

Author(s) Kim, S.-W.; McKeen, S. A.; Frost, G. J.; Lee, S.-H.; Trainer, M.; Richter, A.; Angevine, W. M.; Atlas, E.; Bianco, L.; Boersma, K. F.; Brioude, J.; Burrows, J. P.; de Gouw, J.; Fried, A.; Gleason, J.; Hilboll, A.; Mellqvist, J.; Peischl, J.; Richter, D.; Rivera, C.; Ryerson, T.; te Lintel Hekkert, S.; Walega, J.; Warneke, C.; Weibring, P.; Williams, E.;
BibType journalArticle
Title Evaluations of NO x and highly reactive VOC emission inventories in Texas and their implications for ozone plume simulations during the Texas Air Quality Study 2006
Year 2011-11-16
Journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Volume 11
Pages 11361–11386
DOI 10.5194/acp-11-11361-2011
Note Auto downloaded ref at: 2020-06-19

Feature reference No
PublicationClusterID 0
MS_PublicationClusterID 2070253755
Semantic_ID bdd0eb2fb3208a0b9e8fe6b227d1b4a17437a204
CorpusID 54728840
Nr of citations 87
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Is the CSDMS HPC used No
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Model(s) discussed: WRF