

Nacere Mohamed SAMASSI, website username login: Nacere

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Earth and Environmental Sciences/Mechanical Engineering
Rochester, New York
United States

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Member of the following CSDMS groups

  • Marine Working Group
  • Terrestrial Working Group
  • Coastal Working Group
  • Education and Knowledge Transfer (EKT) Working Group
  • Cyberinformatics and Numerics Working Group
  • Hydrology Focus Research Group
  • Chesapeake Focus Research Group
  • Critical Zone Focus Research Group
  • Human Dimensions Focus Research Group
  • Geodynamics Focus Research Group
  • Ecosystem Dynamics Focus Research Group
  • Coastal Vulnerability Initiative
  • Continental Margin Initiative
  • Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Initiative
  • Modeling Platform Interoperability Initiative
  • River Network Modeling Initiative

Signed up for the mailing list: yes

CSDMS-related interest

I am a PhD student and I am currently working on understanding the keen relationship between granular systems and fluid dynamics to explain how cohesion influences fluvial erosion. I am currently fashioning the skills in computational techniques to model and stimulate cohesive grains coupled with CFD; thus, the interest in CSDMS.