References SWAN
Total peer and non-peer reviewed publications |
1659 |
Journal Articles |
1334 |
Books |
5 |
Book sections |
39 |
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Peer reviewed reference(s) | Year | type | Cited |
Peer reviewed reference(s) | Year | type | Cited |
Musa, M F F; Windupranata, W; Nusantara, C A D S; Nuraghnia, A; Al Ghifari, M W; Hayatiningsih, I; Wijaya, D D; 2024. Analysis of extreme wave probabilistic return value based on the 20-year spectral and empirical wave modeling approach in the Coastal Area of Pangandaran. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1350012026. 10.1088/1755-1315/1350/1/012026 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
de Souza de Lima, Andre; Cassalho, Felicio; Miesse, Tyler W.; Henke, Martin; Canick, Michelle R.; Ferreira, Celso M.; 2024. Assessing the potential long-term effects of sea-level rise on salt marsh’s coastal protective capacity under different climate pathway scenarios. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 196. 10.1007/s10661-024-12961-z | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Hwang, Taegeon; Seo, Seung-Chul; Jin, Hoyeong; Oh, Hyeseong; Lee, Woo-Dong; 2024. Effects of Storm Waves Caused by Typhoon Bolaven (1215) on Korean Coast: A Comparative Analysis with Deepwater Design Waves. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology, 38149–163. 10.26748/KSOE.2024.044 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Li, Guigeng; Zhang, Hao; Lyu, Tingting; Zhang, Huaifeng; 2024. Regional significant wave height forecast in the East China Sea based on the Self-Attention ConvLSTM with SWAN model. Ocean Engineering, 312119064. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2024.119064 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Li, Yanjiao; Lin, Jun; Zhong, Wei; Wang, Sijian; Li, Long; 2024. Risk level assessment of typhoon-induced wave fields around a large-scale suspended mussel farm. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11. 10.3389/fmars.2024.1351316 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Den Bieman, Joost P.; De Ridder, Menno P.; Doeleman, Madelief W.; 2024. Validation Of An Efficient Non-Hydrostatic Wave Model As A Design Tool For Foreshores In Physical Models. CoastLab 2024: Physical Modelling in Coastal Engineering and Science, . 10.59490/coastlab.2024.726 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Nioko, L. I. J.; Tablang, K. M. C.; Tamondong, A. M.; Ang, M. R. C. O.; Bautista, D. M.; 2024. TYPHOON KARDING (NORU) STORM SURGE ANALYSIS USING THE COAWST MODELING SYSTEM. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 0403–410. 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVIII-4-W8-2023-403-2024 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Salama, Nada M.; Tonbol, Kareem M.; ElKut, Ahmed; ElBessa, Mohamed; Kotroni, Vassiliki; 2024. A comprehensive study on changes in coastal hydrodynamics associated with cyclonic activity. Scientific Reports, 14. 10.1038/s41598-024-58575-w | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Deng, Shaokun; Yang, Shengmu; Chen, Shengli; Chen, Daoyi; Yang, Xuefeng; Cui, Shanshan; 2024. A parameterization scheme for the floating wind farm in a coupled atmosphere–wave model (COAWST v3.7). Geoscientific Model Development, 174891–4909. 10.5194/gmd-17-4891-2024 | 2024 | Model application | 1 |
Pennington, Catherine; Shaw, Matthew; Brooks, Thomas; Briganti, Riccardo; Gómez-Pazo, Alejandro; Ruffini, Gioele; Appleton, Matthew; Payo, Andres; 2024. Nine months of daily LiDAR, orthophotos and MetOcean data from the eroding soft cliff coast at Happisburgh, UK. Scientific Data, 11. 10.1038/s41597-024-03499-3 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Yu, Ting; Deng, Zengan; Zhang, Chi; Hamdi Ali, Amani; 2024. Detecting the role of Stokes drift under typhoon condition by a fully coupled wave-current model. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11. 10.3389/fmars.2024.1364960 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Lai, Yong G.; 2024. An Integrated Current–Wave–Sediment Model for Coastal and Estuary Simulation. Water, 16415. 10.3390/w16030415 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Lopez-Arias, Fernando; Maza, Maria; Calleja, Felipe; Govaere, Georges; Lara, Javier L.; 2024. Integrated drag coefficient formula for estimating the wave attenuation capacity of Rhizophora sp. mangrove forests. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11. 10.3389/fmars.2024.1383368 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Churchill, Benjamin; Caves, Rebecca; Peet, Chloe; Dawber, William; 2024. Modelling the Sea Surface of Cardigan Bay. Emerging Minds Journal for Student Research, None112–129. 10.59973/emjsr.136 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Yu, Lichen; Qin, Hao; Huang, Shining; Wei, Wei; Jiang, Haoyu; Mu, Lin; 2024. Quantitative study of storm surge risk assessment in an undeveloped coastal area of China based on deep learning and geographic information system techniques: a case study of Double Moon Bay. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 242003–2024. 10.5194/nhess-24-2003-2024 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Rose, Linta; Widlansky, Matthew J.; Feng, Xue; Thompson, Philip; Asher, Taylor G.; Dusek, Gregory; Blanton, Brian; Luettich, Richard A.; Callahan, John; Brooks, William; Keeney, Analise; Haddad, Jana; Sweet, William; Genz, Ayesha; Hovenga, Paige; Marra, John; Tilson, Jeffrey; 2024. Assessment of water levels from 43 years of NOAA’s Coastal Ocean Reanalysis (CORA) for the Gulf of Mexico and East Coasts. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11. 10.3389/fmars.2024.1381228 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Zhu, Longhuan; Xue, Pengfei; Meadows, Guy A.; Huang, Chenfu; Ge, Jianzhong; Troy, Cary D.; Wu, Chin H.; 2024. Trends of Sediment Resuspension and Budget in Southern Lake Michigan Under Changing Wave Climate and Hydrodynamic Environment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129. 10.1029/2023JC020180 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Fragkou, Anastasia K.; Old, Christopher; Venugopal, Vengatesan; Angeloudis, Athanasios; 2024. Thetis-SWAN: A Python-interfaced wave–current interactions coupled system. Environmental Modelling & Software, 177106034. 10.1016/j.envsoft.2024.106034 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Eshghi, Nasrin; Barzandeh, Amirhossein; Salimi, Fouad; 2024. Interannual and interseasonal variability of the persian gulf surface wave energy in the recent decade. Marine Systems & Ocean Technology, . 10.1007/s40868-024-00139-8 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Navialdy, Dio; Adytia, Didit; 2024. Wave Downscaling Approach with TCN model, Case Study in Bengkulu, Indonesia. Jurnal Online Informatika, 9201–209. 10.15575/join.v9i2.1329 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Cortese, L.; Zhang, X.; Simard, Marc; Fagherazzi, S.; 2024. Storm Impacts on Mineral Mass Accumulation Rates of Coastal Marshes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 129. 10.1029/2023JF007065 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Peng, Jie; Mao, Miaohua; Xia, Meng; 2024. Wave Spectra Analysis on the Spatiotemporal Variability of Sea States under Distinct Typhoon Tracks in a Semienclosed Sea. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 54783–807. 10.1175/JPO-D-23-0066.1 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Davis, Jenny; Whitfield, Paula; Giannelli, Ryan; Golden, Rebecca; Greene, Michael; Poussard, Leanne; Whitbeck, Matthew; 2024. Beneficial use of sediments to restore a Chesapeake Bay marsh island. Frontiers in Sustainability, 5. 10.3389/frsus.2024.1359721 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Akrish, Gal; Reniers, Ad; Rijnsdorp, Dirk; Zijlema, Marcel; Rutten, Jantien; Tissier, Marion; 2024. Unstructured swan modelling of free infragravity waves over the Southern North Sea. CoastLab 2024: Physical Modelling in Coastal Engineering and Science, . 10.59490/coastlab.2024.738 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Yaozhao Zhong, Lei Wang, Peitu Lin, Feng Zhang, Li Zhang, Yanshuang Xie,; 2024. Enhanced Typhoon-Induced Design Wave Height Estimation for Ocean Engineering Applications Using High Performance Computing. Journal of Electrical Systems, 20861–869. 10.52783/jes.1246 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Mlakar, Peter; Ricchi, Antonio; Carniel, Sandro; Bonaldo, Davide; Ličer, Matjaž; 2024. DELWAVE 1.0: deep learning surrogate model of surface wave climate in the Adriatic Basin. Geoscientific Model Development, 174705–4725. 10.5194/gmd-17-4705-2024 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Saito, Ryota; Imai, Yuki; Baba, Yasuyuki; Sanjou, Michio; 2024. DEVELOPMENT OF A HIGH-ACCURACY WAVE FORECASTING SYSTEM BY INTEGRATING LSTM AND SWAN. Japanese Journal of JSCE, 80n/a. 10.2208/jscejj.24-17023 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Kang, Taeuk; Lee, Jungmin; 2024. Case Study on the Adaptive Assessment of Floods Caused by Climate Change in Coastal Areas of the Republic of Korea. Water, 162987. 10.3390/w16202987 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Nishan, QIU; Zuofang, YAO; Xiuling, ZUO; Sheng, LUO; 2024. Numerical simulation and spatiotemporal analysis of waves at Yongle Atoll, Xisha Islands based on SWAN modeling. Progress in Geography, 431811-1825. 10.18306/dlkxjz.2024.09.010 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Leung, Ngo-Ching; Chow, Chi-Kin; Lau, Dick-Shum; Lam, Ching-Chi; Chan, Pak-Wai; 2024. WRF-ROMS-SWAN Coupled Model Simulation Study: Effect of Atmosphere–Ocean Coupling on Sea Level Predictions Under Tropical Cyclone and Northeast Monsoon Conditions in Hong Kong. Atmosphere, 151242. 10.3390/atmos15101242 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Swatridge, Laura L.; Mulligan, Ryan P.; Boegman, Leon; Shan, Shiliang; 2024. Development and performance of a high-resolution surface wave and storm surge forecast model: application to a large lake. Geoscientific Model Development, 177751–7766. 10.5194/gmd-17-7751-2024 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Chen, Cheng; Lin, Hongkun; Guan, Dawei; Cai, Feng; Wang, Qiaoyi; Liu, Qingchun; 2024. Enhancing typhoon wave hindcasting with random forests and BP neural networks in the SWAN model. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11. 10.3389/fmars.2024.1472047 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Hu, Xiaonong; Fang, Genshen; Ge, Yaojun; 2024. Simplified models of wind-wave relationships in China's shallow-water coasts based on SWAN+ADCIRC simulations. Ocean Engineering, 305117983. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2024.117983 | 2024 | Model application | 1 |
Brenner, Samuel; Horvat, Christopher; 2024. Scaling Simulations of Local Wind‐Waves Amid Sea Ice Floes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129None. 10.1029/2024JC021629 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Katrasov, S. V.; Bugaets, A. N.; Zharikov, V. V.; Krasnopeev, S. M.; Lebedev, A. M.; Mainulov, V. A.; 2024. Assessment of the Abiotic Factors Influence on the Distribution of Zostera in the Internal Bays of Posyet Gulf Based on the Results of Numerical Simulation. Okeanologiâ, 64344–353. 10.31857/S0030157424020109 | 2024 | Model application | 0 |
Schneider, Magnus; Bernardino, Mariana; Gonçalves, Marta; Guedes Soares, C.; 2023. Wave Energy Assessment for the Atlantic Coast of Morocco. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 112159. 10.3390/jmse11112159 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Hong, Xin; Ji, Yinglu; Yan, Jie; Cheng, Jianting; Wu, Shuang; Li, Qingjie; 2023. Study on the Wave-Dissipation Effect of Oyster Reefs Based on the SWAN Numerical Model. Water, 152884. 10.3390/w15162884 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Prikhodko, Igor A.; Bandurin, Mikhail A.; Volosukhin, Viktor A.; Verbitsky, Artem Yu.; 2023. Using numerical modeling for calculation of wind waves at the Kryukovskiy reservoir. Land Reclamation and Hydraulic Engineering, 13. 10.31774/2712-9357-2023-13-2-353-378 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
ArabiDarrehDor, Ghazal; Kao, Yi-Ming; Oliver, Mary A; Parajuli, Babita; Carney, Bonnie C; Keyloun, John W; Moffatt, Lauren T; Shupp, Jeffrey W; Hahn, Jin-Oh; Burmeister, David M; 2023. The Potential of Arterial Pulse Wave Analysis in Burn Resuscitation: A Pilot In Vivo Study. Journal of Burn Care & Research, 44599–609. 10.1093/jbcr/irac097 | 2023 | Model application | 2 |
Wang, Hong; Hu, Zhan; 2023. Modeling wave attenuation by vegetation with accompanying currents in SWAN. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 4263–76. 10.1007/s13131-023-2199-1 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Goryachkin, Y. N.; Fomin, V. V.; Kharitonova, L. V.; 2023. SEDIMENTS DYNAMICS IN EVPATORIA BAY. Odesa National University Herald. Geography and Geology, 1846–53. 10.18524/2303-9914.2013.2(18).184231 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Luca, Eduard; Bandoc, Georgeta; Degeratu, Mircea; 2023. Analysis of wave characteristics in the Black Sea Basin using satellite altimetry data and swan model simulations. Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists Series on Engineering Sciences, 1521–30. 10.56082/annalsarscieng.2023.1.21 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Butakov, N.Y.; Rubinstein, K.G.; 2023. Forecasting sea surface temperature and 2 m air temperature with a coupled ocean-atmosphere system for the White Sea region in summer. Hydrometeorological research and forecasting, 167–86. 10.37162/2618-9631-2023-1-67-86 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Luo, Chenghan; Shang, Shaoping; Xie, Yanshuang; He, Zhigang; Wei, Guomei; Zhang, Feng; Wang, Lei; 2023. Evaluation of the Effect of WRF Physical Parameterizations on Typhoon and Wave Simulation in the Taiwan Strait. Water, 151526. 10.3390/w15081526 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Xu, Chaoran; Nelson-Mercer, Benjamin T.; Bricker, Jeremy D.; Davlasheridze, Meri; Ross, Ashley D.; Jia, Jianjun; 2023. Damage Curves Derived from Hurricane Ike in the West of Galveston Bay Based on Insurance Claims and Hydrodynamic Simulations. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 14932–946. 10.1007/s13753-023-00524-8 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Dakar, Elad; Fernández Jaramillo, José Manuel; Gertman, Isaac; Mayerle, Roberto; Goldman, Ron; 2023. An artificial neural network based system for wave height prediction. Coastal Engineering Journal, 65309–324. 10.1080/21664250.2023.2190002 | 2023 | Model application | 2 |
Nuyts, Siegmund; Farrell, Eugene; Fennell, Sheena; Nash, Stephen; 2023. ASSESSING SHORELINE EDGE DETECTION FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF COASTAL IMAGING TECHNIQUES. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 140. 10.9753/icce.v37.management.140 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Du, Shengtao; Yan, Zhiduo; 2023. Numerical study of extreme waves driven by synthetic tropical cyclones in the northwest Pacific Ocean. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11. 10.3389/fenvs.2023.1126655 | 2023 | Model application | 2 |
Kessali, N.; Bouhamadouche, M.; Hemdane, Y.; 2023. Near-shore and Regional Validation of the WAVEWATCH III and SWAN Wave Models through In situ and Satellite Observations in the Barcelona Bay and Algerian Coast. Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, 48267–279. 10.3103/S1068373923030093 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Rachmayani, R.; Ningsih, N. S.; Ardiansyah, I.; 2023. The effect of reclamation on the significant wave height changes in Jakarta Bay during Hagibis and Mitag typhoons. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy, 9165–179. 10.1007/s40722-022-00249-8 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Miesse, Tyler; de Souza de Lima, Andre; Khalid, Arslaan; Cassalho, Felicio; Coleman, Daniel J.; Ferreira, Celso M.; Sutton-Grier, Ariana E.; 2023. Numerical modeling of wave attenuation: implications of representing vegetation found in coastal saltmarshes in the Chesapeake Bay. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195. 10.1007/s10661-023-11533-x | 2023 | Model application | 4 |
Ngô, Nam Thịnh; Nguyễn, Thị Bảy; 2023. Nghiên cứu xác định trường sóng ven bờ khu vực Bãi Dài – Cam Ranh bằng mô hình toán. Vietnam Journal of Hydrometeorology, 1135–43. 10.36335/VNJHM.2023(755).35-43 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Bye, John A. T.; 2023. The Dynamics of the Oceanic Air-Sea Boundary Layer. Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research, 41–16. 10.21926/aeer.2301018 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Adell, Anna; Almström, Björn; Kroon, Aart; Larson, Magnus; Hallin, Caroline; 2023. MULTI-SCALE WAVE MODELLING; FIELD VALIDATION IN FAXE BAY, DENMARK. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 11. 10.9753/icce.v37.waves.11 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Reidulff, Knut; Wang, Weizhi; Kamath, Arun; Bihs, Hans; 2023. Wave environment analysis at Norwegian harbours for land-based aquaculture facilities using a combined phase-averaging and phase-resolving numerical modelling approach. Journal of Coastal and Hydraulic Structures, 3. 10.59490/jchs.2023.0031 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Mo, Dongxue; Wang, Ning; Hu, Po; Hou, Yijun; 2023. The Interaction between Storm Surge and Concomitant Waves in Shandong Peninsula. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 111759. 10.3390/jmse11091759 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Yi, Jianjun; Zhang, Xingnan; Zou, Guoliang; Zhang, Ke; Wang, Jianquan; 2023. A Numerical Simulation Study on the Probable Maximum Typhoon Wave in the South China Sea. Sustainability, 1510254. 10.3390/su151310254 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Yi, Jianjun; Zou, Guoliang; Qin, Pingshan; 2023. Study on Fundamental Force of Extreme Wave on Complex Deepwater Jacket. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2519012029. 10.1088/1742-6596/2519/1/012029 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Anshakov, A. S.; 2023. Modeling of Hydrodynamic and Lithodynamic Coastal Processes in the Harbour Area. Fundamental and Applied Hydrophysics, 15101–108. 10.59887/fpg/xhaz-46hz-kk62 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Bonamano, Simone; Peviani, Maximo Aurelio; Agate, Giordano; Burgio, Calogero Giuseppe; Fersini, Giorgio; Marcelli, Marco; 2023. The Evaluation of WaveSAX Power Generation to Support Port Energy Self-Sufficiency. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 112097. 10.3390/jmse11112097 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Musumeci, Rosaria Ester; Marino, Massimiliano; Cavallaro, Luca; Foti, Enrico; 2023. DOES COASTAL WETLAND RESTORATION WORK AS A CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION STRATEGY? THE CASE OF THE SOUTH-EAST OF SICILY COAST. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 66. 10.9753/icce.v37.papers.66 | 2023 | Model application | 2 |
Vona, Iacopo; Nardin, William; 2023. Oysters' Integration on Submerged Breakwaters Offers New Adaptive Shoreline Protection in Low‐Energy Environments in the Face of Sea Level Rise. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 128. 10.1029/2023JF007249 | 2023 | Model application | 3 |
Hsu, Chu-En; Hegermiller, Christie A.; Warner, John C.; Olabarrieta, Maitane; 2023. Ocean Surface Gravity Wave Evolution during Three Along-Shelf Propagating Tropical Cyclones: Model’s Performance of Wind-Sea and Swell. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 111152. 10.3390/jmse11061152 | 2023 | Model application | 3 |
Wu, Yan; Dou, Shentang; Fan, Yaoshen; Yu, Shoubing; Dai, Weiqi; 2023. Research on the influential characteristics of asymmetric wind fields on typhoon waves. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10. 10.3389/fmars.2023.1113494 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Amarouche, Khalid; Akpınar, Adem; Rybalko, Aleksandra; Myslenkov, Stanislav; 2023. Assessment of SWAN and WAVEWATCH-III models regarding the directional wave spectra estimates based on Eastern Black Sea measurements. Ocean Engineering, 272113944. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2023.113944 | 2023 | Model application | 12 |
Lokuliyana, R. L. K.; Folley, M.; Gunawardane, S. D. G. S. P.; 2023. Analysis of wave resource model spatial uncertainty and its effect on wave energy converter power performance. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy, 9715–729. 10.1007/s40722-023-00294-x | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Blaylock, Brian K.; Tyndall, Daniel P.; Muscarella, Philip A.; Brunner, Kelsey; 2023. Impact of assimilating wind retrievals from high‐frequency radar on COAMPS forecasts in the Chesapeake Bay. Atmospheric Science Letters, 24. 10.1002/asl.1171 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Caeiro-Gonçalves, Francisca; Bio, Ana; Iglesias, Isabel; Avilez-Valente, Paulo; 2023. Sea Level Rise Effects on the Sedimentary Dynamics of the Douro Estuary Sandspit (Portugal). Water, 152841. 10.3390/w15152841 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Funahashi, Yuya; 2023. NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF GRAVEL NOURISHMENT TO THE SEISHO COASTLINE IN JAPAN. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 22. 10.9753/icce.v37.sediment.22 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Wei, Kai; Shang, Daimeng; Zhong, Xi; 2023. Integrated Approach for Estimating Extreme Hydrodynamic Loads on Elevated Pile Cap Foundation Using Environmental Contour of Simulated Typhoon Wave, Current, and Surge Conditions. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 145. 10.1115/1.4056037 | 2023 | Model application | 4 |
Wang, Zhifeng; Jiang, Dong; Dong, Sheng; Gong, Yijie; 2023. Wave Energy Resource Availability Assessment in the Philippines Based on 30-Year Hindcast Data. Journal of Ocean University of China, 22349–364. 10.1007/s11802-023-5044-4 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Yuk, Jin-Hee; Joh, Minsu; 2023. A Study on the Improvement of Wave and Storm Surge Predictions Using a Forecasting Model and Parametric Model: a Case Study on Typhoon Chaba. Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 3567–74. 10.9765/KSCOE.2023.35.4.67 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Wang, Qianhui; Shi, Jian; Xia, Jingmin; Han, Kaifeng; Xiao, Wenbin; Zhang, Wenjing; Wang, Haodi; Lv, Jialei; 2023. Influence of Wave-Induced Radiation Stress on Upper-Layer Ocean Temperature during Typhoons. Remote Sensing, 152442. 10.3390/rs15092442 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Amjadian, Pegah; Neill, Simon P.; Martí Barclay, Vicky; 2023. Characterizing seabed sediments at contrasting offshore renewable energy sites. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10. 10.3389/fmars.2023.1156486 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Churchill, Jim; Taylor, David; Garber, Sean; 2023. COMPARISON OF NUMERICAL AND EMPIRICAL ESTIMATES OF WAVE CONDITIONS IN THE LEE OF A DETACHED BREAKWATER. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 63. 10.9753/icce.v37.structures.63 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Pang, Tianze; Wang, Xiuquan; Nawaz, Rana Ali; Keefe, Genevieve; Adekanmbi, Toyin; 2023. Coastal erosion and climate change: A review on coastal-change process and modeling. Ambio, 522034–2052. 10.1007/s13280-023-01901-9 | 2023 | Model application | 9 |
Zhang, Wanwei; Zhao, Hongjun; Chen, Guoping; Yang, Jie; 2023. Assessing the performance of SWAN model for wave simulations in the Bay of Bengal. Ocean Engineering, 285115295. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2023.115295 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Pinheiro, L. V.; Gomes, A. H.; Lopes, N.; Lopes, S.; Prior, A.; Santos, J. A.; Fortes, C. J.; 2023. NEURAL NETWORKS FOR OPTIMIZATION OF AN EARLY WARNING SYSTEM FOR MOORED SHIPS IN HARBOURS. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 60. 10.9753/icce.v37.papers.60 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Bujak, Damjan; Lončar, Goran; Carević, Dalibor; Kulić, Tin; 2023. The Feasibility of the ERA5 Forced Numerical Wave Model in Fetch-Limited Basins. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 1159. 10.3390/jmse11010059 | 2023 | Model application | 4 |
Qi, Jiarui; Jing, Yige; Chen, Chao; Zhang, Jinfeng; 2023. Numerical Simulation of Tidal Current and Sediment Movement in the Sea Area near Weifang Port. Water, 152516. 10.3390/w15142516 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Hao, Mengyu; Shao, Weizeng; Shi, Shaohua; Liu, Xing; Hu, Yuyi; Zuo, Juncheng; 2023. Validation of Surface Waves Investigation and Monitoring Data against Simulation by Simulating Waves Nearshore and Wave Retrieval from Gaofen-3 Synthetic Aperture Radar Image. Remote Sensing, 154402. 10.3390/rs15184402 | 2023 | Model application | 7 |
Xu, Fu-min; Zheng, Jin-hai; Ya, Han-zheng; Xing, Tian; 2023. Study on Wave Characteristics from the South Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf of Guinea Based on Short-Term Numerical Simulation in Winter Season. China Ocean Engineering, 37312–322. 10.1007/s13344-023-0026-2 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Chen, Cheng; Peng, Chen; Xiao, Hong; Wei, Minjian; Wang, Tingyu; 2023. Effect of Tide Level Change on Typhoon Waves in the Taiwan Strait and Its Adjacent Waters. Water, 151807. 10.3390/w15101807 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Lv, Jialei; Zhang, Wenjing; Shi, Jian; Wu, Jie; Wang, Hanshi; Cao, Xuhui; Wang, Qianhui; Zhao, Zeqi; 2023. The Wave Period Parameterization of Ocean Waves and Its Application to Ocean Wave Simulations. Remote Sensing, 155279. 10.3390/rs15225279 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Kantarzhi, I. G.; 2023. Forecast of the Dynamics of a Sandy Beach in Complexed Hydrodynamic Conditions. Oceanology, 63905–914. 10.1134/S000143702306005X | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Jialei, Lv; Jian, Shi; Wenjing, Zhang; Jingmin, Xia; Qianhui, Wang; 2023. Numerical simulations on waves in the Northwest Pacific Ocean based on SWAN models. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2486012034. 10.1088/1742-6596/2486/1/012034 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Vijayan, Linoj; Huang, Wenrui; Ma, Mengdi; Ozguven, Eren; Ghorbanzadeh, Mahyar; Yang, Jieya; Yang, Zhaoqing; 2023. Improving the accuracy of hurricane wave modeling in Gulf of Mexico with dynamically-coupled SWAN and ADCIRC. Ocean Engineering, 274114044. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2023.114044 | 2023 | Model application | 16 |
Sinha, Mourani; Jha, Somnath; Kumar, Anupam; 2023. A Comparison of Wave Spectra during Pre-Monsoon and Post-Monsoon Tropical Cyclones under an Intense Positive IOD Year 2019. Climate, 1144. 10.3390/cli11020044 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Jiang, Yan; Rong, Zengrui; Li, Yiguo; Li, Cheng; Meng, Xin; 2023. Toward a High-Resolution Wave Forecasting System for the Changjiang River Estuary. Remote Sensing, 153581. 10.3390/rs15143581 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Ranji, Zahra; Soltanpour, Mohsen; Shibayama, Tomoya; 2023. WAVES AND STORM SURGES OF TROPICAL CYCLONES OVER THE ARABIAN SEA: FUTURE PROJECTIONS AND UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 40. 10.9753/icce.v37.papers.40 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Rybalko, Aleksandra; Myslenkov, Stanislav; 2023. Analysis of current influence on the wind wave parameters in the Black Sea based on SWAN simulations. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy, 9145–163. 10.1007/s40722-022-00242-1 | 2023 | Model application | 3 |
Roo, Sieglien De; Suzuki, Tomohiro; Thoon, Daphné; 2023. QUANTIFYING THE BELGIAN COAST’S RESILIENCE AGAINST SEA LEVEL RISE (USING XBEACH and SWASH MODELLING). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 143. 10.9753/icce.v37.management.143 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Sapiega, Patryk; Zalewska, Tamara; Struzik, Piotr; 2023. Application of SWAN model for wave forecasting in the southern Baltic Sea supplemented with measurement and satellite data. Environmental Modelling & Software, 163105624. 10.1016/j.envsoft.2023.105624 | 2023 | Model application | 11 |
Shi, Jian; Shao, Weizeng; Shi, Shaohua; Hu, Yuyi; Jiang, Tao; Zhang, Youguang; 2023. Can Sea Surface Waves Be Simulated by Numerical Wave Models Using the Fusion Data from Remote-Sensed Winds?. Remote Sensing, 153825. 10.3390/rs15153825 | 2023 | Model application | 2 |
Adytia, Didit; Saepudin, Deni; Tarwidi, Dede; Pudjaprasetya, Sri Redjeki; Husrin, Semeidi; Sopaheluwakan, Ardhasena; Prasetya, Gegar; 2023. Modelling of Deep Learning-Based Downscaling for Wave Forecasting in Coastal Area. Water, 15204. 10.3390/w15010204 | 2023 | Model application | 6 |
Çalışır, Emre; Soran, Mehmet Burak; Akpınar, Adem; 2023. Quality of the ERA5 and CFSR winds and their contribution to wave modelling performance in a semi-closed sea. Journal of Operational Oceanography, 16106–130. 10.1080/1755876X.2021.1911126 | 2023 | Model application | 24 |
Rahimian, Mohsen; Beyramzadeh, Mostafa; Siadatmousavi, Seyed Mostafa; Allahdadi, Mohammad Nabi; 2023. Simulating Meteorological and Water Wave Characteristics of Cyclone Shaheen. Atmosphere, 14533. 10.3390/atmos14030533 | 2023 | Model application | 5 |
Shamsu, Madinah; Akbar, Muhammad; 2023. Understanding the Effects of Wind Intensity, Forward Speed, and Wave on the Propagation of Hurricane Harvey Surges. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 111429. 10.3390/jmse11071429 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Lei, Zhifeng; Wu, Wenfan; Gu, Yanzhen; Zhai, Fangguo; Li, Peiliang; 2023. A general method to determine the optimal whitecapping dissipation coefficient in the SWAN model. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10. 10.3389/fmars.2023.1298727 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Lopez-Arias, Fernando; Maza, Maria; Lara, Javier L.; Losada, Iñigo J.; 2023. A new predictive tool for modeling wave attenuation produced by saltmarshes in SWAN based on standing biomass. Coastal Engineering, 185104380. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2023.104380 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Voskoboinick, Volodymyr; Voskoboinyk, Oleksandr; Voskobiinyk, Andriy; Kharchenko, Anatoliy; 2023. SIMULATION OF INTERACTION OF WAVES WITH THE PROTECTIVE DAM OF THE DANUBE – BLACK SEA MARINE CHANNEL. Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI". Series: Mathematical modeling in engineering and technologies, 59–66. 10.20998/2222-0631.2023.01.09 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Luca, E; Bandoc, G; Degeratu, M; 2023. Comparative analysis of significant wave height between satellite altimetry data and SWAN model simulations in the Black Sea basin. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1185012022. 10.1088/1755-1315/1185/1/012022 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Tu’uholoaki, Moleni; Espejo, Antonio; Wandres, Moritz; Singh, Awnesh; Damlamian, Herve; Begg, Zulfikar; 2023. Quantifying Mechanisms Responsible for Extreme Coastal Water Levels and Flooding during Severe Tropical Cyclone Harold in Tonga, Southwest Pacific. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 111217. 10.3390/jmse11061217 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Ye, Zuchao; Ma, Xin; Yang, Na; Cui, Liwei; 2023. Assessment of wave energy resources in the Pearl River estuary of China. Desalination and Water Treatment, 298222–232. 10.5004/dwt.2023.29691 | 2023 | Model application | 0 |
Suh, Seung-Won; Lee, Myeong-Hee; 2023. Analysis of Typhoon-Induced Wave Overtopping Vulnerability Due to Sea Level Rise Using a Coastal–Seawall–Terrestrial Seamless Grid System. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 112114. 10.3390/jmse11112114 | 2023 | Model application | 1 |
Guillou, Nicolas; Chapalain, Georges; Sergent, Philippe; 2022. Wave Energy Resource Assessment for Small-Scale WEC near a Harbour. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 101081. 10.3390/jmse10081081 | 2022 | Model application | 1 |
Albuquerque, João; Antolínez, Jose A. A.; Méndez, Fernando J.; Coco, Giovanni; 2022. On the projected changes in New Zealand's wave climate and its main drivers. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 1–38. 10.1080/00288330.2022.2135116 | 2022 | Model application | 3 |
Day, Carter; Dietrich, J.C.; 2022. Improved wave predictions with ST6 Physics and ADCIRC+SWAN. Shore & Beach, 59–61. 10.34237/1009016 | 2022 | Model application | 2 |
Kim, Yeon-joong; Yoon, Jong-sung; 2022. Shoreline Variation Prediction of the Jeongdongjin Sea Area Considering Effective Sediment Volumes. Journal of Coastal Research, 39. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-22TM-00003.1 | 2022 | Model application | 0 |
Cueto, Jairo E.; Otero Díaz, Luis J.; Ospino-Ortiz, Silvio R.; Torres-Freyermuth, Alec; 2022. The role of morphodynamics in predicting coastal flooding from storms on a dissipative beach with sea level rise conditions. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 22713–728. 10.5194/nhess-22-713-2022 | 2022 | Model application | 4 |
Saprykina, Yana; Aydogan, Burak; Ayat, Berna; 2022. Wave Energy Dissipation of Spilling and Plunging Breaking Waves in Spectral Models. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10200. 10.3390/jmse10020200 | 2022 | Model application | 0 |
Shope, James B.; Erikson, Li H.; Barnard, Patrick L.; Storlazzi, Curt D.; Serafin, Katherine; Doran, Kara; Stockdon, Hilary; Reguero, Borja; Mendez, Fernando; Castanedo, Sonia; Cid, Alba; Cagigal, Laura; Ruggiero, Peter; 2022. Characterizing storm-induced coastal change hazards along the United States West Coast. Scientific Data, 9. 10.1038/s41597-022-01313-6 | 2022 | Model application | 1 |
Iouzzi, Nisrine; Mouakkir, Laila; Ben Meftah, Mouldi; Chagdali, Mohamed; Loudyi, Dalila; 2022. SWAN Modeling of Dredging Effect on the Oued Sebou Estuary. Water, 142633. 10.3390/w14172633 | 2022 | Model application | 2 |
Shope, James B.; Erikson, Li H.; Barnard, Patrick L.; Storlazzi, Curt D.; Serafin, Katherine; Doran, Kara; Stockdon, Hilary; Reguero, Borja; Mendez, Fernando; Castanedo, Sonia; Cid, Alba; Cagigal, Laura; Ruggiero, Peter; 2022. Characterizing storm-induced coastal change hazards along the United States West Coast. Scientific Data, 9. 10.1038/s41597-022-01313-6 | 2022 | Model application | 6 |
Salimi, F.; Ershadi, C.; Chegini, V.; 2022. Forty years wind wave power assessment in the high-energy region of Persian Gulf. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 192677–2702. 10.1007/s13762-021-03389-w | 2022 | Model application | 3 |
Chen, Cheng; Peng, Chen; Xiao, Hong; Wang, Tingyu; Wei, Minjian; 2022. NUMERICAL DISTRIBUTION SIMULATION OF TYPHOONS’ WAVE ENERGY IN THE TAIWAN STRAIT AND ITS ADJACENT WATERS. Brodogradnja, 7339–52. 10.21278/brod73403 | 2022 | Model application | 3 |
Musinguzi, Abram; Reddy, Lokesh; Akbar, Muhammad K.; 2022. Evaluation of Wave Contributions in Hurricane Irma Storm Surge Hindcast. Atmosphere, 13404. 10.3390/atmos13030404 | 2022 | Model application | 1 |
Back, Jong-Dai; Ryu, Kyong-Ho; Lee, Jong-In; Jeong, Weon-Mu; Chang, Yeon-S.; 2022. A Study on the Methods to Improve High-Wave Reproducibility during Typhoon. Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 34177–187. 10.9765/KSCOE.2022.34.6.177 | 2022 | Model application | 0 |
Favaretto, Chiara; Manfè, Giorgia; Volpato, Matteo; Scarpa, Gian Marco; 2022. Effect of Mo.S.E. Closures on Wind Waves in the Venetian Lagoon: In Situ and Numerical Analyses. Water, 142579. 10.3390/w14162579 | 2022 | Model application | 1 |
Wang, Shuo; Ke, Shi-tang; Zhao, Yong-fa; Yun, Yi-wen; Zhang, Wei; Yang, Jie; Ren, Hehe; 2022. Research on hydrodynamics of foundation structure of offshore wind turbine under typhoon-wave-current coupling. Advances in Structural Engineering, 252558–2576. 10.1177/13694332221104283 | 2022 | Model application | 1 |
Jiang, Yan; Rong, Zengrui; Li, Pixue; Qin, Tao; Yu, Xiaolin; Chi, Yutao; Gao, Zhiyi; 2022. Modeling waves over the Changjiang River Estuary using a high-resolution unstructured SWAN model. Ocean Modelling, 173102007. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2022.102007 | 2022 | Model application | 9 |
Mattosinho, Germano de Oliveira; Maciel, Geraldo de Freitas; Ferreira, Fabiana de Oliveira; Vieira, Adriana Silveira; Sáo, Yuri Taglieri; 2022. Meteorological-hydrodynamic model coupling for safe inland navigation of waterway stretches in dam reservoirs, using a scarce database. RBRH, 27e1. 10.1590/2318-0331.272220210107 | 2022 | Model application | 1 |
Wang, Jin; Bethel, Brandon J.; Dong, Changming; Li, Chunhui; Cao, Yuhan; 2022. Numerical Simulation and Observational Data Analysis of Mesoscale Eddy Effects on Surface Waves in the South China Sea. Remote Sensing, 141463. 10.3390/rs14061463 | 2022 | Model application | 4 |
Shestakova, Anna A.; Debolskiy, Andrey V.; 2022. Impact of the Novaya Zemlya Bora on the Ocean-Atmosphere Heat Exchange and Ocean Circulation: A Case-Study with the Coupled Model. Atmosphere, 131108. 10.3390/atmos13071108 | 2022 | Model application | 1 |
Seo, Seung-Chul; Kim, Hyeong-Jun; Hwang, Taegeon; Lee, Woo-Dong; 2022. Storm Wave Characteristics during Typhoons Maysak and Haishen on the East and South Coasts of Korea. Journal of Coastal Research, 39. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-22TM-00001.1 | 2022 | Model application | 1 |
Shao, Weizeng; Jiang, Xingwei; Sun, Zhanfeng; Hu, Yuyi; Marino, Armando; Zhang, Youguang; 2022. Evaluation of wave retrieval for Chinese Gaofen-3 synthetic aperture radar. Geo-spatial Information Science, 25229–243. 10.1080/10095020.2021.2012531 | 2022 | Model application | 30 |
Nederhoff, Kees; Erikson, Li; Engelstad, Anita; Bieniek, Peter; Kasper, Jeremy; 2022. The effect of changing sea ice on wave climate trends along Alaska's central Beaufort Sea coast. The Cryosphere, 161609–1629. 10.5194/tc-16-1609-2022 | 2022 | Model application | 12 |
Fajardo Espinosa, Oscar Javier; Lonin, Serguei; 2022. ESTUDIO DE LA DINÁMICA COSTERA EN LA BARRERA ARRECIFAL LOCALIZADA EN EL SECTOR NORORIENTAL DE LA ISLA DE SAN ANDRÉS, CARIBE COLOMBIANO.. Boletín Científico CIOH, 40. 10.26640/22159045.2021.525 | 2022 | Model application | 0 |
Becerra, Diego; Quezada, Matías; Díaz, Humberto; 2022. A deep water and nearshore wave height calibration of the ECOWAVES hindcasting database. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 50573–595. 10.3856/vol50-issue4-fulltext-2811 | 2022 | Model application | 1 |
Lodge, Caleb T.; Weaver, Robert J.; 2022. Coupling a Parametric Wave Solver into a Hydrodynamic Circulation Model to Improve Efficiency of Nested Estuarine Storm Surge Predictions. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 101117. 10.3390/jmse10081117 | 2022 | Model application | 2 |
Cassalho, Felício; Miesse, Tyler W.; Khalid, Arslaan; de S. de Lima, André; Ferreira, Celso M.; Henke, Martin; Ravens, Thomas M.; 2022. Intercomparing atmospheric reanalysis products for hydrodynamic and wave modeling of extreme events during the open-water Arctic season. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 54125–146. 10.1080/15230430.2022.2059957 | 2022 | Model application | 4 |
Li, Song-zhe; Ji, Chao; Zhang, Qing-he; Chen, Tong-qing; 2022. Numerical Simulations of Coastal Overwash Using A Phase-Averaged Wave—Current—Sediment Transport Model. China Ocean Engineering, 36191–207. 10.1007/s13344-022-0015-x | 2022 | Model application | 2 |
Taji, Mohamed Amine; Hilali, Atika; Rhinane, Hassan; Mangin, Antoine; Bryère, Philippe; Orbi, Abdelatif; Mabchour, Hassan; Zourarah, Bendahhou; Benazzouz, Aïssa; 2022. GIS and Wave Modeling for Establishing a Potential Area of Aquaculture—Case Study: Central Atlantic Part of the Moroccan Coast. Fluids, 767. 10.3390/fluids7020067 | 2022 | Model application | 0 |
Biausque, Melanie; Guisado‐Pintado, Emilia; Grottoli, Edoardo; Jackson, Derek W. T.; Cooper, J. Andrew G.; 2022. Seasonal morphodynamics of multiple intertidal bars (MITBs) on a meso‐ to macrotidal beach. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 47839–853. 10.1002/esp.5288 | 2022 | Model application | 6 |
Wang, Junyan; Mo, Dongxue; Hou, Yijun; Li, Shuiqing; Li, Jian; Du, Mei; Yin, Baoshu; 2022. The Impact of Typhoon Intensity on Wave Height and Storm Surge in the Northern East China Sea: A Comparative Case Study of Typhoon Muifa and Typhoon Lekima. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10192. 10.3390/jmse10020192 | 2022 | Model application | 5 |
Magaeva, Anastasiia; Yaitskaya, Natalia; 2022. Hydrometeorological hazards during the winter periods in the Northern Caspian and dynamics under the influence of climatic changes. InterCarto. InterGIS, 28709–718. 10.35595/2414-9179-2022-2-28-709-718 | 2022 | Model application | 0 |
Wang, Si; Mu, Lin; Qin, Hao; Wang, Lizhe; Yao, Zhenfeng; Zhao, Enjin; 2022. The utilization of physically based models and GIS techniques for comprehensive risk assessment of storm surge: A case study of Huizhou. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9. 10.3389/fmars.2022.939380 | 2022 | Model application | 4 |
Arkhipov, Boris V.; Shapochkin, Dmitry A.; Lobov, Alexander L.; Batov, Vladimir I.; Tikhonova, Olga V.; 2022. Using nested grids to simulate sediment transport in the Caspian Sea with account taken of global and local scales. Vestnik MGSU, 614–627. 10.22227/1997-0935.2022.5.614-627 | 2022 | Model application | 0 |
Yuk, Jin-Hee; Kang, Ji-Sun; Myung, Hunjoo; 2022. Applicability Study of a Global Numerical Weather Prediction Model MPAS to Storm Surges and Waves in the South Coast of Korea. Atmosphere, 13591. 10.3390/atmos13040591 | 2022 | Model application | 4 |
Chow, Aaron C. H.; Sun, Jiayun; 2022. Combining Sea Level Rise Inundation Impacts, Tidal Flooding and Extreme Wind Events along the Abu Dhabi Coastline. Hydrology, 9143. 10.3390/hydrology9080143 | 2022 | Model application | 6 |
Sena-Cruz, José; Correia, Luis; Azenha, Miguel; Vieira, B. F. V.; Pinho, J. L. S.; Barros, J. A. O.; 2022. Assessment of Different Coastal Defence Structures to Promote Wave Energy Dissipation and Sediments Retention. , 3433–45. [1] | 2022 | Model application | 0 |
Ascencio, Jaime A.; Jacobsen, Niels G.; McFall, Brian C.; Groeneweg, Jacco; Vuik, Vincent; Reniers, Ad J.H.M.; 2022. Evaluation of Implicit and Explicit Wave Dissipation Models for Submerged and Emergent Aquatic Vegetation. Journal of Coastal Research, 38. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-21-00110.1 | 2022 | Model application | 1 |
Higgins Álvarez, Aldemar; Otero, Luis; Restrepo, Juan Camilo; Álvarez, Oscar; 2022. The effect of waves in hydrodynamics, stratification, and salt wedge intrusion in a microtidal estuary. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9. 10.3389/fmars.2022.974163 | 2022 | Model application | 4 |
Chaichitehrani, Nazanin; Allahdadi, Mohammad Nabi; Li, Chunyan; 2022. Simulation of Low Energy Waves during Fair-Weather Summer Conditions in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Effect of Whitecapping Dissipation and the Forcing Accuracy. Atmosphere, 132047. 10.3390/atmos13122047 | 2022 | Model application | 4 |
Bethel, Brandon J.; Sun, Wenjin; Dong, Changming; Wang, Dongxia; 2022. Forecasting hurricane-forced significant wave heights using a long short-term memory network in the Caribbean Sea. Ocean Science, 18419–436. 10.5194/os-18-419-2022 | 2022 | Model application | 4 |
Mouakkir, Laila; El hou, Mohamed; Mordane, Soumia; Chagdali, Mohamed; 2022. Wave Energy Potential Analysis in the Casablanca-Mohammedia Coastal Area (Morocco). Journal of Marine Science and Application, 2192–101. 10.1007/s11804-022-00261-2 | 2022 | Model application | 5 |
Li, Zhao; Li, Shuiqing; Hu, Po; Mo, Dongxue; Li, Jian; Du, Mei; Yan, Jie; Hou, Yijun; Yin, Baoshu; 2022. Numerical study of storm surge-induced coastal inundation in Laizhou Bay, China. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9. 10.3389/fmars.2022.952406 | 2022 | Model application | 5 |
Yaitskaya, Natalia; 2022. The Wave Climate of the Sea of Azov. Water, 14555. 10.3390/w14040555 | 2022 | Model application | 4 |
Lonin, Serguei; Andrade, Carlos Alberto; Monroy, Julio; 2022. Wave Climate and the Effect of Induced Currents over the Barrier Reef of the Cays of Alburquerque Island, Colombia. Sustainability, 146069. 10.3390/su14106069 | 2022 | Model application | 0 |
van Eeden, Frans; Klonaris, Georgios; Verbeurgt, Jeffrey; Troch, Peter; De Wulf, Alain; 2022. Sensitivities in Wind Driven Spectral Wave Modelling for the Belgian Coast. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 101138. 10.3390/jmse10081138 | 2022 | Model application | 0 |
Liu, Shuai; Zhang, Xinshu; 2022. A Wave Prediction Framework Based on Machine Learning and the Third Generation Wave Model. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 144. 10.1115/1.4051651 | 2022 | Model application | 2 |
Ye, Qin; Yang, Zhongliang; Bao, Min; Shi, Weiyong; Shi, Hongyuan; You, Zaijin; Zhang, Wenyan; 2022. Distribution characteristics of wave energy in the Zhe-Min coastal area. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 41163–172. 10.1007/s13131-021-1859-2 | 2022 | Model application | 0 |
Lonin, Serguei; Rios-Angulo, Wilson A.; Coronado, Jairo; 2022. Swell Conditions at Potential Sites for the Colombian Antarctic Research Station. Sustainability, 142318. 10.3390/su14042318 | 2022 | Model application | 2 |
Wang, Lei; Zhang, Li; Xie, Yanshuang; Zhong, Yaozhao; Sun, Yuan; Wang, Zhiyuan; Zhang, Feng; Shang, Shaoping; 2022. Risk Assessment of Wave Over-Topping Based on Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics Method. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 101809. 10.3390/jmse10121809 | 2022 | Model application | 1 |
Kaddour, Said; Hemdane, Yacine; Kessali, Nasser; Belabdi, Khalid; Sallaye, Miloud; 2022. Study of Shoreline Changes Through Digital Shoreline Analysis System and Wave Modeling: Case of the Sandy Coast of Bou-Ismail Bay, Algeria. Ocean Science Journal, 57493–527. 10.1007/s12601-022-00083-x | 2022 | Model application | 2 |
Çakmak, Recep Emre; Çalışır, Emre; Lemos, Gil; Akpınar, Adem; Semedo, Alvaro; Cardoso, Rita M.; Soares, Pedro M. M.; 2022. Evaluation of the performance of a dynamic wave climate ensemble simulated using with EURO‐CORDEX winds in the Black Sea and Sea of Azov. International Journal of Climatology, 428345–8367. 10.1002/joc.7711 | 2022 | Model application | 1 |
Arguilé-Pérez, Beatriz; Ribeiro, Américo Soares; Costoya, Xurxo; deCastro, Maite; Carracedo, Pablo; Dias, João Miguel; Rusu, Liliana; Gómez-Gesteira, Moncho; 2022. Harnessing of Different WECs to Harvest Wave Energy along the Galician Coast (NW Spain). Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10719. 10.3390/jmse10060719 | 2022 | Model application | 10 |
Tang, Tianning; Barratt, Dylan; Bingham, Harry B.; van den Bremer, Ton S.; Adcock, Thomas A.A.; 2022. The impact of removing the high-frequency spectral tail on rogue wave statistics. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 953. 10.1017/jfm.2022.961 | 2022 | Model application | 8 |
Kalloe, Su A.; Hofland, Bas; Antolínez, José A. A.; van Wesenbeeck, Bregje K.; 2022. Quantifying Frontal-Surface Area of Woody Vegetation: A Crucial Parameter for Wave Attenuation. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9. 10.3389/fmars.2022.820846 | 2022 | Model application | 5 |
Yin, Chao; Huang, Haijun; Wang, Daoru; Liu, Yanxia; 2022. Tropical cyclone-induced wave hazard assessment in Hainan Island, China. Natural Hazards, 113103–123. 10.1007/s11069-022-05266-2 | 2022 | Model application | 2 |
López Solano, Carlos; Turki, Emma Imen; Hamdi, Yasser; Soloy, Antoine; Costa, Stéphane; Laignel, Benoit; Gutiérrez Barceló, Ángel David; Abcha, Nizar; Jacono, Delphine; Lafite, Robert; 2022. Dynamics of Nearshore Waves during Storms: Case of the English Channel and the Normandy Coasts. Water, 14321. 10.3390/w14030321 | 2022 | Model application | 2 |
Abu Zed, Asmaa A.; Kansoh, Rawya M.; Iskander, Moheb M.; Elkholy, Mohamed; 2022. Wind and wave climate southeastern of the Mediterranean Sea based on a high-resolution SWAN model. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 99101311. 10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2022.101311 | 2022 | Model application | 11 |
Son, Bongkyo; Do, Kideok; 2022. Numerical Simulation of Storm Waves during Typhoon Maysak and Haishen in the Korean Peninsula. Korea Society of Coastal Disaster Prevention, 943–59. 10.20481/kscdp.2022.9.1.43 | 2022 | Model application | 2 |
Pacaldo, Jonathan C.; Bilgera, Princess Hope T.; Abundo, Michael Lochinvar S.; 2022. Nearshore Wave Energy Resource Assessment for Off-Grid Islands: A Case Study in Cuyo Island, Palawan, Philippines. Energies, 158637. 10.3390/en15228637 | 2022 | Model application | 2 |
Akçay, Fatma; Bingölbali, Bilal; Akpınar, Adem; Kankal, Murat; 2022. Trend detection by innovative polygon trend analysis for winds and waves. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9. 10.3389/fmars.2022.930911 | 2022 | Model application | 7 |
Cassalho, Felício; de Lima, André de S.; Miesse, Tyler W.; Khalid, Arslaan; Coleman, Daniel J.; Ferreira, Celso M.; 2022. ArcWaT: a model-based cell-by-cell GIS toolbox for estimating wave transformation during storm surge events. Geocarto International, 3710532–10555. 10.1080/10106049.2022.2037731 | 2022 | Model application | 3 |
Fang, Yizhou; Wu, He; Zhou, Qingwei; Jiang, Bo; Wang, Xiaoyong; 2022. A Detailed Investigation Into the Wave Energy Resource at a Small-Scale Ocean Energy Test Site in China. Frontiers in Energy Research, 10. 10.3389/fenrg.2022.883553 | 2022 | Model application | 0 |
Wang, Yu-Hai; Wang, Yan-Hong; Deng, An-Jun; Feng, Hao-Chuan; Wang, Dang-Wei; Guo, Chuan-Sheng; 2022. Emerging Downdrift Erosion by Twin Long-Range Jetties on an Open Mesotidal Muddy Coast, China. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10570. 10.3390/jmse10050570 | 2022 | Model application | 4 |
Li, Zhao; Li, Shuiqing; Hou, Yijun; Mo, Dongxue; Li, Jian; Yin, Baoshu; 2022. Typhoon-induced wind waves in the northern East China Sea during two typhoon events: the impact of wind field and wave-current interaction. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 40934–949. 10.1007/s00343-021-1089-7 | 2022 | Model application | 10 |
Elmilady, H.; van der Wegen, M.; Roelvink, D.; van der Spek, A.; 2022. Modeling the Morphodynamic Response of Estuarine Intertidal Shoals to Sea‐Level Rise. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 127. 10.1029/2021JF006152 | 2022 | Model application | 11 |
Favaretto, Chiara; Martinelli, Luca; Vigneron, Emma M. Philippine; Ruol, Piero; 2022. Wave Hindcast in Enclosed Basins: Comparison among SWAN, STWAVE and CMS-Wave Models. Water, 141087. 10.3390/w14071087 | 2022 | Model application | 4 |
Allahdadi, Mohammad Nabi; He, Ruoying; Ahn, Seongho; Chartrand, Chris; Neary, Vincent S.; 2021. Development and calibration of a high-resolution model for the Gulf of Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands: Implication for wave energy resource characterization. Ocean Engineering, 235109304. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.109304 | 2021 | Model application | 13 |
Ribeiro, A.S.; deCastro, M.; Costoya, X.; Rusu, Liliana; Dias, J.M.; Gomez-Gesteira, M.; 2021. A Delphi method to classify wave energy resource for the 21st century: Application to the NW Iberian Peninsula. Energy, 235121396. 10.1016/j.energy.2021.121396 | 2021 | Model application | 22 |
Pakhirehzan, Mohammad; 2021. Analysis of Ashobaa tropical cyclone-induced waves in the Northern Indian Ocean using coupled atmosphere–wave modeling. Marine Systems & Ocean Technology, 16124–141. 10.1007/s40868-021-00094-8 | 2021 | Model application | 3 |
Amarouche, Khalid; Akpınar, Adem; Soran, Mehmet Burak; Myslenkov, Stanislav; Majidi, Ajab Gul; Kankal, Murat; Arkhipkin, Victor; 2021. Spatial calibration of an unstructured SWAN model forced with CFSR and ERA5 winds for the Black and Azov Seas. Applied Ocean Research, 117102962. 10.1016/j.apor.2021.102962 | 2021 | Model application | 22 |
Tian, Zhenshiyi; Zhang, Yi; 2021. Numerical estimation of the typhoon-induced wind and wave fields in Taiwan Strait. Ocean Engineering, 239109803. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.109803 | 2021 | Model application | 13 |
Rautenbach, Christo; Mullarney, Julia C.; Bryan, Karin R.; 2021. Parallel computing efficiency of SWAN 40.91. Geoscientific Model Development, 144241–4247. 10.5194/gmd-14-4241-2021 | 2021 | Model application | 4 |
Hernandez-Sanchez, Tzeltzin; Bonasia, Rosanna; Scaini, Chiara; 2021. Feasibility Study for the Extraction of Wave Energy along the Coast of Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9284. 10.3390/jmse9030284 | 2021 | Model application | 2 |
Aguilera-Méndez, José María; Juárez-Toledo, Carlos; Martínez-Carrillo, Irma; Vera-Popoca, Roberto Ismael; 2021. Generation of unstructured meshes using Delaunay triangles for tidal analysis of the port of Acapulco, Mexico. Revista de Simulación y Laboratorio, 20–27. 10.35429/JSL.2021. | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Stolyarova, E. V.; Myslenkov, S. A.; Baydakov, G. A.; Kuznetsova, A. M.; Chaplina, Tatiana; 2021. Modeling of the Extreme Wind Waves in the Gorky Reservoir. , 399–405. [2] | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Kleptsova, Olga S.; Dijkstra, Henk A.; van Westen, René M.; van der Boog, Carine G.; Katsman, Caroline A.; James, Rebecca K.; Bouma, Tjeerd J.; Klees, Roland; Riva, Riccardo E. M.; Slobbe, D. Cornelis; Zijlema, Marcel; Pietrzak, Julie D.; 2021. Impacts of Tropical Cyclones on the Caribbean Under Future Climate Conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126. 10.1029/2020JC016869 | 2021 | Model application | 2 |
Porchetta, Sara; Muñoz-Esparza, Domingo; Munters, Wim; van Beeck, Jeroen; van Lipzig, Nicole; 2021. Impact of ocean waves on offshore wind farm power production. Renewable Energy, 1801179–1193. 10.1016/j.renene.2021.08.111 | 2021 | Model application | 23 |
Yang, Zhehao; Shao, Weizeng; Hu, Yuyi; Ji, Qiyan; Li, Huan; Zhou, Wei; 2021. Revisit of a Case Study of Spilled Oil Slicks Caused by the Sanchi Accident (2018) in the East China Sea. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9279. 10.3390/jmse9030279 | 2021 | Model application | 4 |
Salimi, F.; Ershadi, C.; Chegini, V.; 2021. Forty years wind wave power assessment in the high-energy region of Persian Gulf. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, . 10.1007/s13762-021-03389-w | 2021 | Model application | 3 |
García-Medina, Gabriel; Yang, Zhaoqing; Wu, Wei-Cheng; Wang, Taiping; 2021. Wave resource characterization at regional and nearshore scales for the U.S. Alaska coast based on a 32-year high-resolution hindcast. Renewable Energy, 170595–612. 10.1016/j.renene.2021.02.005 | 2021 | Model application | 20 |
Majidi, Ajab Gul; Bingölbali, Bilal; Akpınar, Adem; Rusu, Eugen; 2021. Wave power performance of wave energy converters at high-energy areas of a semi-enclosed sea. Energy, 220119705. 10.1016/j.energy.2020.119705 | 2021 | Model application | 21 |
Shi, Qing; Tang, Jun; Shen, Yongming; Ma, Yuxiang; 2021. Numerical investigation of ocean waves generated by three typhoons in offshore China. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 40125–134. 10.1007/s13131-021-1868-1 | 2021 | Model application | 2 |
Li, Ning; García-Medina, Gabriel; Cheung, Kwok Fai; Yang, Zhaoqing; 2021. Wave energy resources assessment for the multi-modal sea state of Hawaii. Renewable Energy, S0960148121004729. 10.1016/j.renene.2021.03.116 | 2021 | Model application | 20 |
Inagaki, Naoto; Shibayama, Tomoya; Esteban, Miguel; Takabatake, Tomoyuki; 2021. Effect of translate speed of typhoon on wind waves. Natural Hazards, 105841–858. 10.1007/s11069-020-04339-4 | 2021 | Model application | 2 |
Orejarena-Rondón, Andrés F.; Orfila, Alejandro; Restrepo, Juan C.; Ramos, Isabel M.; Hernandez-Carrasco, Ismael; 2021. A 60 year wave hindcast dataset in the Caribbean Sea. Data in Brief, 37107153. 10.1016/j.dib.2021.107153 | 2021 | Model application | 6 |
Sheng, Y. Peter; Rivera-Nieves, Adail A.; Zou, Ruizhi; Paramygin, Vladimir A.; 2021. Role of wetlands in reducing structural loss is highly dependent on characteristics of storms and local wetland and structure conditions. Scientific Reports, 115237. 10.1038/s41598-021-84701-z | 2021 | Model application | 13 |
Baldock, T.E.; Gravois, U.; Callaghan, D.P.; Davies, G.; Nichol, S.; 2021. Methodology for estimating return intervals for storm demand and dune recession by clustered and non-clustered morphological events. Coastal Engineering, 168103924. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2021.103924 | 2021 | Model application | 7 |
Amarouche, Khalid; Akpınar, Adem; 2021. Increasing Trend on Storm Wave Intensity in the Western Mediterranean. Climate, 911. 10.3390/cli9010011 | 2021 | Model application | 28 |
Chen, Jiaxin; Pillai, Ajit C.; Johanning, Lars; Ashton, Ian; 2021. Using machine learning to derive spatial wave data: A case study for a marine energy site. Environmental Modelling & Software, 142105066. 10.1016/j.envsoft.2021.105066 | 2021 | Model application | 29 |
Oliveira, Kyssyanne Samihra Santos; da Silva Quaresma, Valéria; Nogueira, Izabel Christina Martins; Vieira, Fernanda Vedoato; Bastos, Alex Cardoso; 2021. Wave-driven sediment mobility on the Eastern Brazilian shelf under different weather systems. Geo-Marine Letters, 4128. 10.1007/s00367-021-00699-3 | 2021 | Model application | 7 |
Umesh, P.A.; Behera, Manasa R.; 2021. On the improvements in nearshore wave height predictions using nested SWAN-SWASH modelling in the eastern coastal waters of India. Ocean Engineering, 236109550. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.109550 | 2021 | Model application | 14 |
Davis, Jenny; Whitfield, Paula; Szimanski, Danielle; Golden, Becky R.; Whitbeck, Matt; Gailani, Joe; Herman, Brook; Tritinger, Amanda; Dillon, Sally C.; King, Jeffrey; 2021. A framework for evaluating island restoration performance: A case study from the Chesapeake Bay. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, ieam.4437. 10.1002/ieam.4437 | 2021 | Model application | 11 |
Pao, Chun-Hung; Chen, Jia-Lin; Su, Shih-Feng; Huang, Yu-Ching; Huang, Wen-Hsin; Kuo, Chien-Hung; 2021. The Effect of Wave-Induced Current and Coastal Structure on Sediment Transport at the Zengwen River Mouth. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9333. 10.3390/jmse9030333 | 2021 | Model application | 5 |
Christakos, Konstantinos; Björkqvist, Jan-Victor; Tuomi, Laura; Furevik, Birgitte R.; Breivik, Øyvind; 2021. Modelling wave growth in narrow fetch geometries: The white-capping and wind input formulations. Ocean Modelling, 157101730. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2020.101730 | 2021 | Model application | 25 |
Sahoo, Bishnupriya; Sahoo, Trilochan; Bhaskaran, Prasad Kumar; 2021. Wave–current-surge interaction in a changing climate over a shallow continental shelf region. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 46101910. 10.1016/j.rsma.2021.101910 | 2021 | Model application | 10 |
Wang, Ning; Hou, Yijun; Mo, Dongxue; Li, Jian; 2021. Hazard assessment of storm surges and concomitant waves in Shandong Peninsula based on long-term numerical simulations. Ocean & Coastal Management, 213105888. 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2021.105888 | 2021 | Model application | 12 |
Wu, Wenfan; Liu, Zizhou; Zhai, Fangguo; Li, Peiliang; Gu, Yanzhen; Wu, Kejian; 2021. A quantitative method to calibrate the SWAN wave model based on the whitecapping dissipation term. Applied Ocean Research, 114102785. 10.1016/j.apor.2021.102785 | 2021 | Model application | 7 |
Jun, Chen; Fan, Zhu; Xiang, Lin; 2021. Numerical Simulation of Wind Waves and calculation of planning wave factors in the East Taihu Lake, Jiangsu Province, China. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 831012050. 10.1088/1755-1315/831/1/012050 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Kantarzhi, Izmail’; Anshakov, Aleksandr; Akimov, P.; Vatin, N.; Tusnin, A.; Doroshenko, A.; 2021. Interactive numerical model of hydrometeorologic factors in Kola Bay. E3S Web of Conferences, 26303016. 10.1051/e3sconf/202126303016 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Sun, Zhanfeng; Shao, Weizeng; Wang, Weili; Zhou, Wei; Yu, Wupeng; Shen, Wei; 2021. Analysis of Wave-Induced Stokes Transport Effects on Sea Surface Temperature Simulations in the Western Pacific Ocean. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9834. 10.3390/jmse9080834 | 2021 | Model application | 8 |
Viitak, M.; Avilez-Valente, P.; Bio, A.; Bastos, L.; Iglesias, I.; 2021. Evaluating wind datasets for wave hindcasting in the NW Iberian Peninsula coast. Journal of Operational Oceanography, 14152–165. 10.1080/1755876X.2020.1738121 | 2021 | Model application | 10 |
Fomin, V. V.; Polozok, A. A.; 2021. Wind Waves in the Balaklava Bay under Extreme Wind Conditions. Ekologicheskaya bezopasnost' pribrezhnoy i shel'fovoy zon morya, . 10.22449/2413-5577-2021-1-5-22 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Louisor, Jessie; Rohmer, Jérémy; Bulteau, Thomas; Boulahya, Faïza; Pedreros, Rodrigo; Maspataud, Aurélie; Mugica, Julie; 2021. Deriving the 100-Year Total Water Level around the Coast of Corsica by Combining Trivariate Extreme Value Analysis and Coastal Hydrodynamic Models. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 91347. 10.3390/jmse9121347 | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Xu, Pinyan; Du, Yunfei; Zheng, Qiao; Che, Zhumei; Zhang, Jicai; 2021. Numerical Study on Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Cold Front-Induced Waves along the Southeastern Coast of China. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 91452. 10.3390/jmse9121452 | 2021 | Model application | 4 |
Boyd, Samuel C.; Weaver, Robert J.; 2021. Replacing a third-generation wave model with a fetch based parametric solver in coastal estuaries. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 251107192. 10.1016/j.ecss.2021.107192 | 2021 | Model application | 5 |
Тучковенко, Ю. С.; Кушнір, Д. В.; Гончаренко, Р. В.; Титюк, Т. Г.; Щипцов, О. А.; 2021. Автоматизований модельний комплекс для забезпечення діяльності Військово-Морських Сил України оперативними прогнозами океанографічних умов. Збірник наукових праць Центру воєнно-стратегічних досліджень НУОУ імені Івана Черняховського, 075–83. 10.33099/2304-2745/2020-3-70/75-83 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Napitupulu, G; Nuruddin, M F; Fekranie, N A; Magdalena, I; 2021. Analysis of wind generated wave characteristics by SWAN model in Balikpapan Bay. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 930012067. 10.1088/1755-1315/930/1/012067 | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Kang, Ji-Sun; Myung, Hunjoo; Yuk, Jin-Hee; 2021. Examination of Computational Performance and Potential Applications of a Global Numerical Weather Prediction Model MPAS Using KISTI Supercomputer NURION. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 91147. 10.3390/jmse9101147 | 2021 | Model application | 6 |
Bethel, Brandon J.; Dong, Changming; Zhou, Shuyi; Cao, Yuhan; 2021. Bidirectional Modeling of Surface Winds and Significant Wave Heights in the Caribbean Sea. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9547. 10.3390/jmse9050547 | 2021 | Model application | 9 |
Ahn, Seongho; Neary, Vincent S.; Allahdadi, Mohammad Nabi; He, Ruoying; 2021. Nearshore wave energy resource characterization along the East Coast of the United States. Renewable Energy, 1721212–1224. 10.1016/j.renene.2021.03.037 | 2021 | Model application | 22 |
Xianwu, Shi; Shuxian, Zheng; Qiang, Liu; Jian, Fang; Qiang, Chen; Ning, Jia; Shan, Liu; Shuihua, Zhou; 2021. Research on numerical simulation of typhoon waves with different return periods in nearshore areas: case study of Guishan island Waters in Guangdong province, China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, . 10.1007/s00477-020-01960-4 | 2021 | Model application | 5 |
Jörges, Christoph; Berkenbrink, Cordula; Heil, Jannis; Stumpe, Britta; 2021. Quantification of morphodynamic variability and sea state damping of plates at the nearshore area in the East Frisian North Sea. Coastal Engineering, 164103779. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2020.103779 | 2021 | Model application | 2 |
Silhavy, Radek; Ayad, Hassan; Mouhid, Mustapha; Loudyi, Dalila; Mouakkir, Laila; Chagdali, Mohamed; 2021. Numerical Modelling of the Impact of Dredging on Stability of Oum Rabiâ Estuary (Morocco) Using SWAN Model. , 22988–94. [3] | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Kyaw, Thit Oo; Esteban, Miguel; Mäll, Martin; Shibayama, Tomoya; 2021. Extreme waves induced by cyclone Nargis at Myanmar coast: numerical modeling versus satellite observations. Natural Hazards, 1061797–1818. 10.1007/s11069-021-04511-4 | 2021 | Model application | 2 |
Hong, Sunghoon; Jeong, Yeon Myeong; Kim, Taeyoon; Huynh, Van Men; Kim, Inho; Nam, Jungmin; Hur, Dong Soo; Lee, Jooyong; Kwon, Soonchul; 2021. Application of the Artificial Coral Reef as a Coastal Erosion Prevention Method with Numerical-Physical Combined Analysis (Case study: Cheonjin-Bongpo beach, Kangwon province, South Korea). Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology, 3575–81. 10.26748/KSOE.2020.065 | 2021 | Model application | 3 |
Mouakkir, Laila; El hou, Mohamed; Mordane, Soumia; Chagdali, Mohamed; 2021. Wave Energy Potential Analysis in the Casablanca-Mohammedia Coastal Area (Morocco). SSRN Electronic Journal, . 10.2139/ssrn.3876173 | 2021 | Model application | 3 |
Elkut, Ahmed Elsayed; Taha, Mostafa Tawfik; Abu Zed, Abu Bakr Elseddiek; Eid, Fahmy Mohammed; Abdallah, Abdallah Mohammed; 2021. Wind-wave hindcast using modified ECMWF ERA-Interim wind field in the Mediterranean Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 252107267. 10.1016/j.ecss.2021.107267 | 2021 | Model application | 17 |
Zhao, X.B.; Shao, W.Z.; Zhao, L.B.; Gao, Y.; Hu, Y.Y.; Yuan, X.Z.; 2021. Impact of rain on wave retrieval from Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar images in tropical cyclones. Advances in Space Research, 673072–3086. 10.1016/j.asr.2021.01.050 | 2021 | Model application | 18 |
Anh, Le Tuan; Anh, Dang Hoang; Yen Linh, Mai Thi; Thao, Nguyen Danh; 2021. Investigation typhoon induced storm surge and high wave in Vietnam using coupled Delft3d-FLOW – WAVE models combined with weather research forecast (WRF) output wind field. Science & Technology Development Journal - Engineering and Technology, 4first. 10.32508/stdjet.v4i1.774 | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Son, Bongkyo; Do, Kideok; 2021. Optimization of SWAN Wave Model to Improve the Accuracy of Winter Storm Wave Prediction in the East Sea. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology, 35273–286. 10.26748/KSOE.2021.019 | 2021 | Model application | 8 |
Islek, Fulya; Yuksel, Yalcin; 2021. Inter-comparison of long-term wave power potential in the Black Sea based on the SWAN wave model forced with two different wind fields. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 93101192. 10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2020.101192 | 2021 | Model application | 11 |
Lenstra, K.J.H.; van der Vegt, M.; 2021. The impact of sea-level rise and basin area reduction on the cyclic behavior of tidal inlet systems. Continental Shelf Research, 214104323. 10.1016/j.csr.2020.104323 | 2021 | Model application | 2 |
Wurjanto, A; Mukhti, J A; 2021. Sensitivity analysis for wind-driven significant wave height model in SWAN: A Sunda Strait case. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 729012035. 10.1088/1755-1315/729/1/012035 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Soares, C. Guedes; Santos, T.A.; Silva, D.; Guedes Soares, C.; 2021. Validation with satellite data of SWAN model for wave conditions at the Madeira archipelago. , 665–672. [4] | 2021 | Model application | 3 |
Samiksha, S.V.; Jancy, Lincy; Sudheesh, K.; Kumar, V. Sanil; Shanas, P.R.; 2021. Evaluation of wave growth and bottom friction parameterization schemes in the SWAN based on wave modelling for the central west coast of India. Ocean Engineering, 235109356. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.109356 | 2021 | Model application | 7 |
Χαραλαμπίδης, Κοσμάς; Γεροστάθης, Θεόδωρος; 2021. Γραφικό περιβάλλον χρήστη για το φασματικό κυματικό μοντέλο SWAN. , 83. 10.26265/POLYNOE-774 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Muscarella, Philip; Brunner, Kelsey; Walker, David; 2021. Estimating Coastal Winds by Assimilating High-Frequency Radar Spectrum Data in SWAN. Sensors, 217811. 10.3390/s21237811 | 2021 | Model application | 4 |
Branch, Ruth; García-Medina, Gabriel; Yang, Zhaoqing; Wang, Taiping; Ticona Rollano, Fadia; Hosekova, Lucia; 2021. Modeling Sea Ice Effects for Wave Energy Resource Assessments. Energies, 143482. 10.3390/en14123482 | 2021 | Model application | 3 |
Wei, Kai; Shen, Zhonghui; Ti, Zilong; Qin, Shunquan; 2021. Trivariate joint probability model of typhoon-induced wind, wave and their time lag based on the numerical simulation of historical typhoons. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 35325–344. 10.1007/s00477-020-01922-w | 2021 | Model application | 30 |
Kharitonova, Lyudmila; Alekseev, Dmitrii; Fomin, Vladimir; 2021. Mathematical simulation of the Ay-Todor bay wave regime. InterCarto. InterGIS, 2716–31. 10.35595/2414-9179-2021-3-27-16-31 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Hardwick, Jon; Mackay, Ed B. L.; Ashton, Ian G. C.; Smith, Helen C. M.; Thies, Philipp R.; 2021. Quantifying the Effects of Wave—Current Interactions on Tidal Energy Resource at Sites in the English Channel Using Coupled Numerical Simulations. Energies, 143625. 10.3390/en14123625 | 2021 | Model application | 4 |
Chi, Yutao; Rong, Zengrui; 2021. Assessment of Extreme Storm Surges over the Changjiang River Estuary from a Wave-Current Coupled Model. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 91222. 10.3390/jmse9111222 | 2021 | Model application | 6 |
Walker, D.T.; Brunner, K.; 2021. Estimating Nearshore Waves by Assimilating Buoy Directional Spectrum Data in SWAN. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 382029–2043. 10.1175/JTECH-D-21-0040.1 | 2021 | Model application | 2 |
Bellotti, Giorgio; Franco, Leopoldo; Cecioni, Claudia; 2021. Regional Downscaling of Copernicus ERA5 Wave Data for Coastal Engineering Activities and Operational Coastal Services. Water, 13859. 10.3390/w13060859 | 2021 | Model application | 7 |
Horsburgh, Kevin; Haigh, Ivan D.; Williams, Jane; De Dominicis, Michela; Wolf, Judith; Inayatillah, Addina; Byrne, David; 2021. “Grey swan” storm surges pose a greater coastal flood hazard than climate change. Ocean Dynamics, 71715–730. 10.1007/s10236-021-01453-0 | 2021 | Model application | 14 |
Wei, Chih-Chiang; 2021. Wind Features Extracted from Weather Simulations for Wind-Wave Prediction Using High-Resolution Neural Networks. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 91257. 10.3390/jmse9111257 | 2021 | Model application | 3 |
Ponce de León, Sonia; Guedes Soares, C.; 2021. Extreme Waves in the Agulhas Current Region Inferred from SAR Wave Spectra and the SWAN Model. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9153. 10.3390/jmse9020153 | 2021 | Model application | 10 |
Huang, Chenfu; Zhu, Longhuan; Ma, Gangfeng; Meadows, Guy A.; Xue, Pengfei; 2021. Wave Climate Associated With Changing Water Level and Ice Cover in Lake Michigan. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8. 10.3389/fmars.2021.746916 | 2021 | Model application | 12 |
Yang, Wankang; Yang, Qingying; Gong, Ming; Xu, Xuefeng; Yang, Bin; 2021. Assessment on typhoon prevention capability of fishing port based on numerical model calculations. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 861072007. 10.1088/1755-1315/861/7/072007 | 2021 | Model application | 2 |
Guisado-Pintado, Emilia; 2021. BOOK REVIEWS. Journal of Coastal Research, 37. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-20A-00005.1 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Ghorbanzadeh, Mahyar; Vijayan, Linoj; Yang, Jieya; Ozguven, Eren Erman; Huang, Wenrui; Ma, Mengdi; 2021. Integrating Evacuation and Storm Surge Modeling Considering Potential Hurricane Tracks: The Case of Hurricane Irma in Southeast Florida. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10661. 10.3390/ijgi10100661 | 2021 | Model application | 4 |
Wang, Si; Mu, Lin; Yao, Zhenfeng; Gao, Jia; Zhao, Enjin; Wang, Lizhe; 2021. Assessing and zoning of typhoon storm surge risk with a geographic information system (GIS) technique: a case study of the coastal area of Huizhou. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 21439–462. 10.5194/nhess-21-439-2021 | 2021 | Model application | 18 |
Musinguzi, Abram; Akbar, Muhammad K.; 2021. Effect of Varying Wind Intensity, Forward Speed, and Surface Pressure on Storm Surges of Hurricane Rita. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9128. 10.3390/jmse9020128 | 2021 | Model application | 14 |
Riama, Nelly Florida; Sari, Riri Fitri; Sulistya, Widada; Rahmayanti, Henita; Pratama, Khafid Rizki; Pratama, Bayu Edo; Suryo, Arief Wibowo; 2021. Coastal inundation modeling and mapping for North Jakarta coast during a supermoon period. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 32375–390. 10.3319/TAO.2021.04.02.01 | 2021 | Model application | 1 |
Kharitonova, L. V.; Alekseev, D. V.; Fomin, V. V.; 2021. Comprehensive Study of Wave and Lithodynamic Processes in the Coastal Area of the Village of Morskoye (Eastern Crimea). Ekologicheskaya bezopasnost' pribrezhnoy i shel'fovoy zon morya, . 10.22449/2413-5577-2021-3-5-22 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Zhang, Xiaoyu; Li, Yongqing; Gao, Song; Ren, Peng; 2021. Ocean Wave Height Series Prediction with Numerical Long Short-Term Memory. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9514. 10.3390/jmse9050514 | 2021 | Model application | 24 |
Aydoğan, Burak; Ayat, Berna; 2021. Performance evaluation of SWAN ST6 physics forced by ERA5 wind fields for wave prediction in an enclosed basin. Ocean Engineering, 240109936. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.109936 | 2021 | Model application | 22 |
Vona, Iacopo; Palinkas, Cindy M.; Nardin, William; 2021. Sediment Exchange Between the Created Saltmarshes of Living Shorelines and Adjacent Submersed Aquatic Vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8. 10.3389/fmars.2021.727080 | 2021 | Model application | 11 |
Myslenkov, Stanislav; Zelenko, Alexander; Resnyanskii, Yuriy; Arkhipkin, Victor; Silvestrova, Ksenia; 2021. Quality of the Wind Wave Forecast in the Black Sea Including Storm Wave Analysis. Sustainability, 1313099. 10.3390/su132313099 | 2021 | Model application | 9 |
Ratner, Yu. B.; Fomin, V. V.; Kholod, A. L.; Ivanchik, A. M.; 2021. Updated System for the Sea Wave Operational Forecast of the Black Sea Marine Forecasting Center. Morskoy gidrofizicheskiy zhurnal, 37. 10.22449/0233-7584-2021-5-623-640 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Nguyen, Ngoc The; Tran, Thanh Tung; Nguyen, Trung Viet; 2021. Study on the effects of wave-induced setup on coastal evolution of the Cua Dai beach, Hoi An. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Biển, 21247–257. 10.15625/1859-3097/16653 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Nofal, Omar M.; van de Lindt, John W.; Yan, Guirong; Hamideh, Sara; Dietrich, Casey; El Baradei, Sherine Ahmed; Abodonya, Ahmed; Singh, Amarjit; Yazdani, Siamak; 2021. MULTI-HAZARD HURRICANE VULNERABILITY MODEL TO ENABLE RESILIENCE-INFORMED DECISION. Proceedings of International Structural Engineering and Construction, 8. 10.14455/ISEC.2021.8(1).RAD-01 | 2021 | Model application | 3 |
Jang, Changhwan; 2021. Analysis of Sediment Transport in the Gaeya Open Channel by Complex Wave Field. Journal of Wetlands Research, 23107–115. 10.17663/JWR.2021.23.2.107 | 2021 | Model application | 0 |
Marques, C.A.; Carvalho, M.R.; Taborda, R.; 2020. Aquifer Contamination by Coastal Floods in the Plain of Costa Da Caparica, Almada (Portugal). , 17–20. [5] | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Zhang, Zhuang; Pan, Yi; Yu, Pubing; Chen, Yongping; Yang, Yaozhong; 2020. Characteristic of Wave-induced Setup in Yangtze Estuary during Typhoon Processes. Journal of Coastal Research, 951563. 10.2112/SI95-301.1 | 2020 | Model application | 3 |
Xu, Yao; Zhang, Jicai; Xu, Yun; Ying, Wangmin; Wang, Ya Ping; Che, Zhumei; Zhu, Ye; 2020. Analysis of the spatial and temporal sensitivities of key parameters in the SWAN model: An example using Chan-hom typhoon waves. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 232106489. 10.1016/j.ecss.2019.106489 | 2020 | Model application | 13 |
Amarouche, Khalid; Akpınar, Adem; Bachari, Nour El Islam; Houma, Fouzia; 2020. Wave energy resource assessment along the Algerian coast based on 39-year wave hindcast. Renewable Energy, 153840–860. 10.1016/j.renene.2020.02.040 | 2020 | Model application | 38 |
Cerezo-Andreo, Felipe; López-Castejón, Francisco J.; Ramallo-Asensio, Sebastian F.; Gilabert-Cervera, Javier; 2020. Wave Hindcasting and Anchoring Activities in Ancient Harbours: The Impact of Coastal Dynamics on Ancient Carthago Nova (Cartagena, Spain). Journal of Maritime Archaeology, 15209–237. 10.1007/s11457-020-09259-9 | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Liang, Shu-xiu; Sun, Zhao-chen; Chang, Yan-ling; Shi, Ying; 2020. Evolution characteristics and quantization of wave period variation for breaking waves. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 32361–374. 10.1007/s42241-020-0017-1 | 2020 | Model application | 6 |
Trung Viet, Nguyen; Xiping, Dou; Thanh Tung, Tran; Ryu, Kyong Ho; Shin, Choong Hun; Jeong, Weon-Mu; Baek, Won-Dae; 2020. Applicability of Swash Model for Wave Field Data Reproduction in Namhangjin Coastal Area. , 945–951. [6] | 2020 | Model application | 4 |
Du, Mei; Hou, Yijun; Hu, Po; Wang, Kai; 2020. Effects of Typhoon Paths on Storm Surge and Coastal Inundation in the Pearl River Estuary, China. Remote Sensing, 121851. 10.3390/rs12111851 | 2020 | Model application | 14 |
de Lima, Andre de Souza; Khalid, Arslaan; Miesse, Tyler Will; Cassalho, Felicio; Ferreira, Celso; Scherer, Marinez Eymael Garcia; Bonetti, Jarbas; 2020. Hydrodynamic and Waves Response during Storm Surges on the Southern Brazilian Coast: A Hindcast Study. Water, 123538. 10.3390/w12123538 | 2020 | Model application | 17 |
Yuliani, Arifah Dwi; Rejeki, Hasti Amrih; 2020. Pengaruh Gelombang Terhadap Abrasi di Pesisir Kabupaten Demak, Kendal, dan Kota Semarang. Indonesian Journal of Oceanography, 2378–385. 10.14710/ijoce.v2i4.9290 | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Nishida, Y.; Shibayama, T.; Takabatake, T.; Esteban, M.; 2020. Numerical Simulation of Beach Changes on Seisho Coast by Typhoon Jongdari. , 503–508. [7] | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Szymczyk, Tobias; Sauzet, Odile; Paluszkiewicz, Lech J.; Costard-Jäckle, Angelika; Potratz, Max; Rudolph, Volker; Gummert, Jan F.; Fox, Henrik; 2020. Non-invasive assessment of central venous pressure in heart failure: a systematic prospective comparison of echocardiography and Swan-Ganz catheter. The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging, 361821–1829. 10.1007/s10554-020-01889-3 | 2020 | Model application | 16 |
Grases, A.; Gracia, V.; Garcia-Leon, M.; Lin-Ye, J.; Pierra, J.P.; 2020. Coastal Flooding and Erosion under a Changing Climate: Implications at a Low-Lying Coast (Ebro Delta). Water, 12346. 10.3390/w12020346 | 2020 | Model application | 54 |
Ardiansyah, I; Ningsih, N S; Rachmayani, R; 2020. Wave Characteristics in Natuna Waters during Typhoon Hagibis Event. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 618012001. 10.1088/1755-1315/618/1/012001 | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Jang, Dongmin; Joo, Wonkyun; Jeong, Chang-Hoo; Kim, Wonsu; Park, Sung; Song, Yoojin; 2020. The Downscaling Study for Typhoon-Induced Coastal Inundation. Water, 121103. 10.3390/w12041103 | 2020 | Model application | 3 |
Hydrometeorological Research Center of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia; Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of RAS, Moscow, Russia; 2020. Assessment of Current Influence on the Wind Wave Parameters in the Black Sea based on Numerical Modeling. Ekologicheskaya bezopasnost' pribrezhnoy i shel'fovoy zon morya, . 10.22449/2413-5577-2020-4-40-53 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Guo, Yunxia; Hou, Yijun; Liu, Ze; Du, Mei; 2020. Risk Prediction of Coastal Hazards Induced by Typhoon: A Case Study in the Coastal Region of Shenzhen, China. Remote Sensing, 121731. 10.3390/rs12111731 | 2020 | Model application | 12 |
Winckler, Patricio; Esparza, Cesar; Melo, Oscar; Mora, Javiera; 2020. EVALUATING PORT OPERATION DOWNTIME UNDER RCP8.5 CLIMATE CHANGE SCENARIO IN CHILEAN PORTS. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 2. 10.9753/icce.v36v.management.2 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Karathanasi, Flora; Karperaki, Angeliki; Gerostathis, Theodoros; Belibassakis, Kostas; 2020. Offshore-to-Nearshore Transformation of Wave Conditions and Directional Extremes with Application to Port Resonances in the Bay of Sitia-Crete. Atmosphere, 11280. 10.3390/atmos11030280 | 2020 | Model application | 3 |
Alizadeh, Mohamad Javad; Alinejad-Tabrizi, Tahereh; Kavianpour, Mohamad Reza; Shamshirband, Shahaboddin; 2020. Projection of spatiotemporal variability of wave power in the Persian Gulf by the end of 21st century: GCM and CORDEX ensemble. Journal of Cleaner Production, 256120400. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.120400 | 2020 | Model application | 9 |
Damarnegara, Satria Damar; Fuddoly, Fuddoly; Widyastuti, Dyah Iriani; 2020. Wave numerical model of swell and sea at Rote strait. Journal of Civil Engineering, 3545. 10.12962/j20861206.v35i2.8625 | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Sogut, Erdinc; Farhadzadeh, Ali; 2020. Numerical Study of Longshore Variation in Beach Morphodynamics along Eastern Lake Erie Shoreline due to Seiche. Journal of Coastal Research, 37. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-20-00029.1 | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Ulutaş, Ergin; 2020. The May 11 Paphos, Cyprus, earthquake: implications for stress regime and tsunami modelling for the Eastern Mediterranean shorelines. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 13. 10.1007/s12517-020-05943-1 | 2020 | Model application | 4 |
Eum, Ho-Sik; Jeong, Weon-Mu; Chang, Yeon S.; Oh, Sang-Ho; Park, Jong-Jip; 2020. Wave Energy in Korean Seas from 12-Year Wave Hindcasting. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8161. 10.3390/jmse8030161 | 2020 | Model application | 11 |
Gonçalves, Marta; Martinho, Paulo; Guedes Soares, C.; 2020. Wave energy assessment based on a 33-year hindcast for the Canary Islands. Renewable Energy, 152259–269. 10.1016/j.renene.2020.01.011 | 2020 | Model application | 30 |
Craciunescu, Constantin Cosmin; Christou, Marios; 2020. On the calculation of wavenumber from measured time traces. Applied Ocean Research, 98102115. 10.1016/j.apor.2020.102115 | 2020 | Model application | 2 |
Guisado-Pintado, Emilia; 2020. Shallow water wave modelling in the nearshore (SWAN). , 391–419. [8] | 2020 | Model application | 10 |
Cuttler, Michael V.W.; Hansen, Jeff E.; Lowe, Ryan J.; 2020. Seasonal and interannual variability of the wave climate at a wave energy hotspot off the southwestern coast of Australia. Renewable Energy, 1462337–2350. 10.1016/j.renene.2019.08.058 | 2020 | Model application | 39 |
Vieira, F.; Cavalcante, G.; Campos, E.; 2020. Analysis of wave climate and trends in a semi-enclosed basin (Persian Gulf) using a validated SWAN model. Ocean Engineering, 196106821. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2019.106821 | 2020 | Model application | 40 |
Baldock, Tom E.; Shabani, Behnam; Callaghan, David P.; Hu, Zhifang; Mumby, Peter J.; 2020. Two-dimensional modelling of wave dynamics and wave forces on fringing coral reefs. Coastal Engineering, 155103594. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2019.103594 | 2020 | Model application | 24 |
Krzhizhanovskaya, Valeria V.; Závodszky, Gábor; Lees, Michael H.; Dongarra, Jack J.; Sloot, Peter M. A.; Brissos, Sérgio; Teixeira, João; Genseberger, Menno; Donners, John; 2020. Hybrid SWAN for Fast and Efficient Practical Wave Modelling - Part 2. , 1213987–100. [9] | 2020 | Model application | 6 |
Herrick, Denesh J.; Sharma, Mohit; Bhaskaran, Prasad K.; Goyal, Neeraj K.; 2020. A peak-over-threshold approach for the numerical modeling of 26 December 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami at the Kalpakkam coast, Tamil Nadu, India. ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 26400–408. 10.1080/09715010.2018.1498752 | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Marinho, Chayonn; Arigony Neto, Jorge; Nicolodi, João Luiz; Lemke, Natália; Fontoura, José Antônio Scotti; 2020. Wave regime characterization in the northern sector of Patos Lagoon, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Ocean and Coastal Research, 68e20295. 10.1590/s2675-28242020068295 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Fan, Shuntao; Xiao, Nianhao; Dong, Sheng; 2020. A novel model to predict significant wave height based on long short-term memory network. Ocean Engineering, 205107298. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2020.107298 | 2020 | Model application | 169 |
de Swart, R.L.; Ribas, F.; Calvete, D.; Kroon, A.; Orfila, A.; 2020. Optimal estimations of directional wave conditions for nearshore field studies. Continental Shelf Research, 196104071. 10.1016/j.csr.2020.104071 | 2020 | Model application | 15 |
Liang, Shu-xiu; Sun, Zhao-chen; Chang, Yan-ling; Shi, Ying; 2020. Evolution characteristics and quantization of wave period variation for breaking waves. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 32361–374. 10.1007/s42241-020-0017-1 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Gul Majidi, Ajab; Bingölbali, Bilal; Akpınar, Adem; Rusu, Eugen; Kolhe, M.L.; 2020. Dimensionless Normalized Wave Power in the Hot-spot Areas of the Black Sea. E3S Web of Conferences, 17301001. 10.1051/e3sconf/202017301001 | 2020 | Model application | 2 |
Umesh, P.A.; Behera, Manasa R.; 2020. Performance evaluation of input-dissipation parameterizations in WAVEWATCH III and comparison of wave hindcast with nested WAVEWATCH III-SWAN in the Indian Seas. Ocean Engineering, 202106959. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2020.106959 | 2020 | Model application | 41 |
Silhavy, Radek; Silhavy, Petr; Prokopova, Zdenka; Mouhid, Mustapha; Mouakkir, Laila; Mordane, Soumia; Loukili, Mohamed; Chagdali, Mohamed; El Bouni, Brahim; 2020. Stability Study of a Protection Structure by Stacking GSC Geosynthetics: Application to the Port of Corisco (Equatorial Guinea). , 1294225–241. [10] | 2020 | Model application | 3 |
Lashley, Christopher H.; Zanuttigh, Barbara; Bricker, Jeremy D.; van der Meer, Jentsje; Altomare, Corrado; Suzuki, Tomohiro; Roeber, Volker; Oosterlo, Patrick; 2020. Benchmarking of numerical models for wave overtopping at dikes with shallow mildly sloping foreshores: Accuracy versus speed. Environmental Modelling & Software, 130104740. 10.1016/j.envsoft.2020.104740 | 2020 | Model application | 27 |
Murty, P. L. N.; Rao, A. D.; Srinivas, K. Siva; Rao, E. Pattabhi Rama; Bhaskaran, Prasad K.; 2020. Effect of Wave Radiation Stress in Storm Surge-Induced Inundation: A Case Study for the East Coast of India. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 1772993–3012. 10.1007/s00024-019-02379-x | 2020 | Model application | 18 |
Nardin, William; Lera, Sara; Nienhuis, Jaap; 2020. Effect of offshore waves and vegetation on the sediment budget in the Virginia Coast Reserve (VA). Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 453055–3068. 10.1002/esp.4951 | 2020 | Model application | 13 |
Fomin, V. V.; Lazorenko, D. I.; 2020. Hydrodynamic Process Peculiarities in the Bakalskaya Spit Area as per Computational Modeling Data. Ekologicheskaya bezopasnost pribrezhnoy i shel fovoy zon morya, . 10.22449/2413-5577-2020-3-31-47 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Christakos, Konstantinos; Furevik, Birgitte R.; Aarnes, Ole Johan; Breivik, Øyvind; Tuomi, Laura; Byrkjedal, Øyvind; 2020. The importance of wind forcing in fjord wave modelling. Ocean Dynamics, 7057–75. 10.1007/s10236-019-01323-w | 2020 | Model application | 25 |
Bingölbali, Bilal; Jafali, Halid; Akpınar, Adem; Bekiroğlu, Serkan; 2020. Wave energy potential and variability for the south west coasts of the Black Sea: The WEB-based wave energy atlas. Renewable Energy, 154136–150. 10.1016/j.renene.2020.03.014 | 2020 | Model application | 22 |
Heo, Ki-Young; Choi, Jin-Yong; Jeong, Sang-Hoon; Kwon, Jae-Il; 2020. Characteristics of High Swell-like Waves on East Coast of Korea Observed by Direct Measurements and Reanalysis Data Sets. Journal of Coastal Research, 951433. 10.2112/SI95-277.1 | 2020 | Model application | 3 |
Moradi, Masoud; Kazeminezhad, Mohammad H.; Kabiri, Keivan; 2020. Integration of Geographic Information System and system dynamics for assessment of the impacts of storm damage on coastal communities - Case study: Chabahar, Iran. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 49101665. 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101665 | 2020 | Model application | 16 |
Wu, Wei-Cheng; Wang, Taiping; Yang, Zhaoqing; García-Medina, Gabriel; 2020. Development and validation of a high-resolution regional wave hindcast model for U.S. West Coast wave resource characterization. Renewable Energy, 152736–753. 10.1016/j.renene.2020.01.077 | 2020 | Model application | 38 |
Trung Viet, Nguyen; Xiping, Dou; Thanh Tung, Tran; Fujiwara, K.; Arikawa, T.; Seki, K.; 2020. A Study on Applicability of Ensemble Kalman Filter for Wave Prediction Model. , 241–247. [11] | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Alizadeh, Mohamad Javad; Kavianpour, Mohamad Reza; Kamranzad, Bahareh; Etemad-Shahidi, Amir; 2020. A distributed wind downscaling technique for wave climate modeling under future scenarios. Ocean Modelling, 145101513. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2019.101513 | 2020 | Model application | 14 |
Gao, Feng; Wang, Yue; Zhao, Xu; Xu, Ya-nan; Tan, Zhong-hua; 2020. Risk Assessment of Marine Hydrodynamics for Coastal Engineering. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 780072024. 10.1088/1757-899X/780/7/072024 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Langodan, Sabique; Antony, Charls; Pr, Shanas; Dasari, Hari Prasad; Abualnaja, Yasser; Knio, Omar; Hoteit, Ibrahim; 2020. Wave modeling of a reef-sheltered coastal zone in the Red Sea. Ocean Engineering, 207107378. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2020.107378 | 2020 | Model application | 10 |
Du, Mei; Hou, Yijun; Guo, Yunxia; Wang, Kai; 2020. Numerical Simulation and Risk Analysis of Coastal Inundation in Land Reclamation Areas: A Case Study of the Pearl River Estuary. Journal of Ocean University of China, 191221–1234. 10.1007/s11802-020-4426-0 | 2020 | Model application | 3 |
Dreier, Norman; Männikus, Rain; Fröhle, Peter; 2020. Long-term Changes of Waves at the German Baltic Sea Coast: Are There Trends from the Past?. Journal of Coastal Research, 951416. 10.2112/SI95-274.1 | 2020 | Model application | 2 |
Bhowmick, Suchandra Aich; Ratheesh, Smitha; Sharma, Rashmi; Basu, Sujit; Kumar, Raj; 2020. A Simplified Assimilation Scheme for a Coastal Wave Model Using Concepts of Particle Filter. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 1771167–1181. 10.1007/s00024-019-02343-9 | 2020 | Model application | 2 |
Mitra, Abhijit; 2020. Mangroves: A Shield Against Storms and Wave Actions. , 33–57. [12] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Nesterov, E.S.; 2020. Wind waves in the arctic seas (review). Hydrometeorological research and forecasting, 319–41. 10.37162/2618-9631-2020-3-19-41 | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Trung Viet, Nguyen; Xiping, Dou; Thanh Tung, Tran; Kantarzhi, Izmail; Leont’yev, Igor; Hadla, Ghinwa; 2020. Modeling of Lithodynamic Processes in the Area of a Large Navigation Channel. , 441–447. [13] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Archetti, Renata; Gaeta, Maria Gabriella; Addona, Fabio; Damiani, Leonardo; Saponieri, Alessandra; Molfetta, Matteo G.; Bruno, Maria F.; 2020. ASSESSMENT OF COASTAL VULNERABILITY BASED ON THE USE OF INTEGRATED LOW-COST MONITORING APPROACH AND BEACH MODELLING: TWO ITALIAN STUDY. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 13. 10.9753/icce.v36v.management.13 | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Mäll, Martin; Nakamura, Ryota; Suursaar, Ülo; Shibayama, Tomoya; 2020. Pseudo-climate modelling study on projected changes in extreme extratropical cyclones, storm waves and surges under CMIP5 multi-model ensemble: Baltic Sea perspective. Natural Hazards, 10267–99. 10.1007/s11069-020-03911-2 | 2020 | Model application | 15 |
Massarra, Carol C.; Friedland, Carol J.; Marx, Brian D.; Dietrich, J. Casey; 2020. Multihazard Hurricane Fragility Model for Wood Structure Homes Considering Hazard Parameters and Building Attributes Interaction. Frontiers in Built Environment, 6. 10.3389/fbuil.2020.00147 | 2020 | Model application | 4 |
Kim, Jinah; Yoo, Jeseon; Do, Kideok; 2020. Wave Data Assimilation to Modify Wind Forcing Using an Ensemble Kalman Filter. Ocean Science Journal, 55231–247. 10.1007/s12601-020-0020-z | 2020 | Model application | 3 |
Valeras, Andrew S.; 2020. COVID-19: Complexity and the Black Swan.. Families, Systems, & Health, 38221–223. 10.1037/fsh0000486 | 2020 | Model application | 5 |
Rezaie, Ali Mohammad; Loerzel, Jarrod; Ferreira, Celso M.; Dias, João Miguel; 2020. Valuing natural habitats for enhancing coastal resilience: Wetlands reduce property damage from storm surge and sea level rise. PLOS ONE, 15e0226275. 10.1371/journal.pone.0226275 | 2020 | Model application | 34 |
McNatt, J. Cameron; Porter, Aaron; Ruehl, Kelley; 2020. Comparison of Numerical Methods for Modeling the Wave Field Effects Generated by Individual Wave Energy Converters and Multiple Converter Wave Farms. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8168. 10.3390/jmse8030168 | 2020 | Model application | 6 |
Cueto, J.; Otero, L.; 2020. Morphodynamic response to extreme wave events of microtidal dissipative and reflective beaches. Applied Ocean Research, 101102283. 10.1016/j.apor.2020.102283 | 2020 | Model application | 12 |
McNatt, J. Cameron; Porter, Aaron; Chartrand, Christopher; Roberts, Jesse; 2020. The Performance of a Spectral Wave Model at Predicting Wave Farm Impacts. Energies, 135728. 10.3390/en13215728 | 2020 | Model application | 5 |
Lee, Sangho; Kang, Taeuk; Sun, Dongkyun; Park, Jong-Jip; 2020. Enhancing an Analysis Method of Compound Flooding in Coastal Areas by Linking Flow Simulation Models of Coasts and Watershed. Sustainability, 126572. 10.3390/su12166572 | 2020 | Model application | 7 |
Kuntoro, W S; Ningsih, N S; Rachmayani, R; 2020. Seasonal wave characteristics in Southern Bali Waters in 2014. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 618012002. 10.1088/1755-1315/618/1/012002 | 2020 | Model application | 2 |
Foyhirun, Chutipat; Kositgittiwong, Duangrudee; Ekkawatpanit, Chaiwat; 2020. Wave Energy Potential and Simulation on the Andaman Sea Coast of Thailand. Sustainability, 123657. 10.3390/su12093657 | 2020 | Model application | 5 |
Seyed Alipur, Seyed Ali; Siadatmousavi, Seyed Mostafa; Mahmoudof, Seyed Masoud; 2020. Improving the Simulation of Depth-induced Breaking in the Third-Generation Wave Model SWAN. مهندسی دریا, 1653–64. 10.29252/marineeng.16.31.53 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Karunarathna, Harshinie; Maduwantha, Pravin; Kamranzad, Bahareh; Rathnasooriya, Harsha; De Silva, Kasun; 2020. Impacts of Global Climate Change on the Future Ocean Wave Power Potential: A Case Study from the Indian Ocean. Energies, 133028. 10.3390/en13113028 | 2020 | Model application | 9 |
Feng, Xi; Ma, Gangfeng; Su, Shih-Feng; Huang, Chenfu; Boswell, Maura K.; Xue, Pengfei; 2020. A multi-layer perceptron approach for accelerated wave forecasting in Lake Michigan. Ocean Engineering, 211107526. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2020.107526 | 2020 | Model application | 62 |
Islek, Fulya; Yuksel, Yalcin; Sahin, Cihan; Guner, H. Anil Ari; 2020. Long-term analysis of extreme wave characteristics based on the SWAN hindcasts over the Black Sea using two different wind fields. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 101165. 10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2020.101165 | 2020 | Model application | 15 |
Shimokawa, Shinya; Murakami, Tomokazu; Kohno, Hiroyoshi; 2020. Numerical Simulation Method. , 41–51. [14] | 2020 | Model application | 2 |
Baek, Seungjun; Park, Yong Sung; 2020. Surfing Resources Management for Sustainable Surfing in Surfable Region - Focusing on Jukdo, Yangyang, Gangwon Province. Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 32506–515. 10.9765/KSCOE.2020.32.6.506 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Siahsarani, Amir; Karami Khaniki, Ali; Aliakbari Bidokhti, Abbas-Ali; Azadi, Majid; 2020. Sensitivity analysis of the numerical aspect of the SWAN for the tropical cyclone wave simulations in the Gulf of Oman. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 13692. 10.1007/s12517-020-05629-8 | 2020 | Model application | 2 |
Sun, Wenxuan; Shao, Zhuxiao; Liang, Bingchen; Gao, Huijun; 2020. Analysis of Wave Fields under Tropical Cyclones in the South China Sea. Journal of Coastal Research, 99126. 10.2112/SI99-018.1 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Vona, Iacopo; Gray, Matthew; Nardin, William; 2020. The Impact of Submerged Breakwaters on Sediment Distribution along Marsh Boundaries. Water, 121016. 10.3390/w12041016 | 2020 | Model application | 27 |
Ribeiro, Américo S.; deCastro, Maite; Rusu, Liliana; Bernardino, Mariana; Dias, João M.; Gomez-Gesteira, Moncho; 2020. Evaluating the Future Efficiency of Wave Energy Converters along the NW Coast of the Iberian Peninsula. Energies, 133563. 10.3390/en13143563 | 2020 | Model application | 21 |
Zhang, Na; Li, Shuai; Wu, Yongsheng; Wang, Keh-Han; Zhang, Qinghe; You, Zai-Jin; Wang, Jin; 2020. Effects of sea ice on wave energy flux distribution in the Bohai Sea. Renewable Energy, 1622330–2343. 10.1016/j.renene.2020.10.036 | 2020 | Model application | 5 |
Straub, Jessamin A.; Rodriguez, Antonio B.; Luettich, Richard A.; Moore, Laura J.; Itzkin, Michael; Ridge, Justin T.; Seymour, Alexander C.; Johnston, David W.; Theuerkauf, Ethan J.; 2020. The role of beach state and the timing of pre-storm surveys in determining the accuracy of storm impact assessments. Marine Geology, 425106201. 10.1016/j.margeo.2020.106201 | 2020 | Model application | 10 |
Nguyen Trung, Thanh; 2020. A Case Study of Wave Forecast Over South China Sea Using SWAN Model and Ensemble Kalman Filter Method. Oceanography & Fisheries Open access Journal, 12. 10.19080/OFOAJ.2020.12.555842 | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Khalid, Arslaan; Ferreira, Celso; 2020. Advancing real-time flood prediction in large estuaries: iFLOOD a fully coupled surge-wave automated web-based guidance system. Environmental Modelling & Software, 104748. 10.1016/j.envsoft.2020.104748 | 2020 | Model application | 28 |
Li, Ailian; Guan, Shoude; Mo, Dongxue; Hou, Yijun; Hong, Xin; Liu, Ze; 2020. Modeling wave effects on storm surge from different typhoon intensities and sizes in the South China Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 235106551. 10.1016/j.ecss.2019.106551 | 2020 | Model application | 37 |
Yang, Zhaoqing; García-Medina, Gabriel; Wu, Wei-Cheng; Wang, Taiping; 2020. Characteristics and variability of the nearshore wave resource on the U.S. West Coast. Energy, 203117818. 10.1016/j.energy.2020.117818 | 2020 | Model application | 33 |
Lario, Javier; Spencer, Chris; Bardají, Teresa; Marchante, Ángel; Garduño‐monroy, Victor H.; Macias, Jorge; Ortega, Sergio; Andrade, César; 2020. An extreme wave event in eastern Yucatán, Mexico: Evidence of a palaeotsunami event during the Mayan times. Sedimentology, 671481–1504. 10.1111/sed.12662 | 2020 | Model application | 8 |
Yin, Chao; Huang, Haijun; Wang, Daoru; Liu, Yanxia; Guo, Ziyue; 2020. The Characteristics of Storm Wave Behavior and Its Effect on Cage Culture Using the ADCIRC+SWAN Model in Houshui Bay, China. Journal of Ocean University of China, 19307–319. 10.1007/s11802-020-3941-3 | 2020 | Model application | 8 |
Guedes Soares, C.; Silva, Dina; 2020. Assessment of the wave power resource at Madeira archipelago with the SWAN model. , 45–52. [15] | 2020 | Model application | 3 |
Gul Majidi, Ajab; Bingölbali, Bilal; Akpınar, Adem; Loredo, J.; Jeong, J.-S.; 2020. The Changes of Theoretical Wave Power from Offshore to Coast in the South-western Black Sea. E3S Web of Conferences, 19103004. 10.1051/e3sconf/202019103004 | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Wishaw, Daniel; Leon, Javier X.; Barnes, Matthew; Fairweather, Helen; 2020. Tropical Cyclone Impacts on Headland Protected Bay. Geosciences, 10190. 10.3390/geosciences10050190 | 2020 | Model application | 3 |
Zou, P.X.; Bricker, Jeremy D.; Uijttewaal, Wim S.J.; 2020. Impacts of extreme events on hydrodynamic characteristics of a submerged floating tunnel. Ocean Engineering, 218108221. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2020.108221 | 2020 | Model application | 26 |
Wang, Kai; Hou, Yijun; Li, Shuiqing; Du, Mei; Chen, Jinrui; Lu, Jiuyou; 2020. A comparative study of storm surge and wave setup in the East China Sea between two severe weather events. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 235106583. 10.1016/j.ecss.2020.106583 | 2020 | Model application | 22 |
Guedes Soares, C.; Fanti, V.; Jacob, J.; Pacheco, A.; Fortes, C.J.E.M.; Didier, E.; 2020. Effects of varying the transmission coefficient in SNL-SWAN for a wave farm in Peniche. , 11–18. [16] | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Akrish, Gal; Smit, Pieter; Zijlema, Marcel; Reniers, Ad; 2020. Modelling statistical wave interferences over shear currents. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 891A2. 10.1017/jfm.2020.143 | 2020 | Model application | 8 |
Kimmoun, Olivier; Hsu, H.C; Chabchoub, Amin; 2020. EVOLUTION OF UNSTABLE WAVE PACKETS OVER VARIABLE BATHYMETRY. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 8. 10.9753/icce.v36v.waves.8 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Yang, Zhehao; Shao, Weizeng; Ding, Yang; Shi, Jian; Ji, Qiyan; 2020. Wave Simulation by the SWAN Model and FVCOM Considering the Sea-Water Level around the Zhoushan Islands. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8783. 10.3390/jmse8100783 | 2020 | Model application | 33 |
Goryachkin, Yu. N.; Fomin, V. V.; 2020. Wave Regime and Lithodynamics in the Region of the Western Crimea Accumulative Coasts. Morskoy gidrofizicheskiy zhurnal, 36. 10.22449/0233-7584-2020-4-451-466 | 2020 | Model application | 1 |
Biolchi, Luís Germano; Farina, Leandro; Perotto, Heitor; 2020. The influence of seamounts on ocean surface wave propagation in Northeast Brazil. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 156103185. 10.1016/j.dsr.2019.103185 | 2020 | Model application | 4 |
Massarra, Carol C.; Friedland, Carol J.; Marx, Brian D.; Dietrich, J. Casey; 2020. Multihazard Hurricane Fragility Model for Wood Structure Homes Considering Hazard Parameters and Building Attributes Interaction. Frontiers in Built Environment, 6147. 10.3389/fbuil.2020.00147 | 2020 | Model application | 4 |
Kamranzad, Bahareh; Lin, Pengzhi; 2020. Sustainability of wave energy resources in the South China Sea based on five decades of changing climate. Energy, 210118604. 10.1016/j.energy.2020.118604 | 2020 | Model application | 21 |
Lim Kam Sian, Kenny T.C.; Dong, Changming; Liu, Hailong; Wu, Renhao; Zhang, Han; 2020. Effects of Model Coupling on Typhoon Kalmaegi (2014) Simulation in the South China Sea. Atmosphere, 11432. 10.3390/atmos11040432 | 2020 | Model application | 14 |
Wang, Zhifeng; Li, Songtao; Hao, Yan; Ma, Yan; Wu, Kejian; 2020. Estimation and Prediction of Typhoons and Wave Overtopping in Qingdao, China. Journal of Ocean University of China, 191017–1028. 10.1007/s11802-020-4378-4 | 2020 | Model application | 4 |
Yang, Gang; Wang, Xiao Hua; Zhong, Yi; Cheng, Zhixin; Andutta, Fernando P.; 2020. Wave effects on sediment dynamics in a macro-tidal estuary: Darwin Harbour, Australia during the monsoon season. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 244106931. 10.1016/j.ecss.2020.106931 | 2020 | Model application | 7 |
Ticona Rollano, Fadia; Tran, Thanh Toan; Yu, Yi-Hsiang; García-Medina, Gabriel; Yang, Zhaoqing; 2020. Influence of Time and Frequency Domain Wave Forcing on the Power Estimation of a Wave Energy Converter Array. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8171. 10.3390/jmse8030171 | 2020 | Model application | 4 |
Young, Ian; Babanin, Alexander; Rogers, W. Erick; 2020. Phase-Averaged Wave Models. None, None163–204. None | 2020 | Other | |
Cheng, Zhengshun; Svangstu, Erik; Moan, Torgeir; Gao, Zhen; 2020. Assessment of inhomogeneity in environmental conditions in a Norwegian fjord for design of floating bridges. Ocean Engineering, 108474. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2020.108474 | 2020 | Model application | 14 |
Khalid, Arslaan; de Lima, Andre de Souza; Cassalho, Felicio; Miesse, Tyler; Ferreira, Celso; 2020. Hydrodynamic and Wave Responses During Storm Surges on the Southern Brazilian Coast: A Real-Time Forecast System. Water, 123397. 10.3390/w12123397 | 2020 | Model application | 4 |
Oprandi, A.; Mucerino, L.; De Leo, F.; Bianchi, C.N.; Morri, C.; Azzola, A.; Benelli, F.; Besio, G.; Ferrari, M.; 2020. Effects of a severe storm on seagrass meadows. Science of The Total Environment, 748141373. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141373 | 2020 | Model application | 40 |
Vieira, Bárbara F. V.; Pinho, José L. S.; Barros, Joaquim A. O.; Antunes do Carmo, José S.; 2020. Hydrodynamics and Morphodynamics Performance Assessment of Three Coastal Protection Structures. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8175. 10.3390/jmse8030175 | 2020 | Model application | 24 |
Nnafie, A.; Wolf, T.B.J.; de Swart, H.E.; 2020. Tidal sand ridges on the shelf: A numerical study of their natural morphodynamic evolution and response to interventions. Continental Shelf Research, 205104195. 10.1016/j.csr.2020.104195 | 2020 | Model application | 4 |
Lastiri, Ximun; Abadie, Stéphane; Maron, Philippe; Delpey, Matthias; Liria, Pedro; Mader, Julien; Roeber, Volker; 2020. Wave Energy Assessment in the South Aquitaine Nearshore Zone from a 44-Year Hindcast. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8199. 10.3390/jmse8030199 | 2020 | Model application | 6 |
Rautenbach, Christo; Daniels, Tania; de Vos, Marc; Barnes, Michael A.; 2020. A coupled wave, tide and storm surge operational forecasting system for South Africa: validation and physical description. Natural Hazards, 1031407–1439. 10.1007/s11069-020-04042-4 | 2020 | Model application | 20 |
Cerezo-Andreo, Felipe; López-Castejón, Francisco J.; Ramallo-Asensio, Sebastian F.; Gilabert-Cervera, Javier; 2020. Wave Hindcasting and Anchoring Activities in Ancient Harbours: The Impact of Coastal Dynamics on Ancient Carthago Nova (Cartagena, Spain). Journal of Maritime Archaeology, 15209–237. 10.1007/s11457-020-09259-9 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
çAlişIr, Emre; Akpinar, Adem; 2020. ERA5 ve ERA-INTERİM RÜZGARLARI İLE ÇALIŞTIRILAN SWAN MODEL SONUÇLARININ PERFORMANS ANALİZİ. Uludağ University Journal of The Faculty of Engineering, 65–80. 10.17482/uumfd.688805 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Hoque, Md. Azharul; Perrie, William; Solomon, Steven M.; 2020. Application of SWAN model for storm generated wave simulation in the Canadian Beaufort Sea. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science, 519–34. 10.1016/j.joes.2019.07.003 | 2020 | Model application | 30 |
da Silva, Renan F.; Storlazzi, Curt D.; Rogers, Justin S.; Reyns, Johan; McCall, Robert; 2020. Modelling three-dimensional flow over spur-and-groove morphology. Coral Reefs, 391841–1858. 10.1007/s00338-020-02011-8 | 2020 | Model application | 5 |
Poulose, Jismy; Rao, A. D.; Dube, S. K.; 2020. Mapping of cyclone induced extreme water levels along Gujarat and Maharashtra coasts: a climate change perspective. Climate Dynamics, 553565–3581. 10.1007/s00382-020-05463-4 | 2020 | Model application | 14 |
Li, Ning; Cheung, Kwok Fai; Cross, Patrick; 2020. Numerical wave modeling for operational and survival analyses of wave energy converters at the US Navy Wave Energy Test Site in Hawaii. Renewable Energy, 161240–256. 10.1016/j.renene.2020.06.089 | 2020 | Model application | 14 |
Wang, Xuan; Yao, Chenyang; Gao, Guoping; Jiang, Haoyu; Xu, Dali; Chen, Ge; Zhang, Zhao; 2020. Simulating tropical cyclone waves in the East China Sea with an event-based, parametric-adjusted model. Journal of Oceanography, 76439–457. 10.1007/s10872-020-00555-5 | 2020 | Model application | 10 |
Memmola, Francesco; Coluccelli, Alessandro; Russo, Aniello; Warner, John C.; Brocchini, Maurizio; 2020. Wave-resolving shoreline boundary conditions for wave-averaged coastal models. Ocean Modelling, 153101661. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2020.101661 | 2020 | Model application | 2 |
Ellis, George F. R.; 2020. The Causal Closure of Physics in Real World Contexts. Foundations of Physics, 501057–1097. 10.1007/s10701-020-00366-0 | 2020 | Model application | 13 |
Saviano, Simona; De Leo, Francesco; Besio, Giovanni; Zambianchi, Enrico; Uttieri, Marco; 2020. HF Radar Measurements of Surface Waves in the Gulf of Naples (Southeastern Tyrrhenian Sea): Comparison With Hindcast Results at Different Scales. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7492. 10.3389/fmars.2020.00492 | 2020 | Model application | 18 |
Wu, Wenfan; Li, Peiliang; Zhai, Fangguo; Gu, Yanzhen; Liu, Zizhou; 2020. Evaluation of different wind resources in simulating wave height for the Bohai, Yellow, and East China Seas (BYES) with SWAN model. Continental Shelf Research, 207104217. 10.1016/j.csr.2020.104217 | 2020 | Model application | 19 |
Lee, Kwang-Ho; Kim, Tag-Gyeom; Cho, Yong-Hwan; 2020. Influence of Tidal Current, Wind, and Wave in Hebei Spirit Oil Spill Modeling. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 869. 10.3390/jmse8020069 | 2020 | Model application | 13 |
Gippius, Fedor N.; Myslenkov, Stanislav A.; 2020. Black Sea wind wave climate with a focus on coastal regions. Ocean Engineering, 218108199. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2020.108199 | 2020 | Model application | 17 |
Penko, Allison; Rogers, Erick; Calantoni, Joseph; 2020. WAVE AND SEAFLOOR SPECTRA PREDICTIONS WITH THE COUPLED SWAN-NSEA MODELING SYSTEM. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 57. 10.9753/icce.v36v.waves.57 | 2020 | Model application | 0 |
Alimohammadi, Mehriar; Malakooti, Hossein; Rahbani, Maryam; 2020. Comparison of momentum roughness lengths of the WRF-SWAN online coupling and WRF model in simulation of tropical cyclone Gonu. Ocean Dynamics, 701531–1545. 10.1007/s10236-020-01417-w | 2020 | Model application | 2 |
Atan, Reduan; Finnegan, William; Nash, Stephen; Goggins, Jamie; 2019. The effect of arrays of wave energy converters on the nearshore wave climate. Ocean Engineering, 172373–384. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.11.043 | 2019 | Model application | 18 |
Umesh, P.A.; Bhaskaran, Prasad K.; Sandhya, K.G.; Balakrishnan Nair, T.M.; 2019. Numerical simulation and preliminary analysis of spectral slope and tail characteristics using nested WAM-SWAN in a shallow water application off Visakhapatnam. Ocean Engineering, 173268–283. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.12.034 | 2019 | Model application | 14 |
Thuy, Nguyen Ba; 2019. Effect of Tides and Storm Surges on Storm Waves at the Northern Coastal Areas of Vietnam. VNU Journal of Science: Earth and Environmental Sciences, 35. 10.25073/2588-1094/vnuees.4388 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Wu, Zhiyuan; Jiang, Changbo; Chen, Jie; Long, Yuannan; Deng, Bin; Liu, Xiaojian; 2019. Three-Dimensional Temperature Field Change in the South China Sea during Typhoon Kai-Tak (1213) Based on a Fully Coupled Atmosphere–Wave–Ocean Model. Water, 11140. 10.3390/w11010140 | 2019 | Model application | 23 |
Chen, Jie; Jiang, Changbo; Wu, Zhiyuan; Long, Yuannan; Deng, Bin; Liu, Xiaojian; 2019. Numerical Investigation of Fresh and Salt Water Distribution in the Pearl River Estuary during a Typhoon Using a Fully Coupled Atmosphere-Wave-Ocean Model. Water, 11646. 10.3390/w11040646 | 2019 | Model application | 7 |
Choi, Young-Kwang; Seo, Seung-Nam; Choi, Jin-Yong; Shi, Fengyan; Park, Kwang-Soon; 2019. Wave prediction in a port using a fully nonlinear Boussinesq wave model. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 3836–47. 10.1007/s13131-019-1456-2 | 2019 | Model application | 13 |
K.G., Parvathy; K. Bhaskaran, Prasad; 2019. Nearshore modelling of wind-waves and its attenuation characteristics over a mud dominated shelf in the Head Bay of Bengal. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 29100665. 10.1016/j.rsma.2019.100665 | 2019 | Model application | 10 |
Xie, Dongmei; Zou, Qing-Ping; Mignone, Anthony; MacRae, Jean D.; 2019. Coastal flooding from wave overtopping and sea level rise adaptation in the northeastern USA. Coastal Engineering, 15039–58. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2019.02.001 | 2019 | Model application | 64 |
Yue, Che; Li, Jingkai; Guan, Changlong; Lian, Xihu; Wu, Kejian; 2019. Surface wave simulation during winter with sea ice in the Bohai Sea. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 371857–1867. 10.1007/s00343-019-8253-3 | 2019 | Model application | 5 |
Cao, Yu; Deng, Zengan; Wang, Chenxu; 2019. Impacts of surface gravity waves on summer ocean dynamics in Bohai Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 230106443. 10.1016/j.ecss.2019.106443 | 2019 | Model application | 6 |
Yu, Yi-Chiang; Chen, Hongey; Shih, Hung-Ju; Chang, Chih-Hsin; Hsiao, Shih-Chun; Chen, Wei-Bo; Chen, Yung-Ming; Su, Wen-Ray; Lin, Lee-Yaw; 2019. Assessing the Potential Highest Storm Tide Hazard in Taiwan Based on 40-Year Historical Typhoon Surge Hindcasting. Atmosphere, 10346. 10.3390/atmos10060346 | 2019 | Model application | 32 |
Rodrigues, João M. F.; Cardoso, Pedro J. S.; Monteiro, Jânio; Lam, Roberto; Krzhizhanovskaya, Valeria V.; Lees, Michael H.; Dongarra, Jack J.; Sloot, Peter M.A.; Vychuzhanin, Pavel; Nikitin, Nikolay O.; Kalyuzhnaya, Anna V.; 2019. Robust Ensemble-Based Evolutionary Calibration of the Numerical Wind Wave Model. , 11536614–627. [17] | 2019 | Model application | 3 |
Cuong, Le Duc; 2019. ÁP DỤNG MÔ HÌNH SWAN DỰ BÁO TRƯỜNG SÓNG VEN BỜ BIỂN HẢI PHÒNG. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ biển, 1941–48. 10.15625/1859-3097/19/1/9728 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Massarra, Carol C.; Friedland, Carol J.; Marx, Brian D.; Dietrich, J. Casey; 2019. Predictive multi-hazard hurricane data-based fragility model for residential homes. Coastal Engineering, 15110–21. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2019.04.008 | 2019 | Model application | 15 |
van der Lugt, Marlies A.; Quataert, Ellen; van Dongeren, Ap; van Ormondt, Maarten; Sherwood, Christopher R.; 2019. Morphodynamic modeling of the response of two barrier islands to Atlantic hurricane forcing. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 229106404. 10.1016/j.ecss.2019.106404 | 2019 | Model application | 27 |
Biolchi, S.; Denamiel, C.; Devoto, S.; Korbar, T.; Macovaz, V.; Scicchitano, G.; Vilibić, I.; Furlani, S.; 2019. Impact of the October 2018 Storm Vaia on Coastal Boulders in the Northern Adriatic Sea. Water, 112229. 10.3390/w11112229 | 2019 | Model application | 35 |
Dong, Sheng; Gong, Yijie; Wang, Zhifeng; Incecik, Atilla; 2019. Wind and wave energy resources assessment around the Yangtze River Delta. Ocean Engineering, 18275–89. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2019.04.030 | 2019 | Model application | 24 |
Liang, Bingchen; Gao, Huijun; Shao, Zhuxiao; 2019. Characteristics of global waves based on the third-generation wave model SWAN. Marine Structures, 6435–53. 10.1016/j.marstruc.2018.10.011 | 2019 | Model application | 57 |
Herman, Agnieszka; Wojtysiak, Kacper; Moskalik, Mateusz; 2019. Wind wave variability in Hornsund fjord, west Spitsbergen. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 21796–109. 10.1016/j.ecss.2018.11.001 | 2019 | Model application | 13 |
Salem Cherif, Yousra; Mezouar, Khoudir; Guerfi, Mokhtar; Sallaye, Miloud; Dahmani, Abd El Alim; 2019. Nearshore hydrodynamics and sediment transport processes along the sandy coast of Boumerdes, Algeria. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 12800. 10.1007/s12517-019-4981-0 | 2019 | Model application | 8 |
Wörner, Stefania; Dragani, Walter C.; Echevarria, Emilio R.; Carrasco, Mauro; Barón, Pedro J.; 2019. An Estimation of the Possible Migration Path of the Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) Along the Northern Coast of Patagonia. Estuaries and Coasts, 42806–821. 10.1007/s12237-018-00492-z | 2019 | Model application | 6 |
Zhai, Fangguo; Li, Peiliang; Song, Dan; 2019. Interannual wave height variability in the Yellow Sea. Journal of Oceanography, 75235–256. 10.1007/s10872-018-0496-7 | 2019 | Model application | 4 |
Zeng, Yuming; Zhou, Hao; Huang, Weimin; Lai, Yeping; Wen, Biyang; 2019. Effect of Current on the First-Order Spectral Power of High-Frequency Radar. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 575686–5700. 10.1109/TGRS.2019.2901581 | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
Lopatukhin, L.I.; 2019. CASPIAN SEA WIND AND WAVE CLIMATE. Journal of Oceanological Research, 4789–97. 10.29006/1564-2291.JOR-2019.47(5).7 | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
Amarouche, Khalid; Akpınar, Adem; Bachari, Nour El Islam; Çakmak, Recep Emre; Houma, Fouzia; 2019. Evaluation of a high-resolution wave hindcast model SWAN for the West Mediterranean basin. Applied Ocean Research, 84225–241. 10.1016/j.apor.2019.01.014 | 2019 | Model application | 55 |
Re, Carlo; Manno, Giorgio; Ciraolo, Giuseppe; Besio, Giovanni; 2019. Wave Energy Assessment around the Aegadian Islands (Sicily). Energies, 12333. 10.3390/en12030333 | 2019 | Model application | 17 |
Larsén, Xiaoli Guo; Du, Jianting; Bolaños, Rodolfo; Imberger, Marc; Kelly, Mark C.; Badger, Merete; Larsen, Søren; 2019. Estimation of offshore extreme wind from wind‐wave coupled modeling. Wind Energy, we.2339. 10.1002/we.2339 | 2019 | Model application | 25 |
Cai, Linghui; Shang, Shaoping; Wei, Guomei; He, Zhigang; Xie, Yanshuang; Liu, Ke; Zhou, Tao; Chen, Jinquan; Zhang, Feng; Li, Yan; 2019. Assessment of Significant Wave Height in the Taiwan Strait Measured by a Single HF Radar System. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 361419–1432. 10.1175/JTECH-D-18-0146.1 | 2019 | Model application | 5 |
Shakoor, Abdul; Cato, Kerry; Siqueira, A. G.; Fiedler, M. F. M.; Yassuda, E. A.; Sousa, L. A. P.; 2019. Wave Modeling and Coastal Erosion in Upstream Dams. , 9–16. [18] | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Komijani, Homayoon; Monbaliu, Jaak; 2019. The wave-current interaction in the coastal area. Journal of Marine Research, 77375–405. 10.1357/002224019833406169 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Windupranata, Wiwin; A.D.S. Nusantara, Candida; D. Wijaya, Dudy; Prijatna, Kosasih; 2019. Impact Analysis of Tropical Cyclone Cempaka-Dahlia on Wave Heights in Indonesian Waters from Numerical Model and Altimetry Satellite. KnE Engineering, . 10.18502/keg.v4i3.5851 | 2019 | Model application | 8 |
Siverd, Christopher G.; Hagen, Scott C.; Bilskie, Matthew V.; Braud, DeWitt H.; Gao, Shu; Peele, R. Hampton; Twilley, Robert R.; 2019. Assessment of the temporal evolution of storm surge across coastal Louisiana. Coastal Engineering, 15059–78. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2019.04.010 | 2019 | Model application | 15 |
Rusu, Liliana; 2019. Evaluation of the near future wave energy resources in the Black Sea under two climate scenarios. Renewable Energy, 142137–146. 10.1016/j.renene.2019.04.092 | 2019 | Model application | 34 |
Yin, K.; Xu, S.; Huang, W.; Li, R.; Xiao, H.; 2019. Modeling beach profile changes by typhoon impacts at Xiamen coast. Natural Hazards, 95783–804. 10.1007/s11069-018-3520-8 | 2019 | Model application | 11 |
Drost, E.J.F.; Cuttler, M.V.W.; Lowe, R.J.; Hansen, J.E.; 2019. Predicting the hydrodynamic response of a coastal reef-lagoon system to a tropical cyclone using phase-averaged and surfbeat-resolving wave models. Coastal Engineering, 152103525. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2019.103525 | 2019 | Model application | 9 |
Sloss, Craig R.; Jones, Brian G.; Murray-Wallace, Colin V.; Bouvet, Michelle; 2019. The geomorphological evolution of a saline coastal lagoon on the southeast coast of Australia: Swan Lake, New South Wales. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 224301–313. 10.1016/j.ecss.2019.05.009 | 2019 | Model application | 6 |
Bergillos, Rafael J.; Rodriguez-Delgado, Cristobal; Allen, James; Iglesias, Gregorio; 2019. Wave energy converter geometry for coastal flooding mitigation. Science of The Total Environment, 6681232–1241. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.03.022 | 2019 | Model application | 21 |
Bergillos, Rafael J.; Rodriguez-Delgado, Cristobal; Iglesias, Gregorio; 2019. Wave farm impacts on coastal flooding under sea-level rise: A case study in southern Spain. Science of The Total Environment, 6531522–1531. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.10.422 | 2019 | Model application | 31 |
Shen, Yongming; Deng, Gefei; Xu, Zhihao; Tang, Jun; 2019. Effects of sea level rise on storm surge and waves within the Yangtze River Estuary. Frontiers of Earth Science, 13303–316. 10.1007/s11707-018-0746-4 | 2019 | Model application | 14 |
Diebold, Marc; Heller, Philippe; 2019. Scaling wind fields to estimate extreme wave heights in mountainous lakes. Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research, 71–9. 10.1080/23249676.2017.1317294 | 2019 | Model application | 2 |
Valentini, Nico; Saponieri, Alessandra; Danisi, Alessandro; Pratola, Luigi; Damiani, Leonardo; 2019. Exploiting remote imagery in an embayed sandy beach for the validation of a runup model framework. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 225106244. 10.1016/j.ecss.2019.106244 | 2019 | Model application | 16 |
Crosby, Sean C.; Kumar, N.; O’Reilly, W. C.; Guza, R. T.; 2019. Regional Swell Transformation by Backward Ray Tracing and SWAN. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 36217–229. 10.1175/JTECH-D-18-0123.1 | 2019 | Model application | 6 |
Shankar, C. Gowri; Behera, Manasa Ranjan; 2019. Wave Boundary Layer Model based wind drag estimation for tropical storm surge modelling in the Bay of Bengal. Ocean Engineering, 191106509. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2019.106509 | 2019 | Model application | 13 |
Lin, Yifan; Dong, Sheng; Wang, Zhifeng; Guedes Soares, C.; 2019. Wave energy assessment in the China adjacent seas on the basis of a 20-year SWAN simulation with unstructured grids. Renewable Energy, 136275–295. 10.1016/j.renene.2019.01.011 | 2019 | Model application | 62 |
Lesani, Samaneh; Niksokhan, Mohammad Hossein; 2019. Climate change impact on Caspian Sea wave conditions in the Noshahr Port. Ocean Dynamics, 691287–1310. 10.1007/s10236-019-01313-y | 2019 | Model application | 3 |
Swain, J.; Umesh, P. A.; Bhaskaran, Prasad Kumar; Balchand, A. N.; 2019. Simulation of nearshore waves using boundary conditions from WAM and WWIII – a case study. ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 1–15. 10.1080/09715010.2019.1603087 | 2019 | Model application | 5 |
Choi, Se Ho; Cho, Yong Jun; 2019. Development of a Probabilistic Model for the Estimation of Yearly Workable Wave Condition Period for Offshore Operations - Centering on the Sea off the Ulsan Harbor. Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 31115–128. 10.9765/KSCOE.2019.31.3.115 | 2019 | Model application | 9 |
Aizat, Yeltay; Ivkina, Natalya; Kløve, Bjørn; 2019. Influence of wind on wave heights in the Kazakh Caspian Sea. Central Asian Journal of Water Research, 558–70. 10.29258/CAJWR/2019-R1.v5-1/58-70.eng | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Liu, Min; Zhao, Dongliang; 2019. On the Study of Wave Propagation and Distribution in the Global Ocean. Journal of Ocean University of China, 18803–811. 10.1007/s11802-019-3827-4 | 2019 | Model application | 6 |
George, Douglas A.; Largier, John L.; Pasternack, Gregory Brian; Barnard, Patrick L.; Storlazzi, Curt D.; Erikson, Li H.; 2019. Modeling Sediment Bypassing around Idealized Rocky Headlands. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 740. 10.3390/jmse7020040 | 2019 | Model application | 16 |
Lu, Jing; Teng, Yong; Chi, Wanqing; Yin, Liping; Wang, Daolong; 2019. Investigation of wave characteristics in a semi-enclosed bay based on SWAN model validated with buoys and ADP-observed currents. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 37434–447. 10.1007/s00343-019-8023-2 | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
Ricchi, Antonio; Miglietta, Mario Marcello; Bonaldo, Davide; Cioni, Guido; Rizza, Umberto; Carniel, Sandro; 2019. Multi-Physics Ensemble versus Atmosphere–Ocean Coupled Model Simulations for a Tropical-Like Cyclone in the Mediterranean Sea. Atmosphere, 10202. 10.3390/atmos10040202 | 2019 | Model application | 35 |
Beyramzade, Mostafa; Siadatmousavi, Seyed Mostafa; Majidy Nik, Mahyar; 2019. Skill assessment of SWAN model in the red sea using different wind data. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 30100714. 10.1016/j.rsma.2019.100714 | 2019 | Model application | 26 |
Wang, Xin; Cao, Lei; Fox, Anthony D.; Fuller, Richard; Griffin, Larry; Mitchell, Carl; Zhao, Yunlin; Moon, Oun-Kyong; Cabot, David; Xu, Zhenggang; Batbayar, Nyambayar; Kölzsch, Andrea; van der Jeugd, Henk P.; Madsen, Jesper; Chen, Liding; Nathan, Ran; 2019. Stochastic simulations reveal few green wave surfing populations among spring migrating herbivorous waterfowl. Nature Communications, 102187. 10.1038/s41467-019-09971-8 | 2019 | Model application | 660 |
Fang, KeZhao; Wang, Hong; Sun, Jiawen; Zhang, Jiabo; Liu, Zhongbo; 2019. Including Wave Diffraction in XBeach: Model Extension and Validation. Journal of Coastal Research, 36116. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-19-00015.1 | 2019 | Model application | 4 |
Murali, K.; Sriram, V.; Samad, Abdus; Saha, Nilanjan; Gowri Shankar, C.; Behera, Manasa Ranjan; Vethamony, P.; 2019. Sensitivity Study of Wind Drag Coefficient on Surge Modelling for Tropical Cyclone. , 22813–827. [19] | 2019 | Model application | 5 |
The, Nguyen Nguyen Ngoc The; Dien, Duong Cong; Tung, Tran Thanh; 2019. Research on wave set-up during storms along the coast of Cua Dai, Hoi An. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ biển, 19337–347. 10.15625/1859-3097/19/3/14058 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Suneeta, P.; Prasad, K. V. S. R.; 2019. Modeling of storm surges and wave heights during few cyclones over Bay of Bengal using uncoupled and coupled (ADCIRC+SWAN) models. IJMS Vol.48(06) [June 2019], . [20] | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Sahoo, Bishnupriya; Jose, Felix; Bhaskaran, Prasad K.; 2019. Hydrodynamic response of Bahamas archipelago to storm surge and hurricane generated waves – A case study for Hurricane Joaquin. Ocean Engineering, 184227–238. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2019.05.026 | 2019 | Model application | 27 |
Leger Monteiro, Wilson Madaleno; Sarmento, António; 2019. Analysing the Possibility of Extracting Energy from Ocean Waves in Cabo-Verde to Produce Clean Electricity - Case-Study: the Leeward Islands. International Journal of Renewable Energy Development, 8103. 10.14710/ijred.8.1.103-112 | 2019 | Model application | 4 |
Hallin, Caroline; Almström, Björn; Larson, Magnus; Hanson, Hans; 2019. Longshore Transport Variability of Beach Face Grain Size: Implications for Dune Evolution. Journal of Coastal Research, 35751. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-18-00153.1 | 2019 | Model application | 12 |
Grahovac, Andrija; Krvavica, Nino; Ružić, Igor; 2019. Utjecaj izgradnje obalnog zida na dinamiku valovanja ispred postojeće prirodne obale. Zbornik radova, 21179–191. 10.32762/zr.21.1.11 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Pakhirehzan, M., Rahbani, M., & Malakooti, H. 2019. Evaluating the Pattern of Monsoon Wind Generated Waves in the Northwest of the Persian Gulf using Coupled Atmospheric and Wave Model.. , 91-11. 10.29252/JOC.2019.9.1170 | 2019 | Model application | 2 |
Du, Jianting; Bolaños, Rodolfo; Larsén, Xiaoli Guo; Kelly, Mark; 2019. Wave boundary layer model in SWAN revisited. Ocean Science, 15361–377. 10.5194/os-15-361-2019 | 2019 | Model application | 7 |
Bingölbali, Bilal; Akpınar, Adem; Jafali, Halid; Vledder, Gerbrant Ph Van; 2019. Downscaling of wave climate in the western Black Sea. Ocean Engineering, 17231–45. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.11.042 | 2019 | Model application | 32 |
Adytia, Didit; Yonanta, Alif Rizal; Subasita, Nugrahinggil; 2019. Wind Wave Prediction by using Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average model : Case Study in Jakarta Bay. International Journal on Information and Communication Technology (IJoICT), 433. 10.21108/IJOICT.2018.42.300 | 2019 | Model application | 5 |
Onea, F.; Rusu, E. 2019. The Expected Shoreline Effect of a Marine Energy Farm Operating Close to Sardinia Island.. Water, 11. 10.3390/w11112303 | 2019 | Model application | 13 |
Allahdadi, M. Nabi; Gunawan, Budi; Lai, Jonathan; He, Ruoying; Neary, Vincent S.; 2019. Development and validation of a regional-scale high-resolution unstructured model for wave energy resource characterization along the US East Coast. Renewable Energy, 136500–511. 10.1016/j.renene.2019.01.020 | 2019 | Model application | 47 |
Lenstra, Klaas J. H.; Pluis, Stefan R. P. M.; Ridderinkhof, Wim; Ruessink, Gerben; van der Vegt, Maarten; 2019. Cyclic channel-shoal dynamics at the Ameland inlet: the impact on waves, tides, and sediment transport. Ocean Dynamics, 69409–425. 10.1007/s10236-019-01249-3 | 2019 | Model application | 20 |
Cui, Cheng; Yan, Bing; Zuo, Shu-hua; 2019. Study on Numerical Simulation of Three-dimensional Multi-directional Freak Waves Based on OpenFOAM. DEStech Transactions on Environment, Energy and Earth Sciences, . 10.12783/dteees/gmee2018/27555 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Cao, Hongsheng; Pan, Xishan; Li, Chunhui; Wang, Yan; Wang, Shaopeng; 2019. Influence of Large-scaled Reclamation on the Cold Wave in Coastal Area of Jiangsu Province. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 326012003. 10.1088/1755-1315/326/1/012003 | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
Patra, Anindita; Bhaskaran, Prasad K.; Maity, Rajib; 2019. Spectral Wave Characteristics over the Head Bay of Bengal: A Modeling Study. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 1765463–5486. 10.1007/s00024-019-02292-3 | 2019 | Model application | 10 |
Postacchini, Matteo; Lalli, Francesco; Memmola, Francesco; Bruschi, Antonello; Bellafiore, Debora; Lisi, Iolanda; Zitti, Gianluca; Brocchini, Maurizio; 2019. A model chain approach for coastal inundation: Application to the bay of Alghero. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 21956–70. 10.1016/j.ecss.2019.01.013 | 2019 | Model application | 20 |
Kushnir, D. V.; Tuchkovenko, Yu. S.; Popov, Yu. I.; 2019. Results of adaptation and verification of the coupled numerical models set for predicting the variation of oceanographic features in the North-Western part of the Black Sea. Ukrainian hydrometeorological journal, 95–108. 10.31481/uhmj.23.2019.09 | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
Muliati, Yati; 2019. WIND WAVE MODELING IN NATUNA SEA: A COMPARISON AMONG SWAN, SEAFINE, AND ERA-INTERIM. International Journal of GEOMATE, 16. 10.21660/2019.54.93272 | 2019 | Model application | 8 |
Webb, B.M.; Cleary, J.C.; 2019. Drag-Induced Displacement of a Simply Supported Bridge Span during Hurricane Katrina. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 3304019040. 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0001305 | 2019 | Model application | 4 |
Jayathilaka, R.M.R.M.; Fernando, M.C.S.; 2019. Numerical modelling of the spatial variation of sediment transport using wave climate schematization method - a case study of west coast of Sri Lanka. Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 47421. 10.4038/jnsfsr.v47i4.9679 | 2019 | Model application | 3 |
Björkqvist, J.-V.; Vähä-Piikkiö, O.; Alari, V.; Kuznetsova, A.; Tuomi, L.; 2019. WAM, SWAN and WAVEWATCH III in the Finnish archipelago – the effect of spectral performance on bulk wave parameters. Journal of Operational Oceanography, 1–16. 10.1080/1755876X.2019.1633236 | 2019 | Model application | 18 |
Kang, Taeuk; Lee, Sangho; Choi, Heungbae; Yoon, Sung Bum; 2019. A Technical Review for Reducing Inundation Damage to High-Rise and Underground-Linked Complex Buildings in Coastal Areas (2): Case Analysis for Application. Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, 1945–53. 10.9798/KOSHAM.2019.19.5.45 | 2019 | Model application | 1 |
Echevarría, Emilio R.; Dragani, Walter C.; Wörner, Stefania; 2019. A comprehensive study about alongshore wave energy flux in the coast of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 23435–443. 10.1007/s11852-018-0673-2 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Ràfols, Laura; Grifoll, Manel; Espino, Manuel; 2019. Wave–current interactions in a wind-jet region. Ocean Science, 151–20. 10.5194/os-15-1-2019 | 2019 | Model application | 11 |
Allahdadi, Mohammad Nabi; He, Ruoying; Neary, Vincent S.; 2019. Predicting ocean waves along the US east coast during energetic winter storms: sensitivity to whitecapping parameterizations. Ocean Science, 15691–715. 10.5194/os-15-691-2019 | 2019 | Model application | 18 |
Noranian Esfahani, Majid; Akbarpour Jannat, Mahmood Reza; Banijamali, Babak; Siadatmousavi, Seyed Mostafa; 2019. The impact of ERA-Interim winds on wave generation model performance in the Southern Caspian Sea region. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 1311281–1299. 10.1007/s00703-018-0638-x | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Lima, Gabriel Mello Vieira; Fontoura, José Antônio Scotti; Lemke, Natália; Da Silva, Marine Jusiane Bastos; 2019. Estimativa do Transporte Sedimentar Induzido por Ondas de Norte na Porção Sul da Margem Oeste do Canal do Canal de Acesso ao Porto do Rio Grande (4ª Secção da Barra do Rio Grande, RS). Revista Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa em Engenharia, 5177–185. 10.26512/ripe.v5i1.19189 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Thanh, Nguyen Trung; Huan, Nguyen Minh; Tien, Tran Quang; 2019. APPLICATION OF DATA ASSIMILATION METHOD FOR WAVE HEIGHT IN EASTERN VIETNAM SEA BY THE ENSEMBLE KALMAN FILTER. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ biển, 18358–367. 10.15625/1859-3097/18/4/12474 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Pandey, Smita; Rao, A. D.; 2019. Impact of Approach Angle of an Impinging Cyclone on Generation of Storm Surges and Its Interaction with Tides and Wind Waves. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 1247643–7660. 10.1029/2019JC015433 | 2019 | Model application | 19 |
Xiong, Mengjie; Zhang, Jinshan; Zhang, Weisheng; Yin, Chengtuan; 2019. Heterogeneous tide-surge interaction during co-occurrence of tropical and extratropical cyclones in the radial sand ridges of the southern Yellow Sea. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 371879–1898. 10.1007/s00343-019-8264-0 | 2019 | Model application | 9 |
Wang, Zhifeng; Gong, Yijie; Cui, Junnan; Dong, Sheng; Wu, Kejian; 2019. Effect of the drag coefficient on a typhoon wave model. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 371795–1804. 10.1007/s00343-019-8228-4 | 2019 | Model application | 12 |
Wang, Ning; Hou, Yijun; Li, Shuiqing; Li, Rui; 2019. Numerical simulation and preliminary analysis of typhoon waves during three typhoons in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 371805–1816. 10.1007/s00343-019-8260-4 | 2019 | Model application | 14 |
Canals Silander, Miguel F.; García Moreno, Carlos G.; 2019. On the spatial distribution of the wave energy resource in Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands. Renewable Energy, 136442–451. 10.1016/j.renene.2018.12.120 | 2019 | Model application | 20 |
Amunugama, Mangala; Suzuyama, Katsuyuki; Manawasekara, Chathura; Tanaka, Yoji; Xia, Yiqing; 2019. ANALYSIS OF WIND-WAVES WITH SWAN ON STRUCTURED MESH AND UNSTRUCTURED MESH DURING THE ARRIVAL OF TYPHOON. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B3 (Ocean Engineering), 75I_283–I_288. 10.2208/jscejoe.75.I_283 | 2019 | Model application | 0 |
Rodrigues, João M. F.; Cardoso, Pedro J. S.; Monteiro, Jânio; Lam, Roberto; Krzhizhanovskaya, Valeria V.; Lees, Michael H.; Dongarra, Jack J.; Sloot, Peter M.A.; Vychuzhanin, Pavel; Nikitin, Nikolay O.; Kalyuzhnaya, Anna V.; 2019. Robust Ensemble-Based Evolutionary Calibration of the Numerical Wind Wave Model. , 11536614–627. [21] | 2019 | Model application | 3 |
Amrutha, M. M.; Kumar, V. Sanil; 2019. Changes in Wave Energy in the Shelf Seas of India during the Last 40 Years Based on ERA5 Reanalysis Data. Energies, 13115. 10.3390/en13010115 | 2019 | Model application | 17 |
Baldock, T.E.; Shabani, B.; Callaghan, D.P.; 2019. Open access Bayesian Belief Networks for estimating the hydrodynamics and shoreline response behind fringing reefs subject to climate changes and reef degradation. Environmental Modelling & Software, 119327–340. 10.1016/j.envsoft.2019.07.001 | 2019 | Model application | 13 |
Yuk, Jin-Hee; Joh, Minsu; 2019. Prediction of Typhoon-induced Storm Surge, Waves and Coastal Inundation in the Suyeong River Area, South Korea: A Case Study during Typhoon Chaba. Journal of Coastal Research, 91156. 10.2112/SI91-032.1 | 2019 | Model application | 4 |
Masoomi, H.; van de Lingt, J.W.; Ameri, M.R.; Do, T.Q.; 2019. Combined Wind-Wave-Surge Hurricane-Induced Damage Prediction for Buildings. Journal of Structural Engineering, 14504018227. 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002241 | 2019 | Model application | 36 |
Parker, Kai; Ruggiero, Peter; Serafin, Katherine A.; Hill, David F.; 2019. Emulation as an approach for rapid estuarine modeling. Coastal Engineering, 15079–93. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2019.03.004 | 2019 | Model application | 22 |
Wang, Yanping; Liu, Yongling; Mao, Xinyan; Chi, Yutao; Jiang, Wensheng; 2019. Long-term variation of storm surge-associated waves in the Bohai Sea. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 371868–1878. 10.1007/s00343-019-8257-z | 2019 | Model application | 6 |
Musinguzi, Abram; Akbar, Muhammad K.; Fleming, Jason G.; Hargrove, Samuel K.; 2019. Understanding Hurricane Storm Surge Generation and Propagation Using a Forecasting Model, Forecast Advisories and Best Track in a Wind Model, and Observed Data—Case Study Hurricane Rita. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 777. 10.3390/jmse7030077 | 2019 | Model application | 17 |
Lenstra, Klaas J. H.; Ridderinkhof, Wim; van der Vegt, Maarten; 2019. Unraveling the Mechanisms That Cause Cyclic Channel‐Shoal Dynamics of Ebb‐Tidal Deltas: A Numerical Modeling Study. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 1242778–2797. 10.1029/2019JF005090 | 2019 | Model application | 5 |
Kim, Kyeong Ok; Lim, Hak Soo; Choi, Jin-Yong; Kim, Sun-Sin; 2018. Abnormally High Waves induced by Typhoon Vongfong along the Eastern Coast of the Korean Peninsula. Journal of Coastal Research, 85906–910. 10.2112/SI85-182.1 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Wu, Zhi-yuan; Jiang, Chang-bo; Deng, Bin; Chen, Jie; Cao, Yong-gang; Li, Lian-jie; 2018. Evaluation of numerical wave model for typhoon wave simulation in South China Sea. Water Science and Engineering, 11229–235. 10.1016/j.wse.2018.09.001 | 2018 | Model application | 14 |
Duong, Trang Minh; Ranasinghe, Roshanka; Thatcher, Marcus; Mahanama, Sarith; Wang, Zheng Bing; Dissanayake, Pushpa Kumara; Hemer, Mark; Luijendijk, Arjen; Bamunawala, Janaka; Roelvink, Dano; Walstra, Dirkjan; 2018. Assessing climate change impacts on the stability of small tidal inlets: Part 2 - Data rich environments. Marine Geology, 39565–81. 10.1016/j.margeo.2017.09.007 | 2018 | Model application | 14 |
Bennett, Vanessa C.C.; Mulligan, Ryan P.; Hapke, Cheryl J.; 2018. A numerical model investigation of the impacts of Hurricane Sandy on water level variability in Great South Bay, New York. Continental Shelf Research, 1611–11. 10.1016/j.csr.2018.04.003 | 2018 | Model application | 13 |
Wang, Weizhi; Kamath, Arun; Bihs, Hans; 2018. IRREGULAR WAVE MODELLING WITH CFD IN SULAFJORD FOR THE E39 PROJECT. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 45. 10.9753/icce.v36.waves.45 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Wang, Yanping; Mao, Xinyan; Jiang, Wensheng; 2018. Long-term hazard analysis of destructive storm surges using the ADCIRC- SWAN model: A case study of Bohai Sea, China. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 7352–62. 10.1016/j.jag.2018.03.013 | 2018 | Model application | 35 |
Bolle, Annelies; das Neves, Luciana; Smets, Steven; Mollaert, Justine; Buitrago, Saul; 2018. An impact-oriented Early Warning and Bayesian-based Decision Support System for flood risks in Zeebrugge harbour. Coastal Engineering, 134191–202. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2017.10.006 | 2018 | Model application | 26 |
Kyaw, Thit Oo; Shibayama, Tomoya; 2018. NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF CYCLONE NARGIS (2008) AND ITS RELATED WAVE FIELD AT MYANMAR COAST BY USING WRF-SWAN MODEL. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 16. 10.9753/icce.v36.waves.16 | 2018 | Model application | 1 |
Garzon, Juan L.; Ferreira, Celso M.; Padilla-Hernandez, Roberto; 2018. Evaluation of weather forecast systems for storm surge modeling in the Chesapeake Bay. Ocean Dynamics, 6891–107. 10.1007/s10236-017-1120-x | 2018 | Model application | 28 |
Deb, M.; Ferreira, C.M.; 2018. Simulation of cyclone-induced storm surges in the low-lying delta of Bangladesh using coupled hydrodynamic and wave model (SWAN + ADCIRC): Cyclones and coastal flooding in Bangladesh. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 11S750–S765. 10.1111/jfr3.12254 | 2018 | Model application | 29 |
Chang, Yeon S.; Huisman, Bas; de Boer, Wiebe; Yoo, Jeseon; 2018. Hindcast of Long-term Shoreline Change due to Coastal Interventions at Namhangjin, Korea. Journal of Coastal Research, 85201–205. 10.2112/SI85-041.1 | 2018 | Model application | 5 |
Unguendoli, Silvia; 2018. Propagation of uncertainty across modeling chains to evaluate hydraulic vulnerability in coastal areas. , . 10.6092/UNIBO/AMSDOTTORATO/8599 | 2018 | Model application | 4 |
Sanford, Lawrence P.; Gao, Jia; 2018. Influences of Wave Climate and Sea Level on Shoreline Erosion Rates in the Maryland Chesapeake Bay. Estuaries and Coasts, 4119–37. 10.1007/s12237-017-0257-7 | 2018 | Model application | 28 |
Rachmayani, Rima; Ningsih, Nining Sari; Ramadhan, Hani; Nurfitri, Suliskania; Roosmini, D.; Pribadi, K.; Sugeng, B.; Hadihardaja, I.K.; 2018. Analysis of ocean wave characteristic in Western Indonesian Seas using wave spectrum model. MATEC Web of Conferences, 14705001. 10.1051/matecconf/201814705001 | 2018 | Model application | 15 |
Hu, Xiaozhang; Yang, Fang; Song, Lixiang; Wang, Hangang; 2018. An Unstructured-Grid Based Morphodynamic Model for Sandbar Simulation in the Modaomen Estuary, China. Water, 10611. 10.3390/w10050611 | 2018 | Model application | 8 |
Pandey, Smita; Rao, A. D.; 2018. An improved cyclonic wind distribution for computation of storm surges. Natural Hazards, 9293–112. 10.1007/s11069-018-3193-3 | 2018 | Model application | 18 |
Seo, Min-Guk; Nam, Bo Woo; Kim, Yeongyu; 2018. Numerical Analysis of Turning Performance in Waves by Considering Wave Drift Forces. Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea, 55103–115. 10.3744/SNAK.2018.55.2.103 | 2018 | Model application | 3 |
Suciaty, Fitri; 2018. Transformasi Gelombang Swell dan Gelombang Angin di Perairan Selatan Bali (Hal. 28-39). RekaRacana: Jurnal Teknil Sipil, 428. 10.26760/rekaracana.v4i3.28 | 2018 | Model application | 1 |
Cieślikiewicz, Witold; Dudkowska, Aleksandra; Gic-Grusza, Gabriela; Jędrasik, Jan; 2018. Assessment of the potential for dredged material dispersal from dumping sites in the Gulf of Gdańsk. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 183437–3447. 10.1007/s11368-018-2066-4 | 2018 | Model application | 6 |
Dreier, Norman; Fröhle, Peter; 2018. Operational wave forecast in the German Bight as part of a sensor- and risk based early warning system. Journal of Coastal Research, 851161–1165. 10.2112/SI85-233.1 | 2018 | Model application | 8 |
Vassie, John; Choi, Byung Ho; 2018. Simulation of Normandy Invasion on 6th of June, 1944. Journal of Coastal Research, 851071–1075. 10.2112/SI85-215.1 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Christie, Elizabeth; Möller, Iris; Spencer, Tom; Yates, Marissa; 2018. MODELING WAVE ATTENUATION DUE TO SALTMARSH VEGETATION USING A MODIFIED SWAN MODEL. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 73. 10.9753/icce.v36.papers.73 | 2018 | Model application | 5 |
Hamza, Waleed; Lusito, Letizia; Ligorio, Francesco; Tomasicchio, Giuseppe; D’Alessandro, Felice; 2018. Wave Climate at Shallow Waters along the Abu Dhabi Coast. Water, 10985. 10.3390/w10080985 | 2018 | Model application | 9 |
Mahmoudof, Seyed Masoud; Badiei, Peyman; Siadatmousavi, Seyed Mostafa; Chegini, Vahid; 2018. Spectral Wave Modeling in Very Shallow Water at Southern Coast of Caspian Sea. Journal of Marine Science and Application, 17140–151. 10.1007/s11804-018-0011-y | 2018 | Model application | 6 |
Salisbury, Michael; DeMunda, Todd; Walker, Nicole; 2018. DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF A STORM SURGE AND WAVE MODEL FOR LAKE HURON (GREAT LAKES, USA). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 79. 10.9753/icce.v36.waves.79 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Kubota, Hiroki; Tsujio, Daiki; Mori, Nobuhito; 2018. ACCURACY OF COASTAL WAVE HINDCAST DEPENDS ON SPATIAL RESOLUTION BY WAVEWATCH III-SWAN COUPLING MODEL. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B3 (Ocean Engineering), 74I_617–I_622. 10.2208/jscejoe.74.I_617 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Lirkov, Ivan; Margenov, Svetozar; Galabov, Vasko; Chervenkov, Hristo; 2018. On the Winter Wave Climate of the Western Black Sea: The Changes During the Last 115 Years. , 10665466–473. [22] | 2018 | Model application | 2 |
Umesh, P.A.; Swain, J.; Balchand, A.N.; 2018. Inter-comparison of WAM and WAVEWATCH-III in the North Indian Ocean using ERA-40 and QuikSCAT/NCEP blended winds. Ocean Engineering, 164298–321. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.06.053 | 2018 | Model application | 15 |
Dally, William R.; 2018. Comparison of a mid-shelf wave hindcast to ADCP-measured directional spectra and their transformation to shallow water. Coastal Engineering, 13112–30. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2017.10.009 | 2018 | Model application | 4 |
Lee, Bohyung; Ahn, Sukjin; 2018. Improved Reproducibility of the Yellow and East China Sea Wave Model by Adjusting Parameter of SWAN. Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy, 21207–215. 10.7846/JKOSMEE.2018.21.3.207 | 2018 | Model application | 1 |
Gaeta, Maria Gabriella; Bonaldo, Davide; Samaras, Achilleas G.; Carniel, Sandro; Archetti, Renata; 2018. Coupled Wave-2D Hydrodynamics Modeling at the Reno River Mouth (Italy) under Climate Change Scenarios. Water, 101380. 10.3390/w10101380 | 2018 | Model application | 18 |
Dora, G. Udhaba; Kumar, V. Sanil; 2018. Hindcast of breaking waves and its impact at an island sheltered coast, Karwar. Ocean Dynamics, 681–16. 10.1007/s10236-017-1112-x | 2018 | Model application | 4 |
Rusu, Eugen; 2018. Study of the Wave Energy Propagation Patterns in the Western Black Sea. Applied Sciences, 8993. 10.3390/app8060993 | 2018 | Model application | 13 |
Albarakati, Alaa M.A.; Aboobacker, V.M.; 2018. Wave transformation in the nearshore waters of Jeddah, west coast of Saudi Arabia. Ocean Engineering, 163599–608. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.06.041 | 2018 | Model application | 8 |
Seok, Jin-Su; Suh, Seung-Won; 2018. Efficient Real-time Erosion Early Warning System and Artificial Sand Dune Breaching on Haeundae Beach, Korea. Journal of Coastal Research, 85186–190. 10.2112/SI85-038.1 | 2018 | Model application | 2 |
Arockiaraj, S.; Kankara, R. S.; Udhaba Dora, G.; Sathish, S.; 2018. Estimation of seasonal morpho-sedimentary changes at headland bound and exposed beaches along south Maharashtra, west coast of India. Environmental Earth Sciences, 77604. 10.1007/s12665-018-7790-y | 2018 | Model application | 4 |
Westcott, Gregory; Grilli, Annette R.; Grilli, Stephan; Kirby, James T.; Shi, Fengyan; 2018. INDIVIDUAL WAVE EFFECTS ON COASTAL STRUCTURE DAMAGE DURING WINDSTORMS. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 14–14. 10.9753/icce.v36.structures.14 | 2018 | Model application | 1 |
Banihashemi, Saeideh; Kirby, James T.; Shi, Fengyan; Dong, Zhifei; 2018. WAVES AND STRONGLY SHEARED CURRENTS: EXTENSIONS TO COASTAL OCEAN MODELS. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 40. 10.9753/icce.v36.currents.40 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Paladini de Mendoza, Francesco; Bonamano, Simone; Martellucci, Riccardo; Melchiorri, Cristiano; Consalvi, Natalizia; Piermattei, Viviana; Marcelli, Marco; 2018. Circulation during Storms and Dynamics of Suspended Matter in a Sheltered Coastal Area. Remote Sensing, 10602. 10.3390/rs10040602 | 2018 | Model application | 6 |
Myslenkov, S. A.; Samsonov, T. E.; Kiseleva, S. V.; Arkhipkin, V. S.; Shestakova, A. A.; Umnov, P. M.; 2018. Development of Web-Atlas of Available Wind and Wave Energy in the Coastal Zones of the Russian Seas: Information and Cartographic Support (on the Example of the Black Sea). Alternative Energy and Ecology (ISJAEE), 39–54. 10.15518/isjaee.2018.16-18.039-054 | 2018 | Model application | 2 |
Kim, Tae Rim; Lee, Jae Hyuk; 2018. Comparison of High Wave Hindcasts during Typhoon Bolaven (1215) using SWAN and WAVEWATCH III Model. Journal of Coastal Research, 851096–1100. 10.2112/SI85-220.1 | 2018 | Model application | 10 |
Bento, Ana Rute; Salvação, Nádia; Guedes Soares, Carlos; 2018. Validation of a wave forecast system for Galway Bay. Journal of Operational Oceanography, 11112–124. 10.1080/1755876X.2018.1470454 | 2018 | Model application | 6 |
Ilia, Amin; O’Donnell, James; 2018. An Assessment of Two Models of Wave Propagation in an Estuary Protected by Breakwaters. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 6145. 10.3390/jmse6040145 | 2018 | Model application | 8 |
Liu, Ke; Chen, Qin; Hu, Kelin; 2018. THE IMPACT OF BARRIER ISLAND DEGRADATION ON HURRICANE-INDUCED SEDIMENT TRANSPORT. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 49. 10.9753/icce.v36.papers.49 | 2018 | Model application | 1 |
Fomin, V. V.; Alekseev, D. V.; Lemeshko, E. M.; Lazorenko, D. I.; 2018. Simulation and Analysis of Sea Floods in the Don River Delta. Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, 4395–102. 10.3103/S106837391802005X | 2018 | Model application | 3 |
Bigalbal, Alayna; Rezaie, Ali; Garzon, Juan; Ferreira, Celso; 2018. Potential Impacts of Sea Level Rise and Coarse Scale Marsh Migration on Storm Surge Hydrodynamics and Waves on Coastal Protected Areas in the Chesapeake Bay. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 686. 10.3390/jmse6030086 | 2018 | Model application | 15 |
Joyce, Justin; Chang, Ni-Bin; Harji, Rahim; Ruppert, Thomas; Singhofen, Peter; 2018. Cascade impact of hurricane movement, storm tidal surge, sea level rise and precipitation variability on flood assessment in a coastal urban watershed. Climate Dynamics, 51383–409. 10.1007/s00382-017-3930-4 | 2018 | Model application | 27 |
Mizutani, Hideaki; Baba, Yasuyuki; Hiraishi, Tetsuya; Mase, Hajime; 2018. FIELD MEASUREMENTS OF BEACH CHANGE AND NEARSHORE CURRENT SIMULATION USING XBEACH MODEL AROUND SHIRARAHAMA BEACH IN 2017. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering), 74I_925–I_930. 10.2208/kaigan.74.I_925 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Kiaghadi, Amin; Rifai, Hanadi S.; Burleson, Daniel W.; 2018. Development of a storm surge driven water quality model to simulate spills during hurricanes. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 129714–728. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.10.063 | 2018 | Model application | 11 |
Bass, Benjamin; Torres, Jacob M.; Irza, John N.; Proft, Jennifer; Sebastian, Antonia; Dawson, Clint; Bedient, Philip; 2018. Surge dynamics across a complex bay coastline, Galveston Bay, TX. Coastal Engineering, 138165–183. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2018.04.019 | 2018 | Model application | 11 |
Chen, Tongqing; Zhang, Qinghe; Wu, Yongsheng; Ji, Chao; Yang, Jingsi; Liu, Guangwei; 2018. Development of a wave-current model through coupling of FVCOM and SWAN. Ocean Engineering, 164443–454. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.06.062 | 2018 | Model application | 28 |
Rodriguez-Delgado, Cristobal; Bergillos, Rafael J.; Ortega-Sánchez, Miguel; Iglesias, Gregorio; 2018. Wave farm effects on the coast: The alongshore position. Science of The Total Environment, 6401176–1186. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.05.281 | 2018 | Model application | 37 |
Muliati, Yati; 2018. APPLICATION OF SWAN MODEL FOR HINDCASTING WAVE HEIGHT IN JEPARA COASTAL WATERS, NORTH JAVA, INDONESIA. International Journal of GEOMATE, 15. 10.21660/2018.48.56067 | 2018 | Model application | 6 |
Niculescu, Dragos M.; Rusu, Eugen V.C.; 2018. Evaluation of the new coastal protection scheme at Mamaia Bay in the nearshore of the Black Sea. Ocean Systems Engineering, 81–20. 10.12989/OSE.2018.8.1.001 | 2018 | Model application | 7 |
Umesh, P.A.; Swain, J.; 2018. Inter-comparisons of SWAN hindcasts using boundary conditions from WAM and WWIII for northwest and northeast coasts of India. Ocean Engineering, 156523–549. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.03.029 | 2018 | Model application | 14 |
Chen, Xuanyu; Ginis, Isaac; Hara, Tetsu; 2018. Sensitivity of Offshore Tropical Cyclone Wave Simulations to Spatial Resolution in Wave Models. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 6116. 10.3390/jmse6040116 | 2018 | Model application | 12 |
Silva, Dina; Rusu, Eugen; Guedes Soares, C.; 2018. The Effect of a Wave Energy Farm Protecting an Aquaculture Installation. Energies, 112109. 10.3390/en11082109 | 2018 | Model application | 19 |
Anarde, Katherine A.; Kameshwar, Sabarethinam; Irza, John N.; Nittrouer, Jeffrey A.; Lorenzo-Trueba, Jorge; Padgett, Jamie E.; Sebastian, Antonia; Bedient, Philip B.; 2018. Impacts of Hurricane Storm Surge on Infrastructure Vulnerability for an Evolving Coastal Landscape. Natural Hazards Review, 1904017020. 10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000265 | 2018 | Model application | 34 |
Baron-Hyppolite, Christophe; Lashley, Christopher; Garzon, Juan; Miesse, Tyler; Ferreira, Celso; Bricker, Jeremy; 2018. Comparison of Implicit and Explicit Vegetation Representations in SWAN Hindcasting Wave Dissipation by Coastal Wetlands in Chesapeake Bay. Geosciences, 98. 10.3390/geosciences9010008 | 2018 | Model application | 21 |
Suh, Seung-Won; Kim, Hyeon-Jeong; 2018. Simulation of Wave Overtopping and Inundation over a Dike Caused by Typhoon Chaba at Marine City, Busan, Korea. Journal of Coastal Research, 85711–715. 10.2112/SI85-143.1 | 2018 | Model application | 10 |
Deng, Junjie; Jones, Brian G.; Rogers, Kerrylee; Woodroffe, Colin D.; 2018. Wind influence on the orientation of estuarine landforms: An example from Lake Illawarra in southeastern Australia. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 432915–2925. 10.1002/esp.4459 | 2018 | Model application | 8 |
Gao, Zhan-sheng; Qian, Yu-hao; Sui, Yu-wei; Chen, Xuan; Zhang, Da; 2018. Wave energy analysis based on simulation wave data in the China Sea. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 153062041. 10.1088/1755-1315/153/6/062041 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Perrie, Will; Toulany, Bechara; Roland, Aron; Dutour-Sikiric, Mathieu; Chen, Changsheng; Beardsley, Robert C.; Qi, Jianhua; Hu, Yongcun; Casey, Michael P.; Shen, Hui; 2018. Modeling North Atlantic Nor'easters With Modern Wave Forecast Models: MODELING WAVES IN NOR'EASTERS. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123533–557. 10.1002/2017JC012868 | 2018 | Model application | 11 |
Peng, Zhong; Bradon, Jill; 2018. ON SPECTRUM CALIBRATION FOR NEARSHORE WAVE TRANSFORMATION. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 50. 10.9753/icce.v36.papers.50 | 2018 | Model application | 1 |
Bonaldo, Davide; Bucchignani, Edoardo; Ricchi, Antonio; Carniel, Sandro; 2018. Wind storminess in the Adriatic Sea in a climate change scenario. Acta Adriatica, 58195–208. 10.32582/aa.58.2.1 | 2018 | Model application | 16 |
Ramos, V.; López, M.; Taveira-Pinto, F.; Rosa-Santos, P.; 2018. Performance assessment of the CECO wave energy converter: Water depth influence. Renewable Energy, 117341–356. 10.1016/j.renene.2017.10.064 | 2018 | Model application | 22 |
Kompor, Wongnarin; Ekkawatpanit, Chaiwat; Kositgittiwong, Duangrudee; 2018. Assessment of ocean wave energy resource potential in Thailand. Ocean & Coastal Management, 16064–74. 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2018.04.003 | 2018 | Model application | 20 |
Kutupoğlu, Volkan; Çakmak, Recep Emre; Akpınar, Adem; van Vledder, Gerbrant Ph; 2018. Setup and evaluation of a SWAN wind wave model for the Sea of Marmara. Ocean Engineering, 165450–464. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.07.053 | 2018 | Model application | 41 |
Akbarifard, Saeid; Radmanesh, Fereydoun; 2018. Predicting sea wave height using Symbiotic Organisms Search (SOS) algorithm. Ocean Engineering, 167348–356. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.04.092 | 2018 | Model application | 44 |
Niu, Xuyang; Ma, Yuxiang; Ma, Xiaozhou; Dong, Guohai; Song, Yongbo; 2018. AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF EXTREME WAVE KINEMATICS ON OPPOSING DEPTH-VARYING CURRENTS. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 37. 10.9753/icce.v36.waves.37 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Umesh, P. A.; Bhaskaran, Prasad K.; Sandhya, K. G.; Nair, T. M. Balakrishnan; 2018. High Frequency Tail Characteristics in the Coastal Waters off Gopalpur, Northwest Bay of Bengal: A Nearshore Modelling Study. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 1752351–2379. 10.1007/s00024-017-1761-1 | 2018 | Model application | 11 |
Wu, W.-C.; Yang, Z.; Wang, T.; 2018. Wave Resource Characterization Using an Unstructured Grid Modeling Approach. Energies, 11605. 10.3390/en11030605 | 2018 | Model application | 17 |
Park, Won Kyung; Moon, Yong Ho; Chang, Sung Yeol; Jeong, Woen Mu; Chae, Jang Won; Ryu, Kyung Ho; Chang, Yeon S.; Jin, Jae Youll; 2018. Nonlinear Transformation of Storm Waves and Impacts on Nearshore Mound in Haeundae Beach, Korea. Journal of Coastal Research, 851131–1135. 10.2112/SI85-227.1 | 2018 | Model application | 4 |
Tran, T. D., Dinh, D. T., Doan, Q. T., & Tran, Q. T. 2018. Applications of numerical modelling for the study on storm surge in typhoon Xangsane in the central coast of Vietnam.. Tropical cyclone research and review, 7179-192. 10.6057/2018TCRR03.04 | 2018 | Model application | 6 |
Rizza, Umberto; Canepa, Elisa; Ricchi, Antonio; Bonaldo, Davide; Carniel, Sandro; Morichetti, Mauro; Passerini, Giorgio; Santiloni, Laura; Scremin Puhales, Franciano; Miglietta, Mario; 2018. Influence of Wave State and Sea Spray on the Roughness Length: Feedback on Medicanes. Atmosphere, 9301. 10.3390/atmos9080301 | 2018 | Model application | 30 |
Sánchez, Antonio Santos; Rodrigues, Diego Arruda; Fontes, Raony Maia; Martins, Márcio Fernandes; Kalid, Ricardo de Araújo; Torres, Ednildo Andrade; 2018. Wave resource characterization through in-situ measurement followed by artificial neural networks' modeling. Renewable Energy, 1151055–1066. 10.1016/j.renene.2017.09.032 | 2018 | Model application | 21 |
Mahmoudof, Seyed Masoud; Badiei, Peyman; Siadatmousavi, Seyed Mostafa; Chegini, Vahid; 2018. Spectral Wave Modeling in Very Shallow Water at Southern Coast of Caspian Sea. Journal of Marine Science and Application, 17140–151. 10.1007/s11804-018-0011-y | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Taheri, Hamid; Kazeminezhad, Mohammad Hossein; Yeganeh Bakhtiary, Abbas; 2018. Performance Evaluation of SWAN Model for Wind Wave Forecasting in the Persian Gulf (Case Study: Farur and Lavan Islands). Journal of Oceanography, 843–51. 10.29252/joc.8.32.43 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Raileanu, Alina; Onea, Florin; Rusu, Liliana; Cui, W.; Rusu, E.; 2018. Coastal protection of the Romanian nearshore throughout hybrid wave and offshore wind farms. E3S Web of Conferences, 5101004. 10.1051/e3sconf/20185101004 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Chen, Chen; 2018. Case study on wave-current interaction and its effects on ship navigation. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 30411–419. 10.1007/s42241-018-0050-5 | 2018 | Model application | 13 |
Yamaguchi, Masataka; Nonaka, Hirokazu; Hatada, Yoshio; Utsunomiya, Yoshihiro; Inouchi, Kunimitsu; Hino, Mikio; 2018. INTERCOMPARATIVE STUDY OF LONG-YEAR WAVE HINDCASTING DATA SAMPLES BY USE OF BACKWARD RAY TRACING MODEL AND SWAN MODEL UNDER MSM-BASED WINDS CONDITION PROVIDED BY JMA. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), 74I_457–I_462. 10.2208/jscejhe.74.I_457 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Wandres, Moritz; Pattiaratchi, Charitha; Hetzel, Yasha; Wijeratne, E. M. S.; 2018. The response of the southwest Western Australian wave climate to Indian Ocean climate variability. Climate Dynamics, 501533–1557. 10.1007/s00382-017-3704-z | 2018 | Model application | 19 |
Soltanpour, Mohsen; Ranji, Zahra; Shibayama, Tomoyo; Ghader, Sarmad; Nishizaki, Shinsaku; 2018. NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF TROPICAL CYCLONES AND STORM SURGES IN THE ARABIAN SEA. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 11. 10.9753/icce.v36.papers.11 | 2018 | Model application | 1 |
Nurfitri, S; Ningsih, N S; Sentanu, A N; Rachmayani, R; 2018. Numerical modeling of wave-current interaction in Merak Port, Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 162012007. 10.1088/1755-1315/162/1/012007 | 2018 | Model application | 3 |
Do, Kideok; Kim, Jinah; 2018. A Study on the Predictability of Eastern Winter Storm Waves Using Operational Wind Forecasts of KMA. Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 30223–233. 10.9765/KSCOE.2018.30.5.223 | 2018 | Model application | 10 |
Chen, Chen; 2018. Case study on wave-current interaction and its effects on ship navigation. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 30411–419. 10.1007/s42241-018-0050-5 | 2018 | Model application | 2 |
Frost, Ciaran; Findlay, David; Macpherson, Ewen; Sayer, Philip; Johanning, Lars; 2018. A model to map levelised cost of energy for wave energy projects. Ocean Engineering, 149438–451. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2017.09.063 | 2018 | Model application | 10 |
Melby, Jeffrey A.; Diop, Fatima; Nadal-Caraballo, Norberto; Taflanidis, Alex; Gonzalez, Victor; 2018. HURRICANE WATER LEVEL PREDICTION USING SURROGATE MODELING. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 57. 10.9753/icce.v36.currents.57 | 2018 | Model application | 1 |
Nardin, William; 2018. The Role of Waves, Shelf Slope, and Sediment Characteristics on the Development of Erosional Chenier Plains. Geophysical Research Letters, 458435–8444. 10.1029/2018GL078694 | 2018 | Model application | 9 |
Rachmayani, R; Ningsih, N S; Adiprabowo, S R; Nurfitri, S; 2018. Ocean wave characteristic in the Sunda Strait using Wave Spectrum Model. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 139012025. 10.1088/1755-1315/139/1/012025 | 2018 | Model application | 1 |
Luczko, Ewelina; Robertson, Bryson; Bailey, Helen; Hiles, Clayton; Buckham, Bradley; 2018. Representing non-linear wave energy converters in coastal wave models. Renewable Energy, 118376–385. 10.1016/j.renene.2017.11.040 | 2018 | Model application | 12 |
Ji, Chao; Zhang, Qinghe; Wu, Yongsheng; 2018. An empirical formula for maximum wave setup based on a coupled wave-current model. Ocean Engineering, 147215–226. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2017.10.021 | 2018 | Model application | 23 |
Bye, John A.T.; James, Charles; 2018. Wave transport in the South Australian Basin. Continental Shelf Research, 15426–36. 10.1016/j.csr.2017.12.010 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Arriaga, Jaime; Falqués, Albert; Ribas, Francesca; Crews, Eddie; 2018. Formation events of shoreline sand waves on a gravel beach. Ocean Dynamics, 68735–748. 10.1007/s10236-018-1157-5 | 2018 | Model application | 4 |
Rusu, Liliana; Raileanu, Alina; Onea, Florin; 2018. A Comparative Analysis of the Wind and Wave Climate in the Black Sea Along the Shipping Routes. Water, 10924. 10.3390/w10070924 | 2018 | Model application | 30 |
Zhang, Xuefeng; Chu, Peter C.; Li, Wei; Liu, Chang; Zhang, Lianxin; Shao, Caixia; Zhang, Xiaoshuang; Chao, Guofang; Zhao, Yuxin; 2018. Impact of Langmuir Turbulence on the Thermal Response of the Ocean Surface Mixed Layer to Supertyphoon Haitang (2005). Journal of Physical Oceanography, 481651–1674. 10.1175/JPO-D-17-0132.1 | 2018 | Model application | 17 |
Kawaguchi, Koji; Fujiki, Takashi; Suehiro, Fumikazu; Suzuyama, Katsuyuki; Manawasekara, Chathura; 2018. ESTIMATION CHARACTERISTICS OF THREE THIRD GENERATION WAVE HINDCASTING MODELS FOR TYPHOON LAN. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B3 (Ocean Engineering), 74I_611–I_616. 10.2208/jscejoe.74.I_611 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Conroy, Colton J.; Kubatko, Ethan J.; Nappi, Angela; Sebian, Rachel; 2018. hp discontinuous Galerkin methods for parametric, wind-driven water wave models. Advances in Water Resources, 11970–83. 10.1016/j.advwatres.2018.04.008 | 2018 | Model application | 3 |
Chun, Chen; Yu Xin, Huang; 2018. Numerical Simulation of Wind Wave in Bohai Sea Induced by Cold Wave. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 171012017. 10.1088/1755-1315/171/1/012017 | 2018 | Model application | 2 |
Bento, A. Rute; Martinho, Paulo; Guedes Soares, C.; 2018. Wave energy assessement for Northern Spain from a 33-year hindcast. Renewable Energy, 127322–333. 10.1016/j.renene.2018.04.049 | 2018 | Model application | 38 |
Pennison, Garland; Webb, Bret; Gidaris, Ioannis; Padgett, Jamie; 2018. PREDICTING COASTAL ROADWAY DAMAGE USING MODIFIED DISPERSION FUNCTIONS. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 5. 10.9753/icce.v36.structures.5 | 2018 | Model application | 1 |
Rusu, Eugen; Onea, Florin; Cui, W.; Rusu, E.; 2018. Evaluation of the shoreline effect of the marine energy farms in different coastal environments. E3S Web of Conferences, 5103005. 10.1051/e3sconf/20185103005 | 2018 | Model application | 2 |
Lopatukhin, L. I.; Yaitskaya, N. A.; 2018. Peculiarities of the Approach to Calculation of Wind Waves in the Caspian Sea. Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, 43245–250. 10.3103/S1068373918040052 | 2018 | Model application | 3 |
Pedreros, R.; Idier, D.; Muller, H.; Lecacheux, S.; Paris, F.; Yates-Michelin, M.; Dumas, F.; Pineau-Guillou, L.; Sénéchal, N.; 2018. Relative Contribution of Wave Setup to the Storm Surge: Observations and Modeling Based Analysis in Open and Protected Environments (Truc Vert beach and Tubuai island). Journal of Coastal Research, 851046–1050. 10.2112/SI85-210.1 | 2018 | Model application | 25 |
Niroomandi, Arash; Ma, Gangfeng; Ye, Xinyu; Lou, Sha; Xue, Pengfei; 2018. Extreme value analysis of wave climate in Chesapeake Bay. Ocean Engineering, 15922–36. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.03.094 | 2018 | Model application | 31 |
Wuxi, Qingyong; Li, Jiachun; Nie, Bingchuan; 2018. Effects of tide-surge interaction and wave set-up/set-down on surge: case studies of tropical cyclones landing China's Zhe-Min coast. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 8153–159. 10.1016/j.taml.2018.03.002 | 2018 | Model application | 10 |
O’Donncha, Fearghal; Zhang, Yushan; Chen, Bei; James, Scott C.; 2018. An integrated framework that combines machine learning and numerical models to improve wave-condition forecasts. Journal of Marine Systems, 18629–36. 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2018.05.006 | 2018 | Model application | 45 |
O'Dea, Annika; Haller, Merrick C.; Özkan-Haller, H. Tuba; 2018. The impact of wave energy converter arrays on wave-induced forcing in the surf zone. Ocean Engineering, 161322–336. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.03.077 | 2018 | Model application | 20 |
Akrish, Gal; Smit, Pieter; Zijlema, Marcel; Reniers, Ad; 2018. MODELLING WAVE INTERFERENCE PATTERNS USING THE SWAN MODEL. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 42. 10.9753/icce.v36.waves.42 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Zou, Li; Dong, Jin; Jiang, Sheng-chao; Yu, You; Pei, Yu-guo; 2018. Numerical Research on Wave Evolution near an Island Using SWAN Model. DEStech Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering, . 10.12783/dtcse/mmsta2017/19618 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Beyramzade, Mostafa; Siadatmousavi, Seyed Mostafa; 2018. Implementation of viscoelastic mud-induced energy attenuation in the third-generation wave model, SWAN. Ocean Dynamics, 6847–63. 10.1007/s10236-017-1118-4 | 2018 | Model application | 5 |
Oosterlo, Patrick; Van der Meer, Jentsje W.; Hofland, Bas; Van Vledder, Gerbrant; 2018. WAVE MODELLING IN A COMPLEX ESTUARY: STUDY IN PREPARATION OF FIELD MEASUREMENT CAMPAIGN EEMS-DOLLARD ESTUARY. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 66. 10.9753/icce.v36.papers.66 | 2018 | Model application | 1 |
Astariz, S.; Vazquez, A.; Sánchez, M.; Carballo, R.; Iglesias, G.; 2018. Co-located wave-wind farms for improved O&M efficiency. Ocean & Coastal Management, 16366–71. 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2018.04.010 | 2018 | Model application | 20 |
Poulose, Jismy; Rao, A.D.; Bhaskaran, Prasad K.; 2018. Role of continental shelf on non-linear interaction of storm surges, tides and wind waves: An idealized study representing the west coast of India. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 207457–470. 10.1016/j.ecss.2017.06.007 | 2018 | Model application | 39 |
Gonçalves, Marta; Martinho, Paulo; Guedes Soares, C.; 2018. A 33-year hindcast on wave energy assessment in the western French coast. Energy, 165790–801. 10.1016/j.energy.2018.10.002 | 2018 | Model application | 53 |
Ezer, Tal; Oey, Lie-Yauw; Xue, Huijie; Zavatarelli, Marco; Sannino, Gianmaria; de Camargo, Ricardo; 2018. Editorial—the 8th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean (IWMO 2016) in Bologna, Italy, June 7–10, 2016. Ocean Dynamics, 68153–156. 10.1007/s10236-017-1123-7 | 2018 | Model application | 0 |
Silva, Dina; Martinho, Paulo; Guedes Soares, C.; 2018. Wave energy distribution along the Portuguese continental coast based on a thirty three years hindcast. Renewable Energy, 1271064–1075. 10.1016/j.renene.2018.05.037 | 2018 | Model application | 57 |
Kallel, Amjad; Ksibi, Mohamed; Ben Dhia, Hamed; Khélifi, Nabil; Amarouche, Khalid; Bachari, Nour -El -Islam; Houma, Fouzia; 2018. Simulation of Hydrodynamic Behavior Using Data from Coastal Weather Stations at the Bejaia Bay, Algeria. , 1595–1598. [23] | 2018 | Model application | 1 |
Gao, Weilun; Shao, Dongdong; Wang, Zheng Bing; Nardin, William; Yang, Wei; Sun, Tao; Cui, Baoshan; 2018. Combined Effects of Unsteady River Discharges and Wave Conditions on River Mouth Bar Morphodynamics. Geophysical Research Letters, 45. 10.1029/2018GL080447 | 2018 | Model application | 25 |
Nardin, William; Larsen, Laurel; Fagherazzi, Sergio; Wiberg, Patricia; 2018. Tradeoffs among hydrodynamics, sediment fluxes and vegetation community in the Virginia Coast Reserve, USA. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 21098–108. 10.1016/j.ecss.2018.06.009 | 2018 | Model application | 35 |
Arikawa, Taro; Seki, Katsumi; Haga, Takuto; Fujiwara, Kazuhiro; 2018. CONSIDERATION OF STORM SURGE CAUSED BY HURRICANE IRMA BASED ON STOC-WRF COUPLING MODEL. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 55. 10.9753/icce.v36.currents.55 | 2018 | Model application | 1 |
Jackson, Zoe; Grey, Stephen; Adcock, Thomas A. A.; Taylor, Paul H.; Bidlot, Jean-Raymond; 2017. The waves at the Mulberry Harbours. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy, 3285–292. 10.1007/s40722-017-0088-4 | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
Alonso, Rodrigo; Solari, Sebastián; 2017. AUTOMATIC CALIBRATION OF A WAVE MODEL WITH AN EVOLUTIONARY BAYESIAN METHOD. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 26. 10.9753/icce.v35.waves.26 | 2017 | Model application | 2 |
Wang, Zhifeng; Wu, Kejian; Gao, Shanhong; Li, Qingjie; 2017. Nearshore Wave Forecast for Xiamen, China. Journal of Coastal Research, 8048–54. 10.2112/SI80-008.1 | 2017 | Model application | 3 |
Matos, Maria de Fatima Alves de; Scudelari, Ada Cristina; Amaro, Venerando Eustáquio; Fortes, Conceição Juana Espinosa Morais; 2017. INTEGRAÇÃO DE MODELAGEM NUMÉRICA (SWAN) E DADOS DE CAMPO NA DETERMINAÇÃO DO CLIMA DE ONDAS NO LITORAL SETENTRIONAL DO RIO GRANDE DO NORTE. Revista Brasileira de Geomorfologia, 18. 10.20502/rbg.v18i2.1153 | 2017 | Model application | 2 |
Drost, Edwin Johannes Fokke; 2017. The ocean and coastal response to tropical cyclone forcing in the Australian North West region. , . 10.4225/23/5A5BF7743F322 | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
Du, Jianting; Bolaños, Rodolfo.; Guo Larsén, Xiaoli; 2017. The use of a wave boundary layer model in SWAN: THE USE OF A WBL MODEL IN SWAN. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 12242–62. 10.1002/2016JC012104 | 2017 | Model application | 22 |
Xie, Dongmei; Zou, Qingping; 2017. EFFECT OF WAVE-CURRENT INTERACTION ON WAVES AND CIRCULATION OVER GEORGES BANK DURING STORM EVENTS. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 18. 10.9753/icce.v35.waves.18 | 2017 | Model application | 1 |
Hatzikyriakou, Adam; Lin, Ning; 2017. Simulating storm surge waves for structural vulnerability estimation and flood hazard mapping. Natural Hazards, 89939–962. 10.1007/s11069-017-3001-5 | 2017 | Model application | 30 |
Drost, Edwin J.F.; Lowe, Ryan J.; Ivey, Greg N.; Jones, Nicole L.; Péquignet, Christine A.; 2017. The effects of tropical cyclone characteristics on the surface wave fields in Australia's North West region. Continental Shelf Research, 13935–53. 10.1016/j.csr.2017.03.006 | 2017 | Model application | 29 |
Fonseca, Rita B.; Gonçalves, Marta; Guedes Soares, C.; 2017. Comparing the Performance of Spectral Wave Models for Coastal Areas. Journal of Coastal Research, 332331–346. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-15-00200.1 | 2017 | Model application | 16 |
Sheng, Y. Peter; Zou, Ruizhi; 2017. Assessing the role of mangrove forest in reducing coastal inundation during major hurricanes. Hydrobiologia, 80387–103. 10.1007/s10750-017-3201-8 | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
Kim, Kyeong Ok; Yuk, Jin-Hee; Jung, Kyung Tae; Choi, Byung Ho; 2017. Swell Propagation Caused by Typhoon Passage to the Yellow and East China Seas. Journal of Coastal Research, 79144–148. 10.2112/SI79-030.1 | 2017 | Model application | 2 |
Nurfaida, Wakhidatik; Shimozono, Takenori; 2017. Migration of River Mouth Opening in Opak River, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering), 73I_751–I_756. 10.2208/kaigan.73.I_751 | 2017 | Model application | 2 |
Hurley, David Lee; 2017. Wind waves and internal waves in Base Mine Lake. , . 10.14288/1.0351993 | 2017 | Model application | 3 |
Fomin, V V; 2017. Numerical modeling of wind waves in the Black Sea generated by atmospheric cyclones. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 899052005. 10.1088/1742-6596/899/5/052005 | 2017 | Model application | 1 |
Astariz, Sharay; Iglesias, Gregorio; 2017. ENHANCING MARINE ENERGY COMPETITIVENESS: CO-LOCATED OFFSHORE WIND AND WAVE ENERGY FARMS. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 4. 10.9753/icce.v35.waves.4 | 2017 | Model application | 2 |
Xu, Yu; Wang, Zhifeng; 2017. Response of Surface Ocean Conditions to Typhoon Rammasun (2014). Journal of Coastal Research, 8092–97. 10.2112/SI80-013.1 | 2017 | Model application | 3 |
Enríquez, Alejandra R.; Marcos, Marta; Álvarez-Ellacuría, Amaya; Orfila, Alejandro; Gomis, Damià; 2017. Changes in beach shoreline due to sea level rise and waves under climate change scenarios: application to the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean). Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 171075–1089. 10.5194/nhess-17-1075-2017 | 2017 | Model application | 71 |
Cao, Huiqiu; Zhou, Liangming; Li, Shuiqing; Wang, Zhifeng; 2017. Observation and numerical experiments for drag coefficient under typhoon wind forcing. Journal of Ocean University of China, 1635–41. 10.1007/s11802-017-3091-4 | 2017 | Model application | 3 |
Bernardino, Mariana; Rusu, Liliana; Guedes Soares, C.; 2017. Evaluation of the wave energy resources in the Cape Verde Islands. Renewable Energy, 101316–326. 10.1016/j.renene.2016.08.040 | 2017 | Model application | 54 |
Yang, Zhaoqing; Neary, Vincent S.; Wang, Taiping; Gunawan, Budi; Dallman, Annie R.; Wu, Wei-Cheng; 2017. A wave model test bed study for wave energy resource characterization. Renewable Energy, 114132–144. 10.1016/j.renene.2016.12.057 | 2017 | Model application | 37 |
Harter, Craig; Figlus, Jens; 2017. Numerical modeling of the morphodynamic response of a low-lying barrier island beach and foredune system inundated during Hurricane Ike using XBeach and CSHORE. Coastal Engineering, 12064–74. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2016.11.005 | 2017 | Model application | 59 |
Fairley, I.; Smith, H.C.M.; Robertson, B.; Abusara, M.; Masters, I.; 2017. Spatio-temporal variation in wave power and implications for electricity supply. Renewable Energy, 114154–165. 10.1016/j.renene.2017.03.075 | 2017 | Model application | 31 |
Amirinia, Gholamreza; Kamranzad, Bahareh; Mafi, Somayeh; 2017. Wind and wave energy potential in southern Caspian Sea using uncertainty analysis. Energy, 120332–345. 10.1016/j.energy.2016.11.088 | 2017 | Model application | 56 |
Xu, Ting; You, Xue-yi; 2017. Numerical simulation of suspended sediment concentration by 3D coupled wave-current model in the Oujiang River Estuary, China. Continental Shelf Research, 13713–24. 10.1016/j.csr.2017.01.021 | 2017 | Model application | 14 |
Rapizo, H.; Babanin, A. V.; Provis, D.; Rogers, W. E.; 2017. Current-induced dissipation in spectral wave models: CURRENT-INDUCED DISSIPATION OF WAVES. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 1222205–2225. 10.1002/2016JC012367 | 2017 | Model application | 20 |
Wandres, Moritz; Wijeratne, E. M. S.; Cosoli, Simone; Pattiaratchi, Charitha; 2017. The Effect of the Leeuwin Current on Offshore Surface Gravity Waves in Southwest Western Australia: EFFECT OF THE LEEUWIN CURRENT ON WAVES. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 1229047–9067. 10.1002/2017JC013006 | 2017 | Model application | 18 |
Eulie, Devon O.; Walsh, J. P.; Corbett, D. Reide; Mulligan, Ryan P.; 2017. Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Estuarine Shoreline Change in the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine System, North Carolina, USA. Estuaries and Coasts, 40741–757. 10.1007/s12237-016-0143-8 | 2017 | Model application | 27 |
Yin, Kai; Xu, Sudong; Huang, Wenrui; Xie, Yang; 2017. Effects of sea level rise and typhoon intensity on storm surge and waves in Pearl River Estuary. Ocean Engineering, 13680–93. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2017.03.016 | 2017 | Model application | 68 |
Akan, Çiğdem; Moghimi, Saeed; Özkan‐Haller, H. Tuba; Osborne, John; Kurapov, Alexander; 2017. On the dynamics of the M outh of the C olumbia R iver: R esults from a three‐dimensional fully coupled wave‐current interaction model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 1225218–5236. 10.1002/2016JC012307 | 2017 | Model application | 30 |
Han, Shuzong; Fan, Yongbin; Dong, Yangyang; Wu, Shuangquan; 2017. A study on the relationships between the wave height and the El Niño in the north area of the South China Sea. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 3644–50. 10.1007/s13131-017-1059-2 | 2017 | Model application | 7 |
Akpınar, Adem; Bingölbali, Bilal; Van Vledder, Gerbrant Ph.; 2017. Long-term analysis of wave power potential in the Black Sea, based on 31-year SWAN simulations. Ocean Engineering, 130482–497. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2016.12.023 | 2017 | Model application | 52 |
Akbar, Muhammad; Kanjanda, Simbarashe; Musinguzi, Abram; 2017. Effect of Bottom Friction, Wind Drag Coefficient, and Meteorological Forcing in Hindcast of Hurricane Rita Storm Surge Using SWAN + ADCIRC Model. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 538. 10.3390/jmse5030038 | 2017 | Model application | 33 |
Hajiarabderkani, Marzieh; Siadatmousavi, Seyed Mostafa; Mahmoudof, Seyed Masoud; 2017. Sandbar Migration Due to Cross-Shore Sediment Transport; A Case Study of Noshahr Coasts, Iran. International Journal of Maritime Technology, 729–37. 10.18869/acadpub.ijmt.7.29 | 2017 | Model application | 1 |
Jin, Y D; Wang, E K; Xu, G Q; 2017. Extreme water level and wave estimation for nearshore of Ningde City. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 82012050. 10.1088/1755-1315/82/1/012050 | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
Zhou, Jifu; Liu, Jinlong; 2017. Estimation of extreme hydrodynamic environments of Puti Island wind farm in Bohai Sea. Procedia IUTAM, 2574–81. 10.1016/j.piutam.2017.09.012 | 2017 | Model application | 1 |
Yang, Zhaoqing; Copping, Andrea; Tuba Özkan-Haller, H.; Haller, Merrick C.; Cameron McNatt, J.; Porter, Aaron; 2017. Analyses of Wave Scattering and Absorption Produced by WEC Arrays: Physical/Numerical Experiments and Model Assessment. , 71–97. [24] | 2017 | Model application | 16 |
Korablina, A. D.; Kondrin, A. T.; Arkhipkin, V. S.; 2017. Numerical simulations and statistics of surges in the White and Barents seas. Russian Journal of Earth Sciences, 171–11. 10.2205/2017ES000608 | 2017 | Model application | 1 |
Azevedo Correia de Souza, Joao Marcos; Powell, Brian; 2017. Different approaches to model the nearshore circulation in the south shore of O'ahu, Hawaii. Ocean Science, 1331–46. 10.5194/os-13-31-2017 | 2017 | Model application | 1 |
Zoljoodi, Mojtaba; 2017. Validation and Coupling of the SWAN Wave Prediction Model by WRF for the Persian Gulf. Open Journal of Marine Science, 722–34. 10.4236/ojms.2017.71003 | 2017 | Model application | 7 |
Fabbro, V.; Biegel, G.; Forster, J.; Poisson, J.-B.; Danklmayer, A.; Bohler, C.; Marcellin, J.-P.; Brehm, T.; Gallus, M.; Castanet, L.; Ulland, A.; Hurtaud, Y.; 2017. Measurements of Sea Clutter at Low Grazing Angle in Mediterranean Coastal Environment. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 556379–6389. 10.1109/TGRS.2017.2727057 | 2017 | Model application | 12 |
Quang, Nguyen; Sasaki, Jun; Higa, Hiroto; Huan, Nguyen; 2017. Spatiotemporal Variation of Turbidity Based on Landsat 8 OLI in Cam Ranh Bay and Thuy Trieu Lagoon, Vietnam. Water, 9570. 10.3390/w9080570 | 2017 | Model application | 67 |
Du, Jianting; 2017. Coupling atmospheric and ocean wave models for storm simulation. , . 10.11581/DTU:00000020 | 2017 | Model application | 5 |
Nikishova, Anna; Kalyuzhnaya, Anna; Boukhanovsky, Alexander; Hoekstra, Alfons; 2017. Uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis applied to the wind wave model SWAN. Environmental Modelling & Software, 95344–357. 10.1016/j.envsoft.2017.06.030 | 2017 | Model application | 13 |
Wandres, Moritz; Pattiaratchi, Charitha; Hemer, Mark A.; 2017. Projected changes of the southwest Australian wave climate under two atmospheric greenhouse gas concentration pathways. Ocean Modelling, 11770–87. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2017.08.002 | 2017 | Model application | 29 |
Alcántara-Carrió, Javier; Sasaki, Dalton Kei; Mahiques, Michel Michaelovitch de; Taborda, Rui; de Souza, Luiz Antonio Pereira; 2017. Sedimentary constraints on the development of a narrow deep strait (São Sebastião Channel, SE Brazil). Geo-Marine Letters, 37475–488. 10.1007/s00367-017-0495-5 | 2017 | Model application | 14 |
El Islam, Bachari Nour; Fouzia, Houma; Khalid, Amarouche; 2017. Combination of Satellite Images and Numerical Model for the State Followed the Coast of the Bay of Bejaia-Jijel. International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics, 41–7. 10.30897/ijegeo.306486 | 2017 | Model application | 7 |
Dang, Vu Hai; Thuy, Nguyen Ba; Chien, Do Dinh; Kim, Sooyoul; 2017. THE STUDY ON QUANTITATIVE ASSESSMENT OF STORM SURGE COMPONENTS BY NUMERICAL MODEL. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Biển, 17. 10.15625/1859-3097/17/2/10157 | 2017 | Model application | 2 |
Bornhauser, P.; Visser, B.; Beck, M.; Knopp, G.; van Bokhoven, J. A.; Marquardt, R.; Radi, P. P.; 2017. Experimental and theoretical investigation of the vibrational band structure of the 1 Πu5−1 Πg5 high-spin system of C2. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 146114309. 10.1063/1.4978334 | 2017 | Model application | 7 |
Deb, Mithun; Ferreira, Celso M.; 2017. Potential impacts of the Sunderban mangrove degradation on future coastal flooding in Bangladesh. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 1730–46. 10.1016/j.jher.2016.11.005 | 2017 | Model application | 33 |
Chen, Yongping; Zhang, Yue; Pan, Yi; Li, Jiangxia; Ding, Xuelin; Dong, Jiagen; Luo, Liya; 2017. Interaction between storm surge and typhoon waves in the radial sandy ridge area during Typhoon Damery. Procedia IUTAM, 25104–110. 10.1016/j.piutam.2017.09.016 | 2017 | Model application | 1 |
Beudin, Alexis; Kalra, Tarandeep S.; Ganju, Neil K.; Warner, John C.; 2017. Development of a coupled wave-flow-vegetation interaction model. Computers & Geosciences, 10076–86. 10.1016/j.cageo.2016.12.010 | 2017 | Model application | 78 |
Franz, Guilherme; Delpey, Matthias T.; Brito, David; Pinto, Lígia; Leitão, Paulo; Neves, Ramiro; 2017. Modelling of sediment transport and morphological evolution under the combined action of waves and currents. Ocean Science, 13673–690. 10.5194/os-13-673-2017 | 2017 | Model application | 25 |
Atan, Reduan; Nash, Stephen; Goggins, Jamie; 2017. Development of a nested local scale wave model for a 1/4 scale wave energy test site using SWAN. Journal of Operational Oceanography, 1059–78. 10.1080/1755876X.2016.1275495 | 2017 | Model application | 17 |
Dreier, Norman; Fröhle, Peter; 2017. Operational wave now- and forecast in the German Bight as a basis for the assessment of wave-induced hydrodynamic loads on coastal dikes. Journal of Ocean University of China, 16991–997. 10.1007/s11802-017-3382-9 | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
Umesh, P.A.; Bhaskaran, Prasad K.; Sandhya, K.G.; Balakrishnan Nair, T.M.; 2017. An assessment on the impact of wind forcing on simulation and validation of wave spectra at coastal Puducherry, east coast of India. Ocean Engineering, 13914–32. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2017.04.043 | 2017 | Model application | 31 |
Sheng, Y. Peter; Zou, Ruizhi; 2017. Assessing the role of mangrove forest in reducing coastal inundation during major hurricanes. Hydrobiologia, 80387–103. 10.1007/s10750-017-3201-8 | 2017 | Model application | 28 |
Farhadzadeh, Ali; 2017. A study of Lake Erie seiche and low frequency water level fluctuations in the presence of surface ice. Ocean Engineering, 135117–136. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2017.02.027 | 2017 | Model application | 8 |
Kamranzad, Bahareh; Mori, Nobuhito; Shimura, Tomoya; 2017. Performances of Long-Term Wave Hindcasts in the Northern Indian Ocean. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering), 73I_157–I_162. 10.2208/kaigan.73.I_157 | 2017 | Model application | 4 |
Sosa, Jeison; Cavaleri, Luigi; Portilla-Yandún, Jesús; 2017. On the interaction between ocean surface waves and seamounts. Ocean Dynamics, 671553–1565. 10.1007/s10236-017-1107-7 | 2017 | Model application | 5 |
K. G., Parvathy; P. A., Umesh; Bhaskaran, Prasad K.; 2017. Inter-seasonal variability of wind-waves and their attenuation characteristics by mangroves in a reversing wind system: Wind-wave attenuation by mangroves in a reversing wind system. International Journal of Climatology, 375089–5106. 10.1002/joc.5147 | 2017 | Model application | 19 |
Paramygin, Vladimir; Sheng, Y.; Davis, Justin; 2017. Towards the Development of an Operational Forecast System for the Florida Coast. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 58. 10.3390/jmse5010008 | 2017 | Model application | 8 |
戴, 成云; 2017. Thinking about Harmony and Creation Environment of Suzhouwan Gujiadang Bridge. Hans Journal of Civil Engineering, 621–27. 10.12677/HJCE.2017.61003 | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
Ratner, Yu. B.; Fomin, V. V.; Ivanchik, A. M.; Ivanchik, M. V.; 2017. System of the Wind Wave Operational Forecast by the Black Sea Marine Forecast Center. Morskoy gidrofizicheskiy zhurnal, . 10.22449/0233-7584-2017-5-56-66 | 2017 | Model application | 4 |
Ricchi, Antonio; Miglietta, Mario; Barbariol, Francesco; Benetazzo, Alvise; Bergamasco, Andrea; Bonaldo, Davide; Cassardo, Claudio; Falcieri, Francesco; Modugno, Giancarlo; Russo, Aniello; Sclavo, Mauro; Carniel, Sandro; 2017. Sensitivity of a Mediterranean Tropical-Like Cyclone to Different Model Configurations and Coupling Strategies. Atmosphere, 892. 10.3390/atmos8050092 | 2017 | Model application | 67 |
Bennett, Vanessa C.C.; Mulligan, Ryan P.; 2017. Evaluation of surface wind fields for prediction of directional ocean wave spectra during Hurricane Sandy. Coastal Engineering, 1251–15. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2017.04.003 | 2017 | Model application | 22 |
Robertson, Bryson; Jin, Yuhe; Bailey, Helen; Buckham, Bradley; 2017. Calibrating wave resource assessments through application of the triple collocation technique. Renewable Energy, 114166–179. 10.1016/j.renene.2016.11.023 | 2017 | Model application | 2 |
Yang, Zhaoqing; Copping, Andrea; Robertson, Bryson; 2017. Wave Energy Assessments: Quantifying the Resource and Understanding the Uncertainty. , 1–36. [25] | 2017 | Model application | 9 |
Kim, Gun Hyeong; Jho, Myeong Hwan; Yoon, Sung Bum; 2017. Improving the Performance of SWAN Modelling to Simulate Diffraction of Waves Behind Structures. Journal of Coastal Research, 79349–353. 10.2112/SI79-071.1 | 2017 | Model application | 6 |
Yi, Jin-Hak; Ryu, Kyong-Ho; Baek, Won-Dae; Jeong, Weon-Mu; 2017. Wave Height and Downtime Event Forecasting in Harbour with Complex Topography Using Auto-Regressive and Artificial Neural Networks Models. Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 29180–188. 10.9765/KSCOE.2017.29.4.180 | 2017 | Model application | 2 |
Amarouche, Khalid; Bachari, Nour El Islam; Houma, Fouzia; Boughrira, Abdelhak; 2017. Development of a numerical code to simulate the hydrodynamic energy potential, applied at Bou Ismail bay. Journal of Renewable Energies, 20377–388. 10.54966/jreen.v20i3.634 | 2017 | Model application | 2 |
Bufarale, Giada; O'Leary, Michael; Stevens, Alexandra; Collins, Lindsay B.; 2017. Sea level controls on palaeochannel development within the Swan River estuary during the Late Pleistocene to Holocene. CATENA, 153131–142. 10.1016/j.catena.2017.02.008 | 2017 | Model application | 6 |
Suh, Seung-Won; Kim, Maeng-Jin; Kim, Hyeon-Jeong; 2017. Prediction of Sand Beach Variations by Coupling of Hydrodynamic and Morphological Models during Extreme Storms. Journal of Coastal Research, 79284–288. 10.2112/SI79-058.1 | 2017 | Model application | 2 |
Samiksha, Volvaiker; Vethamony, Ponnumony; Antony, Charls; Bhaskaran, Prasad; Nair, Balakrishnan; 2017. Wave–current interaction during Hudhud cyclone in the Bay of Bengal. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 172059–2074. 10.5194/nhess-17-2059-2017 | 2017 | Model application | 21 |
Hoque, Md. Azharul; Perrie, William; Solomon, Steven M.; 2017. Evaluation of two spectral wave models for wave hindcasting in the Mackenzie Delta. Applied Ocean Research, 62169–180. 10.1016/j.apor.2016.11.009 | 2017 | Model application | 14 |
Hansen, Jeff E.; Raubenheimer, Britt; Elgar, Steve; List, Jeffrey H.; Lippmann, Thomas C.; 2017. Physical linkages between an offshore canyon and surf zone morphologic change. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 1223451–3460. 10.1002/2016JC012319 | 2017 | Model application | 3 |
Apukhtin, A. A.; Bessan, G. N.; Gordeeva, S. M.; Klevannaya, M. K.; Klevannyy, K. A.; 2017. Simulation of the probable maximum flood in the area of the Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant with account of wind waves. Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, 42113–120. 10.3103/S1068373917020054 | 2017 | Model application | 3 |
Yang, Zhaoqing; Copping, Andrea; Gleizon, Philippe; Campuzano, Francisco; Carracedo, Pablo; Martinez, André; Goggins, Jamie; Atan, Reduan; Nash, Stephen; 2017. Wave Energy Resources Along the European Atlantic Coast. , 37–69. [26] | 2017 | Model application | 12 |
Silva, Guilherme Vieira da; Silva, Paula Gomes da; Araujo, Rafael Sangoi; Klein, Antonio Henrique da Fontoura; Toldo Jr., Elírio E.; 2017. Wave run-up on embayed beaches. Study case: Itapocorói Bay, Southern Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 65187–200. 10.1590/s1679-87592017133706502 | 2017 | Model application | 10 |
Cieślikiewicz, Witold; Dudkowska, Aleksandra; Gic-Grusza, Gabriela; Jędrasik, Jan; 2017. Extreme bottom velocities induced by wind wave and currents in the Gulf of Gdańsk. Ocean Dynamics, 671461–1480. 10.1007/s10236-017-1098-4 | 2017 | Model application | 12 |
Iddir Sadi, M.; Yahiaoui, A.; Djeddi, M.; 2017. Simultaneous inversion application for characterizing Hamra Quartzite tight sand reservoir: a case study from Hassi Messaoud (Algeria). Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 10. 10.1007/s12517-017-3007-z | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
Vledder, Gerbrant van; Akpinar, Adem; 2017. SPECTRAL PARTITIONING AND SWELLS IN THE BLACK SEA. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 21. 10.9753/icce.v35.waves.21 | 2017 | Model application | 9 |
Jackson, Zoe; Grey, Stephen; Adcock, Thomas A. A.; Taylor, Paul H.; Bidlot, Jean-Raymond; 2017. The waves at the Mulberry Harbours. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy, 3285–292. 10.1007/s40722-017-0088-4 | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
Raffa, Francesco; Ludeno, Giovanni; Buscaino, Giuseppa; Sannino, Gianmaria; Carillo, Adriana; Grammauta, Rosario; Spoto, Domenico; Soldovieri, Francesco; Mazzola, Salvatore; Serafino, Francesco; 2017. Coupling of Wave Data and Underwater Acoustic Measurements in a Maritime High-Traffic Coastal Area: A Case Study in the Strait of Sicily. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 342589–2599. 10.1175/JTECH-D-17-0046.1 | 2017 | Model application | 4 |
Zheng, Peng; Li, Ming; van der A, Dominic A.; van der Zanden, Joep; Wolf, Judith; Chen, Xueen; Wang, Caixia; 2017. A 3D unstructured grid nearshore hydrodynamic model based on the vortex force formalism. Ocean Modelling, 11648–69. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2017.06.003 | 2017 | Model application | 19 |
Lucero, Felipe; Catalán, Patricio A.; Ossandón, Álvaro; Beyá, José; Puelma, Andrés; Zamorano, Luis; 2017. Wave energy assessment in the central-south coast of Chile. Renewable Energy, 114120–131. 10.1016/j.renene.2017.03.076 | 2017 | Model application | 29 |
Amini, Azin; Dhont, Blaise; Heller, Philippe; 2017. Wave atlas for Swiss lakes: modeling design waves in mountainous lakes. Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research, 5103–113. 10.1080/23249676.2016.1171733 | 2017 | Model application | 4 |
Jaranovic, Bogdan; Trindade, Jorge; Ribeiro, João; Silva, Adélio; 2017. Using a coastal storm hazard index to assess storm impacts in lisbon. International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, 7221–233. 10.2495/SAFE-V7-N2-221-233 | 2017 | Model application | 10 |
Rikka, Sander; Uiboupin, Rivo; Alari, Victor; 2017. Applicability of SAR-based wave retrieval for wind–wave interaction analysis in the fetch-limited Baltic. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 38906–922. 10.1080/01431161.2016.1271472 | 2017 | Model application | 3 |
Ràfols, Laura; Pallares, Elena; Espino, Manuel; Grifoll, Manel; Sánchez-Arcilla, Agustín; Bravo, Manel; Sairouní, Abdel; 2017. Wind-Wave Characterization in a Wind-Jet Region: The Ebro Delta Case. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 512. 10.3390/jmse5010012 | 2017 | Model application | 7 |
Bingölbali, Bilal; Akpınar, Adem; Van Vledder, Gerbrant; 2017. DETERMINATION OF WAVE ENERGY POTENTIAL OF BLACK SEA. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 6. 10.9753/icce.v35.waves.6 | 2017 | Model application | 0 |
Quang, Nguyen Hao; Ngoc, Pham Khanh; Sasaki, Jun; 2017. STUDY ON THE VARIATION OF BED SHEAR STRESS BY USING SWAN MODEL IN CAM RANH BAY AND THUY TRIEU LAGOON. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Biển, 17. 10.15625/1859-3097/17/3/9248 | 2017 | Model application | 1 |
P. A, Umesh; Kani, Selvin P.; Bhaskaran, Prasad K.; 2017. Numerical Simulation of Wave Characteristics off Kulasekharapatnam, Southeast Coast of India. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 1743979–4001. 10.1007/s00024-017-1599-6 | 2017 | Model application | 8 |
Pallares, Elena; Lopez, Jaime; Espino, Manuel; Sánchez-Arcilla, Agustín; 2017. Comparison between nested grids and unstructured grids for a high-resolution wave forecasting system in the western Mediterranean sea. Journal of Operational Oceanography, 1045–58. 10.1080/1755876X.2016.1260389 | 2017 | Model application | 14 |
Song, Qingyang; Mayerle, Roberto; 2017. A 4D variational assimilation scheme with partition method for nearshore wave models. Ocean Dynamics, 67989–1002. 10.1007/s10236-017-1069-9 | 2017 | Model application | 4 |
Thanh, Nguyen Trung; Huan, Nguyen Minh; Tien, Tran Quang; 2017. APPLICATION OF AUTOMATED CALIBRATION METHOD TO CALIBRATE PARAMETERS IN SWAN MODEL USING WAVE HEIGHT DATA FROM SATELLITE AND MSP1 IN EASTERN VIETNAM SEA. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Biển, 17271–278. 10.15625/1859-3097/17/3/9803 | 2017 | Model application | 1 |
Gic-Grusza, Gabriela; Dudkowska, Aleksandra; 2017. Numerical modeling of hydrodynamics and sediment transport—an integrated approach. Ocean Dynamics, 671283–1292. 10.1007/s10236-017-1085-9 | 2017 | Model application | 11 |
Feddersen, Falk; Olabarrieta, Maitane; Guza, R. T.; Winters, D.; Raubenheimer, Britt; Elgar, Steve; 2016. Observations and modeling of a tidal inlet dye tracer plume: TIDAL INLET DYE PLUME. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 1217819–7844. 10.1002/2016JC011922 | 2016 | Model application | 35 |
Rusu, Eugen; 2016. Reliability and Applications of the Numerical Wave Predictions in the Black Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science, 3. 10.3389/fmars.2016.00095 | 2016 | Model application | 19 |
Viitak, Marili; Maljutenko, Ilja; Alari, Victor; Suursaar, Ülo; Rikka, Sander; Lagemaa, Priidik; 2016. The impact of surface currents and sea level on the wave field evolution during St. Jude storm in the eastern Baltic Sea. Oceanologia, 58176–186. 10.1016/j.oceano.2016.01.004 | 2016 | Model application | 33 |
Xie, Dong-mei; Zou, Qing-ping; Cannon, John W.; 2016. Application of SWAN+ADCIRC to tide-surge and wave simulation in Gulf of Maine during Patriot's Day storm. Water Science and Engineering, 933–41. 10.1016/j.wse.2016.02.003 | 2016 | Model application | 62 |
Jeong, Weon-Mu; Oh, Sang-Ho; Eum, Ho Sik; 2016. Analysis of Wave Climate around Korea Based on Long-Term Hindcast and Coastal Observation Data. Journal of Coastal Research, 75735–739. 10.2112/SI75-148.1 | 2016 | Model application | 3 |
Cho, Jae Nam; Kim, Dong Hyun; Lee, Seung Oh; 2016. Experimental Study of Shape and Pressure Characteristics of Solitary Wave generated by Sluice Gate for Various Conditions. Journal of the Korean Society of Safety, 3170–75. 10.14346/JKOSOS.2016.31.2.70 | 2016 | Model application | 1 |
Hopkins, Julia; Elgar, Steve; Raubenheimer, Britt; 2016. Observations and model simulations of wave‐current interaction on the inner shelf. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121198–208. 10.1002/2015JC010788 | 2016 | Model application | 34 |
Kamranzad, Bahareh; Etemad-Shahidi, Amir; Chegini, Vahid; 2016. Sustainability of wave energy resources in southern Caspian Sea. Energy, 97549–559. 10.1016/j.energy.2015.11.063 | 2016 | Model application | 56 |
Atmoko, Rachmad Andri; Aisjah, Aulia Siti; Nugroho, Gunawan; 2016. Analysis of Spatial Characteristic of Maritime Weather in Java Sea. IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series, 2. 10.12962/j23546026.y2015i1.1139 | 2016 | Model application | 5 |
Astariz, S.; Iglesias, G.; 2016. Selecting optimum locations for co-located wave and wind energy farms. Part I: The Co-Location Feasibility index. Energy Conversion and Management, 122589–598. 10.1016/j.enconman.2016.05.079 | 2016 | Model application | 60 |
Atan, Reduan; Goggins, Jamie; Nash, Stephen; 2016. A Detailed Assessment of the Wave Energy Resource at the Atlantic Marine Energy Test Site. Energies, 9967. 10.3390/en9110967 | 2016 | Model application | 42 |
Kang, Yun-Ho; Choo, Hyo-Sang; Sin, Jong-Am; Lee, Cheol; 2016. Numerical modeling of propagule dispersal for Sargassum bed restoration in Gamak Bay, Korea. Journal of Applied Phycology, 281859–1874. 10.1007/s10811-015-0689-z | 2016 | Model application | 7 |
Feng, Xingru; Yin, Baoshu; Yang, Dezhou; 2016. Development of an unstructured-grid wave-current coupled model and its application. Ocean Modelling, 104213–225. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2016.06.007 | 2016 | Model application | 27 |
Adam, Alexandros; Piggot, Matthew; 2016. Finite element, adaptive spectral wave modelling. None, NoneNone. 10.25560/45307 | 2016 | Other | |
Kim, Kyeong Ok; Yuk, Jin-Hee; Choi, Byung Ho; 2016. Simulation of Typhoon Bolaven using Integrally Coupled Tide-Surge-Wave Models based on locally Enhanced Fine-Mesh Unstructured Grid System. Journal of Coastal Research, 751127–1131. 10.2112/SI75-226.1 | 2016 | Model application | 6 |
Eum, Ho-Sik; Kang, Tae-Soon; Nam, Soo-Yong; Jeong, Won-Moo; 2016. Wave Modeling considering Water Level Changes and Currents Effects. Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 28383–396. 10.9765/KSCOE.2016.28.6.383 | 2016 | Model application | 5 |
Gitler, Isidoro; Klapp, Jaime; Cruz-Castro, Oscar; 2016. Review of Coastal Modeling Using HPC and ADCIRC+SWAN to Predict Storm Surge, Waves and Winds, Produced by a Hurricane. , 595523–534. [27] | 2016 | Model application | 2 |
Rusu, Eugen; Raileanu, Alina; 2016. A multi-parameter data-assimilation approach for wave prediction in coastal areas. Journal of Operational Oceanography, 913–25. 10.1080/1755876X.2016.1192013 | 2016 | Model application | 11 |
Chung, Tran Van; Huan, Nguyen Huu; Hoi, Nguyen Truong Thanh; 2016. TÍNH TOÁN CÁC ĐẶC TRƯNG SÓNG Ở KHU VỰC NINH THUẬN - BÌNH THUẬN BẰNG MÔ HÌNH SWAN TRÊN LƯỚI PHI CẤU TRÚC. Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 16107–114. 10.15625/1859-3097/16/2/7387 | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
Weaver, Robert J.; Taeb, Peyman; Lazarus, Steven; Splitt, Michael; Holman, Bryan P.; Colvin, Jeffrey; 2016. Sensitivity of modeled estuarine circulation to spatial and temporal resolution of input meteorological forcing of a cold frontal passage. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 18328–40. 10.1016/j.ecss.2016.10.014 | 2016 | Model application | 11 |
Murty, P.L.N.; Bhaskaran, Prasad K.; Gayathri, R.; Sahoo, Bishnupriya; Srinivasa Kumar, T.; SubbaReddy, B.; 2016. Numerical study of coastal hydrodynamics using a coupled model for Hudhud cyclone in the Bay of Bengal. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 18313–27. 10.1016/j.ecss.2016.10.013 | 2016 | Model application | 72 |
Gourbesville, Philippe; Cunge, Jean A.; Caignaert, Guy; Hajji, Hafedh; Cariou, Delphine; 2016. Improvement to the Treatment of the Wave Setup Along Open Boundaries in the Swan Wave Model. , 113–126. [28] | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
Mao, Miaohua; van der Westhuysen, André J.; Xia, Meng; Schwab, David J.; Chawla, Arun; 2016. Modeling wind waves from deep to shallow waters in Lake Michigan using unstructured SWAN. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 1213836–3865. 10.1002/2015JC011340 | 2016 | Model application | 39 |
Robertson, Bryson; Hiles, Clayton; Luczko, Ewelina; Buckham, Bradley; 2016. Quantifying wave power and wave energy converter array production potential. International Journal of Marine Energy, 14143–160. 10.1016/j.ijome.2015.10.001 | 2016 | Model application | 47 |
Amrutha, M.M.; Kumar, V. Sanil; Sandhya, K.G.; Nair, T.M. Balakrishnan; Rathod, J.L.; 2016. Wave hindcast studies using SWAN nested in WAVEWATCH III - comparison with measured nearshore buoy data off Karwar, eastern Arabian Sea. Ocean Engineering, 119114–124. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2016.04.032 | 2016 | Model application | 76 |
Astariz, S.; Iglesias, G.; 2016. Selecting optimum locations for co-located wave and wind energy farms. Part II: A case study. Energy Conversion and Management, 122599–608. 10.1016/j.enconman.2016.05.078 | 2016 | Model application | 62 |
Nonaka, Hirokazu; Yamaguchi, Masataka; Inouchi, Kunimitsu; Utsunomiya, Yoshihiro; Hino, Mikio; Hatada, Yoshio; 2016. VERIFICATION TESTS OF MSM WINDS/SWAN-BASED WAVE HINDCASTING SYSTEM USING MEASUREMENT WAVE RECORDS BY GPS BUOYS DEPLOYED ALONG OFFSHORE AREAS OF THE JAPANESE PACIFIC COASTS. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering), 72I_151–I_156. 10.2208/kaigan.72.I_151 | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
Nekouee, Navid; Ataie-Ashtiani, Behzad; Hamidi, Sajad Ahmad; 2016. Uncertainty analysis of wind-wave predictions in Lake Michigan. China Ocean Engineering, 30811–820. 10.1007/s13344-016-0052-4 | 2016 | Model application | 4 |
Lee, Hwa-Young; Suh, Seung-Won; 2016. Application of EurOtop to Improve Simulations of Coastal Inundations due to Wave Overtopping. Journal of Coastal Research, 751377–1381. 10.2112/SI75-276.1 | 2016 | Model application | 10 |
Li, Ning; Cheung, Kwok Fai; Stopa, Justin E.; Hsiao, Feng; Chen, Yi-Leng; Vega, Luis; Cross, Patrick; 2016. Thirty-four years of Hawaii wave hindcast from downscaling of climate forecast system reanalysis. Ocean Modelling, 10078–95. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2016.02.001 | 2016 | Model application | 53 |
Chang, G.; Ruehl, K.; Jones, C.A.; Roberts, J.; Chartrand, C.; 2016. Numerical modeling of the effects of wave energy converter characteristics on nearshore wave conditions. Renewable Energy, 89636–648. 10.1016/j.renene.2015.12.048 | 2016 | Model application | 49 |
Santos, Francisco L.; Reis, Maria T.; Fortes, Conceição J.E.M.; Lotufo, Anna D.; Neves, Diogo R.C.B.; Poseiro, P.; Maciel, Geraldo F.; 2016. Performance of a Fuzzy ARTMAP Artificial Neural Network in Characterizing the Wave Regime at the Port of Sines (Portugal). Journal of Coastal Research, 3221362–1373. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-15-00044.1 | 2016 | Model application | 8 |
van Vledder, Gerbrant Ph.; C. Hulst, Sander Th.; McConochie, Jason D.; 2016. Source term balance in a severe storm in the Southern North Sea. Ocean Dynamics, 661681–1697. 10.1007/s10236-016-0998-z | 2016 | Model application | 27 |
Myslenkov, Stanislav; Chernyshova, Anna; 2016. Comparing wave heights simulated in the Black Sea by the SWAN model with satellite data and direct wave measurements. Russian Journal of Earth Sciences, 161–12. 10.2205/2016ES000579 | 2016 | Model application | 21 |
Inouchi, Kunimitsu; Yamaguchi, Masataka; Nonaka, Hirokazu; Hino, Mikio; Hatada, Yoshio; 2016. ANALYZING THE EFFECTS OF INPUT PARAMETERS ON WAVE COMPUTATIONS BASED ON THE THIRD GENERATION MODEL SWAN. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B3 (Ocean Engineering), 72I_247–I_252. 10.2208/jscejoe.72.I_247 | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
Wang, Zhifeng; Dong, Sheng; Dong, Xiangke; Zhang, Xin; 2016. Assessment of wind energy and wave energy resources in Weifang sea area. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 4115805–15811. 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.04.002 | 2016 | Model application | 29 |
Vuik, Vincent; Jonkman, Sebastiaan N.; Borsje, Bas W.; Suzuki, Tomohiro; 2016. Nature-based flood protection: The efficiency of vegetated foreshores for reducing wave loads on coastal dikes. Coastal Engineering, 11642–56. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2016.06.001 | 2016 | Model application | 195 |
Thomaskutty, Varghese; Shailesh, Nayak; Gangadhara, Bhat; 2016. Estimation of extremes in the southern Arabian Gulf. Journal of Oceanography and Marine Science, 724–32. 10.5897/JOMS2016.0134 | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
Nekouee, Navid; Ataie-Ashtiani, Behzad; Hamidi, Sajad Ahmad; 2016. Uncertainty analysis of wind-wave predictions in Lake Michigan. China Ocean Engineering, 30811–820. 10.1007/s13344-016-0052-4 | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
Morim, Joao; Cartwright, Nick; Etemad-Shahidi, Amir; Strauss, Darrell; Hemer, Mark; 2016. Wave energy resource assessment along the Southeast coast of Australia on the basis of a 31-year hindcast. Applied Energy, 184276–297. 10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.09.064 | 2016 | Model application | 85 |
Silva, Dina; Rusu, Eugen; Guedes Soares, Carlos; 2016. High-Resolution Wave Energy Assessment in Shallow Water Accounting for Tides. Energies, 9761. 10.3390/en9090761 | 2016 | Model application | 16 |
Sherman, C.; Schmidt, W.; Appeldoorn, R.; Hutchinson, Y.; Ruiz, H.; Nemeth, M.; Bejarano, I.; Motta, J.J. Cruz; Xu, H.; 2016. Sediment dynamics and their potential influence on insular-slope mesophotic coral ecosystems. Continental Shelf Research, 1291–9. 10.1016/j.csr.2016.09.012 | 2016 | Model application | 23 |
Kim, Kyeong Ok; Yuk, Jin-Hee; Lee, Han Soo; Choi, Byung Ho; 2016. Typhoon Morakot Induced Waves and Surges with an Integrally Coupled Tide-Surge-Wave Finite Element Model. Journal of Coastal Research, 751122–1126. 10.2112/SI75-225.1 | 2016 | Model application | 4 |
Lawler, Seth; Haddad, Jana; Ferreira, Celso M.; 2016. Sensitivity considerations and the impact of spatial scaling for storm surge modeling in wetlands of the Mid-Atlantic region. Ocean & Coastal Management, 134226–238. 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2016.10.008 | 2016 | Model application | 19 |
Kang, Yun-Ho; Choo, Hyo-Sang; Sin, Jong-Am; Lee, Cheol; 2016. Numerical modeling of propagule dispersal for Sargassum bed restoration in Gamak Bay, Korea. Journal of Applied Phycology, 281859–1874. 10.1007/s10811-015-0689-z | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
Garzon, Juan; Ferreira, Celso; 2016. Storm Surge Modeling in Large Estuaries: Sensitivity Analyses to Parameters and Physical Processes in the Chesapeake Bay. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 445. 10.3390/jmse4030045 | 2016 | Model application | 51 |
Xie, Dong-mei; Zou, Qing-ping; Cannon, John W.; 2016. Application of SWAN+ADCIRC to tide-surge and wave simulation in Gulf of Maine during Patriot's Day storm. Water Science and Engineering, 933–41. 10.1016/j.wse.2016.02.003 | 2016 | Model application | 62 |
Salah, Parastoo; Reisi-Dehkordi, Ashkan; Kamranzad, Bahareh; 2016. A hybrid approach to estimate the nearshore wave characteristics in the Persian Gulf. Applied Ocean Research, 571–7. 10.1016/j.apor.2016.02.005 | 2016 | Model application | 17 |
Nienhuis, Jaap H.; Ashton, Andrew D.; Nardin, William; Fagherazzi, Sergio; Giosan, Liviu; 2016. Alongshore sediment bypassing as a control on river mouth morphodynamics: LITTORAL BYPASSING. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 121664–683. 10.1002/2015JF003780 | 2016 | Model application | 61 |
Widhiarno, F.; Muliati, Y.; 2016. Peramalan Gelombang di Perairan Kabupaten Indramayu dengan Pemodelan Numerik SWAN 41.01A. RekaRacana: Jurnal Teknil Sipil, 2. 10.26760/rekaracana.v2i4.160 | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
Xu, Zhenshan; Dreier, Norman; Chen, Yongping; Fröhle, Peter; Xie, Dongmei; 2016. On the Long-term Changes of Extreme Wave Heights at the German Baltic Sea Coast. Journal of Coastal Research, 75962–966. 10.2112/SI75-193.1 | 2016 | Model application | 6 |
Akpinar, Adem; Ponce de León, S.; 2016. An assessment of the wind re-analyses in the modelling of an extreme sea state in the Black Sea. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 7361–75. 10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2015.12.002 | 2016 | Model application | 42 |
Douglas, Ellen M.; Kirshen, Paul H.; Bosma, Kirk; Watson, Chris; Miller, Steven; McArthur, Katharine; 2016. Simulating the Impacts and Assessing the Vulnerability of the Central Artery/Tunnel System to Sea Level Rise and Increased Coastal Flooding. Journal of Extreme Events, 31650013. 10.1142/S2345737616500135 | 2016 | Model application | 6 |
Garzon, Juan L.; Ferreira, Celso; Dalrymple, Robert A.; Guikema, Seth D.; 2016. Efficient Integration of a Storm Surge Model into a Multidisciplinary Agent Based Model Framework. Journal of Coastal Research, 751082–1086. 10.2112/SI75-217.1 | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
Cooper, Amelia; Mulligan, Ryan; 2016. Application of a Spectral Wave Model to Assess Breakwater Configurations at a Small Craft Harbour on Lake Ontario. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 446. 10.3390/jmse4030046 | 2016 | Model application | 9 |
Herkül, Kristjan; Torn, Kaire; Suursaar, Ülo; Alari, Victor; Peterson, Anneliis; 2016. Variability of Benthic Communities in Relation to Hydrodynamic Conditions in the North-Eastern Baltic Sea. Journal of Coastal Research, 75867–871. 10.2112/SI75-174.1 | 2016 | Model application | 5 |
Yoo, Jeseon; Swinkels, Cilia; Do, Kideok; 2016. Numerical Simulation of Winter Waves and Currents in the Haeundae Coast using 2DH Model. Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 28350–360. 10.9765/KSCOE.2016.28.6.350 | 2016 | Model application | 2 |
Kumar, Nirnimesh; Feddersen, Falk; Suanda, Sutara; Uchiyama, Yusuke; McWilliams, James; 2016. Mid- to Inner-Shelf Coupled ROMS–SWAN Model–Data Comparison of Currents and Temperature: Diurnal and Semidiurnal Variability. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 46841–862. 10.1175/JPO-D-15-0103.1 | 2016 | Model application | 25 |
Harley, M. D.; Valentini, A.; Armaroli, C.; Perini, L.; Calabrese, L.; Ciavola, P.; 2016. Can an early-warning system help minimize the impacts of coastal storms? A case study of the 2012 Halloween storm, northern Italy. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 16209–222. 10.5194/nhess-16-209-2016 | 2016 | Model application | 70 |
Tsoukala, Vasiliki K.; Chondros, Michalis; Kapelonis, Zacharias G.; Martzikos, Nikolaos; Lykou, Archodia; Belibassakis, Kostas; Makropoulos, Christos; 2016. An integrated wave modelling framework for extreme and rare events for climate change in coastal areas – the case of Rethymno, Crete. Oceanologia, 5871–89. 10.1016/j.oceano.2016.01.002 | 2016 | Model application | 36 |
Nienhuis, Jaap H.; Ashton, Andrew D.; 2016. Mechanics and rates of tidal inlet migration: Modeling and application to natural examples: Inlet Migration. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 1212118–2139. 10.1002/2016JF004035 | 2016 | Model application | 34 |
Aijaz, Saima; Rogers, W. Erick; Babanin, Alexander V.; 2016. Wave spectral response to sudden changes in wind direction in finite-depth waters. Ocean Modelling, 10398–117. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2015.11.006 | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
Sinha, Mourani; Yadav, Ravi Kumar; Chakraborty, Paromita; 2016. Island Modeling Using Unstructured Grid during a Tropical Storm. International Journal of Oceanography, 20161–8. 10.1155/2016/5834572 | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
Zhen, WANG; Tingfeng, WU; Hua, ZOU; Xiaowang, JIA; Lie, HUANG; Chaorong, LIANG; Zhihao, ZHANG; 2016. Changes in seasonal characteristics of wind and wave in different regions of Lake Taihu. Journal of Lake Sciences, 28217-224. 10.18307/2016.0125 | 2016 | Model application | 11 |
Dastgheib, Ali; Reyns, Johan; Thammasittirong, Supot; Weesakul, Sutat; Thatcher, Marcus; Ranasinghe, Roshanka; 2016. Variations in the Wave Climate and Sediment Transport Due to Climate Change along the Coast of Vietnam. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 486. 10.3390/jmse4040086 | 2016 | Model application | 22 |
Wang, Zhifeng; Dong, Sheng; Li, Xue; Guedes Soares, C.; 2016. Assessments of wave energy in the Bohai Sea, China. Renewable Energy, 90145–156. 10.1016/j.renene.2015.12.060 | 2016 | Model application | 55 |
Rogers, Justin S.; Monismith, Stephen G.; Koweek, David A.; Dunbar, Robert B.; 2016. Wave dynamics of a P acific A toll with high frictional effects. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121350–367. 10.1002/2015JC011170 | 2016 | Model application | 54 |
Haddad, Jana; Lawler, Seth; Ferreira, Celso M.; 2016. Assessing the relevance of wetlands for storm surge protection: a coupled hydrodynamic and geospatial framework. Natural Hazards, 80839–861. 10.1007/s11069-015-2000-7 | 2016 | Model application | 18 |
Martyanov, Stanislav; Ryabchenko, Vladimir; 2016. Bottom sediment resuspension in the easternmost Gulf of Finland in the Baltic Sea: A case study based on three–dimensional modeling. Continental Shelf Research, 117126–137. 10.1016/j.csr.2016.02.011 | 2016 | Model application | 12 |
Akpınar, Adem; Bingölbali, Bilal; 2016. Long-term variations of wind and wave conditions in the coastal regions of the Black Sea. Natural Hazards, 8469–92. 10.1007/s11069-016-2407-9 | 2016 | Model application | 29 |
Gouldby, Ben; Wyncoll, David; Panzeri, Mike; Franklin, Mark; Hunt, Tim; Tozer, Nigel; Dornbusch, Uwe; Hames, Dominic; Pullen, Tim; Hawkes, Peter; Lang, M.; Klijn, F.; Samuels, P.; 2016. National scale multivariate extreme value modelling of waves, winds and sea levels. E3S Web of Conferences, 701007. 10.1051/e3sconf/20160701007 | 2016 | Model application | 1 |
Udovik, V.F.; Mikhailichenko, S.Yu.; Goryachkin, Yu.N.; 2016. On the Possible Way of Solving the Problem of Coastal Protection in the Preserve Tauric Chersonesus. Morskoy gidrofizicheskiy zhurnal, . 10.22449/0233-7584-2016-2-27-37 | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
Zou, Qingping; Xie, Dongmei; 2016. Tide-surge and wave interaction in the Gulf of Maine during an extratropical storm. Ocean Dynamics, 661715–1732. 10.1007/s10236-016-1002-7 | 2016 | Model application | 20 |
Liao, Ying-Po; Kaihatu, James M.; 2016. Numerical Investigation of Wind Waves in the Persian Gulf: Bathymetry Effects. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 3317–31. 10.1175/JTECH-D-15-0066.1 | 2016 | Model application | 11 |
Ghader, Sarmad; Yazgi, Daniel; Haghshenas, S. Abbas; Razavi Arab, Azadeh; 2016. Hindcasting Tropical Storm Events in the Oman Sea. Journal of Coastal Research, 751087–1091. 10.2112/SI75-218.1 | 2016 | Model application | 13 |
Deshmukh, Aditya N.; Deo, M. C.; Bhaskaran, Prasad K.; Nair, T. M. Balakrishnan; Sandhya, K. G.; 2016. Neural-Network-Based Data Assimilation to Improve Numerical Ocean Wave Forecast. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 41944–953. 10.1109/JOE.2016.2521222 | 2016 | Model application | 43 |
Myslenkov, S. A.; Shestakova, A. A.; Toropov, P. A.; 2016. Numerical simulation of storm waves near the northeastern coast of the Black Sea. Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, 41706–713. 10.3103/S106837391610006X | 2016 | Model application | 12 |
Rusu, Eugen; Park, C.J.; Morita, H.; Huang, H.H.; Khan, M.R.; Cheng, C.K.; de Leon, R.L.; 2016. Analysis of the Effect of a Marine Energy Farm to Protect a Biosphere Reserve. MATEC Web of Conferences, 6206004. 10.1051/matecconf/20166206004 | 2016 | Model application | 8 |
Wu, Wei-Cheng; Ma, Gangfeng; Cox, Daniel T.; 2016. Modeling wave attenuation induced by the vertical density variations of vegetation. Coastal Engineering, 11217–27. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2016.02.004 | 2016 | Model application | 42 |
Makris, Christos; Galiatsatou, Panagiota; Tolika, Konstantia; Anagnostopoulou, Christina; Kombiadou, Katerina; Prinos, Panayotis; Velikou, Kondylia; Kapelonis, Zacharias; Tragou, Elina; Androulidakis, Yannis; Athanassoulis, Gerasimos; Vagenas, Christos; Tegoulias, Ioannis; Baltikas, Vassilis; Krestenitis, Yannis; Gerostathis, Theodoros; Belibassakis, Kostantinos; Rusu, Eugen; 2016. Climate change effects on the marine characteristics of the Aegean and Ionian Seas. Ocean Dynamics, 661603–1635. 10.1007/s10236-016-1008-1 | 2016 | Model application | 42 |
Zhang, Hongsheng; Zhao, Jiachen; Li, Penghui; Yue, Wenhan; Wang, Zhenxiang; 2016. The change characteristics of the calculated wind wave fields near lateral boundaries with SWAN model. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 3596–105. 10.1007/s13131-016-0800-6 | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
Malde, Sajni; Wyncoll, David; Oakley, Jeremy; Tozer, Nigel; Gouldby, Ben; Lang, M.; Klijn, F.; Samuels, P.; 2016. Applying emulators for improved flood risk analysis. E3S Web of Conferences, 704002. 10.1051/e3sconf/20160704002 | 2016 | Model application | 9 |
Akpınar, Adem; Bingölbali, Bilal; Van Vledder, Gerbrant Ph.; 2016. Wind and wave characteristics in the Black Sea based on the SWAN wave model forced with the CFSR winds. Ocean Engineering, 126276–298. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2016.09.026 | 2016 | Model application | 86 |
Gallien, T.W.; 2016. Validated coastal flood modeling at Imperial Beach, California: Comparing total water level, empirical and numerical overtopping methodologies. Coastal Engineering, 11195–104. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2016.01.014 | 2016 | Model application | 74 |
Suursaar, Ülo; Tõnisson, Hannes; Alari, Victor; Raudsepp, Urmas; Rästas, Henri; Anderson, Agnes; 2016. Projected Changes in Wave Conditions in the Baltic Sea by the end of 21st Century and the Corresponding Shoreline Changes. Journal of Coastal Research, 751012–1016. 10.2112/SI75-203.1 | 2016 | Model application | 11 |
Yajima, Hiroshi; 2016. EFFECTS OF DEVELOPMENT OF ARTIFICIAL SHALLOW AREA IN LAKE SHINJI ON RESUSPENSION OF SEDIMENTS AT LITTORAL ZONE. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), 72I_637–I_642. 10.2208/jscejhe.72.I_637 | 2016 | Model application | 0 |
Zhang, Hong-sheng; Zhou, En-xian; Dai, Su; Zhang, Yi; 2016. Comparison of the Calculated and Measured Wave Heights in Inland Lakes. Journal of Coastal Research, 320814–828. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-14-00195.1 | 2016 | Model application | 2 |
Yamaguchi, Masataka; Nonaka, Hirokazu; Utsunomiya, Yoshihiro; Hino, Mikio; Hatada, Yoshio; 2015. BASIC PERFORMANCE OF THE THIRD GENERATION WAVE MODEL SWAN IN IDEAL GENERATION CONDITIONS. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B3 (Ocean Engineering), 71I_335–I_340. 10.2208/jscejoe.71.I_335 | 2015 | Model application | 0 |
Rusu, L.; Butunoiu, D. 2015. Numerical Modelling of the Wave Propagation Close to the Sacalin Island in the Black Sea. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 23. 10.6119/JMST-015-0521-2 | 2015 | Model application | 0 |
Yamanishi, Takafumi; Uchiyama, Yusuke; Tsumune, Daisuke; Misumi, Kazuhiro; 2015. DISPERSAL OF LAND-DERIVED SUSPENDED RADIONUCLIDES IN THE FUKUSHIMA COAST. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering), 71I_565–I_570. 10.2208/kaigan.71.I_565 | 2015 | Model application | 0 |
Xu, Zhuo; Zhang, Wei; Lu, Peidong; Chen, Kefeng; 2015. The study on the bottom friction and the breaking coefficient for typhoon waves in radial sand ridges—the Lanshayang Channel as an example. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 3499–107. 10.1007/s13131-015-0637-4 | 2015 | Model application | 4 |
Xu, Fumin; Xiao, Xue; Perrie, William; 2015. High-Precision Simulation Study of Hurricane Juan-Generated Waves in Coastal Shallow Water. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 25178–184. 10.17736/ijope.2015.ak05 | 2015 | Model application | 0 |
Sakuraba, Masaaki; Nojima, Kazuya; Hitokoto, Masayuki; 2015. CYCLONE FREQUENCY AND WAVE CHARACTERISTICS IN BAY OF BENGAL. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B3 (Ocean Engineering), 71I_317–I_322. 10.2208/jscejoe.71.I_317 | 2015 | Model application | 0 |
张洪生; 辜俊波; 文武健; 2015. 淀山湖风浪场的数值模拟. 湖泊科学, 23783–788. 10.18307/2011.0517 | 2015 | Model application | 0 |
Cuc, Nguyen Thi Kim; Suzuki, Tomohiro; de Ruyter van Steveninck, Erik D.; Hai, Hoang; 2015. Modelling the Impacts of Mangrove Vegetation Structure on Wave Dissipation in Ben Tre Province, Vietnam, under Different Climate Change Scenarios. Journal of Coastal Research, 300340–347. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-12-00271.1 | 2015 | Model application | 24 |
Xu, Yanan; Gao, Feng; Zhang, Ciheng; Luan, Yingni; Gu, J.W.; Chen, X.L.; Liu, E.H.; 2015. Wave Analysis for West Coast of South Myanmar. MATEC Web of Conferences, 2504012. 10.1051/matecconf/20152504012 | 2015 | Model application | 1 |
Nonaka, Hirokazu; Yamaguchi, Masataka; Inouchi, Kunimitsu; Hino, Mikio; Hatada, Yoshio; 2015. VERIFICATION OF APPLICABILITY OF JMA-MSM-BASED WINDS AND SWAN-BASED WAVE HINDCASTING SYSTEM TO THE JAPAN SEA. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering), 71I_109–I_114. 10.2208/kaigan.71.I_109 | 2015 | Model application | 0 |
Guedes Soares, Carlos; Dejhalla, Roko; Pavletic, Dusko; 2015. Fluid flows Hydrodynamic analysis of oscillating hydrofoils in waves and currents. , 205–212. [29] | 2015 | Model application | 0 |
Ryu, Hwang-Jin; Kim, Sang-Ho; Kwoun, Chul-Hui; Cho, Kwang-Woo; Maeng, Jun-Ho; 2015. Wave Simulation for Submarine Cable Route of Southwest Sea Offshore Wind Farm Using the SWAN Model. Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and Safety, 21583–590. 10.7837/kosomes.2015.21.5.583 | 2015 | Model application | 1 |
Bhowmick, Suchandra Aich; Modi, Ruchi; Sandhya, K. G.; Seemanth, M.; Balakrishnan Nair, T. M.; Kumar, Raj; Sharma, Rashmi; 2015. Analysis of SARAL/AltiKa Wind and Wave over Indian Ocean and its Real-time Application in Wave Forecasting System at ISRO. Marine Geodesy, 38396–408. 10.1080/01490419.2015.1006380 | 2015 | Model application | 18 |
Cheng, T.K.; Hill, D.F.; Read, W.; 2015. The Contributions to Storm Tides in Pacific Northwest Estuaries: Tillamook Bay, Oregon, and the December 2007 Storm. Journal of Coastal Research, 313723–734. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-14-00120.1 | 2015 | Model application | 13 |
Surkova, G. V.; Arkhipkin, Victor S.; Kislov, Alexander V.; 2015. Atmospheric circulation and storm events in the Baltic Sea. Open Geosciences, 7. 10.1515/geo-2015-0030 | 2015 | Model application | 8 |
Kosukhin, Sergey S.; Kalyuzhnaya, Anna V.; Nikishova, Anna. V.; Boukhanovsky, Alexander V.; 2015. Special Aspects of Wind Wave Simulations for Surge Flood Forecasting and Prevention. Procedia Computer Science, 66184–190. 10.1016/j.procs.2015.11.022 | 2015 | Model application | 2 |
Guillou, Nicolas; 2015. Evaluation of wave energy potential in the Sea of Iroise with two spectral models. Ocean Engineering, 106141–151. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2015.06.033 | 2015 | Model application | 25 |
Monteforte, M.; Lo Re, C.; Ferreri, G.B.; 2015. Wave energy assessment in Sicily (Italy). Renewable Energy, 78276–287. 10.1016/j.renene.2015.01.006 | 2015 | Model application | 61 |
Van Vledder, Gerbrant Ph.; Akpınar, Adem; 2015. Wave model predictions in the Black Sea: Sensitivity to wind fields. Applied Ocean Research, 53161–178. 10.1016/j.apor.2015.08.006 | 2015 | Model application | 103 |
Hashemi, M. Reza; Neill, Simon P.; Davies, Alan G.; 2015. A coupled tide-wave model for the NW European shelf seas. Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 109234–253. 10.1080/03091929.2014.944909 | 2015 | Model application | 30 |
Rute Bento, A.; Martinho, Paulo; Guedes Soares, C.; 2015. Numerical modelling of the wave energy in Galway Bay. Renewable Energy, 78457–466. 10.1016/j.renene.2015.01.024 | 2015 | Model application | 49 |
Mashhadi, Leila; Zaker, Nasser Hadjizadeh; Soltanpour, Mohsen; Moghimi, Saeed; 2015. Study of the Gonu Tropical Cyclone in the Arabian Sea. Journal of Coastal Research, 313616–623. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-13-00017.1 | 2015 | Model application | 19 |
Cheng, T. K.; Hill, D. F.; Beamer, J.; García-Medina, G.; 2015. Climate change impacts on wave and surge processes in a Pacific Northwest (USA) estuary. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120182–200. 10.1002/2014JC010268 | 2015 | Model application | 18 |
Priestas, Anthony; Mariotti, Giulio; Leonardi, Nicoletta; Fagherazzi, Sergio; 2015. Coupled Wave Energy and Erosion Dynamics along a Salt Marsh Boundary, Hog Island Bay, Virginia, USA. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 31041–1065. 10.3390/jmse3031041 | 2015 | Model application | 47 |
Silva, Dina; Bento, A. Rute; Martinho, Paulo; Guedes Soares, C.; 2015. High resolution local wave energy modelling in the Iberian Peninsula. Energy, 911099–1112. 10.1016/j.energy.2015.08.067 | 2015 | Model application | 88 |
Guillou, Nicolas; Chapalain, Georges; 2015. Numerical modelling of nearshore wave energy resource in the Sea of Iroise. Renewable Energy, 83942–953. 10.1016/j.renene.2015.05.021 | 2015 | Model application | 54 |
Lapetina, Andrew; Sheng, Y. Peter; 2015. Simulating complex storm surge dynamics: Three‐dimensionality, vegetation effect, and onshore sediment transport. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 1207363–7380. 10.1002/2015JC010824 | 2015 | Model application | 27 |
Benassai, Guido; Migliaccio, Maurizio; Nunziata, Ferdinando; 2015. The use of COSMO-SkyMed© SAR data for coastal management. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 20542–550. 10.1007/s00773-015-0309-2 | 2015 | Model application | 0 |
Genseberger, Menno; Donners, John; 2015. A Hybrid SWAN Version for Fast and Efficient Practical Wave Modelling. Procedia Computer Science, 511524–1533. 10.1016/j.procs.2015.05.342 | 2015 | Model application | 7 |
Zare, Mohammad Reza; Mostajaboddavati, Mojtaba; Kamali, Mahdi; Tari, Marziyeh; Mosayebi, Sanaz; Mortazavi, Mohammad Seddigh; 2015. Natural radionuclides tracing in marine surface waters along the northern coast of Oman Sea by combining the radioactivity analysis, oceanic currents and the SWAN model results. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 92201–211. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2014.12.032 | 2015 | Model application | 3 |
Zikra, Muhammad; Hashimoto, Noriaki; Yamashiro, Masaru; Suzuki, Kojiro; 2015. Directional Wave Spectra from Video Images Data and SWAN Model. Jurnal Teknologi, 74. 10.11113/jt.v74.4651 | 2015 | Model application | 1 |
Zhou, Guoqing; Huang, Jingjin; Yue, Tao; Luo, Qingli; Zhang, Guangyun; 2015. Temporal-spatial distribution of wave energy: A case study of Beibu Gulf, China. Renewable Energy, 74344–356. 10.1016/j.renene.2014.08.014 | 2015 | Model application | 30 |
Benassai, Guido; Migliaccio, Maurizio; Nunziata, Ferdinando; 2015. The use of COSMO-SkyMed© SAR data for coastal management. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 20542–550. 10.1007/s00773-015-0309-2 | 2015 | Model application | 14 |
Necmioglu, Ocal; Özel, Nurcan Meral; 2015. Earthquake Scenario-Based Tsunami Wave Heights in the Eastern Mediterranean and Connected Seas. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 1723617–3638. 10.1007/s00024-015-1069-y | 2015 | Model application | 19 |
Hansen, Jeff E.; Raubenheimer, Britt; List, Jeffrey H.; Elgar, Steve; 2015. Modeled alongshore circulation and force balances onshore of a submarine canyon. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 1201887–1903. 10.1002/2014JC010555 | 2015 | Model application | 23 |
Yang, Xiaochen; Zhang, Qinghe; Zhang, Jinfeng; Tan, Feng; Wu, Yuru; Zhang, Na; Yang, Hua; Pang, Qixiu; 2015. An integrated model for three-dimensional cohesive sediment transport in storm event and its application on Lianyungang Harbor, China. Ocean Dynamics, 65395–417. 10.1007/s10236-014-0806-6 | 2015 | Model application | 8 |
Zhou, Guoqing; Huang, Jingjin; Zhang, Guangyun; 2015. Evaluation of the wave energy conditions along the coastal waters of Beibu Gulf, China. Energy, 85449–457. 10.1016/j.energy.2015.03.094 | 2015 | Model application | 23 |
Yasuda, Tomohiro; 2015. Improvement of Storm Surge Model and Its Application to Climate Change Projections. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW, 29141–148. 10.3811/jjmf.29.141 | 2015 | Model application | 0 |
Liu, Na; Ling, Tiejun; Wang, Hui; Zhang, Yunfei; Gao, Zhiyi; Wang, Yi; 2015. Numerical simulation of Typhoon Muifa (2011) using a Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport (COAWST) modeling system. Journal of Ocean University of China, 14199–209. 10.1007/s11802-015-2415-5 | 2015 | Model application | 23 |
Callaghan, David P.; Leon, Javier X.; Saunders, Megan I.; 2015. Wave modelling as a proxy for seagrass ecological modelling: Comparing fetch and process-based predictions for a bay and reef lagoon. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 153108–120. 10.1016/j.ecss.2014.12.016 | 2015 | Model application | 30 |
Groeneweg, Jacco; van Gent, Marcel; van Nieuwkoop, Joana; Toledo, Yaron; 2015. Wave Propagation into Complex Coastal Systems and the Role of Nonlinear Interactions. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 14104015003. 10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000300 | 2015 | Model application | 11 |
Yildirim, B.; Karniadakis, George Em; 2015. Stochastic simulations of ocean waves: An uncertainty quantification study. Ocean Modelling, 8615–35. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2014.12.001 | 2015 | Model application | 20 |
Van Zuidam, Bastiaan G.; Peeters, Edwin T. H. M.; 2015. Wave forces limit the establishment of submerged macrophytes in large shallow lakes: Waves Limit Macrophyte Establishment. Limnology and Oceanography, 601536–1549. 10.1002/lno.10115 | 2015 | Model application | 24 |
Thyrring, Jakob; Thomsen, Mads Solgaard; Brunbjerg, Ane Kirstine; Wernberg, Thomas; 2015. Diversity and abundance of epibiota on invasive and native estuarine gastropods depend on substratum and salinity. Marine and Freshwater Research, 661191. 10.1071/MF14311 | 2015 | Model application | 6 |
Kumar, Nirnimesh; Feddersen, Falk; Uchiyama, Yusuke; McWilliams, James; O’Reilly, William; 2015. Midshelf to Surfzone Coupled ROMS–SWAN Model Data Comparison of Waves, Currents, and Temperature: Diagnosis of Subtidal Forcings and Response. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 451464–1490. 10.1175/JPO-D-14-0151.1 | 2015 | Model application | 45 |
Gonzalez-Santamaria, R.; Zou, Q.-P.; Pan, S.; 2015. Impacts of a Wave Farm on Waves, Currents and Coastal Morphology in South West England. Estuaries and Coasts, 38159–172. 10.1007/s12237-013-9634-z | 2015 | Model application | 23 |
Dora, G. Udhaba; Kumar, V. Sanil; 2015. Sea state observation in island-sheltered nearshore zone based on in situ intermediate-water wave measurements and NCEP/CFSR wind data. Ocean Dynamics, 65647–663. 10.1007/s10236-015-0822-1 | 2015 | Model application | 14 |
Rusu, Liliana; 2015. Assessment of the Wave Energy in the Black Sea Based on a 15-Year Hindcast with Data Assimilation. Energies, 810370–10388. 10.3390/en80910370 | 2015 | Model application | 73 |
Sierra, J. P.; Casas-Prat, M.; Virgili, M.; Mösso, C.; Sánchez-Arcilla, A.; 2015. Impacts on wave-driven harbour agitation due to climate change in Catalan ports. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 151695–1709. 10.5194/nhess-15-1695-2015 | 2015 | Model application | 24 |
Fisher, Alexander W.; Sanford, Lawrence P.; Suttles, Steven E.; 2015. Wind Stress Dynamics in Chesapeake Bay: Spatiotemporal Variability and Wave Dependence in a Fetch-Limited Environment*. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 452679–2696. 10.1175/JPO-D-15-0004.1 | 2015 | Model application | 23 |
Krien, Y.; Dudon, B.; Roger, J.; Zahibo, N.; 2015. Probabilistic hurricane-induced storm surge hazard assessment in Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 151711–1720. 10.5194/nhess-15-1711-2015 | 2015 | Model application | 35 |
Rusu, Liliana; Guedes Soares, C.; 2015. Impact of assimilating altimeter data on wave predictions in the western Iberian coast. Ocean Modelling, 96126–135. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2015.07.016 | 2015 | Model application | 31 |
Suh, Seung Won; Lee, Hwa Young; Kim, Hyeon Jeong; Fleming, Jason G.; 2015. An efficient early warning system for typhoon storm surge based on time-varying advisories by coupled ADCIRC and SWAN. Ocean Dynamics, 65617–646. 10.1007/s10236-015-0820-3 | 2015 | Model application | 55 |
Gonçalves, Marta; Rusu, Eugen; Guedes Soares, C.; 2015. Evaluation of Two Spectral Wave Models in Coastal Areas. Journal of Coastal Research, 300326–339. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-12-00226.1 | 2015 | Model application | 13 |
Nekouee, Navid; Hamidi, Sajad Ahmad; Etemadi, Reihaneh; 2015. Sensitivity analysis of numerical wave predictions models, considering wind and geometry effects in rectangular lakes. Ocean Engineering, 104549–557. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2015.05.040 | 2015 | Model application | 4 |
Cao, Haijin; Feng, Weibing; Hu, Zhan; Suzuki, Tomohiro; Stive, Marcel J.F.; 2015. Numerical modeling of vegetation-induced dissipation using an extended mild-slope equation. Ocean Engineering, 110258–269. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2015.09.057 | 2015 | Model application | 34 |
Jones, Timothy; Gardner, Jonathan P.A.; Bell, James J.; 2015. Modelling the effect of wave forces on subtidal macroalgae: A spatial evaluation of predicted disturbance for two habitat-forming species. Ecological Modelling, 313149–161. 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2015.06.026 | 2015 | Model application | 5 |
López, M.; Veigas, M.; Iglesias, G.; 2015. On the wave energy resource of Peru. Energy Conversion and Management, 9034–40. 10.1016/j.enconman.2014.11.012 | 2015 | Model application | 67 |
Kamranzad, Bahareh; Etemad-Shahidi, Amir; Chegini, Vahid; Yeganeh-Bakhtiary, Abbas; 2015. Climate change impact on wave energy in the Persian Gulf. Ocean Dynamics, 65777–794. 10.1007/s10236-015-0833-y | 2015 | Model application | 46 |
Astariz, S.; Perez-Collazo, C.; Abanades, J.; Iglesias, G.; 2015. Co-located wave-wind farms: Economic assessment as a function of layout. Renewable Energy, 83837–849. 10.1016/j.renene.2015.05.028 | 2015 | Model application | 77 |
Dissanayake, Pushpa; Brown, Jennifer; Wisse, Paul; Karunarathna, Harshinie; 2015. Comparison of storm cluster vs isolated event impacts on beach/dune morphodynamics. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 164301–312. 10.1016/j.ecss.2015.07.040 | 2015 | Model application | 48 |
Hospital, Aurelien; Stronach, James A.; McCarthy, M.W.; Johncox, Mark; 2015. Spill Response Evaluation Using an Oil Spill Model. Aquatic Procedia, 32–14. 10.1016/j.aqpro.2015.02.221 | 2015 | Model application | 6 |
McLoughlin, Sean M.; Wiberg, Patricia L.; Safak, Ilgar; McGlathery, Karen J.; 2015. Rates and Forcing of Marsh Edge Erosion in a Shallow Coastal Bay. Estuaries and Coasts, 38620–638. 10.1007/s12237-014-9841-2 | 2015 | Model application | 101 |
Guimarães, Pedro Veras; Farina, Leandro; Toldo, Elirio; Diaz-Hernandez, Gabriel; Akhmatskaya, Elena; 2015. Numerical simulation of extreme wave runup during storm events in Tramandaí Beach, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Coastal Engineering, 95171–180. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2014.10.008 | 2015 | Model application | 44 |
Ivan, Angela; Rusu, Liliana; 2015. VALIDATION OF THE SWAN MODEL FOR THE INFLUENCE OF OPPOSITE CURRENTS ON THE WAVE SPECTRA. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 14751–761. 10.30638/eemj.2015.084 | 2015 | Model application | 3 |
Kang, Tae-Soon; Park, Jong-Jip; Eum, Ho-Sik; 2015. Coastal Wave Hind-Casting Modelling Using ECMWF Wind Dataset. Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and Safety, 21599–607. 10.7837/kosomes.2015.21.5.599 | 2015 | Model application | 3 |
Casaioli, M.; Catini, F.; Inghilesi, R.; Lanucara, P.; Malguzzi, P.; Mariani, S.; Orasi, A.; 2014. An operational forecasting system for the meteorological and marine conditions in Mediterranean regional and coastal areas. Advances in Science and Research, 1111–23. 10.5194/asr-11-11-2014 | 2014 | Model application | 10 |
Rusu, Liliana; Butunoiu, Dorin; 2014. EVALUATION OF THE WIND INFLUENCE IN MODELING THE BLACK SEA WAVE CONDITIONS. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 13305–314. 10.30638/eemj.2014.035 | 2014 | Model application | 20 |
Kawai, Hiroyasu; Seki, Katsumi; Fujiki, Takashi; 2014. Storm Surge and Wave Characteristics of Typhoon 1330 in Central Philippines. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering), 70I_221–I_225. 10.2208/kaigan.70.I_221 | 2014 | Model application | 0 |
Castro, A.; Carballo, R.; Iglesias, G.; Rabuñal, J.R.; 2014. Performance of artificial neural networks in nearshore wave power prediction. Applied Soft Computing, 23194–201. 10.1016/j.asoc.2014.06.031 | 2014 | Model application | 49 |
Moeini, Mohammad Hadi; Etemad-Shahidi, Amir; Chegini, Vahid; Rahmani, Iraj; Moghaddam, Mona; 2014. Error distribution and correction of the predicted wave characteristics over the Persian Gulf. Ocean Engineering, 7581–89. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2013.11.012 | 2014 | Model application | 15 |
Tănase Zanopol, Andrei; Onea, Florin; Rusu, Eugen; 2014. Coastal impact assessment of a generic wave farm operating in the Romanian nearshore. Energy, 72652–670. 10.1016/j.energy.2014.05.093 | 2014 | Model application | 52 |
Arkhipkin, V. S.; Gippius, F. N.; Koltermann, K. P.; Surkova, G. V.; 2014. Wind waves in the Black Sea: results of a hindcast study. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 142883–2897. 10.5194/nhess-14-2883-2014 | 2014 | Model application | 79 |
Barnard, Patrick L.; van Ormondt, Maarten; Erikson, Li H.; Eshleman, Jodi; Hapke, Cheryl; Ruggiero, Peter; Adams, Peter N.; Foxgrover, Amy C.; 2014. Development of the Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS) for predicting the impact of storms on high-energy, active-margin coasts. Natural Hazards, 741095–1125. 10.1007/s11069-014-1236-y | 2014 | Model application | 135 |
Neill, Simon P.; Lewis, Matt J.; Hashemi, M. Reza; Slater, Emma; Lawrence, John; Spall, Steven A.; 2014. Inter-annual and inter-seasonal variability of the Orkney wave power resource. Applied Energy, 132339–348. 10.1016/j.apenergy.2014.07.023 | 2014 | Model application | 69 |
Xu, Sudong; Huang, Wenrui; Zhang, Guiping; Gao, Feng; Li, Xiaomin; 2014. Integrating Monte Carlo and hydrodynamic models for estimating extreme water levels by storm surge in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Natural Hazards, 71703–721. 10.1007/s11069-013-0916-3 | 2014 | Model application | 11 |
Guimarães, P. V.; Farina, L.; Toldo Jr., E. E.; 2014. Analysis of extreme wave events on the southern coast of Brazil. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 143195–3205. 10.5194/nhess-14-3195-2014 | 2014 | Model application | 38 |
Dissanayake, Pushpa; Karunarathna, Harshinie; 2014. MODELLING DUNE EROSION OF THE SEFTON COAST, LIVERPOOL BAY, UK. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 14. 10.9753/icce.v34.posters.4 | 2014 | Model application | 0 |
Dusseljee, Daniel; Klopman, Gert; Van Vledder, Gerbrant; Riezebos, Hendrik Jan; 2014. IMPACT OF HARBOR NAVIGATION CHANNELS ON WAVES: A NUMERICAL MODELLING GUIDELINE. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 158. 10.9753/icce.v34.waves.58 | 2014 | Model application | 16 |
Veigas, M.; Iglesias, G.; 2014. Potentials of a hybrid offshore farm for the island of Fuerteventura. Energy Conversion and Management, 86300–308. 10.1016/j.enconman.2014.05.032 | 2014 | Model application | 66 |
Mortlock, Tr; Goodwin, Id; Turner, Il; 2014. Nearshore SWAN model sensitivities to measured and modelled offshore wave scenarios at an embayed beach compartment, NSW, Australia. Australian Journal of Civil Engineering, 12. 10.7158/C14-016.2014.12.1 | 2014 | Model application | 15 |
Bento, A. Rute; Rusu, Eugen; Martinho, Paulo; Guedes Soares, C.; 2014. Assessment of the changes induced by a wave energy farm in the nearshore wave conditions. Computers & Geosciences, 7150–61. 10.1016/j.cageo.2014.03.006 | 2014 | Model application | 52 |
Hadadpour, Sanaz; Etemad-Shahidi, Amir; Jabbari, Ebrahim; Kamranzad, Bahareh; 2014. Wave energy and hot spots in Anzali port. Energy, 74529–536. 10.1016/j.energy.2014.07.018 | 2014 | Model application | 35 |
Liu, Tianyi; Peter Sheng, Y.; 2014. Three dimensional simulation of transport and fate of oil spill under wave induced circulation. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 80148–159. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2014.01.026 | 2014 | Model application | 24 |
Robertson, Bryson R.D.; Hiles, Clayton E.; Buckham, Bradley J.; 2014. Characterizing the near shore wave energy resource on the west coast of Vancouver Island, Canada. Renewable Energy, 71665–678. 10.1016/j.renene.2014.06.006 | 2014 | Model application | 63 |
Sandhya, K.G.; Balakrishnan Nair, T.M.; Bhaskaran, Prasad K.; Sabique, L.; Arun, N.; Jeykumar, K.; 2014. Wave forecasting system for operational use and its validation at coastal Puducherry, east coast of India. Ocean Engineering, 8064–72. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2014.01.009 | 2014 | Model application | 68 |
Blatt, Alex; 2014. Androgenic-Anabolic Steroid (Boldenone) Abuse as a Cause of Dilated Cardiomyopathy. Journal of General Practice, 2. 10.4172/2329-9126.1000153 | 2014 | Model application | 4 |
Rusu, L; Bernardino, M; Guedes Soares, C; 2014. Wind and wave modelling in the Black Sea. Journal of Operational Oceanography, 75–20. 10.1080/1755876X.2014.11020149 | 2014 | Model application | 72 |
Allard, Richard; Rogers, Erick; Martin, Paul; Jensen, Tommy; Chu, Philip; Campbell, Tim; Dykes, James; Smith, Travis; Choi, Jeikook; Gravois, Uriah; 2014. The US Navy Coupled Ocean-Wave Prediction System. Oceanography, 2792–103. 10.5670/oceanog.2014.71 | 2014 | Model application | 35 |
Ahn, Suk Jin; Lee, Byeong Wook; Lee, Changhoon; Kwon, Seok Jae; 2014. PREDICTION OF LONG-PERIOD BIG WAVES IN EAST COAST OF KOREA. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 141. 10.9753/icce.v34.posters.41 | 2014 | Model application | 0 |
Ashton, I.; Van-Nieuwkoop-McCall, J.C.C.; Smith, H.C.M.; Johanning, L.; 2014. Spatial variability of waves within a marine energy site using in-situ measurements and a high resolution spectral wave model. Energy, 66699–710. 10.1016/j.energy.2013.12.065 | 2014 | Model application | 14 |
Soares, Carlos; Santos, T; Vieira, A; Gregório, I; Fortes, C; Suzuki, T; Maciel, G; 2014. Application of the numerical model SWAN in locations with vegetation in the Tiete-Paraná waterway—lake of Ilha Solteira’s Dam—Brazil. , 1371–1378. [30] | 2014 | Model application | 0 |
Lee, Jong-Sup; Kwon, Kyong-Hwan; Park, Il-Heum; 2014. Analysis of Littoral Currents by the Coupled Hydrodynamic Model. Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and Safety, 20247–258. 10.7837/kosomes.2014.20.2.247 | 2014 | Model application | 5 |
Lee, Changhoon; Ahn, Suk Jin; Lee, Byeong Wook; Kim, Shin Woong; Kwon, Seok Jae; 2014. Prediction of Swell-like High Waves Using Observed Data on the East Coast of Korea. Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 26149–159. 10.9765/KSCOE.2014.26.3.149 | 2014 | Model application | 5 |
Liang, B.; Liu, X.; Li, H.; Wu, Y.; Lee, D.; 2014. Wave Climate Hindcasts for the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, and East China Sea. Journal of Coastal Research, 32172. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-14-00017.1 | 2014 | Model application | 27 |
Pang, Chong-guang; Liu, Li-qian; Li, Kun; 2014. Numerical prediction on the scour burial of cylinder object freely resting on the sandy seabed in the East China Sea using the DRAMBUIE model. International Journal of Sediment Research, 29509–517. 10.1016/S1001-6279(14)60064-0 | 2014 | Model application | 1 |
Bever, Aaron J.; Harris, Courtney K.; 2014. Storm and fair-weather driven sediment-transport within Poverty Bay, New Zealand, evaluated using coupled numerical models. Continental Shelf Research, 8634–51. 10.1016/j.csr.2013.07.012 | 2014 | Model application | 28 |
Ferreira, Celso M.; Irish, Jennifer L.; Olivera, Francisco; 2014. Quantifying the potential impact of land cover changes due to sea-level rise on storm surge on lower Texas coast bays. Coastal Engineering, 94102–111. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2014.08.011 | 2014 | Model application | 21 |
Boer, Sérgio den; Azevedo, Alberto; Vaz, Leandro; Costa, Ricardo; Fortunato, André B.; Oliveira, Anabela; Tomás, Luís M.; Dias, João M.; Rodrigues, Marta; 2014. Development of an oil spill hazard scenarios database for risk assessment. Journal of Coastal Research, 70539–544. 10.2112/SI70-091.1 | 2014 | Model application | 13 |
Buckley, Mark; Lowe, Ryan; Hansen, Jeff; 2014. Evaluation of nearshore wave models in steep reef environments. Ocean Dynamics, 64847–862. 10.1007/s10236-014-0713-x | 2014 | Model application | 77 |
Jafari, Ebrahim; Jandaghi Alaee, Majid; Pattiaratchi, Charitha B; Nemati, Mohammad Hossein; Farhand, Abdulmir; 2014. EVALUATION OF THE ECMWF ERA-INTERIM WIND DATA FOR NUMERICAL WAVE HIND-CASTING IN THE CASPIAN SEA. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 140. 10.9753/icce.v34.posters.40 | 2014 | Model application | 1 |
Viola, Cristina N. A.; Grifoll, Manel; Palalane, Jaime; Oliveira, Tiago C. A.; 2014. Sea wave propagation from offshore to Maputo's coast. Application to longshore sediment transport assessment. Water Science and Technology, 692438–2445. 10.2166/wst.2014.162 | 2014 | Model application | 3 |
Hashemi, M. Reza; Neill, Simon P.; 2014. The role of tides in shelf-scale simulations of the wave energy resource. Renewable Energy, 69300–310. 10.1016/j.renene.2014.03.052 | 2014 | Model application | 38 |
Min, Byungil; Park, Kihyun; Youm, Minkyo; Suh, Kyungsuk; 2014. Improvement of the Wet and Dry Algorithm for an Inundation Problem using a Parallel Numerical Model. Journal of Coastal Research, 72133–138. 10.2112/72SI72-025.1 | 2014 | Model application | 1 |
Rusu, L; Guedes Soares, C; 2014. Local data assimilation scheme for wave predictions close to the Portuguese ports. Journal of Operational Oceanography, 745–57. 10.1080/1755876X.2014.11020158 | 2014 | Model application | 30 |
Guo, WeiJun; Hao, Yanni; Zhang, Li; Xu, Tiaojian; Ren, Xiaozhong; Cao, Feng; Wang, Shoudong; 2014. Development and application of an oil spill model with wave–current interactions in coastal areas. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 84213–224. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2014.05.009 | 2014 | Model application | 37 |
van Loon-Steensma, Jantsje M.; Slim, Pieter A.; Decuyper, Mathieu; Hu, Zhan; 2014. Salt-marsh erosion and restoration in relation to flood protection on the Wadden Sea barrier island Terschelling. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 18415–430. 10.1007/s11852-014-0326-z | 2014 | Model application | 12 |
Meixner, Jessica; Dietrich, J. Casey; Dawson, Clint; Zijlema, Marcel; Holthuijsen, Leo H.; 2014. A Discontinuous Galerkin Coupled Wave Propagation/Circulation Model. Journal of Scientific Computing, 59334–370. 10.1007/s10915-013-9761-5 | 2014 | Model application | 7 |
Nayak, Sashikant; Bhaskaran, Prasad K.; 2014. Coastal vulnerability due to extreme waves at Kalpakkam based on historical tropical cyclones in the Bay of Bengal: COASTAL VULNERABILITY AT KALPAKKAM DUE TO EXTREME WAVES. International Journal of Climatology, 341460–1471. 10.1002/joc.3776 | 2014 | Model application | 53 |
Wang, Dao Sheng; Lv, Xiang Cui; Yuan, De Kui; 2014. Study on Characteristics of Water Waves in Bohai Sea Using SWAN Model. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 522983–989. 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.522-524.983 | 2014 | Model application | 0 |
Lv, Xiangcui; Yuan, Dekui; Ma, Xiaodi; Tao, Jianhua; 2014. Wave characteristics analysis in Bohai Sea based on ECMWF wind field. Ocean Engineering, 91159–171. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2014.09.010 | 2014 | Model application | 83 |
Kim, Hyoseob; Jin, Jae Youll; Jang, Changhwan; Yoo, Ho Jun; Hwang, Dae Hee; 2014. Simulation of Seasonal Bathymetric Change at Haeundae Beach with Two Representative Wave Settings. Journal of Coastal Research, 72173–178. 10.2112/SI72-031.1 | 2014 | Model application | 1 |
Fairley, I.; Ahmadian, R.; Falconer, R.A.; Willis, M.R.; Masters, I.; 2014. The effects of a Severn Barrage on wave conditions in the Bristol Channel. Renewable Energy, 68428–442. 10.1016/j.renene.2014.02.023 | 2014 | Model application | 31 |
Dissanayake, Pushpa; Brown, Jennifer; Karunarathna, Harshinie; 2014. Modelling storm-induced beach/dune evolution: Sefton coast, Liverpool Bay, UK. Marine Geology, 357225–242. 10.1016/j.margeo.2014.07.013 | 2014 | Model application | 66 |
Guedes Soares, C.; Bento, A. Rute; Gonçalves, Marta; Silva, Dina; Martinho, Paulo; 2014. Numerical evaluation of the wave energy resource along the Atlantic European coast. Computers & Geosciences, 7137–49. 10.1016/j.cageo.2014.03.008 | 2014 | Model application | 88 |
Abanades, J.; Greaves, D.; Iglesias, G.; 2014. Coastal defence through wave farms. Coastal Engineering, 91299–307. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2014.06.009 | 2014 | Model application | 83 |
Bhaskaran, Prasad K.; Mangalagiri, Swetha; Bonthu, Subbareddy; 2014. Dredging maintenance plan for the Kolkata port, India. Current Science, 1071125–1136. [31] | 2014 | Model application | 15 |
Ding, Liang; Fan, Fei; Li, Jia Rui; 2014. Numerical Study of Wave Climate in Jiangsu Sea Area. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 5012099–2106. 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.501-504.2099 | 2014 | Model application | 0 |
Ferreira, Celso M.; Olivera, Francisco; Irish, Jennifer L.; 2014. Arc StormSurge: Integrating Hurricane Storm Surge Modeling and GIS. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 50219–233. 10.1111/jawr.12127 | 2014 | Model application | 18 |
Zanopol, Andrei Tănase; Onea, Florin; Rusu, Eugen; 2014. Studies Concerning the Influence of the Wave Farms on the Nearshore Processes. International Journal of Geosciences, 5728–738. 10.4236/ijg.2014.57065 | 2014 | Model application | 11 |
Belo-Pereira, M; Muacho, S; Carvalho, A; 2014. Implementation and evaluation of an operational ocean wave forecasting system along the coast of West Iberia. Journal of Operational Oceanography, 735–44. 10.1080/1755876X.2014.11020157 | 2014 | Model application | 3 |
Armudi, Amanda; Marques, Wiliam C.; dos Santos, Jorge F. C.; Bravo, Lucas S.; Fernandes, Elisa H.; Guimarães, Pedro V.; 2014. Preliminary study about the wave influence on the ship hydrodynamics. Marine Systems & Ocean Technology, 995–103. 10.1007/BF03449290 | 2014 | Model application | 0 |
Murty, P.L.N.; Sandhya, K.G.; Bhaskaran, Prasad K.; Jose, Felix; Gayathri, R.; Balakrishnan Nair, T.M.; Srinivasa Kumar, T.; Shenoi, S.S.C.; 2014. A coupled hydrodynamic modeling system for PHAILIN cyclone in the Bay of Bengal. Coastal Engineering, 9371–81. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2014.08.006 | 2014 | Model application | 99 |
Son, Goeun; Jeong, Ju-Hee; Kim, Hyunsu; Kim, Yoo-Keun; 2014. The Characteristics in the Simulation of High-resolution Coastal Weather Using the WRF and SWAN Models. Journal of Environmental Science International, 23409–431. 10.5322/JESI.2014.23.3.409 | 2014 | Model application | 0 |
Tasnim, Khandker Masuma; Koichiro, Ohira; Shibayama, Tomoya; Esteban, Miguel; Nakamura, Ryota; 2014. NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF CYCLONIC STORM SURGES OVER THE BAY OF BENGAL USING A METEOROLOGY-WAVE-SURGE-TIDE COUPLED MODEL. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 126. 10.9753/icce.v34.currents.26 | 2014 | Model application | 1 |
Nonaka, Hirokazu; Yamaguchi, Masataka; Hatada, Yoshio; Utsunomiya, Yoshihiro; Hino, Mikio; 2014. Re-Evaluating Extremes of Wave Heights in the Coastal Area of the Japan Sea. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering), 70I_101–I_105. 10.2208/kaigan.70.I_101 | 2014 | Model application | 0 |
Toderascu, Robert; Rusu, Eugen; 2014. Implementation of a Joint System for Waves and Currents in the Black Sea. International Journal of Ocean System Engineering, 429–42. 10.5574/IJOSE.2014.4.1.029 | 2014 | Model application | 3 |
Sebastian, Antonia; Proft, Jennifer; Dietrich, J. Casey; Du, Wei; Bedient, Philip B.; Dawson, Clint N.; 2014. Characterizing hurricane storm surge behavior in Galveston Bay using the SWAN+ADCIRC model. Coastal Engineering, 88171–181. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2014.03.002 | 2014 | Model application | 135 |
Grifoll, Manel; Gracia, Vicenç; Guillén, Jorge; Espino, Manuel; Sanchez-Arcilla, Agustín; 2014. SEDIMENT TRANSPORT AND DISPERSAL IN THE NEARSHORE OF “FLASH-FLOOD” RIVERS.. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 151. 10.9753/icce.v34.sediment.51 | 2014 | Model application | 0 |
Pearman, D.W.; Herbers, T.H.C.; Janssen, T.T.; van Ettinger, H.D.; McIntyre, S.A.; Jessen, P.F.; 2014. Drifter observations of the effects of shoals and tidal-currents on wave evolution in San Francisco Bight. Continental Shelf Research, 91109–119. 10.1016/j.csr.2014.08.011 | 2014 | Model application | 13 |
Fossati, M.; Cayocca, F.; Piedra-Cueva, I.; 2014. Fine sediment dynamics in the Río de la Plata. Advances in Geosciences, 3975–80. 10.5194/adgeo-39-75-2014 | 2014 | Model application | 29 |
Liang, Bingchen; Fan, Fei; Liu, Fushun; Gao, Shanhong; Zuo, Hongyan; 2014. 22-Year wave energy hindcast for the China East Adjacent Seas. Renewable Energy, 71200–207. 10.1016/j.renene.2014.05.027 | 2014 | Model application | 62 |
Esen, Mustafa; Ergin, Aysen; Guler, Isikhan; Tarakcioglu, Gulizar Ozyurt; 2014. A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON WIND AND WAVE SOURCES FOR TURKISH BLACK SEA COAST. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 135. 10.9753/icce.v34.posters.35 | 2014 | Model application | 0 |
Taebi, Soheila; Pattiaratchi, Charitha; 2014. Hydrodynamic response of a fringing coral reef to a rise in mean sea level. Ocean Dynamics, 64975–987. 10.1007/s10236-014-0734-5 | 2014 | Model application | 17 |
Ortiz, Juan Carlos; Salcedo, Bladimir; Otero, Luis Jesús; 2014. Investigating the Collapse of the Puerto Colombia Pier (Colombian Caribbean Coast) in March 2009: Methodology for the Reconstruction of Extreme Events and the Evaluation of their Impact on the Coastal Infrastructure. Journal of Coastal Research, 294291–300. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-12-00062.1 | 2014 | Model application | 18 |
Matias, Ana; Carrasco, Ana R.; Loureiro, Carlos; Almeida, Sílvia; Ferreira, Óscar; 2014. Nearshore and foreshore influence on overwash of a barrier island. Journal of Coastal Research, 70675–680. 10.2112/SI70-114.1 | 2014 | Model application | 9 |
Zhao, Changjin; Ge, Jianzhong; Ding, Pingxing; 2014. Impact of Sea Level Rise on Storm Surges around the Changjiang Estuary. Journal of Coastal Research, 6827–34. 10.2112/SI68-004.1 | 2014 | Model application | 21 |
Suursaar, Ülo; Alari, Victor; Tõnisson, Hannes; 2014. Multi-scale analysis of wave conditions and coastal changes in the north-eastern Baltic Sea. Journal of Coastal Research, 70223–228. 10.2112/SI70-038.1 | 2014 | Model application | 15 |
García-Medina, Gabriel; Özkan-Haller, H. Tuba; Ruggiero, Peter; 2014. Wave resource assessment in Oregon and southwest Washington, USA. Renewable Energy, 64203–214. 10.1016/j.renene.2013.11.014 | 2014 | Model application | 69 |
Gunson, Jim; Symonds, Graham; 2014. Spectral Evolution of Nearshore Wave Energy during a Sea-Breeze Cycle. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 443195–3208. 10.1175/JPO-D-13-0205.1 | 2014 | Model application | 11 |
Gallien, T.W.; Sanders, B.F.; Flick, R.E.; 2014. Urban coastal flood prediction: Integrating wave overtopping, flood defenses and drainage. Coastal Engineering, 9118–28. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2014.04.007 | 2014 | Model application | 119 |
Zhang, Weisheng; Zhang, Jinshan; Wang, Jinhua; Zhao, Hongjun; 2014. COUPLING OF HYDRODYNAMIC AND WAVE MODELS CASE STUDY FOR WINTER STORM SURGE IN BOHAI SEA. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 114. 10.9753/icce.v34.management.14 | 2014 | Model application | 0 |
Pallares, Elena; Sánchez-Arcilla, Agustín; Espino, Manuel; 2014. Wave energy balance in wave models (SWAN) for semi-enclosed domains–Application to the Catalan coast. Continental Shelf Research, 8741–53. 10.1016/j.csr.2014.03.008 | 2014 | Model application | 51 |
Guillou, Nicolas; 2014. Wave-energy dissipation by bottom friction in the English Channel. Ocean Engineering, 8242–51. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2014.02.029 | 2014 | Model application | 15 |
Groeneweg, Jacco; Van Nieuwkoop, Joana; Toledo, Yaron; 2014. ON THE MODELLING OF SWELL WAVE PENETRATION INTO TIDAL INLET SYSTEMS. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 110. 10.9753/icce.v34.waves.10 | 2014 | Model application | 2 |
Lewis, M.J.; Neill, S.P.; Hashemi, M.R.; Reza, M.; 2014. Realistic wave conditions and their influence on quantifying the tidal stream energy resource. Applied Energy, 136495–508. 10.1016/j.apenergy.2014.09.061 | 2014 | Model application | 109 |
Lapetina, Andrew; Sheng, Y. Peter; 2014. Three-Dimensional Modeling of Storm Surge and Inundation Including the Effects of Coastal Vegetation. Estuaries and Coasts, 371028–1040. 10.1007/s12237-013-9730-0 | 2014 | Model application | 35 |
Orzech, Mark; Veeramony, Jay; Flampouris, Stylianos; 2014. Optimizing spectral wave estimates with adjoint-based sensitivity maps. Ocean Dynamics, 64487–505. 10.1007/s10236-014-0700-2 | 2014 | Model application | 6 |
Gonçalves, Marta; Martinho, Paulo; Guedes Soares, C.; 2014. Assessment of wave energy in the Canary Islands. Renewable Energy, 68774–784. 10.1016/j.renene.2014.03.017 | 2014 | Model application | 109 |
Ludeno, Giovanni; Brandini, Carlo; Lugni, Claudio; Arturi, Daniele; Natale, Antonio; Soldovieri, Francesco; Gozzini, Bernardo; Serafino, Francesco; 2014. Remocean System for the Detection of the Reflected Waves from the Costa Concordia Ship Wreck. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 73011–3018. 10.1109/JSTARS.2014.2321048 | 2014 | Model application | 30 |
Gonçalves, Marta; Martinho, Paulo; Guedes Soares, C.; 2014. Wave energy conditions in the western French coast. Renewable Energy, 62155–163. 10.1016/j.renene.2013.06.028 | 2014 | Model application | 104 |
Chien, Hwa; Cheng, Hao-Yuan; Chiou, Ming-Da; 2014. Wave climate variability of Taiwan waters. Journal of Oceanography, 70133–152. 10.1007/s10872-014-0218-8 | 2014 | Model application | 11 |
Veeramony, Jayaram; Orzech, Mark; Edwards, Kacey; Gilligan, Michael; Choi, Jeikook; Terrill, Eric; De Paolo, Tony; 2014. Navy Nearshore Ocean Prediction Systems. Oceanography, 2780–91. 10.5670/oceanog.2014.70 | 2014 | Model application | 7 |
Salmon, James Eric; Holthuijsen, Leo; Smit, Pieter; Van Vledder, Gerbrant; Zijlema, Marcel; 2014. ALTERNATIVE SOURCE TERMS FOR SWAN IN THE COASTAL REGION. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 122. 10.9753/icce.v34.waves.22 | 2014 | Model application | 9 |
Meixner, Jessica; Dietrich, J. Casey; Dawson, Clint; Zijlema, Marcel; Holthuijsen, Leo H.; 2014. A Discontinuous Galerkin Coupled Wave Propagation/Circulation Model. Journal of Scientific Computing, 59334–370. 10.1007/s10915-013-9761-5 | 2014 | Model application | 0 |
Chen, Jia-Lin; Shi, Fengyan; Hsu, Tian-Jian; Kirby, James T.; 2014. NearCoM-TVD — A quasi-3D nearshore circulation and sediment transport model. Coastal Engineering, 91200–212. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2014.06.002 | 2014 | Model application | 24 |
Nardin, W.; Mariotti, G.; Edmonds, D. A.; Guercio, R.; Fagherazzi, S.; 2013. Growth of river mouth bars in sheltered bays in the presence of frontal waves: GROWTH AND EVOLUTION OF RIVER MOUTH BARS. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 118872–886. 10.1002/jgrf.20057 | 2013 | Model application | 60 |
Taflanidis, Alexandros A.; Kennedy, Andrew B.; Westerink, Joannes J.; Smith, Jane; Cheung, Kwok Fai; Hope, Mark; Tanaka, Seizo; 2013. Rapid Assessment of Wave and Surge Risk during Landfalling Hurricanes: Probabilistic Approach. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 139171–182. 10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000178 | 2013 | Model application | 51 |
Xiazhen, XU; Rongyin, TAO; Qiaohua, ZHAO; Tingfeng, WU; 2013. Wave characteristics and sensitivity analysis of the wind field in a large shallow lake-Lake Taihu. Journal of Lake Sciences, 2555-64. 10.18307/2013.0108 | 2013 | Model application | 8 |
Benassai, Guido; Migliaccio, Maurizio; Montuori, Antonio; 2013. Sea wave numerical simulations with COSMO-SkyMed© SAR data. Journal of Coastal Research, 65660–665. 10.2112/SI65-112.1 | 2013 | Model application | 19 |
Dietrich, J.C.; Zijlema, M.; Allier, P.-E.; Holthuijsen, L.H.; Booij, N.; Meixner, J.D.; Proft, J.K.; Dawson, C.N.; Bender, C.J.; Naimaster, A.; Smith, J.M.; Westerink, J.J.; 2013. Limiters for spectral propagation velocities in SWAN. Ocean Modelling, 7085–102. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2012.11.005 | 2013 | Model application | 52 |
Martyr, R. C.; Dietrich, J. C.; Westerink, J. J.; Kerr, P. C.; Dawson, C.; Smith, J. M.; Pourtaheri, H.; Powell, N.; Van Ledden, M.; Tanaka, S.; Roberts, H. J.; Westerink, H. J.; Westerink, L. G.; 2013. Simulating Hurricane Storm Surge in the Lower Mississippi River under Varying Flow Conditions. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 139492–501. 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0000699 | 2013 | Model application | 36 |
Dawson, Clint; Gerritsen, Margot; 2013. Computational Challenges in the Geosciences. , 156. [32] | 2013 | Model application | 2 |
Rusu, Eugen; Onea, Florin; 2013. Evaluation of the wind and wave energy along the Caspian Sea. Energy, 501–14. 10.1016/j.energy.2012.11.044 | 2013 | Model application | 109 |
Dawson, Clint; Gerritsen, Margot; Dietrich, J. C.; Dawson, C. N.; Proft, J. M.; Howard, M. T.; Wells, G.; Fleming, J. G.; Luettich, R. A.; Westerink, J. J.; Cobell, Z.; Vitse, M.; Lander, H.; Blanton, B. O.; Szpilka, C. M.; Atkinson, J. H.; 2013. Real-Time Forecasting and Visualization of Hurricane Waves and Storm Surge Using SWAN+ADCIRC and FigureGen. , 15649–70. [33] | 2013 | Model overview | 58 |
Bhaskaran, Prasad K.; Nayak, Sashikant; Bonthu, Subba Reddy; Murty, P. L. N; Sen, Debabrata; 2013. Performance and validation of a coupled parallel ADCIRC–SWAN model for THANE cyclone in the Bay of Bengal. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 13601–623. 10.1007/s10652-013-9284-5 | 2013 | Model application | 100 |
Choi, Byung Ho; Min, Byung Il; Kim, Kyeong Ok; Yuk, Jin Hee; 2013. Wave-tide-surge coupled simulation for typhoon Maemi. China Ocean Engineering, 27141–158. 10.1007/s13344-013-0013-0 | 2013 | Model application | 29 |
Gracia, Vicente; García, Manuel; Grifoll, Manel; Sánchez-Arcilla, Agustín; 2013. Breaching of a barrier under extreme events. The role of morphodynamic simulations. Journal of Coastal Research, 65951–956. 10.2112/SI65-161.1 | 2013 | Model application | 38 |
Silva, A.M.A.N.; Taborda, R.P.M.; 2013. Integration of beach hydrodynamic and morphodynamic modelling in a GIS environment. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 17201–210. 10.1007/s11852-012-0212-5 | 2013 | Model application | 8 |
Hope, M. E.; Westerink, J. J.; Kennedy, A. B.; Kerr, P. C.; Dietrich, J. C.; Dawson, C.; Bender, C. J.; Smith, J. M.; Jensen, R. E.; Zijlema, M.; Holthuijsen, L. H.; Luettich, R. A.; Powell, M. D.; Cardone, V. J.; Cox, A. T.; Pourtaheri, H.; Roberts, H. J.; Atkinson, J. H.; Tanaka, S.; Westerink, H. J.; Westerink, L. G.; 2013. Hindcast and validation of Hurricane Ike (2008) waves, forerunner, and storm surge: HINDCAST AND VALIDATION OF HURRICANE IKE. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 1184424–4460. 10.1002/jgrc.20314 | 2013 | Model application | 183 |
Kerr, P. C.; Donahue, A. S.; Westerink, J. J.; Luettich, R. A.; Zheng, L. Y.; Weisberg, R. H.; Huang, Y.; Wang, H. V.; Teng, Y.; Forrest, D. R.; Roland, A.; Haase, A. T.; Kramer, A. W.; Taylor, A. A.; Rhome, J. R.; Feyen, J. C.; Signell, R. P.; Hanson, J. L.; Hope, M. E.; Estes, R. M.; Dominguez, R. A.; Dunbar, R. P.; Semeraro, L. N.; Westerink, H. J.; Kennedy, A. B.; Smith, J. M.; Powell, M. D.; Cardone, V. J.; Cox, A. T.; 2013. U.S. IOOS coastal and ocean modeling testbed: Inter-model evaluation of tides, waves, and hurricane surge in the Gulf of Mexico: IOOS TESTBED: INTER-MODEL EVALUATION. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 1185129–5172. 10.1002/jgrc.20376 | 2013 | Model application | 86 |
Kerr, P. C.; Martyr, R. C.; Donahue, A. S.; Hope, M. E.; Westerink, J. J.; Luettich, R. A.; Kennedy, A. B.; Dietrich, J. C.; Dawson, C.; Westerink, H. J.; 2013. U.S. IOOS coastal and ocean modeling testbed: Evaluation of tide, wave, and hurricane surge response sensitivities to mesh resolution and friction in the Gulf of Mexico: IOOS TESTBED-RESOLUTION AND FRICTION. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 1184633–4661. 10.1002/jgrc.20305 | 2013 | Model application | 57 |
Stopa, Justin E.; Filipot, Jean-François; Li, Ning; Cheung, Kwok Fai; Chen, Yi-Leng; Vega, Luis; 2013. Wave energy resources along the Hawaiian Island chain. Renewable Energy, 55305–321. 10.1016/j.renene.2012.12.030 | 2013 | Model application | 99 |
Dawson, Clint; 2013. Coupled wave-circulation results from the SWAN+ADCIRC models for a best-track hindcast of hurricane Isaac (August 2012) in the western Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. , . 10.7266/N7057CVJ | 2013 | Model application | 0 |
Neill, Simon P.; Hashemi, M. Reza; 2013. Wave power variability over the northwest European shelf seas. Applied Energy, 10631–46. 10.1016/j.apenergy.2013.01.026 | 2013 | Model application | 140 |
Li, Honghai; Lin, Lihwa; Burks-Copes, Kelly A.; 2013. Modeling of Coastal Inundation, Storm Surge, and Relative Sea-Level Rise at Naval Station Norfolk, Norfolk, Virginia, U.S.A.. Journal of Coastal Research, 28618–30. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-12-00056.1 | 2013 | Model application | 23 |
Akpınar, Adem; Kömürcü, Murat İhsan; 2013. Assessment of wave energy resource of the Black Sea based on 15-year numerical hindcast data. Applied Energy, 101502–512. 10.1016/j.apenergy.2012.06.005 | 2013 | Model application | 153 |
Rusu, Eugen; Guedes Soares, C.; 2013. Coastal impact induced by a Pelamis wave farm operating in the Portuguese nearshore. Renewable Energy, 5834–49. 10.1016/j.renene.2013.03.001 | 2013 | Model application | 102 |
Choi, Byung Ho; Min, Byung Il; Kim, Kyeong Ok; Yuk, Jin Hee; 2013. Wave-tide-surge coupled simulation for typhoon Maemi. China Ocean Engineering, 27141–158. 10.1007/s13344-013-0013-0 | 2013 | Model application | 0 |
Guisado, Emilia; Malvárez, Gonzalo C.; Navas, Fatima; 2013. Morphodynamic Environments of the Costa del Sol, Spain. Journal of Coastal Research, 65500–505. 10.2112/SI65-085.1 | 2013 | Model application | 12 |
van Nieuwkoop, Joana C.C.; Smith, Helen C.M.; Smith, George H.; Johanning, Lars; 2013. Wave resource assessment along the Cornish coast (UK) from a 23-year hindcast dataset validated against buoy measurements. Renewable Energy, 581–14. 10.1016/j.renene.2013.02.033 | 2013 | Model application | 87 |
Diaconu, Sorin; Rusu, Eugen; 2013. The Environmental Impact of a Wave Dragon Array Operating in the Black Sea. The Scientific World Journal, 20131–20. 10.1155/2013/498013 | 2013 | Model application | 58 |
Kamranzad, B.; Etemad-shahidi, A.; Chegini, V.; 2013. Assessment of wave energy variation in the Persian Gulf. Ocean Engineering, 7072–80. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2013.05.027 | 2013 | Model application | 91 |
Bryan, Karin R; Foster, Renee; MacDonald, Iain; 2013. Beach Rotation at Two Adjacent Headland-Enclosed Beaches. Journal of Coastal Research, 1652095–2100. 10.2112/SI65-354.1 | 2013 | Model application | 24 |
Lin, J.-G.; 2013. An Improvement of Wave Refraction-diffraction Effect in Swan. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, . 10.6119/JMST-012-1207-1 | 2013 | Model application | 9 |
Tanaka, Tomoya; Yoshino, Jun; Shimada, Susumu; Kobayashi, Tomonao; 2013. Significant and Maximum Waves under Typhoons with Different Traveling Speed. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering), 69I_141–I_145. 10.2208/kaigan.69.I_141 | 2013 | Model application | 0 |
Falter, James L.; Lowe, Ryan J.; Zhang, Zhenlin; McCulloch, Malcolm; Álvarez, Inés; 2013. Physical and Biological Controls on the Carbonate Chemistry of Coral Reef Waters: Effects of Metabolism, Wave Forcing, Sea Level, and Geomorphology. PLoS ONE, 8e53303. 10.1371/journal.pone.0053303 | 2013 | Model application | 120 |
Huang, Yong; Weisberg, Robert H.; Zheng, Lianyuan; Zijlema, Marcel; 2013. Gulf of Mexico hurricane wave simulations using SWAN: Bulk formula-based drag coefficient sensitivity for Hurricane Ike: Drag Coefficient for Hurricane Wave. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 1183916–3938. 10.1002/jgrc.20283 | 2013 | Model application | 69 |
Barbariol, Francesco; Benetazzo, Alvise; Carniel, Sandro; Sclavo, Mauro; 2013. Improving the assessment of wave energy resources by means of coupled wave-ocean numerical modeling. Renewable Energy, 60462–471. 10.1016/j.renene.2013.05.043 | 2013 | Model application | 61 |
Benetazzo, A.; Carniel, S.; Sclavo, M.; Bergamasco, A.; 2013. Wave–current interaction: Effect on the wave field in a semi-enclosed basin. Ocean Modelling, 70152–165. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2012.12.009 | 2013 | Model application | 97 |
Chen, Changsheng; Beardsley, Robert C.; Luettich, Richard A; Westerink, Joannes J.; Wang, Harry; Perrie, Will; Xu, Qichun; Donahue, Aaron S.; Qi, Jianhua; Lin, Huichan; Zhao, Liuzhi; Kerr, Patrick C.; Meng, Yanqiu; Toulany, Bash; 2013. Extratropical storm inundation testbed: Intermodel comparisons in Scituate, Massachusetts: EXTRATROPICAL STORM INUNDATION TESTBED. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 1185054–5073. 10.1002/jgrc.20397 | 2013 | Model application | 67 |
Smith, Helen C.M.; Haverson, David; Smith, George H.; 2013. A wave energy resource assessment case study: Review, analysis and lessons learnt. Renewable Energy, 60510–521. 10.1016/j.renene.2013.05.017 | 2013 | Model application | 45 |
Rusu, Liliana; Guedes Soares, C.; 2013. Evaluation of a high-resolution wave forecasting system for the approaches to ports. Ocean Engineering, 58224–238. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2012.11.008 | 2013 | Model application | 49 |
Liang, Bingchen; Fan, Fei; Yin, Zegao; Shi, Hongda; Lee, Dongyong; 2013. Numerical modelling of the nearshore wave energy resources of Shandong peninsula, China. Renewable Energy, 57330–338. 10.1016/j.renene.2013.01.052 | 2013 | Model application | 60 |
Anastasiou, Sotiria; Sylaios, Georgios; 2013. Nearshore wave field simulation at the lee of a large island. Ocean Engineering, 7461–71. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2013.09.013 | 2013 | Model application | 12 |
Benassai, G.; Montuori, A.; Migliaccio, M.; Nunziata, F.; 2013. Sea wave modeling with X-band COSMO-SkyMed<sup>©</sup> SAR-derived wind field forcing and applications in coastal vulnerability assessment. Ocean Science, 9325–341. 10.5194/os-9-325-2013 | 2013 | Model application | 20 |
Nicolodi, João Luiz; Toldo Jr, Elirio E.; Farina, Leandro; 2013. Dynamic and resuspension by waves and sedimentation pattern definition in low energy environments: guaíba lake (Brazil). Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 6155–64. 10.1590/S1679-87592013000100006 | 2013 | Model application | 13 |
Mazaheri, Said; Kamranzad, Bahareh; Hajivalie, Fatemeh; 2013. Modification of 32 years ECMWF wind field using QuikSCAT data for wave hindcasting in Iranian Seas. Journal of Coastal Research, 65344–349. 10.2112/SI65-059.1 | 2013 | Model application | 30 |
Orzech, Mark D.; Veeramony, Jayaram; Ngodock, Hans; 2013. A Variational Assimilation System for Nearshore Wave Modeling. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 30953–970. 10.1175/JTECH-D-12-00097.1 | 2013 | Model application | 23 |
Lim, Hak-Soo; Chun, Insik; Kim, Chang Shik; Park, Kwang Soon; Shim, Jae Seol; Yoon, Jong Joo; 2013. High-Resolution Operational Coastal Modeling System for the Prediction of Hydrodynamics in Korea Using a Wave-Current Coupled Model. Journal of Coastal Research, 65314–319. 10.2112/SI65-054.1 | 2013 | Model application | 7 |
Zhao, Xin; Sun, Qun; 2013. Influence of Reclamation on Hydrodynamic Environment in Bohai Bay. Advanced Materials Research, 7263262–3265. 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.726-731.3262 | 2013 | Model application | 4 |
Reynolds-Fleming, Janelle V.; Luettich, Richard A.; Fleming, Jason G.; 2013. Comparative Hydrodynamics during Events along a Barrier Island: Explanation for Overwash. Estuaries and Coasts, 36334–346. 10.1007/s12237-012-9578-8 | 2013 | Model application | 5 |
Li, Shuang; Song, Jinbao; Fan, Wei; 2013. Effect of Langmuir circulation on upper ocean mixing in the South China Sea. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 3228–33. 10.1007/s13131-013-0285-5 | 2013 | Model application | 10 |
Drews, Carl; Magar, Vanesa; 2013. Using Wind Setdown and Storm Surge on Lake Erie to Calibrate the Air-Sea Drag Coefficient. PLoS ONE, 8e72510. 10.1371/journal.pone.0072510 | 2013 | Model application | 11 |
Sclavo, Mauro; Benetazzo, Alvise; Carniel, Sandro; Bergamasco, Andrea; Falcieri, Francesco Marcello; Bonaldo, Davide; 2013. Wave-current interaction effect on sediment dispersal in a shallow semi-enclosed basin. Journal of Coastal Research, 1651587–1592. 10.2112/SI65-268.1 | 2013 | Model application | 26 |
Park, Jong-Kil; Kim, Myoung-Kyu; Kim, Dong-Cheol; Yoon, Jung-Sung; 2013. Study on Development of Surge-Tide-Wave Coupling Numerical Model for Storm Surge Prediction. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology, 2733–44. 10.5574/KSOE.2013.27.4.033 | 2013 | Model application | 0 |
Graf, Michael; Sprenger, Michael; Lohmann, Ulrike; Seibt, Christian; Hofmann, Hilmar; 2013. Evaluating the suitability of the SWAN/COSMO-2 model system to simulate short-crested surface waves for a narrow lake with complex bathymetry. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 22257–272. 10.1127/0941-2948/2013/0442 | 2013 | Model application | 6 |
Chen, Yongping; Xie, Dongmei; Zhang, Changkuan; Qian, Xuesheng; 2013. Estimation of long-term wave statistics in the East China Sea. Journal of Coastal Research, 65177–182. 10.2112/SI65-031.1 | 2013 | Model application | 22 |
Lim, Hak-Soo; Kim, Chang S.; Park, Kwang-Soon; Shim, Jae Seol; Chun, Insik; 2013. Down-scaled regional ocean modeling system (ROMS) for high-resolution coastal hydrodynamics in Korea. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 3250–61. 10.1007/s13131-013-0352-y | 2013 | Model application | 7 |
Alekseev, D. V.; Ivanov, V. A.; Ivancha, E. V.; Fomin, V. V.; Cherkesov, L. V.; 2013. Estimation of the effect of protective piers on wind wave parameters in the Sevastopol Bay. Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, 38248–255. 10.3103/S1068373913040067 | 2013 | Model application | 3 |
Saket, Arvin; Etemad-Shahidi, Amir; Moeini, Mohammad Hadi; 2013. Evaluation of ECMWF wind data for wave hindcast in Chabahar zone. Journal of Coastal Research, 65380–385. 10.2112/SI65-065.1 | 2013 | Model application | 18 |
Dragani, Walter C.; Martin, Paula B.; Alonso, Guadalupe; Codignotto, Jorge O.; Prario, Bárbara E.; Bacino, Guido; 2013. Wind wave climate change: Impacts on the littoral processes at the Northern Buenos Aires Province Coast, Argentina. Climatic Change, 121649–660. 10.1007/s10584-013-0928-8 | 2013 | Model application | 17 |
Hadadpour, Sanaz; Moshfeghi, Hengameh; Jabbari, Ebrahim; Kamranzad, Bahareh; 2013. Wave hindcasting in Anzali, Caspian Sea: a hybrid approach. Journal of Coastal Research, 65237–242. 10.2112/SI65-041.1 | 2013 | Model application | 12 |
Guillou, N.; Chapalain, G.; Duvieilbourg, E.; 2013. Modelling impact of bottom roughness on sea surface temperature in the Sea of Iroise. Continental Shelf Research, 5480–92. 10.1016/j.csr.2012.12.003 | 2013 | Model application | 12 |
Vaz, Leandro; Plecha, Sandra; Dias, João Miguel; 2013. Coastal wave regime influence on Ria de Aveiro inlet dynamics. Journal of Coastal Research, 1651605–1610. 10.2112/SI65-271.1 | 2013 | Model application | 6 |
Goward Brown, Alice J.; Neill, Simon P.; Lewis, Matt J.; 2013. The influence of wind gustiness on estimating the wave power resource. International Journal of Marine Energy, 3e1–e10. 10.1016/j.ijome.2013.11.007 | 2013 | Model application | 8 |
Xu, Fumin; Perrie, William; Solomon, Steve; 2013. Shallow Water Dissipation Processes for Wind Waves off the Mackenzie Delta. Atmosphere-Ocean, 51296–308. 10.1080/07055900.2013.794123 | 2013 | Model application | 14 |
Lim, Chai Heng; Lettmann, Karsten; Wolff, Jörg-Olaf; 2013. Numerical study on wave dynamics and wave-induced bed erosion characteristics in Potter Cove, Antarctica. Ocean Dynamics, 631151–1174. 10.1007/s10236-013-0651-z | 2013 | Model application | 13 |
Lv, Xiang Cui; Wang, Dao Sheng; Yuan, De Kui; Tao, Jian Hua; 2013. Calibration of SWAN Model for Wave Simulation in Bohai Sea. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 4231344–1350. 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.423-426.1344 | 2013 | Model application | 0 |
Bae, Jae Seok; Kim, Hyung-Jun; Choi, Junwoo; 2013. Surface Roller Effect Affecting on Shear Fluctuations of a SandyDuck Experiment under a Random Wave Environment. Journal of Coastal Research, 1651491–1496. 10.2112/SI65-252.1 | 2013 | Model application | 2 |
Ding, Liang; Chen, Hai Ying; Liang, Bing Chen; 2013. Numerical Simulation Study of Wind and Wave Energy in Yellow River Delta. Advanced Materials Research, 860324–330. 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.860-863.324 | 2013 | Model application | 0 |
Yang, X.-C.; Zhang, Q.-H.; 2013. Joint probability distribution of winds and waves from wave simulation of 20 years (1989-2008) in Bohai Bay. Water Science and Engineering, 6296-307. 10.3882/j.issn.1674-2370.2013.03.006 | 2013 | Model application | 46 |
GALABOV, V.; 2013. ON THE WAVE ENERGY POTENTIAL OF THE BULGARIAN BLACK SEA COAST. 13th SGEM GeoConference on Water Resources. Forest, Marine And Ocean Ecosystems, 831 - 838. 10.5593/SGEM2013/BC3/S15.003 | 2013 | Model application | 8 |
Ahn, Suk Jin; Lee, Byeong Wook; Kwon, Suk-Jae; Lee, Changhoon; 2013. Algorithm of Predicting Swell-like Significant Waves in the East Coast of Korea (동해안 너울성 고파 예측 알고리즘). Journal of The Korean Society of Civil Engineers (대한토목학회논문집), 332329-2341. 10.12652/Ksce.2013.33.6.2329 | 2013 | Model application | 2 |
Hemer, M. A.; McInnes, K. L.; Ranasinghe, R.; 2013. Projections of climate change-driven variations in the offshore wave climate off south eastern Australia: Offshore wave climate projections east of Australia. International Journal of Climatology, 331615–1632. 10.1002/joc.3537 | 2013 | Model application | 43 |
Surkova, Galina; Arkhipkin, Victor; Kislov, Alexander; 2013. Atmospheric circulation and storm events in the Black Sea and Caspian Sea. Open Geosciences, 5. 10.2478/s13533-012-0150-7 | 2013 | Model application | 23 |
Seibt, Christian; Peeters, Frank; Graf, Michael; Sprenger, Michael; Hofmann, Hilmar; 2013. Modeling wind waves and wave exposure of nearshore zones in medium-sized lakes. Limnology and Oceanography, 5823–36. 10.4319/lo.2013.58.1.0023 | 2013 | Model application | 27 |
Andrade, Carlos Alberto; Thomas, Yves François; Lerma, Alexandre Nicolae; Durand, Paul; Anselme, Brice; 2013. Coastal Flooding Hazard Related to Swell Events in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. Journal of Coastal Research, 2901126–1136. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-12-00028.1 | 2013 | Model application | 31 |
Zhang, Zhenlin; Falter, James; Lowe, Ryan; Ivey, Greg; McCulloch, Malcolm; 2013. Atmospheric forcing intensifies the effects of regional ocean warming on reef-scale temperature anomalies during a coral bleaching event: Reef-Scale Water Temperature. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 1184600–4616. 10.1002/jgrc.20338 | 2013 | Model application | 37 |
Hamylton, S. M.; Pescud, A.; Leon, J. X.; Callaghan, D. P.; 2013. A geospatial assessment of the relationship between reef flat community calcium carbonate production and wave energy. Coral Reefs, 321025–1039. 10.1007/s00338-013-1074-5 | 2013 | Model application | 3 |
Bever, Aaron J.; MacWilliams, Michael L.; 2013. Simulating sediment transport processes in San Pablo Bay using coupled hydrodynamic, wave, and sediment transport models. Marine Geology, 345235–253. 10.1016/j.margeo.2013.06.012 | 2013 | Model application | 58 |
Saruwatari, Ayumi; Ingram, David M.; Cradden, Lucy; 2013. Wave–current interaction effects on marine energy converters. Ocean Engineering, 73106–118. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2013.09.002 | 2013 | Model application | 44 |
Smith, Travis A.; Chen, Sue; Campbell, Timothy; Martin, Paul; Rogers, W. Erick; Gaberšek, Saša; Wang, David; Carroll, Suzanne; Allard, Richard; 2013. Ocean–wave coupled modeling in COAMPS-TC: A study of Hurricane Ivan (2004). Ocean Modelling, 69181–194. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2013.06.003 | 2013 | Model application | 33 |
Moghimi, Saeed; Klingbeil, Knut; Gräwe, Ulf; Burchard, Hans; 2013. A direct comparison of a depth-dependent Radiation stress formulation and a Vortex force formulation within a three-dimensional coastal ocean model. Ocean Modelling, 70132–144. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2012.10.002 | 2013 | Model application | 59 |
Hamylton, S. M.; Pescud, A.; Leon, J. X.; Callaghan, D. P.; 2013. A geospatial assessment of the relationship between reef flat community calcium carbonate production and wave energy. Coral Reefs, 321025–1039. 10.1007/s00338-013-1074-5 | 2013 | Model application | 36 |
Mariotti, Giulio; Fagherazzi, Sergio; 2013. Wind waves on a mudflat: The influence of fetch and depth on bed shear stresses. Continental Shelf Research, 60S99–S110. 10.1016/j.csr.2012.03.001 | 2013 | Model application | 60 |
Montoya, R.D.; Osorio Arias, A.; Ortiz Royero, J.C.; Ocampo-Torres, F.J.; 2013. A wave parameters and directional spectrum analysis for extreme winds. Ocean Engineering, 67100–118. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2013.04.016 | 2013 | Model application | 34 |
de León, S. Ponce; Orfila, A.; 2013. Numerical study of the marine breeze around Mallorca Island. Applied Ocean Research, 4026–34. 10.1016/j.apor.2012.12.003 | 2013 | Model application | 25 |
Michailidou, V. N.; Swan, J. W.; Brady, J. F.; Petekidis, G.; 2013. Anisotropic diffusion of concentrated hard-sphere colloids near a hard wall studied by evanescent wave dynamic light scattering. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 139. 10.1063/1.4825261 | 2013 | Model application | 17 |
Dietrich, J. C.; Tanaka, S.; Westerink, J. J.; Dawson, C. N.; Luettich, R. A.; Zijlema, M.; Holthuijsen, L. H.; Smith, J. M.; Westerink, L. G.; Westerink, H. J.; 2012. Performance of the Unstructured-Mesh, SWAN+ADCIRC Model in Computing Hurricane Waves and Surge. Journal of Scientific Computing, 52468–497. 10.1007/s10915-011-9555-6 | 2012 | Model application | 1 |
Ching-Piao, Tsai; Ching-Her, Hwang; Chien, Hwa; Hao-Yuan, Cheng; 2012. Study on the wave climate variation to the renewable wave energy assessment. Renewable Energy, 3850–61. 10.1016/j.renene.2011.06.041 | 2012 | Model application | 37 |
Nardin, William; Fagherazzi, Sergio; 2012. The effect of wind waves on the development of river mouth bars: EFFECT OF WIND WAVES ON RIVER MOUTH BARS. Geophysical Research Letters, 39n/a–n/a. 10.1029/2012GL051788 | 2012 | Model application | 70 |
Panigrahi, J. K.; Umesh, P. A.; Padhy, C. P.; Swain, J.; 2012. Nearshore propagation of cyclonic waves. Natural Hazards, 60605–622. 10.1007/s11069-011-0030-3 | 2012 | Model application | 6 |
Choi, Junwoo; Lee, Jong-In; Yoon, Sung Bum; 2012. Surface Roller Modeling for Mean Longshore Current over a Barred Beach in a Random Wave Environment. Journal of Coastal Research, 2841100–1120. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-10-00151.1 | 2012 | Model application | 7 |
Villanoy, Cesar; David, Laura; Cabrera, Olivia; Atrigenio, Michael; Siringan, Fernando; Aliño, Porfirio; Villaluz, Maya; 2012. Coral reef ecosystems protect shore from high-energy waves under climate change scenarios. Climatic Change, 112493–505. 10.1007/s10584-012-0399-3 | 2012 | Model application | 24 |
Homoródi, Krisztián; Józsa, János; Krámer, Tamás; 2012. On the 2D modelling aspects of wind-induced waves in shallow, fetch-limited lakes. Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 56127. 10.3311/pp.ci.2012-2.01 | 2012 | Model application | 10 |
Vousdoukas, Michalis I.; Ferreira, Óscar; Almeida, Luís P.; Pacheco, André; 2012. Toward reliable storm-hazard forecasts: XBeach calibration and its potential application in an operational early-warning system. Ocean Dynamics, 621001–1015. 10.1007/s10236-012-0544-6 | 2012 | Model application | 99 |
Rusu, Eugen; Guedes Soares, C.; 2012. Wave energy pattern around the Madeira Islands. Energy, 45771–785. 10.1016/j.energy.2012.07.013 | 2012 | Model application | 111 |
Smith, Helen C.M.; Pearce, Charles; Millar, Dean L.; 2012. Further analysis of change in nearshore wave climate due to an offshore wave farm: An enhanced case study for the Wave Hub site. Renewable Energy, 4051–64. 10.1016/j.renene.2011.09.003 | 2012 | Model application | 106 |
Toropov, P. A.; Myslenkov, S. A.; Shestakova, A. A.; 2012. Numerical simulation of Novorossiysk bora and related wind waves using the WRF-ARW and SWAN models. Russian Journal of Earth Sciences, 121–7. 10.2205/2012ES000524 | 2012 | Model application | 10 |
Shimura, Tomoya; Mori, Nobuhito; Yasuda, Tomohiro; Mase, Hajime; 2012. WAVE DYNAMICS AND ITS IMPACT TO WAVE CLIMATE PROJECTION. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 124. 10.9753/icce.v33.management.24 | 2012 | Model application | 0 |
Ninomiya, Junichi; Mori, Nobuhito; Yasuda, Tomohiro; Mase, Hajime; Kihara, Naoto; 2012. IMPROVEMENT OF STORM SURGE SIMULATION UPON PARAMETERIZATIONS OF COUPLED AIR-SEA INTERACTIONS. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 151. 10.9753/icce.v33.currents.51 | 2012 | Model application | 0 |
Suzuki, Tomohiro; Zijlema, Marcel; Burger, Bastiaan; Meijer, Martijn C.; Narayan, Siddharth; 2012. Wave dissipation by vegetation with layer schematization in SWAN. Coastal Engineering, 5964–71. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2011.07.006 | 2012 | Model application | 242 |
Porter, Aaron K.; Haller, Merrick C.; Lenee-Bluhm, Pukha; 2012. LABORATORY OBSERVATIONS AND NUMERICAL MODELING OF THE EFFECTS OF AN ARRAY OF WAVE ENERGY CONVERTERS. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 67. 10.9753/icce.v33.management.67 | 2012 | Model application | 11 |
Dietrich, J. C.; Tanaka, S.; Westerink, J. J.; Dawson, C. N.; Luettich, R. A.; Zijlema, M.; Holthuijsen, L. H.; Smith, J. M.; Westerink, L. G.; Westerink, H. J.; 2012. Performance of the Unstructured-Mesh, SWAN+ADCIRC Model in Computing Hurricane Waves and Surge. Journal of Scientific Computing, 52468–497. 10.1007/s10915-011-9555-6 | 2012 | Model application | 318 |
Eslami Arab, Sepehr; Van Dongeren, Ap; Wellens, Peter; 2012. STUDYING THE EFFECT OF LINEAR REFRACTION ON LOW-FREQUENCY WAVE PROPAGATION (PHYSICAL AND NUMERICAL STUDY). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 19. 10.9753/icce.v33.waves.9 | 2012 | Model application | 5 |
Prevot, Guirec; Boucher, Olivier; Luck, Maryline; Benoit, Michel; 2012. STABILITY OF RUBBLE MOUND BREAKWATERS IN SHALLOW WATER AND SURF ZONE : AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 185. 10.9753/icce.v33.structures.85 | 2012 | Model application | 4 |
Ivanov, V. A.; Fomin, V. V.; Zatsepin, A. G.; Alekseev, A. D.; 2012. Numerical simulation of storm roughness in a sea coastal zone and the possibility of weakening it by means of protective structures. Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling, 27. 10.1515/rnam-2012-0003 | 2012 | Model application | 1 |
Smit, Pieter Bart; Janssen, T. T.; Herbers, T. H. C.; 2012. TOPOGRAPHY-INDUCED FOCUSING OF RANDOM WAVES. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 16. 10.9753/icce.v33.waves.6 | 2012 | Model application | 1 |
Wang, Yi; Jiang, Xingwei; 2012. Improvement and application of a saturation based wave dissipation function in SWAN model. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 3124–32. 10.1007/s13131-012-0172-5 | 2012 | Model application | 6 |
Bai, Zhi Gang; Shi, Lian Bo; 2012. Study on the Layout of Water-Filled Raft WEC in Wave Farm. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 253670–673. 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.253-255.670 | 2012 | Model application | 2 |
Neves, Diogo Rúben; Rodrigues, Sara; Fortes, Conceição Juana; Reis, Maria Teresa; Santos, João Alfredo; Capitão, Rui; 2012. Application to the Port of Sines of a new tool for risk assessment in port navigation. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 16489–501. 10.1007/s11852-012-0190-7 | 2012 | Model application | 1 |
Terrile, Emanuele; De Filippi, Gianluigi; Spadaccini, Ostilio; 2012. WAVE STATISTICS AND SPECTRAL MONITORING IN THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA (i.e. SICILY CHANNEL): 9 YEARS OF WAVE DATA MONITORING. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 13. 10.9753/icce.v33.posters.3 | 2012 | Model application | 2 |
Olabarrieta, Maitane; Warner, John C.; Armstrong, Brandy; Zambon, Joseph B.; He, Ruoying; 2012. Ocean–atmosphere dynamics during Hurricane Ida and Nor’Ida: An application of the coupled ocean–atmosphere–wave–sediment transport (COAWST) modeling system. Ocean Modelling, 43112–137. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2011.12.008 | 2012 | Model application | 150 |
Teles, Maria João; Pires-Silva, António A.; Belo-Pereira, Margarida; 2012. Simulations of wave conditions on an open beach configuration: wind resolution, seaward forcing and whitecapping effects. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 16927–942. 10.1080/19648189.2012.676417 | 2012 | Model application | 6 |
van der Westhuysen, A. J.; van Dongeren, A. R.; Groeneweg, J.; van Vledder, G. Ph.; Peters, H.; Gautier, C.; van Nieuwkoop, J. C. C.; 2012. Improvements in spectral wave modeling in tidal inlet seas: SPECTRAL WAVE MODELING IN TIDAL INLET SEAS. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 117n/a–n/a. 10.1029/2011JC007837 | 2012 | Model application | 39 |
van der Westhuysen, André J.; 2012. Spectral modeling of wave dissipation on negative current gradients. Coastal Engineering, 6817–30. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2012.05.001 | 2012 | Model application | 43 |
Ruiz de Alegria-Arzaburu, Amaia; Mariño-Tapia, Ismael; Enriquez, Cecilia; Silva-Casarín, Rodolfo; González-Leija, Mariana; 2012. MORPHODYNAMICS OF A CARIBBEAN BEACH FRINGED BY A CORAL REEF. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1119. 10.9753/icce.v33.sediment.119 | 2012 | Model application | 4 |
Porter, Aaron K.; Haller, Merrick C.; Lenee-Bluhm, Pukha; 2012. LABORATORY OBSERVATIONS AND NUMERICAL MODELING OF THE EFFECTS OF AN ARRAY OF WAVE ENERGY CONVERTERS. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 167. 10.9753/icce.v33.management.67 | 2012 | Model application | 11 |
Rusu, Eugen; 2012. Modeling Waves in Open Coastal Areas and Harbors with Phase-Resolving and Phase-Averaged Models. Journal of Coastal Research, 291309. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-11-00209.1 | 2012 | Model application | 23 |
Wang, Zhi-feng; Wu, Ke-jian; Zhou, Liang-ming; Wu, Lun-yu; 2012. Wave characteristics and extreme parameters in the Bohai Sea. China Ocean Engineering, 26341–350. 10.1007/s13344-012-0026-0 | 2012 | Model application | 37 |
Winterwerp, Johan C.; de Boer, Gerben J.; Greeuw, Gert; van Maren, Dirk S.; 2012. Mud-induced wave damping and wave-induced liquefaction. Coastal Engineering, 64102–112. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2012.01.005 | 2012 | Model application | 26 |
Kim, Seung-Woo; Kim, So-Yeon; Suh, Kyung-Duck; 2012. Influence of Water Depth on Climate Change Impacts on Caisson Sliding of Vertical Breakwater. Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 24179–188. 10.9765/KSCOE.2012.24.3.179 | 2012 | Model application | 2 |
Wang, Zhi-feng; Wu, Ke-jian; Zhou, Liang-ming; Wu, Lun-yu; 2012. Wave characteristics and extreme parameters in the Bohai Sea. China Ocean Engineering, 26341–350. 10.1007/s13344-012-0026-0 | 2012 | Model application | 0 |
Mori, Nobuhito; Michimae, Takeru; Shimada, Hiroaki; Yasuda, Tomohiro; Mase, Hajime; 2012. Global Analysis of Freak Wave Based on Spectral Wave Model. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering), 68I_111–I_115. 10.2208/kaigan.68.I_111 | 2012 | Model application | 0 |
Jeong, Weon Mu; Jun, Ki Cheon; Kim, Gunwoo; Oh, Sang-Ho; Ryu, Kyong-Ho; 2012. Shallow-water Design Waves at Gangreung Beach through the Analysis of Long-term Measured Wave Data and Numerical Simulation Using Deepwater Wave Conditions. Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 24343–351. 10.9765/KSCOE.2012.24.5.343 | 2012 | Model application | 5 |
Inghilesi, R.; Catini, F.; Bellotti, G.; Franco, L.; Orasi, A.; Corsini, S.; 2012. Implementation and validation of a coastal forecasting system for wind waves in the Mediterranean Sea. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 12485–494. 10.5194/nhess-12-485-2012 | 2012 | Model application | 15 |
Taebi, Soheila; Lowe, Ryan J.; Pattiaratchi, Charitha B.; Ivey, Greg N.; Symonds, Graham; 2012. A numerical study of the dynamics of the wave-driven circulation within a fringing reef system. Ocean Dynamics, 62585–602. 10.1007/s10236-011-0514-4 | 2012 | Model application | 35 |
Michaud, H.; Marsaleix, P.; Leredde, Y.; Estournel, C.; Bourrin, F.; Lyard, F.; Mayet, C.; Ardhuin, F.; 2012. Three-dimensional modelling of wave-induced current from the surf zone to the inner shelf. Ocean Science, 8657–681. 10.5194/os-8-657-2012 | 2012 | Model application | 81 |
Siadatmousavi, S. Mostafa; Jose, F.; Stone, G.W.; 2012. On the importance of high frequency tail in third generation wave models. Coastal Engineering, 60248–260. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2011.10.007 | 2012 | Model application | 32 |
Anselmi-Molina, Carlos M.; Canals, Miguel; Morell, Julio; Gonzalez, Juan; Capella, Jorge; Mercado, Aurelio; 2012. Development of an Operational Nearshore Wave Forecast System for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Journal of Coastal Research, 2841049–1056. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-11-00132.1 | 2012 | Model application | 27 |
Filipot, Jean-François; Cheung, Kwok Fai; 2012. Spectral wave modeling in fringing reef environments. Coastal Engineering, 6767–79. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2012.04.005 | 2012 | Model application | 49 |
Dong, Zhifei; Kirby, James T.; 2012. THEORETICAL AND NUMERICAL STUDY OF WAVE-CURRENT INTERACTION IN STRONGLY-SHEARED FLOWS. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 12. 10.9753/icce.v33.waves.2 | 2012 | Model application | 26 |
Nayak, Sashikant; Bhaskaran, Prasad K.; Venkatesan, R.; 2012. Near-shore wave induced setup along Kalpakkam coast during an extreme cyclone event in the Bay of Bengal. Ocean Engineering, 5552–61. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2012.07.036 | 2012 | Model application | 38 |
Moeini, Mohammad Hadi; Etemad-Shahidi, Amir; Chegini, Vahid; Rahmani, Iraj; 2012. Wave data assimilation using a hybrid approach in the Persian Gulf. Ocean Dynamics, 62785–797. 10.1007/s10236-012-0529-5 | 2012 | Model application | 47 |
Codignotto, Jorge O.; Dragani, Walter C.; Martin, Paula B.; Simionato, Claudia G.; Medina, Rubén A.; Alonso, Guadalupe; 2012. Wind-wave climate change and increasing erosion in the outer Río de la Plata, Argentina. Continental Shelf Research, 38110–116. 10.1016/j.csr.2012.03.013 | 2012 | Model application | 36 |
Benetazzo, A.; Fedele, F.; Carniel, S.; Ricchi, A.; Bucchignani, E.; Sclavo, M.; 2012. Wave climate of the Adriatic Sea: a future scenario simulation. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 122065–2076. 10.5194/nhess-12-2065-2012 | 2012 | Model application | 48 |
Kuang, Cui-Ping; Chen, Si-Yu; Zhang, Yu; Gu, Jie; Pan, Yi; Huang, Jing; 2012. A two-dimensional morphological model based on a next generation circulation solver I: Formulation and validation. Coastal Engineering, 591–13. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2011.03.009 | 2012 | Model application | 13 |
Mầu, Lê Đình; 2012. TÍNH TOÁN CÁN CÂN VẬN CHUYỂN BÙN-CÁT DỌC BỜ TẠI KHU VỰC CỬA ĐẠI (HỘI AN). Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Biển, 1227–42. 10.15625/1859-3097/12/1/865 | 2012 | Model application | 1 |
Khalifa, M. A.; 2012. Adoption of recent formulae for sediment transport calculations applied on the Egyptian Nile delta coastal area. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 1637–49. 10.1007/s11852-011-0166-z | 2012 | Model application | 3 |
Sugawara, Yoshihiro; Yamanouchi, Jun; Yamamoto, Yasuji; 2012. Future Changes in Sea of Okhotsk Wave Characteristics in Consideration of Reduced Sea Ice Cover. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering), 68I_1221–I_1225. 10.2208/kaigan.68.I_1221 | 2012 | Model application | 0 |
Gautier, Caroline; Groeneweg, Jacco; 2012. THE USE OF SPATIAL RADAR OBSERVATIONS IN WAVE HINDCASTS. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 142. 10.9753/icce.v33.waves.42 | 2012 | Model application | 1 |
Doong, D.-J.; Chuang, L. Z.-H.; Wu, L.-C.; Fan, Y.-M.; Kao, C. C.; Wang, J.-H.; 2012. Development of an operational coastal flooding early warning system. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 12379–390. 10.5194/nhess-12-379-2012 | 2012 | Model application | 31 |
Bender, Christopher; Miller, William; Naimaster, Ashley; Mahoney, Tucker; 2012. WAVE MODELING WITH SWAN+ADCIRC FOR THE SOUTH CAROLINA COASTAL STORM SURGE STUDY. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 148. 10.9753/icce.v33.waves.48 | 2012 | Model application | 3 |
Kumar, Nirnimesh; Voulgaris, George; Warner, John C.; Olabarrieta, Maitane; 2012. Implementation of the vortex force formalism in the coupled ocean-atmosphere-wave-sediment transport (COAWST) modeling system for inner shelf and surf zone applications. Ocean Modelling, 4765–95. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2012.01.003 | 2012 | Model application | 228 |
Liang, Bingchen; Zhao, Hongping; Li, Huajun; Wu, Guoxiang; 2012. Numerical study of three-dimensional wave-induced longshore current’s effects on sediment spreading of the Huanghe River mouth. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 31129–138. 10.1007/s13131-012-0199-7 | 2012 | Model application | 12 |
Gonzalez, Raul; Zou, Qingping; Pan, Shunqi; 2012. MODELLING OF THE IMPACT OF A WAVE FARM ON NEARSHORE SEDIMENT TRANSPORT. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 166. 10.9753/icce.v33.sediment.66 | 2012 | Model application | 12 |
Vatvani, D.; Zweers, N. C.; van Ormondt, M.; Smale, A. J.; de Vries, H.; Makin, V. K.; 2012. Storm surge and wave simulations in the Gulf of Mexico using a consistent drag relation for atmospheric and storm surge models. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 122399–2410. 10.5194/nhess-12-2399-2012 | 2012 | Model application | 37 |
Shi, Jian; Tong, Chao Feng; Yan, Yi Xin; 2012. Assimilation of Wave Data for Simulations of Typhoon Waves in the South China Sea. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2561994–1997. 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.256-259.1994 | 2012 | Model application | 0 |
Kennedy, Andrew B.; Westerink, Joannes J.; Smith, Jane M.; Hope, Mark E.; Hartman, Michael; Taflanidis, Alexandros A.; Tanaka, Seizo; Westerink, Hans; Cheung, Kwok Fai; Smith, Tom; Hamann, Madeleine; Minamide, Masashi; Ota, Aina; Dawson, Clint; 2012. Tropical cyclone inundation potential on the Hawaiian Islands of Oahu and Kauai. Ocean Modelling, 5254–68. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2012.04.009 | 2012 | Model application | 103 |
Saket, A.; Etemad-Shahidi, A.; 2012. Wave energy potential along the northern coasts of the Gulf of Oman, Iran. Renewable Energy, 4090–97. 10.1016/j.renene.2011.09.024 | 2012 | Model application | 95 |
Smith, Jane McKee; Kennedy, Andrew B.; Westerink, Joannes J.; Taflanidis, Alexandros A.; Cheung, Kwok Fai; 2012. HAWAII HURRICANE WAVE AND SURGE MODELING AND FAST FORECASTING. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 18. 10.9753/icce.v33.management.8 | 2012 | Model application | 10 |
Akpınar, Adem; Kömürcü, Murat İhsan; 2012. Wave energy potential along the south-east coasts of the Black Sea. Energy, 42289–302. 10.1016/j.energy.2012.03.057 | 2012 | Model application | 81 |
Mase, Hajime; Yasuda, Tomohiro; Tom, Tracey H.; Mori, Nobuhito; Nakajo, Sota; 2012. Obsearbvation and Prediction of Winds and Waves at Floating Type Wind Farm. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering), 68I_1451–I_1455. 10.2208/kaigan.68.I_1451 | 2012 | Model application | 0 |
Arora, Chitra; Bhaskaran, Prasad K.; 2012. Parameterization of bottom friction under combined wave-tide action in the Hooghly estuary, India. Ocean Engineering, 4343–55. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2011.12.018 | 2012 | Model application | 22 |
Guedes Soares, Carlos; Garbatov, Y.; Sutulo, S.; Santos, T.A.; 2012. Assessment of wind and wave simulations for an enclosed sea using satellite data. , 481–486. [34] | 2012 | Model application | 5 |
Feng, Xiangbo; Zheng, Jinhai; Yan, Yixin; 2012. Wave spectra assimilation in typhoon wave modeling for the East China Sea. Coastal Engineering, 6929–41. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2012.05.007 | 2012 | Model application | 31 |
Akpınar, Adem; van Vledder, Gerbrant Ph.; Kömürcü, Murat İhsan; Özger, Mehmet; 2012. Evaluation of the numerical wave model (SWAN) for wave simulation in the Black Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 5080–99. 10.1016/j.csr.2012.09.012 | 2012 | Model application | 134 |
Deng, Zeng’an; Xie, Li’an; Han, Guijun; Zhang, Xuefeng; Wu, Kejian; 2012. The effect of Coriolis-Stokes forcing on upper ocean circulation in a two-way coupled wave-current model. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 30321–335. 10.1007/s00343-012-1069-z | 2012 | Model application | 12 |
Branch, Andrea; 2011. HCV in 2011: Ebb Tide, or the Gathering Storm?. Seminars in Liver Disease, 31327–330. 10.1055/s-0031-1297921 | 2011 | Model application | 0 |
Hsu, Tai-Wen; Liau, Jian-Ming; Liang, Shin-Jye; Ou, Shan-Hwei; Li, Yi-Ting; 2011. A note on the derivation of wave action balance equation in frequency space. China Ocean Engineering, 25133–138. 10.1007/s13344-011-0011-z | 2011 | Model application | 1 |
Catini, Francesca; Montagna, Francesca; Franco, Leopoldo; Bellotti, Giorgio; Corsini, Stefano; Inghilesi, Roberto; Orasi, Arianna; 2011. DEVELOPMENT OF A HIGH-RESOLUTION NEARSHORE WAVE FORECASTING/HINDCASTING SYSTEM FOR THE ITALIAN COASTS. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 37. 10.9753/icce.v32.waves.37 | 2011 | Model application | 4 |
Mrner, Nils-Axel; Cochard, Roland; 2011. The 2004 Tsunami in Aceh and Southern Thailand: Coastal Ecosystem Services, Damages and Resilience. , . [35] | 2011 | Model application | 9 |
Rusu, Liliana; Guedes Soares, C.; 2011. Modelling the wave–current interactions in an offshore basin using the SWAN model. Ocean Engineering, 3863–76. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2010.09.012 | 2011 | Model application | 34 |
Takagi, Hiroshi; Kashihara, Hidehiro; Esteban, Miguel; Shibayama, Tomoya; 2011. Assessment of Future Stability of Breakwaters Under Climate Change. Coastal Engineering Journal, 5321–39. 10.1142/S0578563411002264 | 2011 | Model application | 63 |
Oskamp, Jeffrey A; Özkan-Haller, H Tuba; 2011. WAVE PREDICTIONS AT THE SITE OF A WAVE ENERGY CONVERSION ARRAY. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 139. 10.9753/icce.v32.waves.39 | 2011 | Model application | 3 |
Chen, Da-Wei; Tzang, Shiaw-Yih; Ou, Shan-Hwei; 2011. COMPARISONS OF WAVE OVERTOPPING DISCHARGES AND DAMAGES OF THE NTOU VERTICAL SEAWALL DUE TO TWO SIMILAR SUPER TYPHOONS ON KEELUNG COAST OF TAIWAN. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 13. 10.9753/icce.v32.structures.3 | 2011 | Model application | 2 |
Feng, Xingru; Yin, Baoshu; Yang, Dezhou; William, Perrie; 2011. The effect of wave-induced radiation stress on storm surge during Typhoon Saomai (2006). Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 3020–26. 10.1007/s13131-011-0115-6 | 2011 | Model application | 14 |
Kranenburg, W. M.; Winterwerp, J. C.; de Boer, G. J.; Cornelisse, J. M.; Zijlema, M.; 2011. SWAN-Mud: Engineering Model for Mud-Induced Wave Damping. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 137959–975. 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0000370 | 2011 | Model application | 31 |
Groeneweg, Jacco; Beckers, Joost; Gautier, Caroline; 2011. A PROBABILISTIC MODEL FOR THE DETERMINATION OF HYDRAULIC BOUNDARY CONDITIONS IN A DYNAMIC COASTAL SYSTEM. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 138. 10.9753/icce.v32.waves.38 | 2011 | Model application | 7 |
Van der Westhuysen, Andre Jaco; 2011. IMPROVED MODELLING OF WAVE-CURRENT INTERACTION IN SWAN. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 145. 10.9753/icce.v32.waves.45 | 2011 | Model application | 5 |
Takewaka, Satoshi; Kawakami, Yuta; Zhao, Zhuowei; Yanagishima, SHinichi; 2011. Observation of shoreline positions with X-band radars. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering), 67I_626–I_630. 10.2208/kaigan.67.I_626 | 2011 | Model application | 0 |
Anselme, Brice; Durand, Paul; Thomas, Yves-François; Nicolae-Lerma, Alexandre; 2011. Storm extreme levels and coastal flood hazards: A parametric approach on the French coast of Languedoc (district of Leucate). Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 343677–690. 10.1016/j.crte.2011.07.006 | 2011 | Model application | 26 |
Chen, Qin Jim; Hu, Kelin; Kennedy, Andrew; 2011. NUMERICAL MODELING OF OBSERVED HURRICANE WAVES. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 130. 10.9753/icce.v32.waves.30 | 2011 | Model application | 4 |
Liu, Bin; Liu, Huiqing; Xie, Lian; Guan, Changlong; Zhao, Dongliang; 2011. A Coupled Atmosphere–Wave–Ocean Modeling System: Simulation of the Intensity of an Idealized Tropical Cyclone. Monthly Weather Review, 139132–152. 10.1175/2010MWR3396.1 | 2011 | Model application | 121 |
Vledder, Gerbrant Van; Zijlema, Marcel; Holthuijsen, Leo; 2011. REVISITING THE JONSWAP BOTTOM FRICTION FORMULATION. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 141. 10.9753/icce.v32.waves.41 | 2011 | Model application | 23 |
Buonaiuto Jr., F.S.; Slattery, M.; Bokuniewicz, H.J.; 2011. Wave Modeling of Long Island Coastal Waters. Journal of Coastal Research, 27470-477. 10.2112/08-1014.1 | 2011 | Model application | 7 |
Weintrit, Adam; Soda, T; Shiotani, S; Makino, H; Shimada, Y; 2011. Research on Ship Navigation in Numerical Simulation of Weather and Ocean in a Bay. , 141–146. 10.1201/b11343-24 | 2011 | Model application | 10 |
Rusu, Eugen; 2011. STRATEGIES IN USING NUMERICAL WAVE MODELS IN OCEAN/COASTAL APPLICATIONS. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 19. 10.51400/2709-6998.2138 | 2011 | Model application | 42 |
Dallas, Kate L.; Barnard, Patrick L.; 2011. Anthropogenic influences on shoreline and nearshore evolution in the San Francisco Bay coastal system. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 92195–204. 10.1016/j.ecss.2010.12.031 | 2011 | Model application | 41 |
Babanin, A. V.; Hsu, T.-W.; Roland, A.; Ou, S.-H.; Doong, D.-J.; Kao, C. C.; 2011. Spectral wave modelling of Typhoon Krosa. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 11501–511. 10.5194/nhess-11-501-2011 | 2011 | Model application | 40 |
Lee, Sang Hwa; Jang, Eun Cheul; Lee, Han-Seung; Jeong, Seok-Jae; 2011. Study on Effect of Wave Control by Multi-Cylinder Piles Using Delft-3D Hydrodynamic Model. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology, 2529–35. 10.5574/KSOE.2011.25.2.029 | 2011 | Model application | 0 |
McCabe, Maurice; Stansby, Peter K.; Apsley, David D.; 2011. Coupled wave action and shallow-water modelling for random wave runup on a slope. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 49515–522. 10.1080/00221686.2011.566253 | 2011 | Model application | 18 |
Galal, Elsayed M.; Takewaka, Satoshi; 2011. The influence of alongshore and cross-shore wave energy flux on large- and small-scale coastal erosion patterns: WAVE ENERGY FLUXES' INFLUENCE ON LARGE- AND SMALL-SCALE BEACH EROSION. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 36953–966. 10.1002/esp.2125 | 2011 | Model application | 11 |
Choi, Junwoo; Yoon, Sung Bum; 2011. Numerical simulation of nearshore circulation on field topography under random wave environment. Coastal Engineering, 58395–408. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2010.12.002 | 2011 | Model application | 12 |
Raudsepp, Urmas; Laanemets, Jaan; 2011. Flow, waves and water exchange in the Suur Strait, Gulf of Riga, in 2008**The work was partially supported by the Estonian Science Foundation (Grant 7283) and by the Estonian Road Administration project Perspective Development Plan for the Transportation of Passengers and Cargo across the Suur Strai. Oceanologia, 5335–56. 10.5697/oc.53-1.035 | 2011 | Model application | 15 |
Gorrell, L.; Raubenheimer, B.; Elgar, Steve; Guza, R.T.; 2011. SWAN predictions of waves observed in shallow water onshore of complex bathymetry. Coastal Engineering, 58510–516. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2011.01.013 | 2011 | Model application | 90 |
Siadatmousavi, S. Mostafa; Jose, F.; Stone, G. W.; 2011. The Effects of Bed Friction on Wave Simulation: Implementation of an Unstructured Third-Generation Wave Model, SWAN. Journal of Coastal Research, 27140–152. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-10-00073.1 | 2011 | Model application | 20 |
Hourston, M.; Potter, I.C.; Warwick, R.M.; Valesini, F.J.; 2011. The characteristics of the nematode faunas in subtidal sediments of a large microtidal estuary and nearshore coastal waters differ markedly. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 9468–76. 10.1016/j.ecss.2011.05.022 | 2011 | Model application | 19 |
Mulligan, Ryan P.; Perrie, Will; Toulany, Bash; Smith, Peter C.; Hay, Alex E.; Bowen, Anthony J.; 2011. Performance of Nowcast and Forecast Wave Models for Lunenburg Bay, Nova Scotia. Atmosphere-Ocean, 491–7. 10.1080/07055900.2011.558468 | 2011 | Model application | 11 |
Smith, Grant Alexander; Babanin, Alexander V.; Riedel, Peter; Young, I.R.; Oliver, Stephen; Hubbert, Graeme; 2011. Introduction of a new friction routine into the SWAN model that evaluates roughness due to bedform and sediment size changes. Coastal Engineering, 58317–326. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2010.11.006 | 2011 | Model application | 23 |
Bhowmick, Suchandra A.; Kumar, Raj; Chaudhuri, Sutapa; Sarkar, Abhijit; 2011. Sensitivity Study of a Coastal Wave Model for Prediction of Ocean Waves over Indian Ocean Region. Marine Geodesy, 34167–180. 10.1080/01490419.2011.571564 | 2011 | Model application | 10 |
Kawasaki, Koji; Niwa, Tatsuya; 2011. RISK ASSESSMENT OF INUNDATION INDUCED BY STORM SURGE AND HIGH WAVE UNDER INTENSIFICATION OF TYPHOON IN INNERMOST REGION OF ISE BAY. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B3 (Ocean Engineering), 67I_991–I_996. 10.2208/jscejoe.67.I_991 | 2011 | Model application | 0 |
Siadatmousavi, S. Mostafa; Jose, F.; Stone, G.W.; 2011. Evaluation of two WAM white capping parameterizations using parallel unstructured SWAN with application to the Northern Gulf of Mexico, USA. Applied Ocean Research, 3323–30. 10.1016/j.apor.2010.12.002 | 2011 | Model application | 34 |
Jiang, Boyang; Kaihatu, James; 2011. MULTI-DIMENSIONAL ERROR ANALYSIS OF NEARSHORE WAVE MODELING TOOLS, WITH APPLICATION TOWARD DATA-DRIVEN BOUNDARY CORRECTION. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 167. 10.9753/icce.v32.waves.67 | 2011 | Model application | 1 |
Guillou, Nicolas; Chapalain, Georges; 2011. Effects of waves on the initiation of headland-associated sandbanks. Continental Shelf Research, 311202–1213. 10.1016/j.csr.2011.04.013 | 2011 | Model application | 15 |
Guedes Soares, C; Rusu, L; Bernardino, M; Pilar, P; 2011. An operational wave forecasting system for the Portuguese continental coastal area. Journal of Operational Oceanography, 417–27. 10.1080/1755876X.2011.11020124 | 2011 | Model application | 50 |
Van Dongeren, Ap; Van der Westhuysen, Andre; Groeneweg, Jacco; Van Vledder, Gerbrant; Lansen, Joost; Smale, Alfons; Gautier, Caroline; Peters, Herman; Wenneker, Ivo; 2011. SPECTRAL WAVE MODELLING IN TIDAL INLET SEAS: RESULTS FROM THE SBW WADDEN SEA PROJECT. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 144. 10.9753/icce.v32.waves.44 | 2011 | Model application | 5 |
Li, Ming; Raymond, Ip; Wolf, Judith; Chen, Xueen; Burrows, Richard; 2011. Numerical investigation of wave propagation in the Liverpool Bay, NW England. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 301–13. 10.1007/s13131-011-0142-3 | 2011 | Model application | 2 |
Lee, Han Soo; Yamashita, Takao; Komaguchi, Tomoaki; Mishima, Toyoaki; 2011. STORM SURGE IN SETO INLAND SEA WITH CONSIDERATION OF THE IMPACTS OF WAVE BREAKING ON SURFACE CURRENTS. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 117. 10.9753/icce.v32.currents.17 | 2011 | Model application | 10 |
Guillou, Nicolas; Chapalain, Georges; 2011. Modelling impact of northerly wind-generated waves on sediments resuspensions in the Dover Strait and adjacent waters. Continental Shelf Research, 311894–1903. 10.1016/j.csr.2011.08.011 | 2011 | Model application | 11 |
Adams, Peter N.; Inman, Douglas L.; Lovering, Jessica L.; 2011. Effects of climate change and wave direction on longshore sediment transport patterns in Southern California. Climatic Change, 109211–228. 10.1007/s10584-011-0317-0 | 2011 | Model application | 48 |
Reikard, Gordon; Rogers, W. Erick; 2011. Forecasting ocean waves: Comparing a physics-based model with statistical models. Coastal Engineering, 58409–416. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2010.12.001 | 2011 | Model application | 51 |
Gillibrand, P A; Lane, E M; Walters, R A; Gorman, R M; 2011. Forecasting extreme sea level events and coastal inundation from tides, surge and wave setup. Australian Journal of Civil Engineering, 999–112. 10.1080/14488353.2011.11463961 | 2011 | Model application | 3 |
Rusu, Eugen; Gonçalves, Marta; Guedes Soares, C.; 2011. Evaluation of the wave transformation in an open bay with two spectral models. Ocean Engineering, 381763–1781. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2011.08.005 | 2011 | Model application | 36 |
Rusu, Eugen; Guedes Soares, C.; 2011. Wave modelling at the entrance of ports. Ocean Engineering, 382089–2109. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2011.09.002 | 2011 | Model application | 36 |
Hein, H.; Mai, S.; Barjenbruch, U.; 2011. Interaction of Wind-Waves and Currents in the Ems-Dollard Estuary. The International Journal of Ocean and Climate Systems, 2249–258. 10.1260/1759-3131.2.4.249 | 2011 | Model application | 2 |
Vogel, Manuel; 2011. Waves in Oceanic and Coastal Waters, by Leo H. Holthuijsen: Scope: textbook. Level: advanced undergraduate and above. Contemporary Physics, 5275–75. 10.1080/00107514.2010.529511 | 2011 | Model application | 5 |
Dietrich, J.C.; Zijlema, M.; Westerink, J.J.; Holthuijsen, L.H.; Dawson, C.; Luettich, R.A.; Jensen, R.E.; Smith, J.M.; Stelling, G.S.; Stone, G.W.; 2011. Modeling hurricane waves and storm surge using integrally-coupled, scalable computations. Coastal Engineering, 5845–65. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2010.08.001 | 2011 | Model application | 555 |
Xu, Kehui; Harris, Courtney K.; Hetland, Robert D.; Kaihatu, James M.; 2011. Dispersal of Mississippi and Atchafalaya sediment on the Texas–Louisiana shelf: Model estimates for the year 1993. Continental Shelf Research, 311558–1575. 10.1016/j.csr.2011.05.008 | 2011 | Model application | 73 |
Narayan, Siddharth; Suzuki, Tomohiro; Stive, Marcel J.F.; Verhagen, Henk Jan; Ursem, W.N.J.; Ranasinghe, Roshanka; 2011. ON THE EFFECTIVENESS OF MANGROVES IN ATTENUATING CYCLONE - INDUCED WAVES. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 150. 10.9753/icce.v32.waves.50 | 2011 | Model application | 39 |
Kravitz, Howard M.; Avery, Elizabeth; Sowers, MaryFran; Bromberger, Joyce T.; Owens, Jane F.; Matthews, Karen A.; Hall, Martica; Zheng, Huiyong; Gold, Ellen B.; Buysse, Daniel J.; 2011. Relationships between Menopausal and Mood Symptoms and EEG Sleep Measures in a Multi-ethnic Sample of Middle-Aged Women: The SWAN Sleep Study. Sleep, 341221–1232. 10.5665/SLEEP.1244 | 2011 | Model application | 58 |
Rusu, L.; Bernardino, M.; Guedes Soares, C.; 2011. Modelling the influence of currents on wave propagation at the entrance of the Tagus estuary. Ocean Engineering, 381174–1183. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2011.05.016 | 2011 | Model application | 47 |
Ponce de León, S.; Bettencourt, J.H.; Kjerstad, N.; 2011. Simulation of irregular waves in an offshore wind farm with a spectral wave model. Continental Shelf Research, 311541–1557. 10.1016/j.csr.2011.07.003 | 2011 | Model application | 41 |
Sheng, Y. Peter; Liu, Tianyi; 2011. Three-dimensional simulation of wave-induced circulation: Comparison of three radiation stress formulations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116C05021. 10.1029/2010JC006765 | 2011 | Model application | 44 |
Kumar, N.; Voulgaris, G.; Warner, J.C.; 2011. Implementation and modification of a three-dimensional radiation stress formulation for surf zone and rip-current applications. Coastal Engineering, 581097–1117. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2011.06.009 | 2011 | Model application | 90 |
Spentza, Eirini; Swan, Chris; 2011. Nonlinear wave interactions with fixed and floating bodies leading to unexpected wave impacts. , . 10.25560/8987 | 2011 | Model application | 0 |
Kim, Kang-Min; Dae, Nam-Ki; Lee, Joong-Woo; 2011. Analysis on Field Applicability of SWAN Nested Model. Journal of Korean navigation and port research, 3545–49. 10.5394/KINPR.2011.35.1.45 | 2011 | Model application | 1 |
Marino-Tapia, Ismael; Silva, Rodolfo; Enriquez, Cecilia; Mendoza-Baldwin, Edgar; Escalante-Mancera, Edgar; Ruiz-Rentería, Francisco; 2011. WAVE TRANSFORMATION AND WAVE-DRIVEN CIRCULATION ON NATURAL REEFS UNDER EXTREME HURRICANE CONDITIONS. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 128. 10.9753/icce.v32.waves.28 | 2011 | Model application | 18 |
Mulligan, Ryan P.; Hay, Alex E.; Bowen, Anthony J.; 2010. A wave-driven jet over a rocky shoal. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115C10038. 10.1029/2009JC006027 | 2010 | Model application | 22 |
Li, Guosheng; Xue, Xinghua; Liu, Ying; Wang, Hailong; Liao, Heping; 2010. Diagnostic experiments for transport mechanisms of suspended sediment discharged from the Yellow River in the Bohai Sea. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2049–63. 10.1007/s11442-010-0049-5 | 2010 | Model application | 13 |
Moeini, M.H.; Etemad-Shahidi, A.; Chegini, V.; 2010. Wave modeling and extreme value analysis off the northern coast of the Persian Gulf. Applied Ocean Research, 32209–218. 10.1016/j.apor.2009.10.005 | 2010 | Model application | 90 |
Kawasaki, Koji; Niwa, Tatsuya; Mizutani, Norimi; 2010. Development of Storm Surge and High Wave-Induced Inundation Model Considering Influence of High Wave and Its Accuracy Validation. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering), 66196–200. 10.2208/kaigan.66.196 | 2010 | Model application | 3 |
Folley, M.; Whittaker, T.; 2010. Spectral modelling of wave energy converters. Coastal Engineering, 57892–897. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2010.05.007 | 2010 | Model application | 57 |
Hequette, Arnaud; Aernouts, David; 2010. The influence of nearshore sand bank dynamics on shoreline evolution in a macrotidal coastal environment, Calais, northern France. Continental Shelf Research, 301349–1361. 10.1016/j.csr.2010.04.017 | 2010 | Model application | 50 |
Nicolodi, João Luiz; E.Toldo, Elirio; Farina, Leandro; 2010. Dinâmica e ressuspensão por ondas no Lago Guaíba (RS, Brasil) e implicações nos locais de captação de água para abastecimento humano. Pesquisas em Geociências, 3725. 10.22456/1807-9806.17726 | 2010 | Model application | 8 |
Guillou, Nicolas; Chapalain, Georges; 2010. Effets d'une houle de tempête sur les mises en suspension des sédements de fond dans le détroit du Pas-de-Calais: Comparaison de la modélisation avec les observations. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 14163–179. 10.1080/19648189.2010.9693210 | 2010 | Model application | 0 |
Badiei, P.; Siadat Mousavi, M.; 2010. The Third Generation Spectral Wave Model, WAVEWATACH-III, Enhanced for use in Nearshore Regions. Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal, 44. 10.22059/ceij.2010.51098 | 2010 | Model application | 2 |
Rusu, Liliana; Ivan, Angela; 2010. MODELLING WIND WAVES IN THE ROMANIAN COASTAL ENVIRONMENT. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 9547–552. 10.30638/eemj.2010.076 | 2010 | Model application | 27 |
Storlazzi, Curt D.; Reid, Jane A.; 2010. The influence of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycles on wave-driven sea-floor sediment mobility along the central California continental margin. Continental Shelf Research, 301582–1599. 10.1016/j.csr.2010.06.004 | 2010 | Model application | 24 |
Arora, Chitra; Kumar, B. Prasad; Jain, Indu; Bhar, Ashoke; Narayana, A. C.; 2010. Bottom Boundary Layer Characteristics in the Hooghly Estuary Under Combined Wave-Current Action. Marine Geodesy, 33261–281. 10.1080/01490419.2010.492308 | 2010 | Model application | 12 |
Sheng, Y. Peter; Zhang, Yanfeng; Paramygin, Vladimir A.; 2010. Simulation of storm surge, wave, and coastal inundation in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico region during Hurricane Ivan in 2004. Ocean Modelling, 35314–331. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2010.09.004 | 2010 | Model application | 87 |
Hemer, M. A.; Griffin, D. A.; 2010. The wave energy resource along Australia’s Southern margin. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2043108. 10.1063/1.3464753 | 2010 | Model application | 70 |
Veeramony, Jayaram; Walker, David; Hsu, Larry; 2010. A variational data assimilation system for nearshore applications of SWAN. Ocean Modelling, 35206–214. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2010.07.008 | 2010 | Model application | 26 |
Rusu, Eugen; Soares, C. Guedes; 2010. Validation of Two Wave and Nearshore Current Models. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 13627–45. 10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000023 | 2010 | Model application | 28 |
van der Westhuysen, André J.; 2010. Modeling of depth-induced wave breaking under finite depth wave growth conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115C01008. 10.1029/2009JC005433 | 2010 | Model application | 89 |
Johannessen, Thomas B.; 2010. Calculations of kinematics underneath measured time histories of steep water waves. Applied Ocean Research, 32391–403. 10.1016/j.apor.2010.08.002 | 2010 | Model application | 18 |
Lee, Beng-Chun; Chien, Hwa; Cheng, Hao-Yuan; Chiou, Ming-Da; 2010. Evaluation of Operational Wave Forecasts for the Northeastern Coast of Taiwan. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 21195. 10.3319/TAO.2009.06.03.02(IWNOP) | 2010 | Model application | 4 |
Iglesias, G.; Carballo, R.; 2010. Wave energy resource in the Estaca de Bares area (Spain). Renewable Energy, 351574–1584. 10.1016/j.renene.2009.10.019 | 2010 | Model application | 152 |
Zijlema, M.; 2010. Computation of wind-wave spectra in coastal waters with SWAN on unstructured grids. Coastal Engineering, 57267–277. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2009.10.011 | 2010 | Model application | 289 |
Brown, Jennifer M.; 2010. A case study of combined wave and water levels under storm conditions using WAM and SWAN in a shallow water application. Ocean Modelling, 35215–229. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2010.07.009 | 2010 | Model application | 55 |
Reniers, A.J.H.M.; Groenewegen, M.J.; Ewans, K.C.; Masterton, S.; Stelling, G.S.; Meek, J.; 2010. Estimation of infragravity waves at intermediate water depth. Coastal Engineering, 5752–61. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2009.09.013 | 2010 | Model application | 21 |
Idier, Déborah; Romieu, Emmanuel; Pedreros, Rodrigo; Oliveros, Carlos; 2010. Influences relatives des agents hydrodynamiques sur la mobilité sédimentaire des pertuis charentais: Cas des sédiments non cohésifs. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 14193–205. 10.1080/19648189.2010.9693212 | 2010 | Model application | 2 |
Rusu, Eugen; 2010. Modelling of wave–current interactions at the mouths of the Danube. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 15143–159. 10.1007/s00773-009-0078-x | 2010 | Model application | 45 |
Dragani, W.C.; Martin, P.B.; Simionato, C.G.; Campos, M.I.; 2010. Are wind wave heights increasing in south-eastern south American continental shelf between 32°S and 40°S?. Continental Shelf Research, 30481–490. 10.1016/j.csr.2010.01.002 | 2010 | Model application | 48 |
Du, Panjun; Ding, Pingxing; Hu, Kelin; 2010. Simulation of three-dimensional cohesive sediment transport in Hangzhou Bay, China. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2998–106. 10.1007/s13131-010-0028-9 | 2010 | Model application | 26 |
Ekphisutsu, Prasertsak; Wongwises, Prungchan; Zhu, Jiang; Vongvisess, Suphat; 2010. Impacts of Typhoon on Wave Height at Bangkhuntien Shoreline. American Journal of Environmental Sciences, 6308–315. 10.3844/ajessp.2010.308.315 | 2010 | Model application | 5 |
Christodoulou, George C.; Stamou, Anastasios I.; 2010. Bioengineering in front of a river dike:Wave attenuation by vegetation. , 273–278. [36] | 2010 | Model application | 5 |
Idier, Déborah; Romieu, Emmanuel; Pedreros, Rodrigo; Oliveros, Carlos; 2010. Influences relatives des agents hydrodynamiques sur la mobilité sédimentaire des pertuis charentais. Cas des sédiments non cohésifs. European Journal of Environmental and Civil engineering, 14193–205. 10.3166/ejece.14.193-205 | 2010 | Model application | 2 |
Ekphisutsuntorn, P.; Wongwises, P.; Chinnarasri, C.; Vongvisessomjai, S.; Zhu, J.; 2010. The Application of Simulating WAves Nearshore Model for Wave Height Simulation at Bangkhuntien Shoreline. American Journal of Environmental Sciences, 6. 10.3844/ajessp.2010.299.307 | 2010 | Model application | 8 |
Guillou, Nicolas; Chapalain, Georges; 2010. Effets d'une houle de tempête sur les mises en suspension des sédements de fond dans le détroit du Pas-de-Calais: Comparaison de la modélisation avec les observations. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 14163–179. 10.1080/19648189.2010.9693210 | 2010 | Model application | 1 |
Travers, A.; Eliot, M. J.; Eliot, I. G.; Jendrzejczak, M.; 2010. Sheltered sandy beaches of southwestern Australia. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 34623–42. 10.1144/SP346.3 | 2010 | Model application | 125 |
Uchiyama, Yusuke; McWilliams, James C.; Shchepetkin, Alexander F.; 2010. Wave–current interaction in an oceanic circulation model with a vortex-force formalism: Application to the surf zone. Ocean Modelling, 3416–35. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2010.04.002 | 2010 | Model application | 231 |
Warner, John C.; Armstrong, Brandy; He, Ruoying; Zambon, Joseph B.; 2010. Development of a Coupled Ocean–Atmosphere–Wave–Sediment Transport (COAWST) Modeling System. Ocean Modelling, 35230–244. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2010.07.010 | 2010 | Model application | 733 |
Dorville, J-F, M.; Zahibo, N.; 2010. Hurricane Omar Waves Impact on the West Coast of the Guadeloupe Island, October 2008. The Open Oceanography Journal, 483–91. 10.2174/1874252101004010083 | 2010 | Model application | 6 |
Guha, Debatosh; Antar, Yahia M. M.; 2010. Microstrip and Printed Antennas: NEW TRENDS, TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONS. , . [37] | 2010 | Model application | 286 |
Hillairet, J.; Voyer, D.; Ekedahl, A.; Goniche, M.; Kazda, M.; Meneghini, O.; Milanesio, D.; Preynas, M.; 2010. ALOHA: an Advanced LOwer Hybrid Antenna coupling code. Nuclear Fusion, 50125010. 10.1088/0029-5515/50/12/125010 | 2010 | Model application | 79 |
Idier, Déborah; Romieu, Emmanuel; Pedreros, Rodrigo; Oliveros, Carlos; 2010. A simple method to analyse non-cohesive sediment mobility in coastal environment. Continental Shelf Research, 30365–377. 10.1016/j.csr.2009.12.006 | 2010 | Model application | 10 |
Liang, Bing-chen; Lee, Dong-yong; Li, Hua-jun; Zhang, Jing; 2010. Sensitivity Study of the Effects of Wave-Induced Vertical Mixing on Vertical Exchange Processes. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 22410–418. 10.1016/S1001-6058(09)60072-X | 2010 | Model application | 2 |
Bever, Aaron; 2010. Integrating Space-And Time-Scales Of Sediment-Transport For Poverty Bay, New Zealand. , . 10.25773/V5-C4ZD-9257 | 2010 | Model application | 4 |
Herman, Agnieszka; Kaiser, Ralf; Niemeyer, Hanz D.; 2009. Wind-wave variability in a shallow tidal sea—Spectral modelling combined with neural network methods. Coastal Engineering, 56759–772. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2009.02.007 | 2009 | Model application | 26 |
Choi, Junwoo; Lim, Chae Ho; Lee, Jong In; Yoon, Sung Bum; 2009. Evolution of waves and currents over a submerged laboratory shoal. Coastal Engineering, 56297–312. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2008.09.002 | 2009 | Model application | 36 |
Oh, Sang-Ho; Suh, Kyung-Duck; Son, Sang Young; Lee, Dong Young; 2009. Performance comparison of spectral wave models based on different governing equations including wave breaking. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 1375–84. 10.1007/s12205-009-0075-y | 2009 | Model application | 12 |
Polnikov, Vladislav G.; Manenti, Sauro; 2009. Study of Relative Roles of Nonlinearity and Depth Refraction in Wave Spectrum Evolution in Shallow Water. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 342–55. 10.1080/19942060.2009.11015253 | 2009 | Model application | 6 |
Qi, Jianhua; Chen, Changsheng; Beardsley, Robert C.; Perrie, Will; Cowles, Geoffrey W.; Lai, Zhigang; 2009. An unstructured-grid finite-volume surface wave model (FVCOM-SWAVE): Implementation, validations and applications. Ocean Modelling, 28153–166. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2009.01.007 | 2009 | Model application | 153 |
Siddons, L.A.; Wyatt, L.R.; Wolf, J.; 2009. Assimilation of HF radar data into the SWAN wave model. Journal of Marine Systems, 77312–324. 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2007.12.017 | 2009 | Model application | 32 |
Khalifa, M. A.; Ganainy, M. A. El; Nasr, R. I.; 2009. Wave Transformation and Longshore Sediment Transport Evaluation for the Egyptian Northern Coast, via Extending Modern Formulae*. Journal of Coastal Research, 253755–767. 10.2112/08-1016.1 | 2009 | Model application | 10 |
Lalbeharry, Roop; Behrens, Arno; Guenther, Heinz; Wilson, Laurence; 2009. Matching of coastal and open ocean wave models in a Mesoscale application over Lake Erie. Atmosphere-Ocean, 47184–203. 10.3137/OC305.2009 | 2009 | Model application | 3 |
van Ledden, Mathijs; Vaughn, Geoffrey; Lansen, Joost; Wiersma, Frank; Amsterdam, Mewburn; 2009. Extreme wave event along the Guyana coastline in October 2005. Continental Shelf Research, 29352–361. 10.1016/j.csr.2008.03.010 | 2009 | Model application | 30 |
Breivik, Øyvind; Gusdal, Yvonne; Furevik, Birgitte R.; Aarnes, Ole Johan; Reistad, Magnar; 2009. Nearshore wave forecasting and hindcasting by dynamical and statistical downscaling. Journal of Marine Systems, 78S235–S243. 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2009.01.025 | 2009 | Model application | 33 |
Rusu, Eugen; Macuta, Silviu; 2009. NUMERICAL MODELLING OF LONGSHORE CURRENTS IN MARINE ENVIRONMENT. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 8147–151. 10.30638/eemj.2009.022 | 2009 | Model application | 25 |
Lettmann, Karsten A.; Wolff, Jörg-Olaf; Badewien, Thomas H.; 2009. Modeling the impact of wind and waves on suspended particulate matter fluxes in the East Frisian Wadden Sea (southern North Sea). Ocean Dynamics, 59239–262. 10.1007/s10236-009-0194-5 | 2009 | Model application | 61 |
Castelle, Bruno; Turner, Ian L.; Bertin, Xavier; Tomlinson, Rodger; 2009. Beach nourishments at Coolangatta Bay over the period 1987–2005: Impacts and lessons. Coastal Engineering, 56940–950. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2009.05.005 | 2009 | Model application | 54 |
Kumar, Raj; Bhowmick, Suchandra A.; Ray, Sulagna; Bhatt, Vihang; Surendran, Suhe; Basu, Sujit; Sarkar, Abhijit; Agarwal, Vijay K.; 2009. Improvement in predictability of waves over the Indian Ocean. Natural Hazards, 49275–291. 10.1007/s11069-008-9310-y | 2009 | Model application | 27 |
Liu, Huiqing; Xie, Lian; 2009. A numerical study on the effects of wave–current–surge interactions on the height and propagation of sea surface waves in Charleston Harbor during Hurricane Hugo 1989. Continental Shelf Research, 291454–1463. 10.1016/j.csr.2009.03.013 | 2009 | Model application | 31 |
Goda, Yoshimi; 2009. A performance test of nearshore wave height prediction with CLASH datasets. Coastal Engineering, 56220–229. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2008.07.003 | 2009 | Model application | 28 |
Khalifa, M. A.; Ganainy, M. A. El; Nasr, R. I.; 2009. Parameter Uncertainty and Bootstrap Analysis for Waves in the Egyptian Northern Coast, a Case Study Application. Journal of Coastal Research, 252474–487. 10.2112/07-0984.1 | 2009 | Model application | 1 |
Spinneken, Johannes; Swan, Chris; 2009. Second-order wave maker theory using force-feedback control. Part II: An experimental verification of regular wave generation. Ocean Engineering, 36549–555. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2009.01.007 | 2009 | Model application | 43 |
Dykes, J.D.; Wang, D.W.; Book, J.W.; 2009. An evaluation of a high-resolution operational wave forecasting system in the Adriatic Sea. Journal of Marine Systems, 78S255–S271. 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2009.01.027 | 2009 | Model application | 39 |
Bottema, Marcel; van Vledder, Gerbrant Ph.; 2009. A ten-year data set for fetch- and depth-limited wave growth. Coastal Engineering, 56703–725. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2009.01.012 | 2009 | Model application | 38 |
Cuchiara, D.C.; Fernandes, E.H.; Strauch, J.C.; Winterwerp, J.C.; Calliari, L.J.; 2009. Determination of the wave climate for the southern Brazilian shelf. Continental Shelf Research, 29545–555. 10.1016/j.csr.2008.09.025 | 2009 | Model application | 47 |
Honda, Takahide; Oda, Yukinobu; Ito, Kazunori; 2009. Study on Application of Mesoscale Meteorological Model for Wave Hindcasting. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering), 65196–200. 10.2208/kaigan.65.196 | 2009 | Model application | 0 |
Guo, W.J.; Wang, Y.X.; 2009. A numerical oil spill model based on a hybrid method. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 58726–734. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2008.12.015 | 2009 | Model application | 131 |
Gurevich, Dimitri; Saponov, Pavel; 2009. Braided affine geometry and q -analogs of wave operators. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 42313001. 10.1088/1751-8113/42/31/313001 | 2009 | Model application | 6 |
Violante-Carvalho, Nelson; Paes-Leme, Rafael B.; Accetta, Domenico A.; Ostritz, Frederico; 2009. Diffraction and reflection of irregular waves in a harbor employing a spectral model. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 81837–848. 10.1590/S0001-37652009000400019 | 2009 | Model application | 9 |
Tom, Tracey H.; Mase, Hajime; Yasuda, Tomohiro; Mori, Nobuhito; 2009. Development of a Virtual Buoy System using Real-time Wave Prediction. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering), 651471–1475. 10.2208/kaigan.65.1471 | 2009 | Model application | 0 |
Iglesias, G.; Carballo, R.; 2009. Wave energy potential along the Death Coast (Spain). Energy, 341963–1975. 10.1016/j.energy.2009.08.004 | 2009 | Model application | 183 |
Rusu, Eugen; Guedes Soares, C.; 2009. Numerical modelling to estimate the spatial distribution of the wave energy in the Portuguese nearshore. Renewable Energy, 341501–1516. 10.1016/j.renene.2008.10.027 | 2009 | Model application | 167 |
Sujantoko, Sujantoko; 2009. The Analysis of Wafe Refraction using SWAN Model. IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science, 20. 10.12962/j20882033.v20i2.123 | 2009 | Model application | 4 |
Khalifa, M. A.; El Ganainy, M. A.; Nasr, R. I.; 2009. Statistical and Uncertainty Analysis of Longshore Sediment Transport Evaluations for the Egyptian Northern Coast: A Case Study Application. Journal of Coastal Research, 2541002–1014. |