Syvitski Student Modeler Award 2023


Graduate Student, Kyle Wright, recipient of the 2023 Syvitski Student Modeler award
University of Texas, Austin

Kyle was awarded for his submission “From Grains to Plastics: Modeling Nourishment Patterns and Hydraulic Sorting of Fluvially Transported Materials in Deltas”, where an open-source, unified, reduced-complexity modeling framework for simulating the patterns of transport of a diverse range of suspended fluvial inputs influenced by vertical stratification and topographic steering is advanced. The work demonstrated a particularly high level of attention to FAIR modeling/data principles.

Kyle studies at the University of Texas, Austin; PhD Advisor Dr. Paola Passalacqua

  • Wright, K., Hariharan, J., Passalacqua, P., Salter, G., and Lamb, M., 2022. From Grains to Plastics: Modeling Nourishment Patterns and Hydraulic Sorting of Fluvially Transported Materials in Deltas. JGR Earth Surface, V127, Issue 11, e2022JF006769.