Syvitski Student Modeler Award 2022


Postdoc/Fellow, Marco Tangi, recipient of the 2022 Syvitski Student Modeler award
Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Marco was awarded for his submission “D-CASCADE: a dynamic sediment (dis)connectivity model for strategic river basin planning and management”. Modelling network-scale sediment (dis)connectivity and its response to anthropic pressures provides a foundation understanding of river processes and sediment dynamics that can be used to forecast future trajectories of river form and process.

The basin-scale, dynamic sediment connectivity model D-CASCADE, combines concepts of network modelling with empirical sediment transport formulas to quantify spatiotemporal sediment (dis)connectivity in river networks. The D-CASCADE framework describes sediment connectivity in terms of transfer rate through space and time while accounting for several hydro-morphological and anthropic factors affecting sediment transport.

Marco received his PhD in March 2022 at Politecnico di Milano, Advisor: Andrea Castelletti.

  • Tangi, M., Bizzi, S., Fryirs, K., Castelletti, A., 2022. A dynamic, network scale sediment (dis)connectivity model to reconstruct historical sediment transfer and river reach sediment budgets. Water Resources Research, e2021WR030784.