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Torrefranca, Imelida G.; Otadoy, R. E. S.; Tongco, A. F.; 2024. Dynamic river basins and hypsometric analyses: implications to land management and prioritization in Bohol, Central Philippines. International Journal of River Basin Management, 2213–22. 10.1080/15715124.2022.2092487 2024 Model application 1
Zhou, Liqin; Liu, Weiming; Zhou, Yanlian; 2024. Geomorphic effect of landslide dam on the Jinsha River. Applied and Computational Engineering, 66178–186. 10.54254/2755-2721/66/20240945 2024 Model application 0
Eidmann, Johanna Sophie; 2023. New remote method to systematically extract bedrock channel width of small catchments across large spatial scales using high‐resolution digital elevation models. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 481470–1483. 10.1002/esp.5560 2023 Model application 1
Boothroyd, Richard J.; Williams, Richard D.; Hoey, Trevor B.; MacDonell, Craig; Tolentino, Pamela L. M.; Quick, Laura; Guardian, Esmael L.; Reyes, Juan C. M. O.; Sabillo, Cathrine J.; Perez, John E. G.; David, Carlos P. C.; Ioana-Toroimac, Gabriela; 2023. National-scale geodatabase of catchment characteristics in the Philippines for river management applications. PLOS ONE, 18e0281933. 10.1371/journal.pone.0281933 2023 Model application 3
Alencar, K.; Panta, G.; de Araujo Monteiro, K.; Fonseca, D.; Parod, M.C.; 2023. Topographic quantitative analysis of the Salado river’s basin – Atacama Region – Chile. Revista de Geociências do Nordeste, 9110–119. 10.21680/2447-3359.2023v9n2ID32348 2023 Model application 0
Ma, Zhenhua; Yang, Didi; Li, Xiaomiao; Feng, Zhantao; Wang, Qi; Peng, Tingjiang; 2022. Evolution of drainage patterns in active fold-thrust belts: A case study in the Qilian Mountains. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10980928. 10.3389/feart.2022.980928 2022 Model application 1
Torrefranca, Imelida; Otadoy, Roland Emerito; Tongco, Alejandro; 2022. Incorporating Landscape Dynamics in Small-Scale Hydropower Site Location Using a GIS and Spatial Analysis Tool: The Case of Bohol, Central Philippines. Energies, 151130. 10.3390/en15031130 2022 Model application 8
Schwanghart, Wolfgang; Molkenthin, Christian; Scherler, Dirk; 2021. A systematic approach and software for the analysis of point patterns on river networks. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 461847–1862. 10.1002/esp.5127 2021 Model application 13
Zhou, Liqin; Liu, Weiming; Chen, Xiaoqing; 2021. Relationship Between Dams, Knickpoints and the Longitudinal Profile of the Upper Indus River. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9660996. 10.3389/feart.2021.660996 2021 Model application 4
Schwanghart, Wolfgang; Molkenthin, Christian; Scherler, Dirk; 2021. A systematic approach and software for the analysis of point patterns on river networks. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, esp.5127. 10.1002/esp.5127 2021 Model application 13
Collantes, Mirian M.; Perucca, Laura; Niz, Adriana; Rabassa, Jorge; Boretto, Gabriella M.; Cioccale, Marcela; Tello, José; García Aráoz, Eduardo; Gordillo, Sandra; 2020. Identification of Knickpoints in Littoral Basins of Argentine Patagonia: Geomorphic Markers in a Passive Margin. , 182–208. [1] 2020 Model application 0
Liang, Wendong; Resentini, Alberto; Guo, Ronghua; Garzanti, Eduardo; 2020. Multimineral fingerprinting of modern sand generated from the Tethys Himalaya (Nianchu River, Tibet). Sedimentary Geology, 399105604. 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2020.105604 2020 Model application 7
Aman, Mohammad Adil; Yunus, Ali P.; Javed, Akram; 2020. Fluvial knickpoint identification and their characterizations in the drainage basins of Western Ghats, India. Spatial Information Research, . 10.1007/s41324-020-00345-7 2020 Model application 1
Campforts, Benjamin; Shobe, Charles M.; Steer, Philippe; Vanmaercke, Matthias; Lague, Dimitri; Braun, Jean; 2020. HyLands 1.0: a hybrid landscape evolution model to simulate the impact of landslides and landslide-derived sediment on landscape evolution. Geoscientific Model Development, 133863–3886. 10.5194/gmd-13-3863-2020 2020 Model application 30
Schwanghart, Wolfgang; Scherler, Dirk; 2020. Divide mobility controls knickpoint migration on the Roan Plateau (Colorado, USA). Geology, 48698–702. 10.1130/G47054.1 2020 Model application 39
Scherler, Dirk; Schwanghart, Wolfgang; 2020. Drainage divide networks – Part 1: Identification and ordering in digital elevation models. Earth Surface Dynamics, 8245–259. 10.5194/esurf-8-245-2020 2020 Model overview 31
Scherler, Dirk; Schwanghart, Wolfgang; 2020. Drainage divide networks – Part 2: Response to perturbations. Earth Surface Dynamics, 8261–274. 10.5194/esurf-8-261-2020 2020 Model overview 26
Fan, Xuanmei; Yunus, Ali P.; Jansen, John D.; Dai, Lanxin; Strom, Alexander; Xu, Qiang; 2019. Comment on ‘Gigantic rockslides induced by fluvial incision in the Diexi area along the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau’ by Zhao et al. (2019) Geomorphology 338, 27–42. Geomorphology, 106963. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2019.106963 2019 Model application 16
Guerit, Laure; Yuan, Xiao-Ping; Carretier, Sébastien; Bonnet, Stéphane; Rohais, Sébastien; Braun, Jean; Rouby, Delphine; 2019. Fluvial landscape evolution controlled by the sediment deposition coefficient: Estimation from experimental and natural landscapes. Geology, 47853–856. 10.1130/G46356.1 2019 Model application 28
Donnaloia, Mariantonietta; Giachetta, Emanuele; Capolongo, Domenico; Pennetta, Luigi; 2019. Evolution of fluviokarst canyons in response to the Quaternary tectonic uplift of the Apulia Carbonate Platform (southern Italy): Insights from morphometric analysis of drainage basins. Geomorphology, 33618–30. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2019.03.008 2019 Model application 6
Forte, Adam M.; Whipple, Kelin X.; 2019. Short communication: The Topographic Analysis Kit (TAK) for TopoToolbox. Earth Surface Dynamics, 787–95. 10.5194/esurf-7-87-2019 2019 Model application 119
Forte, Adam M.; Whipple, Kelin X.; 2018. Criteria and tools for determining drainage divide stability. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 493102–117. 10.1016/j.epsl.2018.04.026 2018 Model application 152
Campforts, Benjamin; Schwanghart, Wolfgang; Govers, Gerard; 2017. Accurate simulation of transient landscape evolution by eliminating numerical diffusion: the TTLEM 1.0 model. Earth Surface Dynamics, 547–66. 10.5194/esurf-5-47-2017 2017 Source code 58
Schwanghart, Wolfgang; Scherler, Dirk; 2017. Bumps in river profiles: uncertainty assessment and smoothing using quantile regression techniques. Earth Surface Dynamics, 5821–839. 10.5194/esurf-5-821-2017 2017 Related theory 122
Blöthe, Jan Henrik; Korup, Oliver; Schwanghart, Wolfgang; 2015. Large landslides lie low: Excess topography in the Himalaya-Karakoram ranges. Geology, 43523–526. 10.1130/G36527.1 2015 Related theory 62
Schwanghart, W.; Scherler, D.; 2014. Short Communication: TopoToolbox 2 – MATLAB-based software for topographic analysis and modeling in Earth surface sciences. Earth Surface Dynamics, 21–7. 10.5194/esurf-2-1-2014 2014 Model overview 780
Schwanghart, Wolfgang; Groom, Geoff; Kuhn, Nikolaus J.; Heckrath, Goswin; 2013. Flow network derivation from a high resolution DEM in a low relief, agrarian landscape: FLOW NETWORK DERIVATION IN A LOW RELIEF, AGRARIAN LANDSCAPE. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, n/a–n/a. 10.1002/esp.3452 2013 Related theory 48
Schwanghart, W.; Scherler, D.; 2013. Short Communication: TopoToolbox 2 – an efficient and user-friendly tool for Earth surface sciences. Earth Surface Dynamics Discussions, 1261–275. 10.5194/esurfd-1-261-2013 2013 Model overview 9
Schwanghart, Wolfgang; Heckmann, Tobias; 2012. Fuzzy delineation of drainage basins through probabilistic interpretation of diverging flow algorithms. Environmental Modelling & Software, 33106–113. 10.1016/j.envsoft.2012.01.016 2012 Related theory 16
Tian, Xing; Poeppel, David; Huber, David E.; 2011. TopoToolbox: Using Sensor Topography to Calculate Psychologically Meaningful Measures from Event-Related EEG/MEG. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 20111–8. 10.1155/2011/674605 2011 Model application 18
Schwanghart, Wolfgang; Kuhn, Nikolaus J.; 2010. TopoToolbox: A set of Matlab functions for topographic analysis. Environmental Modelling & Software, 25770–781. 10.1016/j.envsoft.2009.12.002 2010 Model overview 326


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Nr. of publications: 36
Total citations: 1961
h-index: 15
m-quotient: 1.0

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