{{Expansion depth limit exceeded|Firstname=Borstad, C. P.; Khazendar, A.; Larour, E.; Morlighem, M.; Rignot, E.; Schodlok, M. P.; Seroussi, H.; |BibType=journalArticle |Title=A damage mechanics assessment of the Larsen B ice shelf prior to collapse: Toward a physically-based calving law: A CALVING LAW BASED ON DAMAGE MECHANICS |Year=2012-09 |Journal=Geophysical Research Letters |Booktitle= |Volume=39 |Pages= |URL= |DOI=10.1029/2012GL053317 |Note=Auto downloaded ref at: 2022-10-06 }} {{Expansion depth limit exceeded|FeatureRef=No |PublicationClusterID=0 |MS_PublicationClusterID=0 |Semantic_ID=37e5472fb981102a98757c0e1d9397cd2e53cac6 |CorpusID=58925732 |PublicationWhatKindOf=a module application description |PublicationNrofModels=a single module |PublicationHPCCYesno=No }} {{Expansion depth limit exceeded|PublicationMultipleModelsCargo=ISSM }} {{Expansion depth limit exceeded|PublicationAnimationsCargo= }} {{Expansion depth limit exceeded|PublicationAnimationsCargo= }}