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Aitken, Matthew L.; Kosović, Branko; Mirocha, Jeffrey D.; Lundquist, Julie K.; (1) · Alizadeh-Choobari, O.; Zawar-Reza, P.; Sturman, A.; (1) · Alves, Jose-Henrique G. M.; Chawla, Arun; Tolman, Hendrik L.; Schwab, David; Lang, Gregory; Mann, Greg; (1) · Baidya Roy, Somnath; Smith, Maxwell; Morris, Lucinda; Orlovsky, Nikolai; Khalilov, Abdulkhodi; (1) · Bickford, Erica; Holloway, Tracey; Karambelas, Alexandra; Johnston, Matt; Adams, Teresa; Janssen, Mark; Moberg, Claus; (1) · Bove, M.C.; Brotto, P.; Cassola, F.; Cuccia, E.; Massabò, D.; Mazzino, A.; Piazzalunga, A.; Prati, P.; (1) · Carvalho, D.; Rocha, A.; Gómez-Gesteira, M.; Silva Santos, C.; (1) · Cheng, Z.; Wang, S.; Fu, X.; Watson, J. G.; Jiang, J.; Fu, Q.; Chen, C.; Xu, B.; Yu, J.; Chow, J. C.; Hao, J.; (1) · Cintineo, Rebecca; Otkin, Jason A.; Xue, Ming; Kong, Fanyou; (1) · Coelho, Margarida C.; Fontes, Tânia; Bandeira, Jorge M.; Pereira, Sérgio R.; Tchepel, Oxana; Dias, Daniela; Sá, Elisa; Amorim, Jorge H.; Borrego, Carlos; (1) · Davis, Neil; Hahmann, Andrea N.; Clausen, Niels-Erik; Žagar, Mark; (1) · Du, Yu; Zhang, Qinghong; Chen, Yi-leng; Zhao, Yangyang; Wang, Xu; (1) · Giovannini, Lorenzo; Zardi, Dino; de Franceschi, Massimiliano; Chen, Fei; (1) · Hariprasad, K.B.R.R.; Srinivas, C.V.; Singh, A.Bagavath; Vijaya Bhaskara Rao, S.; Baskaran, R.; Venkatraman, B.; (1) · Ji, Fei; Ekström, Marie; Evans, Jason P.; Teng, Jin; (1) · Klaić, Zvjezdana B.; Kvakić, Marko; (1) · Kleczek, Michal A.; Steeneveld, Gert-Jan; Holtslag, Albert A. M.; (1) · Kumar, Prashant; Kishtawal, C. M.; Pal, P. K.; (1) · Kumar, R.; Barth, M. C.; Pfister, G. G.; Naja, M.; Brasseur, G. P.; (1) · Lee, Hyung–Don; Yoo, Jung–Woo; Kang, Min–Kyoung; Kang, Ji–Soon; Jung, Jong–Hyun; Oh, Kwang–Joong; (1) · Li, Dan; Bou-Zeid, Elie; (1) · Li, Dan; Bou-Zeid, Elie; Oppenheimer, Michael; (1) · Maussion, Fabien; Scherer, Dieter; Mölg, Thomas; Collier, Emily; Curio, Julia; Finkelnburg, Roman; (1) · Mirocha, J. D.; Kosovic, B.; Aitken, M. L.; Lundquist, J. K.; (1) · Mirocha, Jeff; Kosović, Branko; Kirkil, Gokhan; (1) · Rusu, L; Bernardino, M; Guedes Soares, C; (1) · Safieddine, S.; Boynard, A.; Coheur, P.-F.; Hurtmans, D.; Pfister, G.; Quennehen, B.; Thomas, J. L.; Raut, J.-C.; Law, K. S.; Klimont, Z.; Hadji-Lazaro, J.; George, M.; Clerbaux, C.; (1) · Salcedo-Sanz, S.; Pastor-Sánchez, A.; Prieto, L.; Blanco-Aguilera, A.; García-Herrera, R.; (1) · Smart, D. J.; Browning, K. A.; (1) · Tao, Dandan; Zhang, Fuqing; (1) · Theeuwes, N. E.; Steeneveld, G. J.; Ronda, R. J.; Heusinkveld, B. G.; van Hove, L. W. A.; Holtslag, A. A. M.; (1) · Wang, Xuemei; Liao, Jingbiao; Zhang, Jian; Shen, Chong; Chen, Weihua; Xia, Beicheng; Wang, Tijian; (1) · Xiao, Hui; Yin, Yan; Jin, Lianji; Chen, Qian; Chen, Jinghua; (1) · Zhang, Hongliang; Chen, Gang; Hu, Jianlin; Chen, Shu-Hua; Wiedinmyer, Christine; Kleeman, Michael; Ying, Qi; (1) · Zhang, R.; Duhl, T.; Salam, M. T.; House, J. M.; Flagan, R. C.; Avol, E. L.; Gilliland, F. D.; Guenther, A.; Chung, S. H.; Lamb, B. K.; VanReken, T. M.; (1) · Zhao, C.; Hu, Z.; Qian, Y.; Ruby Leung, L.; Huang, J.; Huang, M.; Jin, J.; Flanner, M. G.; Zhang, R.; Wang, H.; Yan, H.; Lu, Z.; Streets, D. G.; (1)
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A Numeric Study of Regional Climate Change Induced by Urban Expansion in the Pearl River Delta, China (1) · An integrated PM2.5 source apportionment study: Positive Matrix Factorisation vs. the chemical transport model CAMx (1) · Assessment of potential improvements on regional air quality modelling related with implementation of a detailed methodology for traffic emission estimation (1) · Attribution of strong winds to a cold conveyor belt and sting jet: Attribution of strong winds in an intense extratropical cyclone (1) · Development of a regional-scale pollen emission and transport modeling framework for investigating the impact of climate change on allergic airway disease (1) · Effect of environmental shear, sea-surface temperature, and ambient moisture on the formation and predictability of tropical cyclones: An ensemble-mean perspective (1) · Emissions and Air Quality Impacts of Truck-to-Rail Freight Modal Shifts in the Midwestern United States (1) · Evaluating rainfall patterns using physics scheme ensembles from a regional atmospheric model (1) · Evaluating the Performance of Planetary Boundary Layer and Cloud Microphysical Parameterization Schemes in Convection-Permitting Ensemble Forecasts Using Synthetic GOES-13 Satellite Observations (1) · Evaluation of a seven-year air quality simulation using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)/Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) models in the eastern United States (1) · Evaluation of concentrations and source contribution of PM 10 and SO 2 emitted from industrial complexes in Ulsan, Korea: Interfacing of the WRF–CALPUFF modeling tools (1) · Evaluation of the Weather Research and Forecasting Mesoscale Model for GABLS3: Impact of Boundary-Layer Schemes, Boundary Conditions and Spin-Up (1) · Feature selection in wind speed prediction systems based on a hybrid coral reefs optimization – Extreme learning machine approach (1) · Forecast of Icing Events at a Wind Farm in Sweden (1) · Impact of biomass burning on haze pollution in the Yangtze River delta, China: a case study in summer 2011 (1) · Impact of satellite rainfall assimilation on Weather Research and Forecasting model predictions over the Indian region (1) · Impact of the desiccation of the Aral Sea on summertime surface air temperatures (1) · Implementation of a generalized actuator disk wind turbine model into the weather research and forecasting model for large-eddy simulation applications (1) · Large eddy simulation of wind turbine wake dynamics in the stable boundary layer using the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (1) · Modeling the Impacts of a Man-Made Lake on the Meteorological Conditions of the Surrounding Areas (1) · Numerical Simulations of Spatial Distributions and Diurnal Variations of Low-Level Jets in China during Early Summer (1) · Numerical simulation and intercomparison of boundary layer structure with different PBL schemes in WRF using experimental observations at a tropical site (1) · Numerical simulations of boundary-layer processes and urban-induced alterations in an Alpine valley: SIMULATIONS OF BL PROCESSES AND URBAN-INDUCED ALTERATIONS IN A VALLEY (1) · Precipitation Seasonality and Variability over the Tibetan Plateau as Resolved by the High Asia Reanalysis (1) · Quality and sensitivity of high-resolution numerical simulation of urban heat islands (1) · Resolved Turbulence Characteristics in Large-Eddy Simulations Nested within Mesoscale Simulations Using the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (1) · Seasonal dependence of the urban heat island on the street canyon aspect ratio: Street Geometry and the Urban Heat Island (1) · Sensitivity of the WRF model wind simulation and wind energy production estimates to planetary boundary layer parameterizations for onshore and offshore areas in the Iberian Peninsula (1) · Simulating black carbon and dust and their radiative forcing in seasonal snow: a case study over North China with field campaign measurements (1) · Simulation of aerosol effects on orographic clouds and precipitation using WRF model with a detailed bin microphysics scheme: Simulation of aerosol effects on orographic clouds (1) · Summertime tropospheric ozone assessment over the Mediterranean region using the thermal infrared IASI/MetOp sounder and the WRF-Chem model (1) · The Operational Implementation of a Great Lakes Wave Forecasting System at NOAA/NCEP* (1) · The effectiveness of cool and green roofs as urban heat island mitigation strategies (1) · The “wind of 120days” and dust storm activity over the Sistan Basin (1) · WRF-Chem simulations of a typical pre-monsoon dust storm in northern India: influences on aerosol optical properties and radiation budget (1) · Wind and wave modelling in the Black Sea (1)
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