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BibEntryCargo > Year: October 2016 & Volume : 02-52 or 18

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Abdelaziz, Ramadan; Bambi, Confidence K. Mosoh; (1) · Awan, Usman Khalid; Liaqat, Umar Waqas; Choi, Minha; Ismaeel, Ali; (1) · Casseau, Vincent; Palharini, Rodrigo; Scanlon, Thomas; Brown, Richard; (1) · Concli, Franco; (1) · Conte, Giovanni; Manna, Pio Di; GafÃ, Rossella Maria; Martarelli, Lucio; Monti, Gennaro Maria; Amanti, Marco; (1) · Deshmukh, Aditya N.; Deo, M. C.; Bhaskaran, Prasad K.; Nair, T. M. Balakrishnan; Sandhya, K. G.; (1) · Durán-Colmenares, Azucena; Barrios-Piña, Hector; Ramírez-León, Hermilo; (1) · Euskirchen, E S; Bennett, A P; Breen, A L; Genet, H; Lindgren, M A; Kurkowski, T A; McGuire, A D; Rupp, T S; (1) · Evenson, Grey R.; Golden, Heather E.; Lane, Charles R.; D'Amico, Ellen; (1) · Hajihosseini, Hamidreza; Hajihosseini, Mohammadreza; Morid, Saeed; Delavar, Majid; Booij, Martijn J.; (1) · Heidarinejad, Mohammad; Gracik, Stefan; Sadeghipour Roudsari, Mostapha; Khoshdel Nikkho, Saber; Liu, Jiying; Liu, Kai; Pitchorov, George; Srebric, Jelena; (1) · Kerry, Colette; Powell, Brian; Roughan, Moninya; Oke, Peter; (1) · Kim, Dong Hyeon; Kim, Sang Min; (1) · Koedyk, L. P.; Kingston, D. G.; (1) · Lefebvre, Alice; Paarlberg, Andries J.; Winter, Christian; (1) · Levison, Jana; Larocque, Marie; Ouellet, Marie-Audray; Ferland, Olivier; Poirier, Charles; (1) · Li, Xiaolong; He, Xinlin; Yang, Guang; Zhao, Li; Chen, Si; Wang, Cui; Chen, Jiangchun; Yang, Mingjie; (1) · Liang, Man; Kim, Wonsuck; Passalacqua, Paola; (1) · Liolios, Konstantinos A.; Moutsopoulos, Konstantinos N.; Tsihrintzis, Vassilios A.; (1) · Mar, Kathleen A.; Ojha, Narendra; Pozzer, Andrea; Butler, Tim M.; (1) · Morais, Reurysson Chagas de Sousa; Sales, Marta Celina Linhares; (1) · Morini, Elena; Touchaei, Ali; Castellani, Beatrice; Rossi, Federico; Cotana, Franco; (1) · Mustika, Adi; Sofyan, Asep; (1) · Myslenkov, S. A.; Shestakova, A. A.; Toropov, P. A.; (1) · Nekouee, Navid; Ataie-Ashtiani, Behzad; Hamidi, Sajad Ahmad; (1) · Novitskii, M. A.; Pavlyukov, Yu. B.; Shmerlin, B. Ya.; Makhnorylova, S. V.; Serebryannik, N. I.; Petrichenko, S. A.; Tereb, L. A.; Kalmykova, O. V.; (1) · Parker, Robert N.; Hales, Tristram C.; Mudd, Simon M.; Grieve, Stuart W. D.; Constantine, José A.; (1) · Peng, Yong; Chu, Jinggang; Sun, Xinguo; Zhou, Huicheng; Zhang, Xiaoli; (1) · Raptis, C E; van Vliet, M T H; Pfister, S; (1) · Righetto, Antonio Marozzi; Dias, Duany Fernandes; (1) · Shadkam, Somayeh; Ludwig, Fulco; van Oel, Pieter; Kirmit, Çağla; Kabat, Pavel; (1) · Shah, Harsh L.; Mishra, Vimal; (1) · Small, Christopher; Blanpied, Tyler; Kauffman, Alicia; O’Neil, Conor; Proulx, Nicholas; Rajacich, Mathew; Simpson, Hailey; White, Jeffrey; Spaulding, Malcolm; Baxter, Christopher; Swanson, J.; (1) · Tang, Guoping; Carroll, Rosemary W.H.; Lutz, Alexandra; Sun, Lin; (1) · Wang, Yuzhu; Jiang, Jinrong; Ye, Huang; He, Juanxiong; (1) · Wijngaard, René R.; Helfricht, Kay; Schneeberger, Klaus; Huttenlau, Matthias; Schneider, Katrin; Bierkens, Marc F. P.; (1) · Yustika, Rahmah Dewi; (1) · Yustika, Rahmah Dewi; Tarigan, Suria Darma; Sudadi, Untung; (1)
A SWAT modeling approach to assess the impact of climate change on consumptive water use in Lower Chenab Canal area of Indus basin (1) · A Two-Temperature Open-Source CFD Model for Hypersonic Reacting Flows, Part One: Zero-Dimensional Analysis (1) · A distributed load balancing algorithm for climate big data processing over a multi-core CPU cluster: A DISTRIBUTED LOAD BALANCING ALGORITHM (1) · An improved representation of geographically isolated wetlands in a watershed-scale hydrologic model: An Improved Representation of Geographically Isolated Wetlands (1) · Analysis of Downstream Water Quality Improvement by Agricultural Reservoir Release Using QUAL2K (1) · Assessment of Damage and Adaptation Strategies for Structures and Infrastructure from Storm Surge and Sea Level Rise for a Coastal Community in Rhode Island, United States (1) · Balanço hídrico do sistema Aquifero Barreiras na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Pitimbu-RN (1) · Characterising natural bedform morphology and its influence on flow (1) · Colluvium supply in humid regions limits the frequency of storm-triggered landslides (1) · Consequences of changes in vegetation and snow cover for climate feedbacks in Alaska and northwest Canada (1) · Development and evaluation of a high-resolution reanalysis of the East Australian Current region using the Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS 3.4) and Incremental Strong-Constraint 4-Dimensional Variational (IS4D-Var) data assimilation (1) · Extração Automática de Drenagem: uma Análise Comparativa a Partir de Diferentes Ferramentas e Bases de Dados (Draining automatic extraction: a comparative analysis of different from the tools and databases ) (1) · Flood forecasting that considers the impact of hydraulic projects by an improved TOPMODEL model in the Wudaogou basin, Northeast China (1) · Global thermal pollution of rivers from thermoelectric power plants (1) · Groundwater Assessment of the Bleone Catchment Karst Aquifer in Southern France (1) · How much subsidence is enough to change the morphology of river deltas?: DELTA RESPONSE TO REGIONAL SUBSIDENCE (1) · Hydrologic Changes in Indian Subcontinental River Basins (1901–2012) (1) · Hydrological Assessment of the 1973 Treaty on the Transboundary Helmand River, Using the SWAT Model and a Global Climate Database (1) · Hydrological response of the Ötztal glacierized catchments to climate change (1) · Impacts of climate change and water resources development on the declining inflow into Iran's Urmia Lake (1) · Influence of building surface solar irradiance on environmental temperatures in urban neighborhoods (1) · KAJIAN BEBAN PENCEMARAN HARIAN DI SUNGAI CITARUM MENGGUNAKAN PEMODELAN QUAL2K STUDI KASUS: SUNGAI CITARUM SEGMEN KOTA KARAWANG (1) · Long-term trends in groundwater recharge and discharge in a fractured bedrock aquifer – past and future conditions (1) · Modelling Alternative Feeding Techniques in HSF Constructed Wetlands (1) · Neural-Network-Based Data Assimilation to Improve Numerical Ocean Wave Forecast (1) · Numerical Modeling of Water Thermal Plumes Emitted by Thermal Power Plants (1) · Numerical simulation of storm waves near the northeastern coast of the Black Sea (1) · Ozone air quality simulations with WRF-Chem (v3.5.1) over Europe: model evaluation and chemical mechanism comparison (1) · PENGGUNAAN MODEL HIDROLOGI DI SUB DAS CILIWUNG HULU (1) · Potential evapotranspiration method influence on climate change impacts on river flow: a mid-latitude case study (1) · Pressure distribution in small hydrodynamic journal bearings considering cavitation: a numerical approach based on the open-source CFD code OpenFOAM®: Cavitation in Journal Bearings (1) · Regulation of precipitation-associated vegetation dynamics on catchment water balance in a semiarid and arid mountainous watershed: Regulation of Vegetation Dynamics on Catchment Water Balance (1) · SIMULASI MANAJEMEN LAHAN DI DAS CILIWUNG HULU MENGGUNAKAN MODEL SWAT (1) · Study of groundwater using visual MODFLOW in the Manas River Basin, China (1) · Sustainable yield of the Colle Quartara carbonate aquifer in the Southern Lepini Mountains (Central Italy) (1) · The Impact of Albedo Increase to Mitigate the Urban Heat Island in Terni (Italy) Using the WRF Model (1) · The tornado in Bashkortostan: the potential of analyzing and forecasting tornado-risk conditions (1) · Uncertainty analysis of wind-wave predictions in Lake Michigan (1)
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http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/2016GL070519 (1) · http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/cpe.3822 (1) · http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/eco.1723 (1) · http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/hyp.10930 (1) · http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/ls.1334 (1) · http://ejurnal.litbang.pertanian.go.id/index.php/IP/article/view/5430 (1) · http://ejurnal.litbang.pertanian.go.id/index.php/IP/article/view/569 (1) · http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7460181/ (1) · http://jals.gnu.ac.kr/journal/article.php?code=45111 (1) · http://journals.itb.ac.id/index.php/jtl/article/view/11956 (1) · http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s00367-016-0455-5 (1) · http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s11269-016-1447-y (1) · http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s13344-016-0052-4 (1) · http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s40710-016-0175-x (1) · http://link.springer.com/10.3103/S1068373916100034 (1) · http://link.springer.com/10.3103/S106837391610006X (1) · http://stacks.iop.org/1748-9326/11/i=10/a=105003?key=crossref.ce26c4af711256673d5417c2d1e2610b (1) · http://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/8/10/999 (1) · http://www.mdpi.com/2073-4441/8/11/482 (1) · http://www.mdpi.com/2077-1312/4/4/67 (1) · http://www.mdpi.com/2226-4310/3/4/34 (1) · http://www.nature.com/articles/srep34438 (1) · https://aguassubterraneas.abas.org/asubterraneas/article/view/28620 (1) · https://gmd.copernicus.org/articles/9/3779/2016/ (1) · https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/11/10/104011 (1) · https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/44/2/022028 (1) · https://iwaponline.com/hr/article/47/5/1025/1311/A-SWAT-modeling-approach-to-assess-the-impact-of (1) · https://iwaponline.com/hr/article/47/5/951/1301/Potential-evapotranspiration-method-influence-on (1) · https://iwaponline.com/hr/article/47/5/979/1304/Hydrological-response-of-the-%C3%96tztal-glacierized (1) · https://iwaponline.com/wp/article/18/5/1139/20231/Study-of-groundwater-using-visual-MODFLOW-in-the (1) · https://iwaponline.com/ws/article/16/5/1467/31683/Flood-forecasting-that-considers-the-impact-of (1) · https://journals.ametsoc.org/jhm/article/17/10/2667/5942/Hydrologic-Changes-in-Indian-Subcontinental-River (1) · https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0380133016301307 (1) · https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S2210670716301214 (1) · https://periodicos.ufpe.br/revistas/rbgfe/article/view/233860 (1) · https://www.acquesotterranee.net/index.php/acque/article/view/205 (1) · https://www.geosci-model-dev.net/9/3699/2016/ (1) · https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07011784.2015.1037795 (1)

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