
Grey literature reference(s) | Year | type | Cited |
Lefèvre, Maxence; Marcq, Emmanuel; Encrenaz, Thérèse; Lefèvre, Franck; 2024. Turbulent vertical mixing of H2O and SO2 in the Venus cloud layer. , . [1] | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Gözütok, Arif Armağan; 2024. Assessment of Rain Attenuation in Satellite Telecommand Signals Using Numerical Weather Prediction Model and Artificial Neural Networks. , 1–4. 10.1109/SIU61531.2024.10600755 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Huang, Cheng-Liang; Wu, Yuan-Kang; Tsai, Chin-Cheng; Hong, Jing-Shan; Thang, Phan Quoc; 2024. Enhancing Wind Power Forecasts via Bias Correction Technologies for Numerical Weather Prediction Model. , 1–6. 10.1109/ICPS60943.2024.10563720 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
San Jose, Roberto; Perez-Camanyo, Juan Luis; 2024. Numerical simulation of localized climate scenarios impacts on vegetation co2 fluxes in the madrid region (spain) with the wrf/chem-vprm model. , 438–444. 10.7148/2024-0438 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Oikonomou, Christina; Haralambous, Haris; Tymvios, Filippos; Charalambous, Demetris; Satraki, Margarita; Kotroni, Vassiliki; Lagouvardos, Konstantinos; Loizou, Eleftherios; 2024. Development of C Y METEO Strategic Meteorological Infrastructure and Service in Cyprus. , 5595–5599. 10.1109/IGARSS53475.2024.10641201 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Mishra, Parthasarathi; Kannan, Srinivasa Ramanujam; 2024. Sensitivity of Microphysical Schemes to Predict Induced Rainfall. , 322–325. 10.1109/M2GARSS57310.2024.10537467 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Najian, Maede; Goudarzi, Navid; 2024. Sustainable Building Energy Modeling: the Synergistic Interplay of Urban Heat Island, Heat Waves, and Climate Zones. , . 10.1115/FEDSM2024-131524 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
De Vita, Ciro Giuseppe; Mellone, Gennaro; Casolaro, Angelo; Orsini, Massimiliano Giordano; Luis Gonzalez-Compean, Jose; Ciaramella, Angelo; 2024. Federated Learning and Crowdsourced Weather Data: Practice and Experience. , 1–9. 10.1109/e-Science62913.2024.10678697 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Sharma, Shivesh; Najian, Maede; Goudarzi, Navid; 2024. Towards Improving High Spatiotemporal Weather Forecast Accuracy With Data-Driven Modeling. , . 10.1115/ES2024-131519 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Medlej, Mary Joe; Giordano, Christophe; Ziad, Aziz; Rafalimanana, Alohotsy; Aristidi, Eric; Marshall, Heather K.; Spyromilio, Jason; Usuda, Tomonori; 2024. Turbulence prediction optimization using an instrumented drone. , 148. 10.1117/12.3018254 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Zhang, Yijie; Wu, Chase Q.; 2024. Towards an Intelligent Framework for Scientific Computational Steering in Big Data Systems. , 671–675. 10.1109/CCGrid59990.2024.00085 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Jittratorn, Nuttapat; Liu, Chen-Shuo; Huang, Chao-Ming; Yang, Hong-Tzer; 2024. PV Power Forecasting for Operation of BESS Integrated with a PV Generation Plant. , 1–6. 10.1109/ICIEA61579.2024.10664871 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Khiabani, Parisa Masnadi; Danala, Gopichandh; Jentner, Wolfgang; Ebert, David; 2024. Challenges in Data Integration, Monitoring, and Exploration of Methane Emissions: The Role of Data Analysis and Visualization. None, None1–6. 10.1109/EnergyVis63885.2024.00005 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Parra, Rene; Espinoza, Claudia; Caguana, Cristian; Heredia, Emilio; 2024. INFLUENCE ON AIR QUALITY OF MOVING FROM DIESEL TO ELECTRIC BUSES: THE CASE OF THE CITY OF CUENCA, ECUADOR. None, None669–681. 10.2495/SDP240551 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Bastian, Hyeyon Y.; Hoch, Brendon; Obiako, Ifezue V.; Buchanan, Randy K.; Richards, John; Rinaudo, Christina; 2024. Framework for Numerical Weather Predictions for Smart Military Installations. , 1–3. 10.1109/SysCon61195.2024.10553433 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Shi, Xiaokang; Hu, Yanbing; Li, Sen; Wang, Yuqi; Du, Hongliang; He, Zhiping; Sun, Zhi Bin; 2024. Research on the production and correction of forecasted FY-4 infrared cloud image and the correction of forecasted short-term precipitation in the far sea areas. , 39. 10.1117/12.3017934 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Lefèvre, Maxence; 2024. Diurnal cycle of the Venus near-surface dynamics. , . [2] | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Xia, Quan; Zhao, Jifeng; 2024. Research on Photovoltaic Prediction Model Based on Hybrid Model Algorithm. , 1341–1346. 10.1109/CSNT60213.2024.10546086 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Ghosal, Shubham; Singh, Manmeet; Ghude, Sachin; Kamath, Harsh; SB, Vaisakh; Wasekar, Subodh; Mahajan, Anoop; Dashtian, Hassan; Yang, Zong-Liang; Young, Michael; Niyogi, Dev; 2024. Developing Gridded Emission Inventory from High-Resolution Satellite Object Detection for Improved Air Quality Forecasts. None, NoneNone. 10.48550/ARXIV.2410.19773 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Robert, Séverine; Macovenco, Caterina; Lefèvre, Maxence; Wilson, Colin; Marcq, Emmanuel; Bézard, Bruno; Helbert, Jörn; Vandaele, Ann Carine; 2024. Detecting Venus’ volcanic gas plumes with VenSpec-H. , . [3] | 2024 | Model application | 1 |
Fanchette, Y.; Ramenah, H.; Tanougast, C.; 2024. Integrating WRF Regional Climate Model with Neural Network Models for Spatio-Temporal Photovoltaic Power Output Forecasting. , 1–6. 10.1109/SESAI61023.2024.10599413 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Lin, Fudong; Guillot, Kaleb; Crawford, Summer; Zhang, Yihe; Yuan, Xu; Tzeng, Nian-Feng; 2024. An Open and Large-Scale Dataset for Multi-Modal Climate Change-aware Crop Yield Predictions. , 5375–5386. 10.1145/3637528.3671536 | 2024 | Model application | 1 |
Αμανατίδης, Δημήτριος-Γεώργιος; Amanatidis, Dimitrios-Georgios; 2024. Τρισδιάστατες προσομοιώσεις ατμοσφαιρικής ρύπανσης και εναπόθεσης θρεπτικών στη περιοχή της Aνατολικής Μεσογείου. None, NoneNone. None | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Ροβιθάκης, Αναστάσιος; Rovithakis, Anastasios; 2024. Future climate change impact on wildfire danger over the Mediterranean: the case of Greece. , . [4] | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Zheng, Li; Shaohui, Zhou; Yingxin, Yu; Yi, Shang; Zhiqiu, Gao; 2023. Short-Term Wind Power Prediction Model Based on WRF-RF Model. , 599–604. 10.1109/ICCCBDA56900.2023.10154834 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Piliposyan, Narine; Astsatryan, Hrachya; Petrosyan, Zarmandukht; Gevorgyan, Artur; Miisakyan, Amalya; Melkonyan, Hamlet; Sahakyan, Vladimir; Abrahamyan, Rita; Grigoryan, Hayk; 2023. Posibilities for using WRF weather forecast for flood forecasting (the Aghstev river example). , 060004. 10.1063/5.0135792 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Sukawattanavijit, Chanika; Kruasilp, Jiratiwan; Kaewmesri, Pramet; Lhapawong, Kulapach; Kitratporn, Nuntikorn; Punnasiri, Kornwipa; Pumipan, Tipkamon; Chrysoulakis, Nektarios; Erbertseder, Thilo; Zhang, Ying; 2023. The future of urban air quality management in Thailand: the cutting-edge platform for monitoring and management of public health and sustainable development. , 19. 10.1117/12.2679297 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Najian, Maede; Goudarzi, Navid; 2023. Evaluating Critical Weather Parameters Using Machine Learning Models. , . 10.1115/POWER2023-108893 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Ma, J.H.; Lee, M.S.; Song, S.U.; Yoo, C.S.; 2023. Assessment of the impact of winter snowfall on the occurrence of forest fires in the east coast, Korea. , . 10.36334/modsim.2023.ma370 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Teng, J.; Bennett, J.C.; Charles, S.; Chiew, F.; Ji, F.; Potter, N.; Fu, G.; Thatcher, M.; 2023. Realised added value in rainfall trends and variance from regional climate models. , . 10.36334/modsim.2023.teng316 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Sengupta, Manajit; Yang, Jaemo; Xie, Yu; 2023. Forecasting Day-Ahead Solar Irradiance for Puerto Rico Using the WRF Model and NSRDB. , 1–3. 10.1109/PVSC48320.2023.10359648 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Bampzelis, Dimitrios; Kartsios, Stergios; Pytharoulis, Ioannis; Kostopoulos, Vassilios; Spyrou, Christos; Tegoulias, Ioannis; Zanis, Prodromos; 2023. Synoptic, Dynamic Analysis and Numerical Simulations of Extreme Flood Cases in Pieria Region. , 65. 10.3390/environsciproc2023026065 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Qin, Yu; Johnson, Graham; Summa, Brian; 2023. Topological Guided Detection of Extreme Wind Phenomena: Implications for Wind Energy. , 16–20. 10.1109/EnergyVis60781.2023.00010 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Yang, J.C.; Jiang, X.W.; Bo, X.; Wang, G.; Feng, Y.; 2023. Application of WRF Optimal Parameterization Scheme for Different Air Quality Models. , . 10.13227/j.hjkx.202203077 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
A. Strebkova, Ekaterina; V. Starchenko, Alexander; Romanovskii, Oleg A.; 2023. Application the complex WRF/CAMx models to study the influence of adverse weather conditions on air quality in Tomsk city. , 229. 10.1117/12.2690923 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Antoniou, Anna; Tsegas, George; Moussiopoulos, Nicolas; 2023. Dynamical downscaling of medium- and short-term climate series for assessing climate impacts on a world heritage site. , . 10.30955/gnc2023.00358 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Montoya-Rincon, Juan P.; Gamarro, Harold; Gonzalez-Cruz, Jorge E.; 2023. Characterization of Hurricane Boundary Layer Winds on Power Towers Using a High-Resolution LES Weather Simulation. , 405–409. 10.1109/ISGT-LA56058.2023.10328253 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
de Vita, Ciro Giuseppe; Mellone, Gennaro; Florio, Aniello; Charles, Catherine Alessandra Torres; Di Luccio, Diana; Lapegna, Marco; Benassai, Guido; Budillon, Giorgio; Montella, Raffaele; 2023. Parallel and hierarchically-distributed Shoreline Alert Model (SAM). , 109–113. 10.1109/PDP59025.2023.00024 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Ullwer, Carmen; Sprung, Detlev; Stein, Karin; van Eijk, Alexander M. J.; Gladysz, Szymon; 2023. Sensitivity study on the number of height levels used in a numerical weather model to determine the vertical profile of Cn2. , 23. 10.1117/12.2684371 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Joshi, Ketaki; Khan, Ansar; Deb, Chirag; Anand, Prashant; 2023. Heat Wave Impact on Urban Heat, Thermal Comfort and Energy Consumption in Nashik City. , 519–527. 10.1145/3600100.3627033 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Pineda, Israel; Piispa, Elisa J.; Williams, Scott L.; Solis-Aulestia, María; 2023. Meso-scale Standard Evapotranspiration ‘Climate’ Classification Derived From Numerical Weather Prediction Models And Artificial Intelligence. , 3842–3845. 10.1109/IGARSS52108.2023.10282877 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Di Paola, F.; Cimini, D.; De Natale, M. P.; Gallucci, D.; Geraldi, E.; Gentile, S.; Genzano, N.; Larosa, S.; Nilo, S. T.; Ricciardelli, E.; Romano, F.; Tramutoli, V.; Viggiano, M.; 2023. Weather Forecast Downscaling for Applications in Smart Agriculture and Precision Farming using Artificial Neural Networks. , 2791–2794. 10.1109/IGARSS52108.2023.10283439 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Georgiou, Thanasis; Rizos, Konstantinos; Tsikerdekis, Athanasios; Proestakis, Emmanouil; Gkikas, Antonis; Baars, Holger; Floutsi, Athena Augusta; Drakaki, Eleni; Kampouri, Anna; Marinou, Eleni; Donovan, Dave; Benedetti, Angela; McLean, Will; Retscher, Christian; Melas, Dimitrios; Amiridis, Vassilis; 2023. Utilizing AEOLUS to Improve Dust Transport Modelling. , 193. 10.3390/environsciproc2023026193 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Mateus, P.; Nico, G.; Catalão, J.; 2023. INSAR vs GNSS Meteorology: How Important is the Spatial Density of Measurements?. , 3838–3841. 10.1109/IGARSS52108.2023.10283122 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Samos, Ioannis; Flocas, Helena; Louka, Petroula; 2023. A Background Error Statistics Analysis over the Mediterranean: The Impact on 3DVAR Data Assimilation. , 158. 10.3390/environsciproc2023026158 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Saxena, Shikhar; Agrawal, Sonam; 2023. Numerical Simulation of Surface Albedo and Temperature Over New Delhi Using Nested WRF Model. , 1–4. 10.1109/InGARSS59135.2023.10490357 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Rovithakis, Anastasios; Voulgarakis, Apostolos; 2023. Modeling the Air Pollution and Weather Feedback from Wildfire Emissions with WRF–Chem over Greece. , 201. 10.3390/environsciproc2023026201 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Gao, Jian; Ling, Xiaolu; Liu, Wenhao; Xue, Yong; Tang, Zeyu; 2023. Numerical Simulation of a Primary Air Pollution Process in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region based on WRF-Chem. , 872–875. 10.1109/IGARSS52108.2023.10282102 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Shu, Chang; Gaur, Abhishek; Wang, Liangzhu (Leon); Lacasse, Michael; 2023. Evolution of the Local Climate in Montreal and Ottawa Before, During and after a Heatwave and the Effects on Urban Heat Islands. , . 10.2139/ssrn.4348379 | 2023 | Model application | 12 |
Liu, Hanyuan; 2023. The behavior of the atmospheric boundary layer in the vicinity of the Gulf Stream sea surface temperature front. , . [5] | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Pierzyna, Maximilian; Saathof, Rudolf; Basu, Sukanta; Stein, Karin; Gladysz, Szymon; 2023. A multi-physics ensemble modeling framework for reliable C2n estimation. , 24. 10.1117/12.2680997 | 2023 | Model application | 2 |
Maali Amiri, Mojtaba; Osmar de Almeida, Jeferson; Bergman-Fonte, Clarissa; Shadman, Milad; F. Estefen, Segen; 2023. Impact of Wake Effect on the Levelized Cost of Energy for a Wind Farm Offshore Rio De Janeiro. , . 10.1115/OMAE2023-102271 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Πολίτη, Κωνσταντίνα; Politi, Konstantina; 2023. Seasonal assessment of climate conditions favouring drought with the use of downscaling methods under different climate change scenarios. , . [6] | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Chaskos, Dimitrios C.; Lolis, Christos J.; Kotroni, Vasiliki; Bartzokas, Aristides; 2023. On the Dependence of WRF Model Air Temperature and Precipitation Forecast Skill on the Weather Type for Northwestern Greece. , 165. 10.3390/environsciproc2023026165 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Στεργίου, Ιωάννης; Stergiou, Ioannis; 2023. Performance evaluation of the WRF model for short -and long- term studies over Europe. , . [7] | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Κατωπόδης, Θεόδωρος; Katopodis, Theodoros; 2023. Επιχειρησιακή συνέχεια λειτουργιών και ανθεκτικότητα εγκαταστάσεων απέναντι στις επιπτώσεις της κλιματικής αλλαγής: η περίπτωση των Ελληνικών Πετρελαίων. , . [8] | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Padian, Elizabeth; 2023. Application of a High-Resolution Climate Model Dataset to Assess Habitat Suitability for Spotted Wing Drosophila in Southwest Idaho. , . [9] | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Knepper, Richard; Pryor, Sara; Wineholt, Bennett; Bukovsky, Melissa; Lee, Jared; Zhou, Xin; 2023. The I-WRF Framework: Containerized Weather Modeling, Validation, and Verification. , 206–210. 10.1145/3569951.3597547 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Rzeszutek, Mateusz; Kłosowska, Adriana; 2023. Accuracy Assessment of WRF Model in the Context of Air Quality Modeling in Complex Terrain. , . 10.2139/ssrn.4358524 | 2023 | Model application | 2 |
Σιούτη, Ευαγγελία; Siouti, Evangelia; 2023. Air quality forecasting in an urban area at high spatial resolution. , . [10] | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Kolesnik, Andrii; Shakirzanova, Zhannetta; 2023. Methodological basics of forecasting floods on the rivers of Transcarpattia. , 11–11. 10.15407/icys-mhem.2023.011 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Lee, Yi-Ju; Cheng, Fang-Yi; Feng, Chih-Yung; Yang, Zhih-Min; 2023. Impact of the weighted loss function on the innovative CMAQ-CNN PM 2.5 forecasting model. , 2261–2266. 10.1109/APSIPAASC58517.2023.10317249 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Balaji, Adarsha; Balaprakash, Prasanna; 2023. Application - Hardware Co-Optimization of Crossbar-Based Neuromorphic Systems. , 1253–1260. 10.1109/ICMLA58977.2023.00189 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Mall, Martin; Suursaar, Ulo; Gomez, Matias; Nakamura, Ryota; 2022. Extreme Cyclones and Storm Surges in the Past and Future Climates: A Sensitivity Study for the Baltic Sea Region. , 6498–6501. 10.1109/IGARSS46834.2022.9884136 | 2022 | Model application | 0 |
Makar, Pragnya; Pant, Vimlesh; 2022. Numerical simulations of tropical cyclones Amphan and Nisarga with incorporation of sea surface temperature in the model. , 1–6. 10.1109/OCEANSChennai45887.2022.9775250 | 2022 | Model application | 1 |
Cui, Xiyou; Li, Hongwei; Pan, Zhiyuan; Zhang, Zhengmao; 2022. Data-Driven Physics Based Ultra-short-term Wind Power Prediction Model: A VMD-LSTM and WRF Based Approach. , 2093–2097. 10.1109/SPIES55999.2022.10082538 | 2022 | Model application | 1 |
Adilkhanova, Indira; Santamouris, Mat; Yun, Geun Young; 2022. Investigating the impact of local climatic conditions and cool materials on the energy consumption of the urban building stock; a case study of Seoul. , 1–4. 10.23919/SpliTech55088.2022.9854232 | 2022 | Model application | 0 |
Gallagher, Alex; LeGrand, Sandra; Hodgdon, Taylor; Letcher, Theodore; 2022. Simulating environmental conditions for Southwest United States convective dust storms using the Weather Research and Forecasting Model v4.1. , . [11] | 2022 | Model application | 2 |
Duan, Kuiquan; Li, Qingbo; Liu, Hui; Zhou, Fuming; Lu, Jie; Chen, Ke; Lin, Nan; Meštrović, Romeo; Oliveira, Teresa A.; Cen, Fengjie; Yin, Hong-Ming; 2022. Characteristics analysis of air pollution source emission in Qinhuangdao based on WRF/CALPUFF model. , 72. 10.1117/12.2627587 | 2022 | Model application | 0 |
Privezentsev, Alexey Ivanovich; Prohanov, Sergey Anatolievich; Fazliev, Alexander Zaripovich; Starchenko, Alexander Vasilevich; Strebkova, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna; 2022. The automated software complex Meteo+ for modeling short-term weather forecasts and assessing ground-level air quality in urban agglomeration. , 406–418. 10.20948/abrau-2022-19 | 2022 | Model application | 0 |
Rafalimanana, Alohotsy; Giordano, Christophe; Ziad, Aziz; Aristidi, Eric; Fanteï-Caujolle, Yan; Bailet, Christophe; Schmidt, Dirk; Schreiber, Laura; Vernet, Elise; 2022. Towards an optimal prediction of the optical turbulence in the ground layer by means of an instrumented drone. , 228. 10.1117/12.2630032 | 2022 | Model application | 2 |
Solis-Aulestia, Maria; Pineda, Israel; Piispa, Elisa J.; Williams, Scott L.; 2022. Evaluation of Evapotranspiration Classification Using Self Organizing Maps and Weather Research and Forecasting Variables. , 3195–3198. 10.1109/IGARSS46834.2022.9883703 | 2022 | Model application | 1 |
Ye, ZiJian; Zhong, MingJie; Powell, Warwick; Tolba, Amr; 2022. Analysis of individual cases of foggy environment in Qiongzhou Strait based on numerical simulation. , 53. 10.1117/12.2642616 | 2022 | Model application | 0 |
Καρυπίδου, Μαρία-Χαρά; Karypidou, Maria-Chara; 2022. Estimating errors and uncertainties of precipitation in regional climate simulations over southern Africa: investigation of physical processes. , . [12] | 2022 | Model application | 0 |
Arab, Azadeh Razavi; Bernstein, Diana N.; Shankar, C. Gowri; Cambazoglu, Mustafa Kemal; Wiggert, Jeremy David; 2022. Improvement of Wind Data Quality for Extreme Wave Generation over the Northern Gulf of Mexico. , 1–6. 10.1109/OCEANS47191.2022.9977355 | 2022 | Model application | 1 |
Rais, Achmad Fahruddin; Putra, Richard Mahendra; Fitrianto, Muchamat Agus; Hermansyah, Teddy; 2022. A Preliminary Comparative Study on the Feasibility of a Multipurpose Numerical Weather Model for Prediction of Cumulonimbus Clouds in Indonesia. , 1–6. 10.1109/ICOSTECH54296.2022.9829049 | 2022 | Model application | 2 |
Agrawal, Nisha; Das, Abhishek; Modani, Manish; 2022. Scalability Analysis of Weather Research Forecast Model on NVIDIA Ampere based Dense GPU Cluster. , 1–6. 10.1109/IC3SIS54991.2022.9885396 | 2022 | Model application | 1 |
Xu, Haibo; Canals, Miguel; Rivera, Adail; 2022. High Resolution Modeling of Coastal Circulation Using FVCOM in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. , 1–12. 10.1109/OCEANSChennai45887.2022.9775354 | 2022 | Model application | 2 |
Zhuang, Shuhan; Fang, Sheng; Dong, Xinwen; 2022. Local-Scale Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling of Radionuclides Following the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident Using SWIFT-RIMPUFF. , . 10.1115/ICONE29-90748 | 2022 | Model application | 0 |
Yun Ng, Nigel Yuan; Gopalan, Harish; Raghavan, Venugopalan S. G.; Ooi, Chin Chun; 2022. Day-Ahead Forecasting for the Tropics with Numerical Weather Prediction and Machine Learning. , 125–130. 10.1109/ICARCV57592.2022.10004290 | 2022 | Model application | 0 |
Mukherjee, Abir; Malakar, Preeti; 2022. A Deep Learning-Based In Situ Analysis Framework for Tropical Cyclogenesis Prediction. , 166–175. 10.1109/HiPC56025.2022.00032 | 2022 | Model application | 0 |
Kirova, Hristina; Syrakov, Dimiter; Prodanova, Maria; Georgieva, Emilia; Atanassov, Dimiter; 2022. BACKGROUND CONCENTRATION OF AIR POLLUTANTS FOR SOFIA CITY � ANALYSIS FOR SUMMER AND WINTER MONTHS. , 279–286. 10.5593/sgem2022/4.1/s19.36 | 2022 | Model application | 2 |
Freire, J.L.M.; Emiliavaca, S.A.S.; Von Conta, G.S.; de Sousa, A.R.; 2022. AVALIAÇÃO DAS PREVISÕES NUMÉRICAS DE CURTO PRAZO DA IRRADIÂNCIA SOLAR PARA REGIÃO DE ILHA SOLTEIRA - SP. , . 10.59627/cbens.2022.1213 | 2022 | Model application | 1 |
Touloupou, Marios; Kapassa, Evgenia; Rizou, Stamatia; 2022. Cloud Orchestration for Optimized Computing Efficiency: The Case of Wind Resource Modelling. , 79–84. 10.1109/CloudNet55617.2022.9978809 | 2022 | Model application | 0 |
Chunmei, Li; Qingxiang, Meng; 2022. Urban expansion and its impact on urban heat island intensity: a case study of Chengdu City, China. , 1–6. 10.1109/Geoinformatics57846.2022.9963840 | 2022 | Model application | 1 |
Yang, Mingxiang; Xu, Zhao; Feng, Tao; Cen, Fengjie; Bouras, Christos J.; Yaakob, Razali; 2022. Multi-scale evaluation method of wind energy resources based on numerical model. , 73. 10.1117/12.2627755 | 2022 | Model application | 0 |
Bhavithra, R. S.; Sannasiraj, S. A.; 2022. Cyclonic Wave Field in the Bay of Bengal Region Under Changing Climate Scenarios. , . 10.1115/OMAE2022-79092 | 2022 | Model application | 1 |
Ko, Jeong-Su; Lim, Kyo-Sun Sunny; Kim, Kwonil; Lee, Gyuwon; Thompson, Gregory; Berne, Alexis; 2022. Simulated microphysical properties of winter storms from bulk-type microphysics schemes and their evaluation in the WRF (v4.1.3) model during the ICE-POP 2018 field campaign. , . 10.5194/gmd-2021-417 | 2022 | Model application | 1 |
Strebkova, Ekaterina A.; Starchenko, Alexander V.; Kizhner, Lubov I.; Romanovskii, Oleg A.; Matvienko, Gennadii G.; 2022. The study of air quality at cold weather in Tomsk City with complex of WRF/CAMx models. , 187. 10.1117/12.2644921 | 2022 | Model application | 2 |
Delfino, Rafaela Jane; Bagtasa, Gerry; Hodges, Kevin; Vidale, Pier Luigi; 2022. Sensitivity of simulating Typhoon Haiyan (2013) using WRF: the role of cumulus convection, surface flux parameterizations, spectral nudging and initial and boundary conditions. , . 10.5194/nhess-2021-400 | 2022 | Model application | 10 |
Lama, Srijana; Houweling, Sander; Boersma, K. Folkert; Aben, Ilse; Denier Van Der Gon, Hugo A. C.; Krol, Maarten C.; 2022. Estimation of OH in urban plume using TROPOMI inferred NO2/CO. , . 10.1002/essoar.10510109.1 | 2022 | Model application | 10 |
Samuel, Kaissassou; Komkoua, Armand; Igri, Pascal; Tanessong, Romeo; Embolo, Guy; Melingui, Achille; Rigong, Honore; 2022. Improve Our Understanding on the Effect of Lead Time Forecasting in Wrf Over Northern – Cameroon Region.. , . 10.21203/rs.3.rs-1239306/v1 | 2022 | Model application | 0 |
Callewaert, Sieglinde; Brioude, Jérôme; Langerock, Bavo; Duflot, Valentin; Fonteyn, Dominique; Müller, Jean-François; Metzger, Jean-Marc; Hermans, Christian; Kumps, Nicolas; Mahieu, Emmanuel; De Mazière, Martine; 2022. Analysis of CO<sub>2</sub>, CH<sub>4</sub> and CO surface and column concentrations observed at Reunion Island by assessing WRF-Chem simulations. , . 10.5194/acp-2022-106 | 2022 | Model application | 6 |
Morichetti, Mauro; Madronich, Sasha; Passerini, Giorgio; Rizza, Umberto; Mancinelli, Enrico; Virgili, Simone; Barth, Mary; 2022. Comparison and evaluation of updates to WRF-Chem (v3.9) biogenic emissions using MEGAN. , . 10.5194/gmd-2022-15 | 2022 | Model application | 4 |
Xue, Yang; Wu, Qifei; Sun, Haoying; Zhang, Tao; 2022. Air quality prediction model based on genetic algorithm and weighted extreme learning machine. , 251. 10.1117/12.2641287 | 2022 | Model application | 1 |
Shiferaw, Andualem; Tadesse, Tsegaye; Rowe, Clinton; 2022. Weather Research and Forecasting Model Sensitivity to Choice of Parameterization over Ethiopia. , . 10.20944/preprints202202.0239.v1 | 2022 | Model application | 0 |
Khvorostovsky, K. S.; Yarusov, K. I.; Zabolotskikh, E. V.; 2022. Evaluation of Model Simulations of Polar Lows with Satellite Data. , 1004–1008. 10.1109/PIERS55526.2022.9793158 | 2022 | Model application | 0 |
Taylor, Peter Allan; Chen, Zheqi; Cheng, Li; Afsharian, Soudeh; Weng, Wensong; Isaac, George A.; Bullock, Terry W.; Chen, Yongsheng; 2021. Surface deposition of marine fog and its treatment in the WRF model. , . 10.5194/acp-2021-344 | 2021 | Model application | 3 |
Neethu, C; Ramesh, Kv; 2021. High Resolution Spatio-Temporal Variability of Heat Wave Impacts Quantified by Thermal Comfort Indices. , . 10.21203/rs.3.rs-839624/v1 | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Gorodetskaya, Irina; Rowe, Penny; Kalesse, Heike; Seifert, Patric; Park, Sang-Jong; Choi, Yonghan; Cordero, Raul; 2021. Atmospheric rivers landfalling at the Antarctic Peninsula: the Year of Polar Prediction summer special observing period measurements for model and forecast improvement . , . [13] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Cuccoli, Fabrizio; Facheris, Luca; Argenti, Fabrizio; Mazzinghi, Agnese; Antonini, Andrea; Rovai, Luca; 2021. Power Spectral Ratio for Estimating the Liquid Water Content Between Two Corotating LEO Satellites. , 7228–7231. 10.1109/IGARSS47720.2021.9553807 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Fustos, Ivo; Manque, Nataly; Vásquez, Daniel; Hermosilla, Mauricio; Letelier, Viviana; 2021. Rainfall-Induced Landslide Early Warning System based on corrected mesoscale numerical models: an application for the Southern Andes. , . 10.5194/nhess-2021-317 | 2021 | Model application | 6 |
Noone, Clare; Preißler, Jana; 2021. WRF Evaluation During Storm Ophelia Using Remote Sensing and In-situ Measurements at Mace Head, Ireland. , . 10.20944/preprints202109.0093.v1 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Kolomeets, Ludmila; Smyshlyaev, Sergei P.; Romanovskii, Oleg A.; Matvienko, Gennadii G.; 2021. Regional and global lightning activity effect on the composition and properties of the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere. , 331. 10.1117/12.2604068 | 2021 | Model application | 2 |
Huang, Yongjie; Wu, Wei; McFarquhar, Greg M.; Xue, Ming; Morrison, Hugh; Milbrandt, Jason; Korolev, Alexei V.; Hu, Yachao; Qu, Zhipeng; Wolde, Mengistu; Nguyen, Cuong; Schwarzenboeck, Alfons; Heckman, Ivan; 2021. Microphysical processes producing high ice water contents (HIWCs) in tropical convective clouds during the HAIC-HIWC field campaign: dominant role of secondary ice production. , . 10.5194/acp-2021-781 | 2021 | Model application | 11 |
Kilicarslan, Berina; Yucel, Ismail; Pilatin, Heves; Duzenli, Eren; Yılmaz, Mustafa; 2021. Improving WRF-Hydro Runoff Predictions of Heavy Floods Through Higher Spatio-Temporal Sea Surface Temperature Products. , . 10.22541/au.161278398.86885570/v1 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Vemuri, Adithya; Buckingham, Sophia; Munters, Wim; Helsen, Jan; Van Beeck, Jeroen; 2021. Sensitivity analysis of mesoscale simulations to physics parameterizations: a case study of storm Ciara over the Belgian North Sea using WRF-ARW. , . 10.5194/wes-2021-137 | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Zaccarelli-Marino, Maria Angela; Balderi, Thalles; Crepaldi, Felipe; Alessi, Rudá; Martins, Marco; 2021. SARS-CoV-2 and Exposure to Pollution of the Population Near an Industrial Area in the Metropolitan Region in São Paulo State, Brazil. , . 10.21203/rs.3.rs-471704/v1 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Furnari, Luca; Magnusson, Linus; Mendicino, Giuseppe; Senatore, Alfonso; 2021. Fully coupled high-resolution medium-range forecasts: evaluation of the hydrometeorological impact in an ensemble framework. , . 10.22541/au.161276443.31431062/v1 | 2021 | Model application | 3 |
Starchenko, Alexander V.; Kizhner, Lubov I.; Svarovsky, Artem I.; Prokhanov, Sergey A.; Romanovskii, Oleg A.; Matvienko, Gennadii G.; 2021. Sensitivity analysis of the physical parameterizations in the WRF model on the prediction accuracy of meteorological parameters. , 236. 10.1117/12.2603387 | 2021 | Model application | 5 |
Chen, Yu-Cheng; Cheng, Fang-Yi; Yang, Cheng-Pei; Lin, Tzu-Ping; 2021. Explore the Accuracy of the Pedestrian Level Temperature Estimated by the Combination of LCZ with WRF Urban Canopy Model through the Microclimate Measurement Network. , 14. 10.3390/ecas2021-10349 | 2021 | Model application | 4 |
Lin, Chuan-Yao; Sheng, Yang-Fan; Chen, Wan-Chin; Chou, Charles C. K.; Chien, Yi-Yun; Chen, Wen-Mei; 2021. Air quality deterioration episode associated with typhoon over the complex topographic environment in central Taiwan. , . 10.5194/acp-2021-204 | 2021 | Model application | 3 |
Fischereit, Jana; Schaldemose Hansen, Kurt; Larsén, Xiaoli Guo; Van Der Laan, Maarten Paul; Réthoré, Pierre-Elouan; Murcia Leon, Juan Pablo; 2021. Comparing and validating intra-farm and farm-to-farm wakes across different mesoscale and high-resolution wake models. , . 10.5194/wes-2021-106 | 2021 | Model application | 29 |
Nguyen, Phuong; Gite, Rahul; Yang, Zhifeng; Halem, Milton; 2021. Deep Neural Network Architecture Search for Emulating Physical Parameterization of Planetary Boundary Layer Height. , 7119–7122. 10.1109/IGARSS47720.2021.9554925 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Lu, Yen-Sen; Franke, Philipp; Jerger, Dorit; 2021. Optimizing cloud cover prediction by the Ensemble for Stochastic Integration of Atmospheric Simulations (ESIAS). , . [14] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Kilicarslan, Berina; Yucel, Ismail; Pilatin, Heves; Duzenli, Eren; Yılmaz, Mustafa; 2021. Investigation of the Added Utility of Different SST products in Prediction of Floods with WRF-Hydro Modeling System over Eastern Black Sea and Mediterranean Regions. , . 10.22541/au.161042733.34618021/v1 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Wu, Xue; Hoffmann, Lars; Wright, Corwin James; Hindley, Neil P; Kalisch, Silvio; Alexander, M. Joan; Wang, Yinan; 2021. Stratospheric Gravity Waves as a Proxy for Hurricane Intensification: a Case Study of Mesoscale Simulations for Hurricane Joaquin. , . 10.1002/essoar.10507105.1 | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Georgakaki, Paraskevi; Sotiropoulou, Georgia; Vignon, Étienne; Billault-Roux, Anne-Claire; Berne, Alexis; Nenes, Athanasios; 2021. Secondary ice production processes in wintertime alpine mixed-phase clouds. , . 10.5194/acp-2021-760 | 2021 | Model application | 27 |
Thodsan, Thippawan; Wu, Falin; Torsri, Kritanai; Yang, Gongliu; 2021. Evaluation of 3DVAR Data Assimilation with Automatic Weather Station Data for Heavy Rainfall Forecasting in Thailand. , 7263–7266. 10.1109/IGARSS47720.2021.9553961 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Zhang, Jingwei; Ran, Haiyan; Guo, Yitian; Xue, Chaoyang; Liu, Xingang; Qu, Yu; Sun, Yele; Zhang, Qiang; Mu, Yujing; Chen, Yong; Wang, Jing; 2021. High crop yield losses induced by potential HONO sources —— a case study in the North China Plain. , . 10.21203/rs.3.rs-210489/v1 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Dicopoulos, Jaden; Brodie, Joseph F.; Glenn, Scott; Kohut, Josh; Miles, Travis; Seroka, Greg; Dunk, Rich; Fredj, Erick; 2021. Weather Research and Forecasting model validation with NREL specifications over the New York/New Jersey Bight for offshore wind development. , 1–7. 10.23919/OCEANS44145.2021.9705742 | 2021 | Model application | 3 |
Bae, Jeong-Ho; Min, Ki-Hong; 2021. Precipitation Forecast Characteristics of Radar Data Assimilation Based on Precipitation Types. , . 10.20944/preprints202111.0450.v1 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Yang, Hao; Chen, Lei; Liao, Hong; Zhu, Jia; Wang, Wenjie; Li, Xin; 2021. Impacts of aerosol-photolysis interaction and aerosol-radiation feedback on surface-layer ozone in North China during a multi-pollutant air pollution episode. , . 10.5194/acp-2021-119 | 2021 | Model application | 20 |
Lopez-Noreña, Ana Isabel; Berná, Lucas; Tames, María Florencia; Millán, Emmanuel; Puliafito, Enrique; Fernandez, Rafael Pedro; 2021. Evaluation of NO2, O3, PM10, and PM2.5 in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina using WRF-Chem model. , . [15] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Raparelli, Edoardo; Tuccella, Paolo; Colaiuda, Valentina; Marzano, Frank Silvio; 2021. Snow cover prediction in the Italian Central Apennines using weather forecast and snowpack numerical models. , . 10.5194/tc-2021-285 | 2021 | Model application | 4 |
Bolgiani, Pedro; Díaz-Fernández, Javier; Quitián-Hernández, Lara; Sastre, Mariano; Santos-Muñoz, Daniel; Farrán, José Ignacio; González-Alemán, Juan Jesús; Valero, Francisco; Martín, María Luisa; 2021. On the effective resolution of WRF simulations at microscale grid resolution.. , . [16] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Denamiel, Cléa; Pranić, Petra; Ivanković, Damir; Tojčić, Iva; Vilibić, Ivica; 2021. Performance of the Adriatic Sea and Coast (AdriSC) climate component – a COAWST V3.3-based coupled atmosphere-ocean modelling suite: atmospheric part. , . 10.5194/gmd-2021-3 | 2021 | Model application | 5 |
Meroni, Agostino N; Mascitelli, Alessandra; Barindelli, Stefano; Petrushevsky, Naomi; Manzoni, Marco; Molinari, Monia E; Gatti, Andrea; Tagliaferro, Giulio; Lagasio, Martina; Parodi, Antonio; Realini, Eugenio; Monti-Guarnieri, Andrea V; Venuti, Giovanna; 2021. Towards the integration of GNSS, SAR and NWP for heavy rainfall forecast in sub-Saharan Africa within the TWIGA project. , . [17] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Kirchgaessner, Amélie; King, John; Gadian, Alan; Anderson, Phil; 2021. Simulations of Föhn in Antarctica with WRF for the Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System AMPS. , . [18] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Strebkova, Ekaterina A.; Starchenko, Alexander V.; Romanovskii, Oleg A.; Matvienko, Gennadii G.; 2021. Modeling of atmospheric air quality in the Tomsk using WRF/CAMx complex. , 322. 10.1117/12.2603757 | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Hedar, Abdel-Rahman; Almaraashi, Majid; Abdel-Hakim, Alaa E.; Abdulrahim, Mahmoud; 2021. Hybrid Machine Learning for Solar Radiation Prediction in Reduced Feature Spaces. , . 10.20944/preprints202111.0202.v1 | 2021 | Model application | 10 |
Sánchez-Ccoyllo, Odón; Llacza, Alan; Castesana, Paula; 2021. Evaluating Predicting Aerosol PM10 Concentrations with the WRF-Chem Model, in Lima, in February 2018. , . 10.11159/iceptp21.lx.105 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Román-Cascón, Carlos; Lothon, Marie; Lohou, Fabienne; Hartogensis, Oscar; Vila-Guerau De Arellano, Jordi; Pino, David; Yagüe, Carlos; Pardyjak, Eric R.; 2021. Surface representation impacts on turbulent heat fluxes in WRF (v.4.1.3). , . 10.5194/gmd-2020-371 | 2021 | Model application | 2 |
Simon, Jason; Waterman, Tyler; Hay-Chapman, Finley; Dirmeyer, Paul; Bragg, Andrew; Chaney, Nathaniel; 2021. An Analysis of the Importance of a Fully-Coupled Atmosphere and Land-Surface When Considering the Impact of Multi-Scale Land Spatial Heterogeneity on Cloud Development. , . [19] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Rafalimanana, Alohotsy; Giordano, Christophe; Ziad, Aziz; Aristidi, Eric; Sodnik, Zoran; Cugny, Bruno; Karafolas, Nikos; 2021. Prediction of atmospheric turbulence by means of WRF model for optical communications. , 159. 10.1117/12.2599659 | 2021 | Model application | 7 |
Mulero-Martinez, Roberto; Román-Cascón, Carlos; Lothon, Marie; Lohou, Fabienne; Yagüe, Carlos; Álvarez, Óscar; Bruno, Miguel; Gómez-Enri, Jesús; Izquierdo, Alfredo; Mañanes, Rafael; Adame, José Antonio; 2021. How are the coastal breezes affected by changes in the land surface? Analysis from a case study using WRF. , . [20] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Klausner, Theresa; Huntrieser, Heidi; Aufmhoff, Heinfried; Baumann, Robert; Fiehn, Alina; Gottschaldt, Klaus-Dirk; Hedelt, Pascal; Ilić, Predrag; Jöckel, Patrick; Kurilić, Sanja Mrazovac; Loyola, Diego; Makroum, Ismail; Mertens, Mariano; Podraščanin, Zorica; Roiger, Anke; 2021. First airborne in situ SO2 observations of two coal-fired power plants in Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina: Potential for top-down emission estimate and satellite validation . , . [21] | 2021 | Model application | 2 |
Breuer, Hajnalka; Zempléni, Zsuzsanna; Varga, Ákos; 2021. Application of the complete CORINE land covers for modelling in WRF model. , . [22] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Chinyoka, Sinclair; Hedde, Thierry; Steeneveld, Gert-Jan; 2021. Using an Artificial Neural Network to improve operational wind prediction in a small unresolved valley. , . [23] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Wolff, Sebastian; Reum, Friedemann; Kiemle, Christoph; Ehret, Gerhard; Quatrevalet, Mathieu; Wirth, Martin; Fix, Andreas; 2021. Estimating local CH4 emissions in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin using inverse modelling. , . [24] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Shahi, Namendra Kumar; Polcher, Jan; Bastin, Sophie; Pennel, Romain; Fita, Lluís; 2021. Assessment of the spatial variability of the added value on precipitation of convection-permitting simulation over the Iberian Peninsula using the RegIPSL regional earth system model. , . [25] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Huo, Yiling; Peltier, William Richard; Chandan, Deepak; 2021. Mid-Holocene monsoons in South and Southeast Asia: dynamically downscaled simulations and the influence of the Green Sahara. , . [26] | 2021 | Model application | 2 |
Moustakis, Yiannis; Fatichi, Simone; Onof, Christian J; Paschalis, Athanasios; 2021. Assessing the impact of rainfall intensification on ecosystem productivity. , . [27] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Wang, Wei; Liu, Jia; Li, Chuanzhe; Yu, Fuliang; Liu, Yuchen; 2021. Soil moisture simulation with the WRF-Hydro modeling system by involving a more precise infiltration process module. , . [28] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Lima, Daniela C.A.; Cardoso, Rita M.; Soares, Pedro M.M.; 2021. Response of the surface climate to different land surface models: WRF sensitivity to surface model options. , . [29] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Liu, Fei; Tao, Zhining; Beirle, Steffen; Joiner, Joanna; Yoshida, Yasuko; Smith, Steven J.; Knowland, K. Emma; Wagner, Thomas; 2021. Supplementary material to "A new method for inferring city emissions and lifetimes of nitrogen oxides from high-resolution nitrogen dioxide observations: A model study". , . [30] | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Román-Cascón, Carlos; Mulero-Martínez, Roberto; Bruno, Miguel; Yagüe, Carlos; Lothon, Marie; Lohou, Fabienne; Álvarez, Oscar; Gómez-Enri, Jesus; Izquierdo, Alfredo; Mañanes, Rafael; Adame, Jose Antonio; 2021. How do the sea and the land conditions affect the coastal breezes? 20 days analysed from WRF simulations in the Gulf of Cádiz (Iberian Peninsula). , . [31] | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Quevedo, José; Firmo Kazay, Daniel; Maria Werlang, Mariana; Gomes, Giovanni; Takahashi, Roberto; Zaicovski, Marcelo; Villanueva Aguero, Tannia; Fariña Jara, José Maria; 2021. Coupling meteorological forecasts with hydrologic and hydraulic models: The Itaipu Dam ensemble inflow forecasting system. , . [32] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Tang, Wenfu; Edwards, David P.; Emmons, Louisa K.; Worden, Helen M.; Judd, Laura M.; Lamsal, Lok N.; Al-Saadi, Jassim A.; Janz, Scott J.; Crawford, James H.; Deeter, Merritt N.; Pfister, Gabriele; Buchholz, Rebecca R.; Gaubert, Benjamin; Nowlan, Caroline R.; 2021. Assessing sub-grid variability within satellite pixels using airborne mapping spectrometer measurements. , . 10.5194/amt-14-4639-2021 | 2021 | Model application | 9 |
Luque, Solange E.; Fita, Lluis; Rojas, Andrea L. Pineda; 2021. WRF model set-up analysis for air quality simulations in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires. , 1–4. 10.1109/CASAP54985.2021.9703379 | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Amaro, Osmany Lorenzo; 2021. Study of Two Upper Cold Lows and Their Relationship with Locally Intense Rain. , 42. 10.3390/ecas2021-10323 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Federico, Stefano; Comellas Prat, Albert; Torcasio, Rosa Claudia; D'Adderio, Leo Pio; Dietrich, Stefano; Panegrossi, Giulia; 2021. Medicane Ianos: a comparative study between WRF model and satellite measurements. , . [33] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Dhib, Saoussen; Homar, Víctor; Bargaoui, Zoubeida; Vich, Mariadelmar; 2021. Sensitivity of the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) to downscaling extreme events over Northern Tunisia. , . 10.5194/nhess-2020-376 | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Munson, Jordan; Vaughan, Joseph; Lamb, Brian; Lee, Yunha; 2021. Decadal Evaluation of the AIRPACT Regional Air Quality Forecast System in the Pacific Northwest from 2009-2018. , . 10.31223/X5J61T | 2021 | Model application | 3 |
Parodi, Antonio; Temme, Marco; Gluchshenko, Olga; Kerschbaum, Markus; Surian, Nicola; Biondi, Riccardo; Realini, Eugenio; Gatti, Andrea; Tagliaferro, Giulio; Llasat, Maria Carmen; Rigo, Tomeu; Esbri, Laura; Milelli, Massimo; Mazzarella, Vincenzo; Lagasio, Martina; Parodi, Andrea; 2021. H2020 SINOPTICA (Satellite-borne and IN-situ Observations to Predict The Initiation of Convection for ATM) project: initial results. , . [34] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Wang, Daichun; You, Wei; Zang, Zengliang; Pan, Xiaobin; Hu, Yiwen; Liang, Yanfei; 2021. A three-dimensional variational data assimilation system for aerosol optical properties based on WRF-Chem: design, development, and application of assimilating Himawari-8 aerosol observations. , . 10.5194/gmd-2021-215 | 2021 | Model application | 4 |
Liu, Qinghua; Zeng, Qiming; Jiao, Jian; 2021. Assessment of the Accuracy of Tropospheric Atmospheric Correction Using a High-Efficiency WRF Simulation Driven by ERA5. , 2286–2289. 10.1109/IGARSS47720.2021.9555168 | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Li, Chuxuan; Handwerger, Alexander L; Wang, Jiali; Yu, Wei; Li, Xiang; Finnegan, Noah Joseph; Xie, Yingying; Buscarnera, Giuseppe; Horton, Daniel E; 2021. Use of WRF-Hydro to Simulate Runoff-Generated Debris Flow Hazards in Burn Scars. , . 10.1002/essoar.10508144.1 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Zhu, Xiaoyu; Zhong, Zhong; Zhu, Yimin; Hu, Yijia; Ha, Yao; Guo, Tao; 2021. Sensitivity Experiments on the Role of Water Vapor in the Eastward Propagation of MJO. , . 10.21203/rs.3.rs-792750/v1 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Liu, Xiaozhou; Wang, Hongguang; Wu, Zhensen; 2021. Simulation of Spatiotemporal Variation of Evaporation Duct Height based on WRF Model with Experimental Validation. , 1–3. 10.1109/ISAPE54070.2021.9753312 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Tai, Sheng-Lun; Feng, Zhe; Ma, Po-Lun; Schumacher, Courtney; Fast, Jerome; 2021. Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation in the Amazon: Contrasting Observationally Constrained Cloud-System Resolving and Global Climate Models. , . 10.1002/essoar.10506872.1 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Dennis, Eli; Berbery, Ernesto; 2021. The role of soil hydrophysical properties in the atmospheric water cycle. , . [35] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Gupta, Tanvi; Baidya Roy, Somnath; 2021. Recovery processes in coastal wind farms. , . [36] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Chang, Hsin-I; Castro, Christopher L; Risanto, Christoforus Bayu; Luong, Thang; Hoteit, Ibrahim; 2021. Sub-seasonal forecast capability for Arabian Peninsula convective extremes using convective-permitting regional climate modeling. , . [37] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Pilz, Lukas N.; Vardag, Sanam N.; Fallmann, Joachim; Butz, André; 2021. Hochaufgelöste Simulation von meteorologischen Feldern in urbanen Räumen mit dem Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Modell. , . [38] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Calvo-Sancho, Carlos; Martín, Yago; 2021. Supercell Pre-convective Environments in Spain: a dynamic downscaling of ERA-5 Reanalysis. , . [39] | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Quibus, Laurent; Le Mire, Valentin; Queyrel, Julien; Castanet, Laurent; Feral, Laurent; 2021. Rain Attenuation Estimation with the Numerical Weather Prediction Model WRF: Impact of Rain Drop Size Distribution for a Temperate Climate. , 1–5. 10.23919/EuCAP51087.2021.9410927 | 2021 | Model application | 4 |
Li, Chuxuan; Handwerger, Alexander L.; Wang, Jiali; Yu, Wei; Li, Xiang; Finnegan, Noah J.; Xie, Yingying; Buscarnera, Giuseppe; Horton, Daniel E.; 2021. Augmentation and Use of WRF-Hydro to Simulate Overland Flow- and Streamflow-Generated Debris Flow Hazards in Burn Scars. , . 10.5194/nhess-2021-345 | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Gogoi, Rekha Bharali; M, Govindan Kutty; Borgohain, Arup; 2021. Inter-comparison of the Impact of INSAT-3D Atmospheric Motion Vectors in 3DVAR and Hybrid Ensemble-3DVAR Data Assimilation Systems during Indian Summer Monsoon. , . 10.21203/rs.3.rs-418569/v1 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Quimbayo-Duarte, Julian; Wagner, Johannes; Wildmann, Norman; Gerz, Thomas; Schmidli, Juerg; 2021. Evaluation of a forest parameterization to improve boundary layer flow simulations over complex terrain. , . 10.5194/gmd-2021-274 | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Lee, Eunjeong; Kim, Jung-Hoon; Heo, Ki-Young; Cho, Yang-Ki; 2021. Warm Advection Fog over the Eastern Yellow Sea: WRF Simulation and Its Verification by Satellite and In Situ Observations. , . 10.20944/preprints202103.0177.v1 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Göbel, Matthias; Serafin, Stefano; Rotach, Mathias Walter; 2021. Numerically consistent budgets of energy, momentum and mass in Cartesian coordinates: Application to the WRF model. , . 10.5194/gmd-2021-171 | 2021 | Model application | 2 |
Feng, Shuzhuang; Jiang, Fei; Wu, Zheng; Wang, Hengmao; He, Wei; Shen, Yang; Zhang, Lingyu; Zheng, Yanhua; Lou, Chenxi; Jiang, Ziqiang; Ju, Weimin; 2021. A Regional multi-Air Pollutant Assimilation System (RAPAS v1.0) for emission estimates: system development and application. , . 10.5194/gmd-2021-134 | 2021 | Model application | 5 |
Lute, Abby C.; Abatzoglou, John; Link, Timothy; 2021. SnowClim v1.0: High-resolution snow model and data for the western United States. , . 10.5194/gmd-2021-407 | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Gadzhev, Georgi; Ganev, Kostadin; 2021. Computer Simulations of Air Quality and Bio-climatic Indices for the City of Sofia. , . 10.20944/preprints202106.0440.v1 | 2021 | Model application | 6 |
Vegas Cañas, Cristina; González Rouco, J. Fidel; Navarro Montesinos, Jorge; García Bustamante, Elena; Lucio Eceiza, Etor E.; García Pereira, Félix; Rodríguez Camino, Ernesto; Chazarra Bernabé, Andrés; Álvarez Arévalo, Inés; 2021. An Assessment of Observed and Simulated Temperature Variability in Sierra de Guadarrama (Spain). , . [40] | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Zhang, Yanda; Yu, Fangqun; Luo, Gan; Fan, Jiwen; Liu, Shuai; 2021. Impacts of long-range transported mineral dust on summertime convective cloud and precipitation: a case study over the Taiwan region. , . 10.5194/acp-2021-374 | 2021 | Model application | 2 |
Mauz, Moritz; Van Kesteren, Bram; Platis, Andreas; Emeis, Stefan; Bange, Jens; 2021. An analytical solution for wind deficit decay behind a wind energy converter using momentum conservation validated by UAS data. , . 10.5194/wes-2021-21 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Mazzarella, Vincenzo; Ferretti, Rossella; Picciotti, Errico; Marzano, Frank S.; 2021. Investigating 3D and 4D Variational Rapid-Update-Cycling Assimilation of Weather Radar Reflectivity for a Flash Flood Event in Central Italy. , . 10.5194/nhess-2020-406 | 2021 | Model application | 3 |
García-García, Almudena; Cuesta-Valero, Francisco José; Beltrami, Hugo; González-Rouco, Fidel; García-Bustamante, Elena; 2021. Surface energy balance and climatology changes from WRF simulations with different horizontal resolutions and soil configurations . , . [41] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Ye, Zhuyun; Christensen, Jesper; Geels, Camilla; Im, Ulas; 2021. Near-past evolution of the magnitude and intensity of European heat waves. , . [42] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Li, Xuanli; Roberts, Jason B.; Srikishen, Jayanthi; Case, Jonathan L.; Petersen, Walter A.; Lee, GyuWon; Hain, Christopher R.; 2021. Assimilation of GPM-retrieved Ocean Surface Meteorology Data for Two Snowstorm Events during ICE-POP 2018. , . 10.5194/gmd-2021-161 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Liu, Yuchen; Liu, Jia; Li, Chuanzhe; Yu, Fuliang; Wang, Wei; 2021. Assimilation of Doppler Weather Radar Data with a Regional WRF-3DVAR System: Influence of Data Assimilation Volume on Precipitation Forecast. , 7091–7094. 10.1109/IGARSS47720.2021.9554143 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Zhang, Geer; 2021. Machine Learning for the Bias Correction of LDAPS Air Temperature Prediction Model. , 1–6. 10.1145/3468891.3468892 | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Wioland, Bastien; Luini, Lorenzo; Riva, Carlo Giuseppe; 2021. Use of High-Resolution Numerical Weather Predictions for the Operation of Earth-Space Links. , 1–5. 10.23919/EuCAP51087.2021.9410916 | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Mishra, Partha Sarathi; Kannan, Srinivasa Ramanujam; 2021. A Numerical Experiment to Study the Effect of Anthropogenic Heat And Moisture on Local Weather. , 401–404. 10.1109/InGARSS51564.2021.9792060 | 2021 | Model application | 4 |
Yang, Chao-Yuan; Liu, Jiping; Chen, Dake; 2021. CAPS v1.0: An improved regional coupled modeling system for Arctic sea ice and climate simulation and prediction. , . 10.5194/gmd-2021-220 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Alter, Ross; Swearingen, Michelle; McKenna, Mihan; 2021. The influence of mesoscale atmospheric convection on local and regional infrasound propagation. , . [43] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Wang, Daichun; You, Wei; Zang, Zengliang; Pan, Xiaobin; Hu, Yiwen; Liang, Yanfei; 2021. A three-dimensional variational data assimilation system for aerosol optical properties based on WRF-Chem: design, development, and application of assimilating Himawari-8 aerosol observations. , . 10.5194/gmd-2021-215 | 2021 | Model application | 10 |
Bromley, Gabriel; Prein, Andreas F.; Albeke, Shannon E.; Stoy, Paul C.; 2021. The Decline In Summer Fallow In The Northern Plains Cooled Near-Surface Climate But Had Minimal Impacts On Precipitation. , . 10.21203/rs.3.rs-734138/v1 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Wang, Zhenbin; Zhu, Bin; Kang, Hanqing; Lu, Wen; Yan, Shuqi; Zhao, Delong; Zhang, Weihang; 2021. A black carbon peak in the free troposphere of Beijing induced by cyclone lifting and transport from Central China. , . 10.5194/acp-2021-339 | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
González-Rojí, Santos J.; Messmer, Martina; Raible, Christoph C.; Stocker, Thomas F.; 2021. Sensitivity of precipitation in the highlands and lowlands of Peru to physics parameterization options in WRFV3.8.1. , . 10.5194/gmd-2021-307 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Baki, Harish; Chinta, Sandeep; Balaji, C.; Srinivasan, Balaji; 2021. Determining the sensitive parameters of WRF model for the prediction of tropical cyclones in the Bay of Bengal using Global Sensitivity Analysis and Machine Learning. , . 10.5194/gmd-2021-242 | 2021 | Model application | 8 |
Li, Haiqin; Grell, Georg; Zhang, Li; Ahmadov, Ravan; Mckeen, Stuart; Henderson, Judy; Trahan, Samuel; Barnes, Hannah; Sun, Shan; Schnell, Jordan; Heinzeller, Dominikus; 2021. The Inclusion of chemistry modules into the NOAA UFS Weather Model with the Common Community Physics Package (CCPP). , . [44] | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Lin, Yun; Wang, Yuan; Pan, Bowen; Hu, Jiaxi; Guo, Song; Zamora, Misti; Tian, Pengfei; Su, Qiong; Ji, Yuemeng; Zhao, Jiayun; Gomez-Hernandez, Mario; Hu, Min; Zhang, Renyi; 2021. Formation, radiative forcing, and climatic effects of severe regional haze. , . 10.5194/acp-2021-799 | 2021 | Model application | 5 |
Sun, Mengyu; Liu, Dongxia; Qie, Xiushu; Mansell, Edward R.; Yair, Yoav; Fierro, Alexandre O.; Yuan, Shanfeng; Chen, Zhixiong; Wang, Dongfang; 2021. Aerosol Effects on Electrification and Lightning Discharges in a Multicell Thunderstorm Simulated by the WRF-ELEC Model. , . 10.5194/acp-2020-1284 | 2021 | Model application | 21 |
Ha, Soyoung; 2021. Implementation of aerosol data assimilation in WRFDA (V4.0.3) for WRF-Chem (V3.9.1) using the MADE/VBS scheme. , . 10.5194/gmd-2021-74 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Huo, Yiling; Peltier, William Richard; Chandan, Deepak; 2021. Supplementary material to "Mid-Holocene monsoons in South and Southeast Asia: dynamically downscaled simulations and the influence of the Green Sahara". , . [45] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Yao, Nan; Liu, Lian; Ma, Yaoming; 2021. The different mechanisms of extreme snowfall in the eastern and southern Tibetan Plateau.. , . [46] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Liu, Duanyang; Gu, Peishu; Qian, Junlong; 2021. Cold Fronts Transport Features of North China Pollutant over the Yangtze River Delta, China. , . [47] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Granda-Maestre, Roberto; Calvo-Sancho, Carlos; Martín, Yago; 2021. Supercell predictability on Iberian Peninsula using WRF-ARW model. , . [48] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Zhang, Huan; Gong, Sunling; Zhang, Lei; He, Jianjun; Wang, Yaqiang; Shi, Lixin; Mo, Jingyue; Ke, Huabing; Lu, Shuhua; 2021. Development and application of a street-level meteorology and pollutant tracking system (S-TRACK). , . 10.5194/acp-2021-725 | 2021 | Model application | 2 |
Liu, Zhoukun; Wang, Minghuai; Rosenfeld, Daniel; Zhu, Yannian; 2021. The dependence of the breakup of marine stratocumulus on autoconversion parameterizations. , . [49] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
New, Joshua; Bass, Brett; Adams, Mark; Berres, Andy; Luo, Xuan; 2021. Los Angeles County Archetypes in Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Region from ORNL's AutoBEM. , . 10.5281/ZENODO.4726136 | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Hu, Chenxi; Tam, Chi-Yung; Li, Xinwei; Huang, Kangning; Ren, Chao; Fung, Kwun Yip; Wang, Ziqian; 2021. The importance of future urban development in hourly extreme rainfall projections- comparing global warming and urbanization forcing over the Pearl River Delta region. , . 10.21203/rs.3.rs-622932/v1 | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Kuznetsova, A.M.; Dosaev, A.S.; Rusakov, N.S.; Poplavsky, E.I.; Troitskaya, Yu.I.; 2021. Methods of the Polar Low Monitoring and Modeling. , 7260–7262. 10.1109/IGARSS47720.2021.9554394 | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Li, Ying; Zhao, Xiangjun; Deng, Xuejiao; Gao, Jinhui; 2021. The impact of peripheral circulation characteristics of typhoon on sustained ozone episodes over the Pearl River Delta region, China. , . 10.5194/acp-2021-618 | 2021 | Model application | 16 |
Beyer, Hans Georg; Poulsen, Tourid; 2021. How well do ERA5/WRF generated wind fields reflect the seasonal variability of the spatio-temporal characteristics of wind field, tested for North-Atlantic conditions. , . [50] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Politi, Nadia; Vlachogiannis, Diamando; Sfetsos, Athanasios; Markantonis, Iason; 2021. Future Projections of heat and cold stress based on two RCP Scenarios over Greece. , . [51] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Celmi, Gladis; Momblanch, Andrea; Hess, Tim; Fyffe, Catriona L.; Potter, Emily; Orr, Andrew; Drenkhan, Fabian; Walker-Crawford, Noah; Loarte, Edwin; Bustamante, Maria Gracia; Pellicciotti, Francesca; 2021. No-regret adaptation to climate change through management of glacial lakes in the Santa River Basin in Peru. , . [52] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Cifuentes, Felipe; Gonzalez, Carlos; Aristizábal, Beatriz; 2021. WRF-Chem sensitivity to biogenic emission inventories in a tropical region. Global online model (MEGAN) vs local offline model (BIGA). , . 10.17632/G8WRXKBZPG.1 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Lee, Seung Yeon; Lim, Sujung; Lee, Ebony; Park, Seon Ki; 2021. Satellite data processing for optimization of snow albedo parameterization in Noah LSM. , . [53] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Chen, Donglin; Liao, Hong; Yang, Yang; Chen, Lei; Zhao, Delong; Ding, Deping; 2021. Simulated impacts of vertical distributions of black carbon aerosol on meteorology and PM<sub>2.5</sub> concentrations in Beijing during severe haze events. , . 10.5194/acp-2021-611 | 2021 | Model application | 8 |
Horak, Johannes; Hofer, Marlis; Gohm, Alexander; Rotach, Mathias W.; 2021. Better downscaling results for the right reasons - A process based evaluation of the ICAR model. , . [54] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Badrinath, Anirudhan; Delle Monache, Luca; Hayatbini, Negin; Chapman, William Eric; Cannon, Forest; Ralph, F. Martin; 2021. Improving Precipitation Forecasts with Convolutional Neural Networks. , . 10.1002/essoar.10507495.1 | 2021 | Model application | 2 |
Fonseca, Ricardo; Francis, Diana; Weston, Michael; Nelli, Narendra; Farah, Sufian; Wehbe, Youssef; AlHosari, Taha; Teixido, Oriol; Mohamed, Ruqaya; 2021. Convection-Aerosol Interactions in the United Arab Emirates: A Sensitivity Study. , . 10.5194/acp-2021-597 | 2021 | Model application | 3 |
Sanchez, Beatriz; Roth, Matthias; Simón-Moral, Andrés; Martilli, Alberto; Velasco, Erik; 2021. Assessment of a meteorological mesoscale model’s capability to simulate intra-urban thermal variability in a tropical city. , . [55] | 2021 | Model application | 4 |
Alvarez-Socorro, Gleisis; Carnesoltas-Calvo, Mario; Varela-de la Rosa, Alis; Fernández-Alvarez, José C.; 2021. Analysis of Possible Physical Factors That Accelerate Downdrafts in Storm Clouds over Cuba. , 23. 10.3390/ecas2021-10321 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Penov, Nikolay; Stoycheva, Anastasiya; Guerova, Guergana; 2021. Fog climatology and stability index for Plovdiv 1991-2018. , . [56] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Fiddes, Sonya; Woodhouse, Matthew; Utembe, Steve; Schofield, Robyn; Alroe, Joel; Chambers, Scott; Cravigan, Luke; Dunne, Erin; Humphries, Ruhi; Johnson, Graham; Keywood, Melita; Lane, Todd; Miljevic, Branka; Omori, Yuko; Ristovski, Zoran; Sellek, Paul; Swan, Hilton; Tanimoto, Hiroshi; Ward, Jason; Williams, Alister; 2021. The contribution of coral reef-derived dimethyl sulfide to aerosol burden over the Great Barrier Reef: a modelling study. , . 10.5194/acp-2021-507 | 2021 | Model application | 5 |
Ventura, Sergi; Badia, Alba; Segura, Ricard; Gilabert, Joan; Llasat, Carme; Martilli, Alberto; Villalba, Gara; 2021. Assessing heat wave mitigation strategies in a Mediterranean coastal city: how effective are cool roofs and urban green? . , . [57] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Abbasi, Esmaeil; Etemadi, Hana; Smoak, Joseph; Rousta, Iman; Olafsson, Haraldur; Baranowski, Piotr; Krzyszczak, Jaromir; 2021. Investigation of Atmospheric Conditions Associated with a Storm Surge in the South-West of Iran. , . 10.20944/preprints202108.0517.v1 | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Zhang, Li; Montuoro, Raffaele; McKeen, Stuart A.; Baker, Barry; Bhattacharjee, Partha S.; Grell, Georg A.; Henderson, Judy; Pan, Li; Frost, Gregory J.; McQueen, Jeff; Saylor, Rick; Li, Haiqin; Ahmadov, Ravan; Wang, Jun; Stajner, Ivanka; Kondragunta, Shobha; Zhang, Xiaoyang; Li, Fangjun; 2021. Development and Evaluation of the Aerosol Forecast Member in NCEP’s Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS-Aerosols v1). , . 10.5194/gmd-2021-378 | 2021 | Model application | 2 |
Redfern, Stephanie; Optis, Mike; Xia, Geng; Draxl, Caroline; 2021. Offshore wind energy forecasting sensitivity to sea surface temperature input in the Mid-Atlantic. , . 10.5194/wes-2021-150 | 2021 | Model application | 5 |
Poschlod, Benjamin; 2021. Using high-resolution regional climate models to estimate return levels of daily extreme precipitation over Bavaria. , . 10.5194/nhess-2021-66 | 2021 | Model application | 23 |
Chinyoka, Sinclair; Steeneveld, Gert-Jan; 2021. Downscaling global seasonal weather forecasts for crop yield forecasting over Zimbabwe. , . [58] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Qureshi, H. A.; Buono, A.; Di Luccio, D.; Nunziata, F.; Benassai, G.; Migliaccio, M.; 2021. Coastal Sea Wind Field: WRF Versus SAR Wind Analysis in the Gulf of Naples. , 7303–7306. 10.1109/IGARSS47720.2021.9554625 | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Starchenko, Alexander V.; Kizhnera, Lubov I.; Odintsov, Sergey L.; Danilkin, Evgeniy A.; Prokhanov, Sergey A.; Leshchinskiy, Dmitriy V.; Svarovsky, Artem I.; Romanovskii, Oleg A.; Matvienko, Gennadii G.; 2021. Numerical simulation of extreme weather phenomena using high-resolution mesoscale meteorological models. , 175. 10.1117/12.2603261 | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Yang, Eun-Gyeong; Kim, Hyun Mee; Kim, Dae-Hui; 2021. Development of East Asia Regional Reanalysis based on advanced hybrid gain data assimilation method and evaluation with E3DVAR, ERA-5, and ERA-Interim reanalysis. , . 10.5194/essd-2021-217 | 2021 | Model application | 11 |
García-García, Almudena; Cuesta-Valero, Francisco José; Beltrami, Hugo; González-Rouco, Fidel; García-Bustamante, Elena; 2021. WRF v.3.9 sensitivity to land surface model and horizontal resolution changes over North America. , . 10.5194/gmd-2021-243 | 2021 | Model application | 7 |
Luo, Hao; Dong, Li; Chen, Yichen; Zhao, Yuefeng; Zhao, Delong; Huang, Mengyu; Ding, Deping; Liao, Jiayuan; Ma, Tian; Hu, Maohai; Han, Yong; 2021. Interaction between aerosol and thermodynamic stability within the PBL during the wintertime over the North China Plain: Aircraft observation and WRF-Chem simulation. , . 10.5194/acp-2021-769 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Zhang, Li; Grell, Georg; McKeen, Stuart; Ahmadov, Ravan; Froyd, Karl; Murphy, Daniel; 2021. Inline Coupling of Simple and Complex Chemistry Modules within the Global Weather Forecast model FIM (FIM-Chem v1). , . 10.5194/gmd-2021-111 | 2021 | Model application | 5 |
Singh, Prashant; Sarawade, Pradip; Adhikary, Bhupesh; 2021. Vertical Distribution of Aerosols During Deep-convective Event in the Himalaya Using WRF-Chem Model at Convection Permitting Scale. , . 10.20944/preprints202107.0609.v1 | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Feroz, Raja M. Asim; Javed, Adeel; 2021. Forecasting of Wind Resources Using the Weather Research and Forecasting Software. , 726–729. 10.1109/IBCAST51254.2021.9393212 | 2021 | Model application | 2 |
Shepherd, Tristan J.; Letson, Frederick L.; Barthelmie, Rebecca J.; Pryor, Sara C.; 2021. How well are hazards associated with derechos reproduced in regional climate simulations?. , . 10.5194/nhess-2021-373 | 2021 | Model application | 3 |
George, Babitha; Kutty, Govindan; 2021. Understanding the Dynamics of a Heavy Rainfall Event using Multivariate Ensemble Sensitivity Analysis . , . [59] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Wenta, Marta; Herman, Agnieszka; 2021. Evaluation of regional NWP results for sea ice covered Bothnia Bay (Baltic Sea) in winter 2020.. , . [60] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Markantonis, Iason; Vlachogiannis, Diamando; Sfetsos, Thanasis; Kioutsioukis, Ioannis; Politi, Nadia; 2021. An Investigation of cold-wet Compound Events in Greece. , . [61] | 2021 | Model application | 3 |
Möller, Gregor; Ewald, Florian; Groß, Silke; Hagen, Martin; Knote, Christoph; Mayer, Bernhard; Tetoni, Eleni; Zinner, Tobias; 2021. The Life-Cycle of Cloud and Precipitation Microphysics in Radar Observation and Numerical Model. , . [62] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Varotsos, Konstantinos V.; Dandou, Aggeliki; Papangelis, Giorgos; Roukounakis, Nikolaos; Tombrou, Maria; Giannakopoulos, Christos; 2021. A hybrid dynamical-statistical downscaling approach for climate change impacts analysis on high resolution in the Greater Athens Area. , . [63] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
da Silva, Hercules Cardoso; Stefanes, Marco A.; Capistrano, Vinicius; 2021. OpenACC Multi-GPU Approach for WSM6 Microphysics. , 382–387. 10.1109/HiPC53243.2021.00053 | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Nett, Janina J. (Bösken); Lehmkuhl, Frank; Schaffernicht, Erik J.; Pötter, Stephan; Schulte, Philipp; Ludwig, Patrick; Sprafke, Tobias; Hambach, Ulrich; 2021. Comparing a new paleomap of European loess landscapes to an atmospheric dust circulation model. , . [64] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Inamdar, Swaleha; Tinel, Lisolotte; Li, Qinyi; Badia, Alba; Saiz-Lopez, Alfonso; Ram, Kirpa; Chance, Rosie; Carpenter, Lucy; Mahajan, Anoop; 2021. An overview of iodine chemistry over the Indian and Southern Ocean waters using ship-based observations and modelling. , . [65] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Arghavani, Somayeh; Rose, Clémence; Banson, Sandra; Planche, Céline; Sellegri, Karine; 2021. The Effect of using a New Parameterization of Nucleation in the WRF-Chem model on the Cluster Formation Rate and Particle Number Concentration in a Passive Volcanic Plume. , . [66] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Zus, Florian; Dick, Galina; Wickert, Jens; 2021. Exploitation of GNSS tropospheric gradients for severe weather Monitoring And Prediction (EGMAP): project overview and status. , . [67] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Lim, Sujeong; Cassardo, Claudio; Park, Seon Ki; 2021. Development of stochastically perturbed parameterization scheme for the Noah Land Surface Model with the optimized random forcing parameters using the micro-genetic algorithm. , . [68] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Weger Coenen, Lindsey; 2021. Exploring potential impacts from transitions in German and European energy on GHG and air pollutant emissions and on ozone air quality. , . [69] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Minz, Jonathan; Imberger, Marc; Badger, Jake; Kleidon, Axel; 2021. How much atmospheric dynamics do we need to capture yield reductions from proposed large wind parks in the German Bight?. , . [70] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Lee, Tong; Centemann, Chelle; Clayson, Carol Anne; Bourassa, Mark; Brown, Shannon; Farrar, Tom; Lombardo, Kelly; Gille, Sarah; Parfitt, Rhys; Seo, Hyodae; Subramanian, Aneesh; Zlotnicki, Victor; 2021. Effects of spatial resolution and temporal offset of air-sea boundary-layer variables on turbulent heat flux estimates. , . [71] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Friberg, Mariel; Wu, Dong; Carr, James; Limbacher, James; Zou, Yufei; O'Neill, Susan; 2021. Diurnal Observations of Wildfires Boundary Layer Dynamics and Aerosol Plume Convection using Stereo-Imaging Techniques. , . [72] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Willemse, Arjan; Martilli, Alberto; Heusinkveld, Bert; Hartogensis, Oscar; Steeneveld, Gert-Jan; 2021. Evaluating three urban canopy models against in-situ observations for a heat-wave case in Amsterdam. , . [73] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Díaz Fernández, Javier; Quitián Hernández, Lara; Bolgiani, Pedro; Santos Muñoz, Daniel; Sastre, Mariano; González Alemán, Juan Jesús; Valero, Francisco; Sebastián Martín, Luis Ignacio; Lopez, Laura; Farran, Jose Ignacion; Martín, María Luisa; 2021. Sensitivity analysis to WRF parameterizations for mountain waves near Madrid airport (Spain). , . [74] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Nerobelov, Georgy; Timofeyev, Yury; Smyshlyaev, Sergei; Foka, Stefani; Mammarella, Ivan; Virolainen, Yana; 2021. Validation of the capability of WRF-Chem model and CAMS to simulate near surface atmospheric CO2 mixing ratio for the territory of Saint-Petersburg. , . [75] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Leonardi, Stefano; 2021. Analysis and Optimization of Wind Farm Performances. , . 10.11159/ehst21.002 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Napoli, Anna; Pasquero, Claudia; Parodi, Antonio; 2021. High resolution numerical investigation of the indirect effects of aerosols on orographic precipitation. , . [76] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Esbri, Laura; Llasat, Maria Carmen; Rigo, Tomeu; Milelli, Massimo; Mazzarella, Vincenzo; Lagasio, Martina; Parodi, Andrea; Temme, Marco-Michael; Glushenko, Olga; Kerschbaum, Markus; Biondi, Riccardo; Surian, Nicola; Realini, Eugenio; Gatti, Andrea; Tagliaferro, Giulio; Parodi, Antonio; 2021. Initial results of the project SINOPTICA (Satellite-borne and IN-situ Observations to Predict The Initiation of Convection for ATM) . , . [77] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Zhi, Qiao; Cui, Shengcheng; Li, Baoying; Zhang, Zihan; Pan, Yue; Wu, Yang; Zhang, Kun; Wang, Feifei; Sun, Gang; Luo, Tao; Li, Xuebin; Zhao, Huijie; Liu, Jianguo; Xu, Liang; Wang, Yueming; 2021. Digesting WRF-forcasted meterological parameters for aerosol optical properties predicting with the CAM model. , 12. 10.1117/12.2605799 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Barfus, Klemens; Bernhofer, Christian; Mauder, Matthias; 2021. Modifizierung des Niederschlags über urbanen Gebieten am Beispiel Berlin. , . [78] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Kumar, Mukesh; Banerjee, Tirtha; Jonko, Alex; Mirocha, Jeff; Lassman, William; 2021. Assessing the Turbulence Kinetic Energy Budget in the Boundary Layer Using WRF-LES: Impact of Momentum Perturbation. , . [79] | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Ferguson, Craig R.; Agrawal, Shubhi; Bosart, Lance F.; 2021. The importance of satellite soil moisture assimilation for low-level jet forecasts. , . [80] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Gevorgyan, Artur; Ackermann, Luis; Huang, Yi; Siems, Steven; Manton, Michael; 2021. Simulation of postfrontal heavy snowfall over the Australian Snowy Mountains . , . [81] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Steeneveld, Gert-Jan; Knol, Roosmarijn; 2021. Fog forecasting for Schiphol airport at sub-kilometre scale.  . , . [82] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
He, Jiaying; Loboda, Tatiana; French, Nancy; Chen, Dong; 2021. Exploring environmental factors driving wildfire occurrences in Alaskan tundra. , . [83] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Thundathil, Rohith Muraleedharan; Schwitalla, Thomas; Behrendt, Andreas; Lange, Diego; Flamant, Cyrille; Caumont, Olivier; Turner, Dave; Wulfmeyer, Volker; 2021. The impact of Ensemble-Based Assimilation of Thermodynamic Lidar Profiles on Forecasts of the Pre-Convective Environment and Convection Initiation of Heavy Precipitation Events over the Mediterranean region: The German contribution to WaLiNeAs. , . [84] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Tran, Thanh; Bhaganagar, Kiran; 2021. The Four Stage Development of Starting Turbulent Buoyant Plumes. , . 10.1115/FEDSM2021-65540 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Valmassoi, Arianna; Keller, Jan D.; Glowienka-Hense, Rita; 2021. The impact of urban policy scenarios on local climate: a multi-model intercomparison. , . [85] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Luther, Andreas; Kostinek, Julian; Kleinschek, Ralph; Defratyka, Sara; Stanisavljevic, Mila; Forstmaier, Andreas; Dandocsi, Alexandru; Scheidweiler, Leon; Dubravica, Darko; Wildmann, Norman; Hase, Frank; Frey, Matthias M.; Chen, Jia; Dietrich, Florian; Necki, Jaroslaw; Swolkien, Justyna; Knote, Christoph; Vardag, Sanam N.; Roiger, Anke; Butz, André; 2021. Observational constraints on methane emissions from Polish coal mines using a ground-based remote sensing network. , . [86] | 2021 | Model application | 15 |
R. Gelpi, Ivan; Pedruzo, Xabier; Diaz De Arcaya, Aurelio; Gomez De Segura, Jose Daniel; Gaztelumendi, Santiago; 2021. Hyper-local extreme temperature and wind modeling in the Basque Country. , . [87] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Thundathil, Rohith; Schwitalla, Thomas; Behrendt, Andreas; Lange, Diego; Späth, Florian; Wulfmeyer, Volker; Leuenberger, Daniel; Haefele, Alexander; Arpagaus, Marco; Giovanni, Martucci; 2021. Investigation of the impact of thermodynamic profiles of ground based lidar systems on short-range forecast skill by means of ETKF-hybrid 3DVAR data assimilation. , . [88] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Zhao, Jianqi; Ma, Xiaoyan; Wu, Shuoqiu; Sha, Tong; 2021. Dust emission and transport in Northwest China: WRF-Chem simulation and comparisons with multi-sensor observations . , . [89] | 2021 | Model application | 4 |
Krishnankutty, Nalini; Lauvaux, Thomas; Abdallah, Charbel; Lian, Jinghui; Ciais, Philippe; Urard, Herve; Ramonet, Michel; 2021. High-resolution inversion of fossil fuel emissions and biogenic fluxes over the Paris region during 2019-2020. , . [90] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Duc, Hiep; Salter, David; Azzi, Merched; Jiang, Ningbo; Warren, Loredana; Watt, Sean; Riley, Matthew; White, Stephen; Trieu, Toan; Tzu-Chi Chang, Lisa; Barthelemy, Xavier; Fuchs, David; Nguyen, Hubert; 2021. The Effect of Lockdown Period During Covid-19 Pandemic on Air Quality in Sydney Region, Australia. None, NoneNone. None | 2021 | Other | |
Zhuang, Shuhan; Fang, Sheng; Dong, Xinwen; 2021. Improved Wet Scavenging Schemes for Air Dispersion Modeling of Cs-137 in the Fukushima Accident. , . 10.1115/ICONE28-64621 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Giordano, C.; Ziad, A.; Aristidi, E.; Chabé, J.; Fanteï-Caujolle, Y.; Renaud, C.; Rafalimanana, A.; Sodnik, Zoran; Cugny, Bruno; Karafolas, Nikos; 2021. CATS: continuous turbulence characterization station for both optical link and astronomical support. , 83. 10.1117/12.2599373 | 2021 | Model application | 3 |
Dönmez, Kutay; Dönmez, Berkay; Diren-Üstün, Deniz; Ünal, Yurdanur; 2021. Assessment of Urbanization Impact On Heavy Precipitation in Istanbul, Turkey. , . [91] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Russell, H A J; Frey, S K; 2021. Canada One Water: integrated groundwater-surface-water-climate modelling for climate change adaptation. , . [92] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Georgakaki, Paraskevi; Sotiropoulou, Georgia; Vignon, Etienne; Berne, Alexis; Nenes, Athanasios; 2021. The relative contribution of secondary ice processes in Alpine mixed-phase clouds. , . [93] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Ricchi, Antonio; Liguori, Giovanni; Cavicchia, Leone; Miglietta, Mario Marcello; Bonaldo, Davide; Carniel, Sandro; Ferretti, Rossella; 2021. On the Ocean Mixed Layer influence on the genesis of Mediterranean Tropical-Like cyclones. , . [94] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Furnari, Luca; Magnusson, Linus; Mendicino, Giuseppe; Senatore, Alfonso; 2021. Impact of the atmospheric-hydrological fully coupled approach in a high-resolution medium-range forecasts: a case study in the Mediterranean. , . [95] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Luther, Andreas; Kostinek, Julian; Kleinschek, Ralph; Defratyka, Sara; Stanisavljevic, Mila; Forstmaier, Andreas; Dandocsi, Alexandru; Scheidweiler, Leon; Dubravica, Darko; Wildmann, Norman; Hase, Frank; Frey, Matthias M.; Chen, Jia; Dietrich, Florian; Necki, Jaroslaw; Swolkien, Justyna; Knote, Christoph; Vardag, Sanam N.; Roiger, Anke; Butz, André; 2021. Observational constraints on methane emissions from Polish coal mines using a ground-based remote sensing network. , . [96] | 2021 | Model application | 15 |
Reyers, Mark; Fiedler, Stephanie; Shao, Yaping; 2021. Paleo-climate shifts in the Atacama Desert from PMIP4 simulations. , . [97] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Armon, Moshe; Marra, Francesco; Garfinkel, Chaim; Rostkier-Edelstein, Dorita; Adam, Ori; Dayan, Uri; Enzel, Yehouda; Morin, Efrat; 2021. Global warming decreases rainfall but increases short-duration rain-rates during heavy precipitation events in the eastern Mediterranean. , . [98] | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Matějka, Michael; Láska, Kamil; Jeklová, Klára; Hošek, Jiří; 2021. Assessment of the WRF model performance in air temperature and wind speed simulation over a complex Antarctic topography. , . [99] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Minz, Jonathan; Imberger, Marc; Kleidon, Axel; Badger, Jake; 2021. A kinetic energy budget perspective to understand efficiency reductions of offshore wind generation in the German Bight in the North Sea. , . [100] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Reyers, Mark; Fiedler, Stephanie; Shao, Yaping; 2021. Paleo-climate shifts in the Atacama Desert from PMIP4 simulations. , . [101] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Aubry-Wake, Caroline; Pomeroy, John W.; 2021. Exploring the future hydrology of a Canadian Rockies glacierized catchment and its sensitivity to meteorological forcings. , . [102] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Ricchi, Antonio; Mazzarella, Vincenzo; Sangelantoni, Lorenzo; Redaelli, Gianluca; Ferretti, Rossella; 2021. Investigating triggering mechanisms for the large hailstorm event of July 10th, 2019 on the Adriatic Sea. , . [103] | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Ioannidis, Eleftherios; Law, Kathy S.; Raut, Jean-Christophe; Onishi, Tatsuo; Marelle, Louis; Roberts, Tjarda J.; Barret, Brice; D'Anna, Barbara; Temine-Roussel, Brice; Mölders, Nicole; Mao, Jingqiu; Simpson, William R.; 2021. Wintertime Arctic Air Pollution over central Alaska: pre-ALPACA campaign. , . [104] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Ghosh, Mousumi; Paul, Supantha; Karmakar, Subhankar; Ghosh, Subimal; 2021. Near-real-time flood forecasting for an urban coastal catchment: An approach in combination of numerical weather and 3-way coupled hydrodynamic flood modelling. , . [105] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Peña, Alfredo; Mirocha, Jeffrey; 2021. Evaluation of the the wind farm wake parametrization with large-eddy simulations of wakes in WRF. , . [106] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Razavian, Mojtaba; Oestges, Claude; Vanhoenacker-Janvier, Danielle; 2021. Combined use of MultiEXCELL and Numerical Weather Prediction to improve the prediction of rain attenuation at Q band. , 1–5. 10.23919/EuCAP51087.2021.9411497 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Varga, Ákos János; Breuer, Hajnalka; 2021. Verification of climatological ERA5 and WRF convective environments using radiosonde data. , . [107] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Gamelin, Brandi; Wang, Jiali; Kotamarthi, V. Rao; 2021. Assess 21st century Flash Drought in the United States using high resolution regional climate models. , . [108] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Le Coz, Camille; Yu, Qidi; Treinish, Lloyd A.; Alvarez, Manuel Garcia; Cryan, Ashley; Van De Giesen, Nick; 2021. High-resolution weather simulation for sub-Saharan Africa on the World Community Grid. , . [109] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Rosa Cánovas, Juan José; García-Valdecasas Ojeda, Matilde; Yeste-Donaire, Patricio; Romero-Jiménez, Emilio; Esteban-Parra, María Jesús; Gámiz-Fortis, Sonia Raquel; Castro-Díez, Yolanda; 2021. An assessment of the impact of initial soil conditions on drought and precipitation extremes by using a high-resolution regional climate model. , . [110] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Avisar, David; Pelta, Ran; Chudnovsky, Alexandra; Rostkier-Edelstein, Dorita; 2021. The urban fingerprint in the sea-breeze hodograph reveled by high resolution WRF simulations.. , . [111] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Bankar, Ajay; Vasudevan, Rakesh; 2021.  Evaluation of high resolution WRF forecasts for Extreme Rainfall Events over Karnataka against high density in-situ observations . , . [112] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Liu, Wuji; Ye, Qianwen; Wu, Chase Q.; Liu, Yangang; Zhou, Xin; Shan, Yunpeng; 2021. Machine Learning-assisted Computational Steering of Large-scale Scientific Simulations. , 984–992. 10.1109/ISPA-BDCloud-SocialCom-SustainCom52081.2021.00138 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Potter, Emily; Orr, Andrew; Fyffe, Catriona; Quincey, Duncan; Ross, Andrew; Burns, Helen; Hellström, Robert; Medina, Katy; Loarte, Edwin; Llacza, Alan; Jacome, Gerardo; Hosking, Scott; Pellicciotti, Francesca; 2021. Multi-decadal past and future temperature and precipitation trends in the Peruvian Andes. , . [113] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Imberger, Marc; Larsén, Xiaoli Guo; Davis, Neil; 2021. Strength and Challenges of global model MPAS with regional mesh refinement for mid-latitude storm forecasting: A case study. , . [114] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Chen, Yu Cheng; Cheng, Fang Yi; Yang, Cheng Pei; Lin, Tzu Ping; 2021. The combination use of microclimate measurement network, urban type classification and mesoscale climate prediction model to estimate the thermal condition distribution. , . [115] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Reuveni, Yuval; Leontiev, Anton; Rostkier-Edelstein, Dorita; 2021. Enhancing WRF Model Forecasts by Assimilating High-Resolution GPS-Derived Water-Vapor Maps combined with METEOSAT-11 Data . , . [116] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
LeGrand, Sandra; Polashenski, Christopher; Letcher, Theodore; Creighton, Glenn; Peckham, Steven; Cetola, Jeffrey; 2021. The AFWA dust emission scheme for the GOCART aerosol model in WRF-Chem v3.8.1. , . [117] | 2021 | Model application | 99 |
Sengupta, Manajit; Jimenez, Pedro; Yang, Jaemo; Kim, Ju-Hye; Xie, Yu; 2021. New Developments in Ensemble-based Probabilistic Forecasting of Solar Radiation: The WRF-Solar Ensemble Prediction System. , . [118] | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Dönmez, Berkay; Dönmez, Kutay; Diren-Üstün, Deniz; Ünal, Yurdanur; 2021. The Impact of Urban Land Use On the Springtime Frontal Precipitation Event in Ankara: A Case Study of 5 May 2014. , . [119] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Chen, Si; Xie, Zhenghui; Xie, Jinbo; Liu, Bin; Jia, Binghao; Qin, Peihua; Wang, Longhuan; Wang, Yan; Li, Ruichao; 2021. Impact of urbanization on thermal environment of Chengdu-Chongqing Urban Agglomeration under complex terrain. , . 10.5194/esd-2021-22 | 2021 | Model application | 11 |
Al Asmar, Lea; Musson-Genon, Luc; Dupont, Eric; Sartelet, Karine; 2021. Improvement of radiation modelling during cloudy sky days using in-situ and satellite measurements. . , . [120] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Wang, Junhua; Ge, Baozhu; Chen, Xueshun; Li, Jie; Lu, Keding; Dong, Yayuan; Kong, Lei; Wang, Zifa; Zhang, Yuanhang; 2021. A quantitative decoupling analysis (QDA v1.0) method for the assessment of meteorological, emission and chemical contributions to fine particulate pollution. , . 10.5194/gmd-2021-259 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Petrakovic, Ivana; Himmelbauer, Irene; Aberer, Daniel; Schremmer, Lukas; Goryl, Philippe; Crapolicchio, Raffaele; Sabia, Roberto; Dietrich, Stephan; Dorigo, Wouter A.; 2021. The International Soil Moisture Network: an open-source data hosting facility in support of meteorology and climate science. , . [121] | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Liu, Fei; Tao, Zhining; Beirle, Steffen; Joiner, Joanna; Yoshida, Yasuko; Smith, Steven J.; Knowland, K. Emma; Wagner, Thomas; 2021. A new method for inferring city emissions and lifetimes of nitrogen oxides from high-resolution nitrogen dioxide observations: A model study. , . 10.5194/acp-2021-642 | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Larsén, Xiaoli; Kruger, Andries; Floors, Rogier; Cavar, Dalibor; Hahmann, Andrea; 2021. Extreme gust atlas over South Africa. , . [122] | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Wise, Adam S.; Neher, James M. T.; Arthur, Robert S.; Mirocha, Jeffrey D.; Lundquist, Julie K.; Chow, Fotini K.; 2021. Meso- to micro-scale modeling of atmospheric stability effects on wind turbine wake behavior in complex terrain. , . 10.5194/wes-2021-36 | 2021 | Model application | 3 |
Ding, Hongyi; Cao, Le; Jiang, Haimei; Jia, Wenxing; Chen, Yong; An, Junling; 2021. Influence on the Temperature Estimation by the Planetary Boundary Layer Scheme with Different Minimum Eddy Diffusivity in WRF v3.9.1.1. , . [123] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Lin, Haipeng; Jacob, Daniel J.; Lundgren, Elizabeth W.; Sulprizio, Melissa P.; Keller, Christoph A.; Fritz, Thibaud M.; Eastham, Sebastian D.; Emmons, Louisa K.; Campbell, Patrick C.; Baker, Barry; Saylor, Rick D.; Montuoro, Raffaele; 2021. Harmonized Emissions Component (HEMCO) 3.0 as a versatile emissions component for atmospheric models: application in the GEOS-Chem, NASA GEOS, WRF-GC, CESM2, NOAA GEFS-Aerosol, and NOAA UFS models. , . 10.5194/gmd-14-5487-2021 | 2021 | Model application | 32 |
Serrano, Antonio; Sánchez-Hernández, Guadalupe; Escobar, Julio A. H.; Cancillo, María Luisa; 2021. On the spatial representativeness of point station measurements for comparison with WRF estimates. , . [124] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Tao, Wei; Su, Hang; Zheng, Guangjie; Wang, Jiandong; Wei, Chao; Liu, Lixia; Ma, Nan; Li, Meng; Zhang, Qiang; Pöschl, Ulrich; Cheng, Yafang; 2021. Aerosol pH and chemical regimes of sulfate formation in aerosol water during winter haze in the North China Plain. , . 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7189 | 2021 | Model application | 50 |
Xu, Yang; Ramonet, Michel; Lauvaux, Thomas; Lian, Jinghui; Bréon, Francois-Marie; Ciais, Philippe; Grutter, Michel; Garcia, Agustin; 2021. Interpretation of Atmospheric CO2 Measurements in Mexico City. , . [125] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Vazaeva, Natalia; Chkhetiani, Otto; Kurgansky, Michael; 2021. Prognostic criteria for Polar Lows. , . [126] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Young, Adele; Bhattacharya, Biswa; Daniels, Emma; Zevenbergen, Chris; 2021. Evaluation of a WRF model in forecasting extreme rainfall in the urban data-scarce coastal city of Alexandria, Egypt. , . [127] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Huang, Min; Crawford, James; Carmichael, Gregory; 2021. Coupled modeling studies over East Asia during the KORUS-AQ field campaign. , . [128] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Escobar, Julio A. H.; Sánchez-Hernández, Guadalupe; Serrano, Antonio; García, José Agustín; 2021. Influence of different domain configurations on WRF solar irradiance estimation at Badajoz (Spain). , . [129] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Ho, Tzu-Hsin; Gałkowski, Michał; Marshall, Julia; Totsche, Kai Uwe; Gerbig, Christoph; 2021. Reducing transport errors in WRF modeling of greenhouse gas distributions through a combination of grid-nudging and regular restarts. , . [130] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Insua Costa, Damián; Miguez-Macho, Gonzalo; Llasat, María Carmen; 2021. Climatology of moisture sources fuelling extreme precipitation in the Western Mediterranean region. , . [131] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Hu, Xiao-Ming; Gourdji, Sharon M; Davis, Kenneth J; Wang, Qingyu; Zhang, Yao; Xue, Ming; Feng, Sha; Moore, Berrien; Crowell, Sean M R; 2021. Implementation of improved parameterization of terrestrial flux in WRF-VPRM improves the simulation of nighttime CO2 peaks and a daytime CO2 band ahead of a cold front. , . [132] | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Pilz, Lukas; Vardag, Sanam; Kleinschek, Ralph; Hammer, Samuel; Butz, André; 2021. Towards an integrated study of urban CO2 emissions. , . [133] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Pronk, Vincent; Bodini, Nicola; Optis, Mike; Lundquist, Julie K.; Moriarty, Patrick; Draxl, Caroline; Purkayastha, Avi; Young, Ethan; 2021. Supplementary material to "Can Reanalysis Products Outperform Mesoscale Numerical Weather Prediction Models in Modeling the Wind Resource in Simple Terrain?". , . [134] | 2021 | Model application | 13 |
Akın, Melek; Öztopal, Ahmet; Şahin, Ahmet Duran; 2021. Downscaling and Verification of Maximum Wind Speeds by Using Artificial Neural Networks for New European Wind Atlas and Wind Farm Data . , . [135] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Yu, Shijie; Su, Fangcheng; Yin, Shasha; Wang, Shenbo; Xu, Ruixin; He, Bing; Fan, Xiangge; Yuan, Minghao; Zhang, Ruiqin; 2021. Characterization of ambient volatile organic compounds, source apportionment, and the ozone-NO<sub>x</sub>-VOC sensitivities in a heavily polluted megacity of central China: Effect of sporting events and the emission reductions. , . [136] | 2021 | Model application | 4 |
Chyhareva, Anastasiia; Krakovska, Svitlana; Gorodetskaya, Irina; Pishniak, Denis; Wille, Jonathan; Rowe, Penny; 2021. Cloud and precipitation microphysics evaluated with ERA-5 and Polar WRF over the northern Antarctic Peninsula. , . [137] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Junior, Jose Roberto Dantas da Silva; Pedruzzi, Rizzieri; Souza, Filipe Milani de; Ferraz, Patrick Silva; Silva, Daniel Guimarães; Vieira, Carolina Sacramento; Moraes, Marcelo Romero de; Nascimento, Erick Giovani Sperandio; Moreira, Davidson Martins; 2021. Feasibility Analysis on the Construction of a Web Solution for Hydrometeorological Forecasting Considering Water Body Management and Indicators for the Pandemic of SARS-COV-2. , . [138] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Dupuy, Florian; Lu, Yen-Sen; Good, Garrett; Zamo, Michaël; 2021. Calibration of solar radiation ensemble forecasts using convolutional neural network. , . [139] | 2021 | Model application | 2 |
Schlosser, Elisabeth; Bagheri, Saeid; Powers, Jordan G.; Manning, Kevin W.; Hoerhold, Maria; Behrens, Melanie; Werner, Martin; 2021. Atmospheric influences on water stable isotopes in Antarctic water vapor and surface snow – implications for ice core interpretation. , . [140] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Xia, Geng; Draxl, Caroline; Optis, Michael; Redfern, Stephanie; 2021. Detecting and Characterizing Sea Breezes Over the U.S. Northeast Coast with Implication for Offshore Wind Energy. , . [141] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Zhang, Zhenyu; Laux, Patrick; Arnault, Joël; Wei, Jianhui; Baade, Jussi; Urban, Marcel; Kunstmann, Harald; 2021. Evaluating the role of soil physical properties on simulated land-atmosphere interactions over South Africa using coupled atmosphere-hydrological modeling. , . [142] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Azmi, Sahir; Nagar, Pavan Kumar; Sharma, Mukesh; 2021. Regional emission loading of particulate and gaseous air pollutants over India using fine resolution WRF-Chem simulation technique. , . [143] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Gan, Kai Ernn; Singh, Vijay; Gan, Thian; Kuo, Chun Chao; Schüttrumpf, Holger; 2021. Coupled and Stand-alone Regional Climate Modeling of Intensive Storms in Western Canada. , . [144] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
El Mahdi, El Khalki; Tramblay, Yves; Amengual, Arnau; Homar, Victor; Romero, Romualdo; Saidi, Mohammed El Mehdi; Alaouri, Meriem; 2021. Comparison of two flood forecasting approaches over High Atlas Mountains basins in Morocco. , . [145] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Liu, Zhaoyang; Gao, Yanhong; 2021. Convection permitting simulation of summer precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau. , . [146] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Raupach, Timothy Hugh; Martynov, Andrey; Nisi, Luca; Hering, Alessandro; Barton, Yannick; Martius, Olivia; 2021. Object-based analysis of simulated thunderstorms in Switzerland: application and validation of automated thunderstorm tracking on simulation data. , . [147] | 2021 | Model application | 2 |
Zilker, Bianca; Blechschmidt, Anne-Marlene; Seo, Sora; Bougoudis, Ilias; Bösch, Tim; Richter, Andreas; Burrows, John Philip; 2021. Investigation of weather conditions and tropospheric BrO transport during Bromine Explosion Events in the Arctic and ozone depletion in Ny-Ålesund observed by satellite and ground-based remote sensing. , . [148] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Wolff, Sebastian; Ehret, Gerhard; Kiemle, Christoph; Amediek, Axel; Quatrevalet, Mathieu; Wirth, Martin; Fix, Andreas; 2021. Quantification of CO2 Emission Rates from Large Coal-Fired Power Plants Using Airborne Lidar during CoMet . , . [149] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Wei, Jianhui; Arnault, Joël; Zhang, Zhenyu; Laux, Patrick; Fersch, Benjamin; Wagner, Sven; Dong, Ningpeng; Yang, Qianya; Yang, Chuanguo; Yu, Zhongbo; Kunstmann, Harald; 2021. How is the atmospheric residence time of evapotranspired water altered with a dried-up lake or a forest restoration scenario and what is the impact on precipiation?. , . [150] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Gruszczynska, Marta; Mandal, Alan; Nykiel, Grzegorz; Strzyzewski, Tomasz; Wronska, Weronika; Jaczewski, Adam; Figurski, Mariusz; 2021. Evaluation of the reliability of the high-resolution WRF fire danger forecasts in Poland. , . [151] | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Diaz, Lucas Ribeiro; Santos, Daniel Caetano; Käfer, Pâmela Suélen; Rocha, Nájila Souza da; Costa, Savannah Tâmara Lemos da; Kaiser, Eduardo Andre; Rolim, Silvia Beatriz Alves; 2021. Atmospheric Correction of Thermal Infrared Landsat Images Using High-Resolution Vertical Profiles Simulated by WRF Model. , 27. 10.3390/ecas2021-10351 | 2021 | Model application | 3 |
Da Silva, Ricardo; França, Gutemberg; 2021. Forecast Sensitivity of the Aircraft Observations Impact in the WRF 3DVAR Data Assimilation Systems on Guarulhos International Airport Forecast. , . [152] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Harish, Baki; Chinta, Sandeep; Balaji, Chakravarthy; Srinivasan, Balaji; 2021. Use of Machine Learning algorithms in evaluating the WRF model parameter sensitivity for the simulation of tropical cyclones. , . [153] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Martinez, J. Alejandro; Camacho, Juan Carlos; Vasquez, Daniel; Espinosa, Daniel; Arias, Paola A.; 2021. Simulation of Mesoscale Convective Systems near the Tropical Andes: Insights from Convection-Permitting Simulations of Two Events. , . [154] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Hanna, Natalia; Trzcina, Estera; Kryza, Maciej; Rohm, Witold; 2021. TOMOREF operator as a tool to improve weather forecasts. , . [155] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Tarín-Carrasco, Patricia; Palacios-Peña, Laura; Montávez, Juan P.; Jiménez-Guerrero, Pedro; 2021. Impact of compound events (heatwaves and ozone episodes) on mortality over the Mediterranean basin under climate change scenarios. , . [156] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Zolotov, Sergey; Loginov, Andrey S.; Romanovskii, Oleg A.; Matvienko, Gennadii G.; 2021. Severe weather phenomena research with the WRF model. , 162. 10.1117/12.2603242 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Wang, Junhua; Ge, Baozhu; Chen, Xueshun; Li, Jie; Lu, Keding; Dong, Yayuan; Kong, Lei; Wang, Zifa; Zhang, Yuanhang; 2021. Supplementary material to "A quantitative decoupling analysis (QDA v1.0) method for the assessment of meteorological, emission and chemical contributions to fine particulate pollution". , . [157] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Chen, Ting-Chen; Yau, Man-Kong; Kirshbaum, Daniel J.; 2021. The parameterization of slantwise convection in a numerical model. , . [158] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Mazzoglio, Paola; Pasquali, Paolo; Parodi, Andrea; Parodi, Antonio; 2021. Improving weather forecasts by means of HPC solutions: the LEXIS approach in the 2020 Bitti flood event. , . [159] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Hou, Jou Ping; Chiao, Mong-Ling; 2021. Statistical Analysis and Case Study of the Evaporation Duct over South China Sea. , . [160] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Kendzierski, Sebastian; 2020. A review of selected parameterization schemes of WRF model over Poland area in short-term weather forecast. , . [161] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Micolini, Orlando; Ventre, Luis Orlando; Martina, Agustin; Ayme, Ruben Esteban; Ortmann, Nestor J.; Trejo, Bruno G.; 2020. A data-driven approach to weather forecast using convolutional neural networks. , 1–7. 10.1109/ARGENCON49523.2020.9505574 | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Sprung, Detlev; Ullwer, Carmen; Sucher, Erik; Kociok, Thomas; van Eijk, Alexander M. J.; Stein, Karin; Gladysz, Szymon; 2020. Investigation of optical turbulence over an urban area: comparison between experimental results and simulation. , 3. 10.1117/12.2572997 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Bock, David; Dominguez, Francina; Eiras-Barca, Jorge; 2020. Beating of the Amazon: Visualizing the Diurnal Cycle of the Amazonian Hydroclimatology. , 543–544. 10.1145/3311790.3404535 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Tangborn, Andrew; Demoz, Belay; Carroll, Brian J.; Santanello, Joseph; Anderson, Jeffrey L.; 2020. Assimilation of lidar planetary boundary layer height observations. , . 10.5194/amt-2020-238 | 2020 | Model application | 9 |
Silver, Ben; Conibear, Luke; Reddington, Carly; Knote, Christophe; Arnold, Steve; Spracklen, Dominick; 2020. Chinese emissions reductions deliver reduced PM2.5-caused mortality across China during 2015-2017. , . [162] | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Manque Roa, Nataly; Fustos-Toribio, Ivo; Somos-Valenzuela, Marcelo; 2020. Trigger atmospheric conditions for RIL in the Southern Andes.. , . [163] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Cheng, Yan; Wang, Shibo; Yuan, Sen; Xu, Zheng; Guan, Ti; Tian, Dawei; 2020. Combined Probabilistic Prediction of Distributed Wind Power Based on WRF. , 174–179. 10.1109/ICPSAsia48933.2020.9208640 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Lucas, C.; Bernardino, M.; Guedes Soares, C.; 2020. Relation Between Atmospheric Circulation Patterns in the North Atlantic and the Sea States in the Iberian Peninsula. , . 10.1115/OMAE2020-18654 | 2020 | Model application | 2 |
Shamyna, A.Y.; Ardyako, A.D.; Labokha, A.K.; 2020. Modeling the Distribution of Radionuclides in the Environment as a Result of Radiation Accidents. , 427–430. 10.1109/DESSERT50317.2020.9125037 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Yoo, Soojin; Chang, Eun-Chul; 2020. A Study on the Key Factors of Snowfall structure in mid-eastern region of the Korean Peninsula by Using idealized numerical Experiment. , . [164] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Chen, I-Han; Hong, Jing-Shan; Tsai, Ya-Ting; Fong, Chin-Tzu; 2020. Improving Operational Numerical Prediction of Afternoon Thunderstorms over Taiwan through Surface Data Assimilation. , . [165] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Yan, Shuqi; Zhu, Bin; Huang, Yong; Zhu, Jun; Kang, Hanqing; Lu, Chunsong; Zhu, Tong; 2020. Supplementary material to "To what extents do urbanization and air pollution affect fog?". , . [166] | 2020 | Model application | 30 |
Guo, Yitian; An, Junling; Zhang, Jingwei; Qu, Yu; 2020. Effect of vertical parameterization of a missing daytime source of HONO on concentrations of HONO, O3 and secondary organic aerosols in eastern China. , . [167] | 2020 | Model application | 6 |
Mire, Valentin Le; Boulanger, Xavier; Castanet, Laurent; Benammar, Bouchra; Feral, Laurent; 2020. Potentialities of the Numerical Weather Prediction model WRF to produce attenuation statistics in tropical regions. , 1–4. 10.23919/EuCAP48036.2020.9135414 | 2020 | Model application | 7 |
Senatore, Alfonso; Fuoco, Domenico; Mendicino, Giuseppe; Lepore, Massimo; Tozzi, Giovanni; Iorio, Pasquale; 2020. A combined modelling system for short-term wind power forecasting based on mesoscale Numerical Weather Prediction. , 1–5. 10.1109/EEEIC/ICPSEurope49358.2020.9160693 | 2020 | Model application | 4 |
Liu, Liyong; Vernin, Jean; Yao, Yongqiang; Chadid, Merieme; Li, Nan; Yin, Jia; Marshall, Heather K.; Spyromilio, Jason; Usuda, Tomonori; 2020. Simulation of atmospheric conditions using a numerical weather prediction model at Dome A, Antarctic: Method and preliminary results. , 189. 10.1117/12.2562511 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Wang, Pao K.; Lin, Chuan-Yao; 2020. The Impact of Taiwan’s Rugged Orography on Air Pollutant Transport and the Numerical Modeling of 20 March 2018 Case. , . [168] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Zaiko, P.; 2020. ASSIMILATION OF BELARUSIAN DOPPLER WEATHER RADARS DATA INTO MESOSCALE NUMERICAL MODEL WRF-ARW. , . 10.46646/SAKH-2020-2-308-312 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Li, Lanqian; Shao, Aimei; 2020. Impact of Lidar Data Assimilation on Analysis and Prediction of Low-level Wind Shears at Lanzhou Zhongchuan International Airport, China. , . [169] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Mascitelli, Alessandra; Meroni, Agostino Niyonkuru; Barindelli, Stefano; Manzoni, Marco; Tagliaferro, Giulio; Gatti, Andrea; Realini, Eugenio; Venuti, Giovanna; Monti Guarnieri, Andrea; 2020. TWIGA project activities for the enhancement of heavy rainfall predictions in Africa: low-cost GNSS network deployment and NWP model parameterization.. , . [170] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Ming, Jie; Abulikemu, Abuduwaili; 2020. A numerical study of convection initiation in Southwestern Xinjiang, Northwest China. , . [171] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Sangelantoni, Lorenzo; Mazzarella, Vincenzo; Ricchi, Antonio; Ferretti, Rossella; Redaelli, Gianluca; 2020. Toward a regional-scale seasonal climate prediction system over the Mediterranean basin: evaluation and comparison of RegCM- and WRF-based dynamical downscaling approaches. , . [172] | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Ji, Yuanyuan; Zheng, Wei; Dong, Hairong; Gao, Pengfei; 2020. Train delays prediction based on feature selection and random forest. , 1–6. 10.1109/ITSC45102.2020.9294653 | 2020 | Model application | 4 |
Luong, Thang M.; Risanto, Christoforus Bayu; Chang, Hsin-I; Dasari, Hari Prasad; Attada, Raju; Castro, Christopher L.; Hoteit, Ibrahim; 2020. Simulating extreme precipitation over the Arabian Peninsula using a convective-permitting sub-seasonal reforecast product. , . [173] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Ahmed, Hafiz Faizan; Helgason, Warren; Barr, Alan G.; Black, T. Andrew; 2020. Hydrometeorological observations at three boreal forest sites (aspen, jack pine, and black spruce) located in central Saskatchewan, Canada. , . 10.20383/101.0292 | 2020 | Model application | 2 |
Dayal, Kunal; Cater, John; Kingan, Michael; Bellon, Gilles; Sharma, Rajnish; 2020. A grid sensitivity study of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model for simulating surface winds over the small island state of Fiji. , . 10.14264/c5d4f0b | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Li, Menglin; Yang, Ming; Yu, Yixiao; Li, Peng; Si, Zhiyuan; Yang, Jiajun; 2020. Wind Power Probabilistic Forecasting Based on Wind Correction Using Weather Research and Forecasting Model. , 619–624. 10.1109/SCEMS48876.2020.9352362 | 2020 | Model application | 12 |
Luo, Huiying; Astitha, Marina; Hogrefe, Christian; Mathur, Rohit; Rao, S. Trivikrama; 2020. Evaluating Trends and Seasonality in Modeled PM<sub>2.5</sub> Concentrations Using Empirical Mode Decomposition. , . 10.5194/acp-2019-1079 | 2020 | Model application | 7 |
Jordan, Asha K.; Zaitchik, Benjamin F.; Gnanadesikan, Anand; Kim, Dongchul; Badr, Hamada S.; Zaitchik, Benjamin F.; 2020. Data associated with the publication: Jordan, A.K. et al. (2020) Strength of Linkages Between Dust and Circulation Over North Africa: results from a coupled modeling system with active dust. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres. , . 10.7281/T1/1ECVB0 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Manciu, Astrid; Krause, Andreas; Rammig, Anja; Quesada, Benjamin; 2020. Impacts of land cover changes and global warming on climate in Colombia using the regional climate model WRF. , . [174] | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Krishnankutty Ambika, Anukesh; Mishra, Vimal; 2020. Strong linkage between irrigation and land surface cooling in India. , . [175] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Funami, Shota; Imanaka, Masaki; Kurimoto, Muneaki; Sugimoto, Shigeyuki; Kato, Takeyoshi; Uno, Fumichika; 2020. Prediction of Forecast Busts by Variation of Weather Elements of WRF using Different Physical Schemes. , 232–237. 10.1109/SGES51519.2020.00048 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Larsén, Xiaoli Guo; Fischereit, Jana; 2020. A case study of wind farm effects using two wake parameterizations in WRF (V3.7) in the presence of low level jets. , . 10.5281/ZENODO.4133350 | 2020 | Model application | 4 |
Dai, Qiang; Zhu, Jingxuan; Zhang, Shuliang; Zhu, Shaonan; Han, Dawei; Lv, Guonian; 2020. Estimation of rainfall erosivity based on WRF-derived raindrop size distributions. , . 10.5194/hess-2020-187 | 2020 | Model application | 12 |
Liu, Mengjuan; Zhang, Xu; 2020. Application of a new scale-aware three-dimensional subgrid mixing parameterization on the simulations of tropical cyclone. , . [176] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Tagaris, Efthimios; Stergiou, Ioannis; Sotiropoulou, Rafaella-Eleni; 2020. WRF forecast sensitivity to spatial resolution. , . [177] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Zhang, Shan; Tian, Xiangjun; Zhang, Hongqin; Han, Xiao; Zhang, Meigen; 2020. A NLS-4Dvar Assimilation System of Surface PM2.5 with WRF-CMAQ Model : Observing System Simulation Experiments. , . [178] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Halenka, Tomas; Belda, Michal; Huszar, Peter; Karlicky, Jan; Novakova, Tereza; 2020. On the urban effects in high resolution weather forecast and regional climate simulations. , . [179] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Pickler, Carolyne; Mölg, Thomas; 2020. Investigating the anthropogenic influence on the mesoscale over Kilimanjaro. , . [180] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Liu, Changhai; Ikeda, Kyoko; Rasmussen, Roy; 2020. Convection-Permitting Regional Climate Simulations over North America. , . [181] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Borsdorff, Tobias; Garcia Reynoso, Agustin; Stremme, Wolfgang; Aan De Brugh, Joost; Grutter, Michel; Landgraf, Jochen; 2020. Monitoring CO emissions from urban districts in Mexico City using about 2 years of TROPOMI CO observations. , . [182] | 2020 | Model application | 2 |
Vellalassery, Ashique; Pillai, Dhanyalekshmi; Marshall, Julia; Gerbig, Christoph; Buchwitz, Michael; Schneising, Oliver; 2020. Using satellite measurements and mesoscale modelling to understand the contribution to an extreme air pollution event in India. , . 10.5194/acp-21-5393-2021 | 2020 | Model application | 11 |
Tao, Wei; Su, Hang; Zheng, Guangjie; Wang, Jiandong; Wei, Chao; Liu, Lixia; Ma, Nan; Li, Meng; Zhang, Qiang; Pöschl, Ulrich; Cheng, Yafang; 2020. Aerosol pH and chemical regimes of sulfate formation in aerosol water during winter haze in the North China Plain. , . [183] | 2020 | Model application | 50 |
Huang, Min; Crawford, James H.; DiGangi, Joshua P.; Carmichael, Gregory R.; Bowman, Kevin W.; Kumar, Sujay V.; Zhan, Xiwu; 2020. Satellite soil moisture data assimilation impacts on modeling weather and ozone in the southeastern US – part I: an overview. , . [184] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Alsarraf, Hussain; 2020. Projected climate change over Kuwait simulated using a WRF high resolution regional climate model. , . [185] | 2020 | Model application | 3 |
Pereira, Fabiola S.; Silva, Carlos S.; 2020. Offshore Wind Energy Resource Assessment from Satellite Data Observations and WRF in Porto Santo Island. , . [186] | 2020 | Model application | 2 |
Yin, Lifei; Xu, Zhenying; Liu, Mingxu; Xu, Tingting; Wang, Tiantian; Liao, Wenling; Li, Mengmeng; Cai, Xuhui; Kang, Ling; Zhang, Hongsheng; Song, Yu; 2020. Estimation of biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emissions in China using WRF–CLM–MEGAN coupled model. , . [187] | 2020 | Model application | 5 |
Singh, Jaydeep; Singh, Narendra; Ojha, Narendra; Sharma, Amit; Pozzer, Andrea; Kiran Kumar, Nadimpally; Rajeev, Kunjukrishnapillai; Gunthe, Sachin S.; Kotamarthi, V. Rao; 2020. Effects of spatial resolution on WRF v3.8.1 simulated meteorology over the central Himalaya. , . [188] | 2020 | Model application | 8 |
Lin, Haipeng; Feng, Xu; Fu, Tzung-May; Tian, Heng; Ma, Yaping; Zhang, Lijuan; Jacob, Daniel J.; Yantosca, Robert M.; Sulprizio, Melissa P.; Lundgren, Elizabeth W.; Zhuang, Jiawei; Zhang, Qiang; Lu, Xiao; Zhang, Lin; Shen, Lu; Guo, Jianping; Eastham, Sebastian D.; Keller, Christoph A.; 2020. WRF-GC: online coupling of WRF and GEOS-Chem for regional atmospheric chemistry modeling, Part 1: description of the one-way model (v1.0). , . [189] | 2020 | Model application | 31 |
Zhang, Yuwei; Fan, Jiwen; Li, Zhanqing; Rosenfeld, Daniel; 2020. Impacts of Cloud Microphysics Parameterizations on Simulated Aerosol–Cloud-Interactions for Deep Convective Clouds over Houston. , . 10.5194/acp-2020-372 | 2020 | Model application | 26 |
Renault, Lionel; McWilliams, James C.; Kessouri, Faycal; Jousse, Alexandre; Frenzel, Hartmut; Chen, Ru; Deutsch, Curtis; 2020. Evaluation of high-resolution atmospheric and oceanic simulations of the California Current System. , . [190] | 2020 | Model application | 15 |
Messmer, Martina; González-Rojí, Santos J.; Raible, Christoph C.; Stocker, Thomas F.; 2020. Sensitivity of precipitation and temperature over Mount Kenya area to physics parameterization options in a high-resolution model simulation performed with WRFV3.8.1. , . 10.5194/gmd-14-2691-2021 | 2020 | Model application | 7 |
Jiang, Zhe; Shi, Hongrong; Zhao, Bin; Gu, Yu; Zhu, Yifang; Miyazaki, Kazuyuki; Zhang, Yuqiang; Bowman, Kevin W.; Sekiya, Takashi; Liou, Kuo-Nan; 2020. Modeling the Impact of COVID-19 on Air Quality in Southern California: Implications for Future Control Policies. , . 10.5194/acp-21-8693-2021 | 2020 | Model application | 33 |
Liu, Bin; Xie, Zhenghui; Liu, Shuang; Zeng, Yujing; Li, Ruichao; Wang, Longhuan; Wang, Yan; Jia, Binghao; Qin, Peihua; Chen, Si; Xie, Jinbo; Shi, Chunxiang; 2020. Optimal water use strategies for mitigating high urban temperatures. , . 10.5194/hess-2020-189 | 2020 | Model application | 6 |
Li, Li; Li, Zhengqiang; Chang, Wenyuan; Ou, Yang; Goloub, Philippe; Li, Chengzhe; Li, Kaitao; Hu, Qiaoyun; Wang, Jianping; Wendisch, Manfred; 2020. Solar radiative forcing of aerosol particles near the Taklimakan desert during the Dust Aerosol Observation-Kashi campaign in Spring 2019. , . 10.5194/acp-2020-60 | 2020 | Model application | 4 |
Ren, Shihe; Liang, Xi; Sun, Qizhen; Yu, Hao; Tremblay, L. Bruno; Mai, Xiaoping; Zhao, Fu; Li, Ming; Liu, Na; Chen, Zhikun; Zhang, Yunfei; 2020. A fully coupled Arctic sea ice-ocean-atmosphere model (ArcIOAM v1.0) based on C-Coupler2: model description and preliminary results. , . [191] | 2020 | Model application | 9 |
Wang, Kai; Zhang, Yang; Yu, Shaocai; Wong, David C.; Pleim, Jonathan; Mathur, Rohit; Kelly, James T.; Bell, Michelle; 2020. A Comparative Study of Two-way and Offline Coupled WRF v3.4 and CMAQ v5.0.2 over the Contiguous U.S.: Performance Evaluation and Impacts of Chemistry-Meteorology Feedbacks on Air Quality. , . [192] | 2020 | Model application | 8 |
Raparelli, Edoardo; Tuccella, Paolo; Ferretti, Rossella; Marzano, Frank S.; 2020. Snowpack modelling in central Italy: analysis and comparison of high-resolution WRF-driven Noah LSM and Alpine3D simulations. , . 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-19408 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Tao, Wei; Su, Hang; Zheng, Guangjie; Wang, Jiandong; Wei, Chao; Liu, Lixia; Ma, Nan; Li, Meng; Zhang, Qiang; Pöschl, Ulrich; Cheng, Yafang; 2020. Aerosol pH and chemical regimes of sulfate formation in aerosol water during winter haze in the North China Plain. , . 10.5194/acp-20-11729-2020 | 2020 | Model application | 50 |
Singh, Jaydeep; Singh, Narendra; Ojha, Narendra; Sharma, Amit; Pozzer, Andrea; Kiran Kumar, Nadimpally; Rajeev, Kunjukrishnapillai; Gunthe, Sachin S.; Kotamarthi, V. Rao; 2020. Effects of spatial resolution on WRF v3.8.1 simulated meteorology over the central Himalaya. , . 10.5194/gmd-14-1427-2021 | 2020 | Model application | 21 |
Renault, Lionel; McWilliams, James C.; Jousse, Alexandre; Deutsch, Curtis; Frenzel, Hartmut; Kessouri, Faycal; Chen, Ru; 2020. The Physical Structure and Behavior of the California Current System. , . [193] | 2020 | Model application | 15 |
Berbery, E. Hugo; Dennis, Eli; 2020. The Role of Soil Properties on Regional Climate Simulations. , . [194] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Cécé, Raphaël; Bernard, Didier; Krien, Yann; Leone, Frédéric; Candela, Thomas; Péroche, Matthieu; Biabiany, Emmanuel; Arnaud, Gael; Belmadani, Ali; Palany, Philippe; Zahibo, Narcisse; 2020. A 30-m scale modeling of extreme gusts during Hurricane Irma (2017) landfall on very small mountainous islands in the Lesser Antilles. , . 10.5194/nhess-2020-241 | 2020 | Model application | 5 |
Messmer, Martina; González-Rojí, Santos J.; Raible, Christoph C.; Stocker, Thomas F.; 2020. Sensitivity of high-resolution precipitation to physics parameterization options in WRF over equatorial regions. , . [195] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Ukhov, Alexander; Mostamandi, Suleiman; Da Silva, Arlindo; Flemming, Johannes; Alshehri, Yasser; Shevchenko, Illia; Stenchikov, Georgiy; 2020. Assessment of natural and anthropogenic aerosol air pollution in the Middle East using MERRA-2, CAMS data assimilation products,and high-resolution WRF-Chem model simulations. , . 10.5194/acp-2020-17 | 2020 | Model application | 83 |
Lopez, Oliver; Johansen, Kasper; Aragon, Bruno; Li, Ting; Houborg, Rasmus; Malbeteau, Yoann; AlMashharawi, Samer; Altaf, Muhammad Umer; Fallatah, Essam Mohammed; Dasari, Hari Prasad; Hoteit, Ibrahim; McCabe, Matthew Francis; 2020. Mapping groundwater abstractions from irrigated agriculture: big data, inverse modeling and a satellite-model fusion approach. , . 10.5194/hess-2020-50 | 2020 | Model application | 17 |
Jena, Chinmay; Ghude, Sachin D.; Kulkarni, Rachana; Debnath, Sreyashi; Kumar, Rajesh; Soni, Vijay Kumar; Acharja, Prodip; Kulkarni, Santosh H.; Khare, Manoj; Kaginalkar, Akshara J.; Chate, Dilip M.; Ali, Kaushar; Nanjundiah, Ravi S.; Rajeevan, Madhavan N.; 2020. Evaluating the sensitivity of fine particulate matter (PM<sub>2.5</sub>) simulations to chemical mechanism in Delhi. , . 10.5194/acp-2020-673 | 2020 | Model application | 16 |
Glotfelty, Timothy; Ramírez-Mejía, Diana; Bowden, Jared; Ghilardi, Adrián; West, J. Jason; 2020. Limitations of WRF land surface models for simulating land use and land cover change in Sub-Saharan Africa and development of an improved model (CLM-AF v. 1.0). , . 10.5194/gmd-2020-193 | 2020 | Model application | 8 |
Karlický, Jan; Huszár, Peter; Nováková, Tereza; Belda, Michal; Švábik, Filip; Ďoubalová, Jana; Halenka, Tomáš; 2020. The `urban meteorology island': a multi-model ensemble analysis. , . 10.5194/acp-2020-433 | 2020 | Model application | 11 |
Andreoli, Valentina; Cassardo, Claudio; Manfrin, Massimiliano; 2020. Predicting vineyard's evolution with the crop model IVINE driven by meteorological model forecasts: preliminary results.. , . [196] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Huszár, Peter; Karlický, Jan; Ďoubalová, Jana; Nováková, Tereza; Švábik, Filip; Belda, Michal; Halenka, Tomáš; 2020. Regional modeling of urban climate: the impact of physical process representation. , . [197] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Navarrete, Héctor; Somos-Valenzuela, Marcelo; Fustos-Toribio, Ivo; 2020. High Resolution Modeling of a Mountain Glacier in the Chilean Patagonia. , . [198] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Ghude, Sachin D; Jena, Chinmay; Kumar, Rajesh; Debnath, Sreayshi; Soni, Vijay; Nanjundiah, Ravi S; Rajeevan, Madhavan; 2020. Development of a high-resolution (400 m) operational air quality early warning system for Delhi, India through integrated chemical data assimilation. , . [199] | 2020 | Model application | 2 |
Rooney, Brigitte Lee; 2020. Modeling the Impact of Biomass Combustion on Atmospheric Aerosol. , . [200] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Huang, Bo; Hu, Xiangping; Fuglstad, Geir-Arne; Zhou, Xu; Zhao, Wenwu; Cherubini, Francesco; 2020. Unmixing the regional climate response to recent historical land cover changes in Europe. , . [201] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
García-Valdecasas Ojeda, Matilde; Rosa-Cánovas, Juan José; Romero-Jiménez, Emilio; Yeste, Patricio; Gámiz-Fortis, Sonia R.; Castro-Díez, Yolanda; Esteban-Parra, María Jesús; 2020. Impact of Soil Moisture Initialization on Temperature Extreme Detection in the context of Regional Climate Modeling. , . [202] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Hiris, Zachary Aaron; 2020. Factors contributing to upscale convective growth in the Central Great Plains of the United States. , . [203] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Tewari, Mukul; Singh, Jitendra; Ray, Pallav; Georgescu, Matei; Salamanca, Francisco; Treinish, Lloyd; 2020. Impact of urban expansion and warming climate on sea-breeze circulations: A numerical study in the Greater Houston Metropolitan Area. , . [204] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Iversen, Emilie C.; Thompson, Gregory; Nygaard, Bjørn Egil; 2020. Improvements to melting snow behavior in an NWP bulk microphysics scheme. , . [205] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Gu, Yixuan; Yan, Fengxia; Xu, Jianming; Qu, Yuanhao; Gao, Wei; 2020. A measurement and model study on ozone characteristics in marine air at a remote island station and its interaction with urban ozone air quality in Shanghai, China. , . [206] | 2020 | Model application | 7 |
Palacios-Peña, Laura; Fast, Jerome D.; Pravia-Sarabia, Enrique; Jiménez-Guerrero, Pedro; 2020. Sensitivity of aerosol optical properties to the aerosol size distribution over central Europe and the Mediterranean Basin. , . [207] | 2020 | Model application | 4 |
Ricchi, Antonio; Bonaldo, Davide; Miglietta, Mario Marcello; Carniel, Sandro; 2020. On the Ocean Mixed Layer influence on the genesis of Mediterranean Tropical-Like cyclones. , . [208] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Bonilla-Rodriguez, Monica; Gomez-Rios, Sebastian; 2020. Changes in atmospheric and hydrological dynamics at the Colombian Amazon in scenarios of forest loss. , . [209] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Zhuo, Lu; Dai, Qiang; Zhao, Binru; Han, Dawei; 2020. Soil Moisture Sensor Network Design for Hydrological Applications. , . 10.5194/hess-2020-24 | 2020 | Model application | 10 |
Waldo, Lavado-Casimiro; Juan Carlos, Jimenez; Harold, Llauca; Karen, Leon; Clara, Oria; Alan, Llacza; Adrian, Huerta; Oscar, Felipe; Julia, Acuña; Pedro, Rau; Jorge, Abad; 2020. ANDES: The first system for flash flood monitoring and forecasting in Peru. , . [210] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Steeneveld, Gert-Jan; Tsiringakis, Aristofanis; 2020. The Single-column Urban Boundary Layer Intercomparison Modelling Experiment (SUBLIME): results of revised recipe. , . [211] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Ricchi, Antonio; mazzarella, Vincenzo; Sangelantoni, Lorenzo; Redaelli, Gianluca; Ferretti, Rossella; 2020. Investigating triggering mechanisms for the large hailstorm event of July 10th, 2019 on the Adriatic Sea. , . [212] | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Nykiel, Grzegorz; Zanimonskiy, Yevgen; Figurski, Mariusz; Baldysz, Zofia; Koloskov, Aleksander; Sopin, Andrey; 2020. Analysis of ionospheric disturbances caused by the severe weather event in Poland on 11th August 2017. , . [213] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Katragkou, Eleni; Karypidou, Maria Chara; Kartsios, Stergios; Gewehr, Sandra; Mourelatos, Spiros; 2020. Building a climate service to support an Εarly Warning System for the West Nile Virus disease in Greece. , . [214] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Przyborska, Anna; Muzyka, Maciej; Andrzejewski, Jan; Jakacki, Jaromir; Rak, Daniel; 2020. The spreading of suspended matter formed during construction works of offshore wind farms. , . [215] | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Aragnou, Emilie; Watt, Sean; Nguyen Duc, Hiep; Cheeseman, Cassandra; Riley, Matt; Leys, John; White, Stephen; Salter, David; Azzi, Merched; Tzu-Chi Chang, Lisa; Morgan, Geoffrey; Hannigan, Ivan; 2020. Dust Transport from Inland Australia and its Impact on Air Quality and Health on the Eastern Coast of Australia during the February 2019 Dust Storm.. , . [216] | 2020 | Model application | 2 |
Chouza, Fernando; Leblanc, Thierry; Brewer, Mark; Wang, Patrick; Piazzolla, Sabino; Pfister, Gabriele; Kumar, Rajesh; Drews, Carl; Tilmes, Simone; Emmons, Louisa; 2020. The impact of Los Angeles basin pollution and stratospheric intrusions on the surrounding San Gabriel Mountains as seen by surface measurements, lidar, and numerical models. , . [217] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Li, Mingkui; Zhang, Shaoqing; 2020. Introduction to A Regional Coupled Forecasting System. , . [218] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Junquas, Clementine; Heredia, Maria Belen; Condom, Thomas; Espinoza, Jhan Carlo; Ruiz, Jean Carlos; Rabatel, Antoine; 2020. Precipitation diurnal cycle and associated valley wind circulations over an Andean glacier region (Antizana, Ecuador). , . [219] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Yang, Jiachuan; Hu, Leiqiu; 2020. Refined assessment of urban residents' exposure to extreme temperatures across the United States. , . [220] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Lobos Roco, Felipe; Hartogensis, Oscar; Vila, Jordi; de la Fuente, Alberto; Suarez, Francisco; 2020. Evaporation measurements with an Optical-Microwave Scintillometer system over a Saline lake in the Atacama Desert. , . [221] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Borsdorff, Tobias; García Reynoso, Agustín; Maldonado, Gilberto; Mar-Morales, Bertha; Stremme, Wolfgang; Grutter, Michel; Landgraf, Jochen; 2020. Monitoring CO emissions of the metropolis Mexico City using TROPOMI CO observations. , . 10.5194/acp-2020-238 | 2020 | Model application | 27 |
Rahimi, Stefan; Liu, Xiaohong; Zhao, Chun; Lu, Zheng; Lebo, Zachary J.; 2020. Examining the atmospheric radiative and snow-darkening effects of black carbon and dust across the Rocky Mountains of the United States using WRF-Chem. , . 10.5194/acp-2019-998 | 2020 | Model application | 14 |
Zhang, Hongqin; Tian, Xiangjun; 2020. System of Multigrid NLS-4DVar Data Assimilation for Numerical Weather Prediction (SNAP):System Formulation and Preliminary Evaluation. , . [222] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Lin, Dongqi; Khan, Basit; Katurji, Marwan; Bird, Leroy; Faria, Ricardo; Revell, Laura E.; 2020. WRF4PALM v1.0: A Mesoscale Dynamical Driver for the Microscale PALM Model System 6.0. , . 10.5194/gmd-2020-306 | 2020 | Model application | 18 |
Roozitalab, Behrooz; Carmichael, Gregory R.; Guttikunda, Sarath K.; 2020. Improving regional air quality predictions in the Indo-Gangetic Plain-Case study of an intensive pollution episode in November 2017. , . 10.5194/acp-2020-744 | 2020 | Model application | 7 |
Liu, Lang; Bei, Naifang; Hu, Bo; Wu, Jiarui; Suixin, Liu; Li, Xia; Wang, Ruonan; Liu, Zirui; Yu, Jiaoyang; Zuo, Min; Shen, Zhenxing; Cao, Junji; Tie, Xuexi; Li, Guohui; 2020. Wintertime nitrate formation pathways in the North China Plain: Importance of N2O5 heterogeneous hydrolysis. , . 10.1002/essoar.10502355.1 | 2020 | Model application | 32 |
Zhang, Lei; Gong, Sunling; Zhao, Tianliang; Zhou, Chunhong; Wang, Yuesi; Li, Jiawei; Ji, Dongsheng; He, Jianjun; Liu, Hongli; Gui, Ke; Wang, Yaqiang; Che, Huizheng; Zhang, Xiaoye; 2020. Development of WRF/CUACE v1.0 model and its preliminary application in simulating air quality in China. , . 10.5194/gmd-2020-181 | 2020 | Model application | 6 |
Branch, Oliver; Schwitalla, Thomas; Temimi, Marouane; Fonseca, Ricardo; Nelli, Narendra; Weston, Michael; Milovac, Josipa; Wulfmeyer, Volker; 2020. Seasonal and diurnal performance of daily forecasts with WRF-NOAHMP V3.8.1 over the United Arab Emirates. , . 10.5194/gmd-2020-201 | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Silver, Ben; Conibear, Luke; Reddington, Carly L.; Knote, Christoph; Arnold, Steve R.; Spracklen, Dominick V.; 2020. Pollutant emission reductions deliver decreased PM<sub>2.5</sub>-caused mortality across China during 2015–2017. , . 10.5194/acp-2019-1141 | 2020 | Model application | 5 |
Hahmann, Andrea N.; Sile, Tija; Witha, Björn; Davis, Neil N.; Dörenkämper, Martin; Ezber, Yasemin; García-Bustamante, Elena; González Rouco, J. Fidel; Navarro, Jorge; Olsen, Bjarke T.; Söderberg, Stefan; 2020. The Making of the New European Wind Atlas, Part 1: Model Sensitivity. , . 10.5194/gmd-2019-349 | 2020 | Model application | 58 |
Renault, Lionel; McWilliams, James C.; Kessouri, Faycal; Jousse, Alexandre; Frenzel, Hartmut; Chen, Ru; Deutsch, Curtis; 2020. Evaluation of high-resolution atmospheric and oceanic simulations of the California Current System. , . 10.1101/2020.02.10.942730 | 2020 | Model application | 29 |
Zscheischler, Jakob; 2020. Evaluating the dependence structure of compound precipitation and wind speed extremes. , . 10.5194/esd-2020-31 | 2020 | Model application | 60 |
Aird, Jeanie A.; Barthelmie, Rebecca J.; Shepherd, Tristan J.; Pryor, Sara C.; 2020. WRF-Simulated Low-Level Jets over Iowa: Characterization and Sensitivity Studies. , . 10.5194/wes-2020-113 | 2020 | Model application | 5 |
Rooney, Brigitte; Wang, Yuan; Jiang, Jonathan H.; Zhao, Bin; Zeng, Zhao-Cheng; Seinfeld, John H.; 2020. Air Quality Impact of the Northern California Camp Fire of November 2018. , . 10.5194/acp-2020-541 | 2020 | Model application | 17 |
Liang, Yanfei; Zang, Zengliang; Liu, Dong; Yan, Peng; Hu, Yiwen; Zhou, Yan; You, Wei; 2020. Development of a three-dimensional variational assimilation system for lidar profile data based on a size-resolved aerosol model in WRF-Chem model v3.9.1 and its application in PM<sub>2.5</sub> forecasts across China. , . 10.5194/gmd-2020-223 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Dong, Xinyi; Yue, Man; Jiang, Yujun; Hu, Xiao-Ming; Ma, Qianli; Pu, Jingjiao; Zhou, Guangqiang; 2020. Analysis of CO<sub>2</sub> spatiotemporal variations in China using tower data and a weather-biosphere-online-coupled model, WRF-VPRM. , . 10.5194/acp-2020-1128 | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Zhu, Dejun; Guo, Shibo; Wang, Fushan; Ni, Guangheng; Chen, Yongcan; 2020. Evaluation of the WRF-lake model at a large dimictic reservoir: A comparison with field data and another water temperature model. , . 10.1002/essoar.10504285.1 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Alonso-González, Esteban; Gutmann, Ethan; Aalstad, Kristoffer; Fayad, Abbas; Gascoin, Simon; 2020. Snowpack dynamics in the Lebanese mountains from quasi-dynamically downscaled ERA5 reanalysis updated by assimilating remotely-sensed fractional snow-covered area. , . 10.5194/hess-2020-335 | 2020 | Model application | 18 |
Jerez, Sonia; Palacios-Peña, Laura; Gutiérrez, Claudia; Jiménez-Guerrero, Pedro; López-Romero, Jose María; Montávez, Juan Pedro; 2020. Gains and losses in surface solar radiation with dynamic aerosols in regional climate simulations for Europe. , . 10.5194/gmd-2020-238 | 2020 | Model application | 2 |
Guevara-Macías, María De Jesús; Carbajal, Noel; Pineda-Martinez, Luis; 2020. Estimation of wind soil erosion in a semiarid region of Mexico. , . 10.22541/au.160890309.99266728/v1 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Kleidon, Axel; Miller, Lee M.; 2020. The Kinetic Energy Budget of the Atmosphere (KEBA) model 1.0: A simple yet physical approach for estimating regional wind energy resource potentials that includes the kinetic energy removal effect by wind turbines. , . 10.5194/gmd-2020-77 | 2020 | Model application | 6 |
Sha, Tong; Ma, Xiaoyan; Wang, Jun; Tian, Rong; Zhao, Jianqi; Cao, Fang; Zhang, Yan-Lin; 2020. Improvement of inorganic aerosol component in PM<sub>2.5</sub> by constraining aqueous-phase formation of sulfate in cloud with satellite retrievals: WRF-Chem simulations. , . 10.5194/acp-2020-760 | 2020 | Model application | 12 |
Vellalassery, Ashique; Pillai, Dhanyalekshmi; Marshall, Julia; Gerbig, Christoph; Buchwitz, Michael; Schneising, Oliver; 2020. Using satellite measurements and mesoscale modelling to understand the contribution to an extreme air pollution event in India. , . 10.5194/acp-2020-1034 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Appel, K. Wyat; Bash, Jesse O.; Fahey, Kathleen M.; Foley, Kristen M.; Gilliam, Robert C.; Hogrefe, Christian; Hutzell, William T.; Kang, Daiwen; Mathur, Rohit; Murphy, Benjamin N.; Napelenok, Sergey L.; Nolte, Christopher G.; Pleim, Jonathan E.; Pouliot, George A.; Pye, Havala O. T.; Ran, Limei; Roselle, Shawn J.; Sarwar, Golam; Schwede, Donna B.; Sidi, Fahim I.; Spero, Tanya L.; Wong, David C.; 2020. The Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Model Versions 5.3 and 5.3.1: System Updates and Evaluation. , . 10.5194/gmd-2020-345 | 2020 | Model application | 145 |
Li, Si; Huang, Tao; Mo, Jingyue; Li, Jixiang; Zhang, Xiaodong; Du, Jiao; Tao, Shu; Liu, Junfeng; Jiang, Wanyanhan; Lian, Lulu; Gao, Hong; Mao, Xiaoxuan; Zhao, Yuan; Ma, Jianmin; 2020. Do large-scale wind farms affect air quality forecast? Modeling evidence in Northern China. , . 10.5194/acp-2019-991 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Gebresilassie, Achenafi; Taddele, Yihun Dile; Hailu, Dereje; Bayabil, Haimanote; Sisay, Kibruyesfa; 2020. Impacts of Climate and Land Use Change on Hydrological Response in Gumara Watershed, Ethiopia. , . 10.22541/au.159863388.81259725 | 2020 | Model application | 32 |
Jin, Lianji; Lin, Liang; Ding, Deping; Zhao, Delong; Zhu, Bin; Zhai, Qingfei; Liu, Zheng; 2020. The Observation Path Problems and the Formation Conditions of the Elevated Layer of Black Carbon Aerosol. , . 10.20944/preprints202002.0163.v1 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Sommerfeld, Markus; Dörenkämper, Martin; De Schutter, Jochem; Crawford, Curran; 2020. Ground-generation airborne wind energy design space exploration. , . 10.5194/wes-2020-123 | 2020 | Model application | 2 |
Gao, Jinhui; 2020. Diurnal variations and source apportionment of ozone at the summit of Mount Huang, a rural site in Eastern China. , . [223] | 2020 | Model application | 7 |
Aguayo, Miguel A.; Flores, Alejandro N.; McNamara, James P.; Marshall, Hans-Peter; Mead, Jodi; 2020. Examining cross-scale influences of forcing resolutions in a hillslope-resolving, integrated hydrologic model. , . 10.5194/hess-2020-451 | 2020 | Model application | 3 |
Li, Zhiqiang; Wan, Bingcheng; Zhou, Yulun; Wong, Hokit; 2020. Incoming data quality control in high-resolution urban climate simulation: Hong Kong-Shenzhen area urban climate simulation as a case study using WRF/Noah LSM/SLUCM model (Version 3.7.1). , . 10.5194/gmd-2020-45 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Yang, Yang; Chen, Min; Zhao, Xiujuan; Chen, Dan; Fan, Shuiyong; Ali, Shaukat; 2020. Impacts of aerosol-radiation interaction on meteorological forecast over northern China by offline coupling the WRF-Chem simulated AOD into WRF: a case study during a heavy pollution event. , . 10.5194/acp-2019-1056 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Chen, Chih-Chieh; Richter, Jadwiga H.; Liu, Changhai; Moncrieff, Mitchell W; Tang, Qi; Lin, Wuyin; Xie, Shaocheng; Rasch, Philip J.; 2020. Effects of organized mesoscale heating on the MJO and precipitation in E3SMv1. , . 10.1002/essoar.10504677.1 | 2020 | Model application | 2 |
García-García, Almudena; Cuesta-Valero, Francisco José; Beltrami, Hugo; González-Rouco, J. Fidel; García-Bustamante, Elena; Finnis, Joel; 2020. Land Surface Model influence on the simulated climatologies of temperature and precipitation extremes in the WRF v.3.9 model over North America. , . 10.5194/gmd-2020-86 | 2020 | Model application | 4 |
Hristova-Veleva, Svetla; Zhang, Sara Q.; Turk, F. Joseph; Haddad, Ziad S.; Sawaya, Randy C.; 2020. Assimilation of DAWN Doppler Wind Lidar Data During the 2017 Convective Processes Experiment (CPEX): Impact on the Precipitation and Flow Structure. , . 10.5194/amt-2020-503 | 2020 | Model application | 2 |
Tian, Jiyang; Liu, Jia; Wang, Yang; Wang, Wei; Li, Chuanzhe; Hu, Chunqi; 2020. A coupled atmospheric-hydrologic modeling system with variable grid sizes for rainfall-runoff simulation in semi-humid and semi-arid watersheds: How does the coupling scale affects the results?. , . 10.5194/hess-2019-587 | 2020 | Model application | 19 |
Wang, Yuan; Zheng, Xiaojian; Dong, Xiquan; Xi, Baike; Wu, Peng; Logan, Timothy; Yung, Yuk L.; 2020. Impacts of Long-range Transport of Aerosols on Marine Boundary Layer Clouds in the Eastern North Atlantic. , . 10.5194/acp-2020-623 | 2020 | Model application | 15 |
Fan, Jiwen; Zhang, Yuwei; Li, Zhanqing; Hu, Jiaxi; Rosenfeld, Daniel; 2020. Urbanization-induced land and aerosol impacts on sea breeze circulation and convective precipitation. , . 10.5194/acp-2020-411 | 2020 | Model application | 35 |
Dai, Tie; Cheng, Yueming; Goto, Daisuke; Li, Yingruo; Tang, Xiao; Shi, Guangyu; Nakajima, Teruyuki; 2020. Revealing the sulfur dioxide emission reductions in China by assimilating surface observations in WRF-Chem. , . 10.5194/acp-2020-1259 | 2020 | Model application | 14 |
Luu, Linh N.; Vautard, Robert; Yiou, Pascal; Soubeyroux, Jean-Michel; 2020. Evaluation of convection-permitting extreme precipitation simulations for the south of France. , . 10.5194/esd-2020-77 | 2020 | Model application | 8 |
Huang, Yongjie; Wu, Wei; McFarquhar, Greg M.; Wang, Xuguang; Morrison, Hugh; Ryzhkov, Alexander; Hu, Yachao; Wolde, Mengistu; Nguyen, Cuong; Schwarzenboeck, Alfons; Milbrandt, Jason; Korolev, Alexei V.; Heckman, Ivan; 2020. Microphysical Processes Producing High Ice Water Contents (HIWCs) in Tropical Convective Clouds during the HAIC-HIWC Field Campaign: Evaluation of Simulations Using Bulk Microphysical Schemes. , . 10.5194/acp-2020-1045 | 2020 | Model application | 10 |
Fang, Xing; Pomeroy, John W.; 2020. Diagnosis of future changes in hydrology for a Canadian Rocky Mountain headwater basin. , . 10.5194/hess-2019-640 | 2020 | Model application | 6 |
Horak, Johannes; Hofer, Marlis; Gutmann, Ethan; Gohm, Alexander; Rotach, Mathias W.; 2020. A process-based evaluation of the Intermediate Complexity Atmospheric Research Model (ICAR) 1.0.1. , . 10.5194/gmd-2020-317 | 2020 | Model application | 6 |
Kim, Ah-Hyun; Yum, Seong Soo; Chang, Dong Yeong; Park, Minsu; 2020. Optimization of Sulfate Aerosol Hygroscopicity Parameter in WRF-Chem version (3.8.1). , . 10.5194/gmd-2020-170 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Khanam, Mariam; Sofia, Giulia; Koukoula, Marika; Lazin, Rehenuma; Nikolopoulos, Efthymios; Shen, Xinyi; Anagnostou, Emmanouil; 2020. Current and Future Climate Compound-Event Flood Impact on Coastal Critical Infrastructures. , . 10.5194/nhess-2020-132 | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Galanaki, Elissavet; Lagouvardos, Konstantinos; Kotroni, Vassiliki; Giannaros, Theodore; Giannaros, Christos; 2020. Implementation of WRF-Hydro at two drainage basins in the region of Attica, Greece. , . 10.5194/nhess-2020-26 | 2020 | Model application | 5 |
Messmer, Martina; González-Rojí, Santos J.; Raible, Christoph C.; Stocker, Thomas F.; 2020. Sensitivity of precipitation and temperature over Mount Kenya area to physics parameterization options in a high-resolution model simulation performed with WRFV3.8.1. , . 10.5194/gmd-2020-347 | 2020 | Model application | 8 |
Zaccarelli-Marino, Maria Angela; Balderi, Thalles Zaccarelli; Crepaldi, Felipe Mingorance; Alessi, Rudá; Martins, Marco; 2020. SARS-CoV-2 and the Pollution Exposure of the Population Near to an Industrial area on the Metropolitan Region in São Paulo State, Brazil. , . 10.21203/rs.3.rs-117250/v1 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Dörenkämper, Martin; Olsen, Bjarke T.; Witha, Björn; Hahmann, Andrea N.; Davis, Neil N.; Barcons, Jordi; Ezber, Yasemin; García-Bustamante, Elena; González-Rouco, J. Fidel; Navarro, Jorge; Sastre-Marugán, Mariano; Sīle, Tija; Trei, Wilke; Žagar, Mark; Badger, Jake; Gottschall, Julia; Sanz Rodrigo, Javier; Mann, Jakob; 2020. The Making of the New European Wind Atlas – Part 2: Production and Evaluation. , . 10.5194/gmd-2020-23 | 2020 | Model application | 105 |
Pinto, James O.; Jensen, Anders A.; Jiménez, Pedro A.; Hertneky, Tracy; Muñoz-Esparza, Domingo; Dumont, Arnaud; Steiner, Matthias; 2020. Realtime WRF LES Simulations to Support UAS Flight Planning and Operations During 2018 LAPSE-RATE. , . 10.5194/essd-2020-242 | 2020 | Model application | 3 |
Mauz, Moritz; Van Kesteren, Bram; Platis, Andreas; Emeis, Stefan; Bange, Jens; 2020. An analytical solution for wind deficit decay behind a wind energy converter using momentum flux conservation validated by UAS data. , . 10.5194/wes-2020-92 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Rybchuk, Alex; Alden, Caroline; Lundquist, Julie; Rieker, Gregory; 2020. A Statistical Evaluation of WRF-LES Trace Gas Dispersion Using Project Prairie Grass Measurements. , . 10.31223/OSF.IO/UEVSX | 2020 | Model application | 6 |
Teklay, Achenafi; Dile, Yihun T.; Asfaw, Dereje H.; Bayabil, Haimanote K; Sisay, Kibruyesfa; 2020. Modeling the Impact of Climate Change on Hydrological Responses in the Lake Tana Basin, Ethiopia. , . 10.21203/rs.2.19829/v1 | 2020 | Model application | 11 |
Tian, Jiyang; Liu, Ronghua; Ding, Liuqian; Guo, Liang; Zhang, Bingyu; 2020. Typhoon rainstorm simulation with radar data assimilation in southeast coast of China. , . 10.5194/nhess-2020-146 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Amnuaylojaroen, Teerachai; Inkom, Jirarat; 2020. Long Range Transport of Southeast Asia PM2.5 Pollution to Northern Thailand during High Biomass Burning Episode. , . 10.20944/preprints202010.0157.v1 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Qin, Xiaohao; Duan, Wansuo; Xu, Hui; 2020. Sensitivity on tendency perturbations of tropical cyclone short-range intensity forecasts generated by WRF. , . [224] | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Kruse, Christopher; Alexander, Joan; Hoffmann, Lars; Polichtchouk, Inna; Van Niekerk, Annelize; Plougonven, Riwal; Wrioght, Corwin; Bacmeister, Julio; Ern, Manfred; Sato, Kaoru; Shibuya, Ryosuke; Meyer, Catrin; Stein, Olaf; Holt, Laura; Šácha, Petr; Gisinger, Sonja; 2020. Middle-Atmosphere Mountain Waves and Drag Near the Drake Passage: Observations, mini-MIP, and an OSSE. , . [225] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Xu, Lujun; Liu, Huizhi; Du, Qun; Liu, Yang; 2020. The improvement of the planetary boundary layer simulation over the central Tibetan Plateau. , . [226] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Román-Cascón, Carlos; Lothon, Marie; Lohou, Fabienne; Brut, Aurore; Hartogensis, Oscar; Merlin, Olivier; Ojha, Nitu; Yagüe, Carlos; Soriguer, Ramón; Díaz-Delgado, Ricardo; Andreu, Ana; González-Dugo, Maria P.; 2020. Investigating the relationship between soil moisture and evapotranspiration at different surfaces. Do we improve fluxes just improving the land use in models?. , . [227] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Masoero, Alessandro; Hodzic, Imra; Allen, Colis; Libertino, Andrea; Giusti, Andrea; Pignone, Flavio; Dell'Oro, Luca; Gabellani, Simone; Cummings, Garvin; 2020. Building the Flood Early Warning System in Guyana at the National scale, with real-time forecast of inundated areas for selected flood prone communities.. , . [228] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Jeworrek, Julia; West, Gregory; Stull, Roland; 2020. Predictability of Precipitation in Complex Terrain using the WRF Model with Varying Physics Parameterizations. , . [229] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Coll-Hidalgo, Patricia; Pérez-Alarcón, Albenis; González-Jardines, Pedro Manuel; 2020. Evaluation of Microphysics Schemes in the WRF-ARW Model for Numerical Wind Forecast in José Martí International Airport. , 31. 10.3390/ecas2020-08121 | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Hamer, Paul; Trimmel, Heidelinde; Weihs, Philipp; Faroux, Stéphanie; Formayer, Herbert; Hasel, Kristofer; Laiminghofer, Johannes; Leidinger, David; Masson, Valéry; Nadeem, Imran; Oswald, Sandro; Revesz, Michael; Schoetter, Robert; 2020. Can climate adaptation solutions fix the urban heat island? An assessment of the thermal conditions during heat waves in Vienna impacted by climate change and urban development scenarios for the mid-21st-century. , . [230] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Takeishi, Azusa; Wang, Chien; 2020. Interaction between biomass-burning aerosol and clouds under different climate/weather regimes. , . [231] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Behera, Abhinna; Boichu, Marie; Thieuleux, François; 2020. Strength of TROPOMI observations on the retrieval of SO2 emissions at high temporal resolution from space. , . [232] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Lawrence, Deborah; Mezghani, Abdelkader; Pontopiddan, Marie; Benestad, Rasmus; Parding, Kajsa; Helene Birkeland-Erlandsen, Helene; 2020. Catchment-scale assessment of future changes in flood regimes in Norway using stochastic weather generation based on GCM output. , . [233] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Jensen, Anders; Geerts, Bart; Bergmaier, Philip; 2020. Sensitivity of convective cell dynamics and microphysics to model resolution for lake-effect shallow convection. , . [234] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Vela, Angel; Alvim, Debora; Vendrasco, Eder; Herdies, Dirceu; Figueroa, Nilo; Penharkar, Jayant; 2020. A new modeling framework for air pollution forecasting in South America. , . [235] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Liu, Pei-Hsin; Chen, Jen-Ping; Dong, Xiquan; Lin, Yi-Chiu; 2020. Mechanism of Phase Inversion in Arctic Stratiform Clouds. , . [236] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Yair, Yoav; Lynn, Barry; Ziv, Baruch; Yaffe, Mordecai; 2020. Lightning super-bolts in Eastern Mediterranean winter thunderstorms. , . [237] | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Hedde, Thierry; De Bode, Michiel; 2020. Different aggregations of Corine land cover for WRF simulations of a pre-Alpine valley. , . [238] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Chang, Limseok; Hong, Hyunkee; Kim, Cheolhee; 2020. To what extent can the synoptic weather explain high PM2.5 pollution in Seoul?. , . [239] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Zhang, Zhenyu; Arnault, Joel; Laux, Patrick; Baade, Jussi; Kunstmann, Harald; 2020. Assessing the interactions of atmosphere and land surface over South Africa with convective-permitting coupled atmospheric-hydrological modeling. , . [240] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Veratti, Giorgio; Fabbi, Sara; Bigi, Alessandro; Lupascu, Aurelia; Tinarelli, Gianni; Teggi, Sergio; Brusasca, Giuseppe; Butler, Tim M.; Ghermandi, Grazia; 2020. The development of a multi-scale modelling system for evaluation of urban NOx levels in Modena (Italy). , . [241] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Arrillaga, Jon Ander; Jiménez, Pedro; Vilà-Guerau De Arellano, Jordi; Jiménez, Maria Antonia; Román-Cascón, Carlos; Sastre, Mariano; Yagüe, Carlos; 2020. Analyzing the atmospheric scales involved in sea-breeze formation and frontal characteristics. , . [242] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Mazzarella, Vincenzo; Ferretti, Rossella; 2020. A comparison between 4D-VAR and cycling 3D-VAR methods for the simulation of a severe weather event in Central Italy. Preliminary results.. , . [243] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Zhang, Ning; 2020. Statistical characteristics of the morphological parameters of Chinese cities and the application in WRF model. , . [244] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Han, Xiaomen; Sun, Jianning; 2020. Simulation of Downstream Effects of Urbanization on Cloud and Precipitation with WRF Model in Yangtze River Delta, China. , . [245] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Kilicarslan, Berina M.; Duzenli, Eren; Pilatin, Heves; Yucel, Ismail; Yilmaz, M. Tugrul; 2020. Evaluation of a Hydro-Meteorological Model System for Flood Forecasting of a Mediterranean Basin in Turkey. , . [246] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Simon, Jason; Ghannam, Khaled; Katul, Gabriel; Dirmeyer, Paul; Findell, Kirsten; Santanello, Joseph; Chaney, Nathaniel; 2020. An investigation into the influence of high-resolution land-surface heterogeneity on atmospheric dynamics. , . [247] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Gao, Jinhui; Li, Ying; Zhu, Bin; Hu, Bo; Wang, Lili; Bao, Fangwen; 2020. Supplementary material to "What have we missed when studying the impact of aerosols on surface ozone via changing photolysis rates?". , . [248] | 2020 | Model application | 38 |
Rafalimanana, Alohotsy; Giordano, Christophe; Ziad, Aziz; Aristidi, Éric; Schmidt, Dirk; Schreiber, Laura; Vernet, Elise; 2020. Toward an optimal prediction of atmospheric turbulence by means of WRF model. , 316. 10.1117/12.2562336 | 2020 | Model application | 4 |
Capecchi, Valerio; Gozzini, Bernardo; 2020. Evaluating current convection-permitting ensembles for past high-impact weather events in Italy: results from the SPITCAPE Special Project. , . [249] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Perera, V. A. P. C.; Peiris, K. G. H. S.; 2020. An Improved Statistical Method for Rainfall Forecasting in Sri Lanka using the WRF Model. , 1–7. 10.1109/ICUE49301.2020.9307070 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Zyrichidou, Irene; Solomos, Stavros; Kotsopoulos, Stylianos; Syropoulou, Panagiota; Kosmidis, Evangelos; 2020. Development of a high-resolution air quality forecasting system, based on WRF-Chem model, for the greater area of Thessaloniki, Greece. , . [250] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Moon, Mincheol; Ha, Kyung-Ja; 2020. Effect of SST gradient caused by Typhoon-Generated Cold Wake on the Subsequent Typhoon Tembin in models of varying resolutions. , . [251] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Ma, Minjin; 2020. Influence of Urban Canopy Layer on a heavy rainfall over Beijing. , . [252] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Fersch, Benjamin; Senatore, Alfonso; Adler, Bianca; Arnault, Joël; Mauder, Matthias; Schneider, Katrin; Völksch, Ingo; Kunstmann, Harald; 2020. High-resolution fully-coupled atmospheric–hydrological modeling: a cross-compartment regional water and energy cycle evaluation. , . [253] | 2020 | Model application | 5 |
Rajagopalan, Ragi; Dipankar, Anurag; Huang, Xiang-Yu; 2020. Numerical Simulation of Squall line in idealized SINGV and WRF Models. , . [254] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
García-García, Almudena; Cuesta-Valero, Francisco José; Beltrami, Hugo; González-Rouco, J. Fidel; García-Bustamante, Elena; Finnis, Joel; 2020. Land Surface Model influence on the simulated climatologies of extreme temperature and precipitation events within the WRF model over North America. , . [255] | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Wang, Xun; Tolksdorf, Vanessa; Otto, Marco; Scherer, Dieter; 2020. High Asia Refined Analysis Version 2 (HAR v2): a New Atmospheric Data Set for the Third Pole Region. , . [256] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Aliaga, Diego; Sinclair, Victoria; Qiaozhi, Zha; Andrade, Marcos; Mohr, Claudia; Krejci, Radovan; 2020. Source region cluster analysis in the high-altitude measuring site of Chacaltaya with WRF and FLEXPART. , . [257] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Feng, Xu; 2020. WRF-GC: online two-way coupling of WRF and GEOS-Chem for regional atmospheric chemistry modeling. , . [258] | 2020 | Model application | 3 |
Kim, Kyoungmin; Cha, Dong-Hyun; Im, Jungho; 2020. Improvement of Tropical Cyclone Track Forecast over the Western North Pacific Using a Machine Learning Method. , . [259] | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Yang, Jie; Li, Yong; Chen, Meixiang; 2020. Impacts of Binary-interacted Typhoons Tembin and Bolaven in 2012 on Surges and Waves over the East China Sea. , . [260] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Göbel, Matthias; Serafin, Stefano; Rotach, Mathias; 2020. Model resolution dependence of convection initiation by orographically-induced thermal circulations. , . [261] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Kishcha, Pavel; Starobinets, Boris; Pinker, Rachel; Kunin, Pavel; Alpert, Pinhas; 2020. Asymmetry in surface temperature between the east and west sides of the Dead Sea under uniform solar radiation. , . [262] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Sun, Genhou; Hu, Zeyong; Ma, Yaoming; Yang, Song; 2020. Simulation Analysis of Local Land Atmosphere Coupling in Rainy Season over a Typical Underlying Surface in the Tibetan Plateau. , . [263] | 2020 | Model application | 9 |
Yang, Yang; Chen, Dan; Zhao, Xiujuan; 2020. Impacts of aerosol-radiation interaction on meteorological forecast over northern China by offline coupling the WRF-Chem simulated AOD into WRF: a case study during a heavy pollution event. , . [264] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Zhuo, Lu; Dai, Qiang; Han, Dawei; 2020. Soil Moisture Network Design using Advanced Numerical Weather Prediction modelling and Data Mining technology for Hydrological applications. , . [265] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Yang, Xianyu; 2020. Lake-atmospheric Interaction and its Impact on the Local Precipitation over Nam co region. , . [266] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Zhang, Xu; Bao, Jian-Wen; Chen, Baode; 2020. Evaluation of scale-aware convection schemes at the kilometer-scale resolution. , . [267] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Qu, Yu; An, Junling; 2020. Seasonal effects of additional HONO sources and the heterogeneous reactions of N2O5 on nitrate in the North China Plain. , . [268] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Tao, Wei; Su, Hang; Zheng, Guangjie; Wang, Jiandong; Liu, Lixia; Wei, Chao; Li, Meng; Zhang, Qiang; Poschl, Ulrich; Cheng, Yafang; 2020. Aerosol pH and regime transition of sulfate formation in aerosol water during winter haze events in northern China. , . [269] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Chen, Der-Song; Hsiao, Ling-Feng; Xie, Jia-Hong; Hong, Jing-Shan; Fong, Chin-Tzu; Yeh, Tien-Chiang; 2020. Improve Tropical Cyclone Prediction of TWRF with the Application of Advanced Observation Data. , . [270] | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Teng, Wei-Guang; Wu, Yu-Ting; Lin, Chun-Yao; 2020. Prediction of Power Output in a Large Wind Farm Using the WRF Model. , . [271] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Wenta, Marta; Herman, Agnieszka; 2020. Submesoscale physical processes in the atmospheric boundary layer above fragmented sea ice.. , . [272] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Duzenli, Eren; Pilatin, Heves; Yucel, Ismail; Kilicarslan, Berina M.; Yilmaz, M. Tugrul; 2020. Evaluation of the performance of WRF model in extreme precipitation estimation concerning the changing model configuration and the spatial and temporal variations. , . [273] | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Zhao, Zewei; Dong, Xichao; Feng, Jianing; Liang, Xudong; Hu, Cheng; 2020. A Simulating Method of Airship-Borne Polarimetric Weather Radar for Typhoon Observation. , 5306–5309. 10.1109/IGARSS39084.2020.9323361 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Yu, Ke-Sin; 2020. Simulation and analysis for flood early warning system in small catchments caused by rainfall-induced disaster. , . [274] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Van Lipzig, Nicole; Van De Walle, Jonas; Thiery, Wim; Nikulin, Grigory; Wu, Minchao; Glazer, Russell; Coppola, Erika; Pinto, Joaquim; Fink, Andreas; Ludwig, Patrick; Rowell, Dave; Berthou, Ségolène; Finney, Declan; Marsham, John; 2020. Climate Extremes in the Lake Victoria Basin: The ELVIC CORDEX Flagship Pilot Study. , . [275] | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Vegas Cañas, Cristina; González Rouco, J. Fidel; Navarro Montesinos, Jorge; Lucio Eceiza, Etor E.; García Bustamante, Elena; Álvarez Arévalo, Inés; Rodríguez Camino, Ernesto; Chazarra Bernabé, Andrés; García Pereira, Félix; 2020. An Assessment of Long-Term Temperature Variability in the Sierra de Guadarrama (Spain). , . [276] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Nico, Giovanni; Vespe, Francesco; Masci, Olimpia; Mateus, Pedro; Catalão, João; Rosciano, Elisa; 2020. New meteorological products based on Sentinel-1 and GNSS. , . [277] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Laux, Patrick; Dieng, Diarra; Portele, Tanja; Arnault, Joel; Lorenz, Christof; Bliefernicht, Jan; Kunstmann, Harald; 2020. A physically-based ensemble of high-resolution regional climate simulations for Sub-Saharan Africa. , . [278] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Calbó, Josep; Jahani, Babak; González, Josep-Abel; 2020. Shortwave Heating Rate at the Cloud-Aerosol Transition Zone from Radiative Parameterizations in the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF). , . [279] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Villalba, Gara; Ventura, Sergi; Gilabert, Joan; Martilli, Alberto; Badia, Alba; 2020. Assessing the impact of the urban landscape on heat wave episodes: a case study of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona.. , . [280] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Morin, Efrat; Armon, Moshe; Marra, Francesco; Enzel, Yehouda; Rostkier-Edelstein, Dorita; 2020. Radar-based characterization of heavy precipitation in the eastern Mediterranean and its representation in a convection-permitting model. , . [281] | 2020 | Model application | 3 |
Huang, Wei; Liu, Mengjuan; Zhang, Xu; Bao, Jian-wen; 2020. The impact of vertical resolution on tropical cyclone simulation. , . [282] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Ha, Soyoung; Liu, Zhiquan; 2020. Improving air quality forecasting with the assimilation of GOCI AOD retrievals. , . [283] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Zaiko, Palina; Barodka, Siarhei; Krasouski, Aliaksandr; 2020. Impact of Doppler radar reflectivity and velocity data assimilation on the quality of precipitation forecasting in Belarus in different seasons. , . [284] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Chtirkova, Boriana; Peneva, Elisaveta; 2020. The impact of SST on the weather forecast quality in the Bulgarian Antarctic Base area on Livingstone Island. , . [285] | 2020 | Model application | 2 |
Jahani, Babak; Calbó, Josep; González, Josep-Abel; 2020. Longwave Radiation at the Cloud-Aerosol Transition Zone from Radiative Parameterizations in Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF). , . [286] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Yılmaz, Mustafa Yağız; Göktürk, Ozan Mert; Fidan, Güven; 2020. A High-Resolution, Model-Based Lightning Risk Map for Turkey. , . [287] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Yang, Chao-Yuan; Liu, Jiping; Xu, Shiming; 2020. A new coupled modeling system developed for Arctic sea ice simulation and prediction. , . [288] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Guion, Antoine; Turquety, Solène; Polcher, Jan; Pennel, Romain; Fita, Lluis; 2020. Identification of droughts and heatwaves in the Western Mediterranean, variability and impacts on vegetation and wildfires using the coupled ORCHIDEE-WRF regional model. , . [289] | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Chang, Po-Shen; Chen, Jen-Ping; Hsieh, Cheng-I; 2020. The Potential Impact of Solar Photovoltaic Installation on Local Circulation and Convection in Taipei. , . [290] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Philipp, Anne; Schoeppner, Michael; Kusmierczyk-Michulec, Jolanta; Bourgouin, Pierre; Kalinowski, Martin; 2020. Comparison study for different approaches in applying High-Resolution Atmospheric Transport Modelling based on validation with Xe-133 observations in Europe. , . [291] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Wagner, Andreas; Fersch, Benjamin; Yuan, Peng; Kunstmann, Harald; 2020. The sensitivity of data assimilation on water vapour fields on convection-permitting WRF simulations over the GNSS Upper Rhine Graben Network (GURN), Germany. , . [292] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Rostkier-Edelstein, Dorita; Kunin, Pavel; Alpert, Pinhas; 2020. Investigation of sea breeze and foehn in the Dead Sea valley with remote sensing observations and WRF model simulations. , . [293] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Grell, Evelyn; Bao, Jian-Wen; Michelson, Sara; 2020. The Impact of Predator-Prey Processes in Bulk Microphysics Schemes on Simulated Aerosol-Cloud Interaction. , . [294] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Sofokleous, Ioannis; Bruggeman, Adriana; Camera, Corrado; Zittis, George; 2020. High-resolution ensemble precipitation simulations over a small domain with complex topography. , . [295] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Walk, Janek; Bartz, Melanie; Stauch, Georg; Reyers, Mark; Binnie, Steven A.; Brill, Dominik; Vásquez, Paulina; Sepúlveda, Fernando A.; Hoffmeister, Dirk; Brückner, Helmut; Lehmkuhl, Frank; 2020. Coupled controls of climate, geology, and biota on late Pleistocene alluvial fan morphodynamics along the coast of the hyperarid Atacama Desert. , . [296] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Malečić, Barbara; Jelić, Damjan; Horvath, Kristian; Babić, Karmen; Mikuš Jurković, Petra; Strelec Mahović, Nataša; Telišman Prtenjak, Maja; 2020. Sensitivity of the WRF – HAILCAST model to microphysics and PBL parameterization shemes. , . [297] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Hsiao, Ling-Feng; Wang, Feng-Ju; 2020. Impact of MODIS land cover data on surface predictions over Taiwan in the FV3GFS model. , . [298] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Forkel, Renate; Khan, Basit; Werhahn, Johannes; Banzhaf, Sabine; Chan, Edward C.; Kanani-Sühring, Farah; Ketelsen, Klaus; Maronga, Björn; Mauder, Matthias; Raasch, Siegfried; Sühring, Matthias; 2020. Test of chemistry boundary conditions large-eddy simulations in urban areas. , . [299] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Kuznetsova, Alexandra; Poplavsky, Evgeny; Rusakov, Nikita; Troitskaya, Yuliya; 2020. Wind waves modeling in the polar law weather conditions. , . [300] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Gorodetskaya, Irina V.; Rowe, Penny M.; Kalesse, Heike; Silva, Tiago; Hirasawa, Naohiko; Schmithüsen, Holger; Seifert, Patric; Park, Sang-Jong; Choi, Yonghan; Cordero, Raul R.; 2020. The vertical structure of atmospheric rivers and their impact in the Atlantic sector of Antarctica from the Year of Polar Prediction observations. , . [301] | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Jacobsen, Simon; Walløe Hansen, Aksel; 2020. A study of the impact of very large wind farms on regional weather using the WRF model in high resolution. , . [302] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Gogoi, Partha Pratim; Vinoj, Velu; 2020. Signature of LULC induced Regional Climate Change over Eastern India: A Modeling and Observational Approach. , . [303] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Barantiev, Damyan Yanchev; Kirova, Hristina Ivanova; Gueorguiev, Orlin Angelov; 2020. WRF simulations against sodar measurements of extreme winds and local breeze circulations serial events. Advances in Science and Research, 17109–113. 10.5194/asr-17-109-2020 | 2020 | Model application | 2 |
Kociok, Thomas; Ullwer, Carmen; Sprung, Detlev; van Eijk, A.M.J.; Stein, Karin; Gladysz, Szymon; 2020. Turbulence magnitude of West Africa: a virtual measuring campaign. , 2. 10.1117/12.2571061 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Jiang, Cong; J. R. Parteli, Eric; Shao, Yaping; 2020. Application of a Coupled Atmospheric and Hydrological Modelling System (AHMS) to the Yellow River Basin, China. , . [304] | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Silva, Yamina; Martínez-Castro, Daniel; Moya-Álvarez, Aldo; Estevan, René; Flores Rojas, José; Kumar, Shailendra; 2020. Atmospheric physics and microphysics research project in the Central Peruvian Andes. A multilateral approach.. , . [305] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Sun, Jing; 2020. Two Cases Studies of Cloud Structures of Aircraft Icing Tests in the Northwest of China. , . [306] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Ward, Helen; Rotach, Mathias; Gohm, Alexander; Graus, Martin; Karl, Thomas; Umek, Lukas; Haid, Maren; Muschinski, Thomas; 2020. Evaluating WRF in highly complex terrain – a city surrounded by mountains. , . [307] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Dieng, Diarra; Hald, Cornelius; Laux, Patrick; Lorenz, Christof; Kunstmann, Harald; 2020. Future water availability in West Africa: Estimates from high-resolution RCM modeling and multivariate bias correction. , . [308] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Lin, Chuan-yao; Chen, Wan-chin; Sheng, Yang-fan; Chen, Win-Mei; Chien, Yi-Yun; 2020. Modeling of Southeast Asia biomass burning pollutants to Taiwan during EMeRGe campaigns in Asia. , . [309] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Ukhov, Alexander; Mostamandi, Suleiman; Flemming, Johannes; DaSilva, Arlindo; Krotkov, Nick; Li, Can; Alshehri, Yasser; Anisimov, Anatolii; Fioletov, Vitali; McLinden, Chris; Shevchenko, Illia; Stenchikov, Georgiy; 2020. Assessment of Air Pollution in the Middle East Using Reanalyses Products and High-resolution WRF-Chem Simulations. , . [310] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
da Siva Ramos, D.N.; de Lima, F.J.L.; Casagrande, M.S.G.; Costa, R.S., Goncalves, A.R.; Pereira, E.B.; Vendrasco, E.P.; 2020. AVALIAÇÃO PRELIMINAR DO MODELO WRF-SOLAR PARA PREVISÃO DE CURTO PRAZO DAS IRRADIÂNCIAS GLOBAL HORIZONTAL E DIRETA NORMAL. , . 10.59627/cbens.2020.760 | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Lu, Bing; Zhong, Ji-Qin; Wang, Wei; Tang, Shi-Hao; Zheng, Zhao-Jun; 2020. Influence of Near Real-Time Green Vegetation Fraction Data on the Numerical Weather Prediction in WRF over North China. , . [311] | 2020 | Model application | 2 |
Sotiropoulou, Georgia; Vignon, Etienne; Young, Gillian; Lachlan-Cope, Thomas; Berne, Alexis; Nenes, Athanasios; 2020. Secondary Ice Production in Antarctic Clouds: a process neglected in large-scale models. , . [312] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Kirchgaessner, Amélie; King, John; Gadian, Alan; 2020. The representation of Föhn events to the east of the Antarctic Peninsula in simulations by the Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System (AMPS). , . [313] | 2020 | Model application | 2 |
Parsakhoo, Zahra; Ansorge, Cedrick; Shao, Yaping; 2020. Modelling multi-scale atmosphere and land-surface interactions. , . [314] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Ioannidis, Eleftherios; Law, Kathy; Raut, Jean-Christophe; Onishi, Tatsuo; Simpson, William R.; Kirpes, Rachel M.; Pratt, Karri A.; 2020. Wintertime Arctic Air Pollution over Alaska. , . [315] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Reuveni, Yuval; Leontiev, Anton; 2020. Using 2D integrated water vapor (IWV) maps derived from GPS tropospheric path delays for augmenting Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model predictions. , . [316] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Liu, Ying; Chen, Yiheng; Chen, Otto; Wang, Jiao; Zhuo, Lu; Han, Dawei; 2020. Exploration of WRF simulations of extreme rainfall in Egypt. , . [317] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Thorp, Thomas; Arnold, Stephen R.; Pope, Richard J.; Spracklen, Dominic V.; Conibear, Luke; Knote, Christoph; Arshinov, Mikhail; Belan, Boris; Asmi, Eija; Laurila, Tuomas; Skorokhod, Andrei I.; Nieminen, Tuomo; Petäjä, Tuukka; 2020. Supplementary material to "Late-Spring and Summertime Tropospheric Ozone and NO<sub>2</sub> in Western Siberia and the Russian Arctic: Regional Model Evaluation and Sensitivities". , . [318] | 2020 | Model application | 8 |
Horak, Johannes; Hofer, Marlis; Gohm, Alexander; 2020. Three recommendations to improve simulations with the Intermediate Complexity Atmospheric Research (ICAR) model. , . [319] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Flandorfer, Claudia; Hirtl, Marcus; Scherllin-Pirscher, Barbara; 2020. Evaluation of O3 forecasts of ALARO-CAMx and WRF-Chem. , . [320] | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Vihma, Timo; Naakka, Tuomas; Sun, Qizhen; Nygård, Tiina; Tjernström, Michael; Jonassen, Marius; Pirazzini, Roberta; Brooks, Ian; 2020. Impact of assimilation of radiosonde and UAV observations on numerical weather prediction analyses and forecasts in the Arctic and Antarctic. , . [321] | 2020 | Model application | 2 |
Gerber, Franziska; Sharma, Varun; Lehning, Michael; 2020. Blowing snow in Antarctica and its contribution to the surface mass balance. , . [322] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Sotiropoulou, Rafaella - Eleni; Stergiou, Ioannis; Tagaris, Efthimios; 2020. A Methodology for Optimizing Numerical Weather Prediction Models. , . [323] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Sanchez, Jose Luis; Melcon, Pablo; Merida, Guillermo; Merino, Andres; Garcia-Ortega, Eduardo; Marcos, Jose Luis; Lopez, Laura; Sanchez-Muñoz, Laura; Valero, Francisco; Fernandez, Javier; Bolgiani, Pedro; Martin, Maria Luisa; Fernandez-Gonzalez, Sergio; Navarro, Andres; 2020. Evaluating the ability of a microwave radiometer and wrf to detect and simulate in-cloud icing conditions. , . [324] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Wang, Huiqun; Souri, Amir Hossein; Gonzalez Abad, Gonzalo; Liu, Xiong; Chance, Kelly; 2019. OMI Total Column Water Vapor Version 4 Validation and Applications. , . 10.5194/amt-2019-89 | 2019 | Model application | 2 |
Hasager, Charlotte B.; Hahmann, Andrea N.; Ahsbahs, Tobias; Karagali, Ioanna; Sile, Tija; Badger, Merete; Mann, Jakob; 2019. Europe’s offshore winds assessed from SAR, ASCAT and WRF. , . 10.5194/wes-2019-38 | 2019 | Model application | 4 |
Ding, Qiuji; Sun, Jianning; Huang, Xin; Ding, Aijun; Zou, Jun; Yang, Xiuqun; Fu, Congbin; 2019. Impacts of black carbon on the formation of advection-radiation fog during a haze pollution episode in eastern China. , . 10.5194/acp-2019-182 | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
Wang, Shizhang; Liu, Zhiquan; 2019. A Radar Reflectivity Operator with Ice-Phase Hydrometeors for Variational Data Assimilation (RadZIceVarv1.0) and Its Evaluation with Real Radar Data. , . 10.5194/gmd-2019-67 | 2019 | Model application | 2 |
Hines, Keith M.; Bromwich, David H.; Wang, Sheng-Hung; Silber, Israel; Verlinde, Johannes; Lubin, Dan; 2019. Microphysics of Summer Clouds in Central West Antarctica Simulated by Polar WRF and AMPS. , . 10.5194/acp-2018-1251 | 2019 | Model application | 11 |
Ni, Zhi-zhen; Luo, Kun; Gao, Yang; Gao, Xiang; Jiang, Fei; Chen, Huang; Fan, Jian-ren; Fu, Joshua S.; Chen, Chang-hong; 2019. Elucidating the ozone pollution in Yangtze River Delta region during the 2016 G20 summit for MICS-Asia III. , . 10.5194/acp-2019-634 | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
Burlando, Massimiliano; Romanic, Djordje; Boni, Giorgio; Lagasio, Martina; Parodi, Antonio; 2019. Investigation of the weather conditions during the collapse of the Morandi Bridge in Genoa on 14 August 2018. , . 10.5194/nhess-2019-371 | 2019 | Model application | 11 |
Kim, Da-Eun; Park, Seon Ki; 2019. Uncertainty in predicting the Eurasian snow: Intercomparison of land surface models coupled to a regional climate model. , . 10.5194/tc-2019-15 | 2019 | Model application | 2 |
Ansari, Tabish Umar; Wild, Oliver; Li, Jie; Yang, Ting; Xu, Weiqi; Sun, Yele; Wang, Zifa; 2019. Effectiveness of short term air quality emission controls: A high-resolution model study of Beijing during the APEC period. , . 10.5194/acp-2018-1173 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Gao, Meng; Gao, Jinhui; Zhu, Bin; Kumar, Rajesh; Lu, Xiao; Song, Shaojie; Zhang, Yuzhong; Wang, Peng; Beig, Gufran; Hu, Jianlin; Ying, Qi; Zhang, Hongliang; Sherman, Peter; McElroy, Michael B.; 2019. Ozone Pollution over China and India: Seasonality and Sources. , . 10.5194/acp-2019-875 | 2019 | Model application | 100 |
Li, Ji; Yuan, Daoxian; Hong, Aihua; Jiang, Yongjun; Liu, Jiao; Chen, Yangbo; 2019. Comparing the performances of WRF QPF and PERSIANN-CCS QPEs in karst flood simulations and forecasting with a new Karst-Liuxihe model. , . 10.5194/hess-2019-285 | 2019 | Model application | 3 |
Ha, Soyoung; Liu, Zhiquan; Sun, Wei; Lee, Yonghee; Chang, Limseok; 2019. Improving air quality forecasting with the assimilation of GOCI AOD retrievals during the KORUS-AQ period. , . 10.5194/acp-2019-648 | 2019 | Model application | 3 |
Nuryanto, Danang Eko; Satyaningsih, Ratna; Nuraini, Tri Astuti; Rizal, Jose; Heriyanto, Eko; Linarka, Utoyo Aji; Sopaheluwakan, Ardhasena; Pham, Tien Dat; Kanniah, Kasturi D.; Arai, Kohei; Perez, Gay Jane P.; Setiawan, Yudi; Prasetyo, Lilik B.; Murayama, Yuji; 2019. Evaluation of Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) schemes in simulating heavy rainfall events over Central Java using high resolution WRF model. , 99. 10.1117/12.2541817 | 2019 | Model application | 2 |
Bart, Andrey A.; Kizhner, Lubov I.; Starchenko, Alexander V.; Matvienko, Gennadii G.; Romanovskii, Oleg A.; 2019. Numerical Simulation of Precipitation at Siberian Weather Conditions. , 250. 10.1117/12.2540790 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Menke, Robert; Vasiljević, Nikola; Wagner, Johannes; Oncley, Steven P.; Mann, Jakob; 2019. Multi-lidar wind resource mapping in complex terrain. , . 10.5194/wes-2019-85 | 2019 | Model application | 21 |
Dias, Palmira Maria Acioli; Aylas, Georgynio Yossimar Rosales; Conterato, Flávio Santos; Santos, José Vicente Cardoso; Vieira, Carolina Sacramento; Nascimento, Erick Giovani Sperandio; Moreira, Davidson Martins; 2019. ANÁLISE DO POTENCIAL DE ENERGIA SOLAR NO ESTADO DA BAHIA USANDO UMA MODELAGEM COMPUTACIONAL. , 556–563. 10.5151/siintec2019-70 | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
Zamuriano, Marcelo; Froidevaux, Paul; Moreno, Isabel; Vuille, Mathias; Brönnimann, Stefan; 2019. Synoptic and Mesoscale atmospheric features associated with an extreme Snowstorm over the Central Andes in August 2013. , . 10.5194/nhess-2019-286 | 2019 | Model application | 2 |
Kaliszan, Damian; Fürst, Steffen; Gienger, Michael; Gogolenko, Sergiy; Meyer, Norbert; Petruczynik, Sebastian; 2019. Comparative benchmarking of HPC systems for GSS applications: GSS applications in the HPC ecosystem. , 43–52. 10.1145/3293320.3293326 | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
Ojha, Narendra; Girach, Imran A.; Saha, Sourita; Sharma, Som K.; Singh, Narendra; 2019. Tropospheric Ozone over South Asia: Climatology and Long-term Trend. , 1–1. 10.23919/URSIAP-RASC.2019.8738135 | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
Roux, Hélène; Amengual, Arnau; Romero, Romu; Bladé, Ernest; Sanz-Ramos, Marcos; 2019. Evaluation of two hydrometeorogical ensemble strategies for flash flood forecasting over a catchment of the eastern Pyrenees. , . 10.5194/nhess-2019-232 | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
Papandrea, Enzo; Casadio, Stefano; Castelli, Elisa; Dinelli, Bianca Maria; Miglietta, Mario Marcello; 2019. Lee waves detection over the Mediterranean Sea using the Advanced Infra-Red WAter Vapour Estimator (AIRWAVE) Total Column Water Vapor (TCWV) dataset. , . 10.5194/amt-2019-105 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Ingula Odongo, Ronald; Mugume, Isaac; 2019. Analysis of WRF Simulation Skill for Seasonal Rainfall: A Case Study of 2015 September–November Season. , . 10.20944/preprints201908.0321.v1 | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
Ma, Siqi; Zhang, Xuelei; Gao, Chao; Tong, Daniel Q.; Xiu, Aijun; Wu, Guangjian; Cao, Xinyuan; Huang, Ling; Zhao, Hongmei; Zhang, Shichun; Ibarra-Espinosa, Sergio; Wang, Xin; Li, Xiaolan; Dan, Mo; 2019. Multi-model simulations of springtime dust storms in East Asia: Implications of an evaluation of four commonly used air quality models (CMAQv5.2.1, CAMxv6.50, CHIMEREv2017r4, and WRF-Chem v3.9.1). , . 10.5194/gmd-2019-57 | 2019 | Model application | 4 |
Fomin, Vladimir; Diansky, Nikolay; Korshenko, Evgeniya; Panasenkova, Irina; 2019. Assessment of Extreme Surge Simulation Accuracy in the Sea of Azov for Various Types of Atmospheric Forcing and Ocean Model Parameters:. , 340–344. 10.5220/0007836603400344 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Korshenko, Evgeniya; Diansky, Nikolay; Fomin, Vladimir; Panasenkova, Irina; 2019. Numerical Modelling of the Pollution Distribution from the Underwater Discharge of the Wastewater Treatment Plant near the Heraclean Peninsula of the Crimea under Different Wind Directions:. , 373–377. 10.5220/0007835803730377 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Leukauf, Daniel; El-Bahlouli, Asmae; Zum Berge, Kjell; Schön, Martin; Knaus, Hermann; Bange, Jens; 2019. The impact of a forest parametrization on coupled WRF-CFD simulations during the passage of a cold front over the WINSENT test-site. , . 10.5194/wes-2019-68 | 2019 | Model application | 6 |
Kurkute, Sopan; Li, Zhenhua; Li, Yanping; Huo, Fei; 2019. Assessment and Projection of Water Budget over Western Canada using Convection Permitting WRF Simulations. , . 10.5194/hess-2019-522 | 2019 | Model application | 4 |
Lagasio, Martina; Pulvirenti, Luca; Parodi, Antonio; Meroni, Agostino N.; 2019. Assimilation and Direct Insertion of Sentinel Products in the WRF Weather Forecast Model. , 7649–7652. 10.1109/IGARSS.2019.8899298 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Chen, Jie; Li, Zhengqiang; Zhang, Ying; Ge, Bangyu; Wei, Yuanyuan; Gong, HaiMei; Greivenkamp, John E.; Tanida, Jun; Jiang, Yadong; Lu, Jin; Liu, Dong; 2019. Process analysis of a floating dust case in Kashi based on comprehensive observation and simulation. , 149. 10.1117/12.2547895 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Sato, Tomohiro O.; Kuroda, Takeshi; Kasai, Yasuko; 2019. Novel index to comprehensively evaluate air cleanness: the Clean aIr Index. , . 10.5194/gc-2019-16 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Ma, Jiapei; Li, Hongyi; Wang, Jian; Lei, Huajin; 2019. Using Quantile Mapping to Correct WRF Precipitation for Improvement of Runoff Simulation in Manas River Basin. , 7774–7777. 10.1109/IGARSS.2019.8898625 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Goto, Daisuke; Morino, Yu; Ohara, Toshimasa; Sekiyama, Tsuyoshi Thomas; Uchida, Junya; Nakajima, Teruyuki; 2019. Application of linear minimum variance estimation to the multi-model ensemble of atmospheric radioactive Cs-137 with observations. , . 10.5194/acp-2019-777 | 2019 | Model application | 7 |
Fersch, Benjamin; Senatore, Alfonso; Adler, Bianca; Arnault, Joël; Mauder, Matthias; Schneider, Katrin; Völksch, Ingo; Kunstmann, Harald; 2019. High-resolution fully-coupled atmospheric–hydrological modeling: a cross-compartment regional water and energy cycle evaluation. , . 10.5194/hess-2019-478 | 2019 | Model application | 17 |
Egan, Sean D.; Stuefer, Martin; Webley, Peter W.; Lopez, Taryn; Cahill, Catherine F.; Hirtl, Marcus; 2019. Modeling volcanic ash aggregation processes and related impacts on the April/May 2010 eruptions of Eyjafjallajökull Volcano with WRF-Chem. , . 10.5194/nhess-2019-382 | 2019 | Model application | 8 |
Hanna, Natalia; Trzcina, Estera; Möller, Gregor; Rohm, Witold; Weber, Robert; 2019. Assimilation of GNSS tomography products into WRF using radio occultation data assimilation operator. , . 10.5194/amt-2018-419 | 2019 | Model application | 12 |
Bo, Tonggui; Liu, Yudi; Li, Dawei; Huang, Lang; Yu, Yi; 2019. Characteristics of the Concentric Eyewall Structure of Super Typhoon Muifa during Its Formation and Replacement Processes. , . 10.20944/preprints201911.0230.v1 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Brands, Swen; Fernández-García, Guillermo; Tesouro Montecelo, Marcos; Gallego Fernández, Nuria; Saunders Estévez, Anthony David; Carracedo García, Pablo Enrique; Neto Venancio, Anabela; Melo Da Costa, Pedro; Costa Tomé, Paula; Otero, Christina; Macho, María Luz; Taboada, Juan; 2019. Sensitivity of <i>CHIMERE</i> to changes in model resolution and chemistry over the northwestern Iberian Peninsula. , . 10.5194/acp-2019-351 | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
Armon, Moshe; Marra, Francesco; Enzel, Yehouda; Rostkier-Edelstein, Dorita; Morin, Efrat; 2019. Characterising patterns of heavy precipitation events in the eastern Mediterranean using a weather radar and convection-permitting WRF simulations. , . 10.5194/hess-2019-500 | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
Wu, Liqing; Wang, Xuemei; Lu, Sihua; Shao, Min; Ling, Zhenhao; 2019. Emission inventory of semi-volatile and intermediate volatility organic compounds and theireffectson SOA over the Pearl River Delta region. , . 10.5194/acp-2018-1341 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
He, Jieying; Chen, Haonan; Zhang, Shengwei; Li, Na; 2019. Observations and Forcasting Analysis of Hurricane Sandy Using Satellite Microwave Remote Sensing. , 7552–7555. 10.1109/IGARSS.2019.8899192 | 2019 | Model application | 3 |
Yu, Chao; Zhao, Tianliang; Bai, Yongqing; Zhang, Lei; Yu, Xingna; Kong, Shaofei; He, Jinhai; Cui, Chunguang; Yang, Jie; You, Yinchang; Ma, Guoxu; Wu, Ming; Chang, Jiacheng; 2019. Heavy air pollution with the unique “non-stagnant” atmospheric boundary layer in the Yangtze River Middle Basin aggravated by regional transport of PM<sub>2.5</sub> over China. , . 10.5194/acp-2019-758 | 2019 | Model application | 7 |
Luna, Marco Guevara; Ceron, Luis Carlos Belalcazar; Clappier, Alain; 2019. Implementation and validation of the performance of meteorological modeling with WRF in Colombian cities. , 1–4. 10.1109/CASAP48673.2019.9364068 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Balog, Irena; Podrascanin, Zorica; Spinelli, Francesco; Caputo, Giampaolo; Siviero, Roldano; Benedetti, Arcangelo; 2019. Hourly forecast of solar radiation up to 48h with two runs of weather research forecast model over Italy. , 190004. 10.1063/1.5117701 | 2019 | Model application | 9 |
Zeng, Yi; Wang, Minghuai; Zhao, Chun; Chen, Siyu; Liu, Zhoukun; Huang, Xin; Gao, Yang; 2019. WRF-Chem v3.9 simulations of the East Asian dust storm in May 2017: modeling sensitivities to dust emission and dry deposition schemes. , . 10.5194/gmd-2019-310 | 2019 | Model application | 23 |
Xu, Xiaoqi; Lu, Chunsong; Liu, Yangang; Gao, Wenhua; Wang, Yuan; Cheng, Yueming; Luo, Shi; Weverberg, Kwinten Van; 2019. Effects of Liquid Phase Cloud Microphysical Processes in Mixed Phase Cumulus Clouds over the Tibetan Plateau. , . 10.5194/acp-2019-1063 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Ullwer, Carmen; Sprung, Detlev; Sucher, Erik; Kociok, Thomas; Grossmann, Peter; van Eijk, Alexander M. J.; Stein, Karin; van Eijk, Alexander M.; Hammel, Stephen; Bos, Jeremy P.; 2019. Global simulations of Cn2 using the Weather Research and Forecast Model WRF and comparison to experimental results. , 16. 10.1117/12.2530280 | 2019 | Model application | 12 |
Prósper, Miguel A.; Sosa Tinoco, Ian; Otero-Casal, Carlos; Miguez-Macho, Gonzalo; 2019. Downslope windstorm study in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec using WRF high-resolution simulations. , . 10.5194/esd-2019-3 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Mall, Martin; Suursaar, Ulo; Shibayama, Tomoya; Nakamura, Ryota; 2019. Modeling Cyclone-Related Precipitation Changes in Future Climates Using WRF Model and CMIP5 Output Data. , 7590–7593. 10.1109/IGARSS.2019.8900309 | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
Nico, Giovanni; Mateus, Pedro; Catalao, Joao; 2019. InSAR Remote Sensing of Atmosphere: Bridging High Resolution Data and NWP Models. , 7641–7644. 10.1109/IGARSS.2019.8900360 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Zhang, Xin; Yin, Yan; Van Der A, Ronald; Lapierre, Jeff L.; Chen, Qian; Kuang, Xiang; Yan, Shuqi; Chen, Jinghua; He, Chuan; Shi, Rulin; 2019. Estimates of Lightning NO<sub>x</sub> Production based on High Resolution OMI NO<sub>2</sub> Retrievals over the Continental US. , . 10.5194/amt-2019-372 | 2019 | Model application | 6 |
Zupanski, Milija; Kliewer, Anton; Wu, Ting-Chi; Apodaca, Karina; Bian, Qijing; Atwood, Sam; Wang, Yi; Wang, Jun; Miller, Steven D.; 2019. Impact of Atmospheric and Aerosol Optical Depth Observations on Aerosol Initial Conditions in a strongly-coupled data assimilation system. , . 10.5194/acp-2019-2 | 2019 | Model application | 3 |
Mehmood, Khalid; Wu, Yujie; Wang, Liqiang; Yu, Shaocai; Li, Pengfei; Chen, Xue; Li, Zhen; Zhang, Yibo; Li, Mengying; Liu, Weiping; Zhu, Yannian; Rosenfeld, Daniel; Seinfeld, John H.; 2019. Relative effects of open biomass and crop straw burning on haze formation over central and eastern China: modelling study driven by constrained emissions. , . 10.5194/acp-2019-808 | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
Tao, Zhining; Chin, Mian; Gao, Meng; Kucsera, Tom; Kim, Dongchul; Bian, Huisheng; Kurokawa, Jun-ichi; Wang, Yuesi; Carmichael, Gregory R.; Wang, Zifa; Akimoto, Hajime; 2019. Evaluation of NU-WRF Performance on Air Quality Simulation under Various Model Resolutions – An Investigation within Framework of MICS-Asia Phase III. , . 10.5194/acp-2019-732 | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
Xu, Xinghan; Yoneda, Minoru; 2019. Assessment of Atmospheric Impact of Environmental Governance Policies in Central China. , 1735–1742. 10.1109/SSCI44817.2019.9002974 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Réveillet, Marion; MacDonell, Shelley; Gascoin, Simon; Kinnard, Christophe; Lhermitte, Stef; Schaffer, Nicole; 2019. Uncertainties in the spatial distribution of snow sublimation in the semi-arid Andes of Chile. , . 10.5194/tc-2019-31 | 2019 | Model application | 3 |
Barantiev, Damyan; Kirova, Hristina; Gueorguiev, Orlin; Batchvarova, Ekaterina; 2019. Mesoscale modeling of extreme coastal weather against sodar data – A case study. , 120002. 10.1063/1.5091260 | 2019 | Model application | 2 |
Hoyos, Carlos D.; Ceballos, Lina I.; Pérez, Jhayron S.; Sepúlveda, Julián; López, Silvana M.; Zuluaga, Manuel D.; Velásquez, Nicolás; Herrera, Laura; Hernández, Olver; Guzmán, Gisel; Zapata, Mauricio; 2019. Hydrometeorological Conditions Leading to the 2015 Salgar Flash Flood: Lessons for Vulnerable Regions in Tropical Complex Terrain. , . 10.5194/nhess-2019-171 | 2019 | Model application | 3 |
Zhong, Jian; Cai, Xiaoming; Xie, Zheng-Tong; 2019. Implementation of a synthetic inflow turbulence generator in idealised WRF v3.6.1 large eddy simulations under neutral atmospheric conditions. , . 10.5194/gmd-2019-165 | 2019 | Model application | 2 |
He, Jieying; Zhang, Shengwei; Chen, Yao; 2019. Data Assimilation and Application Based on MWHTS for Typical Tropical Cyclone. , 2768–2771. 10.1109/PIERS-Spring46901.2019.9017791 | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
Almonte, Juris D.; Stewart, Ronald E.; 2019. Precipitation Transition Regions over the Southern Canadian Cordillera during January–April 2010 and under a Pseudo-Global Warming Assumption. , . 10.5194/hess-2019-48 | 2019 | Model application | 4 |
Heublein, Marion; Bradley, Patrick Erik; Hinz, Stefan; 2019. Observing geometry effects on a GNSS based water vapor tomography solved by Least Squares and by Compressive Sensing. , . 10.5194/angeo-2019-87 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Steffenel, Luiz; Charão, Andrea; Alves, Bruno; 2019. A Containerized Tool to Deploy Scientific Applications over SoC-based Systems: The Case of Meteorological Forecasting with WRF:. , 561–568. 10.5220/0007799705610568 | 2019 | Model application | 5 |
Monte, Silvia; Vigorito, Carlo Francesco; Bertaina, Mario E.; Ferrarese, Silvia; Shinozaki, Kenji; Briz, Susana; 2019. WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) model and radiative methods for cloud top height retrieval along the EUSO-SPB1 trajectory. , 455. 10.22323/1.358.0455 | 2019 | Model application | 3 |
Butler, Martha P.; Lauvaux, Thomas; Feng, Sha; Liu, Junjie; Bowman, Kevin W.; Davis, Kenneth J.; 2019. Mass-conserving coupling of total column CO<sub>2</sub> (XCO<sub>2</sub>) from global to mesoscale models: Case study with CMS-Flux inversion system and WRF-Chem (v3.6.1). , . 10.5194/gmd-2018-342 | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
Tang, Rong; Huang, Xin; Zhou, Derong; Ding, Aijun; 2019. Biomass burning induced surface darkening and its impact on regional meteorology in eastern China. , . 10.5194/acp-2019-957 | 2019 | Model application | 11 |
Guevara Luna, Marco Andres; Belalcazar Ceron, Luis Carlos; Clappier, Alain; 2019. Implementación y validación de la modelación meteorologica con WRF en ciudades Colombianas. , 1–4. 10.1109/CASAP.2019.8916756 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Jiaqi, Kang; Jianxia, Guo; Huilong, Dong; 2019. An OSSE Study on Wind Profiler Radar Observing Layout over China. , 1–3. 10.1109/ICMO49322.2019.9026030 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Nguyen, Hiep Duc; Riley, Matthew; Leys, John; Salter, David; 2019. Dust Storm Event of February 2019 in Central and East Coast of Australia and Evidence of Long-Range Transport to New Zealand and Antarctica. , . [325] | 2019 | Model application | 22 |
Wang, Shu; Hu, Ju; Lv, Chen; Song, Zongpeng; Ren, Zhouyang; 2019. Fine resolution 30-year climatic wind energy dataset over China for renewable energy assessment and operation via Weather Research and Forecasting model hindcast. , 1896–1901. 10.1109/CIEEC47146.2019.CIEEC-2019645 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Khvorostovsky, K. S.; Yarusov, K. I.; Zabolotskikh, E. V.; 2019. Verification of Polar Low Modeling Results with Satellite Data. , 9890–9893. 10.1109/IGARSS.2019.8900336 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Groch, Matthew; Vermeulen, Johan; 2019. Short-Term Ensemble NWP Wind Speed Forecasts using Mean-Variance Portfolio Optimization and Neural Networks. , 1–6. 10.1109/EEEIC.2019.8783505 | 2019 | Model application | 7 |
Hu, Zhongbo; Mallorquí Franquet, Jordi Joan; 2019. Atmospheric artifacts correction for InSAR using empirical model and numerical weather prediction models. , . [326] | 2019 | Model application | 2 |
Faqih, Akhmad; Muhammad, Fadhlil Rizki; Amanullah, Imam Wahyu; Widagdo, Ilham Bayu; Pham, Tien Dat; Kanniah, Kasturi D.; Arai, Kohei; Perez, Gay Jane P.; Setiawan, Yudi; Prasetyo, Lilik B.; Murayama, Yuji; 2019. A combined dynamical and bias correction technique for generating probabilistic daily rainfall forecasts over Indonesia. , 135. 10.1117/12.2541984 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Miller, William James Schouler; 2019. Improving our Understanding of Tropical Cyclone Unusual Motion and Rapid Intensification. , . [327] | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Yu, Fu; Chengcheng, Feng; Yuqiang, Song; 2019. Data Analysis between Numerical Simulation and High Frequency Ground Wave Radar during a Gale Weather Process. , 1–4. 10.1109/ICMO49322.2019.9025979 | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
Kitagawa, Yasmin Kaore Lago; Nascimento, Erick Giovani Sperandio; Guarieiro, LíLian Lefol Nani; Albuquerque, Taciana Toledo De Almeida; Moreira, Davidson Martins; 2019. ASSESSMENT OF PRIMARY AIR POLLUTANTS IN A TROPICAL METROPOLITAN REGION BY COMBINING LOCAL AND GLOBAL EMISSIONS INVENTORIES. , 99–110. 10.2495/AIR190101 | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
Lee, Junhong; Hong, Jinkyu; Noh, Yign; Jiménez, Pedro; 2019. Supplementary material to "Implementation of a roughness sublayer parameterization in the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF version 3.7.1) and its validation for regional climate simulations". , . [328] | 2019 | Model application | 6 |
Kloetzke, Thomas; 2019. Simulation and analysis of surface wind fields during landfalling tropical cyclones. , . [329] | 2019 | Model application | 2 |
Minda, Thomas Torora; 2019. Weather and crop dynamics in a complex terrain, the Gamo Highlands – Ethiopia : Towards a high-resolution and model-observation based approach. , . [330] | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
Verreyken, Bert; Brioude, Jérome; Evan, Stéphanie; 2019. Development of turbulent scheme in the FLEXPART-AROME v1.2.1 Lagrangian particle dispersion model. , . [331] | 2019 | Model application | 16 |
Hu, Zhiyuan; Huang, Jianping; Zhao, Chun; Ma, Yuanyuan; Jin, Qinjian; Qian, Yun; Leung, L. Ruby; Bi, Jianrong; Ma, Jianmin; 2019. Trans-Pacific transport and evolution of aerosols: Spatiotemporal characteristics and source contributions. , . [332] | 2019 | Model application | 29 |
Li, Na; Zhang, Shengwei; He, Jieying; 2019. Data Assimilation using MWHTS Onboard FY-3C Satellite for Typhoon Case. , 7536–7539. 10.1109/IGARSS.2019.8898363 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Mangla, Rohit; Indu, J.; 2019. Evaluation of All-Sky GPM/GMI Radiances for Vardah Cyclone Event in Regional Data Assimilation System. , 7540–7543. 10.1109/IGARSS.2019.8898490 | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
Pavlidis, Vasileios; Katragkou, Eleni; Prein, Andreas; Georgoulias, Aristeidis K.; Kartsios, Stergios; Zanis, Prodromos; Karacostas, Theodoros; 2019. Investigating the sensitivity to resolving aerosol interactions in downscaling regional model experiments with WRFv3.8.1 over Europe. , . [333] | 2019 | Model application | 15 |
Zamuriano, Marcelo; Froidevaux, Paul; Moreno, Isabel; Vuille, Mathias; Brönnimann, Stefan; 2019. Supplementary material to "Synoptic and Mesoscale atmospheric features associated with an extreme Snowstorm over the Central Andes in August 2013". , . [334] | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Wang, Tiantian; Song, Yu; Xu, Zhenying; Liu, Mingxu; Xu, Tingting; Liao, Wenling; Yin, Lifei; Cai, Xuhui; Kang, Ling; Zhang, Hongsheng; Zhu, Tong; 2019. Why the Indo-Gangetic Plain is the region with the largest NH<sub>3</sub> column in the globe during summertime?. , . [335] | 2019 | Model application | 2 |
Hiep, Nguyen Van; Anh, Nguyen Xuan; Nam, Nguyen Duc; Nhu, Dang Hong; Manh, Nguyen Tien; Khuong, Pham Le; Thanh, Pham Xuan; Son, Hoang Hai; 2019. SIMULATION OF HEAVY RAINFALL EVENT DURING 30/10 - 01/11/2008 OVER HANOI BY WRF MODEL. , . 10.15625/vap.2019.000136 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Garcia, Joe A.; 2019. Exploration of Energy Consumption Using the Intel Running Average Power Limit Interface. , 1–10. 10.1109/SpaceComp.2019.00005 | 2019 | Model application | 3 |
Huang, Yi; Zhang, Wei; Xu, Chenlu; Shen, Han; Chen, Miao; Wang, Fei; 2019. The Establishment of Convective Weather Forecasting System Applied to Air Traffic Management in North China. , 435–439. 10.1109/ICCASIT48058.2019.8973183 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Wu, Houyu; Su, Debin; Fan, Xingang; 2019. Impacts of Doppler Radar Data Assimilation on Precipitation Forecast of a Severe Convective Process in Hainan, China. , 1–3. 10.1109/ICMO49322.2019.9026076 | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
fatkhuroyan, Fatkhuroyan; Ivanda Paski, Jaka; Yunita, Rezky; Wati, Trinah; makmur, erwin; Pham, Tien Dat; Kanniah, Kasturi D.; Arai, Kohei; Perez, Gay Jane P.; Setiawan, Yudi; Prasetyo, Lilik B.; Murayama, Yuji; 2019. Evaluation of the WRF applied on urban heat islands coupled to Noah-MP land surface models over Jakarta. , 142. 10.1117/12.2542744 | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
Xie, Yonghua; Kou, Xiaoyong; Li, Ping; Fu, Shucun; 2019. A Simulation Method of Three-Dimensional Cloud Based on WRF Data. , 308–314. 10.1109/iThings/GreenCom/CPSCom/SmartData.2019.00072 | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
Shou, Zehui; Su, Debin; Fan, Xingang; Liu, Yuelin; Wang, Xiaoyi; Wang, Weiguo; 2019. Assimilating Doppler Weather Radar Data for a Hailstorm Event in Bayannur, China. , 1–4. 10.1109/ICMO49322.2019.9025869 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Lopez-Coto, Israel; Prasad, Kuldeep; Whetstone, James R; 2019. Carbon dioxide biogenic vs anthropogenic sectoral contribution for the Indianapolis Flux Experiment (INFLUX). , . [336] | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
Zhang, Meixin; Zhao, Chun; Cong, Zhiyuan; Du, Qiuyan; Xu, Mingyue; Chen, Yu; Chen, Ming; Li, Rui; Fu, Yunfei; Zhong, Lei; Kang, Shichang; Zhao, Delong; Yang, Yan; 2019. Supplementary material to "Impact of topography on black carbon transport to the southern Tibetan Plateau during pre-monsoon season and its climatic implication". , . [337] | 2019 | Model application | 32 |
Oropeza-Perez, Ivan; 2019. Simplified Mathematical Model for Analyzing the Effects of Urban Heat Island by using WRF and Building Thermal Simulations. , 3334–3340. 10.26868/25222708.2019.210457 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Olson, Joseph B. ; Kenyon, Jaymes S. ; Angevine, Wayne. A.; Brown, J.M.; Pagowski, M.; Suselj, K.; 2019. A Description of the MYNN-EDMF Scheme and the Coupling to Other Components in WRF–ARW. NOAA Technical Memorandum OAR GSD, 6137. 10.25923/n9wm-be49 | 2019 | Model overview | 127 |
Mehmood, Khalid; Wu, Yujie; Wang, Liqiang; Yu, Shaocai; Li, Pengfei; Chen, Xue; Li, Zhen; Zhang, Yibo; Li, Mengying; Liu, Weiping; Zhu, Yannian; Rosenfeld, Daniel; Seinfeld, John H.; 2019. Supplementary material to "Relative effects of open biomass and crop straw burning on haze formation over central and eastern China: modelling study driven by constrained emissions". , . [338] | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
Xu, Kai; Song, Zhenya; Chan, Yuandong; Wang, Shida; Meng, Xiangxu; Liu, Weiguo; Xue, Wei; 2019. Refactoring and Optimizing WRF Model on Sunway TaihuLight. , 1–10. 10.1145/3337821.3337923 | 2019 | Model application | 9 |
Mall, Martin; Suursaar, Ulo; Nakamura, Ryota; Tasnim, Khandker Masuma; Shibayama, Tomoya; 2019. Modeling Parameters and Impacts of Future Cyclones: South-East Asian and Northern European Case Studies. , 9346–9349. 10.1109/IGARSS.2019.8900193 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Xu, Xinghan; Yoneda, Minoru; 2019. WRF Model Based Quantized Kernel Adaptive Filter for PM 2.5 Concentration Online Prediction. , 994–1001. 10.1109/SSCI44817.2019.9002895 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Treadaway, Victoria; 2019. Behavior and Transport of Organic Acids in the Troposphere using Observational Data and Models. , . [339] | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Vela, Angel Liduvino Vara; 2019. Modelling the formation of atmospheric aerosol particles in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo. , . [340] | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Prósper, Miguel A.; Sosa Tinoco, Ian; Otero-Casal, Carlos; Miguez-Macho, Gonzalo; 2019. Downslope windstorm study in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec using WRF high-resolution simulations. , . [341] | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Tomaszewski, Jessica M.; Lundquist, Julie K.; 2019. Simulated wind farm wake sensitivity to configuration choices in the Weather Research and Forecasting model version 3.8.1. , . [342] | 2019 | Model application | 30 |
Abdi-Oskouei, Maryam; Pfister, Gabriele; Flocke, Frank; Sobhani, Negin; Saide, Pablo; Fried, Alan; Richter, Dirk; Weibring, Petter; Walega, James; Carmichael, Gregory; 2018. Impacts of physical parametrization on prediction of ethane concentrations for oil and gas emissions. , . 10.5194/acp-2018-384 | 2018 | Model application | 2 |
Pierdicca, Nazzareno; Maiello, Ida; Murgia, Federica; Venuti, Giovanna; Sansosti, Eugenio; Verde, Simona; Gatti, Andrea; Bignami, Christian; Ferretti, Rossella; Realint, Eugenio; Barindelli, Stefano; Guarnieri, Andrea Monti; 2018. Atmospheric Slant Delay from SAR Interferometry, GNSS and Numerical Weather Prediction Model: A Comparison Study in View of a Geosynchronous SAR Mission. , 4103–4106. 10.1109/IGARSS.2018.8518656 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
van Haren, Ronald; Koopmans, Sytse; Steeneveld, Gert-Jan; Theeuwes, Natalie; Uijlenhoet, Remko; Holtslag, Albert A.M.; 2018. Weather Reanalysis on an Urban Scale using WRF. , 279–280. 10.1109/eScience.2018.00049 | 2018 | Model application | 3 |
Bock, David; Jewett, Brian; 2018. Visual Representation of the Joplin Tornadic Storm. , 1–3. 10.1145/3219104.3229432 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Borsdorff, Tobias; Aan De Brugh, Joost; Pandey, Sudhanshu; Hasekamp, Otto; Aben, Ilse; Houweling, Sander; Landgraf, Jochen; 2018. Carbon monoxide air-pollution on sub-city scales and along arterial roads detected by the Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument. , . 10.5194/acp-2018-1185 | 2018 | Model application | 3 |
Abdioskouei, Maryam; 2018. Improving air quality prediction through characterizing the model errors using data from comprehensive field experiments. , . [343] | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Cunden, T. S. M; Dhunny, A. Z.; Lollchund, M. R.; Rughooputh, S. D. D. V.; 2018. Sensitivity Analysis of WRF Model for Wind Modelling Over a Complex Topography Under Extreme Weather Conditions. , 1–6. 10.1109/EFEA.2018.8617050 | 2018 | Model application | 10 |
Shantharam, Manu; Tatineni, Mahidhar; Choi, Dongju; Majumdar, Amitava; 2018. Understanding I/O Bottlenecks and Tuning for High Performance I/O on Large HPC Systems: A Case Study. , 1–6. 10.1145/3219104.3219120 | 2018 | Model application | 7 |
Yip, Chak Man Andrew; 2018. Statistical characteristics and mapping of near-surface and elevated wind resources in the Middle East. , . [345] | 2018 | Model application | 17 |
D'Alessandro, John; 2018. Cloud Microphysical Properties based on Airborne In Situ Observations and Evaluation of a Weather Forecasting Model and a Global Climate Model. , . [346] | 2018 | Model application | 1 |
Gamarro, Harold; Gonzalez, Jorge E.; Ortiz, Luis E.; 2018. Urban WRF-Solar Validation and Potential for Power Forecast in New York City. , . 10.1115/ES2018-7130 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Xiong, Zhaohui; Zhang, Bao; Yao, Yibin; 2018. A comparison between the GNSS tomography technique and the WRF model in retrieving 3D wet refractivity field in Hong Kong. , . 10.5194/angeo-2018-84 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Xiao, Chuliang; Lofgren, Brent M.; Wang, Jia; Chu, Philip Y.; 2018. A Dynamical Downscaling Projection of Future Climate Change in the Laurentian Great Lakes Region Using a Coupled Air-Lake Model. , . 10.20944/preprints201807.0468.v1 | 2018 | Model application | 6 |
Heikenfeld, Max; White, Bethan; Labbouz, Laurent; Stier, Philip; 2018. The propagation of aerosol perturbations in convective cloud microphysics. , . 10.5194/acp-2018-609 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Oikonomou, Christina; Pikridas, Christos; Guerova, Guergana; Dimitrova, Tsvetelina; Lagouvardos, Konstantinos; Kotroni, Vasiliki; Tymvios, Filippos; Haralambous, Haris; Themistocleous, Kyriacos; Hadjimitsis, Diofantos G.; Michaelides, Silas; Ambrosia, Vincent; Papadavid, Giorgos; 2018. BeRTISS project: Balkan-Mediterranean real-time severe weather service. , 13. 10.1117/12.2324129 | 2018 | Model application | 2 |
Ruixia, Liu; Jie, Liu; Zhigang, Zhang; Xiaoqing, Li; 2018. Impacts of MHS Data Assimilation of Tibet Plateau on Lower Reaches Rainfall Forecasts. , 3905–3908. 10.1109/IGARSS.2018.8518527 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Jabbari, Aida; So, Jae-Min; Bae, Deg-Hyo; 2018. Accuracy assessment of real-time flood forecasting of coupled hydrological and mesoscale meteorological models. , . 10.5194/nhess-2017-447 | 2018 | Model application | 3 |
Islam, Amirul; Chan, Andy; Ashfold, Matthew; Ooi, Chel Gee; Azari, Majid; 2018. Effects of El-Niño, Indian Ocean Dipole and Madden-Julian Oscillation on Sea Surface Temperature and Rainfall Anomalies in Southeast Asia. Case Study: Biomass Burning Episode of 2015. , . 10.20944/preprints201806.0304.v1 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Mak, Hugo Wai Leung; Laughner, Joshua L.; Fung, Jimmy Chi Hung; Zhu, Qindan; Cohen, Ronald C.; 2018. Improved Satellite Retrieval of Tropospheric NO2 Column Density via Updating of Air Mass Factor (AMF), Part I: Case Study of Southern China. , . 10.20944/preprints201810.0213.v1 | 2018 | Model application | 7 |
LeGrand, Sandra L.; Polashenski, Chris; Letcher, Theodore W.; Creighton, Glenn A.; Peckham, Steven E.; Cetola, Jeffrey D.; 2018. The AFWA Dust Emissions Scheme for the GOCART Aerosol Model in WRF-Chem. , . 10.5194/gmd-2018-169 | 2018 | Model application | 6 |
Wehbe, Youssef; Temimi, Marouane; Weston, Michael; Chaouch, Naira; Branch, Oliver; Schwitalla, Thomas; Wulfmeyer, Volker; Al Mandous, Abdulla; 2018. Assessment of WRF/WRF-Hydro Coupling during an Extreme Weather Event in a Hyper Arid Region. , . 10.20944/preprints201803.0136.v1 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Simm, W. A.; Samreen, F.; Bassett, R.; Ferrario, M. A.; Blair, G.; Whittle, J.; Young, P. J.; 2018. SE in ES: opportunities for software engineering and cloud computing in environmental science. , 61–70. 10.1145/3183428.3183430 | 2018 | Model application | 14 |
Feng, Yanlei; Negron-Juarez, Robinson I; Patricola, Christina M; Collins, William D; Uriarte, Maria; Hall, Jazlynn S; Clinton, Nicholas; Chambers, Jeffrey Q; 2018. Rapid remote sensing assessment of impacts from Hurricane Maria on forests of Puerto Rico. , . 10.7287/peerj.preprints.26597v1 | 2018 | Model application | 34 |
Mateus, Pedro; Nico, Giovanni; Catalao, Joao; Miranda, Pedro M. A.; 2018. Assimilation of Insar-Derived PWV Maps Exhibit Potential for Atmosphere Convective Storm Characterization. , 3897–3900. 10.1109/IGARSS.2018.8518018 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Oue, Mariko; Kollias, Pavlos; Shapiro, Alan; Tatarevic, Aleksandra; Matsui, Toshihisa; 2018. Investigation of observational error sources in multi Doppler radar vertical air motion retrievals: Impacts and possible solutions. , . 10.5194/amt-2018-442 | 2018 | Model application | 3 |
Γιάνναρος, Χρήστος; Giannaros, Christos; 2018. Sensitivity analysis and optimization of a mesoscale atmospheric model. , . [347] | 2018 | Model application | 4 |
Wannawong, Worachat; Wang, Donghai; Zhang, Yu; Ekkawatpanit, Chaiwat; 2018. Sensitivity of Different Parameterizations on Simulation of Tropical Cyclone Durian over the South China Sea Using Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model. , . 10.20944/preprints201804.0336.v1 | 2018 | Model application | 1 |
Ruixia, Liu; Jie, Liu; Zhigang, Zhang; Xiaoqing, Li; 2018. Impacts of MHS Data Assimilation of Tibet Plateau on Lower Reaches Rainfall Forecasts. , 3905–3908. 10.1109/IGARSS.2018.8518527 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Kliewer, Anton; Zupanski, Milija; Bian, Qijing; Atwood, Sam; Wang, Yi; Wang, Jun; 2018. Bias correction in assimilation of AOD observations with WRF-Chem. , . 10.5194/acp-2018-1156 | 2018 | Model application | 4 |
Zaz, Sumira N.; Shakil Ahmad, Romshoo; Krishnamoorthy, Ramkumar Thokuluwa; Viswanadhapalli, Yesu Babu; 2018. Climatic and extreme weather variations over Mountainous Jammu and Kashmir, India: Physical explanations based on observations and modelling. , . 10.5194/acp-2018-201 | 2018 | Model application | 7 |
Zhong, Min; Saikawa, Eri; Avramov, Alexander; Chen, Chen; Sun, Boya; Ye, Wenlu; Keene, William C.; Yokelson, Robert J.; Jayarathne, Thilina; Stone, Elizabeth A.; Rupakheti, Maheswar; Panday, Arnico K.; 2018. Nepal Ambient Monitoring and Source Testing Experiment (NAMaSTE): Emissions of particulate matter and sulfur dioxide from vehicles and brick kilns and their impacts on air quality in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. , . 10.5194/acp-2018-599 | 2018 | Model application | 2 |
Ni, Zhi-zhen; Luo, Kun; Gao, Yang; Jiang, Fei; Gao, Xiang; Fan, Jian-ren; Chen, Chang-hong; 2018. Modeling tropospheric O<sub>3</sub> evolution during the 2016 Group of Twenty summit in Hangzhou, China. , . 10.5194/acp-2018-76 | 2018 | Model application | 2 |
Sun, Rui; Subramanian, Aneesh; Miller, Art; Mazloff, Matt; Hoteit, Ibrahim; Cornuelle, Bruce; 2018. A regional coupled ocean–atmosphere modeling framework (MITgcm–WRF) using ESMF/NUOPC: description and preliminary results for the Red Sea. , . 10.5194/gmd-2018-252 | 2018 | Model application | 5 |
Sarangi, Chandan; Qian, Yun; Rittger, Karl; Bormann, Kat J.; Liu, Ying; Wang, Hailong; Wan, Hui; Lin, Guangxing; Painter, Thomas H.; 2018. Impact of light-absorbing particles on snow albedo darkening and associated radiative forcing over High Mountain Asia: High resolution WRF-Chem modeling and new satellite observations. , . 10.5194/acp-2018-979 | 2018 | Model application | 28 |
Rodriguez, Hernan; Lighezzolo, Andres; Martina, Agustin; Zigaran, Gonzalo; Vinas Viscardi, Dardo Ariel; Rodriguez, Andres; Baudo, Fernando; Scavuzzo, Carlos M.; Bellis, Laura M.; Arganaraz, Juan P.; 2018. Towards the operational implementation of the Fire Weather Index FWI based on the High-Resolution WRF Model. , 1–6. 10.1109/ARGENCON.2018.8645974 | 2018 | Model application | 3 |
Nakoudi, Konstantina; Giannakaki, Elina; Dandou, Aggeliki; Tombrou, Maria; Komppula, Mika; 2018. Planetary Boundary Layer variability over New Delhi, India, during EUCAARI project. , . 10.5194/amt-2018-342 | 2018 | Model application | 6 |
Tessema, Mekdes Ayalew; Radić, Valentina; Menounos, Brian; Fitzpatrick, Noel; 2018. Evaluation of dynamically downscaled near-surface mass and energy fluxes for three mountain glaciers, British Columbia, Canada. , . 10.5194/tc-2018-154 | 2018 | Model application | 1 |
Mohammed, Ali Jasim; Alarcón Jordán, Marta; Pino González, David; 2018. Dynamics and physical processes involving extreme temperatures in the Iberian Peninsula and Iraq. , . [348] | 2018 | Model application | 1 |
Gerber, Franziska; 2018. From the clouds to the ground - Effects of flow-precipitation interactions on snow distribution in complex alpine terrain. , . [349] | 2018 | Model application | 1 |
kumar, saurabh; Goyal, Pramila; 2018. Analysis of High Ozone Pollution Episode Using WRF/Chem Model Over Megacity Delhi, India. , . 10.2316/P.2018.858-017 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Xing, Li; Wu, Jiarui; Elser, Miriam; Tong, Shengrui; Liu, Suixin; Li, Xia; Liu, Lang; Cao, Junji; Zhou, Jiamao; El-Haddad, Imad; Huang, Rujin; Ge, Maofa; Tie, Xuexi; Prévôt, André S. H.; Li, Guohui; 2018. Wintertime secondary organic aerosol formation in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH): Contributions of HONO sources and heterogeneous reactions. , . 10.5194/acp-2018-770 | 2018 | Model application | 2 |
Rohm, Witold; Guzikowski, Jakub; Wilgan, Karina; Kryza, Maciej; 2018. 4DVAR assimilation of GNSS zenith path delays and precipitable water into a numerical weather prediction model WRF. , . [350] | 2018 | Model application | 4 |
Xu, Zhenying; Liu, Mingxu; Song, Yu; Wang, Shuxiao; Zhang, Lin; Xu, Tingting; Wang, Tiantian; Yan, Caiqing; Zhou, Tian; Sun, Yele; Pan, Yuepeng; Hu, Min; Zheng, Mei; Zhu, Tong; 2018. High efficiency of livestock ammonia emission controls on alleviating particulate nitrate during a severe winter haze episode in northern China. , . 10.5194/acp-2018-896 | 2018 | Model application | 16 |
Mangla, Rohit; Jayaluxmi, Indu; 2018. Evaluation of microwave radiances of GPM/GMI for the all-sky assimilation in RTTOV framework. , . 10.5194/amt-2018-319 | 2018 | Model application | 2 |
Ricciardelli, E.; Cersosimo, A.; Cimini, D.; Di Paola, F.; Gallucci, D.; Gentile, S.; Geraldi, E.; Nilo, S.T.; Romano, F.; Viggiano, M.; 2018. Analysis of Heavy Rainfall Events Occurred in Italy by Using Numerical Weather Prediction, Microwave and Infrared Technique. , 931–934. 10.1109/IGARSS.2018.8517353 | 2018 | Model application | 2 |
Qin, Zhengkun; Zou, Xiaolei; 2018. Direct Assimilation of High Resolution ABI Infrared Radiances. , 3909–3912. 10.1109/IGARSS.2018.8518475 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Li, Qi; Yang, Jiachuan; Wang, Zhi-Hua; Bou-Zeid, Elie; 2018. Improving the representation of convective heat transfer in an urban canopy model. , 1133–1138. 10.14305/ibpc.2018.ms-5.04 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Tufek, Alper; Gurbuz, Ahmet; Ekuklu, Omer Faruk; Aktas, Mehmet S.; 2018. Provenance Collection Platform for the Weather Research and Forecasting Model. , 17–24. 10.1109/SKG.2018.00009 | 2018 | Model application | 25 |
Díaz-Isaac, Liza I.; Lauvaux, Thomas; Bocquet, Marc; Davis, Kenneth J.; 2018. Calibration of a multi-physics ensemble for greenhouse gas atmospheric transport model uncertainty estimation. , . 10.5194/acp-2018-1117 | 2018 | Model application | 2 |
Sprung, Detlev; van Eijk, Alexander M. J.; Ullwer, Carmen; Gunter, Willi; Eisele, Christian; Seiffer, Dirk; Stein, Karin; Sucher, Erik; Stein, Karin U.; Gladysz, Szymon; 2018. Optical turbulence in the coastal area over False Bay, South Africa: comparison of measurements and modeling results. , 2. 10.1117/12.2325609 | 2018 | Model application | 1 |
Kawabata, Takuya; Schwitalla, Thomas; Adachi, Ahoro; Bauer, Hans-Stefan; Wulfmeyer, Volker; Nagumo, Nobuhiro; Yamauchi, Hiroshi; 2018. Observational operators for dual polarimetric radars in variational data assimilation systems. , . [351] | 2018 | Model application | 1 |
Peng, Zhen; Lei, Lili; Liu, Zhiquan; Sun, Jianning; Ding, Aijun; Ban, Junmei; Chen, Dan; Kou, Xingxia; Chu, Kekuan; 2018. The impact of multi-species surface chemical observations assimilation on the air quality forecasts in China. , . [352] | 2018 | Model application | 5 |
Takebayashi, Hideki; Tanaka, Takahiro; Moriyama, Masakazu; Watanabe, Hironori; Miyazaki, Hiroshi; Kittaka, Kosuke; 2018. Relationship between City Size, Coastal Land Use and Summer Daytime Air Temperature Rise with Distance from Coast. , . 10.20944/preprints201809.0335.v1 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Gómez-Navarro, Juan José; Raible, Christoph C.; Bozhinova, Denica; Martius, Olivia; García-Valero, Juan Andrés; Montávez, Juan Pedro; 2018. A new region-aware bias correction method for simulated precipitation in the Alpine region. , . 10.5194/gmd-2017-329 | 2018 | Model application | 3 |
Dib, Alain; Ishida, Kei; Kavvas, M. Levent; Yegorova, Elena; Kanney, Joseph; 2018. Reconstruction of an Intense Mesoscale Convective System in the Midwestern United States Using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model in the Simulation Mode. , 216–221. 10.1061/9780784481417.020 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Nugraha, Achmad Auly Alvin; Trilaksono, Nurjanna Joko; 2018. Simulation of wind gust – Producing thunderstorm outflow over Mahakam block using WRF. , 020051. 10.1063/1.5047336 | 2018 | Model application | 4 |
Chang, Yunhua; Zhang, Yanlin; Tian, Chongguo; Zhang, Shichun; Ma, Xiaoyan; Cao, Fang; Liu, Xiaoyan; Zhang, Wenqi; Kuhn, Thomas; Lehmann, Moritz F.; 2018. Nitrogen isotope fractionation during gas-particle conversion of NO<sub>x</sub> to NO<sub>3</sub><sup>−</sup> in the atmosphere – implications for isotope-based NO<sub>x</sub> source apportionment. , . 10.5194/acp-2018-385 | 2018 | Model application | 2 |
Birch, Leah; Cronin, Timothy; Tziperman, Eli; 2018. Glacial Inception on Baffin Island: The Interaction of Ice Flow and Meteorology. , . 10.5194/cp-2018-5 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Sari, Fitria P.; Baskoro, Ary Pulung; Hakim, Oky Sukma; 2018. Effect of different microphysics scheme on WRF model: A simulation of hail event study case in Surabaya, Indonesia. , 020002. 10.1063/1.5047287 | 2018 | Model application | 7 |
Wehbe, Youssef; Temimi, Marouane; Weston, Michael; Chaouch, Naira; Branch, Oliver; Schwitalla, Thomas; Wulfmeyer, Volker; Al Mandous, Abdulla; 2018. Analysis of an Extreme Weather Event in a Hyper Arid Region Using WRF-Hydro Coupling, Station, and Satellite data. , . [353] | 2018 | Model application | 57 |
Fournier, Aime; 2018. Wavelet model of multivariate prior covariance. , 1–2. 10.23919/ROPACES.2018.8364322 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Gao, Chao; Zhang, Xuelei; Wang, Wenyong; Xiu, Aijun; Tong, Daniel Q.; Chen, Weiwei; 2018. Spatiotemporal Distribution of Satellite-Retrieved Ground-Level PM2.5 and Near Real-Time Daily Retrieval Algorithm Development in Sichuan Basin, China. , . 10.20944/preprints201801.0083.v1 | 2018 | Model application | 10 |
Lighezzolo, Andres; Martina, Agustin; Zigaran, Gonzalo; Vinas Viscardi, Dardo Ariel; Nievas Lio, Estefania; Rodriguez, Andres; Montamat, Ignacio A.; Saffe, Jorge N.; Poffo, Denis A.; Caranti, Giorgio M.; Comes, Raul; Ingaramo, Ricardo; 2018. WRF model - sensitivity experiments to computational environment changes. , 1–7. 10.1109/ARGENCON.2018.8645986 | 2018 | Model application | 2 |
Martina, Agustin; Lighezzolo, Andres; Zigaran, Gonzalo; Vinas Viscardi, Dardo Ariel; Nievas Lio, Estefania; Rodriguez, Andres; Montamat, Ignacio A.; Saffe, Jorge N.; Poffo, Denis A.; Caranti, Giorgio M.; Comes, Raul; Ingaramo, Ricardo; 2018. Benchmarks and profiling of the WRF model within the Hydro-Meteorological Observatory of the Province of Córdoba. , 1–6. 10.1109/ARGENCON.2018.8646039 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Kitagawa, Yasmin Kaore Lago; Nascimento, Erick Giovani Sperandio; De Souza, NoéLe Bissoli Perini; Junior, Silvano Moreira; Albuquerque, Taciana Toledo De Almeida; Moreira, Davidson Martins; 2018. EVALUATION OF THE CHEMICAL TRANSPORT OF AIR POLLUTANTS IN THE METROPOLITAN REGION OF SALVADOR, BRAZIL. , 519–530. 10.2495/AIR180481 | 2018 | Model application | 1 |
Hu, Jun; Li, Yichen; Zhao, Tianliang; Liu, Jane; Hu, Xiao-Ming; Liu, Duanyang; Jiang, Yongcheng; Xu, Jianming; Chang, Luyu; 2018. An important mechanism of regional O<sub>3</sub> transport for summer smog over the Yangtze River Delta in East China. , . 10.5194/acp-2018-479 | 2018 | Model application | 2 |
Sile, Tija; Hahmann, Andrea; Witha, Bjorn; Dorenkamper, Martin; Baltscheffsky, Magnus; Soderberg, Stefan; 2018. Applying Numerical Weather Prediction Models to the Production of New European Wind Atlas : Sensitivity studies of the wind climate to the planetary boundary layer parametrization. , 1–5. 10.1109/RTUCON.2018.8659881 | 2018 | Model application | 1 |
Pokhrel, Rabindra; Ortiz, Luis; Ramírez-Beltran, Nazario D.; González, Jorge E.; 2018. Effects of Extreme Climate Variability on Energy Demands for Indoor Human Comfort Levels in Tropical Urban Environments. , . 10.1115/ES2018-7131 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Baró Esteban, Rocío; Jiménez Guerrero, Pedro; 2017. Analysis of the aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions through the use of regional climate/chemistry coupled models. , . [354] | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
Huang, Min; Carmichael, Gregory R.; Crawford, James H.; Wisthaler, Armin; Zhan, Xiwu; Hain, Christopher R.; Lee, Pius; Guenther, Alex B.; 2017. Linkages between land initialization of the NASA-Unified WRF v7 and biogenic isoprene emission estimates during the SEAC<sup>4</sup>RS and DISCOVER-AQ airborne campaigns. , . 10.5194/gmd-2017-13 | 2017 | Model application | 1 |
Wang, Zhan; 2017. Understanding precipitation over the Southern Ocean through observations and high resolution simulations at Macquarie Island. , 8157612 Bytes. 10.4225/03/58B911F15679B | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
Hanggoro, Wido; Firotul, Linda; Handayani, Asteria S.; Noviati, Sri; Makmur, Erwin E. S.; Kurniawan, Roni; 2017. UJI KEMAMPUAN OBSERVASI DAN PRAKIRAAN MENGGUNAKAN MODEL COSMO (STUDI KASUS HUJAN LEBAT DI JAKARTA DAN LAMPUNG 20 FEBRUARI 2017). , SNF2017–EPA-31-SNF2017-EPA-36. 10.21009/03.SNF2017.02.EPA.05 | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
Chen, Bo; Shen, Tao; Kan, Yu; Liu, Chaoshun; Qiao, Fengxue; Gao, Wei; Chang, Ni-Bin; Wang, Jinnian; 2017. Effects of microphysics parameterization on simulations of summer heavy precipitation in the Yangtze-Huaihe Region, China. , 11. 10.1117/12.2271977 | 2017 | Model application | 1 |
Ulicna, Sona; Arnou, Panagiota; Eeles, Alexander; Togay, Mustafa; Wright, Lewis D.; Abbas, Ali; Malkov, Andrei V.; Walls, John M.; Bowers, Jake W.; 2017. Control of Mose2 formation in hydrazine-free solution-processed CIS/CIGS thin film solar cells. , 186–191. 10.1109/PVSC.2017.8366174 | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
Abou Rafee, Sameh A.; Martins, Leila D.; Kawashima, Ana B.; Almeida, Daniela S.; Morais, Marcos V. B.; Souza, Rita V. A.; Oliveira, Maria B. L.; Souza, Rodrigo A. F.; Medeiros, Adan S. S.; Urbina, Viviana; Freitas, Edmilson D.; Martin, Scot T.; Martins, Jorge A.; 2017. Mobile and stationary sources of air pollutants in the Amazon rainforest: a numerical study with WRF-Chem model. , . 10.5194/acp-2016-1190 | 2017 | Model application | 5 |
Ahmadov, R.; Grell, G.; James, E.; Csiszar, I.; Tsidulko, M.; Pierce, B.; McKeen, S.; Benjamin, S.; Alexander, C.; Pereira, G.; Freitas, S.; Goldberg, M.; 2017. Using VIIRS fire radiative power data to simulate biomass burning emissions, plume rise and smoke transport in a real-time air quality modeling system. , 2806–2808. 10.1109/IGARSS.2017.8127581 | 2017 | Model application | 39 |
Karki, Ramchandra; Hasson, Shabeh; Gerlitz, Lars; Schickhoff, Udo; Scholten, Thomas; Böhner, Jürgen; 2017. Quantifying the added value of high resolution climate models: A systematic comparison of WRF simulations for complex Himalayan terrain. , . 10.5194/esd-2017-31 | 2017 | Model application | 5 |
Galligani, Victoria Sol; Wang, Die; Alvarez Imaz, Milagros; Salio, Paola; Prigent, Catherine; 2017. Analysis and evaluation of WRF microphysical schemes for deep moist convection over Southeastern South America (SESA) using microwave satellite observations and radiative transfer simulations. , . 10.5194/amt-2017-67 | 2017 | Model application | 3 |
Βάρλας, Γεώργιος; Varlas, Georgios; 2017. Development of an integrated modeling system for simulating the air-ocean wave interactions. , . [355] | 2017 | Model application | 4 |
Medeiros, Adan S. S.; Calderaro, Gisele; Guimarães, Patricia C.; Magalhaes, Mateus R.; Morais, Marcos V. B.; Rafee, Sameh A. A.; Ribeiro, Igor O.; Andreoli, Rita V.; Martins, Jorge A.; Martins, Leila D.; Martin, Scot T.; Souza, Rodrigo A. F.; 2017. Power Plant Fuel Switching and Air Quality in a Tropical Forested Environment. , . 10.5194/acp-2016-1113 | 2017 | Model application | 14 |
Abdulrahim, Mahmoud; Almaraashi, Majid; 2017. Forecasting of Short-Term Solar Radiation Based on a Numerical Weather Prediction Model over Saudi Arabia. , 16–19. 10.1145/3070617.3070624 | 2017 | Model application | 3 |
Mu, Qing; Lammel, Gerhard; Gencarelli, Christian N.; Hedgecock, Ian M.; Chen, Ying; Přibylová, Petra; Teich, Monique; Zhang, Yuxuan; Zheng, Guangjie; Van Pinxteren, Dominik; Zhang, Qiang; Herrmann, Hartmut; Shiraiwa, Manabu; Spichtinger, Peter; Su, Hang; Pöschl, Ulrich; Cheng, Yafang; 2017. Regional modelling of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: WRF/Chem-PAH model development and East Asia case studies. , . 10.5194/acp-2017-558 | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
Mues, Andrea; Lauer, Axel; Lupascu, Aurelia; Rupakheti, Maheswar; Kuik, Friderike; Lawrence, Mark G.; 2017. Air quality in the Kathmandu Valley: WRF and WRF-Chem simulations of meteorology and black carbon concentrations. , . 10.5194/gmd-2017-224 | 2017 | Model application | 4 |
Zhang, Lei; Zhao, Tianliang; Gong, Sunling; Kong, Shaofei; Tang, Lili; Liu, Duanyang; Wang, Yongwei; Jin, Lianji; Shan, Yunpeng; Tan, Chenghao; Zhang, Yingjie; Guo, Xiaomei; 2017. Enhanced atmospheric oxidizing capacity in simulating air quality with updated emission inventories for power plants especially for haze periods over East China. , . 10.5194/acp-2017-127 | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
Badlan, R.L.; Sharples, J.J.; Evans, J.P.; McRae, R.H.D.; 2017. The role of deep flaming in violent pyroconvection. 22nd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, . 10.36334/MODSIM.2017.H10.badlan | 2017 | Model application | 5 |
Dayalu, Archana; Munger, William; Wofsy, Steven C.; Wang, Yuxuan; Nehrkorn, Thomas; Zhao, Yu; McElroy, Michael B.; Nielsen, Chris; Luus, Kristina; 2017. VPRM-CHINA: Using the Vegetation, Photosynthesis, and Respiration Model to partition contributions to CO<sub>2</sub> measurements in Northern China during the 2005–2009 growing seasons. , . 10.5194/bg-2017-504 | 2017 | Model application | 3 |
Polezhayeva, Antonina; Polezhayeva, Antonina; 2017. NUMERICAL MODELING OF POLAR LOWS OVER THE BARENTS SEA: IMPACT OF WRF PARAMETRIZATIONS ON THE QUALITY OF FORECAST.. , 1–1. 10.31519/conferencearticle_5b1b9387834ac4.45240165 | 2017 | Model application | 1 |
Chu, Qi; Xu, Zongxue; Chen, Yiheng; Han, Dawei; 2017. Evaluation of the WRF model with different domain configurations and spin-up time in reproducing a sub-daily extreme rainfall event in Beijing, China. , . 10.5194/hess-2017-363 | 2017 | Model application | 3 |
Wang, Xinyi; Zeng, Qiming; Yun, Ye; Han, Kaili; Jiao, Jian; 2017. The reliability inspection of water vapor from WRF utilized for InSAR atmospheric correction in different areas. , 3105–3108. 10.1109/IGARSS.2017.8127655 | 2017 | Model application | 2 |
Perez-Muñuzuri, Vicente; Eiras-Barca, Jorge; Garaboa-Paz, Daniel; Miguez-Macho, Gonzalo; 2017. Tagging moisture sources with Eulerian and Lagrangian tracers: Application to an intense atmospheric river event.. , 4864. 10.3390/CHyCle-2017-04864 | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
Dayalu, Archana; Munger, William; Wofsy, Steven C.; Wang, Yuxuan; Nehrkorn, Thomas; Zhao, Yu; McElroy, Michael B.; Nielsen, Chris; Luus, Kristina; 2017. VPRM-CHINA: Using the Vegetation, Photosynthesis, and Respiration Model to partition contributions to CO<sub>2</sub> measurements in Northern China during the 2005&#8211;2009 growing seasons. , . 10.5194/bg-2017-504 | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
Shrestha, Rudra K.; Connolly, Paul J.; Gallagher, Martin W.; 2017. Sensitivity of Precipitation to Aerosol and Temperature Perturbation over the Foothills of the Nepal Himalayas. , 144. 10.3390/ecas2017-04146 | 2017 | Model application | 3 |
Tian, Xin; Li, Zengyuan; Chen, Erxue; Yan, Min; Han, Zongtao; Liu, Qingwang; 2017. Modeling of forest above-ground biomass dynamics using multi-source data and incorporated models: A case study over the Qilian mountains. , 5770–5773. 10.1109/IGARSS.2017.8128319 | 2017 | Model application | 15 |
Melkonyan, Hamlet; Gevorgyan, Artur; Sargsyan, Sona; Sahakyan, Vladimir; Petrosyan, Zarmandukht; Panyan, Hasmik; Abrahamyan, Rita; Astsatryan, Hrachya; Shoukorian, Yuri; 2017. An analysis of wintertime cold-air pool in Armenia using climatological observations and WRF model data. , 130–134. 10.1109/CSITechnol.2017.8312156 | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
Torres, Marissa; 2017. A Coupled Wave-Surge Modeling Study in Rhode Island Coastal Waters. , . [356] | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
Macatangay, Ronald; Bagtasa, Gerry; Sonkaew, Thiranan; 2017. Finding the Optimum Resolution, and Microphysics and Cumulus Parameterization Scheme Combinations for Numerical Weather Prediction Models in Northern Thailand: A First Step towards Aerosol and Chemical Weather Forecasting for Northern Thailand. , 006. 10.22323/1.270.0006 | 2017 | Model application | 1 |
Surussavadee, Chinnawat; 2017. Evaluation of tropical near-surface wind forecasts using ground observations. , 1–4. 10.1109/IREC.2017.7926006 | 2017 | Model application | 3 |
Hu, Jianlin; Li, Xun; Huang, Lin; Ying, Qi; Zhang, Qiang; Zhao, Bin; Wang, Shuxiao; Zhang, Hongliang; 2017. Ensemble Predictions of Air Pollutants in China in 2013 for Health Effects Studies Using WRF/CMAQ Modeling System with Four Emission Inventories. , . 10.5194/acp-2017-182 | 2017 | Model application | 7 |
Kulikov, V. A.; Basu, S.; Vorontsov, M. A.; 2017. Simulation of Laser Beam Propagation Based on Mesoscale Modeling of Optical Turbulence and Refractivity. , PTh3D.3. 10.1364/PCAOP.2017.PTh3D.3 | 2017 | Model application | 4 |
Kim, Jin-Young; Yun, Chang-Yeol; Kim, Chang Ki; Kang, Yong-Heack; Kim, Hyun-Goo; Lee, Sang-Nam; Kim, Shin-Young; 2017. Evaluation of WRF model-derived direct irradiance for solar thermal resource assessment over South Korea. , 140013. 10.1063/1.4984521 | 2017 | Model application | 7 |
Chawla, Ila; Osuri, Krishna K.; Mujumdar, Pradeep P.; Niyogi, Dev; 2017. Assessment of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model for Extreme Rainfall Event Simulations in the Upper Ganga Basin. , . 10.5194/hess-2017-533 | 2017 | Model application | 5 |
Sobhani, Negin; 2017. Applications, performance analysis, and optimization of weather and air quality models. , . [357] | 2017 | Model application | 2 |
Anggoro, Adityo Mega; Putra, Agie Wandala; Hutasoit, Budi Saritua; 2017. Simulation models WRF-Fire for wildland fire to purpose of disaster mitigation in Indonesia (Case study: Wildland fire on September, 23th 2015 in South of Sumatera). , 100005. 10.1063/1.4987111 | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
Mure-Ravaud, Mathieu; Ishida, Kei; Kavvas, Levent; Yegorova, Elena; Kanney, Joseph; 2017. Reconstruction of the Precipitation Fields of Intense Historical Tropical Cyclones with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model in the Simulation Mode. , 439–444. 10.1061/9780784480595.040 | 2017 | Model application | 2 |
Yi, Lu; Zhang, Wanchang; 2017. WRF simulation for a heavy rainfall event over the huaihe river basin, China — An evaluation using remote sensing and ground observations. , 21–24. 10.1109/IGARSS.2017.8126883 | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
Hwang, Gong-Do; Chang, Stephen; 2017. Speed Up Weather Prediction on QCT Developer Cloud: A Case Study on Knights Landing Platform. , 6–9. 10.1109/CSCloud.2017.48 | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
Haupt, S; Berg, Larry; Churchfield, M.; Kalb, Christina; Kosovic, Branco; Mazzaro, Laura; Quon, Eliot; Sever, Gokhan; Anderson, A; Brown, Bradley; Draxl, Caroline; Koo, Eunmo; Kotamarthi, R.; Mirocha, Jeff; Rai, Raj; 2017. Third-Year Report of the Atmosphere to Electrons Mesoscale-to-Microscale Coupling Project. , . [358] | 2017 | Model application | 4 |
Fayon, Gaetan; Feral, Laurent; Castanet, Laurent; Jeannin, Nicolas; Boulanger, Xavier; 2017. Use of WRF to generate site diversity statistics in south of France. , 1–4. 10.23919/URSIGASS.2017.8105206 | 2017 | Model application | 11 |
Oana, Liviu; Frincu, Marc; 2017. Benchmarking the WRF Model on Bluegene/P, Cluster, and Cloud Platforms and Accelerating Model Setup Through Parallel Genetic Algorithms. , 78–84. 10.1109/ISPDC.2017.24 | 2017 | Model application | 1 |
Barcons Roca, Jordi; Folch Duran, Arnau; 2017. A downscaling methodology for microscale wind modelling and forecasting. , . [359] | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
Rasmussen, Roy; Liu, Changhai; 2017. High Resolution WRF Simulations of the Current and Future Climate of North America. , . 10.5065/D6V40SXP | 2017 | Model application | 33 |
National Center for Atmospheric Research/University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, and Polar Meterology Group/Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center/The Ohio State University 2017. Arctic System Reanalysis version 2. , . 10.5065/D6X9291B | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
Long, Xin; Tie, Xuexi; Li, Guohui; Cao, Junji; Feng, Tian; Xing, Li; An, Zhisheng; 2017. Effect of ecological restoration programs on dust pollution in North China Plain: a case study. , . [360] | 2017 | Model application | 2 |
Smith, Kristin; 2017. An Investigation of the Parameterized Prediction of Lightning in Cloud-Resolved Convection and the Resulting Chemistry. , . [361] | 2017 | Model application | 4 |
Mure-Ravaud, Mathieu; Ishida, Kei; Kavvas, Levent; Yegorova, Elena; Kanney, Joseph; 2017. Reconstruction of the Precipitation Field in a Training Line/Adjoining Stratiform Mesoscale Convective System in the Simulation Mode with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model. , 557–564. 10.1061/9780784480618.055 | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
Gul, Chaman; Puppala, Siva Praveen; Kang, Shichang; Adhikary, Bhupesh; Zhang, Yulan; Ali, Shaukat; Li, Yang; Li, Xiaofei; 2017. Concentrations and source regions of light absorbing impurities in snow/ice in northern Pakistan and their impact on snow albedo. , . 10.5194/acp-2017-667 | 2017 | Model application | 2 |
Afrizal, Tomi; Surussavadee, Chinnawat; 2017. Evaluation of CESM/WRF climate simulations at high resolution over sumatra. , 278–281. 10.1109/ICITISEE.2017.8285511 | 2017 | Model application | 1 |
Thomas, C.M.; Sharples, J.J.; Evans, J.P.; 2017. Evaluating the terminal-velocity assumption in simulations of long-range inert ember transport. , . 10.36334/MODSIM.2017.H10.thomas | 2017 | Model application | 2 |
Nicolis, Orietta; Camaño, Christian; Maŕın, Julio C.; Sahu, Sujit K.; 2017. Spatio-temporal modelling for assessing air pollution in Santiago de Chile. , 020113. 10.1063/1.4972705 | 2017 | Model application | 2 |
Tompkins, Adrian Mark; Semie, Addisu G; 2017. Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) cloud resolving model output, links to NetCDF files. , . 10.1594/PANGAEA.874255 | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
Rudorff, B. T.; Homannn, C.; Aguiar, D. A.; Fontenelle, T. H.; Vilella, W. M. C.; Fernandez, G. A. V.; 2017. ESTIMATIVA DA NECESSIDADE DE IRRIGAÇÃO DE CANA-DE-AÇÚCAR NO BRASIL. , . 10.7127/iv-inovagri-meeting-2017-res5430991 | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
Rouson, Damian; McCreight, James L.; Fanfarillo, Alessandro; 2017. Incremental caffeination of a terrestrial hydrological modeling framework using Fortran 2018 teams. , 1–4. 10.1145/3144779.3169110 | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
van Eijk, Alexander M. J.; Ullwer, Carmen; Sprung, Detlev; Stein, Karin U.; Gunter, Willie; Gladysz, Szymon; 2017. Inhomogeneity of optical turbulence over False Bay (South Africa). , 4. 10.1117/12.2279381 | 2017 | Model application | 5 |
Yoo, J.; Galewsky, J.; 2016. Dynamical downscaling of the western North Pacific from CCSM4 simulations during the last glacial maximum and late 20th century using the WRF model: model configuration and validation. , . 10.5194/cp-2015-170 | 2016 | Model application | 2 |
Schwitalla, Thomas; Bauer, Hans-Stefan; Wulfmeyer, Volker; Warrach-Sagi, Kirsten; 2016. Continuous high resolution mid-latitude belt simulations for July–August 2013 with WRF. , . 10.5194/gmd-2016-195 | 2016 | Model application | 2 |
Daniels, E.E.; 2016. Land surface impacts on precipitation in the Netherlands. , . [362] | 2016 | Model application | 3 |
Hong, Chaopeng; Zhang, Qiang; Zhang, Yang; Tang, Youhua; Tong, Daniel; He, Kebin; 2016. Multi-year Downscaling Application of Online Coupled WRFCMAQ over East Asia for Regional Climate and Air Quality Modeling: Model Evaluation and Aerosol Direct Effects. , . 10.5194/gmd-2016-261 | 2016 | Model application | 1 |
Cogan, James L.; 2016. Change in Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model Accuracy with Age of Input Data from the Global Forecast System (GFS):. , . [363] | 2016 | Model application | 1 |
Zheng, Tao; French, Nancy; Baxter, Martin; 2016. Development of the WRF-CO2 4DVar assimilation system. , . 10.5194/gmd-2016-289 | 2016 | Model application | 7 |
Martin, Philip Isaac; 2016. Simulating and Understanding a Summertime Dry Lightning Event in Coastal California. , . [364] | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
Huynh, Giap; Wang, Yansen; 2016. Implementing Network Common Data Form (netCDF) for the 3DWF Model:. , . [365] | 2016 | Model application | 3 |
Cavazos Guerra, Carolina; Lauer, Axel; Herber, Andreas B.; Butler, Tim M.; Rinke, Annette; Dethloff, Klaus; 2016. Implications on atmospheric dynamics and the effect on black carbon transport into the Eurasian Arctic based on the choice of land surface model schemes and reanalysis data in model simulations with WRF. , . 10.5194/acp-2016-942 | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
Zhu, Ping; 2016. Final Technical Report of ASR project entitled “ARM Observations for the Development and Evaluation of Models and Parameterizations of Cloudy Boundary Layers” (DE-SC0000825). , . [366] | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
Yahya, Khairunnisa; Glotfelty, Timothy; Wang, Kai; Zhang, Yang; Nenes, Athanasios; 2016. Modeling Regional Air Quality and Climate: Improving Organic Aerosol and Aerosol Activation Processes in WRF/Chem version 3.7.1. , . 10.5194/gmd-2016-288 | 2016 | Model application | 1 |
Bravo-Aranda, Juan Antonio; de-Arruda-Moreira, Gregori; Navas-Guzmán, Francisco; Granados-Muñoz, María José; Guerrero-Rascado, Juan Luís; Pozo-Vázquez, David; Arbizu-Barrena, Clara; Olmo, Francisco José; Mallet, Marc; Alados-Arboledas, Lucas; 2016. PBL height estimation based on lidar depolarisation measurements (POLARIS). , . [367] | 2016 | Model application | 8 |
Cai, Lei; Alexeev, Vladimir A.; Arp, Christopher D.; Jones, Benjamin M.; Liljedahl, Anna; Gädeke, Anne; 2016. Dynamical Downscaling Data for Studying Climatic Impacts on Hydrology, Permafrost, and Ecosystems in Arctic Alaska. , . 10.5194/tc-2016-87 | 2016 | Model application | 1 |
Simeonov, Tzvetan; Sidorov, Dmitry; Teferle, Felix Norman; Milev, Georgi; Guerova, Guergana; 2016. Evaluation of IWV from the numerical weather prediction WRF model with PPP GNSS processing for Bulgaria. , . 10.5194/amt-2016-152 | 2016 | Model application | 7 |
Lonsdale, C. R.; Hegarty, J. D.; Cady-Pereira, K.; Alvarado, M. J.; Henze, D. K.; Turner, M. D.; Capps, S. L.; Nowak, J. B.; Neuman, J. A.; Middlebrook, A. M.; Bahreini, R.; Murphy, J. G.; Markovic, M.; VandenBoer, T. C.; Russell, L. M.; Scarino, A. J.; 2016. Modeling the Diurnal Variability of Agricultural Ammonia in Bakersfield, California during CalNex. , . 10.5194/acp-2016-44 | 2016 | Model application | 7 |
Cai, Lei; Alexeev, Vladimir A.; Arp, Christopher D.; Jones, Benjamin M.; Liljedahl, Anna; Gädeke, Anne; 2016. Dynamical Downscaling Data for Studying Climatic Impacts on Hydrology, Permafrost, and Ecosystems in Arctic Alaska. , . 10.5194/essd-2016-31 | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
Banks, Robert F.; Baldasano Recio, José María; Gassó Domingo, Santiago; 2016. Assessment of planetary boundary-layer schemes with advanced remote sensing instruments and air quality modelling. , . [368] | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
Oana, Liviu; Spataru, Adrian; 2016. Use of Genetic Algorithms in Numerical Weather Prediction. , 456–461. 10.1109/SYNASC.2016.075 | 2016 | Model application | 13 |
Fu, Congsheng; Lee, Xuhui; Griffis, Timothy J.; Dlugokencky, Edward J.; Andrews, Arlyn E.; 2016. Relating atmospheric N<sub>2</sub>O concentration to N<sub>2</sub>O emission strength in the U. S. Corn Belt. , . 10.5194/acp-2016-761 | 2016 | Model application | 1 |
Barcaroli, E.; Cuccoli, F.; Lischi, S.; Lupidi, A.; Facheris, Luca; 2016. Output consistency analysis of the polarimetric weather radar simulator through real weather events. , 1–5. 10.1109/IRS.2016.7497357 | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
Schwitalla, Thomas; Bauer, Hans-Stefan; Wulfmeyer, Volker; Warrach-Sagi, Kirsten; 2016. Continuous high resolution mid-latitude belt simulations for July–August 2013 with WRF. , . 10.5194/gmd-2016-195 | 2016 | Model application | 15 |
Maiello, Ida; Gentile, Sabrina; Ferretti, Rossella; Baldini, Luca; Roberto, Nicoletta; Picciotti, Errico; Alberoni, Pier Paolo; Marzano, Frank S.; 2016. Effects of Multiple Doppler Radar data assimilation on the numerical simulation of a Flash Flood Event during the HyMeX campaign. , . 10.5194/hess-2016-320 | 2016 | Model application | 2 |
Li, Zhijin; Sha, Feng; Liu, Yangang; Lin, Wuyin; Toto, Tami; Vogelmann, Andrew; 2016. Continuous Evaluation of Fast Processes in Climate Models Using ARM Measurements. , . [369] | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
Cao, Yanni; Cervone, Guido; Barkely, Zachary; Lauvaux, Thomas; Deng, Aijun; Taylor, Alan; 2016. Influence of Geographic Coordinate System on Weather Simulations of Atmospheric Emissions. , . 10.5194/gmd-2016-253 | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
Stergiou, John; Tagaris, Efthimios; Sotiropoulou, Rafaella - Eleni; 2016. Sensitivity Analysis of Climate Change Projection to the Grid Size Resolution over Mediterranean. , D002. 10.3390/ecas2016-D002 | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
Comerón, Adolfo; Kassianov, Evgueni I.; Schäfer, Klaus; Boonyuen, Pakornpop; Wu, Falin; Phunthirawuth, Parwapath; Zhao, Yan; 2016. Assimilation of microwave, infrared, and radio occultation satellite observations with a weather research and forecasting model for heavy rainfall forecasting. , 100010M. 10.1117/12.2241786 | 2016 | Model application | 1 |
Phunthirawuthi, Parwapath; Wu, Falin; Boonyuen, Pakornpop; 2016. Performance analysis of GPS Radio Occultation assimilation for tropical cyclone monitoring. , 2181–2184. 10.1109/IGARSS.2016.7729563 | 2016 | Model application | 3 |
Jiang, Bo; Wei, Yongliang; Jiang, Xingjie; Wang, Haifeng; Wang, Xiaoyong; Ding, Jie; Zhang, Rong; Shi, Yong; Cai, Xiaoqing; Wu, Yanan; 2016. Assessment of wave energy resource of the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea and East China Sea based on 10-year numerical hindcast data. , 1–9. 10.1109/OCEANSAP.2016.7485434 | 2016 | Model application | 8 |
Sarangi, Chandan; Tripathi, Sachchida Nand; Kanawade, Vijay P.; Koren, Ilan; Pai, D. Sivanand; 2016. A long-term observational analysis of aerosol-cloud-rainfall associations over Indian Summer Monsoon region. , . 10.5194/acp-2016-947 | 2016 | Model application | 3 |
Sahu, Dipak K; Kim, Chang Ki; Zhong, Xiaohui; Kleissl, Jan; 2016. Assimilating in-situ observations over Southern California for improved solar forecasting. , 1007–1012. 10.1109/PVSC.2016.7749762 | 2016 | Model application | 2 |
Theussl, Thomas; Dasari, Hari Prasad; Hoteit, Ibrahim; Srinivasan, Madhusudhanan; 2016. Simulation and visualization of the cyclonic storm chapala over the arabian sea: a case study. , 1–6. 10.1109/KACSTIT.2016.7756074 | 2016 | Model application | 1 |
Tabone, Ilaria; Bertaina, Mario E.; 2016. The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model contribution to the atmospheric conditions estimation during the EUSO-Balloo. , 642. 10.22323/1.236.0642 | 2016 | Model application | 3 |
Appel, K. Wyat; Napelenok, Sergey L.; Foley, Kristen M.; Pye, Havala O. T.; Hogrefe, Christian; Luecken, Deborah J.; Bash, Jesse O.; Roselle, Shawn J.; Pleim, Jonathan E.; Foroutan, Hosein; Hutzell, William T.; Pouliot, George A.; Sarwar, Golam; Fahey, Kathleen M.; Gantt, Brett; Gilliam, Robert C.; Kang, Daiwen; Mathur, Rohit; Schwede, Donna B.; Spero, Tanya L.; Wong, David C.; Young, Jeffrey O.; 2016. Overview and evaluation of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model version 5.1. , . 10.5194/gmd-2016-226 | 2016 | Model application | 14 |
Krishnamurti, Tiruvalam N.; Rajeevan, Madhavan N.; M., Dhanya; Gopalakrishnan, Deepak; Chandrasekar, Anantharaman; Singh, Sanjeev Kumar; Prasad, V. S.; 2016. Impact of Megha-Tropiques SAPHIR radiance assimilation on the simulation of tropical cyclones over Bay of Bengal. , 98820E. 10.1117/12.2223305 | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
He, Jieying; Zhang, Shengwei; Zhang, Ying; 2016. Retrieval and analysis of Integrated Precipitable Water vapor in typhoon area from MWHTS onboard FY-3C satellite. , 384–387. 10.1109/IGARSS.2016.7729094 | 2016 | Model application | 1 |
Sinkovits, Robert S.; Duda, Michael G.; 2016. Optimization and parallel load balancing of the MPAS Atmosphere Weather and Climate Code. , 1–6. 10.1145/2949550.2949575 | 2016 | Model application | 2 |
Haupt, Sue Ellen; Kosovic, Branko; Jensen, Tara; Cowie, James; Jimenez, Pedro; Wiener, Gerry; 2016. Comparing and integrating solar forecasting techniques. , 0953–0955. 10.1109/PVSC.2016.7749751 | 2016 | Model application | 3 |
Krishnamurti, Tiruvalam N.; Rajeevan, Madhavan N.; Dodla, Venkata B.; Srinivas, Desamsetti; Dasari, Hari Prasad; Gubbala, Chinna Satyanarayana; 2016. Prediction of tropical cyclone over North Indian Ocean using WRF model: sensitivity to scatterometer winds, ATOVS and ATMS radiances. , 988213. 10.1117/12.2223615 | 2016 | Model application | 8 |
Gu, Shuqing; Yao, Likai; Tunc, Cihan; Akoglu, Ali; Hariri, Salim; Ritchie, Elizabeth; 2016. An Autonomic Workflow Performance Manager for Weather Research and Forecast Workflows. , 111–114. 10.1109/ICCAC.2016.23 | 2016 | Model application | 3 |
Liora, Natalia; Poupkou, Anastasia; Giannaros, Theodore M.; Melas, Dimitrios; 2016. Study of the impact of natural sources on the air quality – Evaluation of a natural emissions model. , 270004. 10.1063/1.4944276 | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
Krishnamurti, Tiruvalam N.; Rajeevan, Madhavan N.; Karri, Srinivasarao; Gharai, Biswadip; Sai Krishna, S. V. S.; Rao, P. V. N.; 2016. Impact of AWiFS derived land use land cover on simulation of heavy rainfall. , 98821M. 10.1117/12.2223627 | 2016 | Model application | 3 |
Delene, David; Shamrukh, Mohamed; 2016. Investing in Rainfall Enhancement: An Innovative Plan for Arid Regions. , . 10.5339/qfarc.2016.EEPP1916 | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
Sandeepan, Bs; Nayak, Sashikant; Panchang, Vijay; 2016. A Numerical Weather Forecasting System for Qatar. , . 10.5339/qfarc.2016.EEPP2879 | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
He, Jieying; Zhang, Shengwei; Zhang, Ying; 2016. Retrieval and analysis of Integrated Precipitable Water vapor in typhoon area from MWHTS onboard FY-3C satellite. , 384–387. 10.1109/IGARSS.2016.7729094 | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
Garzon, Antonio; L, Juan; Pecci, Julia; Perez, Libia; Palacios, Marino; San, Roberto; M, Rosa; 2016. Impact of the Global Climate on Building Energy Consumption Using Very High Resolution Urban Climate Atlas. , 24–28. 10.15224/978-1-63248-086-6-06 | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
Gao, Wei; Chang, Ni-Bin; Kan, Yu; Liu, Chaoshun; Qiao, Fengxue; Liu, Yanan; Gao, Wei; Sun, Zhibin; 2016. Effects of microphysics parameterization schemes on the simulation of a heavy rainfall event in Shanghai. , 99750U. 10.1117/12.2237281 | 2016 | Model application | 2 |
Deeprasertkul, Prattana; Praikan, Worawit; 2016. A rainfall forecasting estimation using image processing technology. , 371–376. 10.1109/ICTC.2016.7763499 | 2016 | Model application | 1 |
Boonyuen, Pakornpop; Wu, Falin; Phunthirawuth, Parwapath; Zhao, Yan; 2016. Impact of GPS RO and radiance data assimilation on Numerical Weather Prediction. , 2185–2188. 10.1109/IGARSS.2016.7729564 | 2016 | Model application | 1 |
Stein, Karin U.; Gonglewski, John D.; Eisele, Christian; Seiffer, Dirk Peter; Stein, Karin; Sucher, Erik; Gunter, Willem H.; February, Faith; Vrahimis, George; Wainman, Carl; Maritz, Benita; Koago, Mokete S.; van Eijk, Alexander M. J.; van Iersel, Miranda; Cohen, Leo H.; van Binsbergen, Sven A.; Heemskerk, H. J. M. (Eric); Sternberg, Armin; Schulte, Helmut; van Rheenen, Arthur D.; Brenthagen, Erik; Thomassen, Jan B.; Griffith, Derek; 2016. FESTER: a propagation experiment, overview and first results. , 1000208. 10.1117/12.2240771 | 2016 | Model application | 10 |
Im, Eastwood; Kumar, Raj; Yang, Song; Hsu, Shen-Cha; Liu, Chian-Yi; Kuo, Szu-Chen; 2016. Investigation of AIRS and AMSU sounding products in regional numerical weather simulation. , 987638. 10.1117/12.2224473 | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
Solano-Quinde, Lizandro; Gualan-Saavedra, Ronald; Zuñiga-Prieto, Miguel; 2016. Multi-GPU implementation of the Horizontal Diffusion method of the Weather Research and Forecast Model. , 98–103. 10.1145/2883404.2883407 | 2016 | Model application | 4 |
Chandrathilake, H.M.C.; Hewawitharana, H.T.S.; Jayawardana, R.S.; Viduranga, A.D.D.; Dilum Bandara, H.M.N.; Marru, Suresh; Perera, Srinath; 2016. Reducing computational time of closed-loop weather monitoring: A Complex Event Processing and Machine Learning based approach. , 78–83. 10.1109/MERCon.2016.7480119 | 2016 | Model application | 4 |
Merino, A.; Fernández Soriano, Jorge; Sánchez, José Luis; López, Laura; Del Peral, Luis; Fernández-González, Sergio; Gascón, Estíbaliz; García-Ortega, Eduardo; Hermida, Lucía; Reyes, Marcos; Joven, Enrique; Martín, Yolanda; Sáez-Cano, Guadalupe; Franchini, Sebastián; Licandro, Javier; Rodriguez Frias, Maria; 2016. CLOUD TOP HEIGHT ESTIMATION FROM WRF MODEL: APPLICATION TO THE INFRARED CAMERA ONBOARD EUSO-BALLOON (CNES). , 377. 10.22323/1.236.0377 | 2016 | Model application | 8 |
Im, Eastwood; Kumar, Raj; Yang, Song; Ragi, A. R.; Sharan, Maithili; Haddad, Z. S.; 2016. The impact of hydrometeors on the microphysical parameterization in the WRF modelling system over southern peninsular India. , 98762Q. 10.1117/12.2223669 | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
Li, Y.; Dai, C.; Wang, T.; Zhou, Z.; Zhou, S.; Cai, L.; Musilek, P.; Lozowski, E.; 2016. Separate wind power and ramp predictions based on meteorological variables and clustering method. , 1–6. 10.1109/ICPES.2016.7584025 | 2016 | Model application | 9 |
Tan, Elcin; 2016. Microphysics parameterization sensitivity of the WRF Model version 3.1.7 to extreme precipitation: evaluation of the 1997 New Year’s flood of California. , . 10.5194/gmd-2016-94 | 2016 | Model application | 6 |
Leukauf, Daniel; Gohm, Alexander; Rotach, Mathias W.; 2016. Quantifying horizontal and vertical tracer mass fluxes of a daytime valley boundary layer. , . 10.5194/acp-2016-350 | 2016 | Model application | 1 |
Krishnamurti, Tiruvalam N.; Rajeevan, Madhavan N.; G., Papa Rao; M., Rajasekhar; R., Pushpa Saroja; T., Sreeshna; M., Rajeevan; Ramakrishna, S. S. V. S.; 2016. Prediction of severe thunderstorms over Sriharikota Island by using the WRF-ARW operational model. , 988214. 10.1117/12.2225068 | 2016 | Model application | 14 |
Sipkova, V.; Hluchy, L.; Dobrucky, M.; Bartok, J.; Nguyen, B. M.; 2016. Manufacturing of weather forecasting simulations on high performance infrastructures. , 432–439. 10.1109/eScience.2016.7870932 | 2016 | Model application | 12 |
Michel, Ulrich; Schulz, Karsten; Ehlers, Manfred; Nikolakopoulos, Konstantinos G.; Civco, Daniel; Tolentino, Jerome T.; Rejuso, Ma. Victoria; Inocencio, Loureal Camille; Ang, Ma. Rosario Concepcion; Bagtasa, Gerry; 2016. Effect of horizontal and vertical resolution for wind resource assessment in Metro Manila, Philippines using Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. , 100051A. 10.1117/12.2241952 | 2016 | Model application | 2 |
Ratna, Satyaban B.; Ratnam, J. V.; Behera, Swadhin. K.; Doi, Takeshi; Yamagata, Toshio; 2016. Downscaled prediction of extreme seasonal climate over Southeast Asia using a regional climate model. , 375–380. 10.1109/Techno-Ocean.2016.7890682 | 2016 | Model application | 2 |
Fernández-Quiruelas, V.; Fernández, J.; Cofiño, A. S.; Blanco, C.; García-Díez, M.; Magariño, M.; Fita, L.; Gutiérrez, J. M.; 2015. WRF4G: WRF experiment management made simple. , . 10.5194/gmdd-8-6551-2015 | 2015 | Model application | 4 |
Gascón Salvador, Estíbaliz; 2015. Análisis y predicción de precipitaciones convectivas a partir del modelo mesoescalar WRF y un radiómetro de microondas multicanal (MMWR) = Analysis and forecasting of convective precipitations using WRF mesoscale and multichannel microwave radiometer (mmWR). , . [370] | 2015 | Model application | 0 |
Salleh, Siti Aekbal; Latif, Zulkiflee Abd; Chan, Andy; Morris, Kenobi Isima; Ooi, Maggie Chel Gee; Mohd, Wan Mohd Naim Wan; 2015. Weather Research Forecast (WRF) modification of land surface albedo simulations for urban Near Surface Temperature. , 243–247. 10.1109/IconSpace.2015.7283787 | 2015 | Model application | 5 |
Yu, Yi; Zhang, Weimin; Ye, Minhua; Sun, Jing; Zhang, Yukuan; 2015. Implementation of reconstructed radiance of IASI observations in WRF data assimilation system:. , . 10.2991/icmmita-15.2015.73 | 2015 | Model application | 1 |
Huang, Bormin; López, Sebastián; Wu, Zhensen; Nascimento, Jose M.; Alpatov, Boris A.; Portell de Mora, Jordi; Mielikainen, Jarno; Huang, Bormin; Huang, Allen H.; 2015. Performance tuning Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Goddard longwave radiative transfer scheme on Intel Xeon Phi. , 96460H. 10.1117/12.2196527 | 2015 | Model application | 4 |
Perez, Jaynise M.; Aponte-Bermudez, Luis D.; Morell, Julio M.; Rodriguez, Ernesto; 2015. CariCOOS: Real-time data validation of high-resolution wind forecast. , 1–7. 10.23919/OCEANS.2015.7404368 | 2015 | Model application | 2 |
González, Jorge E.; Gutierrez, Estatio; 2015. On the Environmental Sensible/Latent Heat Fluxes From A/C Systems in Urban Dense Environments: A New Modeling Approach and Case Study. , . 10.1115/ES2015-49583 | 2015 | Model application | 2 |
Porrini, Claudio; Gutierrez, Alejandro; Boezio, Gabriel Cazes; Hermida, Gonzalo; Orono, Diego; Puppo, Martin; 2015. Development of a Model Output Statistic and implementation of an operational solar photovoltaic energy forecast model based in WRF. , 248–253. 10.1109/ISGT-LA.2015.7381162 | 2015 | Model application | 1 |
Singh, Upendra N.; Nicolae, Doina N.; Labzovskii, Lev; Binietoglou, I.; Papayannis, A.; Banks, R. F.; Baldasano, J. M.; 2015. Use of lidar water vapor retrieval for assessment of model capability to simulate water vapor profiles. , 96450G. 10.1117/12.2195638 | 2015 | Model application | 0 |
Jieying, He; Shengwei, Zhang; 2015. Research on global profiles and precipitation retrievals for FY-3C MWHTS. , 4890–4893. 10.1109/IGARSS.2015.7326927 | 2015 | Model application | 7 |
Xi, Xia; Wei, Zhao; Xiaoguang, Rui; Yijie, Wang; Xinxin, Bai; Wenjun, Yin; Jin, Don; 2015. A comprehensive evaluation of air pollution prediction improvement by a machine learning method. , 176–181. 10.1109/SOLI.2015.7367615 | 2015 | Model application | 57 |
Bellis Laura, M; Veronica, Andreo; Andres, Lighezzolo; Juan, P Arganaraz; Sofia, Lanfri; Clemoveki, Kevin; Carlos, M Scavuzzo; 2015. Design and implementation of an operational meteo fire risk forecast based on open source geospatial technology. , 2155–2158. 10.1109/IGARSS.2015.7326230 | 2015 | Model application | 5 |
Gualan-Saavedra, Ronald M.; Solano-Quinde, Lizandro D.; Bode, Brett M.; 2015. GPU Acceleration of the Horizontal Diffusion Method in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model. , 284–289. 10.1109/APCASE.2015.57 | 2015 | Model application | 3 |
Hall, Denisi Holanda; 2015. URBANIZAÇÃO E IMPACTO NO CLIMA URBANO DA CIDADE DE MANAUS: CENÁRIOS DE EXPANSÃO E MITIGAÇÃO. , . [371] | 2015 | Model application | 0 |
Bai, Yang; Duan, Jennifer G.; 2015. Using a Two-Dimensional Watershed Model to Estimate Flood Magnitude and Frequency under Changing Climate. , 1163–1172. 10.1061/9780784479162.115 | 2015 | Model application | 0 |
Ridwan, Ridwan; Kistijantoro, Achmad Imam; Kudsy, Mahally; Gunawan, Djoko; 2015. Performance evaluation of hybrid parallel computing for WRF model with CUDA and OpenMP. , 425–430. 10.1109/ICoICT.2015.7231463 | 2015 | Model application | 3 |
Iacono, Michael J.; 2015. Enhancing Cloud Radiative Processes and Radiation Efficiency in the Advanced Research Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model. , . [372] | 2015 | Model application | 6 |
Smith, Jeffrey A.; Foley, Theresa A.; Raby, John W.; Reen, Brian; 2015. Investigating Surface Bias Errors in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model using a Geographic Information System (GIS):. , . [373] | 2015 | Model application | 6 |
Li, Xiaofeng; Zheng, Weizhong; Yang, Xiaofeng; Pichel, William; 2015. Fetch imaged by SAR and simulated by WRF model. , 943–946. 10.1109/IGARSS.2015.7325922 | 2015 | Model application | 1 |
Aponte-Bermudez, Luis D.; Rodriguez-Romero, Hector J.; Morell, Julio M.; Rodriguez, Ernesto; 2015. CariCOOS: Improving high-resolution numerical weather prediction for the northeast Caribbean region. , 1–10. 10.23919/OCEANS.2015.7404498 | 2015 | Model application | 0 |
Huang, Bormin; López, Sebastián; Wu, Zhensen; Nascimento, Jose M.; Alpatov, Boris A.; Portell de Mora, Jordi; Mielikainen, Jarno; Huang, Bormin; Huang, Allen; 2015. Revisiting Intel Xeon Phi optimization of Thompson cloud microphysics scheme in Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. , 964605. 10.1117/12.2196526 | 2015 | Model application | 6 |
Schlosser, E.; Stenni, B.; Valt, M.; Cagnati, A.; Powers, J. G.; Manning, K. W.; Raphael, M.; Duda, M. G.; 2015. Precipitation regime and stable oxygen isotopes at Dome C, East Antarctica – a comparison of two extreme years 2009 and 2010. , . [374] | 2015 | Model application | 2 |
Fiorino, Steven; Shirey, Stephen; DeMarco, Adam; He, Ping; Basu, Sukanta; 2015. Capturing realistic boundary layer aerosol and turbulence effects in WRF and other numerical weather models. , PT3C.3. 10.1364/PCDVTAP.2015.PT3C.3 | 2015 | Model application | 1 |
Reen, Brian P.; 2015. Improving Weather Research and Forecasting Model Initial Conditions via Surface Pressure Analysis:. , . [375] | 2015 | Model application | 2 |
Surussavadee, Chinnawat; Wu, Wanchen; 2015. Evaluation of WRF planetary boundary layer schemes for high-resolution wind simulations in Northeastern Thailand. , 3949–3952. 10.1109/IGARSS.2015.7326689 | 2015 | Model application | 4 |
Porterfield, Allan; Fowler, Rob; Bhalachandra, Sridutt; Rountree, Barry; Deb, Diptorup; Lewis, Rob; 2015. Application Runtime Variability and Power Optimization for Exascale Computers. , 1–8. 10.1145/2768405.2768408 | 2015 | Model application | 19 |
Seroka, Greg; Miles, Travis; Dunk, Rich; Kohut, Josh; Glenn, Scott; Fredj, Erick; 2015. Sea breeze, coastal upwelling modeling to support offshore wind energy planning and operations. , 1–6. 10.23919/OCEANS.2015.7404456 | 2015 | Model application | 4 |
Huang, Bormin; Chang, Chein-I; Lee, Chulhee; Li, Yunsong; Du, Qian; Mielikainen, Jarno; Huang, Bormin; Huang, Allen H.-L.; 2015. Optimizing meridional advection of the Advanced Research WRF (ARW) dynamics for Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor. , 95010Y. 10.1117/12.2180029 | 2015 | Model application | 0 |
Evans, J.P.; Olson, R.; Fita, L.; Argüeso, D.; Di Luca, A.; 2015. NARCliM model performance including teleconnections with climate modes. , . 10.36334/MODSIM.2015.G4.evans | 2015 | Model application | 0 |
Chen, Y.W.; Wang, J.; 2015. The Ensemble Forecasting Technique of the Thunderstorm:. , . 10.2991/aiie-15.2015.46 | 2015 | Model application | 0 |
Huang, Bormin; López, Sebastián; Wu, Zhensen; Nascimento, Jose M.; Alpatov, Boris A.; Portell de Mora, Jordi; Huang, Melin; Huang, Bormin; Huang, Allen H. L.; 2015. Application of Intel Many Integrated Core (MIC) accelerators to the Pleim-Xiu land surface scheme. , 96460F. 10.1117/12.2196555 | 2015 | Model application | 1 |
Wetherbee, Ted; Jones, Elizabeth; Knox, Michael; Sandalski, Stou; Woodward, Paul; 2015. In-core volume rendering for Cartesian grid fluid dynamics simulations. , 1–8. 10.1145/2792745.2792780 | 2015 | Model application | 2 |
Huang, Bormin; Chang, Chein-I; Lee, Chulhee; Li, Yunsong; Du, Qian; Mielikainen, Jarno; Huang, Bormin; Huang, Allen H.-L.; 2015. Optimizing the updated Goddard shortwave radiation Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) scheme for Intel Many Integrated Core (MIC) architecture. , 95010E. 10.1117/12.2180027 | 2015 | Model application | 6 |
Huang, Bormin; Chang, Chein-I; Lee, Chulhee; Li, Yunsong; Du, Qian; Huang, Melin; Huang, Bormin; Huang, Allen H.-L.; 2015. Parallel implementation of WRF double moment 5-class cloud microphysics scheme on multiple GPUs. , 95010K. 10.1117/12.2180039 | 2015 | Model application | 1 |
Wang, J.; Chen, Y.W.; 2015. The Mesoscale Numerical Simulation of the Effectiveness of an Artificial Precipitation Enhancement Operation:. , . 10.2991/aiie-15.2015.45 | 2015 | Model application | 1 |
Nascimento, E. G. S.; Moreira, D. M.; Albuquerque, T. T. A.; Reis, N. C.; Santos, J. M.; Goulart, E. V.; Fisch, G.; 2015. Atmospheric dispersion modeling to simulate rocket exhaust clouds. , 481–492. 10.2495/CMEM150431 | 2015 | Model application | 1 |
Yan, Haifan; 2015. A comparison of QPF from WRF simulations with operational NAM and GFS output using multiple verification methods. , . [376] | 2015 | Model application | 0 |
Roberts, T. J.; Dütsch, M.; Hole, L. R.; Voss, P. B.; 2015. Controlled meteorological (CMET) balloon profiling of the Arctic atmospheric boundary layer around Spitsbergen compared to a mesoscale model. , . 10.5194/acpd-15-27539-2015 | 2015 | Model application | 2 |
Simpson, C.; Sharples, J.; Evans, J.; 2015. Numerical modelling of wildland fire spread on the windward and leeward sides of a ridge. 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, . 10.36334/MODSIM.2015.Keynote.simpson | 2015 | Model application | 1 |
He, J.; He, R.; Zhang, Y.; 2015. Impacts of air–sea interactions on regional air quality predictions using WRF/Chem v3.6.1 coupled with ROMS v3.7: southeastern US example. , . 10.5194/gmdd-8-9965-2015 | 2015 | Model application | 3 |
Sukthawee, Pattara; Kirtsaeng, Sukrit; 2015. Comparison of rainfall pattern and statistical verification of CPS for extreme rainfall simulation on 13 April 2013. , 481–488. 10.1109/TICST.2015.7369403 | 2015 | Model application | 4 |
Astsatryan, H.; Shakhnazaryan, A.; Sahakyan, V.; Shoukourian, Yu.; Kotroni, V.; Petrosyan, Z.; Abrahamyan, R.; Melkonyan, H.; 2015. WRF-ARW Model for Prediction of High Temperatures in South and South East Regions of Armenia. , 207–213. 10.1109/eScience.2015.82 | 2015 | Model application | 2 |
Line, Chih-Kang 2015. 結合 WRF 及 Fluent 模式建置濁水溪揚塵預報系統. , . [377] | 2015 | Model application | 0 |
Simpson, C.; Sharples, J.; Evans, J.; 2015. WRF-Fire simulation of lateral fire spread in the Bendora Fire on 18 January 2003. 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, . 10.36334/MODSIM.2015.A4.Simpson | 2015 | Model application | 2 |
Morais, Marcos Vinícius Bueno de; Pessoa, Alex Sandro Aguiar; 2015. Análise do desempenho computacional de modelos numéricos de previsão do tempo e de ondas na arquitetura EC2 Amazon Cloud. , . 10.5540/03.2015.003.01.0101 | 2015 | Model application | 1 |
Anreddy, Sujan; Zhang, Song; Mercer, Andrew; Dyer, Jamie; Swan, J. Edward; 2015. Visual scalability of spatial ensemble uncertainty. , 187–188. 10.1109/VAST.2015.7347671 | 2015 | Model application | 1 |
Katurji, M.; Simpson, C.; Seto, D.; 2015. WRF-Fire simulation of pyro-convection under the influence of low-level jet wind profiles. , . 10.36334/MODSIM.2015.A4.Katurji | 2015 | Model application | 0 |
Zhang, Hengyue; 2015. Using Satellite Remote Sensing, Field Observations and WRF/Single-Layer Urban Canopy Model Simulation to Analyze the Oklahoma City UHI Effect. , . [378] | 2015 | Model application | 1 |
Ağaç, Kübra; Akataş, Nilcan; Deniz, Ali; 2015. WRF SIMULATION OF TORNADO DEVELOPMENT: A CASE STUDY IN TUZLA, ISTANBUL. , 169–176. 10.18509/GBP.2015.22 | 2015 | Model application | 0 |
Jieying, He; Shengwei, Zhang; 2015. Research on global profiles and precipitation retrievals for FY-3C MWHTS. , 4890–4893. 10.1109/IGARSS.2015.7326927 | 2015 | Model application | 2 |
Comerón, Adolfo; Kassianov, Evgueni I.; Schäfer, Klaus; Tabone, I.; Briz, S.; Anzalone, A.; De Castro, A. J.; Lopez, F.; Ferrarese, S.; Isgrò, F.; Cassardo, C.; Cremonini, R.; Bertaina, M.; 2015. Comparing different methods to retrieve cloud top height from Meteosat satellite data. , 96400C. 10.1117/12.2195012 | 2015 | Model application | 2 |
Huang, Bormin; López, Sebastián; Wu, Zhensen; Nascimento, Jose M.; Alpatov, Boris A.; Portell de Mora, Jordi; Huang, Melin; Huang, Bormin; Huang, Allen H.-L.; 2015. Optimizing the Betts-Miller-Janjic cumulus parameterization with Intel Many Integrated Core (MIC) architecture. , 96460O. 10.1117/12.2196554 | 2015 | Model application | 0 |
Yamamoto, Kayoko; 2015. Visualization of GIS Analytic for Open Big Data in Environmental Science. , 201–208. 10.1109/CCBD.2015.11 | 2015 | Model application | 3 |
Gao, Wei; Chang, Ni-Bin; Wang, Jinnian; Kan, Yu; Liu, Chaoshun; Liu, Yanan; Zhou, Cong; 2015. Evaluation of WRF microphysics and cumulus parameterization schemes in simulating a heavy rainfall event over Yangtze River delta. , 96100R. 10.1117/12.2185766 | 2015 | Model application | 8 |
Huang, Bormin; López, Sebastian; Wu, Zhensen; Huang, Melin; Huang, Bormin; Huang, Allen H.; 2014. Implementation of 5-layer thermal diffusion scheme in weather research and forecasting model with Intel Many Integrated Cores. , 924709. 10.1117/12.2069426 | 2014 | Model application | 4 |
Milovac, Josipa; Ingwersen, Joachim; Warrach-Sagi, Kirsten; Nations (FAO), The Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United; Milovac, Josipa; 2014. Soil texture forcing data for the whole world for the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model of the University of Hohenheim (UHOH) based on the Harmonized World Soil Database (HWSD) at 30 arc-second horizontal resolution. , . 10.1594/WDCC/WRF_NOAH_HWSD_WORLD_TOP_SOILTYP | 2014 | Model application | 14 |
Huang, Bormin; López, Sebastian; Wu, Zhensen; Mielikainen, Jarno; Huang, Bormin; Huang, Allen H.; 2014. Optimizing zonal advection of the Advanced Research WRF (ARW) dynamics for Intel MIC. , 92470M. 10.1117/12.2069314 | 2014 | Model application | 6 |
Milovac, Josipa; Ingwersen, Joachim; Warrach-Sagi, Kirsten; Milovac, Josipa; 2014. Top soil texture forcing data for the area of Germany for the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model based on the Bodenubersichtskarte (BUK) at a scale 1:1000000 (BUK1000) and provided by the University of Hohenheim (UHOH). , . 10.1594/WDCC/WRF_NOAH_BUK_GER_TOP_SOILTYP | 2014 | Model application | 4 |
Huang, Bormin; Chang, Chein-I; López, José Fco.; Mielikainen, Jarno; Huang, Bormin; Huang, Allen; 2014. Using Intel Xeon Phi to accelerate the WRF TEMF planetary boundary layer scheme. , 91240T. 10.1117/12.2055040 | 2014 | Model application | 5 |
Eiserloh, Arthur John; 2014. WRF-Model Data Assimilation Studies of Landfalling Atmospheric Rivers and Orographic Precipitation Over Northern California. , . [379] | 2014 | Model application | 4 |
Mielikainen, J.; Huang, B.; Huang, A. H.-L.; 2014. Intel Xeon Phi accelerated Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Goddard microphysics scheme. , . 10.5194/gmdd-7-8941-2014 | 2014 | Model application | 13 |
Huang, Bormin; López, Sebastian; Wu, Zhensen; Huang, Melin; Huang, Bormin; Huang, Allen H.; 2014. Application of Intel Many Integrated Core (MIC) architecture to the Yonsei University planetary boundary layer scheme in Weather Research and Forecasting model. , 92470J. 10.1117/12.2069430 | 2014 | Model application | 5 |
Whiteman, Cameron; Capps, Scott; 2014. DOE SBIR Phase II Final Technical Report - Assessing Climate Change Effects on Wind Energy. , . [380] | 2014 | Model application | 1 |
Balzarini, A.; Angelini, F.; Ferrero, L.; Moscatelli, M.; Perrone, M. G.; Pirovano, G.; Riva, G. M.; Sangiorgi, G.; Toppetti, A. M.; Gobbi, G. P.; Bolzacchini, E.; 2014. Sensitivity analysis of PBL schemes by comparing WRF model and experimental data. , . 10.5194/gmdd-7-6133-2014 | 2014 | Model application | 27 |
Johnson, Jeffrey O.; Raby, John W.; Knapp, David I.; 2014. Statistical Analysis of Atmospheric Forecast Model Accuracy - A Focus on Multiple Atmospheric Variables and Location-Based Analysis:. , . [381] | 2014 | Model application | 1 |
Becka, Charlene Marie; 2014. A case study of sulfur dioxide concentrations in Muscatine, Iowa and the ability for AERMOD to predict NAAQS violations. , . [382] | 2014 | Model application | 2 |
Huang, Bormin; López, Sebastian; Wu, Zhensen; Mielikainen, Jarno; Huang, Bormin; Huang, Allen H.; 2014. Intel Many Integrated Core (MIC) architecture optimization strategies for a memory-bound Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Goddard microphysics scheme. , 924704. 10.1117/12.2068358 | 2014 | Model application | 4 |
Leblebici, E.; Ahmet, G.; Tuncer, I-H.; 2014. ATMOSPHERIC TURBULENT FLOW SOLUTIONS COUPLED WITH A MESOSCALE WEATHER PREDICTION MODEL. , 127–136. 10.7712/130113.4381.S2070 | 2014 | Model application | 1 |
Fast, J. D.; Allan, J.; Bahreini, R.; Craven, J.; Emmons, L.; Ferrare, R.; Hayes, P. L.; Hodzic, A.; Holloway, J.; Hostetler, C.; Jimenez, J. L.; Jonsson, H.; Liu, S.; Liu, Y.; Metcalf, A.; Middlebrook, A.; Nowak, J.; Pekour, M.; Perring, A.; Russell, L.; Sedlacek, A.; Seinfeld, J.; Setyan, A.; Shilling, J.; Shrivastava, M.; Springston, S.; Song, C.; Subramanian, R.; Taylor, J. W.; Vinoj, V.; Yang, Q.; Zaveri, R. A.; Zhang, Q.; 2014. Modeling regional aerosol variability over California and its sensitivity to emissions and long-range transport during the 2010 CalNex and CARES campaigns. , . 10.5194/acpd-14-7187-2014 | 2014 | Model application | 4 |
Jose, Roberto San; Perez, Juan L.; Pecci, Julia; Garzon, Antonio; Palacios, Marino; 2014. Climate Downscaling Processes Using WRF/Chem and CALMET Modelling Systems: Madrid Case Study. , 830–835. 10.1109/UCC.2014.135 | 2014 | Model application | 1 |
Passner, Jeffrey E.; 2014. Low-Level Turbulence Forecasts From Fine-Scale Models:. , . [383] | 2014 | Model application | 0 |
Peck, Alison B.; Benn, Chris R.; Seaman, Robert L.; Giordano, C.; Vernin, J.; Muñoz-Tuñon, C.; Trinquet, H.; 2014. Seeing and ground meteorology forecast for site quality and observatory operations. , 91490F. 10.1117/12.2056832 | 2014 | Model application | 4 |
Sharma, Ashish; Fernando, Harindra J. S.; Hellmann, Jessica; Chen, Fei; 2014. Sensitivity of WRF Model to Urban Parameterizations, With Applications to Chicago Metropolitan Urban Heat Island. , . 10.1115/FEDSM2014-21292 | 2014 | Model application | 19 |
Gopalan, Harish; Chandar, Dominic D.; Gundling, Christopher; Sitaraman, Jayanarayanan; Henshaw, William D.; Mirocha, Jeffrey D.; Wharton, Sonia; Miller, Wayne; Newman, Jennifer; Klein, Petra; 2014. Evaluation of the effect of Realistic and Synthetic Inflow on the Power and Loading Pattern of Wind Turbine. , . 10.2514/6.2014-0707 | 2014 | Model application | 1 |
Krishnan, S. P. T.; Veeravalli, Bharadwaj; Krishna, Vetharenian Hari; Sheng, Wu Chia; 2014. Performance Characterisation and Evaluation of WRF Model on Cloud and HPC Architectures. , 1280–1287. 10.1109/HPCC.2014.218 | 2014 | Model application | 4 |
Keller, David L.; 2014. Using the Random Nearest Neighbor Data Mining Method to Extract Maximum Information Content from Weather Forecasts from Multiple Predictors of Weather and One Predictand (Low-Level Turbulence):. , . [384] | 2014 | Model application | 0 |
Duc, Hiep Nguyen; Watt, Sean; Salter, David; Trieu, Toan; 2014. Modelling October 2013 Bushfire Pollution Episode in New South Wales, Australia. , . 10.22260/ISARC2014/0072 | 2014 | Model application | 3 |
Curci, G.; Ferrero, L.; Tuccella, P.; Barnaba, F.; Angelini, F.; Bolzacchini, E.; Carbone, C.; Denier van der Gon, H. A. C.; Facchini, M. C.; Gobbi, G. P.; Kuenen, J. P. P.; Landi, T. C.; Perrino, C.; Perrone, M. G.; Sangiorgi, G.; Stocchi, P.; 2014. How much is particulate matter near the ground influenced by upper level processes within and above the PBL? A summertime case study in Milan (Italy). , . [385] | 2014 | Model application | 3 |
Michael, M.; Yadav, A.; Tripathi, S. N.; Kanawade, V. P.; Gaur, A.; Sadavarte, P.; Venkataraman, C.; 2014. Simulation of trace gases and aerosols over the Indian domain: evaluation of the WRF-Chem model. , . 10.5194/gmdd-7-431-2014 | 2014 | Model application | 34 |
Xie, Y.; Shi, J.; Lei, Y.; Xing, J.; Yang, A.; 2014. Impacts of land cover change on simulating precipitation in Beijing area of China. 2014 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 4145–4148. 10.1109/IGARSS.2014.6947400 | 2014 | Model application | 7 |
Quirino, Thiago Santos; Delgado, Javier; Zhang, Xuejin; 2014. Improving the Scalability of a Hurricane Forecast System in Mixed-Parallel Environments. , 276–281. 10.1109/HPCC.2014.50 | 2014 | Model application | 2 |
Vandenberghe, Francois; Mandine, Eric; Aidonidis, Michel; 2014. A renanalysis of the PREDEM campaign with a coupled atmospheric-wave modeling system. , 1–1. 10.1109/USNC-URSI-NRSM.2014.6928039 | 2014 | Model application | 0 |
Conry, Patrick; Fernando, H. J. S.; Leo, L. S.; Sharma, Ashish; Potosnak, Mark; Hellmann, Jessica; 2014. Multi-Scale Simulations of Climate-Change Influence on Chicago Heat Island. , . 10.1115/FEDSM2014-21581 | 2014 | Model application | 20 |
Huang, Bormin; López, Sebastian; Wu, Zhensen; Mielikainen, Jarno; Huang, Bormin; Huang, Allen H.; 2014. Initial results on computational performance of Intel Many Integrated Core (MIC) architecture: implementation of the Weather and Research Forecasting (WRF) Purdue-Lin microphysics scheme. , 92470C. 10.1117/12.2068360 | 2014 | Model application | 3 |
Vaucher, Gail; Raby, John; 2014. Assessing High-Resolution Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Forecasts Using an Object-Based Diagnostic Evaluation:. , . [386] | 2014 | Model application | 3 |
Zhao, Pengguo; Yin, Yan; Xiao, Hui; 2014. The effects of aerosol on development of thunderstorm electrification: A simulation study in Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. , 177–180. 10.1109/ICLP.2014.6973116 | 2014 | Model application | 3 |
Lischi, S.; Lupidi, A.; Martorella, M.; Cuccoli, F.; Facheris, L.; Baldini, L.; 2014. Advanced Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar Simulator. , 1–6. 10.1109/IRS.2014.6869252 | 2014 | Model application | 21 |
Eineder, Michael; Balss, Ulrich; Gisinger, Christoph; Hackel, Stefan; Ulmer, Franz Georg; Fritz, Thomas; 2014. TerraSAR-X pixel localization accuracy: Approaching the centimeter level. , 2669–2670. 10.1109/IGARSS.2014.6947023 | 2014 | Model application | 5 |
Allan, Shawn; Bryan, David; Pouliot, Benoit; 2014. High-resolution numerical weather prediction (NWP) with data assimilation over Placentia Bay, Newfoundland. , 1–8. 10.1109/OCEANS.2014.7003116 | 2014 | Model application | 1 |
Wardah, T.; Sharifah Nurul Huda, S. Y.; Suzana, R.; Hamzah, A.; Maisarah, W. W. I.; 2014. WRF model input for improved radar rainfall estimates using Kalman Filter. , 322–327. 10.1109/ISTMET.2014.6936527 | 2014 | Model application | 1 |
Parra, R.; 2014. Modeling the volcanic ash dispersion and deposition from El Reventador volcano eruption in Ecuador on November 3rd 2002. , 27–38. 10.2495/AIR140031 | 2014 | Model application | 0 |
Simpson, Micheal Joseph; 2014. A new method of calculating vertical motion in isentropic space. , . [387] | 2014 | Model application | 0 |
Borrego, C.; Martins, H.; Amorim, J. H.; Freitas, S.; Miranda, A. I.; 2014. Air quality, climate change and resilience in the Porto urban area. , 3–13. 10.2495/AIR140011 | 2014 | Model application | 1 |
Liu, N.; Koons, P.O.; Monk, J.; Roy, S.G.; Segee, B.; Zhu, Y.F.; 2014. Graphics processing units (GPU) acceleration of the weather research and forecasting (WRF) model for hurricane Sandy. , 703–710. 10.2495/ESBE140901 | 2014 | Model application | 0 |
Lupidi, Alberto; Lischi, Stefano; Cuccoli, Fabrizio; Baldini, Luca; Roberto, Nicoletta; 2014. Validation of the Advanced Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar Simulator with Polar55C real observations. , 1–6. 10.1109/IRS.2014.6869250 | 2014 | Model application | 9 |
Takeishi, A.; Storelvmo, T.; 2014. Sensitivity study of the aerosol effects on a supercell storm throughout its lifetime. , . 10.5194/acpd-14-24087-2014 | 2014 | Model application | 2 |
Sasa, Kenji; Chen, Chen; Shiotani, Shigeaki; Ohsawa, Teruo; Terada, Daisuke; 2014. Numerical Analysis of Failed Forecasts of Waves Under Low Pressures From Viewpoint of Ship Operation. , . 10.1115/OMAE2014-23876 | 2014 | Model application | 1 |
Park, S. K.; Lim, S.; Zupanski, M.; 2014. Forecast error covariance structure in coupled atmosphere–chemistry data assimilation. , . 10.5194/gmdd-7-8757-2014 | 2014 | Model application | 0 |
Christakis, Nicholas; Katsaounis, Theodoros; Kossioris, George; Plexousakis, Michael; 2014. On the Performance of the WRF Numerical Model over Complex Terrain on a High Performance Computing Cluster. , 298–303. 10.1109/HPCC.2014.53 | 2014 | Model application | 2 |
Xiong, S.; Zeng, Q.; Jiao, J.; Gao, S.; Zhang, X.; 2014. Improvement of PS-InSAR atmospheric phase estimation by using WRF model. , 2225–2228. 10.1109/IGARSS.2014.6946911 | 2014 | Model application | 3 |
Monaghan, A.; Steinhoff, D.; Bruyere, C.; Yates, D.; 2014. NCAR CESM Global Bias-Corrected CMIP5 Output to Support WRF/MPAS Research. , . 10.5065/D6DJ5CN4 | 2014 | Model application | 46 |
Choi, S.-J.; Giraldo, F. X.; Kim, J.; Shin, S.; 2014. Verification of a non-hydrostatic dynamical core using horizontally spectral element vertically finite difference method: 2-D aspects. , . 10.5194/gmdd-7-3717-2014 | 2014 | Model application | 8 |
Draxl, C.; Purkayastha, A.; Parker, Z.; 2014. Wind Resource Assessment of Gujarat (India). , . [388] | 2014 | Model application | 12 |
Descombes, Gael; Auligne, Thomas; Lin, Hui-Chuan; Xu, Dongmei; Schwartz, Craig; Vandenberghe, Francois; 2014. Multi-sensor Advection Diffusion nowCast (MADCast) for cloud analysis and short-term prediction. , 8732 KB. [389] | 2014 | Model application | 16 |
Guarino, M.-V.; Martilli, A.; Di Sabatino, S.; Leo, L. S.; 2014. Modelling the Urban Boundary-Layer Over a Typical Mediterranean City Using WRF: Assessment of UHI and Thermal Comfort. , . 10.1115/FEDSM2014-21572 | 2014 | Model application | 8 |
Huang, Bormin; Chang, Chein-I; López, José Fco.; Mielikainen, Jarno; Huang, Bormin; Huang, Allen; 2014. Optimizing Weather and Research Forecast (WRF) Thompson cloud microphysics on Intel Many Integrated Core (MIC). , 91240Q. 10.1117/12.2055038 | 2014 | Model application | 8 |
Omrani, Hiba; Jourdier, Benedicte; Beranger, Karine; Bastin, Sophie; Drobinski, Philippe; Brossier, Cindy Lebeaupin; Mailler, Sylvain; Arsouze, Thomas; 2014. Investigation on the offshore wind energy potential over the north western Mediterranean sea in a regional climate system model. , 1–6. 10.1109/IREC.2014.6826956 | 2014 | Model application | 4 |
Rincón Rodríguez, Angel Alberto; Jorba Casellas, Oriol; Baldasano Recio, José María; 2013. Sistema de pronóstico de radiación solar a corto plazo a partir de un modelo meteorológico y técnicas de post-proceso para España. , . [390] | 2013 | Model application | 1 |
Mills, G.; Brown, T.; Harris, S.; Podnar, D.; Reinbold, H.; 2013. A 40-year mesoscale gridded fire weather climatology for Victoria – an overview. , . 10.36334/modsim.2013.A3.mills | 2013 | Model application | 1 |
Huang, Melin; Huang, Bormin; Mielikainen, Jarno; Huang, H.L. Allen; Goldberg, Mitchell D.; Mehta, Ajay; 2013. Further Improvement on GPU-Based Parallel Implementation of WRF 5-Layer Thermal Diffusion Scheme. , 3710-715. 10.1109/icpads.2013.126 | 2013 | Model application | 7 |
Moreira, Gregori de Arruda; 2013. Métodos para obtenção da altura da camada limite planetária a partir de dados de LIDAR. , . [391] | 2013 | Model application | 2 |
Duhl, T. R.; Zhang, R.; Guenther, A.; Chung, S. H.; Salam, M. T.; House, J. M.; Flagan, R. C.; Avol, E. L.; Gilliland, F. D.; Lamb, B. K.; VanReken, T. M.; Zhang, Y.; Salathé, E.; 2013. The Simulator of the Timing and Magnitude of Pollen Season (STaMPS) model: a pollen production model for regional emission and transport modeling. , . 10.5194/gmdd-6-2325-2013 | 2013 | Model application | 5 |
Lin, Wuyin; Zhang, Minghua; He, Juanxiong; Jiao, Xiangmin; Chen, Ying; Colle, Brian; Vogelmann, Andrew M.; Liu, Ping; Khairoutdinov, Marat; Leung, Ruby; 2013. Two-Way Integration of WRF and CCSM for Regional Climate Simulations. , . [392] | 2013 | Model application | 0 |
Ji, F.; Riley, M.; Clarke, H.; Evans, J.P.; Argüeso, D.; Fita, L.; 2013. High resolution rainfall projections for the Greater Sydney Region. , . 10.36334/modsim.2013.L11.ji | 2013 | Model application | 3 |
Sitaraman, Jayanarayanan; Gopalan, Harish; Gundling, Christopher; Mirocha, Jeffrey; Miller, Wayne; 2013. Coupled Mesoscale Microscale Model for Wind Resource Estimation and Turbine Aerodynamics Using an Overset Grid Approach. , . 10.2514/6.2013-1209 | 2013 | Model application | 3 |
Price, Erik; Mielikainen, Jarno; Huang, Bormin; Huang, HungLung A.; Lee, Tsengdar; Plaza, Antonio J.; Wu, Zhensen; 2013. GPU acceleration experience with RRTMG long wave radiation model. , 88950H. 10.1117/12.2031450 | 2013 | Model application | 12 |
Vanderbauwhede, Wim; Takemi, Tetsuya; 2013. An investigation into the feasibility and benefits of GPU/multicore acceleration of the weather research and forecasting model. , 1482-489. 10.1109/hpcsim.2013.6641457 | 2013 | Model application | 18 |
Reeder, Michael J.; Lane, Todd P.; Hankinson, Mai Chi Nguyen; 2013. The Role of Gravity Waves in the Formation and Organization of Clouds during TWPICE. , . [393] | 2013 | Model application | 0 |
Dumais, Robert; Kirby, Steve; Flanigan, Robert; 2013. Implementation of the WRF Four-Dimensional Data Assimilation Method of Observation Nudging for Use as an ARL Weather Running Estimate-Nowcast:. , . [394] | 2013 | Model application | 8 |
Lackmann, Gary; 2013. High-Resolution Modeling to Assess Tropical Cyclone Activity in Future Climate Regimes. , . [395] | 2013 | Model application | 0 |
Simpson, C.; Pearce, G.; Clifford, V.; 2013. High-resolution WRF simulation of fire weather associated with the Mt Cook Station fire. 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, . 10.36334/modsim.2013.A3.simpson2 | 2013 | Model application | 0 |
Tie, X.; Geng, F.; Guenther, A.; Cao, J.; Greenberg, J.; Zhang, R.; Apel, E.; Li, G.; Weinheimer, A.; Chen, J.; Cai, C.; 2013. Megacity impacts on regional ozone formation: observations and WRF-Chem modeling for the MIRAGE-Shanghai field campaign. , . 10.5194/acpd-13-1673-2013 | 2013 | Model application | 25 |
Koracin, Darko; Cerovecki, Ivana; Vellore, Ramesh; Mejia, John; Hatchett, Benjamin; McCord, Travis; McLean, Julie; Dorman, Clive; 2013. North Pacific Mesoscale Coupled Air-Ocean Simulations Compared with Observations. , . [396] | 2013 | Model application | 0 |
Argüeso, D.; Evans, J.P.; Fita, L.; Bormann, K.J.; 2013. Simulated impact of urban expansion on future temperature heatwaves in Sydney. , . 10.36334/modsim.2013.L11.argueso | 2013 | Model application | 3 |
Surussavadee, Chinnawat; Aonchart, Phornnarong; 2013. Evaluation of WRF physics options for high-resolution weather forecasting in tropics using satellite passive millimeter-wave observations. , . 10.1109/igarss.2013.6723268 | 2013 | Model application | 8 |
Pattantyus, Andre; Dumais, Jr; 2013. Investigating Lateral Boundary Forcing of Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model Forecasts for Artillery Mission Support:. , . [397] | 2013 | Model application | 2 |
Fink, M.; Fischer, C.; Fuhrer, N.; Firoz, A.M.B.; Viet, T.Q.; Laux, P.; Flugel, W.-A.; 2013. Distributive hydrological modeling of a monsoon dominated river system in central Vietnam. 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, . 10.36334/modsim.2013.H12.fink | 2013 | Model application | 9 |
Jiang, X.; Barth, M. C.; Wiedinmyer, C.; Massie, S. T.; 2013. Influence of anthropogenic aerosols on the Asian monsoon: a case study using the WRF-Chem model. , . 10.5194/acpd-13-21383-2013 | 2013 | Model application | 4 |
Houze, R.A. Jr.; 2013. Use of ARM observations and numerical models to determine radiative and latent heating profiles of mesoscale convective systems for general circulation models. , . [398] | 2013 | Model application | 0 |
Lawston, Patricia; Santanello, Joseph; 2013. Impact of irrigation methods on LSM spinup and initialization of WRF forecasts. , 508-511. 10.1109/argo-geoinformatics.2013.6621973 | 2013 | Model application | 0 |
Lee, Keunhee; Lee, Byongju; Chae, Sanghee; Lee, Chulkyu; Son, Kyung-Su; Jung, Hyun-Sook; Nam, Jae-Chul; 2013. Preliminary study of hydrological assessment for the effects of the cloud seeding experiment. , 968–971. 10.1063/1.4803434 | 2013 | Model application | 0 |
Pruis, Matthew; Ahmad, Nashat; Delisi, Donald; Proctor, Fred; 2013. Atmospheric Turbulence Estimates from a Pulsed Lidar. , . 10.2514/6.2013-512 | 2013 | Model application | 10 |
Guo, Xueliang; Jia, Xincan; Fu, Danhong; Guo, Xin; 2013. Secondary aerosols formation and nucleation in foggy weather events. , 421–424. 10.1063/1.4803293 | 2013 | Model application | 0 |
Gill, Gurbinder Singh; Saxena, Vaibhav; Mittal, Rashmi; George, Thomas; Sabharwal, Yogish; Dagar, Lalit; 2013. Evaluation and enhancement of weather application performance on Blue Gene/Q. , . 10.1109/hipc.2013.6799138 | 2013 | Model application | 1 |
Cassano, John; 2013. Collaborative Research: Towards Advanced Understanding and Predictive Capability of Climate Change in the Arctic Using a High-Resolution Regional Arctic Climate Model. , . [399] | 2013 | Model application | 0 |
渡来, 靖; 重田, 祥範; 中川, 清隆; 2013. 関東平野北西部の猛暑における地峡風の影響. , . [400] | 2013 | Model application | 0 |
Dudhia, Jimy; 2013. Study of Multi-Scale Cloud Processes Over the Tropical Western Pacific Using Cloud-Resolving Models Constrained by Satellite Data. , . [401] | 2013 | Model application | 0 |
Ping, Yang; Shu, Zou; Nan, Chen; Zhirong, Xu; 2013. Offshore wind resouce assessment based on WRF model. , 1–7. 10.1109/APPEEC.2013.6837231 | 2013 | Model application | 3 |
Zepka, Gisele S.; Saraiva, Antonio C. V.; Pinto, Osmar; Gardiman, Vitor L. G.; 2013. Lightning forecasting using WRF model over EDP distribution companies areas. , 255–260. 10.1109/SIPDA.2013.6729239 | 2013 | Model application | 1 |
Salvação, N.; Bernardino, M.; Guedes Soares, C.; 2013. Validation of a Regional Atmospheric Model for Assessing the Offshore Wind Resources Along the Portuguese Coast. , . 10.1115/OMAE2013-11631 | 2013 | Model application | 13 |
Hall, Alex; 2013. Transforming the representation of the boundary layer and low clouds for high-resolution regional climate modeling: Final report. , . [402] | 2013 | Model application | 0 |
Silveira, Carlos; Tchepel, Oxana; Hadjimitsis, Diofantos G.; Themistocleous, Kyriacos; Michaelides, Silas; Papadavid, George; 2013. Multiscale analysis of satellite-derived vegetation parameters for biogenic VOC emission modeling. , 87950V. 10.1117/12.2028416 | 2013 | Model application | 1 |
Liu, Yan-an; Gao, Wei; Huang, Hung-lung; Strabala, Kathleen; Liu, Chaoshun; Shi, Runhe; Jackson, Thomas J.; Wang, Jinnian; Chang, Ni-Bin; 2013. Evaluation of a regional assimilation system coupled with the WRF-chem model. , 88690K. 10.1117/12.2024387 | 2013 | Model application | 0 |
Chandrasekar, V.; Ramanujam, K. Srinivasa; Le, Minda; 2013. Methodology to simulate GPM radar observations, from combined radiometer and radar measurements from TRMM and cloud models. , 2222–2225. 10.1109/IGARSS.2013.6723258 | 2013 | Model application | 0 |
Sharples, J.J.; Simpson, C.C.; Evans, J.P.; 2013. Examination of wind speed thresholds for vorticity-driven lateral fire spread. , . 10.36334/modsim.2013.A3.sharples3 | 2013 | Model application | 8 |
Johnsen, Peter; Straka, Mark; Shapiro, Melvyn; Norton, Alan; Galarneau, Thomas; 2013. Petascale WRF simulation of hurricane Sandy deployment of NCSA's cray XE6 blue waters. , 1–7. 10.1145/2503210.2503231 | 2013 | Model application | 36 |
Murtugudde, Raghu; 2013. Bay of Bengal as the Gateway to Indian Monsoon at Intraseasonal Time-scales: A Regional Coupled Model Study:. , . [403] | 2013 | Model application | 0 |
Bruyère, C.; Done, J.; Fredrick, S.; Suzuki-Parker, A.; 2013. NCAR Nested Regional Climate Model (NRCM). , . 10.5065/D6Z899DW | 2013 | Model application | 1 |
Bodmann, B. E. J.; Rizza, U.; Buske, D.; Vilhena, M. T.; Tirabassi, T.; 2012. Analytical formulation for the radioactive contaminant released from nuclear power plants. , 13–22. 10.2495/AIR120021 | 2012 | Model application | 0 |
Sridhar, V.; Jaksa, W. T. A.; 2012. Near Surface Hydrometeorology for Sustainable Water Management. , 786–792. 10.1061/9780784412312.081 | 2012 | Model application | 0 |
Jafari, S.; Sommer, T.; Chokani, N.; Abhari, R. S.; 2012. Wind Resource Assessment Using a Mesoscale Model: The Effect of Horizontal Resolution. , 987–995. 10.1115/GT2012-69712 | 2012 | Model application | 16 |
Passner, Jeffrey E.; Kirby, Stephen; Jameson, Terry; 2012. Using Real-Time Weather Data from an Unmanned Aircraft System to Support the Advanced Research Version of the Weather Research and Forecast Model:. , . [404] | 2012 | Model application | 6 |
Hongsheng, Cao; Xishan, Pan; Chunhui, Li; 2012. The application of WRF model in the wave numerical forecast. , 1889–1893. 10.1109/ICCSNT.2012.6526288 | 2012 | Model application | 1 |
Rao, Vishwas; Cioaca, Alexandru; Sandu, Adrian; 2012. A Highly Scalable Approach for Time Parallelization of Long Range Forecasts. , 609–616. 10.1109/SC.Companion.2012.85 | 2012 | Model application | 1 |
Lebo, Zachary John; 2012. Computational Modeling Studies of Fundamental Aerosol-Cloud Interactions. , . [405] | 2012 | Model application | 0 |
Mathiesen, Patrick J.; Collier, Craig; Kleissl, Jan P.; 2012. Development and Validation of an Operational, Cloud-Assimilating Numerical Weather Prediction Model for Solar Irradiance Forecasting. , 955–964. 10.1115/ES2012-91408 | 2012 | Model application | 5 |
Huang, Melin; Mielikainen, Jarno; Huang, Bormin; Huang, H.-L. A.; Goldberg, Mitchell D.; Plaza, Antonio J.; 2012. GPU-based parallel implementation of 5-layer thermal diffusion scheme. , 853908. 10.1117/12.978991 | 2012 | Model application | 0 |
Derzko, Zenon; Eylander, John B.; Broach, J. Thomas; Holloway, John H.; 2012. Schedule optimization for IR detection of buried targets. , 83570N. 10.1117/12.918490 | 2012 | Model application | 0 |
Cui, Xi'ai; Zeng, Qiming; Liang, Cunren; Jiao, Jian; Tong, Qingxi; 2012. Research of InSAR atmospheric correction using WRF model simulated result and MERIS product. , 473627-3630. 10.1109/igarss.2012.6350631 | 2012 | Model application | 2 |
Hedgecock, I. M.; Gencarelli, C. N.; Sch{ü}rmann, G. J.; Sprovieri, F.; Pirrone, N.; 2012. Measurements and modelling of ozone in the Mediterranean MBL: an investigation of the importance of ship emissions to local ozone production. , . 10.5194/acpd-12-16557-2012 | 2012 | Model application | 4 |
Lara-Fanego, V.; Ruiz-Arias, J. A.; Pozo-Vázquez, A. D.; Gueymard, C. A.; Tovar-Pescador, J.; 2012. Evaluation of DNI forecast based on the WRF mesoscale atmospheric model for CPV applications. , 317–322. 10.1063/1.4753895 | 2012 | Model application | 27 |
Felton, Billy D.; Hayes, Philip D.; Alliss, Randall J.; 2012. Improved atmospheric characterization for free-space link analysis using numerical weather prediction. , 83800C–83800C-10. 10.1117/12.919309 | 2012 | Model application | 3 |
Dumais, Robert E.; Raby, John W.; Wang, Yansen; Raby, Yasmina R.; Knapp, David; 2012. Performance Assessment of the Three-Dimensional Wind Field Weather Running Estimate - Nowcast and the Three-Dimensional Wind Field Air Force Weather Agency Weather Research and Forecasting Wind Forecasts:. , . [406] | 2012 | Model application | 6 |
Wolff, Cory; Politovich, Marcia; Adriaansen, Daniel; Loughe, Andrew; Petty, Melissa; Mahoney, Jennifer; 2012. Recent and Future Improvements in Automated Icing Algorithms. , . 10.2514/6.2012-3232 | 2012 | Model application | 1 |
Wu, Yongfen; Xu, Guanghui; Zhao, Yanlai; Tan, Yanqing; 2012. Parallel Processing on WRF Meteorological Data Using MPICH. , . 10.1109/icicse.2012.12 | 2012 | Model application | 6 |
Liu, J.; Bray, M.; Han, D.; 2012. A study on weather radar data assimilation for numerical rainfall prediction. , . 10.5194/hessd-9-10323-2012 | 2012 | Model application | 0 |
Augustynek, Tomasz; Battaglia, Alessandro; 2012. Retrieving hydrometeor motions using space-borne EarthCARE Doppler radar. , 509–512. 10.1109/IRS.2012.6233376 | 2012 | Model application | 0 |
Huang, Melin; Mielikainen, Jarno; Huang, Bormin; Huang, H.-L. A.; Goldberg, Mitchell D.; Plaza, Antonio J.; 2012. On the acceleration of Eta Ferrier Cloud Microphysics Scheme in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model using a GPU. , 85390K. 10.1117/12.976908 | 2012 | Model application | 4 |
Hewson, Michael; McGowan, Hamish; Phinn, Stuart; 2012. Comparing remotely sensed and modelled aerosol properties for a region of low aerosol optical depth. , . 10.1109/igarss.2012.6350341 | 2012 | Model application | 2 |
Wardah, T.; Suzana, R.; Huda, S. Y. Sharifah Nurul; kamil, A. A; 2012. Multi-sensor data inputs rainfall estimation for flood simulation and forecasting. , 3374-379. 10.1109/chuser.2012.6504342 | 2012 | Model application | 8 |
Raby, John; Passner, Jeff; Vaucher, Gail; Raby, Yasmina; 2012. Performance Comparison of High Resolution Weather Research and Forecasting Model Output with North American Mesoscale Model Initialization Grid Forecasts:. , . [407] | 2012 | Model application | 5 |
Zhou, Guangqiang; Peng, Li; Geng, Fuhai; Xu, Jianming; Yang, Fan; Tie, Xuexi; 2012. Chemical weather forecast over the Yangtze River Delta region: Application of WRF-Chem. , 793-796. 10.1109/isra.2012.6219310 | 2012 | Model application | 4 |
Baig, Muhammad Hasan Ali; Wang, Zhenhui; Zhang, Lifu; Yang, Lu; Frouin, Robert J.; Ebuchi, Naoto; Pan, Delu; Saino, Toshiro; 2012. A preliminary study on the application of remotely sensed SST in locating evaporation duct height. , 852510. 10.1117/12.976057 | 2012 | Model application | 0 |
Pereira, S. C.; Carvalho, A. C.; Ferreira, J.; Nunes, J. P.; Kaiser, J. J.; Rocha, A.; 2012. Weather model performance on extreme rainfall events simulation's over Western Iberian Peninsula. , . [408] | 2012 | Model application | 1 |
Alshawaf, Fadwa; Fersch, Benjamin; Hinz, Stefan; Kunstmann, Harald; Mayer, Michael; Thiele, Antje; Westerhaus, Malte; Meyer, Franz; 2012. Analysis of atmospheric signals in spaceborne InSAR - toward water vapor mapping based on multiple sources. , 151960-1963. 10.1109/igarss.2012.6351118 | 2012 | Model application | 4 |
Zimmer, J.; Raabe, A.; Lemberg, T.; 2012. Increasing grid stability through accurate infeed forecasts of renewable energies. , 381–381. 10.1049/cp.2012.0899 | 2012 | Model application | 3 |
Jewett, Brian F.; Alameda, Jay C.; Wilhelmson, Robert; Syrowski, Ann M.; 2012. Ensemble modeling of storm interaction with XSEDE. , 1–1. 10.1145/2335755.2335823 | 2012 | Model application | 0 |
Efe, Bahtiyar; Mentes, Sibel; Unal, Yurdanur; Tan, Elcin; Unal, Emel; Ozdemir, Tuncay; Barutcu, Burak; Onol, Baris; Topcu, Sema; 2012. 72hr forecast of wind power in Mani&#x0307;sa, Turkey by using the WRF model coupled to WindSim. , . 10.1109/icrera.2012.6477345 | 2012 | Model application | 11 |
Russell, Lynn M; Somerville, Richard C.J.; 2012. Final Report for Cloud-Aerosol Physics in Super-Parameterized Atmospheric Regional Climate Simulations (CAP-SPARCS)(DE-SC0002003) for 8/15/2009 through 8/14/2012. , . [409] | 2012 | Model application | 0 |
Martin, J.; Perera, A.; Eugenio, F.; Nebot, R.; Marcello, J.; Piernavieja, G.; 2012. Meteosat second Generation Surface Temperature assimilation for WRF model over Canary Islands domain. , 1132438-2441. 10.1109/igarss.2012.6350998 | 2012 | Model application | 0 |
Koracin, Darko; Lewis, John; 2011. Data Analysis, Modeling, and Ensemble Forecasting to Support NOWCAST and Forecast Activities at the Fallon Naval Station:. , . [410] | 2011 | Model application | 0 |
Mielikainen, Jarno; Huang, Bormin; Plaza, Antonio J.; Huang, Allen H.-L.; Goldberg, Mitchell D.; 2011. GPU acceleration of WRF WSM5 microphysics. , 81830S. 10.1117/12.901826 | 2011 | Model application | 2 |
Rhodes, M; Lundquist, J; 2011. Mesoscale Simulations of a Wind Ramping Event for Wind Energy Prediction. , . [411] | 2011 | Model application | 0 |
Hasager, Charlotte; Badger, Jake; Bingöl, Ferhat; Clausen, Niels-Erik; Hahmann, Andrea; Karagali, Ioanna; Pena, Merete Badger Alfredo; 2011. Wind Energy Resources of the South Baltic Sea. , 4050–4057. 10.3384/ecp110574050 | 2011 | Model application | 6 |
Emanuel, K.; Lacono, M.J.; 2011. Collaborative Research: The Influence of Cloud Microphysics and Radiation on the Response of Water Vapor and Clouds to Climate Change. , . [412] | 2011 | Model application | 0 |
Liu, Y. S.; Miao, S. G.; Zhang, C. L.; Cui, G. X.; Zhang, Z. S.; Li, Jiachun; Fu, Song; 2011. Numerical Simulation of Micro-atmospheric Environment by LES in a District of Beijing. , 392–394. 10.1063/1.3651927 | 2011 | Model application | 0 |
Peace, M.; Mattner, T.; Mills, G.; 2011. The Kangaroo Island bushfires of 2007, A meteorological case study and WRF-fire simulation. , . 10.36334/modsim.2011.A2.peace | 2011 | Model application | 8 |
Wang, Jun; Huang, Bormin; Plaza, Antonio J.; Huang, Hung-Lung A.; Goldberg, Mitchell D.; 2011. Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA)-based parallelization of WRF Kessler cloud microphysics scheme. , 81830U. 10.1117/12.901828 | 2011 | Model application | 7 |
Felton, Billy D.; Majumdar, Arun K.; Davis, Christopher C.; Alliss, Randall J.; 2011. Improved climatological characterization of optical turbulence for free-space optical communications. , 816204. 10.1117/12.898398 | 2011 | Model application | 8 |
Pérez, C.; Haustein, K.; Janjic, Z.; Jorba, O.; Huneeus, N.; Baldasano, J. M.; Black, T.; Basart, S.; Nickovic, S.; Miller, R. L.; Perlwitz, J. P.; Schulz, M.; Thomson, M.; 2011. Atmospheric dust modeling from meso to global scales with the online NMMB/BSC-Dust model – Part 1: Model description, annual simulations and evaluation. , . 10.5194/acpd-11-17551-2011 | 2011 | Model application | 88 |
Wardah, T.; Kamil, A.A.; Sahol Hamid, A.B.; Maisarah, W.W.I; 2011. Statistical verification of numerical weather prediction models for quantitative precipitation forecast. , . 10.1109/chuser.2011.6163865 | 2011 | Model application | 18 |
Lupidi, Alberto; Moscardini, Christian; Berizzi, Fabrizio; Martorella, Marco; 2011. Simulation of X-band polarimetric weather radar returns based on the Weather Research and Forecast model. , 734–739. 10.1109/RADAR.2011.5960635 | 2011 | Model application | 16 |
Li, Xiaofeng; Zheng, Weizhong; Yang, Xiaofeng; Pichel, William G.; Li, Ziwei; 2011. SAR observation and WRF simulation of marine atmospheric boundary layer phenomena. , 1593–1595. 10.1109/IGARSS.2011.6049451 | 2011 | Model application | 0 |
Shrivastava, M.; Zelenyuk, A.; Imre, D.; Beranek, J.; Easter, R.; Zaveri, R. A.; Fast, J.; 2011. Reformulating the atmospheric lifecycle of SOA based on new field and laboratory data. , . 10.5194/acpd-11-20107-2011 | 2011 | Model application | 3 |
Wang, Jun; Huang, Bormin; Plaza, Antonio J.; Huang, Hung-Lung A.; Goldberg, Mitchell D.; 2011. GPU acceleration of the WRF Purdue Lin cloud microphysics scheme. , 81830R. 10.1117/12.901825 | 2011 | Model application | 0 |
Gan, Chuen-Meei; Singh, Upendra N.; Pappalardo, Gelsomina; Wu, Yonghua; Bomidi, L. M.; Gross, Barry; Moshary, Fred; 2011. Application of active optical sensors to probe the vertical structure of the urban boundary layer and assess anomalies in air quality model PM 2.5 forecasts. , 81820P. 10.1117/12.898360 | 2011 | Model application | 5 |
Liu, S.; Mika, Á.; Gong, W.; Hanssen, R.; Meyer, F.; Morton, D.; Webley, P.W.; 2011. The role of weather models in mitigation of tropospheric delay for SAR interfermetry. , 2562–2565. 10.1109/IGARSS.2011.6049735 | 2011 | Model application | 6 |
Clifford, Kevin Thomas; 2011. WRF-Model Performance for Wind Power Forecasting in the Coast Ranges of Central California. , . [413] | 2011 | Model application | 8 |
Mielikainen, Jarno; Huang, Bormin; Plaza, Antonio J.; Huang, Allen H.-L.; Goldberg, Mitchell D.; 2011. Development of the GPU-based Stony-Brook University 5-class microphysics scheme in the weather research and forecasting model. , 81830V. 10.1117/12.901829 | 2011 | Model application | 0 |
Zhihong Jiang; Limei Ye; Fei Huo; 2011. Numerical simulation of the impact of land cover change on Urban Heat Island effect in Nanjing. , 4223-4226. 10.1109/rsete.2011.5965261 | 2011 | Model application | 0 |
Ji, F.; Evans, J.; Ekstrom, M.; 2011. Using dynamical downscaling to simulate rainfall for East Coast Low events. , . 10.36334/modsim.2011.F5.ji | 2011 | Model application | 3 |
Haupt, Sue Ellen; Wiener, Gerry; Liu, Yubao; Myers, Bill; Sun, Juanzhen; Johnson, David; Mahoney, William; 2011. A Wind Power Forecasting System to Optimize Power Integration. , 2215–2222. 10.1115/ES2011-54773 | 2011 | Model application | 7 |
Zhang, H.; Sokolik, I. N.; Curry, J. A.; 2011. Impact of dust aerosols on Hurricane Helene's early development through the deliquescent heterogeneous freezing mode. , . 10.5194/acpd-11-14339-2011 | 2011 | Model application | 5 |
Soda, Taisuke; Shiotani, Shigeaki; Makino, Hidenari; Shimada, Yoichi; 2011. Simulation of Weather and Ocean for Numerical Ship Navigation. , 159–166. 10.1115/OMAE2011-49240 | 2011 | Model application | 6 |
Marjanovic, N; 2011. Mesoscale and Large-Eddy Simulations for Wind Energy. , . [414] | 2011 | Model application | 6 |
Kala, J.; Evans, B.J.; Lyons, T.J.; Foster, I.J.; 2011. Dynamical downscaling for the southwest of Western Australia using the WRF modelling system. , . 10.36334/modsim.2011.F5.kala | 2011 | Model application | 0 |
Raby, John; Brown, Robert; Raby, Yasmina; 2011. Forecast Model and Product Assessment Project User's Guide:. , . [415] | 2011 | Model application | 0 |
Wang, Jun; Huang, Bormin; Huang, Allen; Goldberg, Mitchell D.; 2011. Parallel Computation of the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) WDM5 Cloud Microphysics on a Many-Core GPU. , . 10.1109/icpads.2011.160 | 2011 | Model application | 5 |
Golshani, Aliasghar; Thurston, Will; Abbs, Deborah J.; Stuart, Greg; Tominson, Rodger; 2011. Numerical Modeling of Storm Surge Induced by May 2009 East Coast Low in Gold Coast, Australia. , 30–40. 10.1061/41185(417)4 | 2011 | Model application | 1 |
Zajaczkowski, Frank; Haupt, Sue; Long, Kerrie; 2010. Wind Turbine Siting by Using Mesoscale Model Data Assimilation and Computational Fluid Dynamics. , . 10.2514/6.2010-826 | 2010 | Model application | 1 |
Lou, M. M.; Mok, K. M.; Lu, Jane W. Z.; Leung, Andrew Y. T.; Iu, Vai Pan; Mok, Kai Meng; 2010. Rainstorm Simulation in Macao with WRF. , 1160–1165. 10.1063/1.3452066 | 2010 | Model application | 0 |
Li, Jun; Krishnamurti, Tiruvalam N.; Kim, Jhoon; Liu, Hui; 2010. Using water vapor measurements from hyperspectral advanced IR sounder for tropical cyclone forecast. , 78560I. 10.1117/12.869585 | 2010 | Model application | 0 |
Morton, Don; Nudson, Oralee; Bahls, Don; Newby, Greg; 2010. The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model as a Tool for Evaluating HPCMP Assets and Capabilities in Grand Scale Numerical Weather Prediction. , 296-302. 10.1109/hpcmp-ugc.2010.51 | 2010 | Model application | 0 |
Simpson, M; Bulaevskaya, V; Glascoe, L; Singer, M; 2010. High Resolution Atmospheric Modeling for Wind Energy Applications. , . [416] | 2010 | Model application | 1 |
Weihua, L.;; Ming, W.; 2010. Application of radar data in a squall line simulation. , . 10.1109/icise.2010.5691603 | 2010 | Model application | 0 |
Passner, Jeffrey; 2010. A Comparison of Post-Processed Variables Used by the Tri-Service Version of the Integrated Weather Effects Decision Aid:. , . [417] | 2010 | Model application | 0 |
Hewston, R.; Zou, Q.; Reeve, D.; Pan, S.; Chen, Y.; 2010. Quantifying uncertainty in tide, surge and wave modelling during extreme storms. , . 10.7558/bhs.2010.ic74 | 2010 | Model application | 2 |
Mateus, P.; Picard, Richard H.; Schäfer, Klaus; Nico, G.; Tomé, R.; Comeron, Adolfo; van Weele, Michiel; Catalão, J.; Miranda, P.; 2010. Comparison of precipitable water vapor (PWV) maps derived by GPS, SAR interferometry, and numerical forecasting models. , 782714. 10.1117/12.864733 | 2010 | Model application | 4 |
Shelekhova, Evgeniya A.; Singh, Upendra N.; Pappalardo, Gelsomina; Shelekhov, Alexander P.; Starchenko, Alexander V.; Barth, Andrey A.; Belikov, Dmitry A.; 2010. Simulation of Doppler lidar measurements using the WRF and Yamada-Mellor models. , 783205. 10.1117/12.864840 | 2010 | Model application | 3 |
Mingliang, Yan; Qilong, Miao; 2010. Numerical simulations on a dumpling fog event and analysis on the reasons of its engendering under the complicated topography. , 6740–6743. 10.1109/ICISE.2010.5689285 | 2010 | Model application | 0 |
Werne, Joseph; Fritts, David C.; Wang, Ling; Lund, Tom; Wan, Kam; 2010. Atmospheric Turbulence Forecasts for Air Force and Missile Defense Applications. , 155–160. 10.1109/HPCMP-UGC.2010.75 | 2010 | Model application | 1 |
Laupattarakasem, Peth; Alsweiss, Suleiman; El-Nimri, Salem; Jones, W. Linwood; Veleva, Svetla; Stiles, Bryan W.; Rodriguez, Ernesto; Gaston, Robert W.; 2010. Improved high wind speed retrievals using AMSR and the next generation NASA Dual Frequency Scatterometer. , 134–139. 10.1109/MICRORAD.2010.5559575 | 2010 | Model application | 0 |
Cong-cong, Xiong; Li-ying, Wang; 2010. Notice of Retraction: Study of Image Display with NetCDF Data on WebGIS. , 368–371. 10.1109/ITCS.2010.96 | 2010 | Model application | 5 |
Alsweiss, Suleiman; Laupattarakasem, Peth; El-Nimri, Salem; Jones, W. Linwood; Hristova-Veleva, Svetla; 2010. Improved hurricane active/passive simulated wind vector retrievals. , 2535–2538. 10.1109/IGARSS.2010.5652385 | 2010 | Model application | 0 |
Wang, Jianhong; Yin, Zuocheng; Miao, Chunshengng; Wei, Wenxiu; Yu Zhao; Yunrong, Wu; 2010. The application of artificial neural network on forecast of meiyu rainfall at lower Yangtze River Valley. , 131887-1891. 10.1109/icnc.2010.5584627 | 2010 | Model application | 1 |
Roe, Kevin P.; Stevens, Duane; 2010. Maximizing the Performance of the Weather Research and Forecast Model over the Hawaiian Islands. , 303-310. 10.1109/hpcmp-ugc.2010.21 | 2010 | Model application | 7 |
Yi Yang; Xiaobin Qiu; Zhenghu Wang; Deyao Wen; Aimei Shao; 2010. Assimilation of multi-time radar observations with WRF-based Ensemble Kalman Filter. , 6470-6473. 10.1109/icise.2010.5689539 | 2010 | Model application | 0 |
Wang, Haifeng; Novakovskaia, Elena; Yin, Wen Jun; Dong, Jin; 2010. Characterization of Wind Power Forecast Error Using the WRF Model: Inner Mongolia Case Study. , 75–78. 10.1109/ICFPEE.2010.25 | 2010 | Model application | 0 |
Shimokawabe, Takashi; Aoki, Takayuki; Muroi, Chiashi; Ishida, Junichi; Kawano, Kohei; Endo, Toshio; Nukada, Akira; Maruyama, Naoya; Matsuoka, Satoshi; 2010. An 80-Fold Speedup, 15.0 TFlops Full GPU Acceleration of Non-Hydrostatic Weather Model ASUCA Production Code. , 1–11. 10.1109/SC.2010.9 | 2010 | Model application | 165 |
Vijayaraghavan, K.; Herr, J.; Chen, S.-Y.; Knipping, E.; 2010. Linkage between an advanced air quality model and a mechanistic watershed model. , . 10.5194/gmdd-3-1503-2010 | 2010 | Model application | 2 |
Zavala, Victor M.; Constantinescu, Emil M.; Anitescu, Mihai; 2010. Economic impacts of advanced weather forecasting on energy system operations. , 1–7. 10.1109/ISGT.2010.5434772 | 2010 | Model application | 23 |
Marras, Simone; Vazquez, Mariano; Jorba, Oriol; Aubry, Romain; Houzeaux, Guillaume; Baldasano, Jose Maria; 2010. Application of a Galerkin Finite Element Scheme to Atmospheric Buoyant and Gravity Driven Flows. , . 10.2514/6.2010-690 | 2010 | Model application | 2 |
Mandel, Jan; Beezley, Jonathan D.; Kondratenko, Volodymyr Y.; 2010. FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM ENSEMBLE KALMAN FILTER WITH APPLICATION TO A COUPLED ATMOSPHERE-WILDLAND FIRE MODEL. , 777–784. 10.1142/9789814324441_0089 | 2010 | Model application | 15 |
Mandel, Jan; Beezley, Jonathan D.; Kondratenko, Volodymyr Y.; 2010. FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM ENSEMBLE KALMAN FILTER WITH APPLICATION TO A COUPLED ATMOSPHERE-WILDLAND FIRE MODEL. , 777–784. 10.1142/9789814324441_0089 | 2010 | Model application | 15 |
Zheng, Zhong; Chen, Nengcheng; Wang, Wei; 2010. Couple satellite sensor web service with WRF model for weather decision service. , 1–5. 10.1109/GEOINFORMATICS.2010.5568144 | 2010 | Model application | 0 |
Gong, W.; Meyer, F.; Webley, P.W.; Morton, D.; Liu, S.; 2010. Performance analysis of atmospheric correction in InSAR data based on the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF). , 2900–2903. 10.1109/IGARSS.2010.5652267 | 2010 | Model application | 19 |
Tiedeman, H; Woodward, C; 2010. Adaptive and Efficient Computing for Subsurface Simulation within ParFlow. , LLNL–TR-462325, 1018745. [418] | 2010 | Model application | 2 |
DeLuca, Cecelia; 2010. COAMPS High Resolution Three-way Air-Ocean-Wave Hurricane Simulation. ESMF Annual Report 2009:. , . [419] | 2010 | Model application | 0 |
Lundquist, K; 2010. Immersed Boundary Methods for High-Resolution Simulation of Atmospheric Boundary-Layer Flow Over Complex Terrain. , . [420] | 2010 | Model application | 7 |
Emanuel, Kerry; Iacono, Michael J.; 2010. The Influence of Cloud Microphysics and Radiation on the Response of Water Vapor and Clouds to Climate Change. , . [421] | 2010 | Model application | 0 |
Xue, Ming; 2010. Advanced Multi-Moment Microphysics for Precipitation and Tropical Cyclone Forecast Improvement within COAMPS:. , . [422] | 2010 | Model application | 0 |
Pérez, J. C.; Stepp, Larry M.; Gilmozzi, Roberto; García-Lorenzo, B.; Díaz, J. P.; Hall, Helen J.; González, A.; Expósito, F.; Insausti, M.; 2010. Forecasting precipitable water vapour at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory. , 77334P. 10.1117/12.859453 | 2010 | Model application | 5 |
Mahalov, Alex; 2009. Atmospheric Characterization and Ensemble Forecasting of Multi-Scale Flows in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere. , . 10.2514/6.2009-110 | 2009 | Model application | 4 |
Passner, Jeffrey; Dumais, Robert; Sauter, Barbara; Flanigan, Robert; 2009. Evaluation of the Weather Research and Forecast Model Over Dugway, Utah During 2009:. , . [423] | 2009 | Model application | 0 |
Mahalov, A.; Korotkova, Olga; Lefevre, R.; Cocks, S.; 2009. Cirrus cloud diagnosis using numerical weather-prediction model and a comparison with observations. , 72000A. 10.1117/12.812080 | 2009 | Model application | 0 |
Clark, Adam James; 2009. Predictability associated with convection-allowing and convection-parameterizing forecasts. , . [424] | 2009 | Model application | 0 |
Pinto, Luiz C.; Dantas, M. A. R.; 2009. Estudo Quantitativo do Modelo WRF de Previsão do Tempo em um Ambiente de Cluster Multi-core. , 95–100. 10.5753/wscad.2009.17397 | 2009 | Model application | 0 |
Constantinescu, E. M.; Zavala, V. M.; Rocklin, M.; Lee, S.; Anitescu, M.; 2009. Unit commitment with wind power generation: integrating wind forecast uncertainty and stochastic programming.. , . [425] | 2009 | Model application | 36 |
SHRESTHA, Kundan Lal; KONDO, Akira; MAEDA, Chikara; KAGA, Akikazu; INOUE, Yoshio; 2009. Investigating the Contribution of Urban Canopy Model and Anthropogenic Heat Emission to Urban Heat Island Effect using WRF Model. , . 10.11322/tjsrae.26.45 | 2009 | Model application | 5 |
Liu, Shizhuo; Hanssen, Ramon; Mika, Agnes; 2009. On the value of high-resolution weather models for atmospheric mitigation in SAR interferometry. , II–749-II-752. 10.1109/IGARSS.2009.5418199 | 2009 | Model application | 25 |
Wright, Nicholas J.; Smallen, Shava; Olschanowsky, Catherine Mills; Hayes, Jim; Snavely, Allan; 2009. Measuring and Understanding Variation in Benchmark Performance. , 438–443. 10.1109/HPCMP-UGC.2009.72 | 2009 | Model application | 27 |
Cameron-Smith, P; Kosovic, B; Guilderson, T; Monache, L; Bergmann, D; 2009. Fossil Fuel Emission Verification Modeling at LLNL. , . [426] | 2009 | Model application | 1 |
Vandenberghe, Francois; Barlage, Mike; Swerdlin, Scott; Gardiner, Judith; Krishnamurthy, Ashok; Chalker, Alan; 2009. Climatologies Based on the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) Model. , 31249-253. 10.1109/hpcmp-ugc.2009.41 | 2009 | Model application | 0 |
Ma, Hongyun; Song, Jie; Guo, Pinwen; 2009. Impact of Urban Expansion on Summer Heat Wave in Beijing. , . 10.1109/icbbe.2009.5162927 | 2009 | Model application | 0 |
Shi, X. K.; Wen, J.; Wang, L.; Zhang, T. T.; Tian, H.; Wang, X.; Liu, R.; Zhang, J. H.; 2009. Application of satellite microwave remote sensed brightness temperature in the regional soil moisture simulation. , . [427] | 2009 | Model application | 6 |
Chiswell, S.; Buckley, R.; 2009. ASSIMILATION OF DOPPLER RADAR DATA INTO NUMERICAL WEATHER MODELS. , . [428] | 2009 | Model application | 1 |
Su, Simon; McDowall, Ian E.; Dolinsky, Margaret; Cruz-Neira, Carolina; Habib, Emad; Gerndt, Andreas; 2009. Virtual hydrology observatory: an immersive visualization of hydrology modeling. , 72380H. 10.1117/12.807177 | 2009 | Model application | 7 |
Tian, Yuhong; Goldberg, Mitchell D.; Bloom, Hal J.; Zou, Cheng-Zhi; Mitchell, Kenneth E.; Ardanuy, Philip E.; Huang, Allen H.; Wong, Vince; Kogan, Felix N.; Jiang, Le; Zhan, Xiwu; 2008. Improvements of numerical weather predictions using a new AVHRR green vegetation fraction dataset. , 70850N. 10.1117/12.795316 | 2008 | Model application | 2 |
Mahalov, Alex; Korotkova, Olga; Moustaoui, Mohamed; 2008. Ensemble forecasting of high-impact stratospheric optical turbulence. , 687806. 10.1117/12.761981 | 2008 | Model application | 2 |
Passner, Jeffrey E.; 2008. Using the Advanced Research Version of the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF-ARW) to Forecast Turbulence at Small Scales:. , . [429] | 2008 | Model application | 2 |
Chin, H; 2008. WRF Test on IBM BG/L:Toward High Performance Application to Regional Climate Research. , . [430] | 2008 | Model application | 1 |
San José, R.; Pérez, J. L.; Morant, J. L.; González, R. M.; 2008. Elevated PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations in Europe: a model experiment with MM5-CMAQ and WRF-CHEM. , 3–12. 10.2495/AIR080011 | 2008 | Model application | 13 |
Fang, Shifeng; Liu, Lin; Li, Xia; Pei, Huan; Liu, Zhihui; Liu, Kai; Zhang, Xinchang; Dai, Wei; Liu, Yongqiang; Lao, Yong; Zhao, Qiudong; Feng, Lin; 2008. Study on snowmelt flood forecasting based on 3S technologies and DSS. , 71450D. 10.1117/12.812989 | 2008 | Model application | 2 |
Pace, John; Astling, Elford; Halvorson, Scott; Liu, Yubao; Betancourt, Terri; Hacker, Josh; Knievel, Jason; Swerdlin, Scott; Warner, Thomas; 2008. Use of HPC to Provide Operational Mesoscale Meteorological Support for ATEC Test Ranges. , . 10.1109/dod.hpcmp.ugc.2008.83 | 2008 | Model application | 0 |
Zhang, Ning; Jiang, Weimei; Chen, Yan; 2008. A Numerical Study of Urban Canopy Processes Influence on Local Climate. , 4039–4042. 10.1109/ICBBE.2008.510 | 2008 | Model application | 0 |
Zhang, Da-Lin; 2008. Cloud-Resolving Simulations of West Pacific Tropical Cyclones:. , . [431] | 2008 | Model application | 0 |
Michalakes, John; Vachharajani, Manish; 2008. GPU acceleration of numerical weather prediction. , 1–7. 10.1109/IPDPS.2008.4536351 | 2008 | Model application | 286 |
Sadjadi, S. Masoud; Fong, Liana; Badia, Rosa M.; Figueroa, Javier; Delgado, Javier; Collazo-Mojica, Xabriel J.; Saleem, Khalid; Rangaswami, Raju; Shimizu, Shu; Limon, Hector A. Duran; Welsh, Pat; Pattnaik, Sandeep; Praino, Anthony; Villegas, David; Kalayci, Selim; Dasgupta, Gargi; Ezenwoye, Onyeka; Martinez, Juan Carlos; Rodero, Ivan; Chen, Shuyi; Muñoz, Javier; Lopez, Diego; Corbalan, Julita; Willoughby, Hugh; McFail, Michael; Lisetti, Christine; Adjouadi, Malek; 2008. Transparent grid enablement of weather research and forecasting. , 1–8. 10.1145/1341811.1341854 | 2008 | Model application | 15 |
Pinto, Luiz C.; Tomazella, Luiz H. B.; Dantas, M. A. R.; 2008. Uma Abordagem para Composição de Clusters Eficientes na Execução do Modelo Numérico WRF de Previsão do Tempo. , 84–90. 10.5753/wscad.2008.17671 | 2008 | Model application | 1 |
Reisner, Jon; 2008. Towards Predictive Cloud (Hurricane) Modeling:. , . [432] | 2008 | Model application | 0 |
Zengqing, Yang; Yan, Yin; 2008. Numerical Simulation of the Wind Velocity at Sutong Highway Bridge and Sensitivity Experiment. , 17345-348. 10.1109/ettandgrs.2008.244 | 2008 | Model application | 0 |
Mandel, Jan; Beezley, Jonathan D.; Chakraborty, Soham; Coen, Janice L.; Douglas, Craig C.; Vodacek, Anthony; Wang, Zhen; 2008. Towards a real-time data driven wild land fire model. , . 10.1109/ipdps.2008.4536414 | 2008 | Model application | 1 |
Zavodsky, Bradley T.; Shen, Sylvia S.; Lewis, Paul E.; Chou, Shih-Hung; Jedlovec, Gary; Lapenta, William; 2007. The impact of atmospheric infrared sounder (AIRS) profiles on short-term weather forecasts. , 65651J. 10.1117/12.718121 | 2007 | Model application | 18 |
Mahalov, A.; Moustaoui, M.; Nichols, B.; 2007. Multi-Scale Predictability of High-Impact Stratospheric Clear Air Turbulence Events for Air Force Platforms. , 57–63. 10.1109/HPCMP-UGC.2007.52 | 2007 | Model application | 3 |
Brown, Randall W.; Folaron, Michelle; Deacutis, Martin; Reese, Colin E.; Marasco, Peter L.; Hegarty, Jennifer; Vollmerhausen, Richard; Harding, Thomas H.; Schroeder, John; Colby, Frank P.; 2007. New weather depiction technology for night vision goggle (NVG) training: 3D virtual/augmented reality scene-weather-atmosphere-target simulation. , 65570C. 10.1117/12.718639 | 2007 | Model application | 2 |
Marx, Andreas 2007. Einsatz gekoppelter Modelle und Wetterradar zur Abschätzung von Niederschlagsintensitäten und zur Abflussvorhersage. , . 10.18419/OPUS-256 | 2007 | Model application | 57 |
Zhang, L.; Chen, M.; Li, L.; 2007. Dust aerosol radiative effect and influence on urban atmospheric boundary layer. , . 10.5194/acpd-7-15565-2007 | 2007 | Model application | 4 |
Michalakes, John; Hacker, Josh; Loft, Richard; McCracken, Michael O.; Snavely, Allan; Wright, Nicholas J.; Spelce, Tom; Gorda, Brent; Walkup, Robert; 2007. WRF nature run. , 1. 10.1145/1362622.1362701 | 2007 | Model application | 71 |
Passner, Jeffrey E.; 2007. Evaluation and Application of the Weather Research and Forecast Model:. , . [433] | 2007 | Model application | 0 |
Govett, M.; MIDDLECOFf, J.; Schaffer, D.; Smith, J.; 2007. HPC ACTIVITIES IN THE EARTH SYSTEM RESEARCH LABORATORY. , 55–64. 10.1142/9789812775894_0005 | 2007 | Model application | 0 |
Naegelin, Calvin C.; McCrone, Paul J.; 2006. The Mesoscale Forecasting Process: Applying the Next Generation Mesoscale Forecast:. , . [434] | 2006 | Model application | 0 |
Sauter, Barbara; 2006. Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Results Over New Mexico:. , . [435] | 2006 | Model application | 1 |
Lundquist, Katherine; 2006. Implementation of the Immersed Boundary Method in the Weather Research and Forecasting model. , . [436] | 2006 | Model application | 5 |
Jedlovec, G.; Goodman, S.; Goodman, M.; Lapenta, B.; 2006. Use of Earth Observing System Data in Weather Forecasting. , . 10.1109/igarss.2006.898 | 2006 | Model application | 1 |
Mahalov, Alex; Moustaoui, Mohamed; Nichols, Basil; 2006. Characterization of Stratospheric Clear Air Turbulence for Air Force Platforms. , 288–295. 10.1109/HPCMP-UGC.2006.12 | 2006 | Model application | 4 |
Eckel, F. Anthony; Rugg, Steven; Klotz, Stephen; 2006. Successes and Future of the Joint Weather Research and Forecasting Model Distributed Center Project. , 283–287. 10.1109/HPCMP-UGC.2006.67 | 2006 | Model application | 0 |
Jedlovec, Gary J.; Shen, Sylvia S.; Lewis, Paul E.; Chou, Shih-Hung; Zavodsky, Bradley T.; Lapenta, William; 2006. The use of error estimates with AIRS profiles to improve short-term weather forecasts. , 62331B. 10.1117/12.665724 | 2006 | Model application | 4 |
Korotkova, Svetlana; Czarnetzki, Alan; McCready, Keith; 2006. Simulation Of Particulate Matter Distribution Over Iowa. , 11.1132.1–11.1132.12. 10.18260/1-2--1426 | 2006 | Model application | 1 |
Jankov, Isidora; 2006. The role of physical scheme interactions on warm season rainfall forecasts. , . [437] | 2006 | Model application | 1 |
Clark, Adam James; 2006. Examination of the diurnal cycle of rainfall and ensemble prediction strategies in WRF model simulations / by Adam Clark. , . [438] | 2006 | Model application | 0 |
Lu, Qifeng; Gao, Wei; Shaw, David R.; Gao, Zhiqiang; Wu, Wanli; Pan, Xiaoling; Wang, Dajun; Du, Bingyu; Slusser, James R.; 2005. Simulations of a rainfall process in Southeastern China with WRF and MM5. , 58840T. 10.1117/12.612982 | 2005 | Model application | 0 |
日下, 博幸; 陳, 飛; テワリ, ムクル; 平口, 博丸; 2005. 次世代の天気予報モデルWRFへの都市キャノピーモデルの導入効果. , . 10.14866/ajg.2005f.0.86.0 | 2005 | Model application | 1 |
Weng, Fuzhong; Menzel, W. Paul; Iwasaki, Toshiki; Zhu, Tong; 2005. Uses of satellite microwave measurements to improve hurricane predictions. , 177. 10.1117/12.569827 | 2005 | Model application | 1 |
Skamarock, W.C.; Klemp, J. B.; Dudhia, J.; Gill, D.O.; Barker, D.M.; Wang, W.; Powers, J.G.; 2005. A description of the Advanced Research WRF Version 2.. NCAR Tech Notes-468+STR., . [439] | 2005 | Model overview | 2821 |
Michalakes, J.; Dudhia, J.; Gill, D.; Henderson, T.; Klemp, J.; Skamarock, W.; Wang, W.; 2005. THE WEATHER RESEARCH AND FORECAST MODEL: SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE AND PERFORMANCE. , 156–168. 10.1142/9789812701831_0012 | 2005 | Model application | 434 |
Henmi, Teizi; Flanigan, Robert; Padilla, Richard; 2005. Development and Application of an Evaluation Method for the WRF Mesoscale Model:. , . [440] | 2005 | Model application | 8 |
Gao, Wei; Gao, Wei; Shaw, David R.; Gao, Zhiqiang; Choi, Hyun I.; Xu, Min; Slusser, James; 2005. Construction of surface boundary conditions for regional climate modeling in China by using the remote sensing data. , 588413. 10.1117/12.620149 | 2005 | Model application | 2 |
Goodman, Steven; Lapenta, William; Jedlovec, Gary; 2004. Improving the Transition of Earth Satellite Observations from Research to Operations. , . 10.2514/6.2004-5865 | 2004 | Model application | 1 |
Sauter, Barbara; Henmi, Teizi; 2004. Average Forecast Errors Using MM5 and WRF Over Complex Terrain: Utah, July/August 2003 and January/February 2004:. , . [441] | 2004 | Model application | 1 |
Michalakes, J.; Chen, S.; Dudhia, J.; Hart, L.; Klemp, J.; Middlecoff, J.; Skamarock, W.; 2001. DEVELOPMENT OF A NEXT-GENERATION REGIONAL WEATHER RESEARCH AND FORECAST MODEL. , 269–276. 10.1142/9789812799685_0024 | 2001 | Model application | 324 |
Nr. of publications: | 8007 |
Total citations: | 210079 |
h-index: | 160 |
m-quotient: | 2.91 |
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